MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ELEVftNj n HILP WANTID, MALI ATTENTION "NAl.fcMMAN rh tflali Woolen Mills n-l iilti iiihii In repreaant then, in Hon I ham llif- fr in . Kninrli)ii) iml iiereMwry, 'flaili ng will lit if I van anil you mrt while Mill liatn. Fir Inlet view Mr. Hrnwii at I'ellran Hotel, Hiuiitay, Monday or Tuih1)'. KmJINRRMINfrAIDN for miivf'wiirli. A mil V at Hann AIInhiiiiiI Dtlve. WANTED two irrlrinri Pine mid fit Hi flrr, Yr aiiiuml wu k. 'I'ni pnv. Jnutt opportunlt v. rnliHhv l.'iintiri I n. Hon OilA, Ytrka, California, I'lutiie BU7. . . WAN'l'Kl)rNilrifiitrff-MNlra(iiiin lit urTl KrUlflNlra apillanv. (innd ofiprii unity for ilgM parly. Hen Vein Owens, I'ns mmI Home lriiinlhhi. WANTED t if m I aiM(r air 'tUk ami liry liinthur handler. Call KUIniHOti Lunilier en 3-J-llii hAi.fcftMAN- earning! In Urf, eppiuM fjlft. pr iitonlh Onporhiiilly In ail wore Aara H In ;iu Apply Mtanrir Hlallmtt, Inc. ilntl ami Main or Kaplan aria ami Wpilna; Ma. II SITUATIONS WANTrD WANTKD hnuaewora, by hour or clay, iMii'ii ihm. i Tandy man, wm' ioiri ptrlmur" I'hiiiia a-1 417 evenings. rXl'r.llir.NCnir mtu-n woik. YeYep iniitUI, ('lilar, lalaalaily. Ifaoy silling, phone 7 ,.. ( tin.u rate aioUine. rftoha il-Ollt all i itooit. t IIILIJ CAItK. 2M Fail Main. 7 44 to (I W laya j;hinalWt7U. avaa X 1)371 WILL- rare fur rhltdren in my noma ilas or your home evenings. Call .M.Y 22 ro6msorrnt ri(Hi'MH""rnf rr hi J'rivaiiT entrance. Clnar III. Phone 4444. iMM)Sfir""pri "ipaannihla'nPirtii" 4rT3T LOV-lY" room"aor"rnt'"i'-f e'weeV doit in. Phona 41M r MONT" "romn lor rani. (Jrerr Apart mriita. 710 Main , IU(iMfT0H H'gh NobtfT MMan- ifiitfTTriarani Sffillt'limurkacoiiiM" ; niihail Suilalile nl-r hat-lit I or or rou pie I no Norlli nniatl 24 APARTMINTS F0R"RINT F'lfiirKlTriniipnitMMMil. IjgiiU ami Wale I'Ki I7W ("n ilKKKMOOM. furniiitan C.oie oupla only. No pal, laundry farlllUa riitina ivinn rX r.lTIONAiXY nira iwo rnoin nlalalv ftirnlitird iti'xlarti aoarlmen Vllllllaa paid. Aarol Hoial, 1411 Main, next dnor to Armory. HMAl.l. modvrn aparlmanl. 213 C'adar j W6 HoOM furnlaliad aparirnant. lull aula for barhatnr ftang. ralrliaratm araa, U 60. Cloia In. J'hona 0433 or at no VOVn lioOM inrnuhad Martial Phmta D.H7 apartmanl 603 ATtnAnVi! Ilirra room iurnlifoi apartment A mill" f'lnaa In Phona M42 HJHNlKMKt) apartment for renl. Uai h lor prafarred. 431 OrY"tllfNP." rurmahad lw room apart' tnant. Naiural hot walar haal. Lloi Artulta Phnna 83M. tbh tltflt, amall attracflva apirim'ani Xlnila fiu nuinned. rrlildalra l.iihli and walar furnlihad. 933. Call 0273 or 143 ft nivaratdf AAHTmNT wilK faiThVal also una i aoina ni a nun. roil lir. NT 3 room jurnlnhad apart IAftTr.V iurnHhefriwo KaHrnom aoarT mant on llnmdala Rnd I'hona 817. f i'MRlHfrkri two room anarimenl hath Itadarnraltd 30 (W Phona 2 3IWI7, TfAIHil""furniriarf apartmanl - CJai qulppad. Arroaa from tha Aradamy, NKWI.V drrnralcd aparlinanL Graar Apia. 710 Main. I'Nt t'llNINMKIJ, haaamrnt apartmanl for liarhrlor nr ladv. Naiural hot walr hat and water furnUned. lifi. Htfria aralor and elarlrlc ranfa aval labia 7DI2 Main or phne 3410 Mar fl p VlfAM lirATKI) apartmant'Wlth bad room r.7R itkH at Vl'ltMSIinn apartment U Apartment I. 2nd Maikrt. reni "fMlirr. HOOM furnUhad apa'rtrnant 3041 w nne TllMKK rtm furniihed' anar7men" and tiaih Adulla only, i'hona 3472. Ill Wal nut fr WI.V de."orViar PfivaVa h'aVhV"Vil" rlitnciu. Birarn heal, alartrlo ranff I nr Armt Anarimant t rtlNI.SMFtJ three rmm aparlmen iM V). twn rnnm unit a.13, all utllltlei tnrluiled 410 N Tenth ton HE. ST. fur nithed l o room apart inent. for adulia J2I nroad "rOh"Hf:K"T. iwn room f urnlahed' haeh. alnr apartment. 