PAGE TWO -,, t-v. ' KPJI-11S Ko PST Monday Evening, March II 00 Uabrlel Htattar MBS .!! k'inilh Theater Quit 0:30 Around Town Nw n Sain Hayu, Newt MBI 55 Bill Hanry MBS Vol I'l-oudly W Hall ,1:30 Br'fM liar 00 Ltt Gaoria Do II MBS :.;i) Hnllywona Thaatan MRS 00 Glann Hardy Newa MBS 15 rullon Lawn Nawa MBS H:M Mutual Newarcel MBS MS Rporta Final :.U S-Mlnute Final MBS 10:00 I Lava A Myilcnr MBS 10:16 Survival 10:.TO Cmwall'a Nfiit MBS 1:M Nlfht Owla Nawa 1:09 NUht Owl! Club li:O0 Sign Oil KFJI 1150 Kc PST Tuesday, March 25 6:00 Sunrlaa Serenade :4S J'arm Heporler t:M llegtonal Newa 7:0ll Hemingway Newa MBS 7:15 Breaklait Gang MBS 1:30 Headllnea and ByUnet 7:45 Beat Buya 00 Cecil Brown MBS B IS Breaklait Gang MBS , :30 Haven of Real MBS 0:00 Homemaker Harmonica CIS Platter Party 9:43 Familiar Favorltea 10:00 Glenn Hardy. Nawa MBS 10:19 Tello Tett MBS 10:30 La Pointea 10:43 Concert 10:."0 Currir 10:35 Ken Carton MBS 11:00 Ladlea Fair MBS 11:23 Newa MBS 11:30 Queen for a Day MBS 13:00 Nama Banda J::l. 'ornda' Newa 12:30 Your Dance Tunea 12:43 Market and Llvelock 1; :53 Klamath Note 1:00 Jack Kirkwood MBS 1:30 Take a Number MBS 2:00 Newa MBS 2:03 Newt MBS 2:13 Two at 2-13 2:43 Anewer Man MBS ' 3:00 Rirky'e Request 4:00 Behind the Story MBS 4:15 Hemingway Newt MBS 4.30 Curt Mawey Time MBS 4:43 Sam Hun MBS 5:ii0 Sergeant Preton MBS 5:30 Sky King MBS 5:33 Cecil Brown MBS 6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS 6:15 Klamath Theater Quia 4i::t1 Around Town Newt 6:45 Sam Hayea Newa MBS 6:33 Bill Henry MBS 7:00 Black Museum MBS 1:30 Peter Salem. MBS 8:00 Count of Monte CrUto MBS 8:30 Roving at Rudy't 8:45 Heidelberg Harmonairea World Policy Of U.S. Told WASHINGTON (A1 President Tniman says the. basic purpose of the American foreign policy is to build peace' in the world but not peace at any price. And he fays it is succeeding. "Wc are turning back the threat of Communism," the president says in a foreword to an 80-page outline of U.S. foreign policy, draft ed by the state department at his request and printed for public use. "We are not Just sitting by, wait ing to put out fires when trouble starts in some far-away place," Truman -said. "We are actively at work '. . with our neighbors and friends . . . not only to overcome any threats to world peace but also to strength en freedom and Justice so that . . the danger to peace will be let. "The purpose of the American foreign policy is to defend the in dependence and the integrity of the republic. To do this we must build peace in the world; not peace at any price, but a peace in which the peoples of all countries big and little alike can live free from the fear of aggression. Everything we do in our relations with other countries has that paramount aim." It was made clear that U.S. post war relations with other nations have been molded by a continuing threat of Soviet aggression. ,iOn of Hollywood's best.' HOOK Mapeztn samuei cotnmrs tarring DANA ANDREWS DOROTHY McGUIRE . FARLEY GRANGER PEGGY OOW OltfribwhW by RKO Ptctwm, Inc. 4WU -Eai- TUESLWS: ittJUBlE MfidSSMl 1 WENDEU. CORE AUDREY TOTTER j ',US' mSmijlta . f T v; 1 "V . , ..S'-'VN!. 9:00 Glenn Hrdy Newt MBS B:iS rullon lw.ftNw MBS 0:oO Mutual Ncwsretl MBS S: Spoi l Fin. fl:M 5-Mlnutc Final MBS 10:00 1 Imv A Myilery MBS til:13 Here' to VeU ip::0 Onur Concuri MBS 11:00 Night Owli Nrwi 11:03 Night OuU Club 12:00 Sign Off ; KFLW 1450 Kc PST Monday Kvrnlng, March 24 6:00 Sports HighllghU 6:1ft Horn Town Kwi 6:3S World News Summary 6:30 Suburban Scrnadr 6:43 Hcadhna Edition ABC 6:33 Coming Atlrac. on ABC 1:00 The Lorrn Ranger ABC 7:30 Henry J. Taylor ABC 7:43 Preview Of Tcmoirvw 8:00 The B' Hand ABC 6:30 "Are We Having Too Many Fund Raining Drive?" 