MONDAY, MAKCII 24. lO.Vi HERALD AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON lli'lllry I'linn Illlll'inl Olllol' v lll ii n i'l lur II M piitlui k Miimi . Wrcllii'Mli'y. All liiiiliilit'lN mill lilnulu Hulled. J. W. Vi'lU'crs will lnivi' Mime liilui niiillmi on whllu iiiiimIc (Ill.Cill.i' In ciiltlc. Iliinir- Mr. unci Mm. V. John Wi-hl mill iliiuitlilrr. I Mm, lui vr rn. luinid limn I'oilliinil where limy wtiii cullrd by tlin drulli ul Mr Wi'fii'u mother. IMmli'lliiii - I .mi Ann ('lump, dimull lii ul Mr. mill Mm. ilnrulil Chime III)!) Murllii wiin mil' ul 22 mullein ii'lii mrntliiK v. 01 1 id i h IIvIiik iii uiill 1iilloim In tliu Amluied Women Hiinlrnln Mvle show, I'eb. 27. In lleilinrer Hull, Unli'i-mlly ul Ore nun. Hill In n senior iiiiiJuiIiik 111 kciiciiil nocliil M'lnuT. N'cw Kmi- Wind Iihh been re eelvecl hern ul the blrlh ul Imiki'IH'. Mnrrh '.!'.!, of n win lo Mr. iiml Mri. Hoy I'i. Unifier. The iimUier t Hit former Mary Lou Allen, K 1 11 11 1 ii 1 1 1 J ' J 1 1 1 - 'I I in huliy, burn In Hueml lleurt llortpillll wrluhi'll M'V t-n pound, IU uiincrn, mid hint been iminrd Hlt'vrn Mlilmel. The linil leru Imvo u diniKliliT, IN-giiy Loulne two yenrn old. Oi iinilpiirrnlH uru Mm. Ili'tly Aili'ii. Kliimiilh fulls Jnhii Allen, Hrml. uiiil Mr. n ml Mi-. Cliiri'iii r Unifier. Oiikrldiie, (lie Mirllm Clitliullr Uiiughlern will inirt toinithl In regular Action. 8 pin pi Minted llii.rl I'lirlf-ll Mull A piinrl dlM'tinhlnn on the Huern mrulp will lit prer.rnlrd. The mem hi'i h will w on lavrUes for 11 (-llulltiihlr tiprlliK project. Ilrlirkuh Koelul Club will meet 1 pin, WrtlnrMliiy, for h potlutk luneh mid bUHlni'hH mrrtlnK. Hie Three It Chili will inert 12::ia p in Tuesday nt the hunting unit. HoMeiine will be Kiilhlcen llrp burn mid KIMe l.oiiKineir. Allnmonl-P'I A will hold it titin 11 V fUli-iilulit r'rldny nt Dig Allu niont Junior HihIi. Dinner Miiris nt 0:30 pm. In be followed by 11 tmoker. inuvlen, square ilnnclnii mid ninny eurulvnl cmeeKMnnn All thin Including the dinner lor 60 cenlfl per pernon. Hrt'overlng I'nvllt Newnlniin Oli'iie, I'liiploveil by A. ft, Ciunp- bell, In III. Arrival - Here lor the fmieriil lo iluy of Mm. NrlPe Miulhii Mr Ciiluley urn 11 dmiithtir, Mm. Vnl erle Itiilnen, Hull r'riiiif-b'i'o, u Min, Ullly Mi Ciuiliy Kiiiieue mid ii "li ter of Hurry lliilvlh. Mi l. Klimr HiMkliiK, 1'nlo Alto. Mm. MeCiiuley min-ln-liiw. I'll i ii' i ii I Kvrvlren wen; held thin iiioiiiIiik. ItrenverlllK -Mri. lleilniili Aiken. Irort Kliiiniilh in rei-uperiiiini: Irnni IL l-rrinl hlt'l,.nu ItlticHN id In- Inline of iiei hIMi'i', Mm. l!ob l.ewln, uiene, Meellni-'I'lie Ml. l.nkl l.ndleii Aid will holt! ii ii'KUliir niei-tnii! WedneMliiv, 'J p.m. ut the liomo of Mm. f'reil Heyini'i. l-'rriiiiint f'i'A Ktiuiire diinrlni', Ki'inin In lo mi'i'l. Ill tlin lioyn' 10 in toiunrruw, II p in ('liib-.-HiUtiii ihinrliiK lo lilKld lit t) with (Hi,, Kills (.ii 111 i iu Open Tiinllil t:luiiM- In Auieil can hinuuiiKe Ih-miii louli.:ht, 7 lO'rlot-k, In rooin HUH, Kliiiiiutli Ull I loll IIICll M I..,1. ( nil Mil, Komi , IIK7&, for turthi'l' hifolinntioii. ' Dejrrr nf lliiniir - l.oil;i- ineeK tonmht nt M in 1 1 ir- K C hull, l-'or-iniils nre lo hr worn for the Junior Krudiiiillon. ! Tim nsrliil 'lull hiitlhOt'K a rind pnrty TiieMhiy. 8 p.m., nt Hie hoine inf Mender. McC.'nirken, Will N Dili. 'Menibem mid frleud.s nre luvlted, FOR YQUR LENTEN MENUS 'I II mid llenlth Aiikihi, Klumnlh rlinpler IN lo hiivn n hiiiehnon luenl liii! louionow noon ut the. Wlnrmii llnlel. Hoy KrniilH- 'J ump VI In In meet lit Hie Flint I'renbyteilnil Church toiiioi row, 7 .'ID p. in, lliippy Hour Club Meetn '1'ueH dny, I :io p in., nt the home ol Mi ii. K. II. Liiwrenee. 