Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 26, 1952, Page 4, Image 4

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CHICAOO vn Failure of a
light upturn In mid-morning to
stir up any follow throuiih buying
caused grains to reverse their
trend on the board of trade Wednes
day. Many contracts slipped under the
previous close before the final
Wheat enjoyed a brief period of
popularity. This helped steady the
rest of the cereal list. Buying was
based largely on small exports of
corn and statistics which showed
a further decline in locally held
stocks of wheat.
Soybean led the late decline.
They were upset by renewed liqui
dation In soybean oil futures, many
of which went to new seasonal lows.
Crude bean oil broke below the
10 cents a pound figure, being
quoted at 9 cents.
Wheat closed lower. May
1. 50-12.49 corn U-l-i lower.
May $1.85 oats V-i lower,
May 85 Vs. rye unchanged to Vi
lower, May 82.01 Isi-'i. soybeans
lower, May S2.92 'a. and
lard unchanged to 10 cents - a
hundred pounds lower, May 111. 80.
Open With Lew Close
May.. 2.51 2.52' 2.49; 2 50
July 2.43s 2.44j 2.42's 2.42;,4
Sep 2.45S 2.45 2.44 'i 2.44 'i
Dec 2AS 2.49'a 2.47S 2.47',
NEW YORK, Ul The stock
market pursued a narrowly mixed
course Wednesday but ended on
a steady note.
Prices spread out over a Tange
of around a point either way, and
many leaders quietly swung from
one side of the line to the other.
Trading came to an estimated
Steel negotiations dominated the
market. Caution was the watch
word and accounted for the low
volume. Steel stocks were steady
to a little higher.
By The Asoeiated Press
Admiral Corporation 27
Allied Chemical 11
Allis Chalmers 49
American Airlines ' . 14 H
American Power & Light ' 25 -2
American Tel It Tel. 154 3
American Tobacco - 58 1 3
Anaconda Copper 46 a
Atchison Railroad 81 l
Bethlehem Steel 49 i
Boeing Airplane Co. 47 s
Borg Warner 68 !-i
Burroughs Adding Machine 18
California, Packing . 26 U.
Canadian Pacific 35 vt
Caterpillar Tractor 50 V,
Celane.se Corporation 43
Chrysler Corporation 74 j
Cities Service 107
Consolidated Edison 34
Consolidated Vultee 17 ?i
Crown Zellerbach - 55
Curtis Wright 8 U
Douglas Aircraft 67 'J
duFont de Nemours 84 3B
Eastman Kodak 43 V
Emerson Radio 14 y.
General Electric 58
General Foods 42
General Motors ' 53 3,
Georgia Pac Plywood 21 ;
Goodyear Tire 44
Homestake Mining Co.
International Harveste S3 i
International Paper 46 a
Johns Manvllle 68 V,
Kennecott Copper 76
Llbby, McNeill 8 ,
Lockheed Aircraft 20 54
Lowe's incorporated 17
Long Bell A
Montgomery Ward 63
Nash Kelvinator 1 21
New York Central : 19 V,
Northern Pacific 82
Pacific American Fish 16 i
Pacific Gas It Electric 35
Pacific Tel. It Tel. 110 4
Packard Motor Car 4 s,
Penney (J, c.) Co. 66
Pennsylvanl R. R. 18
Pepsi Cola Co. 9
Phllco Radio 30 s
Radio Corporation 26 lj
Raynoler Incorp 58
Rayonler Incorp Pfd
Republic Steel 40 !i
Reynolds Metals 59
Richfield Oil 57
Safeway Stores Inc. , 32
SScott Paper Co. .51 J
Sears Roebuck & Co, 52
Socony-Vacuum Oil 39 H
Southern Pacific 66 3
Standard Oil Calif 53 5i
Standard Oil N. J. 75 3t
Studebaker Corp, 36 'i
Sunshine Mining 10 Vi
Swift it Company 32 .
