WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2(1, 1 0T2 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 0 RIAL 1ST ATI COR SALI 80 ACRES :imh Klnii'nlli l''nll mnvilv lumulliin. Ulintrit III llrulrv Hiiiwil Ulitli'Ut. U m'l'rn A yr. iilil ilfnlln ready ('if illinium, II arm Hi iiitiiri bnlnur III Imi li-v. I, iikiiii li"ir, dairy mill liny bum, inlll'.liniiKi', iiiwlilim lif!l, woven t.rJ.MlO. AUIHIII fnwn, iMlllll'n H'.iiiii iier ycnr, ln 4'" tnlri-fil. Wuli'k H'llnil lirla till tonigniii. 80 ACRES llnil'i' kihvHV IrrlMHInn, iibmit 7 lilllra. "III. W 1 1 1 mil I billlrliiiuv Hume limiil iiiilnl" Innil mi lliln film A lenf uiiy t'"' ""'V HMKI3 (inlv HMD ili. bnlniiiK tlHM iit yrnr )iim Interna ui 4,V. Tune in limit Ail Nnwl IIAIIKY VAN Kv. IUIUi JOK I.KONAfll) JOi.'.li AL SCHMECK KHALI OR mid 1NHUKANCK M7 Mnln I'himr 3211 SPECIAL Very utllni'tlvo miHlrtn limnr, nn : (invest Mrret. Willi rlrrlrlc hem. nliiim window. '-'U xio IHIiik room lid lllllll kllrlltll. HrniiUtuI vmil mid IniKn ii.nntsi- Willi wiklnii : mid rimlrr room, loiiu price :.uii, TrlllU to rllliH t"i'. MILLS Lowly two bedioom liiMilnted home. with hardwood flwira Ihrouijliotit. Heimmte diiuiiK room. Inmo kllchen and utility, with many bulll-lm. Taved atreet and ldewalk. fllA lermn. EvuilniM call FAYK THAVia Phone VERN W. EMLEY nEAL, ESTATE and INHUHANCE 21101 Bo. mli. Phono 2123V SOUTH SUBURBAN HOME lieaniilul Inndwaucd irouiidt with em.len and bcrriea. UA 17 x aw , Willi tiood diBiunKe, I'm birKf cheerful room Jiltut utility. Con Ti"r Inundation, all fenced, fin , payed alreel and bu line. H150 ' le rrrui. HOT SPRINGS eleven room home, rloaf In On Kldoredo. Kull baemell. fneplatf. hardwootl floor. I' baihi. excel lent heatlnii is'sttm. Bhown by arolnlment. Anne Maon Even 7U 3 01118 Kddie Hnalcy BOGUE DALE, Realtor 111 S. 0th Phone T!M MILLS Thive bedrooms. Hec tliu w-eil le iuiifd home Ideal location, clo.e to Kiwanis Park. AH larae roonn. very atlracllvo kltrhen and bath, utility, wall to wall carpeting.. auUimatlc warier. Well liiMilaled. Larue Newly redecorated throughout, tiamiie Fenced yard. A good buy for 412.000. Terms. NORTH SIDE I.lka new, completely remodeled, a room home pear Emila Market, Large living and dining room, beautiful kitchen and breakfast nook, attractive bath, combination utility and play room. New type electric heal In all rooms. Owner leaving so priced for quick aale. B750. Terms. HARRY VAN Kv. -'04 JOE LEONARD vcs. 2 0257) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main rhont! 3211 WALK DOWNTOWN Northildc homo of live well-arranged rooms and pari base ment. Especially nice living room with fireplace and ear peted wall-to-wall. Well appointed kllchen. An older type home of very good construction and moderate ly priced al 18500.00. Terma of convenience. Call Bruce Owens, with "PAT' HOWES, Realtor 1025 Main St. Phone 2-3545 FOR SALE 24 acres, 2 bedroom modern home, double garage, chicken house and other outbuildings. Approximately 10 acres pasture, balance grain and. Four miles from city. Price 1 0,500. Terms, Two bedroom home located close In nrlioola, crmrrhes and business district. Large living room, part basement, oil piped furnace. Also two room home Both for H250. SEE or PHONE F. II. Cofer (Evenings 3593) Bob Stephens (Evenings 9230) Barnhisel Agency 112 s. Bth. Phone 4105 AN r.XCEPTIONAI. HtlY On. of Ih. liesl we have ever offerer!. 