TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1002 PAG15 N1N men, HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON led liroirocs Hy (Upset ... .... ,. ... '-- , - TIME OUT! WY'Jiri'.i "I in huOir.1 iniinl huml'iiK lhl In u Irllnw l"r "" LANIER LIKES CARDS II. Tim Aaiu. lalnl I'rr.t Mux fainter, who l.ulr.1 lotiK llinr Inr tin- 81. I-hiiii I'""''""'11, looked ovrr In-, old mutes last ' nod predicted lht "' imchliw Kihllr Hluiiky' mv" 'J,,'U be toiilill to bnil lie mlnht ht've been rlKhl. The CiiiiU Iwvc pluyr.l in liriipe frull l.iiimie Kuintvi. "I'd their nlttiiliiK xli,lf I'li'i'lUed l"e ipuoaltlun )-t 1 run lor mi uv enme ol 3.4 . Monday's 10 triumph over Hit Philadelphia Phils " '''" almUnit turned in by Hie Curds. Wlllnrd Hchiiiull. a y.mnuMrr who loin been oul.ihliilhK Vlm-mir Hend Mlell, combined wl"i fh vctm.ii Cliff Chambers lo hold Iho 1 l!ll In two hit. "'JlV L..!i,i,oiiK.r. who hud Ii0led i.. iiiiib ure to Hie Detroit Tut, started nmilnst Iho Clnclii-, nail Keds ...id was helled lor (our runs in w e i i ",,.,.,.. UlP ........ i i I...-, , ',.ii Wchinclcr. IllU'ller. couch of Die I.nSullo basket- ileveii. and Frank smith Zl lioiielc-'i' Chlct.KU Cubs .. .,..!. o.nn.L. ui'ln lo six .... I. inkiiin their third ......i.i i...i the C'lrvi'lMiid In - . a M1.I. rolls' Clraneiriiit I ,i now BlaliOJi at lu- .l inn in . i v,.i Ynnki.es ' who , i. -J. i.e.n havlim their troubles Htilnu with "I don't see how Clyde he nltile iiianant'd to struutilr. past i,,..... 3.1 on home rum by Hob Cerv and' Oil Mo- i,i 'ruin Mornan an.i inin i .iAr..,ni, klmrf.,1 me II ICIHUK jiM.iiiw .-- n.i.'." w.. in. ill., tt-liuier j . . lor UlB.WIlHiej, J,.I..,1 4i. Philadelphia A s. in 0 in tliev tenth limhiit when Jackie Itobin noil walked, then went around, on 5 double by Hoy Cumpanrlla. The PllteburKli Pirates ''' team whipped Hollywood of the Pacini Coast lenmie. B i. and the New York C'.liints turned buck the Inter national All-Stars. 7-1. Klamath Wins Gun Trophies 1 UNAI. UTA.MIINliS IV falli 1 KlA'IK MmIIII .7111 l.annrll Vallry .... Ilutla Vtlloy - Monitt . t'hllnrUln AniCflt-ai. IjCKIolt .7.10 ..SUN ..'1.13 . 0 12 .UiX) Tlie Klninth Fulls mile and n. tol Club have Hie Molt KinnlKi.n and Gun Store trophies for kien.. The chib captured the last leu on the cups In recent rounds of shAiliiiR In the Midland Empire league to cdstc out Malm and Lnn rll Valley for the title. K. TA1.I.S lllil.ii iiiii ,,!,. OppeM sin :iwi 11 Purvlanre 3IM .'7S lllnkley " J Purvlanre 374 :.7n Ward . :S7 .nil I llll OIU'IN IIKIi. I ll!l Dv.crl Mnltrr l.ui-a ... n r.arllnf p 1'nellne l.antrll VI.. , ... Harm llraullachl iAl Jai-k . :i7il .1112 ... n. urine Kirk :I7I :l'i ..... M. Sellle lole 370 :.71 Nolik riavlrt . -MU aitl .. Crawlord fAitw iianni ilHi:i MOOHIt i). Vlrlcirlm .1114 371 .... Cnrtaiid r. Vlelorliw 3111 37ii , ThMlk Powell 377 304 Browo Haley 37 3 331 ftmllll Wll.tm ... 373 317 .... Turner mitiiM . iii.ni llH'ill IIIIICHIIIN 'lln 330 rillll Hnldwln llrarlhurl .... . 37.1 3117 . . HrilutliioM li,.L. 317 ;.!! t rile ur...... " s:iu :ifi:t KhH Ollerhrln ... 3a 3.10 llolbnrk lAtnerlran I.rjli.n'a 1700 ii-nri- alao f-i.nnli.rl Hffalnbl Klamath't 1UKI 0d Malln i 1 Htm i Exhibition Baseball Ily The Asaoclaled Press Monday's Results ChlcnRO (Nl U ClevclulKl (A) 5 Clnclnimtl (N) 7 Detroit A 6 New York lA) 3 Boston (N) 1 llnffulo 1INT1 9 Detroit "B" (A) B HI. I.ouls (Nil Phlludclphla (N) 0 PlttsbuiKh "B" IN) 0 Hollywood . PCD 5 , , Sew York (N) 7 Iiitcrniitloiiul All Stars 1 Brooklyn IN) 10 Philadelphia (A) I) (1(1 Innlnits) Every Wednesday DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS Clif reader. VV SIGNAL SERVICE -2560 South 6th (Open 24 hrs. Every Day) Purge Of Ring Biz Planned CHICAGO Ml All liitrr-ntiitn .idci-mrnl brlwpi'ii Hie Illinois hiiU K'i'W York Ml iitti Allilcllc CoiiiiiiIm '.li.n.i bus beiin sluni-d lo punc box Iuk ol 1 1 hi Imodium element. Tiro rci Jiii ot:il putt provides lor . i ut u : I ircounllloii ol siiJipentiloiis Mill conducts between iiiaiuiKcrs, or boxcni, or promoters. It was !: nt-i Moodily by Joe Trlner ol Illinois mill C'lmli limn Hubert i; Clirlslrnbri IV ol New Yolk al tciKlliiir thi rcuuliir session ol the Illinois Coimtil.".Mon. 