PAGE EIGHTEEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WEDNESDAY. MAI l-l 20. IBM CX. "" T" "" 1 CLASSIFIED RATES One day per word Ituet Days per word Uc Week run per word 'JOo Month run . . per word 65c MINIMUM The minimum chargo (or any one d Is SIX.-. BOX NUMBERS Aiuwers to adi may be handled through box numbers at the paper Legal Notice notice or hate or INAI. SETTUtMF.NT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or Tin: state or orccson TOR KLAM.MII lOl'NTV tn th. MMIrr of In. K.'tat. of IIAHRY C. MKHNKH. D.rtai.d Notic. is hr.b.v giv.ii llial t hav. filed my final account of lh. admin. a Iratlon rf Hi iImh ant. Had .tnt and thu fi Court has aupnlnltd April IT. 1933 at 10 a m. as the lima for hrari-SK ohicrtions to siuls final acvomit and the .atllam.nt tharaof. Violet Kmina, Executrix Ganonn ft Cianorg Attorneys for Ea;i. M. 19-M A. 1H. No. ! tor service charge o( Joe. DEADLINES Classified aua accepted up to 6:30 p.m. for following day publication Classified display ads accepted up te U noon (or following day a puo ucation. ADJUSTMENTS PleaM hum all ciamis liv adjust nents wnnaut delav hOMIa C fUNtRAl tVAilDH Kiainain n: ici'ai uVma. Hlgn Street. Phnn. ami,. 10 5JRVICI FIX THAT RADIO Our Business Is Sound CONNER'S SERVICE CO. Flume 6878 . I THIS NEW HOUSE, going up on Lakcshore Drive, is being built for Melvin MeCoIlum and the carpenter who is undertaking the unusual solid-wood wail construction is Fred L. Kirby (shown in garage doorway). The house has a fireplace which contains 1,700 brick inside, 700 tile and six tons of rock. A CITY STREET, although it doesn't look like it. This is a section of Worden alongside Fairview Park, which has been in terrible condition all winter and isn't much better now. Residents of the street several times have asked the City Council for help in getting out of the mud. iDTTELXJ Na Hatter haw Ban? rtaicdita ym hav triad far Hrblnt a( erzcaia, riaiia. Infactiona, athlcta'a faat ar whatavar y9T iUb traabla ntay b anything fraai , km4 to foot WONDER ft A LYE and WONDER Medicated SOAP can hrlp tob. 0ip4 or fft ba In tJba rmy noar at im folk mt Asm WONDER 8ALVE it white, creiwlm. antiaepttc No art? appearance. Safe far rr.iUren. Get WONDER SALVE and WONDER SOAP reaalta or aae ratals1 a. Trail' woadcrfal preparatiaa. aid in Klamath Fa!li by Payleas and iai alrrecn Drue Stores: iwn druKBit. or your home- They Grew 'em Taller In Those Days, Noel, Old Boy LONDON w A British peer tried to walk across the Thames Tuesday the way the Romans used to do. He wound up swimming:, but finished the trip in 17 minutes. Lord Noel-Buxton, 35-ycar - old poet, politician and bird-watcher, emerged from the river at the north end of Westminster Bridge and explained to reporters: There was much more water than I expected. Of course, it has been raining." Noel-Buxton undertook the walk as part of his research for a forth coming book on the topography of London. He wanted to confirm a theory that the early Roman con querors of the British Isles used to iora tne Thames at Westminster, NOTICE Or DATE Or MNAl. SCTTL'MrNT IN TlE CIRCUIT COllRT Or TKK ST ATK Or OREGON fOR KLAMATH COl'NTY In fha Ma:iei of tha Ettata of H S WANEKIEt.D. who v.a alo knoun a. HUU3ERT S. WAICEriELD. Doead. Kulicc l hfrtny ilvrn thai I hava filed my final account uf tha admtntj. trjl.t o. .h a iove r.ll .i i. .f .f.d that Iht C-iurl haa appoinlad Anril 17, :i a. Id a .a. a t.:.