PAGE TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2ft 1052 Bees Prove To Be A Case Of Hot Weather Workers ft CORVALLI8 W The trouble with the busy little bee Is that it gets laiy In cool weather. Won t j to worn until mia-ijiuruuig. wi work in a strong wind. fatfarann ' dimtV Which needs busy little bees has, It turns out, quite an assortment ol lazy little beca. This report on the bee, widely acclaimed for Its industrious hab its, comes Irom Dr. H. A. Scullen. apiculturlst for the Oregon State College Experiment Station. An apiculturlst is one who knows about bee keeping. And what Dr. Scullen knows Is this: Weather pretty much deter mines the full work habits of the bee. A Jefferson County survey shows that until the temperature gets up to 70 degrees bees won't work. That means that cool Jefferson County needs more bees than would a warm tealon. to uolllnnte their seed crops. More thiui 30,000 bee colonies were used Inst year in that countv and the number wasn't enough. Other counties where warm temperatures aren't com mon In the mornings during the spring also probablv need more oees no reported. Florence. Italy, was the site of the first fireworks display in rec ord. '1 re events was during the thirteenth century. -f . : Ja. i Madagascar Is the fifth largest of (he Islands of the world, with an area of 38.000 square miles. mmi 1 1 rll HOT I 'IIS II n Wt V. Wa 1 ls-u $15 rA 1 aV I I i I .::o flm ftdttol B I JO ir n m Him Ffdirvl ill ill I I '30 ,.. jo, I ) :s $1645 Vw aim fxf.tol Jk I :M . ; Meunlad FRIE 1? M Chamois tSpongt Cltoner t Glazs ( let for CWr Both (or Only . t 11.07 Wtm - lf VM A Sale Prices Effective Thru Saturday Pikes Slashed On All Sizes! Four well known brondi lo choose from. New ilock and oil FIRSTS backed by our double guarantee. Get top quary a! a new sale price. CREST "TRAVELER" 6.00x16 A terrific bargain. The "Traveler" is backed by a 9 tnonlh guarantee against oil road haxards plus, a lifetime guarantee against defects in materials and workmanship. CREST "DELUXE" 6.00x16 A husky, full size tire with heavy duty non-skid 1 00 COLD RUBBER tread. Carries 15-mo. guarantee. CREST 'MULTI-GRIP' 6.50x15 Backed by an ironclad guarantee of 25,000 miles or 25 months against all road hazards and against any flaw in materials or workmanship. Crest Cushion Ride' 6.40x15 The lire that cushions the ride over rough, bumpy roads. You can't buy a better fire. Backed by an ironglad guarantee of 25,000 miles or 25 months. rm aim, mmini.nuin'niw'iiiuu!! m. -'WW W if. W '7f HIT- ..JJta.ii at '"-a- ' .1 a. al w 6 00 B:13 B-.Kl e: S:M 1M 7::I0 a oo a .10 oo u a m t it 10:00 10:13 10::i0 11:00 11:03 12.00 2 J WHEEL SPINNER. Reg. 45c " Standord size with small ball for easy cramping of steering wheel. 9 C JL WHEEL COVER.. Reg. 39c Sure-grip shirred surface. Comfort able to the hands. 27c , FLOOR MAT... Reg. $3.87 7 For Chevrolet 1940-48. Heavy rubber $19 wirn toii dock. e? "MONTEREY" PLASTIC SEAT COVERS Inttolltd FREE Mad of highttl qvoHty Soran plastic with Cam(itt Art lathr trio. - SolidBack COUPE SJw Reg. $11.45 7 Split tKk COUPE $11SI R.g. $14.43 II SEDANS 1 COACHU Rtfl. S24.VS 21" Volv Sen, oliobl 1520 wtd chomoii, lie value, and 19c Duponl CcIIuIom iponga. Pint can efVorcon CQfir-Polish end pint can of Auto Glez. Ooos iVo job. 11th and Main KFJI-115 Kc fST fdnMi ay Frrnlnr. March 26 GabrlH Hftier una KUmilh Thratrr i)utl Antunrt Town Ntwi Sam Nwi MfS Bill Henrv MHS rmnlly Theatrr MBS Cttxi Kltl MBS What's Nam Song MBS Red Crn. Program ;inn