3 lirrirnnm Insnlsleil litinie. Iivtitl hot row VMrt: llnmeilHlfl district. .1 rooms, llllilly room,. Ilreplurr, elerlrle lloor Itlrnarr, nnrtlwontl Honrs, vcneimii hllmls. slorm wlntlown, spacious mod ern Itllrhen, eleelrlc rsime Incln'Jed. tlouhl. garage, .heater, lnrae lol. Home exterior lerently painted, llilerlor dee nrallng ileal, clean. Imtnedlale posrer aion. rXTnA 0ner oilers a home. Income business free lo the purchaser nf Una nronerlv al. remarkalila 01 les of only aio.noo, rleaiionable lerma under e'.H.A. Shown by appointment oniv, Anolliar good buy on North aide In clly neviy remoceien ana mnat aur.i-nvu a bedroom home, with henullftll Vltw picture windows, a home you v I dor. for only (0790, Phone 00.13, Any time. CEO. J. KIINZMAN, Droker din Commercial SI. Tikt voiirt pn'npRnTy with this riHM TOR ACTION. . KVKliUTT DENNIS BrALTOIt . in No. am phone em BE IN THE KNOWI Read Her ald cV, News Classified ads dally Clet the latest Information on what's what In everyday business trends, 46 INANCIA. $$MONEY$$ ON TUB FIRST CALL ! Hp to IMK) on your Mto On vow iainry or furolttus uii lo MOO I'njp Diy" Mrana a apetmiijr - 110, J5, M loaned nil "nay div' or lower. lib mu but in ttnu fur nn, week Mo other charge. LOCAL LOAN CO. lifi No lOlh Bt, M-3M DON M'-lNTYnK. Mdr. Year, friendly Herviie 10 RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI Tulclake Homestead m AC'ItKH. All lllidrr Kllivlty IlilttntKili Uns In-fii Jrvrlrrj. II ftrrr-s nf rbivrr. I'lilr Ititiituve Inrilli. Price Clli.lXW. Trim. Jock C. Mace HKAI. KHTATK Ttllrliike, Cilif. Pli. 7-1011 Sir Mills Addition iim boiie before Home oilier luiky home Inner rri it. KlwrtrK; Ileal, finiiiiictiltitr Inside and nut. Poll-'hrd hnrdwootl Unor,, Two i lni'E;e belrooinK, allached jjtni?e j i-oiit'teteil. and well InndM'.-ined iol. Alrnoit new. About S2.000 will hand- le on I'HA termn. i Fairview A modern brlck-trlniined home, complelely remodeled. Two bed rmu. beaulllul kitchen and din ette in addition to dtnlnx room. Lame plnyronm and parly bane ment. lt us ahow this to you to day for , . , W750. Suburban Estate Almost two-thlrdn rre with a lovely thiTe-bedioom home In h beautiful aettlnit of ahrulu and fruit trcea. Ilue living room with KIRFPl.ACE. larite mauler bed room, two pine-paneled bedrooms, lien, dining room and lerae klteh- " with automatic dUhwasher. Lots of outbuilding, and In firsts, class fhape. FlnanelnR already ar ranged with moo down, Full price IH.IfiO. WE HAVE MOVED,! ! VISIT OUR NEW OFFICE LO CATED AT 116 SOUTH 11th ST.. AND LET US HELP YOU WITH YOUR REAL ESTATE PROBLEMS. FOR EFFICIENT SERVICE IN SELLING YOUR HOME CALL 0446 TODAY" RON FISHER Johnny Blaylock REALTOR 110 8. ELEVENTH Phone M4B Eves 81)10 or 2-1339 LOWERED FROM 5.8O0 TO 5,3O0 Thin lovely acre, three-bedroom home: lols ol shade and waik-ln Irult room. ONE ACRE TWO BEDROOM HOME Electric heat. Living room, dining room, kitchen, bath and garage. Eqluppfd for chickens. Electric range and trash burner. Priced lor quick aal at $1815. