TUESDAY, MAnCII 25, 19(52 PAGE ELEVFTfr-r HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON GENERAL NOTICES CRESCENT SEAFOOD REFRIGERATED TRUCK Will be on Bo. Hlxth Btreel across from Tower Theater. WEDNESDAY As THUnrtDAY MARCH 26-27 rTNEHT QUALITY CHAD AND IIONKLESfl WARTK-rnirE killet 1II(("""Y"1IAII1EUHll6i' OPEN Uiicltr Now Management 1IOUK3 I) 00 A M. 'TILL7:00 P.M rXNli 8 Fur V7iitaiiy (formerly ItTrri arftai new a.ldr.aa, 1010 Main arrnae fimti cild .m-allon open fr taualll.al Anitl 10 ;onn" dance Mimic fur ail w- lns Call Morgan i-(J2'lO or McDonald, mil. i'l.v.tl iikIii. prlr.d right, and ausretitr.il (lanrrahle 6 PERSONALS FAMlVTiTinw-knowrittia't took houi liuhl arllrlra. Jewelry, air. , .and If re turned im JetI action will be taken. Mi. lUnJ'utrtl I AMlloN end Hartford Frocks" rei-re-,rit ntivr. Phone 4li7:i. WKU, KNIT guaranteed hoilery. Phone 4. .11 JIKAl. hll.K. 71M. (K lilllM'K Kwilon' lleaii'ty Shop. IMiimit 71(11. 10 SERVICES EXCAVATING Mobil Uhovel and Trench Ho uulldoaer Pill Dirt - Topnoll Crushed Hock Driveway Cinder, Compressor CRANK SEUVJCE 1 GRAHAM BROS. Phoi.e It54l or 0110 "NOTICE LANDSCAPING TltEK PRUNING SPRAYING by V rranrli "8milhy" fimllh, -Tree fiiirnoon Let us work with you NOW on your Isndirape needs. HOSKRUBIIKS NOW IN BTOCK I'nntentcd and No. l's SUBUHBAN FLOWER SHOP 3HI4 Ho. flih Phone 8IM CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU Whet you don't went, eomeone rise ni'Pdi! Let us find whet you want nr find the person who needs wl.iil you don t wnnt. Thin In ll)o kind of service we ere offering; . . , why not teke advant age of thl. unique opportunity. Drop In nt 2M Kn.it Main In Klnm ulh Falls and Ret acquainted or Phone 5670 i Septic Tanks Cleaned TAKK.H. drain fields Installed 4 T i repaired. Years of experience. . All wrk guaranteed. ; PHONE 6731 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE. FOR HIRE Honest Rates WelKhts 8ervlce Insured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 2B02 riouth Sixth I'll. 0210 or 2-3133 Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest 8ejiltary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans better Lines ot Roots, Eta ED P. KINO 24M Orrhsrrt Phone 0841 REPAIR SERVICE On nil tie of mil lor clrrtrtrnl pliances, rvllns, wuatung machines, va. i iiiiiii rlrn.ieru. rattfrra and amall bnuae- imm atir-llarir,. rickup and delivery aerviro avAimme MONTGOMERY WARD Dili and f'mr IMione 31SR PAINTING and paperhanglng mil. C i: H TAINS laundted and stretched. rnnne 4t)l4 FULLER Brilahea, Phone Motor 9177. L. UKAN Public Accountant and Auditor Olflra at .11X1 No. 7th. Phone O.HS .OR THK.I-: YltlMMlNG Phone g-n;isft T'AINTtNO. decorating. pTpeTrhTnelnT, tilaalrrhnnrd flnlahlng, apray painting. Phone Illicit Titll'l' SAuiTn-aiiiiriig. Body end fan. der work. Phone 4IHM. ALTKItATIUNS-AII work aiiarantead. Jpiima Hare, Anltaa, 707 Main. Phone it.ia.i. CAKi'KNTKIt ttrork. Itrlnodrlllig n3 new rnnatriictlon. Phono 2-OH17. tl.KCI'ltlCAl, conlrnctlng. Work guar- anu'ri. .'none - iihu 12 EDUCATIONAL IIOOKKKKI'ING. ahorthantl typing kin dred iiiojecti, offlra machlnea. KI.AMATII BUHINKhS UUL.LEUe 733 Pine Phone 47SU 13 HEALTH BtKAM balln, exerc.ae. aiol rrnucing lor men and women. Phone 3flfi3. 14 HELP WANTED. FEMALE 4 vANTKI) experlent'cd Indy tor atendy ork. edit at i.eona Toia.t'0-Teeiu ue JTtVe :3tl. thip, isi"ii:ij. ff j rluirg hoiiNDhnenvr to tnkc com- trfin Niniill hnuno, no chlltlren ouil nnv. nrairr one can drive lniRPblfi. Phnns ,1(17(1. think 1; WOMAN (nr office work. Must body li'n:;l une venr ftlle tralninif, Alinmunt Drive. Mny . pxporirnrpd wnllreii nnd t-BCk No piumo colli, roiicon Drivn tELP WANTED, MALE "Fur fnln until l.OfKilNC, OoesnrS SUPKItlNTKNI-)KNT 4.i. i i wr.iiUi',! IPKP II Bl nrll,n IahIIi . IK InnHlntf iinaOP- of Mni, m-f-d hiiihly qimhiied man to UMi niflW rnnrK i"ionnl luKVlnM opor . .unllv enrly April to end of "" ir. hut uonltton la yenr n round C'ly iMw loRffinK nvoraiea iievenly mll Ibo SO ftiiMtir pine, Pon(Jrroa plna and rtlv tm i win to nr. iinve ipiencnu "The HKinit numi inrmumg neavy vol londrrii. ilxtcnn dleael Pet- "So tin 'truckfi. end trillion for hort 00tllPl riil I hend, nnd operate our own pnfl.secl