3&00 Ander ion Ave. To l:iiene Miinlvn I.ylle. I0H0 e'remont, mid Kulliy Andemon, 'tl'.l Loill, Kpenl their nprlHK tchool viicullon In Kuni'iie. In Tru-Mm. K R. Ilmnbrlrk, fi a r.lilornlo. In In lloiuilon, Texan, whi-ii. hhe wn culled bec-uune of Mie eerloun lllnenn of tier diniKh ter, Mm, M. A. MrColluiii, the lor iiniT I'ul lliiiiilirli.k. llt'KN FATAL ! f'fJllTI,ANI Ml OeoiKC K. Muxwell. JO, burned when n curd ibonril i ilndi'd in hln ntove si (home i'rldiiy, died III a huiipllnl iheie Monduy. ,1 l''lre Invehliiiitnm khIiI unnes ; formed bv thn lire iiiumrentlv col li rli'd In Hie box mid exploded I when Ihi'V not hot, AIoiik Ihe Miiiylund nnd Vlrnlnln 1 i onnl.'i, iiieiihndi-n, n npeclen of I IMi. me known un buiiheiid, buR IikIi, oldwife, nlewlle, Krecnliill, liind cIh'Iiok. I Tele-fun by Vanen Goodrich ()unl. Club will meet for n (1 30 dinner lonh:bt In the Pelic-un Purty mom. 8iropiimlnt mrmbem rr In. vlled lo thin meetinn.' Two fihnn. one on Civil Defenie nnd one on Itnclnl Tolernnre will be shown. Ager Rites Set Tuesday Funernl nervlcen for Grow. WnMilnclon Aiser. fO. pioneer Kln mlh HnMn rnmher, nre to be held tomorrow, 3 pm, from O'llnlr'n Memorlnl Chnpel. 6ih nnd Pine. He died In a hospital here Biiturdny mi-In. Mr. ARer. born In Slsklvnu Coun ty, Cnllfornln, In April, lWil). nine lo Klmnnlh In 1U00. lilt ruiiiii linme unn neur wKeno. Ills fulher, Ihe lute .leroine ARer, -na one of the enrly wtllem in fil'klyou and Ihe town of Ager wns FRESH! MADE IN KLAMATH FALLS' WW COT TAGS SiSEi ! A roa TMI CTIt LUI coiuci CHitii mciri toot "I'd better hang up now. I have a hunch Father wants to use the 'phono.". . . Every body gels tetter service when the youngsters are considerate telephone users! . . . Pacific Telephone. linmed for him. The widow, Mrs. Binoche Arct. Is a (IniiRhier of the late Orxon , A. Ktrrm, Klumnlli oCunty'a first homcslendrr. Besldeii the widow, Mr. Ager Is ' aurvlved by: two daughters, Mrs. : Helen Lonuticvlllo nnd Mra. Irina muck, both of Klmnnth l-'nlU: ( iniri: nuiwt, uuiiiin nun ucurRC, Klaninlli I'ulln and Lowell, Anh Innd; two brothers, Chnrlea, Kla math Talla, nnd Jerome, Yrekn: four nlstrrn, Mrs. Lucy Van Sandt, Yrekn, Mrn. Knte Preeninn aril Mm. Panic Anderson, 8unol, Calif., nnd Mrs. Alloc Pnrriott, Punctc, Cnllf.' The Hev. Dnvld Bnmelte Jr., will uiiKitiiiT ni, ill: luiii'im lino inicriucni win uc in n-iiiniHin Memorlnl Pnrk, , Cry To Him I By ;koik;k n. tayi.ob One of our mission stations over sells reports 60 natives convortcd Inst yenr. These have a cheer, ; hope and aod-nnture unknown to them before they fJ'Tft opened their hearts j Vx '.fT5 I nn" .lct chrM '" 1 ' jii any man be in : J Christ, he In a new : IZiV JUerentlon. Old thlngn ! ""lli have passed away' fJf 1st Cor. 6:17. One I i'ft-O "' (heir mission I i f"rrc ur,(c, u li I f& ' prny on nnd on tor j I iff llielr Sunday After-1 Wig ftmm m noon meet when so tiro, N. Tnvlor'"n"V converts arc broiiRht in. Few ever ro to a physician until fhey know themselves to be sick. And no one ever comes to Christ to be saved until he knows himself to be lost. Only and can convince men that they nro lost. ONE Give men the Message of salva tion. TWO Pray Ood lo con vince them. Most saved people have been prayed for, Plend with God to bring theit IhrniiRli. This upaco used by a family who would s"c you saved. HEW LOW GROCERY PRICES Hood River Apple Cider Roxbury Chocolate Cherries lb. 39c Hormel Spam Swift's Prem 12-01. 