I r t WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1962 HERALD AND NEWS. ("aaesaaaBasuBaansassaBxiEBr-s9s(HaaMaa 1 KLAMATH FALLS. OKKI.ON PAGE ELEVEN Cows In Frenzy, Machine Shorts BYHALIA. Miss, lfl . When an hour. Woods said the motor on th mllklnij machine had shorted out throwing Ins full voltaae direct through the line. Ho nam the aocldent. cost slut farmer French Woods ananpeu oil about 13,000, his electric milking machine 35 frenzied cows nearly kicked the barn down Tuesday, DcsDlte tho difference In alia, the deer makea lem noise than the turkey In walking. ' . Nine of them died of electric shock before Woods could discon nect the machine. The others, terrified bv the lolt. were uncontrollable for nearly half Attach implicjtq SICKLE BAR 1 'Mi can see it W, i 1 1 A CROWD OF 300 Rathcrcd al the Midland Grange for an old fashioned auction that boots to automobiles put on the block. Here Auctioneer Jerry Kales (with back to camera, saw everything from gum arm in air) sells the boots. : -to- IV kJ 11 MtB.V M vt Z DURING LULL IN OUTSIDE ACTIVITY, Pat Milan!, Verland Huff and L. C. Shook come t inside for coffee. Complete meals were served inside, as well as coffee, sandwiches and refreshments. Lake Meet April 5 To Show Irrigation Water Forecast Flnnl Oregon irrlgnuon wnior , outer commuters and ihelr nchc ttor 152 wilt be announced nt a fherle of retilonul commlltce meel lnir bPRlnnlng Mureh 29 ncconl m to W. T. riost, Oregon now uiurvey lender. I Facts collected through federal tte cooperative now urveys and IrrlRiitlon water fnieenati will be dlR-nssed. Nine regional groups will meet, beginning with the north central Oregon committee at Hood ,H;vrr, March 29. duled meeting places and dates are: central Oregon at Redmond, March 31; John Dny-Harney basin al Burm. April' 1; UmttUlln-Wnllu Wall it Pendlotoh, April 3: north eastern Oregon at Enterprise, April 3; southeastern Oregon al Ontario. April 4; south ccntrnl re gon at tnkevlew, April S; southern rcgon at Grants Pass, April 7: and Columbia basin at Forlland, April 11. HAVE YOU JOINED FARM BUREAU? Over 60 form families were enrolled as new mem bers durinq SALUTE. fAR.M BUREAU WEEK., Per haps you were npf otjiome when membership teams called. If so, and you desire information or applica tion blanks, contact one of the followinq: " i John Kornj or Lee Holliday, Klamath Falls Center. Lcland Cheyne or Earl Mack, Henley Center. Randall Pope or Eber Kilpatrick, Merrill Center. Joe Chotard or Laddie To fell, Malin Center. Fred Rucck or Loyd Hankins, Bonanza Center. Ben Nork or Leland Harris, Lanqell Valley Center. You aro welcome to attend any Center mectinq whether a mombcr or not. r '' (Klamath' County Farm Bureau hereby expreitet appre ciation to the Advertiser-sponsors of Farm Bureau Week for thoir wholehearted and sincere cooperation). The statewide preliminary water supply outlook for Oregon is "good" to "excellent," Frost announced. Above normal snow cover Is pres en In the mountains and March 1 records have been broken on 53 of 93 snow courses measured, he said. Sllr FILED PORTLAND Ifl Federal in come tax Hens, totaling more than J45.0O0 were filed Tuesday against Richard N. Compton, former club operator and Jeweler. One lien, seeking (44,506, covers the 1944-46 period. Another seek ing $1,264, covers 1947. Tetany Check Watch Needed Feed hay dally and take cattle off pasture at night for two or three weeks as a preventative against grass tetany, advises farm Advisor Ken Baghott of Tule lake. The cauws of this highly fa tal disease of cattle are still ob scure. Bghott reports, but it often occurs about' two weeks after live stock are- put on lush pastures. Grass tetany Is believed to be the result ol too little magnesium In ' the feed, the farm advisor says. However. It Is probably more then Just a simple magnesium de ficiency since grass Is a good source of magnesium. Dry cattle or dairy cattle are not affected as much as beef cat tle because thev get hay. Cattle thai do not have hay available to them are more liable to come down with grass tetany than Uiosc that have hay dally. Legume and grass hay are rich In magnesium. Also cottonseed. Unseed, nov henn meal, wheal middlings and beet puip.. .... . , . .. . Symptoms of grass tetany are: nervousness, restlessness, muscle twitching, rolling- of the eyes, frothing at the moulh, salivation, Intense excitment, unsteady gait, erect cars, contraction of neck muscles, cramps, constant