mile Rtnndard Knuue lottftlnc Have K'nt organ (rattan nnd ro il Innq-llfp operation. Add rem. The wun run piirucmnrs, j. . Prfsldrnt nnd Uenerel M"rtn kerlnit Lumber Corporation. f'nllfnpnln cernecl enrnlnffx to ntart. anDrox. r monin, upponttniiy 10 a grn 1ft to ,10. Apply Standard i nr. ann and Mom or wpian Sprlng Sti, 16 HELP WANTED, MALI MAN ii ( frig IT t work around diiiT6n imli. Wag, room, ttoard, Ibiindiy. NhNita Canada KinutU. I'hnna mm. ATTENTION nALtHMAN THa lllall WhiIii Mllla naail a talM. man to rrpraiant tltam In Houlharn (ire. mmu. Kxperlaitra not neceMary. iraln (iig will be given and you earn while you train, ror Interview ie Mr. Brown at I'fllren Hotel, bunday, Monday or Tumday. kNtltNKKIti'N(IAflM"i,or iiirvey work. Apply at armoAiiainni wnve. UfAM i iw..aiiipiiirad iMne and Fir graders. Year around work, Tod pay. flood opportunity. Pennerthy t-urniter Cu. Uox 0.1 Q, Yreka, California. I'hona Hi7 - WANfnTaxperlenretl aaleiman to sell Krlgldelra appllanrai, Good opportunity lor right party. Sea Vern Owini, Caa- cade Ttome rurnulitngft. Vv aNI'KD trout aetter air ante and dry lumber handler. Call Klllngfton Lumbar Co. 2-2A4U. 17 HELP WANTED ii4mi AMlt-V WaTmin rouia iow nvaii able. If you want your own bulnei wlu better than average tncome. wrlle for Information lo the J. M. Welklnt Co., IA1 Uealar, Meallle. 0. Waahlng I mi. ' 18 SITUATIONS WANTED TiuTiHfcwoitl?, Byhour. JTuO per.imur. KXi'KltlKNCfcU oFfire Work, reception 1. 1. raahlrr, aaleelady, baby . elttlng. I'lione n-tt. VAHHlNCi, atralchmg curtain. Phone 0.KKI, itXI'KltlKNl'r.Oi off lire woriT recep- tioniai, ceinier, aalcilady, baby lining. I'lione a40. . t 'iiii.ii i-aie Miiyume. i'lione t-oul au CHILU'CAItli. aflS"Kait MalnTTift to u M uaye plona outq. ve.j(-uii(4. WilX care for cnildreh in my noma daye or your home evening. Call 2-IMS. 22 BOOMS fOR RENT ItOOMH. STI i'aclflc Terrace. NIC ItoOJt.s for rent. rlv Clot-e in, I' hone 4444. iluiMJ, prK-eireaionahie.' Phoiiabai. LOVtLV'rooma for" rent flT-tt. gweelC Ctoac In. I'hona 41M. ItoKflT rooin "for rent" fSraer Apart menu. 710 Main. HOUMSToaH" High. ItduM". gentleman. 1 530 Crecent. " UOltT'houiiflkaeiilng. tvry thing "fur nUhed. Suitebla solier bachelor or cou pie. 100 North Broad. 24 APARTMENTS POR RENT TWO Itiio.MH furnuTied, eul table for two. llu I'ina TWO KOOM fumUhrd aperlment. rig- Idelre. baa Heal. 403worini nira. NKATihrre riMJiii" f urnuhed apartment, 01 oo Houth Hlxlli. ruiimiied eparUiifnl. LlgltU anu water. Mi l7-t Ja fit , KXCKi'tlONAU.Y nlii wo room com plMly furnlihed modern apartment. Iflllltlee petd. Acol Hotel, 1411 Main, next door to Armory. HMAlXmodernapartmen.. 213 jCedar. KOUH HOOm" furnuhed apartment AOS Market Phone 6JI7 ATTHACriVE three room furnuhed apartment AdultaCloee inPhone 3a rUHNfflMEO apartment lor leiit. Baeh- elorref erred. JI2I Oek. 611 MKNT." furnlined "two room apart ment. Natural hnt water heat. Cloee in. Adullt. I'hone BSflS. t At A HTM KNT wi th gaiKeal a'lao imall reblm, fllH High. , UJ( HENT 3 room furnhhed apart ment. .Till Hroed. pAHTTVTurnufied two bedroom apn. menl on Homedale Hoad. l'hone BlffT. f-ltNlKirri) two room apartment, hath. Itrrterorated. SOO. Phone a-3A7. i;i'lHTAII!8 furnished apartment. Gaa eoulppeit AcroMfrom the Arademy. NKWI.Y deVoratcH apartment. Greer Apt!. 7io main t)NKtTHNIH!IEf). bairment " apartment for barhrlor or lady. Natural hot water heat and wairr rurnitneo. aoa. neirig erator and electric range available ?'H2 Mam or niinno 3411) Alter 1 pin STKAiTrATEb apartment with bed- room 020 uak at. rtntisTsifiiu api for rent. Apartmcntl, 3faQ Market. illitrc HOOiii'furnlthed apartment. 20fll White THHEE room furnuhed apartment end ba:h. Adutu only, i'hona 8472, mi wai nut. iSiVVLY decoraud. prtate baito. kit chenetu Steam heat, electric range tin week Hex Arma Apartment lTTiTNisrtfib tKrea room apartment 32 50; two room unit 3S; all utllltlei included. 419 N. Tenth. fOR KENT. furnlUied two room apart ment, lor adiilla. 321 uroau. VrSit HENT. two room furnished bach elor aparunent, $23. Inquire 2120 Itecla. mallon. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT MODEHN one bedroom and three room houte. Inquire 1206 llomedale Road r6ltliKNT. two bedroom furnuhed houpe. Mllla Addition. Newlv demra'ed Itfaftonnhle rent. Phone 914A or inquire 2747 White FOR" RENT. -near Pelican School. Two twdronm furnuhed nouie. a-to monin. Call .IfliH) fillPl KX for " rent." Phone 3027 before 0 p.m. MOUKnM one bedroom unfurnihed du- plex-houie Inquire 301 1 t Hoard man BEEHIVE u . TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Save 'i New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 WILL RENT for potato.. I0S arret for S7000. riv. mllea eatt of Tulelake. or 20 acre, for SOS per acre. A aacker ean be uaed on inta tana. J'erry loivr, Phone71o3l. . hra-tf'R space in Stewart Drew build. Ing. Inquire Draws Manatore, 733 Main Hi FOR CAHH leaie. 100-1B0 nr a0 acre. lop producing harlry, potato or onion ground, write neraiq new., w. AMEIttrAN floor aandera and edgerf. awlft and eaay to operate. Drura floor flnt.n. liner., waxea ana varnian. KI.AMATII VAl.I.EV' LtlMHER IHll So. Sixth Phone 4DIS OrEICE for rank 013 Main. Phone 7101. ' 30 REAL ESTATI FOR SALI WALK DOWNTOWN Northslde homo of five well-arranged rooms and part base- ment. Especially nice living room with fireplace and car peted wall-to-wall. Well appointed kitcnen. An older type home, of very good construction nnd moderate ly priced nt $8500.00. Terms of convenience. Call Bruce Owens, with "PAT" HOWES, Realtor 1025 Main St. Phone 2-3545 FOR SALE 24 ncrcs, i bedroom modern home, double garage, chicken house and other outbuildings. Approximately 10 acres pasture, balance grain Innd. Four miles from city. Price $10,600, Terms, Two bedroom home locnted close to schools, churches nnd business district. Large living room, part basement, oil piped furnace. Also two room home Both for $7250. SEE or PHONE F. H. Cofer (Evenings 3503) t Bob Stephens (Evenings 9230) Barnhisel Agency 112 S. Bill. ' Phone 4195 LIST YOUR PROPERTY ' Wlf H ' THIS FIRM FOR ACTION. Kvr.nr.TT Dennis realtor 121 No. 81 h Phone MSI SO REAL ESTATE FOR SALI FARM , 77 acres near Malin Kxccpllnnully good diversified farm till Irrigated. Suitable for potatoes, grain, alfalfa, ' or clover, 54 head whltefnco cattle, together with all nec essary farming equipment Modern two-bedroom home, garage and very good out buildings. Price $05,000.00. Terms. RANCH 070 acres In Poc Valley Capable of supporting an economic stock herd on a . cow and calf basis, a 4-500 hend sheep or yearling steer outfit. 140 acres of excep tionally good deep loam (oil of which 73 acres are now Irrigated nnd an additional 07 acres ready for the ditch. There nre an additional 1(18 ncrcs of higher land un iformly deep medium lonm soli which can be put under . Irrigation from a deen well. Balance of land Is Juniper grnrs tvpe hHI range parti- cularly good grazing in spring and fall seasons. The drain age on all this land Is ex- cellent and the Improvements nre adequate for operation, i Qood location on paved high way. Price $47,500.00. At tractive terms. "PAT" HOWES, Realtor 1025 Main St. Phone 2-3545 Evenings Call: Bruce Owens, Merrill 4891 "Hap" Davison 3871 Lester Van Cleve .... 8870 Mervyn Shuck, Merrill 4482 80 ACRES Close to Klamath Falls, gravity Irrigation. Located In Henley School District. 14 acres 5 yr. old alfalfa ready for potatoes, 8 acres In pasture, balance In barley. 8 room home, dairy and hay barn, mllkhouse, machine shed, woven $32,000. $0000 down, balance $1200 per year, plus 4 Interest. Quick action gets this bargain. 80 ACRES Under gravity Irrigation, about T miles out. Without buildings, borne good potato land on this farm. A real buy for only $15,000. Only $4500 down, balance $800 per year plus Interest at 4V.t. Time Is short Act Now I HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0257) AL SCHMECK REALTOR nnd INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 SPECIAL Very attractive modern home, on pavtil street, wait electric heat, storm windows, 20 x 20 living room and light kitchen, dciiuulul yard and lariio garage with workshop and cooler room. Total prlco $5500. Terms to right party. MILLS Lovely two bcuroom Insulated home, with hardwood Doors throughout. Separate dining room, largo kitchen and utility, with many built-ins. Paved street and sidewalks. FHA terms. Evenings cull FAYE