10:00 10 P.M. Hearilinei 10:13 Navy Star Time 10:;.Q Insomnia Club 11:00 Newa Summary 11:03 S tn Off KFLW 1450 Kc PST Tuesday, March 23 600 Sign On News Summary 6.03 Corn In the Morn f:43 Farm Fare 7:00 News, Bkfst Edition " 7:15 Charlie's Roundup 7:30 Bob Garred. News ABC 7:40 Top of the Morning 7:33 John Conte ABC 8:00 Breakfast Club ABC 9:00 Hank Henry Show 9 ;f0 Break the Bank ABC 10:00 Chet Huntley ABC 10:13 Lone Journey ABC 10:30 My True Story ABC 10:53 Wnispering Street ABC 11:1.1 Stop and Shop 11:30 Against the Storm ABC 11:45 IVu.Mca. Roundup 11 :M Market Hoort 12:00 Noon Edition News 12:13 Pay. ess Sice walk S4ow 12-30 Lucky U Fanch ABC 1:00 Paul Harvey ABC 1:15 Better Living 1:30 Standard School Bdcst 2:00 Basin Briefs 2:!3 When A Girt Marries ABC J:30 Joyct Jordan. N.D. ABC 2:45 Rom. Evelyn Winters ABC. 3:00 Betty Crocker ABC 3:15 Ted Malone ABC "' 3:30 Dean Cameron ABC 3:45 Mary Martin- ABC 4:00 Requestfully Yours 5:00 Tern Corbett, Space Cadet ABC 5:25 World Flight Reporter ABC 5:30 Chet Huntley ABC 5:45 Voice of America 6:00 Sports Highlights 6:15 Home Town News 6:25 World News Summary ,C:30 Suburban Serenade 6:45 Headline Edition ABC 6.55 Coming Attractions on ABC 7:00 Greatest Story ABC 7:30 Kcwttanrf Theater ABC 8:00 Met Auditions of Air ABC 8:30 U S S R. ABC 9:00 Town Meeting. ABC - 9:45 Paul Carson at the Organ. 10:00 10 P.M. Headline? 10:15 Ralph Flanayan Orch. 10:45 Insomnia Club 11:00 News Summary 11:05 Sign Off Reds Watched In Indo-China SAIGON, Indochina l.f Reports persisted Saturday that Chinese Communists may be in Indochina in greater force than just military advisors and technicians. There was no confirmation. With virtually all the North Ton kin border with China in Vietmlnh hands there Is nothing to prevent the Chinese Reds at anytime mov ing in tens of thousands of troops to aid Ho Chi Minh's soldiers against the j French Union forces. Bui French and foreign intelli gence reports fail to show such a movement was started. It is extremely difficult, however, for the French to learn just what is going on in North Tonkin since the Chinese Reus could by night slip thousands of troops across the border in Vietminh uniforms and link up with troops fighting the French. The only good window the French still have on Red China is at Moncay in Northeastern In dochina. Latest reports from Mon cay say no unusual Chinese mili tary movements have been spotted across the border in Kwangsi and Kwaogtung Provinces. Kimball Says Korea To Keep MANILA W Navy Secretary Dan A. Kimball said Saturday "something will have to be done" if the Korean truce talks fail. "We won't quit," he told a news conference here; "We'd rather fight them there than in The Phil ippines or elsewhere later." Kimball, who arrived Saturday on an inspection tour of Pacific Navy installations, said he didn't think a world war is imminent. "Apparently the Reds don't want a shooting war now. They seem to be doing well enough without one." he said. CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 1:45 ENDS TONIGHT ALLINC BULLDOG DRUMMONDi AND "LADY POSSESSED" MEN OF STEEL! J ...WOMAN OF taJ c. COMING HOME is Cpl. David Wayne Murdock, 19. ' son of Mrs. H. E. Hender son, Malm, after two year's service on Okinawa with the 590th Engineer Corps. He sailed March 19 and ex pects to have 'a thirty, dav leave during April. He will be stationed somewhere in the U.S. for the remainder of his enlistment period. Probers Call Off Scheme WASHINGTON Lfi House tax scandal probers called a week-end halt Saturday to their investigation of Henry W. Grunewnld, leaving unanswered the question whether perjury charges will be brought against nis auorney. William Power Maloney. former Justice Department olticial, was threatened with a perjury charge Friday after he told his story of his relations with Sen. Bridges ik-k.m.i, urunewaid ana a live' million-dollar tax case. Rep. Kean (R.-N. J.), accused Maloney, now a New York lawyer of swearinir falsely on a previous occasion Uiat he never borrowed money from Grunewald, a shadowy Washington figure with influence in high places. The House group, which has pro duced evidence Maloney borrowed uuu irom urunewaid. voted to forward a transcript of the lawyer's testimony to the Justice Depart, ment to consider whether he was lying under oath. The committee plans to resume its hearings Mondav bv calling Hyman Harvev Klein. Baltimore wholesale liquor dealer whose five-million-dollar tax case involved not only orunewald. but Sen. Bridges Maloney revealeil Fridav It he who asked Bridges the Senate Republican leader to inquire "as a friendly favor", about a five-million-dollar jeopardy tax assess ment placed against Klein. j I Hiidebrand V By MRS. T. P. MICHAEL Mrs. and Mrs. Flovd Rocne mri family left Thursday for Missouri to visit Mrs. Rogers' parents and other relatives and friends. Harvey Butts is on the sick list and was taken to Klamath Palls on Thursday for medical attention. mrs. Jiawin walker of Sprague River visited for several days of the past week with Mrs. Kenneth viera. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Grohs and sons, Carl and Phillip from Langell vauey visnea wim Mrs. Orohs' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ritter on Wednesday. Among those who attended the auction sale in Klamath Falls on Friday were Leonard Ritter, Joe Vleira, Orval Smyth and John Hartzler. Mr. and Mrs. William Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lee arrived home Monday from .Fort Ord.' Calif., where they visited Leonard Lee and Jim Clark and Richard Dicks. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bisbev had as their dinner guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Barker ol Klam ath' Falls. Charles Flackus and daughter. Mrs. Lyle Lorenz of Klamath Falls, were ualry shoppers on baturoay. They were former residents of this community. F. J. Brotherton of Sprague River was a business visitor in Dairy on Friday. His two small sons James and Lynn, returned home with him- to spend the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Drew visited on Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. E. Bisbey. Leonard Ritter made a business trip to Merrill on Saturday. Marvin Michael has been on the sick list and was taken to Klam ath Falls on Monday for medical care. David J. Bliss was transacting business in Klamath Falls on Mon day. Mrs. Sarah Michael had as din ner guests on Sunday, March 16. Mr. and Mrs. Byron M. Welch of Lakeview, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hoef ler of Klamath Falls, Frank Kemerv of Lakeview, Eddie Welch, Ray Hoefler, Elton Welch, Gloria Hoefler, Loy Welch, Wanda Hoef ler and Clarene Welch. Among those who were trans acting business in Klamath Falls on Monday were Mis. Bill Ryser, Mrs. R. E. Bisbey, Lester Porter field and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rueck. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Falkoske and children have been on the sick list for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ritter and children. Lela and Robert, of Hen ley, visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Michael and Mrs. Sarah Michael. They Didn'r Know It Was Loaded PORTLAND OP) A 12-year-old boy told police he found two five-year-olds playing with a loaded pistol. The youth, Gene Fosdlck, said he took the gun away from the children Sunday after he saw them tossing It into the air like a toy. Police investigated further and found that at least a dozen child ren in the neighborhood had played with the gun during the past few days. One of the children told police her grandmother gave her the gun after finding it Jrfc clump of bushes. HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH rmr-rmririi a'a a a l'riaaaM . TALKING IT OVER Nathan Feinsinger, chairman of the Wage Stabilization Board (left) and Frederick H. Bullen, vice-chairman, confer as they met to find a way to settle the threatened steel strike. The Board is considering a rec ommedation by its public members for a 20-cent an hour "package" increase for the steel workers. OUT OUR WAY 7 ITS A PRIVILEGE TO ASK YOU TO ANSWER THE CALL FOR DOJATIOWS TO THE 1952 RED CROSS FUND YOU'LL BE A PART OF HUMANITY IN ACTION" GIVING HELP TO YOUR FELLOW AMERICANS WHENEVER AMP WHER EVER, HELP 15 Ex-Caddie N-S Winner PINEHURST, N.C. ifl Bar bara .Romack, ex-caddie (one-hole) is one answer to those who claim that the ranks of top flight wom en amateur golfers are thinning out. The 19-year-old Sacramento, Cal if., girl displayed the shot-making ability and poise of a veteran as she spotted Pat O'Sullivan the first three holes and then came back to beat her. 2 and 1, Sunday u the finals