- ( tuc ?r i-ir u objecticns to am-h final account and tha aeu'emrnt Ihereof Charles r. DeLap, Eferutor Cannnf 01 C.ano:t At.ornfv for Eci-utor M. ln-M- A. i - No. aia NOTICE Or EINAL ACCOUNT. Notice it hereby c.ven. tltat lha tin. dertttetted, executors of tha estate last will and testament of Btirrell W. Short, deceased have filed titer final account uilh tha county clerk of Klam ath Ccniil; . O'-eon. and ''.'.9 C' t'U't Court has set rrlday the lath day of April. I93i. at lha hour of ten oclock a.m. of said day, in tha Circuit Court room in Klamath Falls. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing obieclloiu thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated t IMh f.ay of M.ircri. 1PS2. Mary E. Cober Dci-otliy Dehhnfer Evecutora of the estate of Bur- rrl! V. Short, deceased. A. W. Schaupp. Attorney M. 19-2S-A. 2-9-1S No. U0 MEtTING NOTICIS klHiiiath ChitptefNo", 3J. Royal Aivh Masons, will hold a specml meet ins Wed., March i SS. 8 p.m. Will confer Most Excellent Muster denrce on class of ran. dldttte. Visiting com panions Invited. CHAS. R. BONNEY, HP. Timber for tale. Vnlletl Stale De partment of the Interior, Bureau uf Land Management. Sealed bldi will be received b the Difiricl Forester, Bu reau of Land Management, located at The City Hall. Medford. Oreon, up to 10:00 a.m.. Pacific Standard Time, on April 16. 1952. for all timber marked or otherwine de.-tjnated for cutting, ai follows: Information coneerninf condi tion of the vale Including su-h tten a qualification of bidden, procedure for submitting bids, road accs. mar ketinit area requirement, payment, and type of bond required, hould be obtained prior to the aale. from the above mentioned office. The right is hereby renerved to wiivi technical de fecta in this advertisement and tn re ject a.iy or all bids. All volumes given are t mber timatc and may be more or less than tne aciuaj umutii. m Klamath County. Oiegon Klamath Marketing Area: T.. 41 b.. R. 6. . w. M. all timber designated for rutting on Sr of See. 9; W'-VF1.: NW'.SW. of Sec. 10: Lot 4 iNW,NV",i of Sec. 13; estimated for the purpose of thii sa.e to be 123 M. feet marked Douglas fir, 6S0 M. fest marked Ponrierosa Pine. M M. feet marked Incense Ceda.. No bid for leas than SUM per h'. It. B M. for marked Douglas fir. SIS S3 per M. ft. B.M. for marked Ponelerosa Pine. 3.30 per M. ft. B.M. for ma.ked Incense Cedar, or a total purchase price of $14,791.75. will be ronidred. Minimum deposit with Did M 19-26-A 2-9-N'o. 921 Critter Utke l,otine No. an a.p. ss a.m. wui hold spec In I commit nicalton, Thursdny. Mnrch 27 M 7:J0 p.m. Worlc In ihe F.C, De Bir?. Vlsliinn b.-eU.m. welcome. WM. KTNK. 8KCRKTARY. KLA'ATH FALLS Aeno No. aODO RcKUlnr mrrtiuR every Friday nipht 7:4ft p. rn. O. E. Hnll, 9Ui ind WHlnut. Viflllng members cordlallv Invited. Buffet hours 10:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. LODGE'MEETI NG EVERY THURSDAY an n a initiation every tv.ipi ri...r.... W. C. HOOPER f.9.t UL, Kim GENERAL Secretary 1010 Pine notices' MOVING? . . . Cull 74:' Local-Uinir Ul-tniice Plu no iiiiti appllnnt'O moving a MiCi'lnliy Triiti.ifer and Sloiaire Ilckin'i Moving and Sloraits Peoples Warehouse Since 1018" hXCAVAl ING MoDil tjhovel and l'rench Hot Bulldoaer fill Dirt lopaoll Cruihed Kork Driveway Cindaii Compressor CRANK SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phone RMl or Mit RtJtANtCAirVontiraeUnir Work guar. anU'aq. I'm-.'e mm II EDUCATION At hooKKEKI'INU sluirtlia'ild Ivotni kl draif ailtuarts, nfhi'. machln.a Kl.AMATII UilSlNtSS COl.l.KtlK 1X1 Plna Prion. 