TRAVIS Phone 2-32t8 VERN W. EMLEY REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 2001 So. 8th. Phone 2-3239 SOUTH SUBURBAN HOME Beautiful landscaped grounds with gnivien and berries. Lot 77 x 200 with good drainage. Five large cheerful rooms plus utility. Con crete foundation, all fenced, on paved street and bus line. $8750 terms. HOT SPRINGS Seven room home, close In on Eldorado. Full basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, IS baths, excel lent heating system. Shown by appointment. Anne Mason Eddie Hosley Eves. 6714 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 112 S. 9th Phone 7266 MILLS Three bedrooms. See this well de signed home. Ideal location, close to Klwanls Park. All large rooms, very attractive kitchen and bath, utility, wall to wall carpeting, automatic washer. Well Insulated. Large closets. Newly redecorated throughout. Garage. Fenced ynrd. A good buy for $12,000. Terms. NORTH SIDE Like new, completely remodeled. 5 room home near Emll's Market, Large living and dining room, beautiful kitchen nnd brpnkfast nook, nttrnctlvo bath, combination utility nnd piny room. New type electric heat in all rooms. Owner leaving so priced for quick sale. $9750. 'Terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0257) AL SCHMECK REALTOR nnd INSURANCE 617 Main Phone 3211 AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY One of the best we have ever offered. Modern 3 bedroom lumilaied home, built but few yenra; Homed,, 1e district, 5 roomn, utility room, fireplace, electric floor furnace, hardwood floora, Venetian blinds, storm window, npnclous mod ern kitchen, electric range Included, double garnfle, hoated, laifto lot. Home exterior recently painted, interior dec orating nent, clean, Immediate possei alon, EXTRA Owner off era a home Income business free to the purchnner of this property at remarkable price of only Sio.noo. Reasonable terma under P.H.A. Shown hy appointment onlv. Another good buy on North aide In city newly remodeled and most attractive 2 bedroom home, with beautiful view picture window, a homo you v i adore lor only 97M. Phone 6632. Any time GEO. .T. KtTNKMAN, Broker 810 Commercial St, J0 REAL ISTATI FOR SALI Tulelake Homestead 88 ACRES. All under gravity Irrigation. Hnn been leveled. 9 acres of clover. Fair Improve ment. Price $33,000. Terms. Jack C. Mace REAL ESTATE Tulelake, Calif. Ph. 7-18U Mills Addition Bee this house before some other lucky home buyer sees It, Electric heat. Immaculate Inside and out. Polished hardwood floors. Two large bedrooms, attached garage concreted, and well landscaped lot. Almost new. About $2,000 will hand le on FHA terms. Fairview A minii hrirk.trlmmed home. completely remodeled. Two bed rooms, beautiful kitchen and din ette In addition to dining room. Large playroom nnd party base ment. Let us show this to you to day lOr . . . H70V. Suburban Estate Almost two-thirds acre with a lovely three-bedroom home In a beautiful setting of shrubs nnd fruit trees. Huge living room with FIREPLACE,! large master bed room, two pine-paneled bedrooms, den, dining room and large kitch en with automatic dishwasher. Lots of outbuildings nnd In first class shspe. Financing already nr rnnged with $4100 down. Full price $14,750. WE HAVE MOVED ! ! VISIT OUR NEW OFFICE LO CATED AT 116 SOUTH 11th ST.i AND LET US HELP YOU WITH YOUR REAL ESTATE PROBLEMS. FOR EFFICIENT SERVICE IN SELLING YOUR HOME CALL 6446 TODAY!! RON FISHER Johnny Blaylock 7 REALTOR 118 S. ELEVENTH Phone 8448 Eves 8970 or 2-1339 MILLS ADDITION If you are dollar wise and demand the best, we urge you to Inspect this line 2 Bedroom nome. Large living room, dining room, and util ity. Hardwood floors throughout, automatic heat, double garage. pavr-d street and sidewalks. Price $10,000. Easy terms. YALTA GARDENS . You'll wonder why you didn't move sooner when you see this attrac tive ranch style home, located In Klamath's restricted suburban area. 2 Sunny bedrooms, comfortable living room with fireplace, den or study, the Ideal place for those flowers and spring vegetaoie gar. den you've nlways wanted. Shown by appointment only. Price $11,000. $500 DOWN Will buy this very comfortable I bedroom home. Has recently been remodeled and put In flrst-clnss shape. On 'i acre plot just off Shasta Way. Monthly payments will be less than rent. An excellent chance to get your own roof over your head and away from those worthless rent receipts. Full price only $3750. $5500-FULL PRICE For this well built 1 bedroom home, on paved street, in quiet neighbor hood near Fairview school. No hills. Living room, dining room, bedroom, sleeping porch, kitchen and bath. Electric heat. OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT See Homer Stiles Don Sloan Fred Scott Phone 2-2460 Eves. 6658 Eves, 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. 