123. Inquire 2120 Iteria mat Inn 26 HOUSES FOR RENT SMAI.I. I wo hedrotim hmlar CT( in huainra rtlttrlct. Comnlelelv rleroraled, at uvea and refrtie ratnra furnlthrd .M). nf(eranra required I'hnne 44fl7 rOtt Itr.NT. near Peltran Srhnol, Two tedroom fufnlahcd nouaa. 0 month. ( all :w KOR HENT. modern two rootn lur nuhf d hnuae liMjiilra 31 12 Cannon. Phone 0173 after live fitPIKX for icii't. Phona bafora 0pm I'VSrf ()H-- rr.A?K.'''amalt. neat home 320 Nn. 3lh. Itetpnnalhla rounla Cnrnar Jne Meallnr. 1 1 1 Hn 4th "hune J3H7 f Nr rnNlnM'KlT'llOUNK MODMIN one bedroom 'unfurnlihed tfu. plev-limjae Inquire 3011 ' Hoard man 21 MISCIUANEOUS OR RENT LAND for LEASE Virgin oll undrr U.S. Jlfclm. lion Lnngfll Ulntrlrl, privately owned one crop neason To highest rllslbln cash blddrr. Certified check must accompany bid cIon ng Anrll 1. Potato planting not prohibited. For Information reply m Her ald New.i Ilox 65 APPBOJCIMATri.Y J0 rrn poUlo land for rtnl. Call NrU'rll nrriCE for rem, 7MI U23 " Main. Phona 30 REAL ISTATI FOR SALI LOWERED FROM 5.00 TO 5.30O Thl.i lovely !i acre, three-bedroom home; lot of ahnde and walk-In fruit room. ONE ACRE TWO BEDROOM HOME Electric heat. Living room, dining room, kitchen, bath and gnrnge. Eqiupped lor chickens. Electric range and trash burner. Priced for quick till at 17875. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES, Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-1305 FOR SALE 24 acres. 2 bedroom modern home, rlotiblo gninge, chicken house and other outbuildings. Approximately 10 acres pasture, balance grain land. Four miles from city. Price $10,600. Terms. Two bedroom home located close to 'schools, churches and business district. Largo living room, pnrt basement, oil piped furnace. Also two room home Both for $7250. f- SEE or PHONE F. II. Cofer fEvcnlngs 3093) Bob Stephens (Evenings 0230) Barnhisel Agency . 112 S. 8th. Phone 4103 21 MISCILLANIOUS rOR DINT IIICKHIVB! u TRUCKS v DIUVE Move Youri1f 8va 'i New Trucks For Long Trlpi Plrkuiu Htnkra Vnrui BKACON MOBIL SKUV1CE 1201 e. Main .Phone :io AMKMICAN flitnr Mnflars n(l flgrri, will ml ay In riprtt. Ilrur Hour fluliti. rilltm. wjixos anil varnlih. KLAMATH VAI.I.EY LIIMnr.R nun Wo. Hinih phona. 10 RIAL ISTATI FOR SACI MILLS IJ200One bedroom, bath with nhower, utility. AO x 100 ft. lot. A mil beater I Terms. RIVERSIDE - 15000 Two bedroom home on 2 lnla. Intuliiled fruit room. Oarage. Tcrina. SUBURBAN I5IIS0 Two bedrooms, large util ity room. Insulated throughout. Double garage. 100 x 176 ft. lot. AhMimc 01 loan, $r:MH per month VERNON DURANT Ph. 7823 ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE 031 So. Blxlh Phone BiM Eves. 1W "WEYERHAEUSER EMPLOYES ATTENTION Owner leaving town, said, must sell, so be sure and see this nice two bedroom completely furnlnhed home In Stewarts addition for only 14000. Extra large garage on pave ment. Possesion can be had thJs week. ON SHASTA WAY You'll want to see this lovely two bedroom home, with electric heat, extra large living room, dining room and hardwood floors. This home has 1100 