Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 24, 1952, Page 9, Image 9

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    MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1052
page mm
3' .
,i tr ft
'llelenne him? Cilve (he Mil a
rhanrr! He may develop anil be
sides he'a Into me for at Intel
111 Ilia clubhouse plnarhle tame:"
Upset By
St. John's
HKA VILE Two veteran anil
Iwo upatt-mlnded teams- one each
limn 'he F.asl ami the Wtl-col-lltle
la-re Tiieadny nlKht (or the na
tional collcKlnte basketball ihanl
pioiiihip and a berth In tlie olym
pie Oainei tllali,
St John'a oi Hrnoklvn, toiiqiier
or ol mlMlity Kentucky, and Illi
nois. Bin Ten champion, are paired
in the openlint name of the Na
tional Conciliate Athletic AanK-la-lion
aemt-llnala at the Unlvctaltv
ol Wu-hinntnii Pavllllon. They will
decide the Kaolern chamulim-slilp.
KanNBa, IllK Seven titllU. and un
heralded Bania Warn anrprWr y, In
ner over UCI.A. l'aelilo CoaM
hamplonn. and Wvomitm. Bky lm
Coiilerence kniui.ht. jll '
Hie Western chumplunahlti hi the
"'liS'nners will meet Wed-ne-,dav
nlttht lor the national chain
moTlill 'nte llnall-ta- rn
S h i U Olympic tlame,, , tr ab
later thl month in Kansas City
and New York.
K.naaa and Hani. . a r. ved
here Simdav mailt ami heduied
p,e-tournamenl workout Monday.
c-nitle.Tneoma in-
ternallonal Airport forced a .pe-
rial plaia- iirmu.a
Illinois here liom CIU bro to vo
m o V'rtlaiul. 0c . for the nlKht
United Air I.mea tald the plane
III llv the two team" here from
I-orlland about norm M"- fc,t
81. John a turned In. the basket
hail tilel ol the vear
M virtorv over loprated KenUHkt
in reaumal plavolls Halurdav. ban
to Clara provided the aecond atir
prh.e by unendlnit wyomlnu. no-
' iCom aa catilured the Wentern Be
p;oni.l at Kallaa C Hy, tleleatlmi
fit. Louis 14-53. and llllnota llmtnp
I d Uuquejinc 74-H.
The Kentucky WiWenW Nn, 1
team In the Asuoclaied Prfw poll,
had won the NCAA crown In three
ol the last lour years end were
fnvored to repeat until they met
the Iledmeii Irom Brooklyn.
Bob Zawoluk and Jack McMa
hnn act the pace lor the Redmcn,
with y.awoluk iiourlim In 32 poiiita
and McMnhon 18.
Kawoltika 3-' points was an
NCAA tournament record for one
BBme feoriim until All-America
Center Clvde I,ovtllett took the
floor with 'Kansas analiwl St. Lou
Is Tlie 8-9 Joyhawk star hit on
1 Held itoala and 13 ' hot
(topping two other records! as the
HiK Seven champions rolled to vic
tory. Santa Clara, which w "';
prise at-larne entry, proved Itself
as the beat team In the Jar West
by following a B8-n win over UCLA
Friday with a fi6 f.3 triumph over
Wyoming Saturday,
Trnlllntr 24-47 at haUUme, the
Bronca poured In 23 points In the
third quarter and held on until
the last whistle.
Jim Tucker collected 29 points
lor Dtiquesne but the experienced
Illinois five. No. 2 team In the AP
r.oll. was too much for tlie Dttkea.
Illinois led 37-34 at the Intermia
alon and built up the. mariim in
the last two quurter.s.
In consolation names. Oklahoma
City deleated UCLA 55-53; North
Carolina State whipped Penn State
M-80; Dayton beat Princeton 77
I; and Texaa Christian smoth
ered New Mexico A&M 61-44.
Abbott Keeps
Golf Crown
GULFPOUT, Miss, m Pat Ab
bott played It cautiously over tricky
(trcena and posted a one over par
72 to become the first champion
to defend successfully his title In
tbe Oulf Const Iiivilntiomtl Ooll
The Memphis, Tenn, pro posted
a 279 for the 72 hole tourney over
the 6,006 yard Orent Southern
course here Sunday and earned
J900 In prlie money.
