PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 10152 -- 'W-iMiir w''aj v - State Conference MARCH 27, 28. 2$ n 0HiOK !UT HIUM SMSHSMIJ-! TOMORROW'S statewide conference at Oregon Statu College promises to go a long way toward answering ilie question: What's ahead for Oregon farmers? Holding the poster calling attention to the meeting is F. L. Ballard, associate director of the college agricultural extension service, who says a conference aim is to guide direction the state's long-time agricultural production should take.' Farmers and business men alike are invited to attend the three-day meeting and at least 1,000 are expected. Spud Expert, Elections Slated For Monday Meet Bonus Deal Left Up To State Heads ' WASHINGTON Ht State offi cials who already have announced their approval, Tuesday were given authority to decide whether or not Oregon's 40 miUion dollar World War II veterans bonus should be paid. Monday President Truman direc ted that credit restraint restric tions on local and state bond is sues ' be terminated. That ruling apparently made it possible for financial houses to bid on Oregon bonds which will be used to fi nance the program.-. Tuesday the ruling was clarified by officials of the voluntary credit restraint program. They said it was up to local and state officials to decide whether bonds sale of which had been blocked by credit restraint restrictions should be sold. Gov. Douglas' McKay and other Oregon state officials have said the bonus, approved by voters in November, 1950, should be paid. Besides the Oregon bonus other bond issues permitted by the re moval of credit restrictions in clude: A 22 million dollar bonus issue xor Montana world war It veter ans. A 115 million dollar Issue by public utility districts in the state of Washington. A 67 Y2 million dollar veterans bonus issue in West Virginia, half of which already has been sold, de spite its disapproval by a credit restraint committee. One and perhaps two of the top potato experts in the United States is scheduled to meet Mon day with Klamath Basin growers In a basin-wide meeting at the Merrill Recreation Hail. Al Mercker, the USDA's top po tato authority, is due here after a tour through California's spud areas, including the Kern Countv district and a session at the re search laboratory at Albany. Whitnev Tharin. executive secre tary of the National Potato Coun cil, may also be here. He, too. has been touring California, and an attempt is being made to brine him here. Marketing Agreement elprtinne are also planned, with a pair of producer member office inH handler member office expiring. The producers are Wallv Thomri. son and Ivan Rose, the handier is wbck uegnan. Alternates terms also prrtlre Including William Cheyne and Clav ton Reber of Klamath county arid Sam Anderson of Tulelake. SPORTS MIRROR A year ago today Art Doerlne. won his first major golf tourney as a professional, taking $10,000 Greensboro Open with 279. Five years ago The Toronto Maple Leafs won the opening game in the semi-final round of the Stanley Cup playoffs, defeating Detroit Red Wings, 3-2. Ten years a no The Cincin. nati Reds purchased Outfielder Gerald Walker from the Cleveland Indians for a reported $20,000. Tule Co-op Hits High Volumes A business volume of $333,073 05 for Uie calendar year 1951 was re ported by the Klamath Basin Co operative oi ruit-iaxe, California at Uie annual membership meet ing held in the Legion Hall in Tulelake on the evening of Mon day, March 17th. Mgr. Wayne W. Mayfielct stated that the petroleum department led in sales lor a total o $lbl.!U3.dti; with feed, seed and fertiliser fol lowing (in- a total of S33.7S8.13: and hardware and miscellaneous farm supplies making up the bal ance of $37,391.37. Cash patronage refunds distributed on petroleum products purchased during the year amounted to $7,873 :s3. Frank Jenkins, editor of the Her ald and News of Klatnnth Fnlls, was Uie featured" speaker of the evening, no discussed uie suojrcl of water and water rights with an analysis ol the luture outlook for Uie Klamath Basin area. , The cooperative educational film Oil Tills Uie Soil," depicting the strugple of the farmers of the Pa cific Northwest in securing their own sources of crude oil lor the manufacture of tractor fuel and oilier petroleum products, was shown by Bruce Slrachan, public reunions representative of Pacific Supply' Cooperative of Portland. the regional farm supply whole sale for 134 local Co-ops In the northwestern states. Election of directors resulted In the return of Chester Stonecypher for a term of two years: and" with Walter Eisenfeis replacing Ernest Lindsay, also for a term of two years. Holdover directors Include: C. J. Main, who acted as chair man of the meeting: Percy Dixon, Harry Mitchell. Leon Andrleu and Sam Enman. D. P. Reid and EnrI Mack continue as members of the Advisory Committee to the board, and at the business session of the board foUowing Uie general meet ing Main was chosen president and Dixon vice-president for the com ing year. Ransom Paid For Americans WASHINGTON Wl The govern ment has disclosed payment of $800,000 to Communist China for release of 13 Americans, eight of whom still are prisoners. The details were .