square feet of floor space aia1 the price Is only $9750. PHA terms can be arranged. Ask to see this soon. On Altamont Drive Next to store and on bus line. This home Is a real buy for only 13050. Two bedrooms, nice bath, large living room, dining room and mod ern kitchen. Come In soon and let us explain to you our plan of co operation to aid and assist you In obtaining your home now. Jay P. Orlggs Gene Favell Claire Ellis Eves. Ph. 4254 Eves. Ph. 6045 Eves Ph. 2-2650 J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Main St. Phone 7521 WHAT HAVE YOU We have a buyer for a three bedroom home. Wants small acreage. Will pay $10,500. SEE This lovely two-bedroom home. Beautiful view, lovely hard wood floors In living room. Very clean, nice yard. For only $7087 50. FHA commit ment of $7,000. $460 PER MONTH , From 13 rentals and a nice apartment for owner. Takes $17,500 to handle this. Shown by appointment. Owner will carry contract. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES. Saleslady 40S Main Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-1365 MflJLS ADDITION If you are dollar wise and demand the best, we urge you to Inspect this fine 2 bedroom home. Large living room, dining room, atvl util ity. Hardwood floori tnrougnout, automatic heat, double garage, paved street and sidewalks. Price $10,000. Easy terms. YALTA GARDENS You'll wonder why you didn't move sooner when you see this attrac tive ranch style home, located In Klamath's restricted suburban area. Sunny bedrooms, comfortable living room with fireplace, den or study, the Ideal place for those flowers and spring vegetable gar den you've always wanted. Shown by appointment only. Price ill, wo. $500 DOWN Will buy this very comfortable 1 bedroom home. Has recently been remodeled and put In first-class shape. On 'ii acre plot Just off Shasta Way. Monthly payments will be leas than rent. An excellent chance to get your own roof over your head and away from those worthless rent receipts. Full price only $3750. $5500-FULL PRICE For this well built 1 bedroom home, on paved street, In quiet neighbor hood near Falrvlew chool. No hills. Living room, dining room, bedroom, sleeping porch, kltchAi and bath. Electric heat. OPEN EVENINOS BY APPOINTMENT See Homer Stiles Phone 2-2460 Eves. Don Sloan 6658 Eves. Fred Scott 6703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. 8th. St. Phone 4564 or 8529 l.tST VOtin PROPERTY WITH THIS firm ron ACTION. EVERETT . DENNIS REALTOR 121 No. sth Phona S491 NEW HOMES for salt, wufiiro B" Powell, Phona S82t 44 FINANCIAL $$MONEY$ ON TILE FIRST CALL I Up to 1500 on your auto On "our salary or furniture up to 1300 "Pay Day" loan a apeclalty 110, I2S, 150 loaned till "nay day" or longer. $25 ooau but 18 cente for one week. No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. US No 10th St, M-354 DON McINTYRE, Mgr. 43 Years Friendly 8ervlce JO REAL ESTATE FOR SALI Tulelake Homestead 88 ACRES. All under gravity Irrigation. lias been leveled. 