PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MONDAY, MARCH 24, MM Wll, At Least Now You Know WASHINGTON MP) Mrs. Hurry I, Truman prefers the "poodle cut" over the hair style known aa the "pony tall." ' Mrs. Truman always has liked s -short, comfortable coiffure. But It was noted Monday she now in wearing her hair In crisp, closely cut ringlets. In the pony-tail the hair is long er, slicked back severely from the face, brushed up from the neck, tied tightly and left to waft In tho breese. BITIIRDAV PAWLINQ, N.. Wl Monday Is Oov. Thomas E. Dcewy's 60th birthday but he says he Is not celebrating. "I'm trying to forget it," Dewey Joked Sunday. 1 :, 2 j 1 & J, Ladies! Be Sure To Attend Our LAUNDRY CLINIC Wed. this 2:30 p. in. Miss Beverly Lyons . . of Detergents, Inc., the Northwest's leading authority on laundry problem!, will conduct this school, covering questions concerning all types of laundering. See her use the new Norge Automatic Washer Suburban Kitchen Center Southern Oregon's Largest Appliance Center 11th and Walnut- Phone 7709 SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA BaecetifallT Tttw4 No. 1th Phn 1MI ltrtiprBrtre fhlfln WURLITZER A magnificent piano. Many lovely styles and finishes to choose from. LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th It Happened This Way New Pine Creek BUILD BETTER FOR LESS PEYTON PUMICE BUILDING BLOCKS WRIT. OOF vnMiN moos SUf INSULATING 'lEAUTIFUl IASY TO IUIID COSTS YOU USS DEYTON& 3 I B3S MARKET BT. ieaaan 5s IMIIIIIIII NEW TIRES at LOW, LOW PRICES! 25 800x15 FOUR PLY TIRES REG. PRICE $32.95 Tax Inc. PAY AS LOW AS $5 MONTHLY! OUR J PRICE TAX INC. These are First grade, new, factory changeover tires, and in three different makes to choose from. If you need tires now, you can pay for them later by using our BUDGET PLAN. Weill i. mmm m. HOME OF FISK TIRES 7th and Klamath Phone 4103 Register to Vote - NOW! By IRV1N FARIS The sad news tins come Just a month and one day from the time the attending physician in tne na val hospital In San Diego stoically announced that he had three days to six months to live, little Monte Means died last Friday evening at 8: IS o clock at tho same nos pltal where he had been treated irom the beginning. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Means, stood helplessly at his bed side, and in tne lace 01 tne inev itable after the prolonited siege o( unmitigated grief and the gradual, hopeless deterioration o( the little body, once so gay, so energetic and playful they breathed poign antly reverently " Tis best that he should go now." Cancer of the blood Is Inescapable death. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hartiog left last Thursday morning by bus to see how their little great, great, grandson Monte, was getting along but owing to the bus strike and confused transportation facilities, arrived at Oxnard too late and could only await the return of his parents from San Diego who would bring them the sad news. Telegrams are terse and the In formation has been scant but word relaved here via the grandmother. Mrs. Dorothy Blunt, of Harbor, Ore., Informs us that funeral ser vices for the boy were to be held in Eureka, Mar. 15, where Inter ment will also be made there in the Means lot as Jack's father was burled in that city where his motn- er, Mrs. Mayme Terry also resides Apparently Jack Is getting a dis charge from the service and In tends to come back to his home here In New Pipe Creek and re sume work as a neavy macmne operator on the California State hlchwav construction job at Davis Creek. Our deepest sympathies go out to wis young coupie. Mrs. Beulah Mawhlnney Is buy lng an interest In the Nor-Oreen Beauty Shop In Lakevlew where she has been working for the past ! few weeks. She says her work is i progressing nicely and she believes : she can develop the shop, which i has been somewhat rundown. In to a fine flourishing business. She has been in the beauty business for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wlnser, of Texas, are among the latest new comers to take up; residence in our village. Winger is a professional painter and is working with Claude E. Ashton of the New Pine Creek Paint Company. He specialises in steeple-jack and high, hazardous smoke stack painting as well as the more routine painting jobs. The Winger's arrival here some time ago. in a way was not so pleasant. The night was a howling ; blizzard when Ashton got a tele ! phone call. The crux of the mes j sage was that Winger was coming in from Washington where he and his wife had been visiting. Just the other side of Silver Lake a hapless deer a specimen of which they had been wanting to see and had been enjoying watching as he i was leaving the highway at the edge of the car by light beams as We'd like. to show you why Interna tionals have been first in heavy-duty truck sales for 20 straight years. It will soon be 21, because truck opera tors who know hauling costs will continue to prefer Internationals the trucks that give them lower operating and maintenance costs, longer truck life. , If you're interested in these money-saving advantages, why not come in and see us about an International Truck engineered for your job? I Only Internationals give you All-truck engines exclusively for truck work built In the world's largest truck engine plant. The "roomiest; most comfortable cab on the road" the Comfo-Vision Cab designed by drivers for drivers. Super-steering system more positive control, easier han dling and 37 turning angle. The traditional truck toughness that has kept International first In heavy-duty truck sales for 20 straight years. The truck engineered for your job, selected from the world's most complete line ... 