WKONKSDAY,' MARCH 2fj, 1032 hfcjULD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON rt THREst, Eisenhower Power Grows As More Primaries Eye Mounting Write-in Move By The Annwlated Press The seed MlimrMita voters plant ed Tuesday bulmo lust llM.OMI write-In unllots tor Elsenhower was blooming Ilk Jnek's Bean stalk Wednesday In tlio Prfslilont In I preiprenco (jurdrn. Ita shadow' stretched Into Wis. coniln, where write-ins ate not counted: Into Nebraska and 1111 nol, wlirro they urn; Into Went Virginia whrro they could be un olllclnlly, and Into Paris, wbrrr Uen. Dwlnht Klneiihowcr operates mi commiimler 01 Uio Allien' Eu ropean DelriiKO forces, - In WlNi onnln, former Onv, ilurold HtuMncti ot MlniwiMrtn announced ho would unlit Willi KUirnhower what ever number ut Kniiuiillenn nonil. IinUiiK convention tlrlvttuU'n Iw in. Kht win III Wincoiwiin's primary next TUFMlny. The announcement was culled "mi evidence ot wcuknras" by sup porter ot another OOP President ial hope, Urn. Robert lull ot Ohio. The only other entrant In Mini vrnce In Clov. Knrl Warren ot Cali fornia, and he linn snld he will re lease his delrwues If ho llndii he can not win the nomination. 'lull backers mild Bunnell move would brliur votfit lo their man. in Nebraska, a sliitc-wldc news paper poll found Elsenhower and Till!, neither listed on next Tues day's Presidential prelerence bal lot, top choice of Nebraska Re publican. ' 'the Mirvey showed 43 ier cent for Elsenhower, 39 per cent lor Tail, per rent for uen. Douglas MacArthur and 7 per cent for Blas en, with other percentage mat tered. Of thene names, only Btsiuien's la on tht) biillot. Write-in drive for Tnft mid Klsenhowcr are under way and a Haled candidate tavora Mai-Arthur, In Illinois,' where voter express a Presidential prelerence on April (. the OOP ballot lists Taft; Btss aen and rtlley Alvln Bender of nhicBiio. lllltiois'law permit write. In and obiicrvers wero wondering now iimny there would bo. In West Virginia, where May 13 la primary day, wrilo-lns are not b-ltally counted. Tuft and Sliisncii lira entered in the OOP content and Elsenhower backer reasoned: Why not. write In Klaciihower'a name anyway and keep unofficial tub? In Prl clone associate of El senhower Mtlct they believe the general will ask to be relieved noon so he can return In May to cam palwi for the OOP nomination. They Haiti lie feel American domestic politic la cluttering up 111 role n an international com tmiuder. He may pick April 3, when he reported publicly on Kuropean drfeiuto prowess, lo announce hi plan. Such puMlltigs and maneuvering MendezTo Aioear Here People who have considered the trumpet a a aolo instrument of only minor proportion are becom ing: converts due to the work of Rafael Mender., trumpet soloist, who to appearliur In Klamath Fall at the Pelican Theater, fYlday eve ning", April 4th. After hi concert w ith the Denver Symphony Orches tra, al which he wa soloist, the "Music Critic" rcixirted "that Ra fael Mrndci brouiiht the house down a a result of hla phenom enal trumpet work." Mendc f Appearing wiUi Uie KUH8 band and r-cppcll holr In a, benefit concert, ' prooeeda of which will be used to purchase as ditlonal band uniform and choir robe. Ticket may be, obtained at Der by' Music Coinnany, Cbnmber of Commjrce, or from members of the Merchant Association, who are ssabitinjj the high school studenU In thl benefit concert. were not apparent among Demo crat priming for the upcoming vote in Wisconsin, Nebraska and Illinois. Hen. Estes Kefauver of Tennessee generally wa considered an al- moai ure winner in wtoeonsin. He. kw'k against two date backing President Truman, but little effort was being made on behalf of the President, In Washington, meanwhile, John Foster Dulle aald he took for ward to expressing hi view about forciKii policy. Dulle. a Republi can, (jult Tuesday after two year as an adviser lo the State Department, He ld Senate approval last week of the Japanese Peace Treaty and related Pacific pact ended his .task. He. promptly scheduled I heavy round of speaking engage- l mem KF Schools Get Praise Klamath Fall ha achieved about the finest teacher- student ratio la Oreuon, Arnold Oralsoo. local superintendent of schools, told Roosevelt school Par ents-Teacher association memuers Tuesday afternoon at the regular meeting of the group in the school auditorium. In his talk on school prospect for J95J-S3 Mr, Gralapp explained how the board of education always ha to look many years ahead and grepare lor many eventualities in urtlfct planning and building pro gram. The redisricting which might take place If the people vote favorably on proposed legislation baaed on the Holy report