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES. SnlfslRtiy 408 Main Of(ic Ph. 2-3335 Evps, 2-1305 FARM 77 acres near Mailt) Exceptionally Rood diversified farm all Irrigated. Suitable for potatoes, uraln, alfalfa. or clover. &4 head whlteface cattle, loucther with all nec essary tannine equipmem Modern two-bedroom home, Karaite and very good out ' buildings. Price 65,000.00. Terms. , RANCH 970 acres in Poo Valley Capable of supporting an economic atock herd on a cow and call basis, a 4-500 head sheep or yearling steer outfit. 140 acres of excep tionally good deep loam soil of which 13 acres are now liriRated and an additional 61 acres ready lor the ditch. There are an additional 1(18 acres of higher land un iformly deep medium loam aoll which can bo put under Irrigation from a deep well. Bnlnnco of lind Is juniper grass type hill range parti cularly good grazing In spring and frill aeasons. The drain age on nil this land Is ex cellent mid the Improvements are adequate for operation, Oood location on paved high way. Price 41,500.00. At tractive terms. "PAT" HOWES, Realtor 1023 Main St. Phone 2-3545 Evcnjngs Call: Bruce Owens, Merrill 4BD1 "Hop" Davison 3871 Lester Van Clcve .... 8870 Mervyn Shuck, Merrill 4482 FOH SALE, equity in modern two bed room home, un Fargo, phone ma. rem SALK. nice building lot. Hot Springe addition, very cloae to school Phone 171111. - 'nillEE bedroom house on acre, w.. it i..,.n,.ni turn 3-eae .armies. 11 r-,t ,t khfttl. trees, large lawn, all (enced. Good dra'nnge. Will telle eighty percent loan. Price StlSOtl. Phone stun. e'OR SALK. 1-vear-ntd 2-hedroom home in Mills Addition sl.4.10 down Total price less man rilA appralset Must h aeea to b apprecialed Phone 7.TO tOANS i Pliono 2-2531 8-2"M 30 REAL ISTATI S SAll FARMS Itt. a'IM.-U... M,unr (mtlii"(l Anilll' uii-r fi'ini I'. iviiii mid i liiiiniis. lnid Iwll'HiHis. iim rtnn for diver .Ifird fnrmliiK ceilllled Aeed, 'J5.)00. Tcrmn. 33 A(;I-:B-AII fenieil, al Irrl liiiiKm well, cli'im an:ly Inmn, 107 B:r?(i cultivated balance bill land. M,5tl(l, Terms. 80 Af:nKH-lll Miles wit. m acres rultivnted and Irrleated. Two l:edi'ooin liome mid outbLijjd IliKS. Price rxtfi'M. Prlto t'iO.OWI. AOKK.H IrrlKiited, aantly loam, all fenced. No building. Pr,tc aooo. 'i'enns. VKflNON DUnANT HERB SCHMIDT ANDY SILAN REAL ESTATE 631 6o. Sixth Phone 9105-9879 ' or 7923 CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER tS to 15 per acre buys Rood ranch and timber land at Gov t, Slate and County land Rules. FREb LAND CATALOG. Pncific Lands 1821 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood j JB r-nhf .aiti. j . . two nrarh rompirted ti-Mrte- :r al , In Mill. A dun ii.n Tivo beHrumiu, ! . Jtn. earn rnonr i,v jrinoirr mj y. AMI iKit, whkm , twtier 11 32 BUILDING & REMODELING bAVL u.w ai;h.i 'i ituiUOtxi'-U 1 JN.STAl-L.ED ( 1lmh rslsu Hear, fueling anii rh;p-J pina Ensy lo cl.ftrt. 3 rsll'rns. 7 j rolors. Inslail.4 on I HA terms, doun. 3 yrazm Ut p.ti MDNTGOMCHY WARD 1th inri (n. Pfci 3!W SlDISG.Johnn Mnviilr. i'ntjco. Avrr !.! hf.tne