'I'hi two eotimilnslons airecd Hint win Id c ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 .'1 in Ihi- future will lie u i tinli'd onlv ilx montliH frum tin- .lute Ihrv win tlwlr titles lo di-teni! II. otherwise 11 will be for- fiicU. Fifth Annua Smoker Set For Friday The lift)) iinnii'il smoker, srxm Mirecl by Ihe KUIIH Hoys Alliance, noes on Friday, 8 p. in. on Pell- can Court, with tin outstanriliiK pro gram lined lip. Hoy s Alliance Pres. ijiiivk wuin owskl Mild the proceeds would ko Inward buylmt mIiooI equipment. and athletic Insurance lor needy Ir v at Ihe. school. T.'liihl boxlnir bouts, four wres- HhiK mutches and an clitlil-inan frre-lor-ull Is Included on the pro Kinni. Admission Is Ml rents for adults. 2'o cents for students. Loeffler Respects Lovellefte PHILADELPHIA tfl - Ken Locf- b..ll tci.m which walked off with ton honors In Hie recent National Invitation Tournament, Is pulllnir ifor ' anybody but Kansas" to win the current NCAA coinpetltlon. loeiller. who o Kxplorcra are miaHlled for Olympic trial nlov Mheduled lor this week end In New Vnrk as a result of their NIT victory, explains his reason I Ixivclleitn (KU elar) can Isionned." Loeliler watched Lnvellette score poinia av jaiva ..y nw. T .nnl .uniu m-Ri. mui.nvy. , . ,.u,.n li...l,n.liiUrt In ,nml 111 NCAA runner-up In Madison Sauarc NCAA ruimer-iip In Cinrdcn 6aturday. Lee Shuns Pro Boxing NEW YORK LH The klnR of the ' nation s amateur - heavy weifthls, Norvel Lee, has . the mother lode of boxinit s sold, at his fingrr Hps but wants no part of It. I ne younu niauiaior irom wo-sn Iniilon, U. C. winner - of three jlraliiht Inter-Clty Golden ilovcs bouts and iwico national A A u champion, sulci Tuosciuy lie has no Intculion uf lurnniR profession- ul. He hopes to Join the FBI. . Lee outpointed the htnh!y ruled Wcsiprn heuvyweluht Ed Banders of the Him ijlCKO, Calif., Marine biisc Monday nlKlit at Madison Koiinre Oarden but failed to pre vent OhlciiKO Irom .beating New York's team In the Inlcr-clty bout.!, 9 to 7. Coley Wallace Stops James BOSTON in Coley Wallace'. 23-ycar-old New York heavyweight who bears a facial resemblance lo lormrr Champion Joe Louis, has his sights set on a bout with Brock ton's Ilocky Marclano. "I wnnl Marclano next." Wal lace said after knocking out New England Heavyweight Champion Willie James In the sixth round of scheduled 10-roiuider Monday night. I feel sure that I can knock out Msrcliino and I'll fight him any where,", he said. " , This Was the 14th knockout for Wallace in his 18 victories. Ducks Whipped On Diamond PALO ALTO, Culir. Ml Sinn ford shellacked the louring Univer sity of Oregon baseball team 15-4 Monday In a game called In the eighth Inning by mutual consent. Stan Aunc, Oregon's starting pitcher,' was relieved In the sec ond bv Don SeRinund. George Shaw. Phil Setlecase, Darrell Nel son and Rod Butler got two hits apiece for Oregon. a.iCVjVL' I2TX Ponderous Customers v.!- COLLEGIATE DUROCHER Bailey lends the intercollegiate gives many an umpire a heated ! 