of the 60th North and South Tournament. ' Blue geese wing toward the salt marshes and mud- flats of Louis iana. Texas and Mexico in Sep tember. DOUBLE Green Stamps en Wednesday CEC'S Signal Service 76 Main St. Weather No Problem! When W FLUFF DRY Your Wh 8 lbs. washed, dried J Ae & folded (inc. soap) ONE DAY SERVICE Fret! Wm, Refers Silver ware redemption coupons with each 23c werth of service. THE LAUNDERETTE So. 6th & Owem Ph. 6373 mm Introducing ofl!M WJ lilt la" a '$75 FALLS. OREGON lit! J.R. Williams 12 DIE IN STORM TOKO W Gale winds and heavy rain left 12 persons missing in Northern Honshu Monday, K)o do News Agency reported. i Six houses were listed as de Stroyed, 256 heavily damaged and more than too flooded. i Get there faster My United! fevlhbaunal Malnlinarl leave at..;. 5:10 P.M. SAN FRANCISCO 3 hrs. LOS ANGELES . 5'j hrs. NarrtibauM) Mainllrwn leave at . . . 12:35 P. M. PORTLAND . . 2 hn. SEATTLE 5hri. Fair, liuurloui lllghlt la "all Ida tail" UNITED AIR LINES Airport Tarmlnal. Call 2-2JJ7 or, t an auihoriiad troval aganl. 1:1 Win 1 P j iCalaaaaWawj Hiilbml aaf kaaa eanlaell.a larleta attllabla at nafarala ':tra call. EASY PAYMENTS 715 Meln Street Women Scribes Tour New White House; Find Change Good But Cup By RUTH COWAN WASHINGTON Ml Apparently thry want tall cooks at the White House. It seemed that way lo half a hundred women reporters who loured Die executive maiiMon Sun day, Its renovation at a cost of $9,701. 000, Is near rmnplrllnn alter more than three years' work. Nnlurnlly the women Kcrlbes were Interested in the new klU hen nil ultra-modern ntnlnleas alcol nd glass, But sevoinl reporters, vernge-sled woman, tested out the overhead run rack and found it hard to reach. Otherwise litis kitchen, designed by men to be used by women, is superb. fainted a cool gray, it win oe ery easy to keep clean. The cabi nets, which line the wall, are gla.u fused onto mrtnl. A-wmsK ol a sponge and they'll be spotless. Hie stoves are electric, with Droller In tiers. Out of this kitchen will come courses, sent by dumb waiter one tioor up, lor state dinners oi at least 100 guests. me room in wnicn tne women reporters lingered in fact, several were willing to end the tour thrrc was the new solarium ou the top floor. ; Octagonal. It has a Huge picture , window overlooking tne Washington , Monument and the Lincoln Memor-, ial. I SAN FRANCISCO l.TtThe Nam transport Oen. Daniel I. Sultan Is due here Monday from Korea with 367 men of the First Marine Divi sion and First Marine Air Wing. w ,UUj M e PHILIP WORM . PtoRp Morns... s,.a V Ti - PHILIP MORRIS gives you MORE SMOKING PLEASURE than any other leading brand. VfJ-YOU'll tl OLAO TOMORROW, YOU (MOKID PHILIP MORRII TODAY I mtisT"! love'lucy" t';, , . J 1 f WfWf''Jm. The now TV laugh riot ovar CBS f, fv ' Ssl.:.. t,nnnn nra nnrrannininio5 m for iridiUM r wmwm Rack High Tile fin nltui e is intlan luw oock- tall tables, cnmliirlntile chairs. Mrs. Tinman mnvrd In a small table so the lamlly run bienklni'l Ihrrr) aller she and I lie I'rrMdrnt return to the White lluusp the end ot this week. On this remodeled third Iloor MLAMtTM ALLa. OaiOOH AMCRICAN CHINISI Faa at r4t kaatt Pk. 4U Far 0r4art Ta Taha Oat en B. Lee. Mar. If You DID NOT HIGH SCHOOL Ta Can Study at llama tn Spaia Tlma ana farn a hlfh nnnl Dlalama I'arrAKK NOW Ial C'allla ar l.aarn a Traaa ovk aRAUi'ATE nvr rNTraro ovra tot coi.Ltnrs AMERICAN SCHOOL Dept. Ktt-3-24 I75S Broodwor Oahland, 12, Calif. Name Arfdrais AP' - City mm iprette irritshon ftll J II llllll c I C IIXx ..Mvn.v MARCH m, tar.2 j' '''"n - 1 1 m,l vt "Cfld lo give nipf mum nre 16 lietlrtinma, iineo rm ting room, a dirt kitchen, sloiuun moms and a game ronmv ThOro Is an outside promenade, Aliraham Lincoln's nmaoive old bed hns beon luoveil from a room overlooking Fcimnyivaina Avnuw U one on the other side ul the house. This room hns been turnWird In the iiinnner ol Lincoln's day. Us Hist ori'iipniit will be ITInce Drinhaid. who with his wile, oueen Jullium of The Netherlands, arrive April 3 Uir a llirre-day stale visit. The uurrn will have H room across me nan. or CANNOT Finiih 1 (Sife te I lrln ha f 1 1 HaWi