Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 25, 1952, Page 3, Image 3

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    TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1052
-inn II i..ilnl ii. Hi 'III mill'l linl i i II I I III
Quoin :luii in lioklliiK h ruin
mitKO mile Biiliiidny, I) am., neat
luor to tile All mill Noodle Hhop,
410 Mull). Loin of Ileum.
DAV Mrrl -Tlio rnitulur ineellini
of Hid Disabled Aiiii'i'loiiii Veluiiinti
' held March 111 In Hie K.O.
Hull Willi n uotid attendance. Five
. Jacob V. I.iiw, William I,. Hutch
Iimoii. Clrnrun K. ISIllott mid Alvln
W. Cnllnlinii with InltliiU'd. lie
freslimentn were nerved.
Phone 'nil Mm. Knlhrr Newell,
clerk III the County 'lux of I lep re
ceived it tnlenlionn mil Bnlurdiiy
iilKlit Irom her aon I'lc. Murvln
Nnwcll, on nlini'l leave In Tokyo.
The cull mine llnmiuh at 0:110
p. in. Hnttlrduy and It wn 3:10
li. in, Uundiiy In Jiipiin. Murvln,
uiuduiilo of tl in Henley liltth nchotil
In with the 23rd Army lleulniiinl
nd hail uren iiveraraa B inoiilhn.
He hope to lie roiutcd to Hie
Htatea by Mld-Mny.
Merlins The Mnniinxn Farm 13il
reati will meet Wriliir.idiiy, March
30, 8 p. m. at the liounma achool.
Ilrlplnr Out J ii i lien Ownin. Jun
ior nl the Uiilyerally of Uri'iion linn
been appointed ro-clwli iniiu for the
limit purnde to lie lilven In Ruifenc
by aluilenta of the Unlvernlly dur-
IciK nnnuiil Junior weekend, Muy
v tliroiiRIi II.
Pfr. Donald J, llirley.-22 non
of,tr. and Mr. Joe Horidey, Mill
lul.Jr him rntrrrd the Alrplune mill
KiiRlnr Mrrhiinlr'n Bchool, Hhrii
nard Air Force Muse, home of the
lnrnr.it technical nchool of thill type
In the world. Upon uriiiluullnn lie
will be awarded Die riillnu of Air
plane end KiiKlne Mechiinlc mid
probably will be iivdimed one of
the mnjor Air Force command
for on-the-job experleiicf.
Traveling Mr nnd Mm. Clifford
Voluht nnd children of Volxht n
Pioneer Office Hupply ere npendliiK
a two werka vnrntlon III Ciillfornla
and other polnla aoulh. They were
joined by Mrn. Voliriit'n pnrenta,
Mr. and Mra. Wlllliun I.ewin, Can
cade, Ida , before Iravlim.
hanir -. Helen Doeue who hnn
been employed for three mill one
ball year.n at Currln's Drum will
leave April I to be recepilonl-.t
nnd aattlMnnt in the office of Dr.
Hnbert I'avne. Medical Unit n I
IliilldltiK. Minn Unene hnn been In
charm of the comnetlo drpnrlment.
Dance Pracllce An Inlermedliite
clann for arpmre dunrern will be
held every Tucfdny iiIkIH 8:00 lo
10:30 p. in. at the Houlh Sixth
Htreet Community hull with Allen
Howard caller. Mr. Howard hnn
called for noiue time for the Keno
nquare dunce itroup, now moved to
Booth Sixth. Ilieru In room for
nine more couplet in the clnwi. lie
alio culln in the aamo hull every
Saturday night
Promoted - Duyrl 1). HlMiop, nun
of Amelia Ul.shop, Miilln. has been
promoted lo Cpl. In the U. H. Ma
rine Corpn. He In ntntlourd nt
Camp l.ejuene, N. C. with Head
miartern and Service Company
working In the audio-vl-Minl Aldn
Unit. He hnn just complcied the
Courne of Hupply Hchool, training
which lotted 11 week. ,
iurl-Mr. nnd Mrn. Otlo Ellin
had an houne Kuentn over the week
end, Mr. and Mrn. Orvle Steele
and fumily. Alamniioro, N. M. The
flteelen were enroute home nfter
attending funeral nervlcen for Mrn.