47m SO RIAL fSTAfi WR SAll CATTLEMEN mtit.. imiim lnit ItltlLi TILMKf 1irAtrffM1 l,V)t linn.l lllia 10 iVll.'M IUU IlWI'i JJlilin nniimu I utlll'l ACHES ON PAVED HIGHWAY. IN LAKE COUNTY. THEUE Aid'. Oil) Ai:ill';s Vl IMIM'.I' ijHrtnnr.n, yinr.a ur MEADOW LAND, '275 ACHES OK GKAIN LAND, AND 13(1 ACRES OK ALKALKA. THIS LAND IS ALL IHHIGATED AINU 1111'; l(l'.ilAliUIMl Ul' I lift ItAIMvlt 1 a v;r TIMBER AND GRAZING LANDS. HAS GOOD IMPROVE MENTS AND IS THREADED BY CREEKS AND SPRINGS. $31,000 DOWN WILL BUY THIS ?1 10,000 RANCH. 325 HEAD OK CATTLE, 8 REGISTERED BULLS, AND 25 HEAD OK HORSES AND MACHINERY CAN BE BOUGHT SEPARATELY. KOR MORE INKORMAT10N ABOUT THIS RANCH CONTACT THIS OFFICE SOON. J. W. SANDERS, Realtor 1213 Main St. phone 7521 13 HEALTH 26 MOUSES r"0R RENT MODERN una ballroom aurt lhi-aa room inquira iaiiallunietlal Ritad ram. j'lton j'Ji voiutc lor hour II p .m MOOKKlsf iHie7iTwoniiM7iirnUt7i'ii-3iVl plt-liita luiuir sWI ! Hoar itm .in, m miscslUnious for Jnt UEBHiVE A U NOTICE Or SALE OT REAL PROPERTY. NOTICE iS HEREBY GIVEN That from and after the 16lfi dav of Aon). 1952, FRIEDA McCLURE. Guardian of the Eitatc of Barbara Ann McClure and James Dale McClure. will, our- suant to an Order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the Count of Klamath, duly entered on the 17th dav of March. 1SS2. proceed to sell at private aale for cash, subject to the aDproval of the above entitled Court, all of the riant, title and Interest of Barbara Ann McClure and Jamei Date McClure, tn and to tne ioiiowing-ac- cnbed real property, io-wh: An undivided one-imn interest in and to Lota 1 and 2 of Block 20, Original Town of Linkville, now Klam ath Falls. Klamath County. Oregon. Prfirntait tn nurehase said srODCrtV r.v Kam mir! ta me at tne office Ol Wm. Kuykendall. Room 203 Pine Tree Building. Klamath rain, uregon. uateo ana urai puoiunca annta ir. I9M. FRE1DA MCtLUHB. Guardian of the Estate of Barbara Ann McClure and Jamei Dale McClure. M. 19-26 A. 2-9-No. 022 CRESCENT SEAFOOD REFRIGERATED TRUCK Will be on So. Sixth Street across Irem Tttwer Themer. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY MARCH 26-27 FINEST QUALITY CRAB AND BONELESS WASTE-FREE FILLET TRUCKS J DRIVE Move Yourself Save 'i New Trucks For Long Trips Plckupa Slakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1301 K. Main Phone 8304 WIU. lir.NI fur piiValnas! Ililacr. for 7two. riv. mllaa aa.t of 'UilalaWa. or a arras Cor am oar arra A .arkar ra ha on litis land. Parry Tlar. I'liotta T-ltni tlr r ll'K KI'AI'Kln"lnVWari'lliawtiiiim. Imk. Inquire Draws Manatoia, 1.U Mam Ml. roil CASH Ira... lua lUI or 200 ana. lop proiliirlng liarla) , potato or onion totinil Wrtta llaraldNawa, not ail. AMrillCAN floor sanilars anil atlfar. awifl anil aas- to uparata llinra floor finish, wsvh anil varnlili Kl.AMATII VAU.KY LUMItr.n lfflso Mo.auilt I'hona Slfl omca,-for "t.nt. 023 Main. f Hon. BIO "Y" BARBER SHOP OPEN Under New Management HOURS 9 :00 A.M. 