9th. St. Phone 4564 or 6529 LOWERED FROM $5,800 TO $5,300 This lovely i acre, three-bedroom home: lots of shade and wnlk-ln fruit room. ONE ACRE TWO BEDROOM HOME Electric heat. Living room, dining room, kitchen, bath nnd garage. Equipped for chickens. Electric range and trash burner, Priced for quick sal at $7875. FRED E, FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES, Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-1365 . FOR SALE, equity In modern two bed room home. 1779 Farso, phone 8033. FOR SALE, nice building lot, Hot Sprtngi addition, very close to school. Phone 7709. 240 ACRES nest soli In the county. 92 acres In al falfa, 100 acres ready for spuds. Iarije Rotato cellar In excellent condition, big ay barn, machine shed, slaughter house and home. Also pasture along Lost River for BO hend cattle. Includ ing all machinery, price 83,000, 3fifl Acres ln!f under trrglation, all leveled and checked. Also 1!W under cultivation that ran be Irrigated -with some leveling. .1.1 acres drv land tinder cultivation, bal. ance In hill pasture. Good home with electricity and other outbuildings. All for only $2,ono. Terms. Jack Gardner Phone 6371 NEWHOUSE REAL ESTATE 2000 So. fith. Phone 9B.H NEW HOMES for Ml, ' William, fl, Powell. Phone 8520. 46 FINANCIAL $$.MONEY$$- ON THE FIRST CALL f Dp to $900 on your auto On vour salary or furniture up to $300 -Pay Day" loans a gpeclalty $10, $28, $50 loaned till "pay dsy" or longer. fib costs but 18 cents for one week. No other charges, - LOCAL LOAN CO. 118 No. 10th St. M-364 DON MclNTYRE, Mgr. 43 Yearn Friendly Service 30 REAL ISTAfl FOR SALI CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER $5 to $15 per acre buy, good ranch and timber land at Govt, State and County land fiiim. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific LanJ. 1621 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28. Calif. TVO nearly complex;! homes for ule In Mills Addition. T bedrooms. Iio. 300. each. Phone tnun Inquire -V.10 Shaita Way. Axel Flore), Builder of r.iter Homes. tTikKJS bedroom hou on 'i acre. Full baicrnent. two 2-cir gar&gei, 19 fruit and ihade tree. !rs lawn, all fenced, tiooa crsineg w,i. (k- e'enty percent loan. PriceV!Vi Phone SBVj. tOR BALK, fcmall furnuhed" houii clo.e to b'Mltne and ore. In Mills At'rtl'lon. Ps'i ' GOi.S'G for M.VKl' y dcnfa(rrj three bedroom partly furnifhed houe. Service porch, garage. wf,od.r,d. Bark fenced, Swinif. large city limits. Prion! Merrill 2001. 32 BUILDING eV REMODELING SAVE ON WAKOS TILHaOAHD INSTALLED Let Wards arrange 'o have if In stalled hy expert. Baker, on enamel finlth resists wear, peeitng ertd chip ping. Easy to clean. A pxttrrn. 7 colors. Installed on FHA terms, 101 down, 3 years n pay. MONTGOMERY WARD nth and Pine Phon$ .liwt SIDING, John's Manvlllc. Pabco. Ave? age hoTte only ttiftO. KuMrrum Iniuia tlnn. Phone 4108 or 3-2M.L KIBEFI ft LASS insula t now' Save 0 per cent on fuel. Aa low a, ,3 month Kuhlman Insulation. Phent ,t8 or 2-7,4rt. STORM SASH and acrecn combination Self storing aluminum. Save ud to 40 per cent on fuel. Aa low as S3 month. Kuhlman Insulation.. Phone 4468 or 2-244.1. 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill Svstem METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Hestln? Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER "Fuels that Satisfy--Plus Sen-ice' Since 1918 821 Spring St. - Phone 4353 BT iunion "irtiWun nn St;e. furnace, light fuel, eoal, wood, charcoal Peyton and Co. tZi Market rnone oiw bRY "cine block (nr sale. Ooea tie. nlngs and weekends. Metiers Bros. PfiESTOLOGS pickup or delivered. CiUf Yadens Signal Sn-v.cw. 2a60 So Uth Phone .1331 or 3-9260. S & H GREEN STAMPS given oo heat tng on. Phone 3CB1 or 2-9260 for prompt delivery. CLIFF Y ADEN'S SIGNAL SERVICE 25G0 So 6th 18 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES TWO SIAMESE kittens, $20 each. 403 iinrin intra. 