ti.tiy ss:.Q, K.ui!rt:aft I.;tu;a- ,'f,"'-J,n"', Jr' f H ' t wV:it.t.AK!S Ituultttr itaw! tic :t'J Srr rrnt on turl A Jow 5 in'inth. iuhlman lniuUtjim, Phone or 2-7-141. S'lOhM SASH i.. ntt e.iHtin.ttm. SpU atnrln lunlnum. Sve 'p lo 40 prr rm on lutM. Ai Inw nn $5 month Kuh1mn InuUtion. i'hon! 44m or 2.2t41 34 fUEL HEATING fiTANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furntice Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Healing Sntiif action FRED H. HEILBRONNER Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service Since 1913 S21 8rrln St. Phone 4153 STAN DAK D HEATING OIL Sv. urnr. It frit iuei, ?!, wood, zhrcoi. Peyton and Co, 835 Mrl. Phon Sl. UHV pme Blocks lor sale. oih?ii eve nings and weekends. Metiers Bros. iTtr:STtLOUS pickup or delivered. Olff Vadens Signal Servlc 2460 So. Slh Phone .Tfllll or 3-JSfl a e It tiliKEN STAMPS given on heat ing oils. Phone SSSt or for prompt delivery. CLlfT YADEN'S SIONAL SERVICE 33&0Somit jS BOATS PETJ SPORTS HOBBIES IJOUS for sale These are not puppies, tint Swifts pedigreed full grown tool long hot dog. Trained eaoeclallv . for rhlldren or adtills. Only .TO each al Duke Drive-ln the home of foot-longs TWO "SIAMESE killens. im each. 4J5 North 'third. BOAHDINC! KENNELS Dog boarding by day. week or rnonlh Sanitary kennela Well balanced die! Clean Individual outdoor runs for each dog Dogs handled durteg mating. Will pick up and deliver. Visitors Welcome Phone fXI7S Merrill Rd RL3. Uok 50 SIASTA CASCADE KENNELS ANUEHSON Boarding Kennela. Phone sn SIW8 Delawore off Homedaie. THHEE coille pupa for aslc. Three months old. gold end white. Litter reg tstered. Call Itoml. SAVE S S ftiiw . Chrla Critft Kit Boat tl!o Cruls- ers and llunnhouls. Jolmron Sc Horse molors. UiiMls bought, sold nnd ex changed. Boata for rent to flsher- m ' MONflOE BOAT WfinKS P2R front SI. Phone a-IMS 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY SEED GRAIN SELECTED SEED GRAINS ORDER NOW FOR LATER , DELIVERY CUSTOM CLEANING fe TREATING MALIN GRAIN & FEED Phone 555 POULTRY WANTED Cnsh paid for frny amount. Top market prices tor good quality For quotations PHONB 38fVf KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS KOJl SALE, pub Ui?rnsey cow, .mt Mr. Of cur Hammer, T1lah 7-)2, PifI.ETS, rfds. Iraltorflft. ml koWp," nirk. Laying gara, Vr-ry rcusonablo. f OH hA'Ln- 'J nria ycnr old Irnsh otitsrnKoy cow. unn tmeete nancn. I'. ptUcw tvent J DAlHY COWS for ste. Juce Mortoa., ore. r'OH Srtt.E. fiK iH biotKied Jerey helrert. See at Herbert Aranl ;1ace. FOR SALE, freih Ho!itte4n and Guernsey cowi and heavy aprlnser heilera, V. C. ftexfnrd, Etukol Mountain Hood, Phone Merrill 21M. Wi'Ei.--CoIiireii hens. iPho. e A'Mi. HKDKHYKHS and roasters for Mile, frrshlv diesurd ready for the pnn, ev ery Friday and Saturday. 1'fttme KMi nr 4. MKiHEST prtcci paid tor poultry, bos and UveMorJt. BIO Y MEAT MARKET Lkvlw Jnetin Phone 4mro AUTOMOTiV- We're One Year Old TODAY! In IIk! past year nearly 800 people have taken advantage of mir bargains. Just to prove that we're still fiiving bargains we invite you to take a 2-DAY FREE DRIVING TRIAL tm one of these guaranteed cars for 1019 OLDS 30i;i DODGE 1947 CIIEV. 