'TILL 7:00 P.M. LANE'S Tur Company (formerly Rlrlv ardal new andraas. 101S Main across from old location open for buatneaa April 10. PERSONALS check and double check The vounsr Deer is six feet three Inches tall. According to his figures the river at ebb tide would be live feet three inches deep at the site of the old ford. A cheer went up from hundreds lining Westminster Bridge as noei Buxton handed his raincoat and sports jacket to his wife and enter ed the water from the south bank Tuesday morning. He wore a sweat shirt, Jersey, old flannel trousers and a pair of gym shoes. "Good luck." shouted Lady Noel-Buxton. "You don't want my umbrella, do you?" Noel-Buxton (family motto "Do It With Thy Might") shook his head and slogged into the chilly river. He had walked about 30 yards when suddenly he vanished be neath the surface He popped up a;aln amid a fresh burst of cheers, doing what looked like a fair Aus tralian crawl. For the rest of the 270-yard crossing he rarely touch ed bottom. Set your sights on economy ! A First National Bank of Portland Low Cost checking account is a top banking "buy".. .ten checks for only $1.00! No monthly service charge... no minimum balance required and you can check and double check your expenses. Open your Low Cost checking account Any Day, 10 to 5, SIX DAYS A WEEK including Saturday, at The First National Bank. Lake Cutting Circle Hit WASHINGTON Wl Rep. Enele fD-Calif) asked the House Agricul ture Committee to approve a bill which would abolish the Lakevlew, Ore., sustained yield forest unit in Fremont National Forest. Engle accused the Forest Service of acting "arbitrarily and capri ciously" In establishing the unit. He said the boundaries of the unit excluded the Willow Ranch Corp. in Northern California from bid diner on timber within the area. He contended the Willow Ranch Corp. should have been included in the unit. The committee deferred on the bill, introduced by i pending further hearings. PARTY la now known that look hotiie hold article. Jewelry, etc. . .and if re turned no lecal action will b taken. Mrs. Ben Plcketl. FASHION and Hartford Trocka retn-e- aentatives. Phone aa73. WELL. KNIT guaranteed hosiery. Phone 4224. N 'l K.VM oatli,, ceri'-.r . spot r.'.titins for men and women. Phone IlflC'l. 14 HELP "WANTED." FEMALE WANTED PYiiencnrfrt ii(,,fitr "t,i wovk. (.'nil at Leon Tou-To-l'iu bo- tor ,V,H1. WANTKl). lumel(i'ept?i'lo" taWaVmti nlt(e rhaitt riiiaII home, no thlldrnt, Live In. lomt pn, prefer .me can drive Koferntret rntulrrd. Sluala Catt'a.le Ketinrh. Phonr ,V)7lt. 16 'help "wanted, male WANIEIV Iwn u.-un rhalr hum.. At iru..lmatrly t werka work Mint he amxl burner al able lo work on hih It la ret. Call John Vlrar Phro'e 4ttt3. IAN TO KAHN pn week up. I.ons nredrrt InvftHicm. Artvertlaed Saltirttev KventnR Poll. Country (..ritllvnirii. ProLpsi-ta everywhere, full. p.irt time. Kclulve No In vei. l men! Froe aatn. olei Write Ited (.', Inc., Urpt. OA C. Littleton, tiilnrado HOl'TK Mle-man wanted. fltantlard t.'lA(ert. IIKI.P WANTKl)" - SAl.KSM AN Want one mature man of proven alei atnlity, with rar anil willininei tn trav el If uti have earned tiix) up per er on rmnmmioii our drl ivill double that. No "peddlerk" plr Phone