Charles Harper, a Fort Bennlnp,
Oa., pro, surprised the field with
a stroke-sunny 33-3407 to post
the best round of the day and win
second place with a 280. "t
-- '4
IHIUKNK Mt Wade IHwcdci
lliillirimk wiiu the Oi"iiin Clua-, A
HIp.H Hclion) basketball champion
ship lr Mnoiiti !i irtliiii(l here
Kiiinrilny iilghl mid ended hi jirirp
i'i ii'pi- wild jui.t about every ios
Mill wortni record.
-m i ii.i.i mil' . iniii llalbronk.
hi. dunk H, i))t i,i,i t lump
level Inr most of hi basket a, rg
I ti . t Hi' .sin downed
fuvorril Central Catholic, Mi-44. Hi
uie tui.i aiM'uiiltmd final in st.ntc
tfitiiiiitineitt lil.-iltiry.
II ! otic-Kiime tourney rec
AAU Title
DKNVEIt i.ti -- Champion Peoria
and the three other top teams in
.tlie 4.'ith National AAU Basketball
Toiirniiiiienl headed Monday lor
1 Olympic tryouts in New York City
, and Kansas City this week.
j The Illinois Caterpillar IMe'ela
i hanKcd their first AAU champion,
ship Saturday night by siuprlsliuj
the favored Hattlesvllle, Okla.,
I'hlllljui fitiers, 60-&3, in tile touriiu
mem lino In.
' Tlie U. R. Air Force All 8'ars,
made up mostly ol plnveis front
I Tinker Air Unse in Oklahoma.
nailed down thttd place with a
i 4H-47 overtime upset ol If.iliywnod's
! Fibber McUee and Molly team.
1 Peoria and the Air Force team
will play Saturday in Madison
j Square Garden. Runnerap Phillips
and llnllwnod meet in Kansas City
the same niiiht. The winners play
March 31 In New York City.
The victor then meets the col
lealiite winner of a companion ser-
! wis in an exhibition game in Madi
son Square Oardcn April 1.
San Jose State
Cops Ring Title
Jn- e Staff Is tlie new Paclllc Coast
IntercellCkKte boxing champion.
The Spartans won three Lnal
bonis Saturday nit;ht to pile up a
total oi 31 ixnnta, aeven more than
runnerup Oonzaga of Spokane
Cionraiia was ieadluit alter the
semifinals and was favored to take
the team title.
Other linal scores: Idaho State
IS. Idaho 17, UCLA 5, California,
Cal i'oly and California Amies
failed to score.
Idaho was riefemiiniE champion.
Gotii'.ei'a placed seven men In the
nnais, but only one won.
By The Aaaoclaied Press
Don't tr to tell' the New York
Yankees fhat the National Leatue
Is a soft touch at least In the
Sunday, for example, they were
shut out for tho second time with
in a week, when thev bowed to
Hie Philadelphia Phillies, 4-0, in
12 InuliiKS. Last Tuesday, the Bos
ton Braves whitewashed them, 1-0.
The Yanks have played nine
games against National League op
position and have dropped five of
them. Two of their defeats have
been at the hands of the Phillies.
Tommy Bryne and Lou Blester
hurled the St. Louis Browns to a
pair of victories over the San Fran
cisco BcbIs of the Pacific Coast
League. Byrne went the full nine
innings and hung up a 13-5 deci
sion, while Sleater missed a per
fect game tseven Innings! when
Ray liamrick beat out a bunt. The
Brownies won it, 2-0.
. Tlie Chicago Cubs, who have
been doing right well for the po
tential , National League cellar
team, won their fifth In a row and
. S.
Sat lit fer all yaur eutomoliva
ndv raaairs end acctitotlii,
all makti, ell mocftli.
4lhJ Klamath Ph. 8146
Tumble as H
ord and gave him a new four-game;
tournament mark of iliO points. In
both eii?,es bo smashed his own
letnrflK. lie had made new marks
l 411 mid 41 111 iwo earlier
tourney game and net the old
loiir-gaine mark In lli'il.
The 61 pnintK also raised his sea
son total to 1,035 In 27 games, an
average of 38.19 per contest. No
other Oregon player, high school
or college, ever has approached
thin In! III.
Lincoln established a new tour
nament scoring reeord ol 2,V?, two
more than the marie set by Mnrsh-
TOUTED TEXAN One of the most sought-after athletes
in intercollegiate circles is Baylor's stylish Larry Isbeii, a
star in both baseball and fooitaall.
Dusty Demon Winner
in Medford
Klamath Falls dogs came In for
honors In the Honue Valley Re
triever Club's licensed field trials
held in Medford over the weekend.