9 acres of clover. Pair Improve ments. Price $33,000. Terms. Jack C. Mace REAL ESTATE Tulelake, Calif. Ph. 7-1CI1 Mills Addition See this house before some other lucky home buyer sees It. Electric heat. Immaculate Inside and out. Polished hardwood floors. Two large bedrooms, altnched garage nr.l.rt anrf Uiulirinxl lot Almost new. About $2,000 will hand le on FHA terms. Fairview A modern brick-trimmed home, completely remodeled. Two bed rooms, beautiful kitchen and din ette In addition to dining room. Large playroom and party base ment. Let us show this to you to day for . . . $9750. Suburban Estate Almost two-Uilrds acre with a lovely three-bedroom home In a beautiful netting of shrubs and fruit trees. Huge living room with FIREPLACE. t large master bed. room, two pine-paneled bedrooms, den, dining room and large kitch en with automatic dishwasher. Lots of outbuildings and In first- class shape. Financing already ar ranged with $4100 down. Full price $14,750. WE HAVE MOVED!! VISIT OUR NEW OFFICE LO CATED AT 116 SOUTH 11th ST.. AND LET US HELP YOU WITH YOUR REAL ESTATE PROBLEMS. FOR EFFICIENT SERVICE IN SELLING YOUR HOME CALL 6446 TODAY!! RON FISHER i Johnny Blaylock REALTOR 116 S. ELEVENTH Phone 6446 Eves 8970 or 2-1339 RUN - DON'T WALK To the nearest phone and call us for the dealls about this 2-bed-room home only four blocks from Mills School: for a bargain such as this won't last long. Concrete foundation, automatic floor fur nace, gas range, fireplace In living room and nice service porch. A dandy yard with lawn and shade trees. Oarage. Full price $4950.00. Terms, of course. SIX TICKETS TO HAPPINESS for an average sire family. When you sec the In terior of this splendid modern home you'll realize why we say that ev ery one of Its six rooms Is a ticket to family happiness and comfort. Newly decorated inside. Special features are separate dining room and attractive light sewing room. Attached garage, Large 's-acrc good soil to raise all of the garden you want this summer. Only 'v- blork off Shasta Way. $5,600.00. TERMS. Do You Have A Yen? To be a country squire? Just off Homedale on a large S-acre plot, Ideal for gardening, Is this modern post-war 5-room home with solid foundation; automatic hent and extra large dining area. Large garage and nice yard with lawn fenced. Where can you beat this for $6,000.00. Reasonable terms. Rub Your Eyes AND LOOK AOAIN. Only $8200 for this modern 2-bedroom plas tered home with electric heat in MILLS ADDITION. Paved street and sidewalks. Surrounded by nice homes and friendly neighbors. All rooms good size, lots of linen and storage space. Large garage. Nice back yard, all fenced. Ideal for little kiddles. Immediate posesslon. Tills lovely home Is Just waiting for some nice family to move into It. TERMS TO SUIT YOU. Al Longmlre Joe Perry Eves. Eves. 6724 5332 BURTON E. GRAY REALTOR and INSURANCE 1037 Main St. Ph. 3665 or 3421 HOT SPRINGS Completely furnished 6-bcdroom home. Natural hot water heat. large picture windows, wall-to-wll carpet, 2 baths, full basement. Home and furnishings In excellent condition. Price $26,500, terms. SMALL 3-ROOM HOME IN CALIFORNIA AVENUE DIS TRICT. $2250. NEW 3-BEDROOM HOME ON NORTHSIDE. $11,700. Anne Mason Eddie Hosley Eves. 6714 20188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 112 8. Oth - Thone 7266 LOANS Phone 2-2537 8-279 30 REAL (STATE FOR SALE CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER (5 to $15 per acre buys good ranch and timber land al Oov't, State and County land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific Lanis 1021 KB Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 23, Calif. TWO nearly completed twinei for tale 4n Mill Addition. Two bedrooms. 110.. .too. ear-tv Phone H7SA inquire .tsio Hhaita Way. Axel Moren, Builder o! Ileltrr Momea. 