Steele's father John O llnrn. Port
land. Mr. Steele In a re.nldrnt phvn
Irlal on the White Knnln rocket
project In charge of duln on mis
lie fllfthti.
Meetlni The Ladlea Auxiliary of
Canton Crater, No. 7. meet Thurn
day, 8 p. m. In the IOOP Hull.
Entertainment and refreshments.
Merllni Mt. Mazama Tonsl
mutrenscn meet Thursday, 8:30
p. m. In the Willurd Hotel. Mem
Mra are urged lo come. Visitors
Arrived Mr. nnd Mrn. Otto Ellin
hnve received word Dint their non
Kenneth has arrived at Pearl Hnr-
bor tor n two-month itny. Illn nhlp
the USH Wlnntun, an attfvk trnnn
porl, recently completed innneu
vein with the Puclllo Fleet off the
Hnn Diego count.
Kalillill Art ntudentn of KU1IH
liu vii nliiced ii n lulerenlliiK exhibit
of wuler colors, olln, nketches mid
silk ncreenliiK 111 the Art Center,
127 Mnln, Monl of the exhibit,
competitive entries were shown re
cently In Portland, The public la
Meeting The Grent Dnokn Group
will meet 8 p. in. 'lliurndny In the
filly library In dlscusn Vollnlre'n
Cnndlde. Lenders will be Iloland
Uliich und Kenneth Lamble,
llummage Hule The OikimIwiI
Church of Latter Uny Hiiluls will
hold n luininnito mile Saturday nt
the Huburbiin Lumber Co. 11th and
Wiilmit, fund to go lo the church
l.,tllHln flltwl
Ill-flybll Williams, Secretary at
the Kluuiatlt Conty Home Exten
slon oflce Is home, III with flu.
Square Dance Jennalee Mnl
lulleu, aqtiare dunce npeclullnt from
Oregon Hlnte College will meet with
Hxlctmloli acquire dunce lenders to
night In the girls' high nchool gym,
a p. in.
The Sojourner will hold a
regular meeting with no hostess
luncheon Wednesday nl the Paul
Hiinynn Coffee Bhop. Wlllnrd Hotel
at 12:30 p. in. A business meeting
nt 1:45 will follow, remainder ol
afternoon lo be devoted to cards.
Newcomers to Klninalh Falfoi are
PTA Men's Night hnn been net
up from April 0 to April 2 by the
Tulehtko PTA of the high nchool,
becnuse of lCnnler vacation. Future
Furmern of America under leader
ship of Verne Heinnlrcel will pre
nenl purllainenlury procedure. The
Tulelake liarbershlp quartette will
sing. Men members will nerve.
Christian Women', l-'ellownhlp
MecU In the First Christian church
Thursday, 7:30 p. in.. Ill a special
nenslon at which men und their
friends nre Invited. A nhorl busi
ness meeting will be followed by
cntertoinmrnt nnd refreshments.
Honor fllrllidnya Royal Neigh
bors of America hold a birthday
putluck dinner Friday, 8:30 p. m.,
In 'the K.C. Hull. Those having
blrlhduys In January, February
and March will be honored. An
old-lime dance will follow the pot
luck. For Information on whnt lo
Inkc. call 7013.
Home Again Mrn. William Mel
banc. 1540 Crescent HI., has re
turned from Los Angeles where
she visited her daughter, Beverly,
for two weeks.
Street Conditions Again
Take Up Attention Of City
Counci ; Expense Too Big
probubly will be tl7.31.74 for n-
phalt paving, and 122.201.14 for con
crete. Hiuewuian wouiu ne inciuut'd
In the Job, and use of a special
emulsified anphult mixture In th-
cement for nldcwnlkn wns written
Into the specifications.