Aihland 3 l?2 or write l" IM) Box 7 lor an appoint men I HOtitT. PntduttB ntv. Onk Strr-t Tank and SItI Company. A hi and. Uretn SUPER INTKNDENT sr.rurM Account sudden death our logging iper. Intenrient. nerd hllily nuahfied ma.t to take full charge teatunhl logging nper. at Ion I 4U.1I.V earlv April to end c.f Nove nber. but potllhin l er around. We W?d ItUblirUftn 10 bfdrOOIH Season tnrglng avrrate mil. lion feet ugar pine, Poudertua pine anil 1101116 With 'j to I KCI6 01 Rround. California while fir. Have iplendid I "Cat" logging outfit Including heavy I l.hHii ihovel loader, ft teen direl Pe.- "Pnfr limine Ho lit ir crbutll truck, end tr.illeri for .hurl I 1 U lluwl4 UtailOr haul to nil he. id, and oiwale our dhii! v-nty mile atandard gauge ."Cl-ni JQ25 Maill cord, and Innk-life operation Aditrea promptly, with full parllculara. J C ' Kaucnfnai. Pre I dent and Lieneral lan-i ni i k. I rAtv tT- iia I S?Ind.rd!coV,'f,'rni.umbr C'"n'um- RUN - DON T WALK vance Age 19 lo M Apply fl-.ntlaru .tOT (lie dCUll flbotlt til 1.1 2-bra- SiationB. Inr 2nd and Main or Ejuian- i loom mm it? ontv (our block from Mills School; for ft brjtAln ft urn MILLS ctumll. two-nedrooin, fully f .it -liislictl. Nice Inrntloii. HOiitl, ;.io flown, tin per month in iludlnt luleieit. Two bedroom, partly fiirnlsherl, clone to atorrs nntl btia. Itrgn liniiiiip and tblbu. VKHNON UUIIANT A kinv C I I A k I I 1" minu I oilhini k, RKAli KSTATB T 031 rhoiie 01 9a , tJIX'l'M Evra. im or 79:.1 SELLING YOUR HOME? Don't ft hairs problems "Uncle you up." Just phone 3S545 or drop by our office. Rinht now tha demand for homes is good. So right now Is a good lime to sell. I'hoiie 2-3.r)45 ade and Spring St. MAN to do lifht work arnu-id tli fg en. neli. Wage, room. board, launuiy, anaaia Lmciaf rvenneit. rtinne MI WANTED two exprieiired Pine and f ir graders. Year around work. Top pay. Oiiorf opportunity Penherihv Lumber Co. Box 333, Yreka, California. Phone am. WANfrt). experienc'edalrin"ianoirri r'rlgldalre appliance. (nod npuorluoiiy for right porty. See Vern Owens. Caa rade Home rurnuhlnga WAN. ED trout wtter air doga and dry lumber handler. Call Ellington Lumber Co. rRATEX Pla-tlca. Phone 9324. ZOR BRUCE Swaruvoni Beauty Shop. Phone 7161. ST A NLEY Home Products. Phone Mon 10 SERVICES NOTICE LANDSCAPING TREE PRUNING SPRAYING by Francis "Smithy Smith, Tree Surgeon Let us work with you NOW on your landscape needs. ROSEBUSHES NOW IN STOCK Pantented and No. l's SUBURBAN FLOWER SHOP 3814 So. 6th Phone 81B8 HELP WANTED IOW U.BII "I.W r'AMil.V Watxins roufe able. If you waul Jour ow witn natter tr-an evera.e :nrome. write for Information tn lite J. K. Watklrs Co. 137 Dexter. Healtle. 9. Washlnc- Inn I a SITUATION WANTED CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What you don't want, someone else needs! Let us find what you want or find the person who needs what you don't want. This Is the kind of service we are offering . . . why not take advant- age of this unique opportunity. Drop In at 25S East Main in Klam- am Fans and get acquainted or Phone 5670 action Engle, FI LIST MATIOriAL DANK Klamath Falls Branch, South 6th Stmt Branch Merrill Branch (Li) OF PORTLAND TW fcofifV thot ttoyt OPEN ,10 TO 5 SIX DAYS A WIEK for your coftvMiW 'LET'S HMLD ORCOON TOGETHtK" M. m m. cm pi-f;ase, DOC