194!) STUDE. 1943 PONT1AC 1)47 FOitD VMS DODGE 1949 FORD 'W Vm I'.UfCK 1949 FORD UP THRIFT1ES IF THESE AREN'T CHEAP ENOUGH MAKE AN' OFFER Uy.'li I'lymouSh S CO 1939 Oltls ... $297 1930 Pontine $ 47 1937 Plymouth $147 1939 Plymouth $197 1937 mkk $ 47 REGISTER NOW TO VOTE For the BEST in the WEST see DUG AN 8 .MEST ! DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS I 522 So, 6th Phone 8101 ! 42 LIVESTOCK t POULTRY BABY CHICKS ALL POPULAR BREEDS FROM O. S. APPROVKU PULLORUM CLEAN FLOCKS i AVAILABLE EVERY MONDAY j ORDER NOW TO BE ASSURED OF HAVINO YOUR CHICKS WHEN YOU WANT THEM. MALIN GRAIN AND FEED I PHONE S55 ; Kilt SAI.K. flfte with im. hrtd rtrwv bu'-ka mniX hutchc tar Ml Plttm 2.mi2 ONK Owhant on'i Gtlctntey ctwt ju.t frr'.h J K V.h11ilrl). aonn7j WIIJpiujA., rillBKUJ.Nti" HEHVU-'b Phrn 6721 M. C. IChf Warrn Rx. 2. Ilox -5jtv,-fr Phone Vi MISCELLANEOUS WANTED saantkd in rem, by coupir. cicn io liedroom unfurnished house or doolx 1)v j. Rc-rcrence and aond cite ol prnpeily. Phone Bosue Dale T- WANTED u rejil. unlurnuher) or partly ! urnt,rr two bciiroom hornl. Ktler- ; .tiers henff ?-l't4'. -.,Vn-, . t,.. k .C 1 cif. Onced m yard, two bedroom. I'JL?.-.J!Ler1L WAN.KD In lcae wiui o?tton lo buy. "Tiiru-pin iiniuiuisnru , Souitt Sutmrus , acieage. Phone - - ; iM.tAti-S fmipfe 1t int c VtAhlKU lo rt-Hl or jratc. : rt arjmml rioirr-. 5hr,nc pnfiq. 'VAAJKD lO HZST Dout 3! ncm inr potstoei. Prefrrabty on Din.ii? .iv.AUU la buy iiJ fiiroad hate Jur imitation. Phone l-arrlla 2JS0, WASTED, ailaj'fa hay, f'ir:- or ernnd ruttins Call Mcllord or Eagle V"int R NEKD CARS! Get top prtc now! ne Motor Ca flUi nd Plum. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS QOMMfcRCIAL Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS (30 to S300 Auto Furnltura Livestock Salary S50 to $500 Automobiles (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH dealt. Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie. S-251 N-223 101 No 8tb Phong Till .IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Poy OnlT 5100 1.27 Ma Repay ta 18 Installments UP TO 300 ON FURNITURE OR S ALAR If UP TO 1200 ON CARS HIE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Conyeruent to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars 'inanced. t bank rates "MONEY IN A HURRY Motor Investment Co. 20 years serving Klamath Ba,slp Sea "Ouek" Bailey, Mgr. Ill N. 1th St. Phono 332fj S-J41 M-275 43 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXCLtiStVE DfSTRIRUTOR Stihstitntint ljfHWt; unique plait4 pt rutin advertising National rnrporatiim wiii select iorai representative to tp pW reinil oHtisis with fat cllin ted in'otluct F.afiUnR cipabSliilcs of 510.000 f.'.H.fflm nnrmniU desired Honesty nnd riCficnsUillUy more important wm CKiierience Bu:lnesj yet up by the Com. lanvi nnv vnu hanrifiomcfy immedi- n let'y UK) aecon earn up to lt0 monthly utstruutora ret-cive jiiwww nsalsumce and other aid to increase Principals with decision. jtKd references, 4o and $3,000 cash consid ered Bio to aget telephone nnd dnin fir homo interview. 