MONDAY. MAnCll 'H, 1952 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALIA tmguuN PAGE SEVEN v Fewer Cows, More Vork WAHIIINUTON M - The nntlon'n ruw )iiiulillnii In (Iwlmlllnn tint Hip cows on hand urn (luliiu their Jul)"i heller Ihene ilayn. That word cilino from the De pni'lmrnl nl Aiirluullurn Monday. In 1UM, lliero were 13 per cent lewer row In thn U.8. Ihnn in 1045, but Ihry produced nearly as much rullk, nvrrimliiK lino pounds more than thr Ir ulntcrn ol live years buck. Here ura the Hitmen: In IIMo, their, were W.jUD.OOO rows III the country and thev turned nut 1 J 1 'i billion pounds of l nl Ik . nil Hvcniuo ol ,77 pounds per cow. In IK'iO, 11. 770.000 rows produced IIHI.OOO.OOO.UOO pounds ol milk. That's mi avcrniie per cow ol B.202 pounds. Five Jailed' Over Weekend Cenun count t the county Jil was swelled v till addition ol live persons over Ihe weekend. Clarence F. I.nniie. 411, In outiht over Irom the City Jill to luce a ('hnrife ol petit larceny. Others ndded to Ihe lint Were: Doris I. Luuo, 311, Unity. 00 dnyt end lift line on drunk and disorder ly conduct conviction. Eivrland C.'lillnouln, 91. Chlloquln. 10 days mid S40 line, drunk mid disorderly conduct. Carl C. Crme 103 Delta St.. er i rued Nalurdny lor bring drunk nnd Jimmy Chorktoot. 33, BrBlty, picked up for driving while Intoxicated. Ike Says America Drifting Too Far To The Left; Tells Of Platform In New Story happlnenn thnt vou become pre), dent of the United Statu," Eisen hower said It wann t. Asked, In effect, If he thinks the Tall-HarMy net Imposes too many restriction, on Isbor unions nnd employers, Elsenhower said the whole question wan one of "hu man relations," "I don't think there' any law that can be written which can as sure good lalth In tin Interpretation when there i aennerei aesiicn to act In bad faith." he aald. "I believe of much more Import ance In labor-management reta il IKK BAYS WASHINGTON W Clen, Kl renhnwer has expressed the view that "wu have drifted too far to the no-railed Melt.' " 1 Ilet opinion wan disclosed In a 1UMI "oll-the record" Interview, published Monday by the weekly inaKa.lue U.8. News fc World Re port. With II was a letter from Klnen bower dated March 14. Indicating lie bud reviewed the material re- Gehrmann Runs Half in 1:51 NEW YOHK I 'Hie United Klnles Olympic. Association m about 110,000 richer Monday a tidy sum lor onn night but nllll was more Ihnn a hnll million dol lar abort ol Ita goal. The association rcallied the mon rv from the Olympic Carnival at Madison Siunrn Garden Saturday Bight. Don arhrmnnn provided the bin show comprt III vely speaking nn tiaunl, by running the half mile in 1:51, the (anient ever on an 11 lip Hack. Willie Hoppe May Retire BAN FRANCISCO i.fl Wllllt Hoppe. 4A times a world billiard rhnmplon In 47 yearn, plana lo re lire next fall perhaps on Ilia Wtb birthday. That's Oct. 11. Hoppe won his first champion ship, at II I balkllne billiards. In 1900. He won the title he now plan to be hla last the three-cushion rrown h'nlurdny night, defeating the Japanese alar, Klnrry Matsu yeina, 60-37 In SO gruelling Innlngc. It's hla 13th year on the three cuslilon throne. Shriners Meet In Bay City BAN rnANCIHCO W Thoiis a uds of Bhrlnera poured Into San Francisco for the opening Monday of annual meetings of the Shrine Directors Association of Nortli America and the Western Shrine Association. The directors. Including repre sentatives Irom Mexico and Can ada, open butlnenn amnions Tuea clav under direction of President William 8. Johnson of Duluih. Minn. Business tensions of the Western Conlrrence atari Wednes day. Both conclude Thuradav. Imperial Potentate Robert f . i. a V.ts.n I a a special guest of honor of the j PJjJJ, j