Jim Stillwell's Oak creek Sir Dor
chester tTyl placed third In the
open event won by Black Panther,
American and Canadian field trial
champion, handled by Snuffy Beli
veau. TV also won certificate of merit
In the amateur stake.
Pat Montgomery of Klamath
Falls steered Crater Lake Storm,
owned Ay Dr. A. T. Huntington of
Blank Yankees
nlntli In 14 games by blasting the
vicvciana rnotans. 1-3.
And to top It all olf, the Cubs,
whose main weakness is the lack
Of a long-ball hitter, hit four home
runs two by Hank Sauer. and one
each by Boy Smalley and Frank
BatimhoHi. Steve Oromek was the
Not to be outdone by the Cubs,
the New York Giants racked up
their fifth straight triumph by beat
ing tho Oakland Oaks of the PCL,
5 0, behind the hurling of Sal Ms?
lie and Roger Bowman.
The Philadelphia A's, who had
been losing steadily (six In a row)
Taste th
"Same Superior
fel Ihcliiskcy mhVo
.1 1 without Mf4' fffl '
" X ijlirtlii mm fim"""'' Jr jt
sZT 4 v.' 1 4
for Ca
iield a few hours before.
ilaibronk's i points was Mi,
fourth highest acorlni; total of the
aeaaon, lopped only by inarku of
71, 08 and bl. It was achieved
against what many observers con
sidered the heat all-around Oregon
nrer basketball team developed in
ventral Catholic, ranked Ho. 1
by sportawrlters In the Ai.oeiied
Press high school poll, came Into
ihe game with a record of 27 vic
tories In 28 starts. Moat observers
expected the Kama to limit Hal
brook to Kime seasonable lota)
. i
Klamath Fails, to second nines' In
uie quamymg staxe. The event was
won bv Fair Oaks Somali, owned
by Herbert Fleishhacker Jr. of San
Diggers Koschnlck's Duchess of
El Dorado won certificate of merit
m the qualifying stake tinder Bsii
veau'a whistle.
Ivan Kandra's Dustv Demon w.m
Uie derby stake. The labrador was
handled by Montgomery. Third
place went to Splwrse Zeka. owne.1
snd handled by Hal Shider of
Klamath Falls. Kandra halls from
snapped out of It by edging the
Washington Senators, 3-2. on Dave
Philley bases-loaded single in the
Ken Johnson, who just Joined the
Detroit Tigers, was tossed In
against the St, Louis Cardinals, and
was promptly battered for 10 suns
In the first two Innings. The Cards
finally ran up a 12-1 victory.
The Brooklyn Dodgers shellacked
tn Boston Red Sox, 14-2; the
Pittsburgh Pirates nipped the Chi
cago White Sox, 7-6, and the Cin
cinnati Reds gained a 8-4 decision
over the Boston Braves In other
Diamond Eight
Quality , . . New Low Price'
albrook! SI
ge Irtle jm
while oultxilntinii Lincoln, whlrh
has no other aermus Mrorum threni. I
But it didn't woik out lhat way.
Central Catholic, hoping to set an
early lead and then tjmltoi the
ball to restrict Haibrook a Qrmt;
chances, quickly lelj behind, l i t;,
a the bisi fellow dropped in rix
Mic.cesslve baakcis.
Tlie Rama didn't know it. but '
they were beaten then. Despite the ,
best effort of their star, Bob Ai
tenhofen und JiAsn Fost;r. Ifal-'
brook's tiny mates kept bluing him
at baakct-ievel with cartr.ii pa.es.
He had 28 points at halfutne,
when Lincoln led. 3-19, H" added
12 in the third period and 31 to the
Meanwhile, the tremendous 1 1
fort to atop HaihrfK?k prevented
the Rama from doing the kind of
scoring they needed tq catch up.
allhouRh Aitenh'iftn posted 14
Oregon (Tass A Basketball
Lincoln 66 Central Catholic 4i
Third riaee
Cleveland 67 La Grande S3
Fourth liac
Marshfield 67 Univeritty Eugene i
Fifth Place
Salem 53 Astoria 37
EUGENE i.fi Boo Allenholen :
of Central CathoiiC was named to i
the Oregon Class A Hign School I
basketball tournament ail - starj
team for the tiurd successive year :
Saturday ulv'bl.
He Is the third player in tourney
history to be selected three times.
Others were Glen Saniord, fcalem,
130-31-32, and Ted Sarooia. Astor
ia, 1834-35-36.