'atry representative. Box 39. Herald and New 51 M ISC EUAN CO US FOR SALE NLW Hiiswatha lady's bicycle VUonv 2-'2tti after .VKt' BALEa itraw for sale Phone 118 iARY BUGGY, sKid condltioa Phone mm the BEbi DLAL m 1UWN, 1943 CHEV. 3)."0 FORD 1950 CHEV. 1947 DESOTO 1947 KAISER 3937 Doilt'e S 87 1937 Plymouth S 97 nn Chevrolet $437 1941 Chrvsler S307 1937 Ford $ 97 j 1939 Chevrolet SiOTi 1341 Plymouth S477: 1 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE LADAK ALFALFA SEED 45c Lb. PURE SEED 93.98': GERMINATION 65.00 HARD SEED 28.50 Total 93.50 ETNA MILLS Ph. Etna 55 Etna, Calif. Build Detter With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty - PEYTON & CO. S3S Market Phone SH9 FOB K!.r u, i hay. ADDING MACHINES. MJcu3to, lyp writer, cash rrai.ten, dtuktv, cnaix. lM. IfiT WfC Or rent. PIOSEZK OFUCB S1JPP1.? TK trWn Phone 73 !HIVEWAV MATERIALS i'Morw Sat CRUSHED BOCK, anvewMy clJJdert. LET WARDS m.talt your ha me ira provefP imu. Arrange - ta- hve Wrd experts imtaft ali your modern home inpfvmen t tint law prire. Too fiua'iiy pJumoin, heating f5d bui!dinc n.atFriaiev Snnuilcd at low cost. Hztn os.U'f;, ftrrnafe. bolter. ir.siSt.on, rabJre:i, wrli tile ran be 1c Untied on FHA terma, uniy 10 per cent down and tip Ho 3 vats' 4o pay. Ftven or earns In o Ward ior iur iree eblimate. MONTGOMERY WARD 9??l aid Vint? nhan I'HilA-'O ItADiO. Phone 537. it tubes. 21W V,oe. r-OR SALt: Massey Harris 4-ti wneel Iraclor, 33 b p., elarler, Iifihta, hydraul ic pump and cylinder. Perfect eondi. ttotn. Merle Woodley, Phone 7-1025. Tulelalte FlSEAKf AST set. tZt so. baby bed-ltk new S9.75. apl. ize electric range 585. coffee table S12 50. camp Ice box $4.75. dresser Sll. Magic Cnef gac range S1.1&, Bendjx aulomalic laundry SS5, jn nersormg mattrei. sis. book esse $17,53, refrigerator SViS. 621 South Stxth. ONE used John Deere Model C. PTO and power lift, atarlec. 6 ply rear tires. Clean, exreiicnl. Vv'eM Hilrhcock. 1 F03 SALE, new D-C Case irclor, : mower cultivator. Cae lidt delivery rke, 8 ft. As! as acraper, Case ham ! mer miii, 3S:j5 Ford irurii. new roolor. 1337 Ford trues, hay ourx, S-seelion ipike tooth harrow. 1 Ailt-Chatmevs combine. Molina two wy pio S ii. Case grain drill 6 ft. Dyer disk, Ky draaEic Jvsder. l-2.V)-lecrte ehken brpoder, 250 er old Parmesier Eed in-irig hens. 1 refnislereti Jerwy row. rresh Jufie IQth. B. V. Tucker, Pat Valley, ONE used Townncr 4 foot fi In. off-set disc. Fils Ford or Ferguson. Like ne-, S'est Hitchcock Corporation. KLECTBIC portablr spvijij machaje I'aiiv gyararttced. S;i-t.M. STNGEa SEWIXG MACHINE CO. KB 5m Phone 2-2.13 tJNE new cable bulldozer, rear nioutit, TClf for caterpillar DI-7M criem. IfVtst KttchTck CortKtrattxrn. TODAYSH BESTBUYK 40 sal National ctclrsc ht water tank. S3S5, fcnir buriier apju-ln:enl size gat range 5543, aparimrnt izt tabic top G.tvsrvn Ti"ri5 erator. f(uare tub. Mi.vts? wash er 62? ColTer Kxchaae. RtMat aih Ave. Phone "tfiO. fOB 5 ALL, one u.ed caterpillar D-J Major overhaul, elean, txctiicnt. West Hstcftcock Corporation. Et-ECfRiC RANGE in perfect condition Good baker. Only &39.50. Phsne VSED furniture values can atv ays be found at Klamath Furniture Co. 221 Main, Phone SOKt. LA.NDSCAPJjyU, evergreens. firub and trees. V