'i'HHKK bedroom houM on ' acre. Full Ijaiement. two 2-car sarasei, IB frull and aliade Ireea, large lawn, all f.nred. c;ood drainage. Will take eighty percent loan. Price WJXJ. Phone SS:m. r"Oll"fiAl.K, email furnished hou.e. ri,, it, i,u.)ina and atom. In Mill! Aonmrai. i-n.ine via (lOINU for SOSoor Newly rieeoratrd three bedroom partly furnlthed houae. Keivlce porch, garage, woodihed. Bark fenced. Kwlngi. large lot. city llmlta. Phone Merrllj 200.1. 32 BUILDING 1 REMODELING BAVg OtnvAIUlH TILEBOAHD INSTALLED lt Wards arrange 1o have It. In tuited by expert. Baked on enamel flnl.rt retlita wear, peeling and rhlp plng. Ka.y to clean. .1 patterns. 7 colore. Installed on FMA terma. 10 down. 3 yeara to pay. MONTGOMERY WARD oth and Pine Phone atSS HIDING, John Manville, Pabco. Aver age home only SM. Kuhlman Inaula lion. Phone 44nn or 2-24. KIMKIIGI.AN!! Inaulau now! Save 30 per cent on furl. Ai low at $3 month. Kuhlman Inaulallon. Phone 44o8 or 2-244.1 SIOKM SASH and acreen combination Keif itorlng aluminum. Save up to 40 per cent on fuel. Aa low aa S3 month Kuhlman Inaulallon. fnonc 4.4s 2.244.1 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER "Fuels that Satisfy Plus Sen-Ice" Since 1919 821 Sprint? St. Phone 4153 STANDARD HEATING OIL Stf'a. furn.r. lifthl fuL coal. wood. :h.rro1 Peyton nd Co- S3. MtrKL Pnonf 514V. DKY pine block for talc. Open ev ninm una yecKcntu, weueri Hro. pTtESTOLOGS DlckuD or dfltverrt Cilff YAdeni Sign.. Str-rlc. 3560 5a . or a -wi pp. 54 H GhrEN STAMPS flv.n on ht In old. Phona 36111 or 2-A260 (of prompt delivery. CLIFF V ADEN'S SIGNAL SEJ1VICT 3flOBo flth ?8 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES Ha FOR KALE. Siamesve cat! Phone a-onta. 4240 siuuwy. FOR SALE. 1950 LaSalle Preildnt hoiiPMrnilcr. 13 ft. Excellent condition. 12BOO cash. Immediate toiealon. Earl (; I a cor k ,Bn x 12. N u b ! e be rCa ill foijila rOll SALE, high atandard .22 automat Ic. Exrrllent condition. MS. Phone 0772, HUNTING and fUhlnc tear dro trail rr. wm rriena. BOARDING KENNELS Doe bnardine by day. week or month Sanitary kennels- Well balanced diet Clran Individual outdoor runt for each dog Dogi handled durug mating. WLU py:a up ana aeM-er. Visitors Welcome Phono S07t Merrill Rd Ft 2. Bo 504 SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS ANDERSON Boarding Kennels Phone WWI ueiaware on nomeoaie. THREE collie pups for tale. Three month! old. gold and white. Litter reg istered. Call 30OT. SAVE S t S Riiv a Chrla Craft Kit Boat atso Cruli- era and Runabouts. Johnson a Horse motor. Boats bought, aoid and ex changed, uoau lor rent to inner men. MONROE BOAT WORKS 921 Front SI. Phone .-IMS 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY , BABY CHICKS ALL POPULAR BREEDS 'FROM U. S. APPROVED PULLORUM CLEAN FLOCKS AVAILABLE EVERY MONDAY ORDER NOW TO BE ASSURED OF HAVING YOUR CHICKS WHEN YOU WANT THEM. MALIN GRAIN AND FEED PHONE 855 POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for bny amount Top market prices for good quail tj. For quotations PHONE 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS FOR SALE Three year old fresK Guernsey cow. Dan O'Keefe Ranch, I'j miles weat of Hatfield. DAIRY COWS for sale. Lee Morton, nnnimzn. Ore., FOR SALE. iix full blooded Jersey jlT'frr?- Sge ' Herbert Arant pi ace. FOR SALE, sheep. 