WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2(1, 10.V2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FIFTEEN (irlcland Has Talent, But Looks for Games Oreuon Tech IJanchall Conch Art KlrklmiU In nil dressed um with no place to ko. Which Ix lust nnutlipr wnv of any Inn the Ohlo-hom mentor linn unsc bull Inlciii on hinid but few kiiiiiiw In which lu show II mid, an yet, no place tn dhow II. Kleven names (tin an the nlutc a tarthe flrnt seven un the loud. The Owl are scheduled tu hunt Houlhcrn Oreuon hers April ID In llielr dipt Inline at ti net, a twin bill, Clems Sliidltim inny not have Its (loom open by thru: llecrenllon J'lcld Is In had shape micl ready In (, Khklnnd Is cun.ildrrlnii ART KIRKLAND f. . all dressed up Conner Field as Oregon 'lech's hmne uroiituln. Hie C) Aln open their neni.on Tue.i dv al A.-hlund In Hi double hender MialnH the 80CE ned Hnld era. Then comes another double, hender April " ialnsl Humboldt titnte in Arrntn, Cnllf. A Northern road nwlim cnlln for klopi Hi Vancouver, Wh., aualnil Clnrk JO April 10, Mnnmouth runnel Oreiion Collene April 11 nnd Portland April 13 nenlmit Van port. 'Ilien comes the Owli' nocond two-name stand ngnlmt BOCK here, followed by almost a month'! wait before Humboldt Htnle vIMts Klain ii 111 Fulls Muy 11 for a double bender. Four pitchers, nllhouuh all malt Ihk their Hint outliiK for the Owls, show promote of kIvIiik Klrklnnd mound slioniilh, nomclhliiK he needed hint yenr. They are jiick -Drown, Orclceh's .second line nuurlerbiick, from Hunks IHkIi Hrhool: Ucin Kenton, who pitched Inst yenr for Yrekn lu tho Moil linn C'nllloriila I.ciikiic: Larry Jeter, Hlcuhanvlllo, 0., nnd Chuck Tykeson, from Hherwood, Or", Tykeson Is a Icft-hnnder. mix hack Six leilermen nre bark. They are Don foreman, who plnyed the out Held Inst yenr, will probnbly he moved lo third bne; foreman's brother. Al, a shorlilop who may i:o to iiccond base; Jim Mcintosh und Floyd Miner, oimiew; vuerino l.elll, nac-owl biisemnn, who Is our fur ii switch lo Khortilop, and Knrl Clark, flrsl-baaemaii and outfielder Prosp'fta to nine inciunn Kelsev, Fossil pitcher; Jim Kriml,, riilcher. Mvrtle Pomt: IJnn Barnes, cnlcher and llri;t-bacinnn, Norfolk, V'n.; Wuvne Pnulton. yreicn out llrlder, plnyed for Hilt Inst yenr In Die Noillicrn California l-eauue; Don Cirnppe, Coos Ilnv, outfielder; Jim Oeome, Klamath Falls, In- llelder. nnd 1)111 Knintz, Myrtle Point, Infielder. K.l'i:f.Ti-;l Kxficclcd In the fold soon are l,en Ocnetlii, Inflc'iler. Amsterdam. O. nnd Keith Thompson, Phoenix, Ore., Infielder. Don Foremnn lia a rifle arm ,,nd Is nxnected to work belter at 'third lime, l.elll, the club's ton hit her last yenr. will probably be more ni iinuiv at ,n,,i. Al Foremnn and l,cn fjenclln will tcrnp for the second-base spot. The first-base )ob Is currently wide-open position. Jim Krnnlx and Barnes are muk Inir the Ktronneit bids for the cntchliiK lob, while Lelll could be used there If neeessnry. Oullleld ninlerinl Is plentiful wllh Mcintosh, Miller and Paulson hold Iiik the Inside track. Klrklnnd Is still looking for more games to blonl an anemic scheduled. " ' a. . .. ... - J Cage Heads Eye Rule Changes SEATTLE n The nation'! Iinsketbnll conches debuted poss ible ruin changes and considered legalization of a rubber-covered ball In final sessions of their annual convention Wednesday. Two rule channes dcsltmed to end stalling were tentatively ap proved Tuchday but there was a possibility one would be up for reconsideration. This was a rule mnkinir nil free throws mandatory, ft would pre vent u team retaining control of the ball by waiving a loul shot nnd taking the ball out of bounds. The coaches members of the National Association of Basketball Coaches later approved a rule on defensive fouls. It would allow a second free throw if the