Transamerica Corp. 26
Twentieth Century Fox 17 SI
Union Oil Company 42
Union Pacific ' 116 -
United Airlines 28 vs
United Aircraft 30 3
United Corporation 5
United States Plywood S3
Western Oregon Cloudy
Wednesday morning, with partial
clearing in the afternoon or at
night. Increasing clouduicss Thurs
day with rain by afternoon or
night. Highs both days 55 to 65.
Lows Wednesday night 38 to 45.
Highs both davs 55 to 65. ows
Wednesday night 38 to 45. Winds
off coast variable, mostly west
erly, and 8 to 15 miles an hour.
Winds will become southwesterly
and 12 to 25 miles an hour Thurs
day. Eastern Oregon Fair Wednes
day and Wednesday nitht. Not so
windy. Increasing cloudiness Thurs
day with rain beginning In north
bv Thursday evening. Highs both
davs 55 to 65. Lows Wednesday
night 30 to 40. , .
Northern California fair
Wednesday and Thursday but local
fog on northern coast, spreading
cloudiness in extreme north Thurs
day. Cooler near central const
Thursday. Northerly winds of 15
to 30 miles an hour off coast, be
coming northwesterly and 12 to 15
miles an hour Wednesday nit lit
and Thursday.
Grants Pass and vicinity fair
Wednesday through Thursday.
High Wednesday 65. Low Wednes
day night 37. High Thursday 58.
By The Associated Press
Baker 59 40 T
Bend 59 6
Eugene 61 46 .01
La Grande 59 40 T
Lakeview 55
Medford 63 42 T
North Bend 53 47 .02
Ontario 65 43
Pendleton 64 43 T
Roseburg 61 50
Salem 62 43
Boise 57 36 Tj
Chicago 46 12
Denver 45 27 .04
Eureka 53 47
Los Angeles 70 53
New York 54 39
Red Bluff 83 57
San Francisco 85 58
Seattle 53 43 .01
Spokane 62 37
Theft Trial
Set April 10
Dale Eugene Rhodes, 41. held In
the County Jail since Jan. 2 this
year, will go to trial April 10 on
charge of larceny by bailee.
The trial date, has twice been
postponed since Feb. 5 while
Rhode's attorney, U. S. Balcn-
tine, attempted to contact witnesses.
Rhodes . was Indicted by the
Grand Jury Nov, 26. 1950. with
theft of a car from Balslger Motor
Co. He has pleaded not guilty to
the charge.
Judge David R. vanoenocrg Tues
day afternoon In Circuit Court set
the new trial date.
Judge Vandcnbcrg also set Fri
day afternoon for passing of sen
tence on John Lopes Ledeasma.
26, Modoc Point, who pleaded guil
ty yesterday in court to stealing
a watch from George DuVall. Chil
oquln, Feb, 9, following a three
day drinking party at Chlloquln.
50-51 51-5!
March 25 -, -- 22 16
Month to date 617 454
Season to date .....10,707 7967
CHICAGO W Potatoes: Ar
rivals 109, on track 315;, total U.S.
shipments 970: supplies moderate;
demand good: market firm at ceil
ings: 'rack sales, per 100 lb Id:
Colo: Jo McClures S5.56.
1 HjfJ(t 5j!y w its, imm.ii
i .... i,r
' a
m mmm r
(Continued from Pane 1)
Caesar by Brutus, which ensued
Caesar was STABBED in the
heart. Along about the Ides of
March, a lot of us moderns are
CHICAGO tf Producers tried
to adjust their delivery of hogs to
stem declining prices ' Wednesday
but even so the market fell to new
23-month low marks. The general
trade was 10 to mostly 25 cents
lower than in Uie previous session.
Most butchers sold from $15.60
to (16.75. with a few loads coin?
April 20, 1950, had. the top price
been below the $17.00 line. Sows
generally took $13.50 to $15.25.
Cattle were steady tn 2s rent
higher. Most choice and prime
steers warranted $33.50 to $39.50
with three loads sharing the too
Good to Prime heifers upnerolk-
made $29.50 to $35.75 with mrwUv
prime kinds topping at $36.00.