trim, spray and remove iarfte trees. LAKESHOSB CARDERS KUSSEBIT Phone 42S6 REX-A1BE varuuid cleaner, $30 rtnwri, S3 per month. Phone 1236. CKVSHED roclt and anveway cJnderj. LCTRULUX CLEANER and poUshMX and uttppiaft. Phon 7i67 fatHti Tweet, (21 Market. MONUMENTS Detivericis and instai Eatons rn be made by May 2Q(& U dcrcd no iv. Clarence Ward, Klamalh Monument Company, Q2i High, phone UH4VGWAV MATEKtAL. Phong 2-j6fi4 Uii SAi-E imir piete waimit torn "1 Two pme C!tcincts. Ffto-te 33..5. iWU-HttiCE tiVKHSTUri-ED Krochier, eranherrv, Man's overcoat, tw suits size 40. Make an offer. Apl. 216 Alpha Apis. W A HDS HOT -PR OOP T ARPS 8 xfi ft. site only $ 7 75 7s 9 ft. siie only HW.2S BxlO ft. alze only . itis!2 ft. size only Sii.S laxW ft. i7.e only Ml .-13 MONTGOMERY WARD Sih and Pme Phone SiK cma potatoes for wie Phone W32 maehine Features fashion stitchl. j niendnff and ronnnrrammfns wJJhmiJ j use of attachments See demonstration j BHd receive fre Inslructlon at SEWING MACHiPiE CO K13 MAIN PHONB 3-2.M3 SAVE iSO SAVE ?r.o New eleclrire rlothe dryer. Wns While they last $1.89,93. For a belter deal f rr iVSEKIT'S BAftAW BARN fl:H Cflfltmewial 4 .lust across the atreei from West HUrhrork; BRAND new Philco range, jUghlly freight dami'sjeri. A I?31S.&3 ranse, PTiced now nt MERIT'S BARGAIN BARN 831 Commercial SI "across ihe street from West Hitchcock INTERNATIONAL hay chopper Econ omy King separator, water tank heat er, grinder and UP motor, 6 in viee GpS power lawn mower. Wnrd power raw. 2 barrel pumps, other smalt tKds 59112 Hat lait Orive PhoneKlS9 KOHSALEr27 ft Platte house trailer Excellent eotulittow ia50 Phone 7-0i6 or 7-n372. nilc),):e FOR SALE. OF. stave. Kclvinafor wah ng machine Priced in Jell Both in ex cellent working condition PHorte FINANCE SAVING SALE if if NO FINANCE CHARGES if H ' Sale Price Total Cost ON EVERY PRE-WAR CAR IN OUR STOCK! fi mo OLDS MOBILE "" FOCR-DOOR SEDAN Radio, healer. Oood mechanically. NO FINANCE 1939 PLYMOUTH TWO-DOOR SEDAN Runs good, and a bargain. . - NO FINANCE 1940 BCICK LIMITED SEDAN A big car and a big value. .. NO FINANCE 1931 OLDSMOBILE "98" SEDAN Radio, heater, good body, nice Jntwior, stni gnni tb-ej, NO FINANCE 1939 CHRYSLER SEDAN , Recently reconditioned and in top condition NO FINANCE 1938 PLYMOUTH FOUR-DOOR SEDAN A bargain al a price 4 NO FINANCE 1933 DODOS SEDAN Se it and drive it home NO FINANCE MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM REGULAR Dl IT N0 CONTRACT DU 1. FINANCE Or Additional Charges! THE SALE PRICE IS THE TOTAL CONTRACT COST!!! REAL VALUES REAL SAVINGS REGISTER TO VOTE NOW rr 7th and Klamath Avenue SI MISCELLANEOUS 5S SALE USED WATCHES 10 to 20 : FULLY GUABAXTEED ELGIN'S BULOVA LONGLN'ES R1CKYS JEWELERS DOWNSTAIRS STORE PHONE 3151 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Grave!Co. J; M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 - Ph. 7991 FOR SALE USED Monator Press Wheel Drill svith double discs and tongue-truck 150 FLOYD A. BOYD CO. Tulelafcc, Calil. Phone 7-2072 SEEDS ALFALFA & CLOVER BARLEY - WHEAT - OATS - RYE PASTURE I3RASS if FERTILIZERS & ALL KINDS CUSTOM CLEANING Sharp Grain Company PHONE 2321 MERRILL, OBEGON