MONDAY. MAIICII 24. 1f)!V2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THRKt lly JI AN ovvunh Hprlnu, mid Urn hint trrm nl mliool In nlri-ntly hern. I'iilm It tlrwwi't ytit ln, likn II. ua liir mi Inn wcnthcM' In roncnriiftl, but m iul farcin u(i out WuiliiPHdiiy. mill nuxl Mnndny li in l k n tlio hi'HllinliiK of the Nluili'llln' liwt llllln wnk III noliool. Mnmliiy lit very olton n Blow iliiy imy wy, but It nwiiit anprrlully no nllur our week of vii ration, not only or iilmlcnlu but lor thn liioully. Miiny ol thn lii(pnln xpi'iit llu' lintlor piirt of llin week ol viuu tluii nt - thn Hlnti' linn mi m tint to view tli. bimki'lbnll Kiinum. Al UiimkIi bimki'tbull nrimou In llnully over, nnil mnyuii not with llvlnts colnm, our ti-um did provide) tholr I u im with ninny ihilllliiK Kiiiiiivi which will bp ii'iiii-nibciiMl n Knife time. Truck mid bnnrbnll will pro vide tlio (.ports lilLtlilliilil tor noxl Irrm. (.'Iicnilntry hludcntn, hiivlnr ni turned from their weekH' trip to Hun r'runclncn reported n wonder (ill trip. Bnvernl tuny hnvo hiul tlio chnnen to lieiir tliem on the Mel Venters' llroukrilHt CIuiik hint Mon iluy morning. Yen, the vitcittlon In over, nnd miiny, inuny aprlim iiullvitlcri will inniiuRn to keen m nil bimy. Henlorn will find their time jicclnlly limited dun to their Kriul imtlon iiillvlllevi, which will mint very noon for miiny. The Junior urn nlremly wiirkliitt luirii on Hie prom, which will be Siiturilny nlitlit l?ny 4. All the cIiinm-h will pnrllol pain In the Hclccllon of u epicem for the 30-10 truck menl. which in done throiiKh the mile of tlckelM, iniiklim it ronti-nt hrtweeii the rlnw, Clubn will be eleclliiK their new ofllcern for next yeiir nnd ev rml have biimiiirta or other Ireriee nffdlrn on their nchediilcN for thin well In bund mid will lie prenei I IB lleil . , Bonanza . j iiy coitA i.icavitt Gilbert Joyce In hern from Ciunn Itoimrtn. Culil. vl'iltniK . relnUvee nnd Incmin. 11" will be Mint In (Jump HenliiK, tin., whero lm will bo In 1 1 ii 1 nil iu lor ft piirutrooiier. lie In the nephew ol Mm. Ulndyn Klluoro mid Dewey Horn, Mur till Uruwn nnd Wiiller Cimobeer Imvn rotuined from ii vlult to the eiinlern, mid wiiillimn HlutCH nlno Cmiiidn mid Mexico, Mr. nnd Mm. I.orcn Bliepherd mid Innilly hnvo prnl. neverul clnvn In I'ortlund vli.ltliiK iTlutlvcn nnd Irlendii, Mr. mid Mm. DnlliiK Houtherlnnd Imvu niinied their new bnby duuith ter. Cheryl Anne, Mr d Mrn, llohlln I'lelller nnd children nro npendliiK thn vncii lion week III I'ortlund Willi rein liven mid Iilcndti. All Irlendn of Mrn. Jlllimv Dve nnd Mrn. Lloyd Hubble urn Invited lo n htmk nhower In tlwilr honor to be held nt the Iloniinzu Library on M nn il 311 ut 'i p.m. Don't fnrRcl the pot-luck dinner in honor of the Moiiinizii bnnket bull tenin, Conch Whipple nnd Mr. Hliurpe nt the hlHh ftchool 7 p.m., Mn rill 111). All frlendn nnd relative dnncliiK nller the nupper. Mm. l'hll Hunt nnd Jenny nnd Jimmy tre here Irnm l'urtlnud vln lilnir her purcntfl Mr. nnd Mrn, Hill liechdoldl. Mr, nnd Mrn. Owen Pepple were dinner yucntn In I.uiikoII Viilley H"lurdnv pvenhiK lit the homo ol Mr. and Mm. Hurry Fruitier. Hie iiiimnil fried chicken dinner Ulven by the Rebckuh Lodon wim dellclotin nnd n liuitc crowd nt tended It. The Unlit went out nt 7 o'clock but nervliiK went on by ciindlellKht. Krnoitt tirttven of Lnn-Ki-ll