Wade t Swede) Haibrook, Lin -
coin's record-breakirijr scorer, was; Marquette "S St. Francis Fa 6
named for the secsntS mtteiiisive championship
year. 'Siena 64 Si. Francis iBkn) SO (eon-
other 1BS2 first team choices by
the coaches of the 16 tournament
entries were: John Foster. Central
uMuum.-. jeny kosk, Cleveland;
and Morris Buckwaher, La
Grande. All five i the all-stars
are seniors.
Named to the second team were
Tom Crabirec, MarshiieW; Bob
Haiel. Salem: Paul Bartholemv
Central Catholic; Jerry Zimmer
man. Miiwauicic; and George
Hmkhouse, Scappoose.
All except Crastree are seniors.
points and Foster 13.
Lincoln, ranked No. 3 to the AP
poll, won 24 of its 27 games this
season. Longview beat the Cardin-
sis by one point, holding: Haibrook
to 18 points, but was soundly beat-
en In a return game.
Lincoln's other tan
to Cleveland, with which it shared
the Portland league championship.
in uiesc games, namrook was lim
ited to 25 and 38 points.
It was Central's easy win over
Cleveland in the tooraament semi
finals that established the Ranu
as a favorite to beat Lincoln.
One Oregon r-rep record was
snatched from Haibrook last monsn
by Jerry Crirmns ol Milton-Free
a-sl.r U'Im " 1m '
Htotm Tar,;r
Swede had set a new mark of 71.
Cleveland, ranked No. 1, won
third place in the tourney by de
fcatmg LaOrande. 67-53. for iia
24th victory in 27 games. Jim
Rosa, with Hi l) cww .ir.h"i"'"w" " ' eosion tm
Kennv Wesiensknw is W i :
routing University ol Eugene. 67-
44, and establishing the luli-touna-ment
scoring record broken later
by Lincoln. Tom Crabtree's 22
points paced Marshfield, ranked
?r- Marshfield.
which will graduate only; one of
its five starters, will be a strong
favorite for state honors next year.
Salem, eliminated from title con
tention by Lincoln in the - lirst
round, completed a sweep of the
consolation Held by trimming As
toria, 5837, lo win fifth place.
The tournament atiracied 81.882
fens, a record for ihe 34-year-old
affair. It was achieved despite a
strong rival attraction, Tlie West
ern NCAA regional play-offs at
Corvaliis Friday and Saturday
nights. The old record, 54,000. was
i set last year.
If N
4 . ) II
i L K m i a St . - ,em 11
DiCiC WOLFE, Northwest
welterweight champion,
was signed today by Pro
moter Mack Lillard to head
an all-star boxing card at
ihe Armory, April 5. The
Indian boy will face an out
standing foe now being
sought by Lillard. Ralph
Weiser, the Beatlv Bomber,
will appear in the semi
j Saturday's Basketball
t .-vauonai uuwic Tourney
I soiations.
i Satlonai AAV Tournev
Peoria Diesels 68 Phillips Oilers 53
US Air Force A!i-Stars 48 Fibber
McGee & Molicy 47 i overtime i
i coasolatioa
Sziimixl Juninp fnrie
i Wharton Tex 'A, Hibbma iMinni
t championshspi
SX'AA Basketball
By The Associated Press
! Saturday's Quarterfinals
st- John s 64 Kentucky 57
74 Duquesne 63
Satrta Clara 56 Wyoming 53
i Kaasas 74 St. Louis 55
Saturday's Consolation
Is c- S'-a'-e 69 Perm State 60
Dayton TJ Princeton 61
;oltiahoma City 55 UCLA 53
Texas Christian
61 New Mcxko
A&M. 44
By The Associated Press
Simsay s Results
:'rttmtil M Boston (A) 2
Eh N 7 Chicago Ai 8
iwrucago tsi i Uieveiand A( 3
;St. Louis tN 4 New York 0 12
"xSSL. , . , ,,,
,Ph,,lajeiphJa iA 3 Washington th
evr York tN) 5 Oakland tPCL. 0
I llSSrn B Nj 10 An8eles
Louis A1 13-2 San Francisco
t.PCL) 5-0
Saturday's Results
Boston tA s Brookiymm
i Chicago tSi ? Cleveland Ai
1 Chicago iAi 4 Pittsburgh tm S
Detroit A!5 St, Louts tf.') 4 12
innings )
New York (Al 11 Cincinnati NJ S
Washington Ai 5 Philadelphia (A)
Oakland iPCLi 6 St. Louis Ai 3
Boston ii S Philadelphia NS 3
Kew York Ns 8 San Francisco
PCL i3
Seattle sPCL) 9 Pittsburgh N)
"B" 8
Mortisliig Affachmenf
MIfer gaogs extension.