1 1 5 basic models, from 16-ton pick ups to 90,000 pounds GVW ratings. America's largest exclusive truck service organization. vrrxiwjy ' SSS Buy on Proof! B they approached) but that silly iiunni Buuurmy swapper enns and darted right Into their car, smash ing the radiator in and leaving them stranded. Would Claude come and get them? I never did envy Claude that philanthropic mission but he braved the elements and towed his future co-worker and spouse Into a haven of rest, warmth and se curity, winger s car was pretty well wrecked In the front end and u is stiu in uie repair shop. Carroll Mulkey has been having his troubles too. Aside from n few oilier things, his latest malady la an ulcerated eve which has near. ly cost him the vision of his left eye. He says, more cheerfully than you'd Imagine ''Hope It don't spread to the other one then I wouia oe in a fix" Mrs. Mayme Bryan, of Medford Ore. arrived last Wednesday after noon or an Indefinite visit with ner Be years young mother, Mrs. A. H. Dougherty and her brother, Ralph Brlckey who is also slaying with his mother now. Mrs. Brvan Is a former resident of New Pine Creek and she is having a grand time renewing acquaintances. Faced with such tough competl lion as mo inuux 01 line Darner shop auarteters who sang at swimming pool benefit staged In Lakevlew last Saturday, the East Side Orange benefit dance turned out better than was really expect ed. The dance netted around 170 it was understood, and the crowd that was above average seemed to have a lot of fun. "Whitey" Foster, the pro-flclent iromoonisi. added jest to tne party not only by his expert tromboning out. apparently oe ng snort on ov eralls (new. clean or other-wise) and since it was an over-ail or gingham frolic he wore gingham. His nylon stockings (so transparent it hurt) were rolled below the knee over "long-handles" unsightly ex posed between abbreviated dress and sock. Literally he wore a mop for hair with a fancy little hat perched In it that looked like an oriole in a crows neat and his face was painted like a come-hither gal's. When he raised his arms In playing, his dress shrank short er exposing his full fledged score of foundation garments. But manl wno can toot like that can get away witn moicier. Word was received last Monday morning (night letter) bv Mrs. Hallie Cook that her uncle Will Vinyard has passed away at Red Bluff. Details were not disclosed but in discussing the matter with his sister. Mrs. Mary Miller, she said her brother had been In poor health for some time and that it was his heart that had been caus ing him trouble for several years. Services were to have been held in Red Bluff this morning Tues day, March 11, at 10 a.m. Inter ment was to have been made at McArthur. Calif., at 3 p.m. the same day. A regular meeting of the Kelly Creek PTA was held at the school house last Thursday evening. Well I guess It was more unusual than regular at that because they had an election of officers. Mrs. Eleanor Nldlver was elected the new president; Mrs. Vivian 8t. Clair, vice-pres.: Mrs. Beth Ayoutt secretary and Mrs. Irene Rlggs, treasurer. The Installation of offi cers will be the first meeting In May. Mr. Lee Hansen, County 4-H lead er. gave a short talk on 4-H work with an eye looking over the pros pect of leader material in this com munity. A movie entitled "Snow Better Cough Relief When new drugs or old fail to stop your cough or chest cold don't delay. Creomulsion contains only safe, help ful, proven ingredients and no nar cotics to disturb nature's process. It goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature soothe and heal raw, ten der, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please yon or druggist refunds money. Creomulsion has stood the test of many millions of users. CREOMULSION num. Cwfkt, Caetf Catis, Aorta reacMtte Ranger" was shown by dene Det er wmcn was entertaining, anil en lightening. The Happy Hour Club met last Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ethel Thompson, Thirteen memuers were present who en Myrna Barrow who got first prise and Mrs. Eleanor Nldlver won se cond prise. Ice-cretiui and cuke ana spiced leas were served for rcii-esnmenu. Definite rumor haa It that for mer supervisor Oeorge Perkins Is winding up with petitions getting ready to give hla hat a big heave Into tho rare for supervisor, again In the district Immediately south oi tne stale line Tentative plans were made by learners irom the Davis Creek, Willow Ranch and Stale Mutt Schools on March 10 when they held a meeting to discuss a muaio festival to be held early In May. Tile meeting waa held at the Wil low Ranch srhoolhotiae but the fes tival will probably be held at the Davis Creek Orange hall. More definite plans will be announced later when a nrosram haa actually been worked out. When Kltlff Winter en hi. ful cohorts (a band of ruthless elemental stifled the wheels of transportation here last Friday night, to stage his blusterous dra mahe scraped the bottom of hl embittered repertoire and pro duced one of his most Infuriated, freakish offerings of the season Just as If "The Tempest" has been prompted by the harplngs of Ccn- ruirs