,, I!WAY, MARCH 2, 10B2 PAGE SIXTEEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON cr? T rr rz rp7n n i fifiOHDd) h? Gijfc to Grand) aita) ffls Won? (MfljEfta? B&fcp lb to inn r GET A 717. . SELF-DEFROSTING pv t . Now! A aensutionol ww engineering ochievemenll LljvW. fil.'ijr For Km nrst time, outomatk defrosting that uses no 3 rTA frA'f , electric hooting elements' to melt off frost. As a Vf tonsoqaeiKe. tCeMncKx "AAogic Cycle" self-de- A A V frosting is simpler, faster, for more economical. iji ' m'i Nothing else like it. Come in ond see just why it's X U Jjgf the best for you I w . 'm a t . ai n ' tm i wn I " ine-rtoar s m m m m m f I Down 3S4bu Ffwnr Owdl 15 so. If. of SMf Anal Portable Setter CWst Actemryl Heady Deer Sbehrtsl Twk MetsteU Crhuersl Exrnt-rTtfk, fxtrveety Aetrl Sfnl 11 w. ft. Cold-deor-to-the-Floor 43-Jb. Freezer Cfcestl H.4 sa. ft. SkeH A reel '; 1900 "ertefcle letter Chest Accessory! P,r U...I. " Down 22.50 Per Atari Twist MeisUeW Crispersl " E)rtrevrrio, Eitre-Aoeary lerrle Space I k Trttm shown in for dettverr In roar k Protection PUD. But.ndloal Hi Mb Uod. mb)ea to ebnnce without ootioe. NO IT ELECTRIC RANGE atai-wiiia.racii! K GIANT OVENS FOR "BIG FAMILY" COOKING! Yet, you can cook tremendous meoji with rhli Kelvin a tor. Bake and broil at ont time. Roait the largest of turkeys. -K LAMP AND OVEN- TIMER ACCESSORY I lamp floodlights entire surfoce ores. -K AUTOMATIC COOKING! You ust pro-set the oven-timer, h starts, ' times, stops cooking automatically s leaves you free I , ' , SUPER-SPEED BROILER! fed-hot In 10 seconds. Gives steaks that ."charcoal-broiled" flavorl Hpt FOUR 7-HEAT HIGH-SPEED' SURFACE UNITSI And each has Inner and outer cooking: areas to fit different-tiled utensils end) conserva heatl ; ; "J ,; !,'','.?: ; KJ ' " ONLY 4320 DOWN! 16.00 Month . On Eoiy Termi ' FEATURING A FULL LINE OF KELVINAT0R HOME APPLIANCES A Kelvinator factory representative will be at pliances Hafter's THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY trade-in to demonstrate the full line of Kelvinator Home Ap- OUR GIFT TO YOU LADIES MULTI-JEWELED Sorry, We Cannot Divulge the Name . . . but it is Nationally Advertised! With the purchase of any Kel vinator major appliance dur inq this event only! WATCH and EVENING BAG o ' U. Wei V.V ii MS ft" With vour purchoM of any Kelvinator major appliance durint thil event! WORLD FAMOUS Multl Jeweled Ladles Watch . . . Rolled Yellow Geld Plated Case. GLAMOROUS Match!? Snake Bracelet. SPARKLING Rhinestone and Ruby Studded Dial. Beautifully Fitted Brocade Evening Bag. Transparent Plastic Case to Hold Watch and Bag. Fomouf Nome Guarantee Or, Ladies HERE'S A choice... Give HIM this Handsome ; Famous Make MEN'S WATCH In Handsom Bakelite Case- Rolled Yellow Gold Plated Case with Matching Expansion Band ... for you! We'll give you top dollar on a during this event. Come in! FOOD SAVINGS AVERAGE $14.51 A MONTH WITH A KLTLIWD Rl A0LP ltkelizzlTIP? ; Yee , eeys for Hwlf I KcK inator Frcercr owner report lavintt on food ereragint SU.5I 1 monlh! You buy foods in quantity. You bake in bigger batches. You save on leftovers. . e CmU im Mill Cold co4li In oil 4 wollii aha cole coHi In wparale faiMraesln ikHoh. 0 Htm haney r.ilrt-k. outomolk ktl.ilor Kood- Datit, larga ramo.obl. toraea'boih.t. tfaery-doty fUrtrm itK-clm rC.l.taolor'l nwreetwd aM'lKe bvlldltia low.tenipwotvfa eavteaiaatl M.d.1 n-m lllutretd 3nly 67.50 Down 24.50 a Month PHei itniwn W frf (IHtvefY ttj mif liriifli "'in rf ir i "i.rn ). Oil... ,mA liuul a. -r1f 11111 ptlflft1ti4M BtilfjMl lol S4S lt&uul eHrtJot. , I a BIG ELECTRIC RANGE m a SMALL PRICE! cinwnCuOTiH! 5 REASONS WHY KELVINATOR IS A BETTER ELECTRIC RANGE FOR YOU! L Ceeki Foster! All unlta high-speed. Broiler red-hot In 10 sec ofidt . . . glont oven pre heah to 350 In lets than 6 minvtejl 2. Coeks letter! 3. Mart Economical I Oven heat amaxlnoly 7 precise, measured even! 8 loaves of bread heats, not 5. Surface bakeperfectlytnaslngle units' heats are concen 'even; yet you- needn't trated to suit different move a pan nee I sized ulemllil 4. Cleans Easier! Entire range finish Is su perior porcelain enamel. Oven hat rounded cor ners for (Iffy cleaning, new-type shelf guides! 7 Model IR-2 lllutlrelti 5. Styled Better! Range top has rounded edges, sloping front. In stallation Is ftuih-fothe-wall. Gleaming beauty 1 throughout I ' ALL THESE TOP-QUALITY FEATURES I Super-Speed Irellerl Gals rad.hot In 10 ilszllng lacendll LaraaUtanillStoragaSpac.l THERE IS A BETTER ELECTRIC RANGE,,, .IT'S fciVJHLtoJ9. ONLY 3030 DOWN OIntOvenlSametorgeslxeai . top-model Kelvlnatorsl Highspeed, freheals to 330 In less than 5 minutes I i Thrifty Butch Cottle I For a - variety of cooking treats, High. Speed, 7-Heert Surfese UnHil 1 1.00 o Month Quality Conitructlen and Finishes! Same at In de luxe Kelvlnatorsl I'riM) iinwn in fr rtpllvwr in your kitchen. liiNtnllMilun, It any, nmt I om) tsim rtxirn, I'ricn unrt mp(iinriA Cloni iut)eol to otimiiitt wllhout ovilo. 1 Corner 9th & Klamath Phone 4878