Vullcy won lhc door prize. Atom Shelter Problem Grows WAHIIINtlTflN im 'rh. .,,(..1 hlieltei'N duiillu ntomln hnmh af. luckn me olflcn bulidliiKn, ntoren, aoiiimm, uieuiciM mm inctorlen. . f.'lllirirlien nnd ' lurin nrlllni'llima Which huve iliurlcounte nverheurl protection nro not nufo, 'llime polntn were brnuKht out by the Kederul Civil Uefenne Ad mlnl.'itrtitlon Hundiiy nn It nnnnun- ced publlcnllon of a new mnnual (lenlKned lo help cltlen locntn their own nneiiern, proiombly ncvernl In cucli block. Hie liuencv Nlllrl nntt.Mtlnl Amur. Iciin ttiinet cltlen now provide pro- w:cmi lor oiuy noiiiii iwo million prrnonn. Hut, It mild, ulterutlonn lo pretient blllltllnuD could boont Ihln lo lve niilety to 16 million more. It recommended Unit henvlly popululcd Indiinlrliil nroim ponn Ible tnrKetn recruit nurvev tenmn of nrchllecln, conslructlon enxln ecrn, bulldem, city bulldlnx Innpec lorn mid utility expertn to npot the bent nhcltcrn. Adequule nheltern nhould be lo cut ! In ench block, If ponnlblc, bccHiine nn iitlnck muy come with Idle wnrnliiK. April t. All In nil It lookn un though we huve n buny, but Rood time to loolt lorwurd to In the next weekn ol nchiHil. its such good salt! Plain or iodized; always free-running; always uniform. At your grocer's in the red package. Fnjoy Ltilit's "Mt tlie Minus Viiriilia" with ll.irry Kpl,m -C.B.S. S.ilimnyi 11:30-12 notn. When you buy a nklllet choose one Unit In nubiilnullul. A nklllet ol lIulitwelKht or poor-uunllty nhect metiil In likely to warp: warping mennn Hint the pun will teeter on the rnnife no that the fnt will run In one nldc nnd lood will cook unevenly nnd ntlck. School Work Contract OK A contract for a Malln lliih School addition and Inntnllatlon of new nchool hentlnK plant nan been awarded to Bronterhoun Con ntructlon Company, Klamath Fnlln. rjntimatea com of tne worn in iiz,- 470. County School Bunt. Carrol Howe nald the new (acllltlcn would In clude a multiple purpone room, two clannroomn and rent roomn tor boyn and glrln. The work In nched ulrd for completion In Auiiunt. Morrlnon and Howard are the arch IteotK. I Howe alao announced that bldn nro to be opened April 10 on a 1110,000 addition to Falrhaven nchool. Thin plan calU for nix clann roomn, a kitchen and a new boiler lor the nchool hentlnK aynlem. Mor rlnon and Hownrd are also archi tects on thin Job. MORE DELICIOUS MACARONI J German Skiers Said Killed VIENNA 11 At leant alx Oor man nklern Monday were reported killed In weekend avnlanchca In the Austrian Tyrol. Blxtccn other pernonn were Injured and nine were minnlriK. Bcoren of mountnln rrncue work er, iiHlrm trained police tioKn, nought the mlnnlnit, burlert be neath avalanche net In motion by the audden onnet of warm spring weather. It'i Important to une the rlKht nlze pan In bnklnK. A pan thnt In too deep, for Inntance, will pre- ! vent a cake lrorn brownlnx well 1 on top. A pan that In too nhnllow will mean thnt your cuke butter I will run over In the oven. Buy coke i pan In nlzca that fit the baking reclpen you une monl often. HERE IT IS! THE fAVEtlDZR HlU ii03 The Smash Comedy Hit You've Heard So Much About ! ESQUIRE -- Starting Thursday MOW! Your Ownlfeys tone Outfit! Three-Piece Movie Outfit For Only $177.70 For e limited time you can ewn thts famous Ktyitone movie outfit at e big saving!. This fint three piece outfit In