-released bv the treasury after Sen.' Knowland R.-Calif.. said on the Senate floor Tuesday the administration has permitted private payment of "extortion and blackmail" ' to the Reds. Eltine Arnold, foreiim assets administrator, said the treasury approved Uie payments after friends of the 12 in this countrv made urgent requests to do so and certified that the payments represented legitimate debts. The State Department also approved, he added. Since this case. Arnold said, a new policy had been adonted that such payments will not be allowed until the Americans involved are set free fn non-Communist areas such as Hong Kong. Knowland, in his speech, esti mated there are between 2O0 and 300 Americans stiU in China. , ' ft J u' - - I l MISS ZCRA (DEE DEE) WEEKLY, Lakeview, took home this case of Mobiloil from last week's meeting of the Klam ath Basin Co-op in Tulelake. Mgr. Wayne May field presents the prize. Count Handbooks Out For '52 Conservation County handbooks for the 1952 agricultural conservaUon program were recently sent to Klamath county farmers. Any agricultural producer who did not receive a copy may get one by contacting the county production and market ing administration office, which Is located in trie lower theater build ing, phone 5860. The agricultural conservation program Is one in which the gov ernment pays part of the cost of certain agricultural conservation practices carried out by farmers. Included In the Klamath county program are such practices as land leveling, drainage ditches, reorgan ization of farm irrigation systems. seeduig permanent pasture, and crs. The government's contribution throuch the program represents a small part of the total cost of con servation activities carried on by tanners. II is a means by which non-farmers invest in Uie future of America. If small indentations are counted Maine has more than twice as much coastline as Florida. William Kidd, famous pirate, was executed on May 24, 1701. Twenty years ago Ben East man, Stanford Junior, ran 440- yards in 46.4, bettering the world's recpra oy a mil second. for Garage... Cattle Shelter.., Sill farm Implement ShecL t . . and Downs of Other Uiei , low-cost, permanent, fire-safe . . . quickly erected for long life, all ... 'purpose service. , Widths: 20', a; 28', 32', 40', SO', e0 70' and wider; lengths variable. Built Better Z To last Longer! HEATON ; MACHINE and SUPPLY 428 Spring St. Ph. 6691 'You're' power ahead money ahead with the MM Model T Tractor. You get tbe low-cost power to do MORE work and do it right ... to boost your profits and lower your overhead. You get the built-in quality that means lower maintenance costs, operating economy the ability to stay on the job season after season ... for many years to come. THIS! IMPORTANT FEATURES OtVE YOU MORI WITH THi MM MOD Z POWER TO SPARE 33.4 h.p. on the drawbar en gaio line, 37.4 on LP qas. 615 RPM on power take-off. FIVE FORWARD SPEEDS 2.4, 3.6, 4.6, 6.4, 13-1 and 2.2 mph reverse. Oversize brakes. MORE COMFORTS Flote-ride scot adjustable for weight of operator, adjustable steerinq wheel, wobble-stick qear shift and many more to make the job easier. Visionlined for complete visibility. UNIMATIC-POWER The modern hydraulic hciqht and depth control of mounted ond pullbchind implements. Double-actinq lack with exclusive M-M safety lockout feature. PiIew ."i ni let uJ9've Vu " 'h facts about the MM Model Z Tractor. You owe it to yourself to see the tractor that more and more farmer-businessmen WANT! Minneapolis-Moline Model ZAU Tractor (as (tOlOA illustrated), local delivered price 3Z I O BYRON JOHNSON "Your Minneapolis-Moline Dealer" Brillion Sure-Stand Grass Seeders Morrill Rakti Gehl Forage Harvesters Linton Cattle Chutes Tulort Bole Loaders Cobey Manure Spreaders Iran Age Potato PlanterCand Diggers Merrill-Lakevicw Junction Phone 9789 Malin Phone 309 Farm Cooperative . Bulletin Release A good attitude on the part of its members is one of the most valuable assets a farm cooperative can possess, according to Dr. G. E. Korzan, assistant OSC agricultural economist. Dr. Korzan Is author of an OSC experiment station bulletin "Mem ber Attitude Toward Cooperatives," now available for distribution. Copies may be obtained by asking for station bulletin SO at county extension offices or OSC. The bulletin outlines some of the responsibilities and privileges of cooperative members, based on a survey of 12 members of 16 Ore gon farmer cooperatives. The word "thesplan" for "an actor" is derived from Thespls, who Is reputed to have founded Angus Show Slated Here More than 400 invitations have been sent Aberdeen Angus catlle breeders throughout the Pacific Northwest regarding the Fifth An. nual Aberdeen Angus Show and sale set for the Klamath County rturgrounos Apru The Chamber of Commerce Is assisting the Southern Oregon