AUTOMOTIVE 1940 INTERNATIONAL V2 Ton Pickup Keattr sood jjiechantc! condUlon. $345 ! JUCKELAND'S llth and Klamath Pbmsa 2-25S1 lOR SA'.E mut .ei1 IS Lincoln lie--phvp jctian 4 new ttTes new battery, seal beam llfht. S:i:!hwind heater, ftttvtr Motor eood condinon Priced for nuich sale. SiSS Phon 6306 or see at wtttora ot 1931 CMC one ton Phone 3751 FOR SALE, 3S4i Oldsmobiie jdan Phona 1327 429 CorninereiaS pickup wih animlnaris fhoM 2S or 3814 iMdlltoa Sell or Iran, tor laler mr,r,l Ponllar. Chevrolrt dt Plsmoulh Z5l East Main . Fun SALE JR-Inm irnjicr Ttmre. m. and ttmm. Phrxw 2-203S uj Un. - - ---.-rrz: . IT - . jj ATOMOTtVI LOOK AT THIS EXAMPLE; 1940 CHEVROLET SEDAN FOR t97R PA,D ONLY 4Z0 FOR INCLUDING ALL CARRYING CHARGES ir B. MILLER CO. CADILLAC OLDSMOBILE ASHLEY'S . f JfC WE STILL HAVE A FEW CLEAN PRE-WAR ' CAES IN STOCK THAT CAN BE PURCHASED ON CUB SPRING SPECLAL "IT'S IN THE BAG!" 1942 CHEVROLET 5-PASSENGER COUPE Radio, heater, new paint. A bettzr-than-average car. 1941 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR DELUXE SEDAN Sound body, good motor and tires, 1941 MERCURY 5-PASSENGER COUPE aecondltioneti motor, heater, food tires. A good, sound coupe. 1941 PONTWlC '6' STREAMLINER SEDANET Black color, radio, heater and seat covers. . 1941 FORD TUDOR SEDAN A - Radio, heater, good paint, motor and tires. 1936 FORD Vi TON PICKUP Jxst right lor a iishtog car. COMMERCIALS lOnfl r.HF.VROT.ET V. TON PICKUP Deluxe cab, chrome grille, radio, heater, black color, low tttojfc 1950 CHEVROLET lA TON PICKUP Seacrest green color, 4-5 peed transmission. A t"P pickup. 1949 FORD Va TON PICKUP - : With thousands of miles of work left. 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY Very dean, and priced right. - - ALSO A Good Selection ol Lale-MoM 1-Owner Cars Ashley Chevrolet "Where Reconditioning is a Tradition' TWO LOCATIONS din Sn itth anrl fi23 Oak near For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Tour Iritenmttaaal Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES - Ul and Kiamath Phone 2-258? S9QsiS RECAPS 53 W EACH EXCHANGE We buy med iitbs. O.K. Rubber Wd 2381 So. Sth. Phone WKV WAiK? 302 . Mam. Phone 3579. "We Wiil our ear for vea." W ouy T iraJ mi st seii t onte. 18A6 f'oi tudar. Heater, ims rescerit. UUS SARtiAS'i S t-SKO CARS u.fjr ntsv AND TRADE Corner Shasu Vvay and Arthur ateeet W2 rtttsaj l A K; ii wp prKt W Hose Motor uo gtr. ana FOR SALE, equity In JS4ti $a ton pickup Phone a-t4gT atter 3 p&u ISOi Piymouih Sutfutban Onty H.aoQ owner Pr $1803 Service and cnerm blue t "gg'ifcr ni latr PitoM juwr M i f? j ,nin rnnti v. o riirH fnunm. r.aiD ,J)( - ... r - I rrion. 275 PAID FOR lOOC PAID FOR 270 PAID FOR 250 '235 PAID FOR mc PAID 1 FOR lrs5C PAID FOR Phone 41B3 USED CARS So. th Ph. 4113 BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS BEPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp.1 YOUR CMC DEALER m & 5th Prions rm COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main t EsclanKlt MtJST REi-L, hH k, '41 B'.ilck, tw Jeor. '4, cnllne, radio, Jwslifi Ppr. Jm conaiUon, Mil hast olllt Mm, Ption. 8357. if. CHrVFOl.tT 1I 4 4set rtrM elm. tW Pbont Btl.