DALLAS. Tex. llfi A Dallas doctor tells this story: An 80-year-old man was broimbt in the doctor's office recently suf ferlnz with a heart attack. "Doc." pleaded the aged voter, "Just keen me alive until the No vember election." Septic Tonks Cleaned TANKS, drain fields Installed repaired. Years of experience. All work guaranteed. PHONE 5731 WANTKl), baby slitlnx Job I'hona 2-0:H:i or nilGO after 4, ill) esenln.s. tiAflUENINO. .'Phora'a.oXul." HltHITI.r.HS youna man wants ftiliroart lima kilchen work In exchange for ITEKMS. wwin anu room. r.xperienreci. nonny ll-snten. Central Potnt. Ore. phone ill... IIOI'SEWOHK. by hour. II. 1W per hour. I' 2-W w WASHING, atrelchlng rurlalna. I'hone nooo rXfCMIKNCtEli: atfm'work rer'rp" tlnnlst, cashier, .alealady. baby alttlng. I'hone OTsil. i:illl.U ca:a ernnons. this won't Ion . Conciete foundation, automatic floor fur nace, Rsa raniic, fireplace In llvinic room and nice arrvice porch. A dandy vard with lawn and shade trees. Onrsue. Pull price MD60.00 Terms, of course. SIX TICKETS TO HAPPINKSS for an averace slr.e family. When you see the In terior of tins splendid modern home vou'll realiie why we aay Ihnt, ev- hu.ineas eyy rne nl lis nix rooms is a tiriiH to lamliy nappincsa ana conuor.. NpwIv decorated Inside. Bprolnl features are separate dining room and attractive llpht sewlnu room. Atlnchrd uaraKe. Large 'i-acre ood soli to robe all of the uarrtin vou want this nuinmer. Only i- block o 1 f Shasta way. aaouu.uu anyume. i'hon. 3-uul aft CHILD CAI1K. n.1 East Main. 7:43 3:.Kljiays pboiie3tI70, eves.2-n.i72. W1L.L. rare for ohllnreri in my hunt, days or your ham. .v.nlnga. Call 3-ir4o. 22 ROOMS f OR RENT nt)OM. gentlemen. Phone SnaR. NMAI.l. hotisekeeniTig room. 3IS fTne NICE nnoM.1. 322 Parlllc frr.aier fliKJMS for rent! Private entrance! Close In. Phone 4444. Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE, FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service Insured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 2602 South Sixth Ph. 9240 or 2-3133 Septic Tanks Cleaned Newsst Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Roots, Eta ED F. KINO 2434 Orchard Phone DB41 IMAGINE! Within a few short hours after you order a Herald & News Classified ad, 13,000 subscrib ers are told about your offer or your need. To place an ad, phone 8111. HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS are awaiting you In the Personal col umns of Herald it News Classified section. Read the Personal, daily! home! Phone 1111. RKPAIR SERVICE On .11 types of major eleelrlral pli.ncea, radios, washing machines cuum, ranges and small house- nnin appliances, pickup and delivery aervJc. available. MONTGOMERY WAnn fllh and Pine Phnne. MSB PAINTINO 717. CURTAINS ROUMH. prlcea reaujnaiilr. I'liore .iwT. LOVELY rooms for rent. W.-7. week Ciose In. Phon. sU9t. rilbNT room "for" rant. Greer Apart ments. 710 Main. HOIIMM nJ4Hih. RUUM. gentleman. IflTto CreacenL i.ItHT houaekeeplng. Everything fur. nlshed. Suitable sober bachelor or coil pie, lun North Droait 2 APARTMENTS FOR jtENT KOR RENT. three room furnished apnrtmenl.20fUi,rrnw. Phone P0H2. Ci.KAN n'tttactiva well furnished two riMim rourt aparlmrnl with gar.ige in. .S.L30. I'hone S43 or r'7fifl- rillIEK room rurnir.h'd aparlincnl. 