nest fail, wa explained In part by the super intendent, Mr. Winston Purvlne w elected president for 1H51-63 of Roosevelt PTA at the annual election of of ficer. Other officers chosen are; vice-president, Mr, Art Moore; secretary, Mrs. Ted Llndley; treas urer, Mr. Glen Evan; neeond vice-president, Mrs, Floyd A. Boyd third vice-president, Mr. Leila Newton. Haul more, faster for least Profit by high-powered, time saving performance with sur prisingly low operating and upkeep expense. These fast stepping, money-saving truck haul bigger pay loads save time loading and unloading. They handle easier stand up better. Five-speed transmission avail able. Low down-payment. Extra-easy terms. EASY TO OUV I Come In Wday fbi a good;-deal! DUGAN and MEST S22 So. 6th St. Phone. 6101 Truce Talks Show Some Frankness MUNBAN Korea W Truce ne gotiators displayed "much more frankness" Wednesday m seeking a compromise on exchanging prison ers tme of the three key Issues bi'K'king a Korean armisUce an Allied spokesman reported, "Borne alight progress" was made behind the screen of a new blackout, Brig. Gen. William P. Nuexola said, "But they have not gotten down to brass tack." Simultaneously he disclosed a change In the VJi. Command strategy on the key to the dead lock. The Allies h rephrased their demand from "voluntary re patriation of prisoners to "no forced repatriation. "There Is no fundamental dif ference in the two concept," Nackols said, but the new term might "be mora pa is table to the enemy, The membership voted to give a 1'id achoiarship locally each year to the most promising high school graduate who plan to major In teaclier training. The manner of (selection of the recipient will be decided upon by the executive com mittee. Ninety dollar was budget ed for the scholarship formerly and the money sent to the state PTA orEan.viaion to award. The $I20 amount is sufficient to pay jthe year's fses to any of the state j institution of higher learning In Oregon. 'tis forced renatrlttn nuim : the U-N. Command doe not en dorse and will not employ force r,i Mmiwl a man ri o- cr A ,f- j other lde If he does not choose1 to go. Simultaneously, Nucksis said. the Communists repeatedly "there is every niHicaiion ma me great' majority of their captured person nel now s to our lands desire to return." The Communists have hem in sisting they want all prisoner re turned and hT objected to Allied proposals for Interviews to deter mine the prisoners' wishes, - , The CN CemoisBd to th new tck on Bj problem mors than ten days ago Jiuceois nid. But he disdssed It to newanten lor the first time Wednesday, - His disclosure came after a sec ond group of staff officers cleared the decks for tackling the sole key issue remaining before it whether Russia, should help supervise the truce. iGBEECEl Brinf fH fctKf for cdftt IUWT Tl TSP-QffMI?? U9 Now ... so easy, so ioezptnsivt to enjoy clear, comfortable hsariag at home, church, work, movies, tveryuihtrit By suiters of fasseus Zenith Radios, f M, Television Seta. 10-day rrtum primtrgt, OvkMe arillikkt at Mimic a- tr . 715 Mtfa Stmt - J ' Ass Av-"A fr V, . "J, -I Put your home on o beauty footing for Spring! Save extra during UnttOlV3 1 PI nr history-makingsaleofHarmonyHouse brodlm corpses : SS00 ' Beautify your home for Spring . . . Save 3712 to 19875 extra! Cut, bound and ready to lay on your floors . Look what you II find m this fabulous sale eolleof ton! eV2 Friezes Wiffons Modern Patterns Velvets Axmmsters 18rh Centurv Florals Tone an - Tones Rich Solid Colors Embossed and Carved Designs .Style p. SIZE Reg. NOW Spice Beige Twist , 164.00 129.95 Spice Beige Twist 9xU 75.00 49.88 Blue Self-tone Leaf M1 87.00 49.88 Green Carved Wilton fa 119.95 64.95 Beige Carved Wilton 206.60 149.95 Gray Carved Wilton M2 119.95 64.95 Wine Seif-fone 143.80 83.50 BlueSefone 12, J43.80 83.50 Dawn Gray Floral 12xl2 149.95 94.65 Green Self-tone 12,ls 203.80 1 59.95 Wine Twisf ' 9xn 123.00 69.95 Green Self-tone 9x12 123.00 69.95 Green Modern Texture fcl 1 84.95 1 26.45 Green Modern Texture 1WM 167.30 123.70 Rose Self-ton ; UxU 159.00 99.95 Rose Modern Texture 1M 204.80 149.25 Grey 18th Cent. Floral 12, 204.80 149.25 Rose Swirl 1ix1w 307.20 198.75 Beige Floral ,x13.4 103.35 79.95 Gray Leaf 9xU 123.00 69.95 Rose Leaf m .1WM 206.80 159.95 Gray Carved Wilton 192,60 153W5 Gray Modern Floral ; .9sH 170.90 134.60 A Harmony House "Go-togetlierM color to blend with your other Harmony House furnishing. Hundreds of other sizes snd colors ere available ot a like savings. See them today! These ore one-of-a-kind. First come, first serve! Stort Henri: 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. 133 Se. 8th Phon. f 1U