A short deck of the first spring
lambs of the season came in from
Indiana and sold to city butchers
at $30.00. Not enough was done
early to make an adequate market
'USDAi Cattle 40. light suddIv:
not enough to test the market, few
dairy type slaughter cows steady;
canner and cutter cows 16.00-19.00;
cw uuniy aairy Type 20.00-22.00:
Tuesday steady, some cows weak
to 50c lower: load good 865-lb.
fed steers 30.50 including few com
mercial. Calves none.
Hogs 500, active and steady:
couple loads choice No, 1 and 2
butchers 200-240 lbs 19.00: Tuesday
butchers steady: demand dull on
heavies; sows scarce; several lots
choice 180-240 lb No. 1 and 2
butchers 19.00 : 360 head averaging
247 lbs 18.75; 70 head average 260
lbs 17.00.
Sheep 50: no early action, sun-
ply mostly feeder lambs, late Tues
day short deck gootf-choice wooled
87 id lames 28.25.
Cattle salable 150: market rather
slow; mostly steady but late sales
canner and cutter cows weak to
50 cents lower; some unsold; load
mostly cnoice 1120 lb fed steen
34.00; few utility and low commcr
cia light steers 24.00-30.00: few
utntty dairy type heifers 22.00:
24.00: canner and cutter cmv
largely 17.00-19.50: few. early sales
up 10 20.0a; utility cows 21.00
25.00; utility and low commercial
PORTLAND W Coarse grains.
15 day shipment, bulk. Coast dr-
I livery: Barley No. 2-45 lb B. W
: 69.50;
Wheat (bld, to arrive market,
basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast:
Soft White 2.52 .; Soft White tex
cluding Rex) 2.52 "j: White Club
2.52 i,.
Hard Red Winter: Ordinary
J.54: 10 per cent 2.53: 11 per cent
2.53: 12 per cent 2.53.
Hard White Baart: Ordinary
2.53 ti: 10 per cent 2.53 i: 11
per cent 2.53 'i: 12 per cent 2.53 ' ,.
Today's car receipts: Wheat 43;
Barley 4:: Flour 11; Corn 3: Oats
2; Mill Feed 12.
Funeral services for Paul Francis
McNeal. who died here March 34. will
take place from tha Sacred Henri
Church. High at 8th. Thursday when
a Mass of the Angels will be celebrat
ed commencing at 9:30 a.m.'. Rev. T. P.
Casey officiating. Comm'tmenl tervice
and interment In Mt Calvary Memor
ial Park. Ward's Klamath Funeral
Home In charge of the arrangements.
Gehrke Rites'
Held Tuesday
Funeral service were hold l"iic
dny from Wind's Cliupel fur Mux
Kenold Gehrke, for. twenty years a
resident of Klamnlli Falls. Mr.
llehrke was a stock buyer, cm
ployed for some time by tho Kluin
alh Pack.
He was born In 16X2 In Poni
nicrn. Germany, son of Fred and
Henrietta, uelirkc anil cuiiic to
America at (ho age of four years.
Ho lived his early lllo 111 lowu.
lived In California lor II years and
briefly In Medford before coming
here In 1932. Ills iiimlly home wus
in iva uiuy.
Death came at Iowa Falls, ln.i
March 30 following major surgery.
He was 70 years old.
He leaves his widow, Mrs. Cora
Gehrke and one son Orvllle Gehr
ke both of Klamath Kails: two
brothers. George Gehrke, Allien,
la., Ernest Oerlike. Iowa Fulls, la.;
six sisters, Mrs. Morion t Armunitui
Fossler. Muson City, la., Mrs. Fred
lOlga) Surls. Waterloo In., Mrs.
Ord (Bertha) Redout, Eldora, In.
Mrs, Albert (Miirthui Jaiike Iowa
Fulls la., Mrs. Leroy (Hitttle)
Clarke, Austin, Minn.; also four
A nephew. Rev. Charles Anjtr-r-ion,
Pella, la., cnino West toi ihc
Final rites and Interment were
in the IOOF cemetery. .