20 cwea, lambing. Cnscy Kniscr. Merrill. " FOR" SALE, GOLDEN NECK laving hena, one yenr old. Good for laying or "'K. jjci iu. y none mo, ON HAND Started chirks. OREGON STATE HATCHERY 2720 So. tilh. Phone 609ft FOR SALE, fresh HolMeln and Guernsey cows and heavy springer heifers, V. C, Rexfnrd, Stukel Mountain Road. Phone Merrill 2IM. FOR SALE, guernsey and Jersey heifers. Rt. 2. Box 444. Phone 2-2030. WANTED Colored hena. Phone 4.W. RED FRYERS and roan tern lor sale", frrshlv dresxed ready for the pan, ev ery rrlday and Saturday. Phone 8341 aitrr 4. ARTIFICIAL. BREEDING SERVICE Phone 6721 M. C. (Chuck) Warren Rt hot mx. it no answer Phone 4400. HIGHEST prlcei paid (or poultry, hogs and livestock. BIG Y MEAT MARKET Lake view Junction Phono 4ftao 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED hELIAHLK couple dealre to rent one bedroom furn lined apartment or house. Nrt prts. Pox flfl. Herald and News. WANTED to rent or lease, rooming or tuvirtrnent houne. Phone fWflft. WANTED TO RENT About J.I acres for potatoes. Preferably on East aide of Tulelake. Merle . Wood ley. Phone 7-102.1. Tulelake. . WANTED to buy lfWO railroad hoses for IrriKntton, - Phone Iorella 2190, rMe Route 1. Box '4.1, Bonanza. WANTED, Alfalfa hay. First or second rutting. Call Med ford 3.9382 or Eagle WANTED, hy family ' of four, ntcelv furnished home.' Close to town. Refer ences, lau Between and 7 8111, r.xi, iVE NF,ED fiARS! Get ton nriea nawl Rose Motor Co, 6th and fjum. A0TOMOTIVI This Is Our FIRST BIRTHDAY And to celebrate we're tossing caution to the winds to give you amazing USED CAR VALUES. Come in for a 2-day free trial on any of our guaranteed USED CARS , for the best deal in town. 1949 PLYMOUTH 1949 OLDSMOBILE 1949 DODGE 1947 CHEVROLET 1947 FORD 1946 DODGE 1949 FORD "8" 1948 CHEVROLET T HR I IF THESE AREN'T MAKE US 1938 Plymouth $ 66 1937 1939 Olds $297 1937 1936 Pontiac $ 47 1942 1937 Plymouth $147 1941 1939 Plymouth $197 1937 1937 Buick $ 47 1939 REGISTER NOW TO VOTE For the BEST in the WEST see DUGAN & MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS 522 So. 6th Phone 8101 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED to leaac with option to buy. Two bedroom unfurnlahed houae In South Suburbs with acreage. Phone 2-IM.V 46 FINANCIAL LOANS QOMMERCIAL Furnishes Cash.' CASH LOANS 150 to $300 Auto Furniture Uvea took Salary $50 to $500 Automobiles (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Ue. 8-251 N-223 107 No Sth Pbon 7711 IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pay Only $100 $7.27 Ma Repay In 18 Installments UP TO $300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO $1200 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars inancei at bank rate -MONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 years serving Klamath Basic See "Chuck" Bailey, Mgr. Hi N. 7th St Phone 3325 8-341 M-37S 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR LEASE, "87" Cafe. Chemult Completely equipped living quar ters, partly furnished, Available April 1st. Inquire W. M. Taylor, Box 55. Chemult. SERVICE station for lease in downtown Altiiraa. uooa Duslneas location. Won. derful opportunity for right parly. Write nay varneu, box juo, Alturai, i,alilor nia. FOR SALE. Kater Ambulance Service. only re'PonsiDie party considered and financially able. See or contact Jim Kaler, 3041 Radcllffe.. No phone calls. FOR SALE. Associated Service Statlnn. Tulelake. California. Phone 7-1281. 