1 ' X T..A-.A5r'flP'4 ', ' t ' ' ' m"i v'taiiiw,' fwi iw( vi ' ' . BIG STRETCH High-jumper Ron Mitchell calmly watches officials measure the bar at six-foot seven-and-a-quarter inches, a new Big Ten record. The Illinois freshman bet tered the old conference mark by one-eighth inch. The Illini won the Big Ten indoor title for the second straight year. Sports Mirror By The Associated Press Today a Year Ago Pat Abbot won the Gulf Coast Invitation Golf Tournament with a score of 281. Five Yoors Ago Holv Cross defeated Oklahoma, 58-47. In the finals of tho N.C.A.A. Buskctbnll Tournament. Ten Years Ago West Virginia beat Western Kentucky, 47-45, in Ihe finals of Ihe National Invltat- lion Basketball Tournament, Twenty Years Ago Craig Wood and John Golden posted scores of MI6 to tie for the North and South Open Golf Championship at Pine- hurst, N. C. IHI HIINDlY Ui UMI Klamath Av(. PboM 076 904 Buck Bailey Makes Chuckle, Foes Weep Washington State's Buck baseball scene much color, argument. 5inr; Snead Forfeits To Doug Ford JACKSONVILLE, Fla. W Doug Ford's first big golf victory the Jacksonville Open title was sured whem slammln' Sam Snead lorieued their 18-hole playoff. Ford, 28-yeor-old Harrison, N.Y professional, and Snead, 37-year- oid Kyaer cup team captain and PGA Tournament champion, tied tor first place at 280 when the 72-hole tournament wound up Mon day. A playoff was scheduled for Tues dnv afternoon, but Snead announc. ed he wanted to relinquish claim to Ihe top 2,000 to Ford and take sec ond money of $1,400. OUR SERVICE STAMPS ARE CASH Twice the Cash Value of Other Stamps DOUBLE CASH VALUE Every. Day i , ? 1 ; . . . , 1 Bettei' Service j Quality Products Pick Up & Delivery Service BILL DAVIS ASSOCIATED SERYICE 2101 S. 6th Ph. 3413 Ily JOHN M. t.AI.LI M NKA Klaff t orrespondent NEW YOHK, i NKA i Arthur Buckncr Bailey's career of more than 20 years In college baseball Is thickly buttered with delightful versatility. no. . n.ln.nnu ftn.l I l . ..,.,1 me ,rr i". V" swriny vvas. o .. coacn na. , But Ht Joh . Universiy' Red- 5c"kPM ni ' .Har"lcl' ""I men from Brooklyn, who twisted Frank .Mcrrlwell. sometimes a I uhe , , , K;ntuckv wldcIll . . J:V' i' e regional playoffs, were qui tied enamona. ,.,iv nrp.en, ..n,i .,, rnn--f.lln i ,S aKni.l H....1 13... I... . legion. He tell most of his yarns with gestures. One time he showed b Cougar player how to slide in me miraic ui a .ti louuy. , T ,? i a hi. ,i. u ii I John's will trv to take the mca Buck played his college, ball at'hure of lhc Kansans. .,8 Jay. Texas A and M. later caught In ' h-, wle-; neisure nrettv bitr esnecl the f Texas League He landed him-cWynMAl hesitated to let his college playeis , M )n or t o lne tournament. know It. (ment Onh day he delivered a lecture Coa'(:h Eobb Fperlck of the iiKnt. to ihe Cflar on bau ng After sn ,,, rpxardrd but frlsKV Santa ciara hour of thte. Plteher Ufty Cham-; Broncos, had but this brief pro bers, now of the dramals. piped olctlon or tnc p).BS. up: . . I "Ve i show up." "Yeah. Buck. I bet von were i f ALTIOl S such a suck nuier ou coma even . nil a spnu.T "II m ami Buck Bailey has long been the color guy of the Pacific Coast Com fcrenc". The game is secondary. Buck Is the thing. When the Cou gars travel to Oregon S;ate. fronts page streamers are there to greet the team: "Bailey and Circus Com inr to Town." Not even Barnum had a Bailey like Buck. "When Washington State played my Oregon bunch at Eugene." re-; calls Howard Hobson. now of Yale, "it wasn't surprising lo see even our home fans sit on ihe Cougar I siue. iney warned 10 gei as close day to handle the games. Joe in to Buck as possible." way 0f the Big Ten and Lou Eisen- Buck's favorite habit is to goUtem of the Eastern Conference around kicking things during the j drew the Illlnois-St. John's tussle game. When he ran out of hats Und the afterpiece will be whls once, the Spokane Athletic