ChHiIrR U I'ddrrM, .m proper t'lrnr
llH'f Hull . FitifrM 7,mi lift 1 1
Khoy Kt Meytr, no (nil Ui. rint
Jut-lib R. lllcKa, t.vtrtojti. Vorftlt MB
DnIo C. Chttvue, no oprmlor't ltrm
rinr tl.
npi.jrtinln M SlnitMH, vIoIhIIoii bmlc
ml. Forfeit SU hull
Don G. Menu, no lull UiM Klnr 97 Mt
1 Hurry J, Mofttor, nutting titautfl
Clcnl rlvmnt- Fin flS.
Jnhit t' Arnuinfr, no upvralur'i
lU'cuit. Fine nt,
Nrlll V. (rrtn, ntUiwltig tinllrtiiocd
minor nuvmlv vvhlclv. Finn III).
WillUm W, lliirnpltin, (dlhirt In Mui
al tp ktHit, Finn .
Clilhrrl t Jnyoff, Inm.rtjuitlr timi
tirhp Flu SMi.
ttttlv C t'hcii. iHrtillii with n
prittlrtl Ik-rim. Fin IKK), uindcd
Warrtn 1,. C'urhttt, violation blc
rolt. Fine J3 W.
Kilwin K. Am. no ntwratur'a H
rroi. Forlrit ti hail
Ima L, J nil hit , nu vvhlcla llrautf.
Fine U
Jiti C. l.lrNina, no vlili-tt IW'riM.
Forfrlt $1 ball
John 11 Hltulinrrlrh. faU application
ugllitl llrrilar I'leuctrd nol gtillly
Fclip Mtr. drunk. hntenra JO
HuHrt llantlltitn, vairrjni'y. Fin It 00
nil 30 ftuvn, unr rr proltnlloii.
Hoy Wllnun, drunk. Fin 913 or TS
Utwrrm J it rk ion, drunk. Flnt H1
or to cIavl
Irvin Walker, drunk. Fln 130 or 10
Battle Casualty
List Growing
WASHINGTON W -' Announced
U.B. ballle vaiiiultlea in Korea
rt'iit'lied 100,704 Wetlnenduy, an In
crease of l-'3 since last week,
This was Uie smallest weetly rise
since, tho start of the Korean
The Defense Department's week
ly nuniiuury bused on nnUflciitlnn
to fumllles (hrotiuh , lust Friday
ahnwtil tha lollnwinj new totuli:
Killed In action 111,070; wounded
77.5J6; mlsshiK 13,853,
CiisiinKles by services:
Army 07.3X3: Navy I.3B3; Air
Force i,0M: Marine Corps 17,151,
PORTLAND W- The uprlver
fish count at Uonnevllle Dam
Wetlnestlay: 03 Chinook, 03 Bleel-head.
llallv Chiwklool, drunk. ru IIS or
7'j das
kllril luhtar, drunk. Pitta tIS tir T'a
Orvllla Uavli, drunk, riua 119 or T'
Allvrt Rruukt. drunk. fln S70 or
10 days
Jnlm Uakar, drunk, tint I'M or 13
tt .
Jrrry Matlilan, burglary not In dwall-
Jrrry Matlilan,
Intf. To riHiiily.
Jatiirs Sauars,
drunk. Flna SIS and
9 days
Ja,urllne Cuba, Improper left. turn.
rui. u.
j ' A
Fort Klaninth, who Is mtv
ing with the 40th division
in Korea.
bulls 26.00-3.50; cutters down to
Calves salable SO: market ac
tive, steady: odd prime 260-410 lb
vealers and calves 38.00: bulk
choice vealers 35.00-37.00: few u
tillty and commercial grades 21.-00-30.00;
light culls down to 14.00.
Hogs Salable 400; few lots feed
er pigs held over: one load butch
ers not shown Wednesday: market
generally steady; low on feeder
pigs: choice No. 1 and 2 180-235
lb butchers 20.00-20 25: one- lot
20.35; medium grade and No. 3
type 19.25-19.50: choice 250-280 lb
18.25-18.75: few choice 150 lb 18.25
18.50; sows scarce odd choice 4'rO
645 lb 15.00-16.50:- lighter weights
salable 17.00-n.50i' few choice 120
lb feeder pigs 18.00; good 82 lb
holdovers 17.00;. some unsold.