2lr2:i Oarrow. Phone :W4TI KOrt TENT, four room" furnished du plex.4.'i Phnne anno I 1 WO ROOMS'" furnished, suitable for two. l 14a pine. TWO ROOM turn I' bed apanmrnt. Krlg-i inairo. uhi neji. so. rsurilt iniru. NEAT three rnnm fun.lslted apnrlrnent. Ill (l South Sixth. Do You Have A Yen? To oe a country squire? Junl o(f Homcdnle on a large -acre plot. Ideal for gardening, Is this modern po:t-war j-room home with solid foundation, automatic heat and extra large dining area. Large garage and nice yard with lawn fenced. Where can you heal this for (liOOO.OO. Reasonable terms. RUB YOUR EYES AND LOOK AGAIN. Only 1200 for this modern 2-brdrooin plas tered home with electric heat In MILLS ADDITION. Paved street and sidewalks. Surrounded lv nice homes and friendly neighbors. All rooms good size, lots of linen and atorage space. Large garage. Nice back ynrd, all fenced. Ideal for little kiddles. Immediate possession. Tills lovely home Is just walling for some nice family to move Into It. TERMS TO SUIT YOU. Al Longmlre Joe Perry Eves. 0724 Eves. 6332 BURTON E. GRAY REALTOR mid INSURANCE 1037 Main Th. 3665 or 3421 AT VII ACTIVE, three room ftirnUlie'l aparl merit Adult Clouts in Phone (1342 MfENIHIIKD upnrtfneru for rent. Uach" elur arctfrrcd. 421 Oatt. A I A HTM E NT with nun hvnt ut iiiull ramru. nin iiitfri. tOtt :K I :i ntum iurnl.iieil aparl- nirni. .i.m roa. nd papertiangini- Fhona -L. Phona 4014 launded and auatchad FULLER Bruihet. Phona 0904 or 8fl77. J. U DEAN Public Accountant, -anil Auditor Offica at 3Qg Wo. 7th. Phone 9348 iron THEE THIMMING Phonn 7-0.151 PAINTING, plasterboard Phone -30ia TRIPP'S AtinirPainllna;" or worn, rnnna mm. clecorntfng. paperhnnglng. finishing, spray Body and ten- ALTERATIONS All work ffunranteM. .nnla Hare, Anltai, 707 Main. Thona tWfl.1. CArtPEft'TEIl work. Itemodeting "and naw eonitruetlon. Phtma S-0417. PAH1LY furnished two liRdrfxtm aonrt ment nn Homedilc llnad. Phone 8187. KUflNIHHEl) two rfiom nDartnieni baili. Pcdrcornted. .IftJW. Phon 2-.11H7. IJI'.Sf AIMS rurntahcr) a"iartmrnT'(;aj. rtjujnpen. Arrowa irom tne Arrtiny. NKWLY firm ra tad apartment. Grear npi. pu nam. ffNFi i fi NfsrlRD, lia'aVinfiit mrTmni for bachelor or lady Nattiral hot water hent and water furnUhed, nefriK rator and electric range available at2Maln nr nlirnr jh f tr 8 f K A M H K A f C Wb Tpa rmcnritKbed. rnnm 02 Oak St. FU R N i s I i E D a pVrTment for rent. . Apnrtment 1, 200 Market. THREE ROOM furnUhed apartment. 20(fl THREE room furnished npartment and bath. Adult only. Phone 6472, 811 Walnut, NKWLY decorated, phvatt bath, kit chenette. Steam heat, electric ran IIP week Rejt Arm Apartment rt;itNiairEU three room npiTrtmimt rt2no; two room unit 9,1.1: all utllitlen bicliided. 410 N. Tcnlh. Vbn RENT, rurntnhrU two room aparT ment. for adulU. .121 Broad. 26 for room Lana HOUSES RiriW, FOR RENT modeni Jiirninhed three Intiuira 10M Summiri $4,500 If you are getting ready to set up housekeeping, you will want to sec this home. It has only one bedroom but is located close In And has a beautiful view of the city. Posses sion cull be Immediately. A cull In us will enable you l see It. Walking Distance Neat, two-bedroom home. This home Is on a paved street and has city sewer. Has living room, break fast nook, hardwood floors through out, and fireplace. Selling