cludes the hondiome Keystone comtra end projector and o big, hondiome 30x40 beaded tripod screen. This offer Is limited because wo have only a few outfits to sell or this big savings. Come in, todayl Or mail coupon Immediately! KEYSTONE "OLYMPK" 8MM CAMERA klauait ftmm mavl rnmera with Maana-ftnder and twenty other matchless features Including simplified load- Ing and long run motor . Only $71.00 KEYSTONE "R-8" PROJECTOR Low-priced projector with lifetime construction. Fast fl.83 lens, 400-ft. reel, and unmatched reputation 'for trouble free service . . ........... Only $89.75 v t THREE-PIECE OUTFIT REGULARLY $188.75 NOW ONLY $177.70-YOU SAVE $11.05 NOTHING DOWN $3.50 A WEEK "ORDER DY MAIL! OWJ STANDARD OPTICAt COMPANY . 11 MAIN ST. IN KLAMATH FAI.I.S o eiuM i.n aw i taniHilii Kavttm awn . O eiwM M im e KsyilMe "Olvmfll" tamart t srs.N. O riiaae Hue me e Kavsttat " oroieetar , 715 MAIN STREET IN KLAMATH FALLS Nine .....t,, f.. ) .... .. t IASY WAV TO BUY 0 thMk tr mtrwv AM te raur tcaevnt .iUr ... .0 reur aitaunl O caart (Terms ta At- 0 "'J Wt m Man Released from habit-forming luxativet "I feel happier, voutwer now, not ' coruitlpated," writes Detroit man. "Eating your m.l-bran does so much tor me. What wonderful relief, after so many pills and medicines." If you can't keep reg ular because of lack of diet-bulk, try Kellogg's aA-ukak and see If it doesn't help you regain youth ful regularity as thousands have. It's the only type ready-to-eat cereal that supplies all the bulk you may need . . . It's not habit formlnif. Hlch In iron, hlsth in cereal protein, provides essential B and D vitamins. Eat 'i cupful dally; drink plenty of liquids. It not completelv tatiafled after 10 days, send empty carton to KellOKK's, Battle Creek, Mich., and get double your money sack I OVERHAUL YOUR CAR MOTOR NOW.. PAY LATER I OUR SPECIAL complete overhaul For a limited time only wf WILL: Install '"" ' ." Install 'S" r Grind valve arms , Adiust main ana .na.c.i,r"""9, Clean r - Cln oil br.t Pistoa Piston " Distributor points Condansar nd p" A..nrtC oil W 3 X" Chevrolet Motor -ondiUonin, vrolet porK Pay Only $6.63 Per Month! FIX YOUR CAR NOW AND FIX US LATER! 410 So. 6th lfa taiv te f on a.taunt. far taitatt wnitJMIe naiMi aM I W aneit aafsniMU- I ADCI ROEBUCK AND CO. I 1 v y fit ' m Tr tv a i - " :1 .som. m 1-69 U AJ Sanforizad mercerized cotton brood- s N .y cloth. Popular lemi-tpread collar, I''-J- j Anode d pailel colon, while. I . I -V niADiiA .k,iL 1 r ASHLEY CHEVROLET Ph. 4113 for young Easter Paraders Girls1 Spring Coat and Bag Sets 16 95 Younq fry's favorites . . . matching coat ond baq, pure wool ... in gay Spring pas tels and checks. Sizes 7 to 14. Boyville Junior Sport Twosome 1093 His favorite twosome in a fancy check sport coat ond rayon qabardine lonqies. Coat sizes 4 to 12. Lonqies in sizes 4 to 10. Infants' Patent Leather Shoes 68 3 Mom, protect those precious littlt feet! Stort them off the right way with Biltwell shoes. Sizes 2 to & J .L dress your "angel child" in Honeysuckle! Easter dresses From 6 months to 6 years, all the girls are up-in-the clouds over these adorable dresses! Honeysuckle finest quality sheer and crisp cottons, finest workmanship and tailoring ... in the prettiest colors on earth! 29B , I each Store Hours: , 133 U. Slh 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. PhM fill