Sheep salable 50;. market active,
strong: few good and choice 94
lb wooled lambs 26.50; utility and
good grades 25.00-26.00: one lnt
choice-prime 132 lb wooled lambs
24.00; good ewes salable around
R9112 W io i
ADD TWO new fashions to your
wardrobe with this one pattern,
Teener! Darling dress has on-or
off-shoulder neckline, big swirl of
a sKirt. Plus this charming pel
ticout with deep dust-ruffle. Both
easy-sew, even for beglnnersl
Pattern R9112: Teenage sizes
10, 12. .14, 16.. Size 13 dress takes
4' yards 35-inch; petticoat, 3 yds.
35-inch fabric.
This ; easy-to-use pattern gives
perfect tit. Complete, illustrated
Sew Chart shows you every step.
Send thirty-five cents in coins
for this pattern to Marian Martin
care of Herald & News, Pattern
Dept.. P.O. Box 6740, Chicago 80,
III. Print plainly your name, ad
dress, sone, size and style number.
EFFINGHAM, 111. W-Rev. P. W.
Hayes, pastor of the Central
Church of Christ has Invented a
word game called "Smartee." He
hopes to finance the building of a
new church from sales of the game.
The game is related to a cross
word puzzle. It has value In teach
ing spdling and Increasing vocabu
Funeral services for Edward Joe
Moine, 41,. who died ' Marrh 13 at
Grants Pass, were conduclr.1 (rum the
Hull and Hull Chapel. Urania Pans.
Tuesday. March 18. olalne was a native
of Eureka. Calif., and hail been a resi
dent of Klamalh Kails before moving
to Charleston. Survivors Include the
widow, Nuth of Charleston: a brother.
Victor Moine. Grants Pass: three ls
ters. Bertha Sharp. Gold Beach. Pearl
Wetter, Cirama raas, and liulse ,Mc
Carter, Murphy.
at in
Funeral service for Mrs Jsmrt
Ruth. Tulelake. who died Monday at
Santa Rosa, Calif., are to be conducted
Thursday. 1 p.m.. at Hanta Rosa. In
addition to her husband, she Is sur
vived by a son. Prank E. Hell. Klam
ath Falls, and a daughter, Elie. of
School Census
Figures Released
SALEM W Oregon has 387.-
328 children between the atics of
four and 20, a 4.7 per cent in
crease over a year ago, school
census iicures releasee! wecmer.-
day by the State Department of
education showed.
Currv County had the largest
gain. 24.6 per cent.
Other counties with big cnias
were Umatilla. 14.1 oer cent: Coos
and Douglas, 11 per cent each:
and LBke County, 10.5 per cent.
Baker. Clatsop, Deschutes, Gil
liam. Hood River. Malheur and
Wheeler Counties had small de-creases.
Swimming Classes
Filling Up Fast
Beginning swimmers "Learn to
Swim" classes are filling up fast.
the City Recreation Departmen!
has announced. Registrations are
being accepted at the City Hall for
the sessions.
Meanwhile, 30 swimmers were
signed un In the" Red Crass junior
and senior llfesavlng course which
began Monday at the KUHS nata-
torium. I
neriods particularly while driving j
car suDjecis tne iur io strain, t
GENERAL ELECTRIC presents the most advanced,
most revolutionary
of all time!
The only vacuum cleaner in the
world to bring you "Reach-Easy"
Its amaiinfl iwivtl-rop let you clean every
nook and cranny of the averaqe tiie livint)
room without once moving the cleaner!
One Year
Standard General
Electric Warranty
Remarkable Cleaning Efficiency
1. Clean a whole room
without moving tha
2. Moit effective home
cleaner ever made!
