Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 25, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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    TUESDAY, MARCH 23, lflfitj
tFLW Tuenday Evenlnr, Mrch II
:00 Sporls Mihllihta
6 IS Horn. Town News
6:aS World N.wa Summary
0.30 Suburban Serenade
0 49 Headline Edition ABC
:M Comlnl Attractions on ABC
7:00 Qr.at.st Story ABC
7.. Newitand theatre ABC
S 00 Met Auditions of Air ABC
SO United or Not ABC
1:00 Town Meetinc o( the Air ABC
9:1 Organ Mint'" J
:0K 10 PM Headline!
.0:1 Dream iii' it ABC ' -.
10:30 Insomnia Club
.1:00 Newa Summary
(1:09 Sun OK
KFLW Wednesday, March 19
oo Bun On News Summary
0:09 Corn In the Morn
6:45 Farm Tare
7:00 News, Bkfst. Edition
7:19 Charlie's Rounoup
7:4(1 Top of the Mornmi
7:35 jonn i-onie adv
8:0U Breakfast Club ABC
0:00 Hank Henry Show
0:50 Break the Bank ABC
10:00 Chet Huntley ABC
1019 lane JJur 'O" . r C
10:30 My True Story ABC
10:55 Whlsperlnl Slreeu ABC
11:13 Stop t Shop
11:30 Alainit Slorm ABC
11:45 Musical Roundup
11:99 Market Report
12:00 News, Noon Edition
12:19 Payless Sidewalk Show
12:30 Lucky-U Ranch ABC
1:00 Paul Harvey ABC
1:13 Better Uvinf J
1:30 Mary Kiarsa.ct McBrida
S.uO Basin Uriels
2:13 When a Girl Marries ABC
2:.:l Joyce Jerc an. .-i U ABt:
5-49 Rom. Evelyn Winters ABC
3:00 Betty Crocker ABC
3:15 Ted Malone ABC
3:30 Dean Cameron ABC
3:43 Mary Marlin ABC
4:00 Kequestfully Youn
3:00 run Factory ABC
5:23 World Flisnt Kcuorter ABC
5:30 Chet Huntley ABC
5:45 Town House Orch. ABC
6:00 Sports Highlights
0:13 Home Town News
e-.23 World News Summary
0:30 Suburban Serenade
6:49 Headline Edition ABC
6:33 Coming Attractiona on ABC
Ona pf Hollywood's bestl"
LOOK Mooorina
tNHrtbeM ay XO Ml rkOm. SK.
CONT'-eVtlOUS DAILY f ROM 1;45 -
M' 1 11 'MB
TAkllTr .-4s
a jmseounmuuTia n
nlfit of CONTINUOUS' A
i i iii i i
7:00 The Lone Ranger ABC
1:30 Myitery Theater ABC
8:011 The Top Ouy APC
S 30 Rocuei GftlUry ABC
8:30 Northwest ArUtti
10:00 10 P.M. Headline
10:18 Dream Harbor ABC
10:30 Insomnia C,lub
11:00 Newt Summary
11:05 SiQ Off
KF.II-TueM.ny Eventn, March 18
6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS
6:M Klamath Theater Quit
ti:.j Aiouna Town Kewr
8:45 Sam Hayea Newa MBS
6:55 Bill Henry MBS
7:00 Black Muaeum MBS
7:30 Peter Salem MBS
6:00 Count Monte CrtslO MBS
8:30 Rovini at Rudy'i
8:49 Held fibers Harmonalre
0:00 Glenn Hardy -Newt MBS
9:13 Fulton Lewia-Newa MBS
0:30 Mutual Newtreel Mliis
9:43 Spori Finn)
fl-M S-Mlnute Final MBS
10:00 1 Love a Mystery MBS
10:13 Here's to Veii
10:30 Opera Concert MBS
ll:(v N-:.'. 1 e-
11. -03 Night Owls Club
U;w b-fcj Oil
KFJI Wednesday, March 19
6:00 Sunrise Serenada
t:43 K&rm Reporter ,
6 W Regional Newa
7:00 Hemingway Newa MBS
7:15 Breakfait Gang MBS
7:30 Headlinea & Bylines
7:45 fiet Buya
8:00 Cecil Brown MBS
8:15 Breakfast Gang MBS
8:30 Bible Institute MBS
J:00 HomemaUers Harmonies
9:13 Platter Party
9:45 Favorites of Yesterday
10:00 Glenn Hard- MBS
10:15 Tello Test MBS
10:30 LaPolnte
10:45 a.'oncert
10:50 Currins
10:55 Ken Carson Show MBS
11:00 Ladles Fair MBS
11:23 Newa luBS -
11:30 Queen lor Day MBS
12:00 Name Bands ,
12:15 Noonday News
12:30 Dance Tunes
11:45 Music Box
12:50 Market A Livestock
12:55 Klamath Notes
1:00 Jack Kirk wood MBS
1:30 Take a Number MBS
2:00 News MBS
2:05 Basketball Time
2:15 Bsktbl. KUHS vs. Bend
4:00 Answer Man MBS
4:13 Hemingway News MBS
4:30 Curt Massey Time MBS
4:45 Sam Hayes News MBS
5:00 Two at 2:15
5:30 Wild Bill Hick ok MBS
5:55 News MBS
6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS
6:15 Klamath Theater Quiz
6:30 Around Town News
6:45 Sam Hayes New MBS
6:53 Bill Henry MBS
7:00 Ricky's Request
8.00 What's Name of Son MBS
8:30 You Never. Know
8 45 Heidelberg Harmonsirei
9:00 Glenn Hardy News MBS
9:13 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS
9:30 Wrevtling
9.55 5-Mtn. Final MBS
10:00 Wrestling
10:15 I Love a Mystery MBS
10:30 Out of Thunder MBS
11:01 Nieht Owls News
11:05 Night Owls Club
12:00 Sign Off
Delinquency Laid
To Parents
COLUMBUS. O Afl Increased
juvenile delinquency can be traced
mostly to mist a Res oi parents, me
National Catholic Family Life Con
ference was told Tuesday.
"Indifferent parents, over-solic-
tous. inconsistent, over-protective
parents, parents with repressed
emotions and those who are auto
cratic, produce parent-child rela
tionships that lead Ho frustrations,
rebellion and misbehavior,' said
Dr. Robert P. Odenwald, director
of the Child Center, Catholic Uni
versity, Washington. D. C
Box Office Opens 6:30 P.M.
Phone 8484
tm WTWm. ST. - f 79WaaTaTataam . f
Cartoon -Nawi
Police Pay Scale Proposal
Would Up Salary; Create
Office Of Captain, Others
A suggested pay scale (or the
Klammli Falls police department
to provide more money for most
as well a more Incentive
for career men was drawn up Mon
day by the Civil Service Commis
Hie proposal was turned over
to the City Council's police com
mittee for study.
under the Civil Service Commis
sion plan, the position of assistant
chief of police would be abolished
and "1 us place me omce of cap
tain would be created. That Job as
well as all others on the force with
the exception of that of the police
chief would be filled by civil serv
ice procedure.
Also the post of lieutenant would
be created. The other ranks would
Include three . sergeants, as now,
two detectives and as many pa
trolmen as allowable.
The suggested pav scale would
be $4300 a year ($350 a month)
for the captain: $4,080 a year ($340
a month) for the lieutenant; $3,960
a year ($330 a month) for the
Sacred Heart
To Expand
A two-story six-classroom addi
tion Is planned for Sacred Heart
school, with bids on construction
called for Wednesday, April 2, at
the office of Howard Perrln, archi
tect. The work probably will run
around $100,000.
The addition is to be located on
the south end of the present school
building end is to be of a type
of construction which may be new
to Oregon, having so-called cavity
Perrln said he did not know of
another building in the state with
that particular type of construc
tion, which was developed by the
Structural Clay Products Research
The walls are to be of brick
facing, with a two-inch cavity be
tween the brick and an inner wall
of tile. The two-inch space is to
be filled with glass wool for in
sulation, and the tile is to be treat
ed to repel moisture.
Ceilings will be of acoustical tile
and the classrooms will have large
directional glass block windows the
length of the rooms, with plain
window below. The window con
struction is designed to admit a
maximum of natural daylight with
out glare.
Total area of. the planned addi
tion is about 8,600 square feet.
Rodeo Chiefs
Slate Meeting
Another meeting of the Klamath
Basin Rounduo directors is set for
tomorrow, 8 p. m., at the Willard
Roundup Pres. Bob Robblns said
today that several very important
items were on the agenda. One
prime topic is to be a reconsidera
tion of the Jackpot Rodeo inclusion
in the Roundup. The Jackpot event,
formerly held as a separate event,
was included In the Roundup last
year and Jackpot directors were
added to the Roundup board.