Hardy New MBS r'ullon Lwl Jr. MBS Wr!linf S.Mln Final MBS Wrestling I Lov a Mytrr MBS Out ot Thumlvr MBS Night Owla New , Nlgltt Ottii Club Sign Oft KfJI 11H Kc rST Thursday, March 37 l Sunrue Serenade Pepi iff i Rr atonal Newt i )lemtngwa New tBS h Breakfast Oang MBS i Headlines and Byline Rati Rum I Cecil Brown MBS I Breakfast'g MBS I Haven of Kt MBS i Homemakers Harmnni i Marion from MilUr I Platter Party Familiar lavorttea i n-sDoer rt -Um Air MBS Tello Tet MBS l La Pom tea Miniature Concert I Currins i Ken Canon MBS l Lariie Fair MBS . Nfus MBS I Queen for a Day MBS i Name Band Noonday New i Vnur Dane Tune MUtlC BOX V 'r.;et ft Livestock i Klamath Notes i Jack Kirk wood Shw MBS TKt a Number MBS i Neus MBS . New MBS I Two at 2 15 Answer Man MBS i Rirk s Request Behind the Story MBS Hennncway Ncwa MBS ) Curt VT.vey Time MBS Sam Hayes MBS ) Sergeint Pre nn MBS ) Sky King MBS i Cecil Brown MBS l Gabriel Heatter MBS i Klam Theater Quit Around Town New Sam HavesNews MB Bill Henry MBS I Advens. of Casanova MBS i I'nder Arrest MBS ) Clyde Deatty MBS i Burl Ives bmss i Heidelberg Harnior.alres I Glenn Hardy News MBS , Fulton Lewis jr. hbs i Mutual Newsreel MBS . Soorta Final I 5-M.n. Final MBS i 1 Lo- a Mystery MBS i Serenade In Blue i Bandstand USA MBS i Night Owls Newt Night Owls Club I Sign Off. KFLW1450 Kc PST Wednesday Evening, March 26 00 Sport Highlights 6:15 Home Town New 6:35 World News Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6:45 Headline Edition ABC 6:-i3 Coming Attraction! on ABC 7:00 The Lone Ranger ABC 7-10 Mystery Theater ABC 1 00 The Top Guy ARC :.'") Ftogue Cs'lerv ABC 9 00 Proudly We Halt :.t0 U S S R. ABC 10:00 10 P M Headlines 10:15 Dream Harbor ABC 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 News Summary 11:09 Sign Off KFLW1450 Kc. PST Thursday, March 17 00 Sign on New Summary 05 Corn In the Morn. 6:45 Farm Fare 7 00 New RkNt Frtlttoa 7:tA Charlie's Roundup 7:M Bob lUrred A Nw ABC 7'' Too o the Morning 7:55 John COM ABC H tnj llieaklaM Club ARC 9:00 Hank Henry Show fi:30 Break the Rank -ARC 10:io Chet Huntlti, Nw ABC 10 IS Lone Journey ARC I0:.0 My True Story ABC 10:35 Whispering Streets ARC 11:15 Slop & Shop 1 1 :- Jimmi Fidler 11:30 Against the Storm ARC 1'4 Mutel Roundup 11:55 Market Report 1.00 Ncun Edit urn News 1?:15 Payless Sidewalk Show 1M0 Lucky U Ranch ABC t.OO Paul Harvey ABC 1:13 Better Living 130 Mary Margaret MrBrld ABC 9:00 Pailn BrlcN 9:15 When a Olrl Marries ARC 2:30 Joyce Jordan, M D ABC 3:43 Rom. Evelyn Winters APC 3 00 Betty Crocker ABC 3:15 Ted M(one ABC 3:30 Dean Cameron ARC 3 43 Mary Marlln ARC 4 PO Reauestfully Your 3:no Tom C-betl, Snac pat rot ABC a vtono rugni neportcr abl 5:30 Chet Huntley ABC 3:43 Cue" I Star :t)0 Soorts Hlghllghl :13 Horn Town Nwi 33 World News Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 43 Headline Edition ABC :33 Comtng Attraction on ABC 7 00 Mr President ABC 7:30 Defense Attorney ARC 8:00 Ong. Amateur Hr. ABC , 8:43 Foreign Reporter ARC p ro - - wlf Ma ABC . 