first Is misted the -last rule won approval by a narrow margin they might recon sider the decision on mandatory free throws. They said It might not be needed if the defensive foul rule, used on an experimental basis In th Northern Division of the Pacific Coast Conference this brought season, Is adopted nationally. Rules changes recommended bv the coaches will be given to the National Rules Committee which will meet here later In the week. The committee will have the final say. The coaches also passed a reso lution urging that the NCAA cham pionships and the ' National Invit ation Tourney be continued. They said, however, no team should be r,crmltted to take pari in more Borne coaches Indicated after than one such tourney each year. GEORGES DUSETTE joins full nelson with bull-dogging Tag Tiff On Tonite i Tag team matches are gradually taking their plnce as wrestling fans' fnvuiltc form of mat may hem. ' And even the most fickle-minded grnppllng cu-Unnern will be satis fied Willi tonlithl's teuin presenta tion al Hie Armory. i 11 puts cheer-boys Georges Du- isctlc nnd Cowbov Carlson against !leer-bovs Kurt Von Pauoenhclm i oa lo-ii and Eric (The Orcnti pederscn. game of The aunrrelsomc auartet have one hour in which to crowd al) the ilhrllls the crowd enn handle. But I the bout can end before the hour Is I 1IITTC mil i J y and Jj? GLOVES College hntkctbnll was Introduced to Madison Square Garden when Noire Dame played NYU on Dec. ims 'was also the llm the Violet-Irish series. Stan Mi'aslk of" the Baltimore Bullets in the NBA was once PREACHER OFF BUT HE'S NOT WORRIED U1C POUl CBN CMU UCHMC UC IHJUI ii ,,... .... n,i( a-, . I ny The Associated Tress Preacher Roe Is off to bad atari, bin the ace lefthander of the Brooklyn Dodgers Isn't worried. Itoe, who posied an amazing 32-3 record last spring, has been hit hard In each of his three outings this spring. The lean veteran was tngged for II hue in six Innings Tuesday as the Dodgers defeated the Philadel phia Athletics. 9 i al Miami. Fin. rtoe said alter the game: I figure I'm jusl abmil throw ln( the vjy I should be al this time, My stuff Is spotty: some of It good, sumo of it bad." Roc yielded nil of Philadelphia s runs Including n two-run homer by fcdd'.e JoohI. He led Willi a 6 5 .lend, young Dlliy l.oes ..protected. l;r. margin. Dodger nemesis Bobby Thomson slammed home run In the eighth Inning to give the New York Giants a 7-6 triumph over the Chicago Cubs at Phoenix. Arlr. The Giants Irnlled, 6-2, until the seventh Inning, when tliey lied the score al the axpense: of Willie fUlilsdrll. JWORK HOMKIIS Homo runs also featured the Cleveland Indians' 7-5 victory over the Chicago While Sox at Tucson. Arlx. Larry Doby clouted a three run homer and Al Rosen and Jim Frldley followed with bases empty blasts In Die sixth to wipe out a J-0 deficit. Harry Simpson clinched the decision with a two run triple In the seventh. The 81. I-ouls Browns defeated Burbank, Calif., scoring all of Inning against Rookie Southpaw their runs and litis in the aecond Royce Lint. Earl Rapp featured the six hit outburst with a triple. Bob Cain nnd Salchel Paige lim ited the I'lrnles lo six safeties. A rnln washed out scheduled gnmes between the Philadelphia Phillies and Washington, the New York Yankees and Cincinnati, the St. Louis Cardinals and the Boston Braves and Hie Boston Red Sox and Detroit Tigers. Ko Is the oiioner that brings to gether Frenchy Roy and Dr. Gal lagher, an appropriate house-warmer. Advance ticket sales at Castle berry Drugs Indicates a good house tonight lor the outstanding mat show. The. 