m Marching bandt, patrols and cbanlera for Wednesday'a big pa lade up Market Street are coming from Snn Diego., Sacra mento. l.oa Angelen. Oakland and Portland. cenlly and approved Hs publics iion. Tlie general said "America In noi the kind of country that needs iioclalliini." "Theru are peotle In thin coun try, of course, who wnnt Ui go clear over to the 'left,' " he aald. "1 lust don't agree that America's future lien In that direction." He mud he has a dlsllnct feel ing that "we have been lacking on the moral side." The letter wan wrlllen alter El senhower had swept the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary but before the 100.000 write-in vote given him In last Tuenday'a Minnesota primary. In It, Ihe general aald merely that ha had permllted olhern to publish "leiters and statements irom mai period" while he waa serving an prenldenl of Columbia University and wan giving the mngazlnr the name privilege. In the interview with editor Dav id Lawrence. Klsenhowcr aald that "experlece In handling men mav posnlbly be the key" to White House success. He intimated he has that experience. "It may well be that the pres idency In too big a lob for one man, but there again ns In any post of responsibility all depends upon the kind of men he gathers around him." Elsenhower said. "II de- pends too upon the nolrlt In which questions are an Elsenhower said he had apent "a good many trying hours" dur ing Ihe war attempting to reconcile differences among the Allien. lie said thin experience con vinced him "the settlement of con- lions la Ihe spirit that both aides show toward each other . . . ." He aald he agreen with the "gen eralisation that we should have an little of government In business and private affairs an Is feasible In our modern, complex life," but added: "Surely nobody Is going to ad vocate that people should be al lowed to ntarve or that unemploy ment should reach such a point that people, through no fault of troversy Is largely a matter of , knowing how to work with people, convincing them of your own sin cerity and developing In them the good will and spirit of coopera tion." In response to question an to whether It wan "ensentlal to your People DO TOO read small space ads - you are! DOUBLE Green Stamps on Wednesday CEC'S Signal Service 76 Main St. Tlie highest mountain peak- In continental United States In Ml. Whitney with an altitude of 14.484 leet. Promptly Believes Itching Eczema! lt th flint" npntlcatlnna ttt mdm hit My mtfllrawf ki rrltvt ruhM, mo vropf lu-ning, CHinuDK Ol CMmat alhwte a foot, pMriaMa. pli Dies and alnUlar ennarlnf aurfaea skit, and seaip Irritations. Torn notice ha quickly IM ekls atari to baal and clear, Huy axira ffimyfft Zeino Liquid for luotwro casas, B ZEM0 Police Checking Vandalism Report POI.I.CE 14 I.eot Two aepsrate acts of vandalism were being investigated today by Clly and Slnte Police. Paul Ketebnrh, 1359 Wllford St.. old cltv nfflcern a window wan broken from Ills car Saturday night Herman Bumberl, 2i!A Reclama tion, reported a plale glass window pitted with B-B shot In a house he is building at 2805 Anderson St. The window was valued at Ui. It a n a Norland S27 Pine KU lire Insurance, aoGOO0f Only 10 minutes to fix. H A rich, aavory flavor II everybody likes. Get f on of th fin Chun King Oriental foods M Lt your grocars today I W ali-footsie y SAVAOI-WAYNI Bouncy Foam Rubber Soles "1 SYLVIA STEIBER it now employed by LADY KLAMATH BEAUTY SHOP She welcomes the patronage of her old customers. VELMA SERF. OWNER 125 N. 7th Phone 6677 It's Spring I And it's high time you brought your truck around (or warm-weather conditioning. This includes: Chonoa-vr I ummar grada lubricants Draining f tooling tytlem . o Engine chck-v While the inside of your truck gets a Spring tonic, why not let ui give the outlid a brightening up? JUCKLELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE, Inc. 11th end Klamath Ph. 2-2581 (l!.H:'y:UM!r7TV4,:llN! 1st fejli I -s Washable tops en thick, bouncy foam rubber sales. QUILTED PLASTIC Ntw faille velen in brilliant red, green, blue QUILTED TERRY CLOTH Whjtt, blut, maiz, grttn Women's sliest small (4-5); medium (iV-6ya); large (7.); extra large (''.). "LEON'S 525 MAIN I Please send me I $1.99 per pair. Siie PH. 3466 " "1 .palre("ah-footles"at I I .Color. .'2nd Color. Name. Denim Terry Plastli I Address I Stat City. I I j t,osn u . . . ..." J r.1 -v y 9 j . i' "'"9 '-'"t . I -,n.;, -J r "look at thisi liaturis 1 BEFORE you b-'... 33 Rtal Fd rrxr '1 NDfrollng I A Trlggor-Actlon latch 1 fl Tharmamatar 4Radl-CubekTrays 1 ' A Handy Utility taikat U Jturdy Aluminum Jhelvei S Durabl Mat Piih rruK and Vtab1 Orawers 1 their own, are actually In want or MifferliiK privation." lit said the government must act to tide people over In an emergen cy, but he opposed "using wrong fully the Idea of 'emergency' to In stall soma kind of socialistic) ays tern or government paternalism." AIPIDIM . FOR CHltDQf.'L MiUn, IIIKI Iff I O HANOI flAVOR Sm QcdhoiuxA fS MIRRORS fr njr rm In tht hml Ml K. Main t&U week (wltf MARCH 24 TO MARCH 29 97 "V SPEC : Kaoulor Jl.MoltU? I I - ,' Totatrodact (I'1 l ? i more Wf-wiie women, 1- IV 1 1 rauUr BeBe-Shanneei m v .' vl ' " t 1 prurtfst dow ihaoea. In til JL .' 4 ' I M wighta Every p V A t liwleoi Brffe-Shannest V ' 1 m aathy and ia penVct BeOi i t . Sbaraeer fit Docome ini 1 ". , ' V fidle-Sharoter fitted. IAL SALE reduced fenicet olio skarmcor leg-size stockings opr. $UepN ,37 Regular iJbi at J1U3 pr. ' , gulor $1 J3 at 11.19 e pr Ioxof3pr.t3.47 fftbuloaa-fitting BeQe-Sbarmeer Legli atoclusp md at a 'uSaak fos" to all tor automat, t offer Ht week only. All of tht pmjuiest ntw In til fliie VAHrTVf nJ in tO weight. E'eiy piir to $jj(2pL III rf fliwlm BeDe-Shanue:? Mnik3k !xlfl iQaiity euxi is perfect BeUt wi r i l SbnDect fit Do come in sad b J Ad fi fcllelurmeer fitted. f 7 " Wikr (ormnt faruU, . ranuOWt aoettgi Urger Lfft &on6tsllH Sne.lVt.l Suc9HwU9fi ImI for brint le EVERY SUNDAY . for the next three months LOOK! 12 Luscious FLAV-R-PAC FROZEN CHICKENS included of no exfrowsf Hyov with tht purchase of this sensafionol Two-Door Combination 10.6 Cubic Foot GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR and FOOD FREEZER 1 LIMITED COMBINATION OFFER WHILE THEY LAST..&UVUf This amazing offer is good for a limited time only at your General Electric Dealer ... just while thes popular models remain availsble. So BEFORE YOU BUY, CHECK GENERAL ELECTRIC, and give your family tht benefit ol home refrigeration at its finest. ..and Chicken every Sunday for 12 weeks! Remember, thia General Electric Refrigerator-Food Freeier it Two Applitttcts in One... tor as little as $ down. $14 a month Limited Number at this special price! YOUR GE DEALER 7) fj( BR Sole Renins Wed. Lasts Thru April 5th DREEM isn't just new point. , DREEM is t completely new and amazing finish! DO NT DO ANY PAINTING UNTIL YOU SEE FOR YOUtSELF THE AMAZING SUPERIORITY OF BOYSEN i BUyttOW at these SPECIAL SAU PMttS AOTofiW 1 rfecrrQT mtsih 100 Wt ViSfJ lOTSOt TW-UTE DttWl j j 1 VicaL HOUSE PMHT V5 wi ""JJ j I V"3r "lUm ' " llei W'1' " ! ' . 7 imstN oio toiowtt ; I ' 'r rusoiux..." XTfi&&S porch, deck mo ; I tTSlVl MlHSEHMtl TaKr FLOOR ENAMEL . I 33SK3S5 ,rK StSiSs : SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY LASTS THRU APRIL 5th - COPELAND LUMBER YARDS FYC EC'S LEOW'S 1001 MAIN PH. 2.2511 ti at. r.H. T..LLL rkiloauln 525 MAIN PH. 3466