A second important item tomor
row night is to be the possible
selection of a clown-bullfighter for
the rodeo. This highly specialized I
and hazardous job is one of tne
most Important of all rodeo role.
Rodeo performers who ride the
bucking Brahmas refuse to Derform
unless a competent bullfighter is
afoot in the arena to lure the birr
bulls away when the riders are
At the last Roundup directors'
meeting, one of the nation's top
rodeo anouncers, Pete Logan, was
signed to handle this year's rodeo.
Logan has handled many of the
country's biggest shows in Boston,
New York, San Antonio, Phoenti
and elsewhere.
Red Cross
Fund Grows
Klamath County's Red Cross
funds drive Is over the halfway
mark in 'its push toward a 125,000
goal. Exec. Secy. Virginia Dixon
announced this morning that col
lections totaled approximately $13,
000. Fresh returns from the Industrial
and Business divisions of the drive
pushed the total over the 50 per
cent mark. The Industrial Division
with a quota of $4,500 has col
lected $3,100; the Business Division
has turned in $4,500 toward Its
$8,500 goal.
Of special importance to the
drive's success is the Rural Divi
sion, with a quota of $5,000. Work
in this division, delayed by bad
weather and roads, is now getting
in full swing.
Meanwhile, the county chapter
has been requested by national
headquarters to raise an additional
$1,520 for relief work in the states
recently hit by disastrous tornado.
Fines Levied
In Car Wreck
A two nur accident Monday after
noon at intersection of 8. 6th St.
and E. Main, resulted In arrest by
City Police of three persons.
Cited for running a red light was
R. S. Hopkins of the Airport Apart
ments. Officers said his car crashed
broadside into another operated by
Mrs. Cecil Hendricks, 1616 Nimltz
Mrs. Hendricks wps cited for not
having an operator's license and
her husband, Cecil Hendricks, for
allowing an unlicensed person to
operate a motor vehicle.
In Municipal Court this morning
Hopkins forfeited $5 bond, Mrs.
Hendricks was fined $5 and her
husband $10.
A8TORIA Iffl Rav Segale will
be football conch at Gresham high
scnooi next fail. He coached Astor
ia to the state semi-finals last
sergeants and detectives; and
suiting pay of $3,480 ($390 a
month) for patrolmen.
The pay of patrolmen wodld bo
advanced $5 a month per year lor
four years, to a top of $305 In that
At present patrolmen get $390 a
month, sergeants $310 a month and
the assistant chtol $330 a month,
nil plus $30 a month clothing al
lowiuice. Presumably under the
Civil Service Commission plan the
doming allowance would ue con
The Civil Service Commission re
port also provided for merit ratings
to be given the men on the force
each six months by the mayor,
police chief and commission, and
tor a school to be conducted one
day a month by the lieutenant and
captain of police, with attendance
A vacation system would be set
up to allow one day of vacation
for eoch month worked, cumula
the lor 30 days: and a sick leave
schedule to allow a day of leave
for each month worked, cumula
tive to 45 days. The request of a
physician would be needed to ob
tAin sick leave pay in excess of
one day at a time.
The Civil Service Commission re
port was signed by Jack Henry
and C, D. Long, commission mem
The music of the "Ink Blotters"
was featured in a light comedy
presented today in the little thea
ter. Students were allowed to go
to ine piay during their study
halls paying a dime admission.
nils utile theater program was
something new and different Inso
much as the music was a high-
ugm. a guitar solo was presented
by Gene St. John.
Tlio.se who actually participated
in the play were: Ronald Coleman,
Richard Lundslen, Jean Million.
Erwin Mullen. Sally Robestelli.
Bobby Smites, Clifford Stiles, Gene
St. John, Laura Taylor and Louis
Taucher. The production was di
rected by dramatics coach, Mrs.
8tudent congress voted In a meas
ure to see that the traffic squad
wear some means of Identification,
ai their last meeting A committee
was seleced to further Investigate
the situation and make rules con
cerning the wearing of the identifi
cation badges.
The committee consisted ot Ted
oooo. cnairman, John ouver, For
rest Rutledge, Diane Oldham. Mar
sha Wilson and Joan Estes. They
decided that the traffic squad
should wear their badges at all
times when they are on duty, and
that students should be clven the
right to see the badge before re
ceiving a ticket. The badges are
to be an inch and a half In di
ameter with T. S. and a serial
number on it.