lowing, difficulty in getting up and down, and a tendency to run into fences, ditches, or barns. A cattleman will not observe all these symtoms ot nervousness in one animal, but may notice several of them appear ing in his herd as an Indication of grass tetany. PHOTOGRAPHERS BANNED PORTLAND HI Street photog raphers now are banned in Port land. The City Council voted Tues day to end their activities af'cr store owners Eaid they caused street litter. The ant lion digs a pit In the sandy soil and waits at the bottom lor other insects to fall in and be come Its prey. THOUSANDS OF n n PTn n g approve UUUIUUd IT! And it's America's mother-ind -child favorite. Tablets an 14 adult doie, oranfe flavored. Buy it today. 39c STJ0SEPH ASPIRIN FOR CHILDRD OVER A OF A MILLION Tractors NOW RUNNING ON PROPANE "Also Known As L.P. Gas or Butane" Why? 12 More Power!! 30 Savings On Fuel!! 90 Savings On Oil!! 50 Savings On Maintenance!! We Specialize In Propane Equipment For Tractors ... OPEN SATURDAY . . . Ph. 2-2541 KLAMATH Modern Gat Appliances Storojt Tanks Furnlihat' C0MPA.V1' Main at Link Rivar Bridft Bill Steppe Mgr.. mi an IN THAT JAR arc tickets for a drawing held during the auction. Tickets were given to everybody who would take them. Mrs. Minnie Andrews watches while Bobbie Crapo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crapo, shakes the jar up "real good." III jljl ' ' ' ' - ' iv ...... ...... ik ZMBM ir , . aw FAIR HUNK OF AAACHINERY? Bill Schmidli, Malm, Charles Schmidli, Bonanza and Kenneth Duncan, a Tule lake homesteader, evaluate consigned farm machinery prior to bidding at the Midland Grange Auction. v.z7 manure Men your y X FARMHAND toaderM I . . ... t.lll . .'.'LJ T'.1!' j wn. . i. p, i .j i .11 1 1 .1 m ' - 1 1 T ' k ' " I. v. ., I .11 MANUU POKK . I i- . . . . lIHi Gf.W Wot.1 ' - I DHACHABU SCOOF Lifts up to 3,000 pounds at a bite with speed and ease . . . goes on and off in a jiffy with simple 2-pin mounting. Just slip special Gravel Plate on Manure Fork -when handling dirt, gravel or sand. Detachable Scoop fits quickly on Manure Fork, takes loads up to 33 cubic feet. . Farmhand Loader's self-leveling action balances load, prevents spilling. "Wrist-Action" eases load into place, just where you want it. See it now! r In. wid cutter bur. Cut along t'-nces, around trwa, in corners. Clears 4 to 5 airs a day. Engine driven, with independent clutch. AntMrlcllon crank bearings. MWtk.p. Mdl M" Gordtii TrocW A tpm6 d'iv. Fully ftcJMcd gwi. foU anted "Qwiclf Hatch". OrM pitc ) from NfW 7 b p. Mdl "t" Garden Trc4lr Twin Hi "M" dtiianed tot Bahtr work. 9l9i Implement xUa STANDARD Feed Store 2720 So. 6th Ph. 8300 Yes ; . . there are - good thinqs ahead for me.'. I can see it all . . . good growth, qood health;, (jhc good profits for Mr. Pcjtil. tryman. And why? 'I'll tell you. have Dr.j Sdls bury's dependable poultry products behind me. They help grow high-quality, profitmakinq birds! : FM3r real satisfaction in poul try medications, aet -Dr. Salsburv's! ( win Ifwcdic you ntti eoultrtjW ask f.r.... ' Oregon Stote Hatchery 2720 So. 6th Ph. 6095 AUCTIONEERING . and : Sale Management- Graduate af Wcatcro Callcre . . . Ol Aqcttnncr!ii? . . . BIMtnri. Mont. - Certified Pedigree Reader Successful Sales are the Result ot Proper Promotion, Management and Auctioneering. 8peeialiiinr in FARM, PUREBRED LIVE STOCK and REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS. G. W. (Jerry) FALES, AUCTIONEER ; 5304 Alva . Klamath Falls Ph. 2-25! Free Berries oa Church te Benefit Auctions miM'i Your Malin Dealer for CROWN FEEDS - MALIN GRAIN AND FEED Phone 555 Malin arillllcliul HYDRAULIC loaders Give Chicks a Good Start C hm... . aaa,' Feed CROWN CHICK STARTER for stronger, ; healthier chicks. Crown is a complete, adequately fortified chick ration to be fed during the first six weeks. In mash or pellet form, CROWN. CHICK STARTER is readily digestible and easy for chicks to assimilate for good health and normal growth. . LABORATORY TISTID FARM PROVEN All Crown feeds are constantly improved and thor ' oughly checked by trained laboratory technicians for efficiency in meeting a particular feed need. Crown feeds are economical, too! .v-' Start your noxt brood of chicks on CROWN CHICK STARTER i J ' l Your Local Dealer For CROWN FEEDS DONCASTER J C, A DDBC AM FHI IIPMPMT TAUP A OREG.; LTD. IHkWK Ml SUITS 68.50 734 South th ; " " " '4117 Merrill-Lokeview Jet. - ' .. Phone 7312 LaVK i th and MAIN 1,