Aberdeen Angus Breeders Associa tion in laying plans for the sale which has grown to become one of the larger affairs on the Pacific Const. Chairman Alvln Cheyne reports 20 registered bulls, 32 registered cows and SO commercial head will be shown and sold during the affair. The Pacific Coast Angus Assoc latlon Is sponsoring the affair with Wnlter Palmer, famed South ern California auctioneer who cried the sale here last year, on hand once again. Show Judge will be Jim Outtridge uas urove. A grading demonstration mav also be held. The show will be held on Sun day. April 20. the first dav of the affair, with' the sale the following aay. me annual banquet will be held at the Wlllard Sunday night. Through their habit of picking up lighted clgaret stubs, English spar rows create a serious fire hazard Only death can arrest the hom ing flight of a homing pigeon. Tdaho produces more lumber than Maine. New York, and Pcnnsvl- ureez irageuy in uie oui century, van la cnmoinea. l use the -New 1952 Estate Electric Range because it 6R!LLS, BAK5, BARBEOJESi' toys America's Foremost Authority On Good Food Model 3218 See the Range that's used by DUNCAN HINES Come in and see the sensations! NEW 1952 ESTATE Electric Range with the new Conveto-Grid for gril- Priced at low at Jing . . . ine giant Balanced Heat Oven for baking ... the Bar-B-Kcwcr meat oven for barbecuing . , . the Up-Down nieclri'coolcc; . . . the TimcEslalc for completely automatic "absentee cooking ". See this famnnc rantifi thai tnlunt , Ma i ...l.:.. .. L ...... ' ' ... J (maim, ,c piv,u lem of getting everything ready at once, without IASY TERMS rushing md scrambling for pan space! 239 95 ELECTRIC RANGES OREG., LTD. 734 South 6th Phone 41M Klomoth Foils, Oregon Ag Confab Tomorrow An agricultural relations commit tee has boeu formed ns a twoltlh group to take purl' In I ho mule wide agricultural conforenoe at Oregon State college aim ling to morrow. The committee Is composed of 20 persons who are not nccc.niurtly formers, states f. I. Ballard, as sociate director of the extension service. This conference group, without an over-nil chnlrmnn, wna set up to coimlder lntrfM'elnlloiui of agriculture with other resources and Industrial development. With the exception of the rural life committee, other groups con cerned with the conference repre sent broad farm commodity field. The ngrlculturul reliitlons group comprises rvprc.nMitutlvos from state government, organised mar keting, transportation, bunking and finance, and others. A sub-group to to consider the position of agri culture In tho state's economlo and soclnl life Is headed by Clinics A. Sprague, former governor and pub lisher of the Orson atutosnmn. a Salem newspaper. A water development and Indus try section Is clialrmnned by Ivan E. Oukes, Salem, executive secre tary, Willamette fllver Danlti com. mlslon. The problem ol rcorentlon nl use of agricultural lands by the public Is being rtudled by ii group which Judge Clnrnot Dnrrntt, Morrow county, iiraas. MiirKetiug policies is the consideration of an other group led by R. A. Wnrd. Portland, manager of the Paclflo Cooperative Wool Orowcrs associa tion. , Chester K. Sterrett, manager, industries department, Portland chamber of commerce, leads a section devoted to relation of agri culture to Industrial development. One member of the committee. Marshall N. Dana, U.S. natlonnl bmik representative, Portland, wn.s chairman of the report committee for the 1934 conference, Ballard re lated. Questions the committee has considered Includo: California mar ket prospects, prospective popula tion Increases, off-shoro deinnnd for foodstuffs and other product, - and land use balance between ro- reatlon and agriculture. Delivery Price of the new TO-30 Ferguson Tractor is just $1844! Compare the quality! Comparo Performance! Compare the price! YOUR FERGUSON TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT DEALER Mac's Farm Equipment 5629 South 6th Phone 8531 William Harvey, discoverer ol the circulation of tho blood, was born April I, 1578. The elm Is the most tvplcally American of all American trees. Greatest possible distance be tween any two points on the earth's surface, In a strnlght line. Is ap proximately 13.500 miles. One French coin, issued during the reign of Napoleon III. bears the profile of a pig as an Impression. Hay Shortage? USE 'Simplot Red Diamond' Super Phosphate for Alfalfa Clovers Pastures Sec Your Simplot Dealers Simplot Soilbuilders 2052 Washburn Way Phone 2-1438 The insido story off ; " - ' ' --' - - liHI Mum MUMlMmm- 1 10 Reasons Why The WD Tractor Gives You More For Your Money: 1. 32 Horsepower draw bar! 2. Full 3-p'ow size! 3. Full hydraulic with 5-way pump, two rams lift shaft and arms! 4. 12" tires - calcuim filled! . 5. 2-clutch control! 6. Live PTO! 7. Fuel economy plus! 8. Added Traction! - 9. Pressure lubricated! 10. Power adjusted rear wheel widths! DELIVERED TO YOU $2328.85 Tune in th National Farm and Hemt Hour Ivtry Saturday NBC ( fHLIS- CHALMERS ES AND SIRVICC ) rife