12-01. 46c 46c EVERYDAY LOW MEAT PRICES Slab Bacon Sliced Bacon, Standard Sliced Bacon, Fancy Pork Sausage Pork Link Sausage Ground Beef Lamb Shoulder Roast Halibut Salmon Fillet of Sole H-D Whiting Lunch Meat, Assarted Bockwurst Evis. Fowls Del Monte Lard Jowls Pork Liver Fryers ,b 39c .b 43c ib 55c b 39c ,b 59c ,b 59c .b &9c ,b 59c ,b 79c ,b 57c .b 29c ib 59c .b 65c ib 59c 2.b, 25c ,b 25c .b 29c .b 65c Florida Oranges 5 lbs. 39c PenneyS 171 JL STORE HOURS 9:30 - 5:30 ' 8 " 0-- - asnons ELEVATOR SERVICE TO ALL FLOORS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! BIG SAVINGS. FINE SELECTIONS. FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY V J SPECIAL PURCHASE! ANOTHER BIG SHIPMENT Rayon Short Coats '6 IV8 SOLIDS L jjJ (UNLINED) LOOK AT THESE COLORS! LILAC GREY PINK GOLD AQUA BIEGE WHITE NAVY RED It's the most popular short coat ever made! Clever, flattering, boxy style with neat, clean lines . . . beautifully tailored . . . lots of details . . . and they're priced at a tiny 4.98! You'll want to hurry in right away while the color selection is large! Sizes 00 to 00, plain or checks. Jak& ihs nkvcdoh Jb ouJi SECOND FLOOR NEW PRINTS ... . RAYON SPRING PRINTS P90 in misses and half sizes Small, neat patterns to bold scenic designs . . . fresh and new as Spring itself! And of course you know rayon print for its airy, lightweight sheerness ... its wonder- ful washability. Another plus . . . the thrifty Penney price that brings you so much smart looks, so much "wear, for so. little! Aqua, gray", and pastels like green, lilac, pink, maize . . . 14-20. 1612-2412. Take the elevator to our Second Floor ' H- EASTER MEANS . . . 1 LITTLE WHITE STRAW "Keyed to you and your budget" Prtshest touch ever (nr Spring nnvy , , , yours In tailored shapes lav ished vlth tlowers or very simply trimmed. Sparkling white with bright accents ... sec them In darks and pas tels,, too. Other Type and Styles From 2.98 to 6.00 ON OUR SECOND FLOOR ll:J AhuLl, dhSAAlj NYLON GLOVES 9BC PAIR Sheer and so dainty! Your perfect Sunday-go-to-meeting gloves! Easy to care for . . . you know how nylon washes and dries so quickly! White, black, navy, pink. Sizes 6 to 8'. MAIN FLOOR LEATHER OR CORDE HANDBAGS "7790 PLUS TAX Smooth calf leather in brown, black. MAIN navy- Beautifully textured genuine 1 cordes! Youll choose handsome new FLOOR styles to match your dress or casual out fits! Real buys at this tiny price! JEaaz Jjum RAYON SUPS 98 Fine' multi-filament rayon crepe with lavish lace trim at hem and bodice! Four- 8re cut for smoother, last- pink, or maise. Sizes 32 to 42. MAIN FLOOR GOLD IBaiishhm TEEN FLATS SILVER SATIN BLACK LEATHER WHITE LEATHER DOWNSTAIRS Young classic . . . the cut little ballet Hat with a draw string for snug fit, a com fortable cushion inside wedge, long-wearing sole . . . Sani tized for cleaner, better wear. Sizes 4 to 8'i. AA-B. EASTER NEWS FOR MEN AND BOYS! MAIN FLOOR RAYON-GABARDINE ' SUITS FOR JR. BOYS wool - hcupn . ; SLACKS FOR MEN 27ori 28 to 42 Balance-blended for smooth. crisp appearance plus extra long wear. Smartly styled with continuous waistband, deep reversed pleats, sup pressed waistline. Checks or plains. . v, , ... I9? Hcnvicr than average fabric that's creases resistant and wonderfully long wearing. Double-breasted style . . . fully lined ... In solid colors. Handsomely tailored ... a perfect dress-up suit for the youngsters. Sizes 4 to 8. DOWNSTAIRS