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone 5149 FOR SALE. Phone fi4.1 Easy washer. Cheap. ELECTRIC RANGE In perfect condition uooa naKfr. uniy y.t..,.q. pnone 9768. USED furniture values can always be found at Klamath Furniture Co. 2-1 Main. Phone MM. SINGER electric vacuum cleaner, Auto matic cora rrei. uuarameea, fi.u. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 6,13 Mftln Phone 2-2513 LANDSCAPING. aver.reens. shruh and trees. We trim, spray and remove large trees. LAKES HUH S, UAHUENS NURSERY rnone 4hb REX-AIRE vacuum cleaner. llM oown, a per monin. rnone wdw, CRUSHED rock and drlvewav otnrtfr. Phnne 2-1167 ELECTROLUX CLEANER and polisher and supplies. Phone 7167 Tar k el TweeL 931 Mantei MONUMENTS -Deliveries ' and lntal. latlon iran be 'made by May 30th If or, dered now. Clarence Ward. K Is math Monument Company, 92ft High, phone DniVEWAY MATERIAL. Phone 2-1884. 1950 FORD 1950 CHEVROLET 1949 STUDEBAKER 1946 BUICK 1947 DE SOTO 1948 PONTIAC 1949 FORD "6" 1947 KAISER FT I ES CHEAP ENOUGH AN OFFER! . $197 jyji riymouin SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SEEDS ALFALFA & CLOVER BARLEY-WHEAT OATS - RYE PASTURE GRASS ix FERTILIZERS & ALL KINDS CUSTOM CLEANING Sharp Grain Company . PHONE 2321 MERRILL, OREGON DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 FOR SALE USED Monator Press Wheel Drill with double discs and tongue-truck ?1 150 FLOYD A. BOYD CO. Tulelake, Calif. Phone 7-2072 FOR SALE. 40 ton loose wild Ceorge Christensen. Beatty. Ore. hay. ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, chairs, files, for sale or rent. PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY a Main Phone 7413 DRIVEWAY MATERIALS. Bart. 9755. Phone Joe CRUSHED ROCK, driveway Phone S54I. cinders. LET WARDS install your home im provements. Arranae to have Wards experts install aU your modern home improvements at one tow once. Tod quality plumbing, heating and building materials installed at low cost. Bath outfits, furnaces, boilers, insulation, kitchen cabinets, wall tile can be la- stalled on FHA terma. only 10 per cent down and up to 3 years to pay. Phone or come in to Wards for your free estimate. MONTGOMERY WARD 0th and Pine Phone SIRS PHII.CO RADIO. II tubes. 2160 Vine. FOR SALE Massey Harris 4t-tt wheel tractor, 35 h.p., starter, lights, hydraul ic pump and cylinder. Perfect condL Hon. Merle Woodley, Phone 7-1025, Tulelake. FOR SALE four piece walnut bed Two pine cabinets. Fnone db.u. LIVING ROOM SUITE, tables, etc. Maple twin bedroom set, chrome din ette set. new maple dining room suite, floor lamps. Crib, six-yr.-old size. nign cnair. iuzj .Melrose. TWO-PIECE OVERSTUFFED. Kroehler. cranberry. Man'a overcoat, two, suits aire 40. Make an offer. Apt. 316, Alpha Apis. WARDS ROT-PROOF TARPS e xS ft. sue only S 7.75 7x 9 ft. sue only SI0.2S Sxlo ft. sue only S14.75 lOxia ft. size only S2I.45 laxlt ft. size only S31.43 MONTGOMERY WARD Sth and Pine Phone Stan AUIOMOTIVl For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Track Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES tlth and Klamath ?hone 2-258 FOR SALE 1931 FORD V-B. 2-door sedan, radio, heater; 7,000 miles. Phone 2-BARGAINS 3fl Ford fordor sedan. $75. no trades. '4fl Ford V- ton nlckun 4.193. Lifts Eait main. FOR SALE. 19.12 one-ton truck, cheap. Phone 6433. "Chewy' . WHY WALKT DRIVE MORE MOTORS 302 B. Main Phone 3579 -We will sell vour car for vou w buy und trade' MUST sr. I at once. 1946 Ford tudor, Heater. Ifi2f Crescent. 