2-Sfep Headsfocls pulley
Dusette, Cowboy Join
Against Eric, German
Oeorges Duaeete and Kurt eVu
Poppeniielrn tangle for the third
straight week Wednesday Eigiii
but this time both wiU have help
la a tag team match,
Dusette draws Cowboy Cartosa;
the Proud Prussian pairs with so
errsaMy proud Scandanavlsn, mus
cle bay Eric ITae Great) Federsen.
Frenchy Boy returns to the
Klamath ring after a lone absence
to meet Dr. Gallagher in the open
er. Both are one-hour bouts or the
best two of three falls.
Buaette has a peeve against both
Vsn Pop and Pedersen. The French
Canadian was whipped by the Ger
man twice in a row, last week
when Pederaen disqualified iiu
sette. It takes no jruess work to name
ihe fans favorites in this boat.
nulls f. r-.ri 1'srlun t .-.
cowboy, are two of the most pjpu
wt pencrrners ever to appear m
jthe armory ring.
Gallagher, an Ohio chiropracter,
iiooked good In drawing with Csrf
jsen last week.
I Reserved tickets are on sale at
Castieberry Drugs.
Dave Robb Captures
City Bowling Crown
, , keg king
Ford Leads At
JACKSONVILLE, Fte. 5-Tws-ty-eight-year-oM
Doug Ford and a
pair of veteran campaigners Bob
by Locke and Sam Sr.ead are flie
men to beat in the Jacksonville
Open Golf Tournament.
Power Shop in One Tool
SHOPSM1TH itself h s tompiete iJk3 wih
ail the ports yoa ismsI to da almost isfc. How
ever, if yea want a da a er greater
cf work, Bwctksl, msaed SHOPSMiTH octet
sories are aMHe at modej!- prices, in safar
stock . bay tkeni wliea yo need them!
Speed Changer
Frsnf table extension
T HexiMe cut-off wheel
many after aceesjeries
Set your 67 piece tut-eut rodea eheuti Ai iso
ta kid eeeempaisied by tneir parent.
v-; : ..1
... joins Pedersea
Dave Robb is Klamaih TalV
1352 bowling chainpjon.
Robb posted 1775 sU-event
score in the City Bowling Chsro-
losshlps that ended yesterday for
top honors and seven pins better
than Ai iiakenwertn s im
Mel Robinson was Hdra rtth a
1753, Frank Beard posted 1743 and
BiU Owens 1711.
Stogies champ a Al WsSt i&
a isparkling 621 aeries, teUswed by
Cleve Bennett with 616 sod F.abb
.witit 1.
The doubles title went is Frank
Beard and Jack Kelly irtilj an 1155
score, edging out K. Bsseycutt ana
Mel Robinson by just feree piat,
Bsraboo Electric 2S40 iteoa up
as the best team mark.
AB-Eeeats; Sol 1775, Rateo
werth 1768. RobicsoE 1753, Beard
1743, Owens MU.
Doables: Beard and Ke)y li"t,
Honeycutt and Robinson 1173, Bax
ter and Robb 1151. Hskessserth
and Owens 1151, Ssstirollai sd
Belloa 1145.
Singles: Woldt 631, Bsraatt tit,
Robb 611. Hakenwertij SIS, Cau.?
nsaker 609, RostiroBa 84. Baxter
603. McDonnell 592, OweKJ tig,
Bsraboo 536.
Teaas: Baraboo EecfaSe 384S.
Sulssrtsan Kitchen Cestsr 3313, Nes-
MR Orange 17J1, K-Amsasemest
2307, Oregon woolen Ifm.
Pacific Coast Hockey
Bv Tbe Associated Frets
Victoria 5 Seattle 4 t Vletsria wins
final payoff berth.
Saturday's Resaits
New Westminster 8 Seattle S
Calgary S Saskatoon 3
Tacoma 9 Vancoaver i
Bum Tni Mcrtk KoI
Worn Place Rwoyn
SAurs mumm
SeoW. srtls4
SH0PSM1TH The Complete
Complete $M JOD
$33.40 down $11 per mortfh
Jolner-shaper Fence
; Allen Wrenches
Lathe Face plates
esk us!
Shopsmith Headquarters
1001 Main :
Fhont 2-2518