38 FOR SALE, Siamese ciT Phone FOR SALE, 1950 LaSallt! President housetraller. 35 ft. Excellent condition. $2000 cash. Immediate possession. Earl KigwrocH, dpx lit, ftuoioper. Lsiiiomta FOR SALE, high standard .23 autom.it- ic.i.xcmcni condition. 3o. Phone 0772. HUNTING and fishing tear drop trail- BOARDING KFVNF1JR Dor boarding by day. week or month. Sanitary kennels. Well balanced dlet. Clean Individual outdoor runs for each aog. uogs nandied dunrg mating, will pic up ana aeuver. Visitors Welcome Phone 6078 Merrill Rd. Rt 3, Bo 504 SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS ANDERSON Boarding Kennels. Pbone aooo ueiaware on nomeaaie. THREE collie pups for sale. Three montns om. goia ana wnue. utter reg litered. Call 3096. SAVE tit Bur Chris Craft Kit Boat alio fni las ers and Runabouts. Johnson Sea Horse motors, ssoau nought, sold and ex changed. Boats for rent to fisher men. MONROE BOAT WORKS 928 Front St. Phone 3-tM3 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Casb paid for kny amount Top marxet prices inr good quality For quotations PHONIC 3RS7 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS FOR SALE, one Guernsey cow, just v. ,H!l'er c oy siae. rnone iwr. uH-ar iiammtr, TuieiaKe 7-0629. PULLETS, reds, leghorns, and golden woaa. very reasonable j-iiumc via, ma fcast main FOK SAL.E , Three year old freh wucnuejr cow. uan u Keeie Ranch, &A1KY COWS for sale. Leo iviorton. i-? nines w?m nr Matneio OR SALE, six full, .blooded Jersey iirurra. opb ni ticrucrt Arant jalare. FOR SALE, sheep. 20 ewes, lambing. ON HAND Started chicks. OREGON STATE HATrMFBV 3720 So. 6th. Phone BOM . v -nuu, Htmi noisiem ana guernsey - j "liner Heiiers. v, t. Rexford. Stukel Mountain Road. Phone V WTKn-rlnrerl rTZTTZ til TTTT RED FRYERS and roasters for sale. i , "wrf-u.v mr me pan, ev ery Friday . and Saturday. Pbone 83-11 ARTIFICIA,', BREEDING SERVICS Phone 8721 M. C. iChuckT rren t . rut, .i.. n no answer f none 440O. KlGIfEST prices paid for poultry, hoe's and livestock. m g. uir,f,i mnnnci Lakevlew Junction Phone 48au . . wuMi.ts.-gs r-none n 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED to rent, by coupte. Clean two bedroom unfurnished house or . duplex by April I. References and good care of property. Phone Bogue Dale 726tj. WANTED to rent, unfurnished or partly furnished two bedroom shome. Refer- W ANTED to rent, furnished house with Phone 3004 after S:30 p.m. or wcokands. 'SfANTKb to leas, with option to buy" Turn hortrnnm iinfu.nl.hl TJ otHh Suburbs with acreage. Pbone hEUABLE couple dcslr. to rent o-ie' bedroom furnished apartment or house. mi una, no. neraiq ann .w. WANTED to rent or leaso. :ooniina WANTED TO RENT about 13 acres' for potatoes. Preferably on . Eaatstde of Tulelake. Merle Woodley. Phon. UfAMTVn ,n hi,,' lUn v.ll , 1 ... ,iiiu.u noses for irrigation. Phone Lorella 3190. ""ir .....in. ,. mi. jimmnza WANTED, alfalfa hay. First or second rutting. Call Medford 2-0383 or- Eagle WANTED! By family ot four, nicely ii.i.ii.iir,, v.it,a ... town, tteier- encea. Call between 6:30 and 7, Bill. Ext. fl. nre need cahsi det too one. ani Rose Motor Co. eth and Fhtra. LOANS Phone 3-2537 8-278 46 FINANCIAL LOANS QOAMERCIAL Furnishes Cashi CASH LOANS 150 to $300 Auto Furnltur Livestock Salary $50 to $500 Automohlleg (paid for or not) Private Bale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. LIC 8-251 N-223 107 No 9th Phone 7711 IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pay Only $100 $7.27 Mo. Repay in 18 Installments UP TO $300 ON FURNITURE OR 8 ALARY UP TO $1200 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient. Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars financed at bank rates , -MONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 years serving Klamath Bads See "Chuck" Bailey, Mgr. Hi N. 7th St. Phone 3325 8-241 M-275 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DINING ROOM FOR LEASE FORT KLAMATH HOTEL Inquire J. Q. Buell Fort Klamath Hotel FOR SALE or lease, tourist cabins. store, service station and tnree Dearoom bouse. On highway 97 North, mile irom luamatn ans city limits, inquire at scnooners. SERVICE station for lease In downtown Alturas. Good business location. Won derful opportunity for right party. Vri:e nay uarneu, box jo, Auuras, (aiiior- FOR SALE. Associated Sen.' ice Station. Tuieuxe. uaitiornia. rnone 7-ii. 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE BREAKFAST set, $22,50, baby bed-like new w.73, apt. size electric range sa, coffee tame siz.w, camp ice dox 54.7.1, dresser til. Macic Cnef gas range $135, Bendix automatic laundry SS5, in- nerspring mattress aid, doojc case 5i7,ou, refrigerator sizj. -w.u south sixtn. BARNYARD FERTILIZER for sale, de- 1 tvered. Phone 2-2030. FOR SALE. 1040 J -3 cub. Good condi tion. Very clean, metal prop. Phone a toy. FOR SALE, new D-C Case tractor'. mower cultivator, case side delivery rake, 8 ft, Atln scraper, Case ham mer mm, iv-io rora trucx, new motor. 1937 Ford truck, hay buck , 3-sec tion spUce tooth harrow, 1 Allts-Chalmers combine, Molina two way plow, 8 ft Case grain drill 6 ft. Dyer disk. Hy. draulic loader. 1-250-electric chicken brooder, 250 year old Parenter Red lavina hens. 1 registered Jersey cow, Fresh June 10th. B. V. Tucker, Poe vaney. ELECTRIC portable sewing machine- Fully guaranteed. s.3U. STNGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Kt3 Main Phone 2-2313 TODAYS BEST BUYS! 40 gal National electric hot water tank. StS9.95, four burner apartment size gas range S54.S5. apartment size tame top oinson refrig erator, $74.95, square tub. Maytag wash' er $27.50. Cofer's Exchange, 618 Klam ath Ave. Phone 7160. FOR SALE, equity In 10 ft. refrigerator. rnone x.;.auo. . FOR SALE, beautiful blonde com bin a tion radio and phonograph, two match- ntt record cabinets. Dionae dinette .-ti inch drill $:15. Underwood port d Die typewriter 543. see at ams Honey. ONE new cable bulldozer, rear mount, TCU for caterpillar D77M series. West HltchcocK corporation. ONE used Townner 4 foot 6 in. off-set disc. Fits rord or Ferguson. JLLKe new. West HltchcocK uorpor.mon. ONE uied John Deere Model G. PTO and power lift, starter. 6 ply rear tires. Clean, excellent. West Hitchcock. FOR SALE, one used caterpillar D-2. Major overhaul, clean, .excellent, west HttcnrocK corporation. ELECTRIC RANGE in perfect condition liooa natter, uniy 5;iy..vu. none 'j.m. FOR SALE, baby bed. Good buy. Phone 2-0041 USED furniture values can always bo round nt Kinmatn r urniture io. ii-i Main. Phone 5.153. l.Anuai-ftruiu, nvciKicGiii, hhuu. and trees. W. trim, spray and remove LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 420S down. S:t per month. Phone S30O. CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders. pnone a-iio. GLKCTKOLUX CLEANER and polisher and supplies, rnon. nor larKei .wee. H2I Market MnNllMF.TJTS . Deliveries and lnstal- lattons can be made by May 30th if or dered now. Clarence Ward. ' Klamath Monument company, kd mgn, pnono DRIVEWAY MATERIAL. Phone 2-1634. LIVING HOOM SUITE, tables, etc. Maple twin bedroom set, chrome din ette set, new inn pie dining room suite, floor lamps. Crib, slx-yr.-old sUo. Ht eh ch.iir. 1H2H Melrose. TWO-PIKCE OVEHSTUFFEO, Kroehlcr. cranberry. Man'a overcoat, twj suits size 40. Make an offer. Apt. 316, Alpha Ants. AvARne. faoT-PROOF ' TARPS A x8 ft. size only 7.7S 7x 9 ft. size only J0.2.1 PxlO ft. size only !I ''J 10x13 ft. size only J2J 12x18 ft. size only MONTGOMERY WARD m Kh and Pine Phone S188 35 AUTOMOTIVI CHEAPSTERS A- 1041 FORD V-8 SUPER DLX. PORDOR Radio, heater. . ......... $l&0 1941 NASH CLUB COUPE Heater, overdrive, clean $150 1941 PONTIAC "6" DLX. TORP. SEDANET Heater. ...... $150 1940 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio. heatPr $100 1940 PORD TUDOR SEDAN Not had, and only .... . ... $95 1040 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR SEDAN - Exceptionally clean & In fine running condition $150 1938 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN Heater, (rood mechanically." $60 1938 OLDSMOBILE 2-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater $75 1937 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN Heater $4J THESE CARS ARE READY TO CARS, OR HUNTING AND FISHING CARS I TERMS REGISTER TO VOTE NOW For On-The-Spot appraisals, see JACK MILLER Home Phone 4202 or LLOYD CHIDESTER Home Phone 6432 Sundays and Evenings BALSIGER'S S LOT, 2152 South 6th St. This 'Is Our FIRST BIRTHDAY And to celebrate we're tossing caution to the winds to give you amazing USED CAR VALUES. Come in foe, a 2-day free trial on any of our guaranteed USED CARS for the best deal in town. 1949 PLYMOUTH. 