rUKSOAY, MARCH 23, 1952 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Korean Two-Stripers Make New Engines Out Of Older Tank Models -- Without Tools Jets Score Victory In Korea Skies HEOUl., Korea, Ml U. H. Habre Ji-l pilots rtorl-tl thi-y destroyed oni- lied let mill ni'ili- nlilV "licit iluwn uiuitlirr Tuesday In the second day ill renewed I'll war uvrr Northwest Korea. The hntllo was lought near the MhiktIiiii tint binder between .I'J II. H. FHil Hahicn mill about (ill ltumlan-tye MIU-Kis. 'Ihr Kilili Air Korif wild Ihe tirw vlrliirv brtnutlil to 1H the, i number nl ''iiiiiiiiiui!"i Jet drain-v- I nl or damaged In I wo ilny.i. j American losses, II iiny, mo an-llimiit-cd mice n week. Klriiicnls of three U. H, nlr wing', hlanlcd .111 new cum In lallwav nelwurk bemeeii (.'huimiii mill Hliuinjil. U. H. Miillncs nil Ihr rliinrliiiii'l'yingving line in places unit Iti'puhllc nl Kiinm lllcrs added luiir rum near , Hnilwiin. Australian plliiln nuii-rnti -alert their bombs mi livr KUppi v build ings ncnr llui'Ju mi Wi-al Cuu.t. U. H. I'.lKlilh Army reported illy lo patrol rliiilini along the l.'f' inilr biilllclront TucMlay iii iin nm Dnllt wire im Ihe Wri-u-m limit Our hkll'llllMl. west nl ntic:lnll. liiitrrl mi liuiir mill hall !' Army Mild one Chliicrr Ciimmun Int was killed. In the oilier bailie north ol Koraiigpo. Iivo Reds vcre killed in i 30-uiinulc nil"! "irl The llclil crul-er Manrhcnler unit t tin Destroyer Kox bucked roiiKh . M-n and heavy winds nnil hurled I1 runnel ol live mill MX mill Miclla on coniniunlriitioii.i lines on Korm'ii East CuunI. Pelplng Hiidln. heard In Tokyo, Saltl 36 Milled nlallc-. Were, III alroved between Krb. 1 mid Man h 10. The broadcast Rave no detnlla. Allied sourcrs rarely coiniiinil on Keel chilliin. TOKYO. Tuesday, lift Two rorpiiriila with Ihn U fl. 26lli tllvls Iiiii In Korea huvn been converting oli-olctn liuik engines Inln power- f ill new models wllhoul plans una wllliout lacloi-y tools, They're using only a few gadgets I hey not through it mull order cata logue (Montgomery Warrii, TIib Army told (he atory today In n nrw release. oars are Cieorue H. Murker, Ilniiln f,, Wcnalchee, Wash., and Wiiyne I,. Throwbrldge, 22H0 N. Midi Bt Bnlcni, Ore. Holli lire members of the 725th ordnmiee company, whlrh In attach ed to 111 SMh division lor repairing weapons end vehicles. They Blurted Iho work ss a hobby. "Everyone told llirln It rouldn't be done," r,ld C'hlel Warrant Ol- Jlcer Joneph Trninmell ol Mcl.enn Disposal Of Waste Solved KKA'ITLK 11 A way hn bren louiid to burn wuMe Milnhltn II ipior from piiper mllln without il"- ol other Iuel mid It wim decrllied Turndiiy nn development tlnu 1 1 in y holve u vexing dlposul prob lem. The method, WuMilnutnn BUIe ColleKii inerbiinlriil riiKlnrer md, Invnlvrn ueliiK the nulphlle llcpior Itxell im a luel. II A. Soreiuion dlM,loied the new inrlhud In nu nddreiM at the kpiiiik meetluK of the Auienriin Huclely of Mi'i-hanlrtil hliiKlneeri. He punned out thin dumplnx nl wioilo nulphlle llrpior Into the n lliin'a waterways Ik the elmplinl mid moNt economlcnl dlNpoal method. Hut lie nnld another eo!u lion la needed because ol public oppo'iltlon to Atrenm lumping rl wuslen mid becaiine ol legislation uiiiilniil avreaiu pnllullon. Hrnrrhlng lor auch a aolutlon, the WunhliiKlnn Hlnle College divlalon of InduMrliil re-.earrh developed a lurnnce to bum the wnate. Hoitiimjii anld prrhentlng of h.Vli the lurnare unit the Milllte liquor imide it possiblr to burn the hipior wlthrut mixing In other luel urn n oil. An ordinary atomltlng oil burner no.nlr wn uned to -ipriiv the llipior Into the coinuuMlon chamber. Hornuion laid that burning had been ronaidrrad earlier as the nii awer to the problem of dltpo.-al but he Mild thnl prevlouily only a amnll Irnrtlon of the total output could be eltertlvely and economi cally dlMponrd ol In that manner Va., the company's tank section chief. "Bui they Instated they limloled they could convert the en gines and went ahead to prove II." The problem was to remove a burned-out engine from a Pershing tank a heavy model later Im proved Into the preaent Pnlton model and remodel the engine to power a Brier man tank, an older and lighter model. Marker and Throwbrldge search ed through all the ordnance man uals available but couldn't find any conversion plans. Furthermore, they dldnt have thn special tools required for the Job. "We Just hart to make or own," Marker said. They ordered some materials through a catalogue and (orged the rest of the tooh In the company's mobile shops. Then thev set up a special machine shop and started In. Working moitly n their spare time, they used the Rherman en gine as a model and drew a set of plans to find out