Round- tied by Cliff Ogden of the Big Sev- ti aoie snipped mm some more 000 of them He also gets a big boot out of water buckers. Back In 1941." relates Southpaw Chambers. "Buck would lump oft the bench during crucial moments and kick the heck out ol the buck- et. which generally sai just to me left of him. So one afternoon, with the wind i blowing fiercely and smacking our dugout broadside. I made a wild pitch. Buck leaped out and gave the bucket a whomplne boot only it wasn't empty anv more. We had iiuea ii wnn uie cnaiK usea io line the field. Buck looked like a guv who had stuck his head in a flour bin. BROKE TOE 'Another time we filled it with cement and let It harden. Buck broke his big toe." Aside from his extravagant tem-:inrt per ana riotous amies, oulk 15 aiso something of a genius turning out top-notch ball clubs. The Cougars won the Northern Division. Pacific Coast Conference, crown from 1947 through '50, lost out last trip by .023 points, The 1B50 nine rode undamaged through the PCC, finished second in the National couegiate Atnietic Association play-offs at Omaha. GRADUATES Amone the more moderns who formerly played for Big Buck are Clumbers, Gene Conley.- the phe nomenal Braves rookie pitcher: Dick Young, now of the Phillies; Clayron Carr and Tom Marter. also the Philadelphia Nationals chain. To Bailey, baseball is more than fine sport and a game to amuse fans. It is a momentous, serious, day-to-day struggle, to be played to the hilt. "Buck wan somethinor to see when we were losing," says Con- ley. "His neck would swell up and his face would turn purple. 'I found the best way to handle him was to get out there and win." Beavers Enter Mat Nationals I FORT COLLINS. Colo. HI De fending Heavyweight Champion Bradley Glass of Princeton and George Layman, Oklahoma A&Ms 137 pound tltienolder, top the strong field entered In the National Col legiate Athletic Association Wrest and Saturday. Glass and Layman are the only returning titleholders but there are nearly a dozen of last, year s run ners-up and third placers who'll try again for the top trophies. . More . than 35 colleges Including uregon state, are expected to en ter teams. NOV; If OREGON YELLOWSTONE "The Greatest American YELLOWSTONE has been a favorite ' since 1672. It is made by the slower, old-time sour mash method .... producing a firier-tasting Kentucky Bourbon. ' Now, YELLOWSTONE it available in this State for those who appreciate fine Bourbon. Ask for YELLOWSTONE... you'll like its flavor. flVfiTP nil nniiif ow" I V BOTTLID IN BOND f Fifth . .. ."' ti-r.v CISTIlUD AN0.IOITIED SY VHIOWSTONE. INC., IOUISVIUS. KENTUCKY inois, Jayhawks Favored By JACK HKWINS IBS : SEATTLE iTi The tall men jfrom the Illinois fail corn country and th! Lovcllettc-led powerhouse ;lrom Kansas are rated as heavy Idvorltes to survive Tuesday 'lin.'iv 'S . ... 1 1 111 II I, I IS ' lllC 1111 Utt3' ikelbail championships. thing. They'll tangle with the Flght- - - -- - l.iK Illini in the opener at 7:30 p.m.. I'ST. Two hours later Santa Clara .. m ,h. ,ho st FraR)t M(.Gure 0f St. John's was ju.st as cautious The opener will be regarded as Ihe title game for Eastern U.S teams and Ihe nightcap as the Western crown struggle. The los ers will open Wednesday night's action in the consolation finals and the winner will bo shooting for Ihe national championship. Both winners the first night will earn berths in the national Olym- ;i,ic trials in he nlaved in Kansas city and Madison Square Garden In New York, Referees from four sections ol ihe country were named late Mon- ,-len and Al Llghtner ol me i-acmc Coast Conference. CONVENTION While the teams were preparing for the big test coaches from over the nation were holding