9:30 U S S R. ABC 10:00 10 P M Headline 10:13 Club Can Do ABC ' 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 Newt Summary 11:03 Sign Off Military Backs Up State Department In Demands For Propaganda Outlay Qa. a1 " &" KLAMATH fALLi. OKI AMERICAN CH1NKSE t4k at HtM rnmtl H. 4 t- Orm T. T.kt Oil Btn B. Lee, Mor. w.i!iiiiH.wmy.iWiaiw TRY FIRE DOME ... the engine with famous dome -shaped 'combustion chambers. Terrific 160-h. p. perform ance on regular fuel! TRY TIP-TOE SHIFT with Fluid Drive ... for finest no-shift driving I You just step on the gas to go . . . and step on the brake to stop I TRY POWER STEERING!.. .you can turn the wheel with one finger. Hy draulic power does the work . . . parking is child's play) SEE DESOTO TODAY! . . . it's got everything) Power Braking. ..Elec tric Window Lifts . . . Solex Heat Resistant Glass. Lots morel By JEAN OWENS "Mirror lor the Future" will be the theme ol the AAUW conference In Ashlnnd this weekend for Junior nnd senior girls and their mothers. These girls will represent high school and colleges In Sout.Vrn Oregon mid Northern Cllfornln. The purpose of the sessions will be to ttlmulnie nn Interest mid to encourage the girls In going to coIIcrc. Taking plsce on the So. Oregon Collcpe of Education campus, the program will begin at nine o'clock with registration In the library building. Opening session, which will be comprised of a welcome, keynote and introduction, will be held in the Churchill Hill auditor ium at 9:30. Following this there will be group discussions In tue library building and at 13:4S lunch eon will be served. The girls will eat at the Susanne Home Hall and their mothers will eat at the Elk club. At two o'clock there will be a social hour for the visiting dele gates and at three o'clock a gen eral summary session will be held in the Churchill Hill auditorium. The various discussion groupi, to which the girls and their moth ers have already been assigned, consist of such subjects as Per sonal Reflection, At Home, Eco nomics Security, and Moral and Spiritual Values. The girls who are going were chosen by the officers of the Girls' League club. Those attending this conference are: Alice and Mrs. Geary, Jana nnd Mrs. Langslet, Julie and Mrs. Harnden, Sharon and Mrs. Gtlner, Joan and Mrs. Juckeland, Jean and Mrs. Owens. Virginia and Mrs. Van Doren. Patty and Mrs Tcale. Beverly Eells, Carole War ner, Barbara Custer, Barbara Solie and Jackie Haydon. They will prob ably leave early Saturday momin; and return that evening. Each senior homeroom has been asked by the Junior class to choose one boy and one girl from their room to be considered for the king and queen of the Junior-senior prom. They win then be voted or by the Juniors. ; Planes Blast Red Houses SEOUL, Korea ' W ' U.S. F-84 Thunderjets Wednesday destroyed 18 buildings and six troop ' revet ments Just east of Kaesong neaaquariers tor communist arm!' stlce negotiators. The Fifth Air Force said the Red emplacements were outside the area designated as neutral during tne truce laias. American pilots reported 12 ene my troops killed In the air assault. Other Allied warplanes continued to pummel battered Red rail sup ply lines throughout norm Korea aespite low ciouas ana nazy wea ther. On the ground, a company-size Communist assault was thrown back on the Western front in an hour skirmish. Three other probes on the Western and Central fronts In early morning darkness were turned back. Allied artillery Tuesday killed or wounded 200 Red troops northeast of the Panmunjom truce site. , aaa' iiXj" .5 -1 JIM OLSON MOTORS So. 6th. and Walnut-Phone 5126 Chambers Up Before. Jury NEW YORK W A surprise federal grand Jury appearance by Whlttaker Chambers has set off renorts of a new snv lnoulrv. Chambers, one-time Communist against Alger Hiss, was closeted with the Jury for 80 minutes Tues day. He wouldn't say afterwards what it was about except for "matters which were familiar to me." Reports that a new espionage probe was underway could not be