'armory ticket olflce opens nt 7.30. ball. Max Znslofsky of the New York Knickerbockers and Leo Barnohrst ol the Indianapolis Olympian; work lor the same company In New York during the summer months. SPLIT FUI.LERTON. Cnllf. I Stan Hack's I-oi Angelii club has evened Its exhibition series with Hollywood at two gnines apiece. The Angels trimmed the Stars Tuealay, 7- to ' 3, mainly Uirouglr me steady pitching of Eddie Chan dler. Wednesday, the Angels battle a Murine Corps team at Camp Pendleton, and the Stars uicol Seattle at Palm Springs. , HHITK-IN' MIAMI, Fla. ( The Miami Boxmg Managers' Guild held an election Tuesday night and chose Ben ' ' m president. Gen. Dwight D. Elsenhower got one vote. The Pittsburgh Hornets of the American Hockey League never have finished the season on lop of their division or won plsyolf championship. Simmons Due For Discharge GOEPPINGEN. Germany' j 8e.t. Curt Simmons, southpsw pitching star of the Philadelphia Phils' 1050 pennant victory, will , receive his Army discharge early next month. Tills was announced Wednesday i by headquarters of the 2Blh u. a. Infantrv division, where- the 'ii- year old Simmons Is sergeant m charge of athletics. The husky youngster from Egypt, Pa-ls scheduled to-leave for a port of embarkation the first week in April and then lake a ship back lo the u. ft. The malor league pennant races start April 15. REVENGE PALO ALTO, Calif, The San Francisco Scnls are getting revenge from the Sacramento So lons Hie club that shoved them Into the Pacific Coast League cel lar the last day of the 1051 season. The Seals pasted the Soloes 5-2 Tuesday , their second consecutive win. Leftv Al Lien and Rookie Kenny Wright gave up eight hits while the Seals knocked Kenny Gable? and Orvllle Drove for 14. Don Richmond of the Rochester Red Wings In the International League baiting champ lor the sec ond consecutive year. Last year he batted .350. Harry Perkowskl, pitcher for the j Cincinnati Reds, .earned 7 battle I stars in nearly four years of ser- I vice In the European and Poclilc j war theatres. GUN STORE SOLD AT SPECIAL j 45 SCHOOL PRICES "V BASEBALL SHOES 550.9so.lQ95 BASEBALL CAPS I35 LET'S PLAY BALL!! rr SHUFF STUFF Shuffleboarders planning to enter the singles and doubles tournament that opens March 31 must register at Schuss' Tavern before Saturday. Flv nllrhf-r nn th Ttfffrnlt Tigers roster were born In the city 'home, so he won't ol Detroit. from his family. Chapman Lands With Oakland v OAKLAND, Cnllf. MV-Outfielder Snm Chapninn finally landed with Oakland of the Facillo Coast Lea.' gue and in 15 minutes waj worlv Ing out. , Oak Owner Brick laws Tuesday completed a deal with the Cleve land Indians for Chapman, former California All-America halfback. Chapman repentedly had express ca uraire 10 piay nere. near hi! be separated Among all best sellers Only one best taste m 11 a- Ci If , ""AM WAlKf, 4 I I , 14 - UUHOU BLENDED WHISKEY, Si TSOOF. 70 GRAIN NfUTIAl SPHITS. HIRAM WALKER I SONS INC., PEORIA, ILL Just tell the man you want Imperial faf Walker makes Imperial smooth ' and good. .. and people like you have made it one of America's very largest-selling whiskies. A FULL PINT $O40 Cm STARTS TOMORROW ! FEATURED FOR APRIL SAVINGS FESTIVAL ! LOOKING FOR A NEW DODGE PICKUP? WE'VE GOT m ... O All Sizes - Shapes - Colors O 3-Speed or 4-Speed Transmission O Fluid Drive or Standard OUR STOCKS ARE BIG OUR PAYMENTS ARE LOW Geerqi l Cm A When You Want the Best See ? DUG AN and MEST 522 So. 6th Ph. 8101 Klamath Falls Dodqe-Plymoufh-Dodq "Job-Rofed"..Trucki jT - : 1 1 mim issBTzry-, n ci 1 ' J&i Premium Motor Oil A l in your container r 7 Meet! All Specifications for Heavy Duty Motor Oil .X. IfifottffmV JSiV I X Jr I Cools, Clean! and Clinqi for Lonqer, Better Lubrication L 'if 1 1 II "T Ij5'rvAf4i I r 7 y SaveUpfo50 Over Comparable Oil Buy in Bulk I y v 1 Allstate Fortified, in your container, gal. 60c fmT ijnV3 ' 'rf-' '1u V L'ii I Allstate Regular, 2-gallon can 1 .59 mht OTEWAi328A I Store Hours: 9 A.M. 133 So. 8th to 5:30 P.M. Phone 5188 it r