1949 OLDSMOBILE 1949 DODGE 1947 CHEVROLET 1947 FORD 1946 DODGE 1949 FORD "8" 1948 CHEVROLET THRI IF THESE AREN'T MAKE US 1938 Plvmouth ... 1939 Olds ... 1936 Pontiac ....... ...... $ 66 . $297 S 47 $147 1937 Plymouth 1939 Plymouth .... $197 1937 Buick ,, $ 47 1941 Plymouth .. REGISTER NOW TO VOTE . For the BEST in the WEST see DUGAN ,& ,ly!STl DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TftUCKd 522 So. 6th ?hone J. 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE : DRIVEWAY: MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 FOR SALE used ; : Monator Press Wheel Drill with double discs and tongue-truck !150 FLOYD A. BOYD CO. Tulelake, Calif. Phone 7-2072 t LADAK ALFALFA SEED 45c Lb. PURE SEED : 99.98 GERMINATION 65.00 HARD SEED 28.50 Total 93.50 ETNA MILLS Ph. Etna 55 Etna, Calif. Build Better With . Pumice-Concrete-. BLOCKS. Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. ' 835 Market - Phone 5149 FOR SALE. 40 ton loose wild hay. George Christrnscn. Beatty, Ore. ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, chairs, files, for sale or rent. PIONEER OFTICE SUPPLY 630 Main Phone 7413 DRIVEWAY MATERIALS. Pnone Joe Dart. 8735. CRUSHED ROCK, driveway cinders. Phone 5..41. LET WARDS install your home lm provemcnls. Arrange to have Wards experts install all your modern home Improvement at one low price. Too quality plumbing, heating and building materials Installed at low cost. Bath outfits, furnaces, boilers, Insulation, kitchen cabinets, wall tile can be in stalled on FHA terms, only 10 per cent down and up to 3 years to pay. Phone or come In to Wards for your free estimate. MnNTfTfiMltRY WARD ftfh and P;ne Phone 118 PH1LCO RADIO, U tubes. alBO Vine. Phone 42.17. l FOR SALE Massey Harris 44-6 Vhee. tractor. 35 h p., starter, lights, hydraul ic pump and cylinder. Perfect condi tion. Merit Woodley Phone 7-1038. Tulelake. f tM USED CARS DOWN PAYMENT fuSl, S prtws '395; 395 245! M95 '3932 .US $14 95J SECONTJC OO! OOOD WORK CARS, Phone 4354 CHEAPSTER! 1950 FORD 1950 CHEVROLET 1949 STUDEBAKER' 1946 BUICK 1947 DE SOTO - 1948 PONTIAC ' 1949 FORD "6" . 1947 KAISER FTI ES CHEAP ENOUGH AN OFFERt ' 1937 Dodge 1937 Plymouth . 1942 Chevrolet: 1941 Chrysler .. $2S7 W7 . SM? ,,jy 1937 Ford 1939 Chevrolet '..- BEST VALUES! . used ..' .; V TRUCKS -CARSE: GUARANTEED . AS ' REPRESENTED ia4 vVest-Hitchcock Co8 YOUR GMC DEALER 977 a 7th - - PhoneAUl COMPLETE Radiator ,;" Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your Internationa Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES Uth and Klamath .'hone 2-2581 eooxis RECAPS $.1 95 EACH EXCHANGE We buy used tires. O.K. Rubbtt WaloV ars. 2391 So. Sth. Phone 4.118. . 1937 DODGE, good ahap $1S0. Alter. noons. Hot Springs Hotel. . . FOR SALE, lost GMC one-ton pickup. Phon. 3751 after 6 p.m. ; 1940 INTERNATIONAL flatbed pltaap, $:'00. Terms to suit, 3009 Summers aaane. FOR SALE 1951 FORD V-S. afi sedAn, radio, heater;. 7,000 mil.,, PlfoM WHV WAi-Kf DRtVE MORK MOTORS 301 E. Main. Phon. 857a. "We wUl ilt vour car for vou." W. buy and tr.dal MUST sell at once. 194S Ford liliOt. Healer. 1628 Crescent. ' l ' FOR SALE, 1050 Chevrolet ton pick- '. up with 4 speed transmission. A-l con dition. See Irvtn Long, Tulelake or phona. Tulelako 7-2043. 1 " ' BUS SARGANT S USED CABjKT , WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE j . Corner Shaata Way and Arthur 8lrgea pnone 820S NUEU UAHM: Gt top prie. oU, Rose Motor Co eth and Plum . FOR SALE, equity in 104S ton plku ,-none alter o p.m. 1942 CHEVROLET deluxe door Mela. First class. S4SS. Phon. 4517. MUST SELL thla weak. '41 Bulck. twi door, '4ft engine, radio, he.tfr. r (eel condition. Highest oiler i fhom S257. ! I 1