exactly what was needed. Fifteen major changes had lo be made before the engine switch was possible. Marker and Throwbrldge anent HO hours on their first engine. Then a new-powered Bhermsn wss sent , to s line outfit the 1th tank bat-: tallon. I The two corporals waited ner- i vously for an action report to come back. "The tank got nothing but I praise," said Trammel!. "The dri ver said the new engine had more power than the old one." People DO TOO read small space ads - you are! WURUTZER A mogalflcent piano. Many lavaly ifytti and finishes ro chest from. LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th Morse Blasts Senate To Eye Dam Project IT. J A Jaa DaiuAII WASHINGTON ID Sen. Wayne KPfl AIT rllWrr M m-Oiei Monday criticized HvU rill I VII VI uio Portland. Ore., Chamber of I Commerce for Its opposition to WASHINGTON IjTi The Benule Hells Canyon Dam preparedness subcommittee plan-, More recently Introduced a bill !n in,k .! arerrt liilrlluirnce re-1 In the senate authorising federal lions nn Russian air power whl : construction of the Snake river pro- levlewlng the state ol Americas aerurltv. Chairman Lyndon D. Johnson ID Tex. i said Tuesday unusual pre cautions will be thrown around Ihr hearings, .chrilulcd to open lies'. Monday. However, whllpa)oinr Wit nesses will be heard behind doors, he said others will tcji'l!y In nubile. ' 'Hie Inepilry Is one of a nencs planned by the hiibroinmltter, which often has been sharply crlli nil ol the Pent agon and rtvllii'.n lelenaft agenrles on grounds they have beeu slow and wastelul In erecting defenses agaln.'it possible' atlark J"tl. The Idaho Power Co. opposes It and says it minis to build a series ol five low dams on the Snake The Portland Chamber recently adopted a resolution opposing fed cral construction at this time. In reply Morse wrote a teller to Kdgar W. Smith, Chamber presl' dent. In which he said: "L have no Intention of standing by and permitting the Idaho Power Co. to gain control of Hells Cam-on Uam site slid carry out ts oro. posed program for building of low- head dams on the Snake River when the evidence Is perfectly clear that such a nflvate ntllllv Announced goals of the sludy are -Program would deny to the people tn riiMprmine how the u b. coin- pares with Russia In iUaniuy and nuallty of war planes, and how the coming months and years may change the picture. Easy Case For , Canny Judge HUNTINGTON. W. Va. I.H It took a Common Pleas Court Jury Just three nilnules to decide which man owned "Rover." Sylvester Gibson of Huntington claimed the hound dug was his mid Us name was "Rover." Not so, ssld Thcrman Dl.ihman of Ke nova, who contended he owned the dog and Its name was 'Mike." Judge H. Clav Warth ordered the dog brought Into court Monday and told Dlshman, "Call the dog." "Here Mike, here Mike." called Dlshman. but the hound only looked aorrowlullv at the Kenova man. "Come here Rover." sBld Gib son, and Rover trotted over to Gibson took the dog home will, hi in. Spring Blooming Magnolia TREES Special Moil Order Offer! ONLY r Thnnk n lo good x .-, growing rondl- Jf0 tlonn, Mitanollit flM Tinps Aid In Ad- (s fur 11.110) equate limply thin yenr, mo we fnn nrfri rat Imrdv, hprlrm-blonnilUR Mnnnol!n fur thp iimn.lna l(iw pilro nf tmlv n titrW, nr lirM of All :( for 4,int! Il'i a (innd tric lo onlrr two lr rie 1 lie prim mny not I if thin low in for yrn. Produce Ills whllo hlonroini with rosy pink cclSf Shlpprd the trim) trnnnplnntlnt fire. Inrge .t-.'V ft! On nrrlVJil pUrt nr Horn jit yniip ronvrnienrr. Send cfjKh und vr pnv pnntnRe, of CO O. plm pnitaRi. (iiannleril 1o Rnttvfv inn1;, ur money back. Write TO DAY! KRUSE NURSERIES Dept. 74710 Bloominqton, III. 8nd tna Macnrtlla Trei. Namt Addrcii ...... of our area the maximum dcvcl upmrnt of iho powtr resource of U1C iallAKC. Batista Down With Chicken Pox HAVANA - Chicken pox ha.' prevented Gen. Fulgenclo Batista's personal participation In official acls for the past four days, his secretary announced Monday. The dictator's absence from of ficial functions had given rise to rumors that he wss a prisoner of the military forces who returned him to power In a sudden coup two weeks ago. jT' ' e : i new Slark . , W OnlySStoIorie. fc 3 PO! Vf J Thinly .V,c.d-W J tothl ;f I kf iwoh-prote-in breed IjJ pta U ,0, needed .nergyl ,0ojUdlY - " " Wat SMI pP FLOWERY COMPLIMENTS FOR YOUR PRETTIES EASTER. Our newest straws invite you to look your lovliest this Easter. The flattery of flowers on the littlest bonnet, the wheel-size sailor . . . the dainty pastels . . . the brave splashes of color ... all promise you the prettiest sea son ever. 7.95 and up in our Millinery Salon. 1.98 to 5.95 at our Hat Bar. FREE EASY PARKING PAGE SEVEt r.