3. No duit beq or con to
4. Eaty to handle!
5. Effortlen "ttep-on" control!
6. Quiet operation!
7. Handy attachmcn
1001 MAIN
Ph. 2-2518
United States Steel 381',
warner pictures 14
Western Union Tel 38
wesiinanouse Air urate - 25
westinehouse Electric 37 !i
woorwortn company , 43
ram i v.... :
1 t '
wtf MMMMI pm convimmoi
'4 rlV ;H riWIil Ml IIL lvl
i eseewiu it mum n asus net o mams
una sse is a. l or soenasss
aaasasasl ewilsaiiie-aWAIrDsiCas.
aim II I eajet,!,, Ue.le-
PBlaBaNll BaasaBsWgsS aatofJvWfayt WflQs, Friflf
a sssst SOZlrmm W-K BY rsH.
samceaw.vea ssi aaast
wm as"se- sals.
ss tmgtm le errve
su rtHTH Ilsii mia seasae
Wall iialixk tr'slT-Twiwwv.
0aanm-IO lull tsiaslill
-I9S Cm. ft. sswdN.
, tMCK auctoti rM VwaV fxsssr
1 eaa iVaaeaWli eaaaaar'statt laxrV HAttaV aeSaVaaV"
ssa rasas asal Varies.
HtMO M1U, Oirf 84" V.-H W
UIHIS, Mflsv Otm DsvUs Seat
Afnerha 34" Swwws 1' CesMm ac l.J i ,
-14' Si-144-' cm, OC; tynses J" $.
bssshnlMhe; Amsriu it- Swing, r bMwm am
w, - v.. s.v nsney tea sows Lethe, 14'
!."?" O ' '"n I lemtee 1
hi. In.
WAPtt 1 PlANfR: tkM XT Strata, las M
swtsei X"s30"-lr cepatity.
l Mill MtSlt! 1 0iiS: unm 4- .! Drill, Oat,
", 17" f?1 M '"" s!
PtjSSB: C4dN ISO Urn Hr,Hk W tm-HtrJZ
et OHvse, Hk, as,, lr, , timmZZ
bar S OW lbs. 01 an He. re-las res. kW
UO Hsdi.Sowi. Slens. Hewts. tan., sw --,,,,,
Iset l u,HM.on,o
Ws Dntas, ssal llnwssaeialassss lea aesesasss lilu.
seiner WIflMTt Sl-t
IVhatis Your potion of
Boa nmm
r M Mfl NM mi itWr Vrw,
We'll admit that we're taking in a lot of
territory when we use a word with the
, definition shown above. ,
But no lesser term" can do justice to all the
things that make ft Buick such a joy to drive
and to own.
Splendor and sumptuous adornment youU
certainly find in its rich interior grandeur
, I you'll certainly find in the mighty flow of its
But all this is only background for what is
accurately termed its Million Dollar Ride.
' Yes, sir, magnificent is the word for this
majestic beauty in motion.
There's an earth-hugging, mile-skimming feel
to it, as it bullets along the highway.
It holds a straight course without weave
seems to snug down to the road on curves.
A massive X-braccd frame gives it solidity. A
torque-tube firms its keel. End-sway and side
roll are neutralized. The engine is Ili-Poiscd
mounted on rubber pillows and big, soft
acting coil springs on all four wheels soak up
the jars and jolts, float you over road-ripples,
"washboard gravel" or weather-pocked
macadam as if they weren't there. '
Even its Dynaflow Drive contributes to the
smoothness of its forward motion by cushion
ing the transmission of its power.
H ow about taking one of this year's Buicks
Special, Super or Roadmaster - on
cruise of discovery all your ownP
Touch off its Fireball 8 Engine that's a gas
saving high-ebmpression valve-in-head head
it out for the roads you know by past expert
encc-and let it speak for itself. Even the price
tag is eloquent proof that this is the car for you.
tUptipmtnt, meftmrU, trini mmd mttdtU mr mkjut I Aomg witMomt natim.
4c Standard m Koa mm mi, ttiitmat at awtrm ami an athar SaHaa,
Sure is
for '52
1330 MAIN
PHONE 5151