"One Touch of Venus" Is said to
be one of the best noon movies
that we have had yet this year.
Support the clubs that bring you
uiese movies:
I vv w?vuo vvjivwtyfuL.r . - y
"X tor .Y t..f'v.. ( I "
ITIIIXIWIX.? JU... .. ... f
in mm i or inr ream hi in ur nr ii iii in i: r 111 iii r; -u i i , i
TONIGHT ftUUff::35 o I
""4- T ' i, .1. Jj Weekly
r-' t, . r I OTTGr Only After Minimum
Vt 1 SOeClOl Down Payment
I 4fw Xit . i,.... FREE HOME TRIAL
:::Y?pD (::: wh America NooMiqation
:l wmm It NORGE
1 Orues f Li WH
x I A t!rl You Get All Thil
V.M. AVIMa I III 1 ' I B 1 I
Of PETER SALEM I W 1M 2 Do. Gay Colored
... Rod Soap
ana rne,
mjn i s v.nijiv If value equali minimum down payment I 7 V. 0
i n.AA
cit o:uu
Worn KFJI on your
Fishing Expert Is
Speaker At OTI
Mike Kennedy. Held reprcspiiln-
live for the Wlnchrster Armi Co.,
was a Rtiest speaker at the Bpnri.i
Equipment Rcunir school at Oil
Kennedy, an ardent and well
known steel head fisherman, talked
to pupils about fishing and his ex
periences In the sport. Ho hr.s
Tai taa rM a laTtljr ntw aplnal plant
tram itsa l.aula R, Mann IMaita t'in
n I'JI N. Kb. ai a law manlhly
rat. Afttr m roaaonatil tint ynn rao,
If ym with. rhaDia from rnt I pur
aaa afrmtnl. Tha rnl already pat
la all crtJlu4 t ur purch acrauni
anti lbr fnwn pft?mr-nt la nttt
arv. Tnt monthly payment ran h
llllU ttlfhtr than ritt. Or, If you prt
fat. jmm ran rontlnua la rvnl.
v ... i v0!v
SEE Miss Beverly Lyons
Use The - - -
i : i : , : OTime- me a
Use Your Old Washer As
Down Payment
If value equali minimum down payment
Pay As Little As 6.85 Per Month
1 11th and Walnut
Irnvplcd widely In pursuing the
sport. f i )
The nuking nnd rcpulr of fish
Ing rods In one of the mnjor
counos tutiKhl In the upeolnllziHt
4U Otdtri T Take CM
Ben B. L, Mar.
w m . . .aa m v i miiii i nil
v ww at r . mt nutaaHawaaaaaaa m i m m m m i : i aBaanaMaaaaHaini i
WTHJl Wi-ne-ma Coffee .
ffe35 SH0P
&0' t"",u,H rxik. eaiaow Quality Food At Reasonable Prices
rnai st task Ml Plain "Old Fashioned' 'HosDilalilv I
Suburban Jiiichsm Center
Southern Oregon's Largest Appliance Center
See The Barber Shop Parade April 12th
Tune In Suburban's Serenade Time, 6:30 KFLW, Monday Through Friday
A. G. Morrison
Rites Tomorrow
Funeral aervlrcs for Albert G.
Morrison, W), who tiled here March
'i ,m L.,-,UJMH Mill l!tn
Ladies! You've INVITED
The Suburban Kitchen Center
11th and Walnut
Wednesday, 2:30 p.m.
Mill Beverly Lyons, of Deter
qenti. Inc., the Northweit'i
leadinq authority on laundry
problems, will conduct thil
ichool, coverinq questioni con
cerninq all types of launder
inq. See her use the new Norqe
Automatic Waiher.
of "ALL"
To Our
Norge Exclusive Wave Action Agitator
4 Different Rinse Actions: Overflow, Agitated
Overflow, Agitated Deep Wave and 2 Spray Rinses
Non-bolt-down Construction
Flush-to-wall Design
Trouble-free Borg-Warner
ut(xjrus rot
24, will be held from O'lluli's Ml
mortal Clnipcl Wednesday at a pn
the llov. Edward Lander official
lug, Interment will be In the Mt
Lukl oemotory,
(ill onst y.u
Phone 7709