Htreet troubles again ocounled
monl of latl nlght'i City Council
sennlon, and City Engineer Taxi
Thomas declared this Whiter mid
Spring have been "the worst we've
had" on unimproved atroetn here
In town.
Many of them have been Impass
able or virtually so since beginning
lo thaw.
Hlmpson, three-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrn. James A. Hlmpnon,
2148 Applegnte HI., wan taken to
Docrnbechor Hoxpllnl In Portland
Monday for treatment of rheumatic
fever. Hhe has been In Hillside
Hospital here since March 10.
At Minneapolis Nanny Elliott,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Klllntt, 2023 Mndlnnn St., left for
Portland Snturday enroute to Min
neapolis, Minn , and the Twin Cit
ies Hospital Hchool of Anesthesia,'
affiliated with University of Minne
sota. There she will take an 18
month's course In anesthesia. Mini
IClllotl, a registered nurse, gradu
ated from Providence Hospital
School of Nursing nt Portland In
1050. She attended Klamath Union
high school.
In some places around town lite
Street Department has uumpea
sawdust and wood chlpi into mud-
holes an a temporary expedient.
Yesterday nchool buses got stuck
trying to go over several miiddv
street In the north part of town
and the schools petitioned the city
lor some help.
Particularly pointed out as In
dire need of help now were
ntretchen of Hanks, Wocus, Scott
Tunnel. Lvlton and Montcllun.
Tliomnn wan asked to try to lo
cate come cheap base material the
city can use to try to Improve the
worm spots witnout mucn cost.
Thomas presented hi plan and
nnd estimate of a paving project
being Instituted on Lawrence 8t. to
Improve the street from Newcastle
down to an alley just, nacg oi El
dorado. The cost, Thomas said
BOGOTA. Colombia i,fl Fire
destroyed 80 houses and left many
homeles Tuesday In Mompos, n
Mngdnlena River town In Northern
Colombia. No casualties were re-ported.
Theta Theta Rho Is to have In
itiation Wednesday. 7:30 p. m. In
the IOOF hall. Mrs. Velma Hr
mann, president of Thetn Rho
clubs of Oregon, will make her of
ficial visit at that time.
Satifnllr TrtaWi
gsclailM- H,lb
tt Ma. -.1 PS. KSt
l.-birprarll Phrflrlin
The mixture Is Hydropel, a pro
duct of the American Bltumels
Company, which Is supposed to
keep moisture from penetrating the
concrete, and also to resist the el
(yets of the freeze-thaw cycle.
' Concrete sidewalks here often go
to pieces In short order, ponslblv
because of freezing damage and
also because the quality of locul
sand Is not good.
Otherwise, last night's Council
session was short and routine. Bus
iness Included:
Approval of one building permit,
1600 for new garage at 1828 fr-
niont. , v .
Approval of new liquor licenses '
for Fremont Grocery and Roundup
Approvnl of purchase of (our new
equipment tires and tube for t'i
Fire Department, costing 1323.58. .
Klamath Camera Club Movie
Division meets tonight at at 1028
Main St.
Hark lo Nchool Merland Phelps
has relumed to Southern Oregon
College, Ashland, alter spending
spring vacation with his parents,,
Mr. and Mrs., L. K. Phelps, 1051
Auburn Ave.
Hhasla PTA Meets tomorrow.
2:30 p. in., at the school. Stale
Rep. Ed Geary Is to apeak on
"School Legislation."
To Portland Hospital Caroline
Thoroughly Modern
Jlr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley
and Joe Earley
new spring line-up for
J Mfim iC III
j '
COTTACf CMiiii atari toot
WZtiZgy Xxr. AND I
Colli littlt... Buy todayl
even strong men can't resist
their old shoe comfort!
Gold Bonds
695 to 995
Prcflcxcd means no breakinq in ... no new shoe stiffness.
This extra comfort feature combined with mellow leather uppers
and lonqer wearinq soles and heels qives you on
of the finest shoe values you can buy. Sold only by Sears!