the first sessions of their annual conven Cappon of Princeton ition. Capoy was elected presiaeni 10 bwi;cm Bruce Drake of Oklahoma. Eddie Hickev of St. Louis was 'named vice president. Bud Foster 0f wisconson secretary and Tony .Hinkle of Butler treasurer. I For their annual award to the Ipe-son who has made outstanding contributions to tnc apuii. w .rmri of vears the coaches select- ii George' Edwards, of the Univer- nf Missouri. He was given rising ovation as the presentation was made peiore some v w"3 i Monday night at a banquet staged j0v the Puget Sound Sportswriters Snortscasters Associauon.. Crhmrka Shoop-Schulze Roundup , .... Molatore'a .... Marvin's .... Lowell'! I.aftt Werk'l Reaaltf Shoop-Schulze 4 Molaiore's 0 llarvin'a a.Sehmeck' 1 Lowell' 3 Roundup I Shoop - Schulze blanked Mola tore's. 4-0, last week to pare Al Schmeck's lead In the Ladybug Bowling league to two slim games. Fifth-place Marvin's helped by tnrnlnE back Schmeck's. 3-1. Lowell's Lockers, in dumping Roundup. 3-1. hung up a 930 team game score, third high for the sea son. SchmecK s ana ftioiaiore s ivive 967 games, Rounaup a oo. High team series weni to ocnoop Schulze with a 2585. Individual highs went to Marvin s Lorelei DePape with a .205 game and Sally Bennett with a 499 series. Sally subs for Lowell's Lockers. By The Associated Press Hoiyoke. Mass. Billy Graham, 148 '4, New York, outpointed Mike Gillo, 161 'i, New Haven, Conn. U0. Toronto Arthur King, 138 ','4. Toronto and Philadelphia, stopped Fitzie Pruden. 144 St. Cather ine's, Ont. (91. 1 New Orleans' Kid Centella, knocked out Joey Vasquez, 135 i?, Houston, Tex. (6). Chicago Joe Hennlngsen, 145, St. Louis, outpointed Chuck 'Fos ter. 147, Omaha. Neb. (8).' Whiskey" Pint.. LADVBLG LEAC.lt W L Tc. S8 38 .604 58 40 J83 48 48 .500 i 48 50 .47S 44 53 .458 . 38 60 J73 .jri'. Bi -.-Jfar m F 1 -: A I I i ' SW. i t IT'S PROBABLY a good thing Dr. Gallagher is a chiro practor. Cowboy Carlson ties the doctor's leg in a knot when the two scuffled to a draw last week at the armory. Both are back on tomorrow night's card, Carlson joining with Georges Dusette against Kurt Von Poppenheim and Eric Pedersen and Gallagher meeting Frenchy Roy in the opener. Armory Tag Tiff Colorful Tomorrow ' night's tag- ' team match at the Armory puts a Mon tana cowboy and a French-Cana dian Strongman against a vain Scandanavian weightlliter and a proud Prussian wrestler. 1-v.n-hnv rnrlsnn and powerful Dusette join forces against Eric (The Great) reaerseu ana elu Von Poppenheim. Carlson and Dusette would pro bably rank one-two if a popularity poll were taken of current musclc men showing at the local palace of punch. Eric and Kurt would also rank hlirh In reverse. It's- a natural that blossomed out of last week's wild soiree at w. A.mA.u whan pwianwTi in in ,.!...( an nfflrlnl. ritsnlinlif led DU sett in his bout against Von Pop- pnheim. It marked the second straight week Dusette lost to the German so the full-nelson expert has two scores to settie ana ne una cum- petent help in the leg-nanay cow boy. Tha efrtilltnn- Rr-nnrifinAvlan mUS- cle merchant, is fresh off two vic toriesover Jack Bntton ana jan no McDonald In the local ring. Dr. Gallagher, the Ohio chlro practer who scrapped to a draw with Carlson last week, returns in the opener against Frenchy Roy, who has no tshown his mat talents here in manv months. Castleberry Drugs has reserved tickets on sale. FIRST completely flat, completely washable interior finish -in all Trend Tones colors! Vel-va-cote is made only by General .Paint.. . See it a ft GENERAL PAINT STORE 515 Main Ph. 3829 1 1 Fi A-, IT'S HIGH! t TIME 67 (4 C c :) he DUGAN and MEST 522 So. 6th St. Klamath Falls I I 0W, i II ii w . ' -.