price Is only SFU50. EXCELLENT BUY Attractive 2-bedroom brick house, dining room, fireplace and full basement with new piped furnace. Lawns tree, and shrubs. We have several good homes, farms and ranches listed. Now la the time to take time to see them. Drop by and see the fine col lection of arrowheads wo havo In our window, J. W. SANDERS Realtor and Insurance 1313 Main St. Phone 7831 SACRIFICE Make Offer On Equity IIOMK FOUR YKARS OLD IN HOUTH SUIIUilUM. PAVEU HTHKKT. a-HKDROOMH. I 3. AC'ftK: LAWN AND OAltDh'N. HAl.ANCU riSOO. i'HA. ROBERT E. ROSS HEAL ESTATE rilONE: 3tXl SOUTH SUBURBS is A r IHKi LACE part ol your diram houae? Large living ruom, aepaiate dining room. Uo lovely brill ooms. Oman will) playhouse. Nice lawn with Inui of Ilowcrs and shrubs. Sea It trxlavl SUBURBAN A cor.y cottage for young cott plea. Ka.iy to keep up If you're working. Sunny kitchen wuli breakfast bar, two bedrooms, with plenty of closet spaca. On paved street. fOMO Johnny llorwon Kvra. esnt Dale Oriibb Kvca. nM Art Frederirkson Eves. 81:' AL LONGE, Realtor REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE III Bo. Bth Phone tlM On Roseway Drive Down at the foot of the hill, on a icvei tot, inn comiortaoir. well built 2-bcdroom home has full ment and large backyard, beauti fully shr, !ed by a half dozen well- grown fruit trees. Close to good M-hool. arvcral stores and bualmr. this home Is an Ideal place to ran. a small family. Immediale posses sion, fan bo had an P.II A. terms. Price 10500. ST. FRANCIS PARK Larue llvlnsx room, lots of windows front and back, dining room space, attractive cack yard court, ahadn from t.Te comlnf lit summer sun. This beautiful 2-brdioom home has wall-to-wall carpctlna; In every room, electric heat and complei Insulation. Extra storaRe room In rear of narage and separate large wood-working shop on rear of lot. Price S300. F.I! A. Terms. SUBURBAN Just rrff Shasta Way. Only 15500 buys this modern, well-constructed 2-betlroom, plnstered home; soM foundallon: attached (jaraite: aut' matlc hat. Insulated. 1 acre f)f good garden soli. HOT SPRINGS Attractive 2-urdroom bunKalow, conveniently located. Brand nrw deluxe Yoimgstown kitchen. Full Insulated, oil furnace. Only $1500. Will carry maximum loan. OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT SEE Homer Stiles Phone 2-2460 Eve. Don Sloan 585S Evef! Fred Scott 570.1 Evra. CHILCOTE & SMITH PEALTORS Since 100D III N. 9th St. Phone 4564 nr S529 240 ACRES Best soil In the county. 92 acres In alfalfa, 100 acres ready for spuds. Larfre potato cellar In ex cellent condition, blK ImV barn, miii liln'j shed, slaughter house ami home. Also pasture aliiiiu Lost River for AO head catlle. Including nil machinery, price $85,000. 368 ACRES 105 acres tinder IrrlRiilInn all checked and leveled. Also 156 acres under cultivation that can be Ir rigated with some leveling. 3.1 r.cres dry land tinder cultivation balance In hill nnvhn-e. rinnrl home, with elertrlcltv and other outbuild ings. All for only $21,000. Terms. JACK GARDNER Ph. 8371 Newhouse Real Estate 2060 So. 6lh. Phone 8833 IT HELPS YOU in so many way. when you learn the trick of bene" fltlng by Herald It News Classified adi. They're excellent fnr telling, buying, hiring help, finding work and recovering lost articles. Phone 1111.