1949 FORD V.H club coune. radio and heater. Rousht new hv owner. 11275. rnone DJoj. FOR SALE. 1930 Chevrolet. i ton Dick- up with 4 speed transmission. A-l con dition. See Irvln Long, Tulelake or phone Tulelake 7-2042. BUS SARUANT'S USED CARS WE BUY SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Streets -' 2 Phone B205 F6ft " SALE. " '50 Ford cuMom DeLuxe A-l condition. Priced to sell. Sea at 300 Jefferson or Phone 2-1835. Wis NrJKD CARS) Ul too Dfice nowi Rose Motor Co. 6th and Plu ft. ss AUTOMOTIVI LINCOLN MERCURY THE TIME FOR SPRING IS HERE Springtime la the time to Invest In a good SAFE-BUY ', USED CAR. We have some wonderful buys In nice clean ' late models. For example: 1949 MERCURY SPORT COUPE 11 AfJe Two to choose from Only 1475 1946 OLDSMOBILE CLUB COUPE rrr Nice black finish 87O 1950 MERCURY SPORT SEDAN . Heater. Very nice 90 1949 FORD CLUB COUPE ti rr r Nice and clean IU7O 1949 BUICK SEDANET ,. ,. Radio, heater, Dynaflow 45 1948 MERCURY SEDAN t -,n L A real Spring Value at only 7J Many more to choose from at these stunningly low prices, ' with bank terms and a written guarantee! A FEW PRE-WAR MODELS Check the following prices, then see us for a deal. You may not need a down payment! I And we haven't ral'ed the prices. SPECIAL IQO7 BUICK 0 SEDAN z 1941 BUICK In good shape. O 1941 CHEVROLET 2-DR O 5 1940 FORD A slick one -I ' 1939 CHEVROLET 2-DR. 1941 FORD TUDOR 1940 CHRYSLER SEDAN COME IN OUT OF AND TRADE Register To Vote NOW BASIN MOTORS LINCOLN 423-424 South Sixth LINCOLN MERCURY WHY NOT SWAP AWAY THE YEARS On your old truck for one of these sparkling, late model buys? TRIPLE-CHECKED FOR YOUR PROTECTION 7 VALUE v7 PERFORMANCE APPEARANCE 1950 G.M.C. W TON PICKUP 3-speed transmission, deluxe deluxe heater and defroster. 1950 FORD Vz TON PICKUP New paint. 4-speed, heater and defroster 1948 CHEVROLET PICKUP 3-speed. Heater and defroster 1948 STUDEBAKER 1 TON New paint. Good condition SPECIAL ft SPECIAL TRIPLE-CHECKED PANEL 1947 DODGE PANEL Formerly priced at $825. 7Cfi Our Price now only OU Includes lull tank of gas, new oil, 2. free service Jobs. YOU ALWAYS GET A BETTER DEAL ON USED TRUCKS FROM YOUR G.M.C. DEALER , VISIT EITHER OF OUR CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 632 South 6th . A. H. "Shorty" Weatherford Phone 5276 ft ' ' ' : " : . : 677 South 7th i West-Hitchcock Corp. '- Phone 7771 COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade FOR SALE or trade. 5531 Brown Lipe transmission or 1(530 Eaton 2 speed rear end complete and installed lor pickup or car. See at 1603 Wiard or call 40HV FOR SALE. 1937 Ford tudor. 1929 Gary. 11140 INTERNATIONAL llftthed olckuo. $300. Terms to suit. 3600 Summers Lane. LINCOLN MEncunV i SPECIAL Qr 4)ZaJ PLUS f LICENSE 1: THE SNOW STORM WITH US! MERCURY Phone 7778 I LINCOLN MERCURY DOWN PAYMENT $448M $43500 289w cab, PICKUP BEST VALUES! USED T RUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED vVest-Hitchcock Corp.1 . YOUR CMC DEALER ... 677 a 7th Phone mi eonxlS RECAPS S5.: EACH EXCHANGE W Hut used ll res. O.K. Rubber Wale). er. 2.191 So Sth. Phone 431S 1837 DODGE, food ahaoa S1S0. Aftarte noons, not springs nmei. FOR SALE. 1011 CMC one. ton aleknsv Phona 3731 after t p.m. .