confirmed and U. S. Attorney Myles J. Lane would rot comment. Chambers testified at the Hiss trial that the former State Depart ment aid gave him ;departmental secrets for a prewar Soviet spy ring. Hits, convicted of perjury for denying Chambers' story, is serv ing a five-year federal prison term, but has petitioned for a new trial. . . . .. A cow reaulres about an hour to cat enough grass and regrlnd It FUltnbly for assimilation to produce one quart of milk. A golf ball leaves the club at a :pped of about 180 feet a second WASH1NOTON (,rl - The Stale Department had mtlltnry support Wednesday in urging that this coun try wage an all-out wur nf Ideas aaatiiNt the CnimmmlHls and a sinister ' hnte-Amrrlcana cam. I'algn. 'we can not do the loll half way," Gen. J. t.awton Collins, Army chief of slnff. Inld a l-inusr Appropriations subcommittee. "We must go all out In the buttle ol Idea. Only thus ran we Imne in convince potential aggressors that another war can not pay." The committee released testi mony support Inn a no-mllllon-dol-lr State Department reiie.-.t lor Its overseas "campaign for truth" for the next flscol year, starting July I. That amount Is double the 8,1 million dollars Congress ap proved Inst year. State Department witnesses ran Into sharp questioning from com mittee members critical of the site of the reouest. .Rep. Clevenger in. -Ohio), ac cused the administration of carry ing on a "scare campaign" based on the threat of Soviet aggression. Collins told the group this coun try must "enter Into the struggle for men's minds with every re source at our command." "We must make maximum use nf every means of communication we possess," he aald. "We must regain the psychologi cal advantage. We must employ a positive approach Instead of a neg ative defense." Mose Harvey, chief of the State Department's research division for Russia and East Europe, trstlflrd that America faces a new "sinis ter" twist In Soviet .propaganda. Where the Russians once "limit ed themselves to arousing Antag onism against systems or ruling circles," he said, thev have since Jan. 21, 1950, taught the Individual Russian to hate the Individual American. County Manager Plan On Ballot EUGENE Ml Petitions to place the council-manager form of gov ernment for Lane County on the May primary ballot have more than enough valid signatures. Lloyd Payne, county elections dep uty, said Tuesday. The proposed revision of Lane's government would replace the present three-man court with a seven-member council of elected representatives who would appoint a county manager. Cities League On Visit To Baker DAK ICR m - Officials nf he League nf Oregon Cities were line, Wcdnenilay lit llin mldwiiv point In an Knstern Oregon tour. ' At ntretlui? In John Diiv, Bunt mid Vulo they hitvo found that many problems are Hie same -what lo ilo 11I1011I lluiiiltlallon of I lip wilier, Willi! lo tlo about sew age, how In maun iminuvommH mill sllll font Urn bill. Parking meter 11 net occupational luxes alsu luive ui-en iiienlloned. "!MM tuY!WtAHWW ratline I Vkit? MB 0 Ti R? W 0 (3 ,T & Slkm mwi ....-u ! Er WD IES THiS 15 YOUR FREE DISH NIT EV-.i ' COED ACCUSES PROFESSOR Han Norland 62? Pine Nt. Auto Insurante. gwnrnt D (lHARLOH BRAHDo 1st Sntiow if 'ttrmor Hums Htm toss rut sktMiMail cm it Ziaua lltJ COMING SOONiy - 1 .4 r.n MUM" - - , .7, -T GlR MAN BAIT' vi MARGUERITE CHAPMAN ' XvMf , : oiaiwoors "Sftiyr SmuttmjhniSjig. aaPgli"W"'lAaw f l L 'LECNNtSS ' -;'.V.'A wiih STANLEY HOUOWAY when hit by the average golfer.