"SaZctybcZen pmzartZeedozpoazKMtey fact" JfJRJ
Store Hours 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
133 So. 8th
Phone 518S
klAUl ery
nUTT Wednesday
2560 So. 6th
(Open 24 hrs. Every Day)
23 Aja
Monday, March 25, 1929 Nominotion of olficcrs for
Student Contiol Day were onnounced Monday ot KUHS.
Students arc: Horold Robertson, mayor; Agnes Green, treas
urer; councilmen, Carol Colvln, Ellen Farrell, Guido Robustelli.
Richard Rohustelli, Ben Wilson.
Tuesday, Morch 26, 1929 Fred Fleet, well known business
man of this city, will become on active member ol the newly
organized firm of Dunbor-Fleet at 130 S. Fifth on April 1.
Announcement of this newly formed ac-mpony was mode public
toaoy by R. H. Dunbar who recontly purchased the interests
ol his son, Fred B. Dunbar.
Wednesday, Morch 27, 1929 An outstanding event of the
Eosier season ot the First Methodist church will be the pre
sentation of the orotorio "The Crucifixion". Solo parts will be
token by: Mr. and Mrs. l. B. Pierce, Mr. ond Mrs. M. Badger,
Mrs. Ernest Angwin, Miss Norma Doege, Chris Barnstable, R.
E. Patterson, W. W. Southwell and W. G. Comings.
Thursday, March 28, 1929 LaPrarie Brothers ond Anderson
Motors will furnish transportation from Klomath Falls to Port
land for the high school band May I 1, whon they will compete
lor honors with other bonds of the stole. The trip will bo made
in Oakland ond Pontioc automobiles, Everett Vonderpool, secre
tary of the Lions Club, will oct os manager of the bond ond
Mr. Dcrry, director ond instructor, will keep the boys In tune
for the four days.
Friday, March 29, 1929 Eight corloods of what are said
to be "the foljcst cattle to he shipped to morkot from Klom-' .
oth Bosin this year" were loaded yesterday at Midland ond
wore billed to John Allen ond Sons, San Francisco. Dove ond
Dan Llskoy, prominent cattlemen in Iho Swan Lake district,
wore Iho owners of the cattle, which brought extra good prices.
Saturday, March 30, 1929 In observance of the first on
niversary of the Ashland Rotary club, Rotorions of Klomath
Falls and several other cities gathered ot tho Masonic hall
In Ashland. Those attending from here were: Mr. ond Mrs.
Morlo West, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lamm, Mr. ond Mrs. Glen
Houl, Mr. ond Mrs. Froncis Olds, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Collier,
Mr. ond Mrs. Georgo Walton, Mr. ond Mrs. Lee Jacobs, Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Geary ond Bert Hall.
"Insure With Landry"
V. T. Johnson
John A. McColl
. D. L, Thomas
419 Main Street Phone 2-2526
Tins is tlic car that's asking for your approval. This is ihc
Hoiiblc-tlitre-you powerhouse that asks you to give it tho
works-lncklc the steepest hill you can find, the tightest
S curvc, the busiest traffic. Find out what this beautiful
1932 car's got that the others wish they had.
Its pick-up gives you complete control in traffic; its hug-the-rond
stability makes it almost steer itself; its space
planned comfort makes a sixsome never troublesome. New
horsepower new live weight construction-new visibility
everything changed but its respect for a gallon of gas. See the
most challenging hcid car of the year at our showroom now.
3-WAY CHOICE! Mercury present! three dependable,
performance-proved drives: Silent-ease standard transmission;
thrifty Touch-O-Matio Overdrive'; and Merc-O-Matic, greatest ot
all automatic drive. Optional at extra cot
Standard equipment, accaMOrltt, and trim llhntrattd art lubitd to chanat
without nottca. Whit ,ido-woll ti,t, whan available, 01 extra coil.
This yar ven mora horse powtr, vtn
higher comprenion (7.2 lo 1) It's the
succasior to the famous V-8 which for
two straight years won top class honors
In official economy tests. It's got to be
ooodi It's by the builder of more V-8's
than all other makers combined.
Paul 0. Landry
424 So. 6th. St.
Phone 7778