inmi warning "Beware tne Ides of March!" And It waa a "howling, screaming" Says who? Eight or nine cars cot stranded right out here by the Kelly Creek School house some were stuck all night. That's the first time this winter that spot has given any trouble and the only place be tween here and Lakevlew that drifts of any consequence were noticed. Workers at the Willow Ranch Mill who live here and commute back and forth over the Interven ing seven miles, were two to three hours lnte -settlmr home. Some didn't make It at all so furiously swiriea ine powdery, blinding snow into that narrow, crookedly-plowed out, one way lane, from highway 395 to the Harris place about a mile west. This bedazzled lane was piled high on either side with heap ing tons of snow that had been bull-dozed out of late and during this extenuated, snowbound winter season. A bit of comedy that wasn't so funny at the time, crept Into the scene. One man riding home with a co-worker slowly and laborious ly thev had plowed their tense and doubtful wav up tins formidable gulley of snow. When tne fury of tne wind slack ened momentarily, they could see the end where the lane opened on. to the h'ghway. Their spirits rose but sank Just as suddenly when a car pulled off the highway and turned toward them down the road of no returnl 'Look at that fool", the man said, as the two watched the car come on a wavs and atop appar ently seeing the way was Impas. sable. A pickup nulled in behind it and got stuck. Drifting snow was gradually burying the cars that had stopped, while the co-workers came to a halt In front of the first car. The mans mouth dropped open when he saw It was his wifel Worried she had come lo see what was detaining her hus. band but, evidently she had done the wrong thing, The weather was bitter cold and the driving snow bit deen Into the skin but that greeting was red hot Now the lane waa plugged and It took an hour of frantic digging and pushing to get the worker a car by and out on to the highway. The adv and her husband couldn t turn around so they had to go on down toward Willow Ranch to find way to turn around and try to come back. But uiey came upon sedan that had been abandoned cross-wise In the narrow road so they abandoned their own car and spent the night at the Oordon Har ris Ranch home. What a night I But its an III wind that blows DOUBLE Green Stamps - on Wednesday CEC'S Signal Service 76 Main St. 2 CLASSIFIED RATES Om day per word rhree Daya per word 11c Week run per word 30o Month run . per word 66o MINIMUM The minimum cliargo for any one ad la OUc. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at tho paper for a service charge oi 2ov DEADLINES Classified aus aoueplea up to 11:30 pxa. (or fallowing day s publication w Classified display ads accepted up to 12 noou fur following day's pub ucation, ADJUSTMENTS Please niuita all ciuiuu i adjust menta without delay 2 10STAND FOUND KirfT)LVreturn pur'iY" taken RurtffcijL NftcrniHtn from ri I'tintUo, aus w.ih thitimPhimflfltiiinr Mil. I.OH'I'. ruby riiuT h.w.rdl rhn4MI. Coat. Mmiii.y oTTAViiiur,-Kli.iiTTv.y or Ivnry NIipkIp. Vultlnm IT of Kncx- rlniiii Am.rK'ana. li.w.rq, rnon. C fUNfRAl HOMIS Kunrml Hum.. Illgll airl. !hnn. 3XH. MEITINO NOTICIS IOOF NO. 137 Every Tuesday 8:00 P.M. Fifth and Main Sts. ALOHA CliArt'ElTKio! 61. will hold Its rcgulur meeting Tuesday, Mar. M at Masonic Hall 8 p.m. Visitors welcome. Letha Murphy, Worthy Matron Elmer Bramlett, Worthy Patron if Klamath Lodge No. 77 AP&AM will hold Mated meeting, Mon day, March 34, 8 p.m Visiting brethren In vltrd. Refreshments. DALE BEUUKR, Worshipful Master, Model LF-210, 157-ln. wh.elboit, IO'j x 7-ft. dump body, 37,000 Ibt. GVW. Before you buy any truck, get the facts about Internationals from actual owners. Let us give you a lint of persons in this area who have recently bought new Internationals like the one you are considering. Check with any or all of them. Find out how Internationals cut hauling costs on jobs like yours. For complete information about any International Truck, fee JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE, Inc. 11th and Klamath Phone 2-2581 AUTO INSURANCE 5-10 5 Liability Insurance Current 6 Mo. Rate $ n 90 As Low As II IMas Small Nnnrreurrlns Mentherhi lea . Lei Ouiiidt Cllr Preferred Ins. Exch. I. HILI.ARD ( HIABLEAF 1)1,1. Aunt mine x-mst Mil Smith SlTth at. on i AH lo imim on joi hoi HI '33" t, Iff no good. Due to Impaired travel the State Line Motel filled up right now and people seeking shelter from the storm had to be turned away. For down on sugar hill three cattle trucking rigs and nine or ten cars were stalled In the ever-deepening, drifting. snow across tne nignway most oi wnom spent the nignt mere. Lee perry was In one of the cars and it was anything but comfortable, he said. nunrers urcaa truca was tiea up for three hours early Saturday morning on Sugar Hill and the Aituras-Laxeview trunk line train was tied up with two engines and a snow plow on It opposite the Highway Camp 39 for a night and most of the day. In fighting and bucking the heavy snow, an en gine had gotten off the track, it was reported. Here's hoping the stormy ele ments subside by this coming Sat urday night, March 22, when the New Pine Creek firemen hold their first Big Annual Ball a gala event for which they have been planning and selling tickets for the past three weeks. The event will be held In the Orange Hall and the firemen and their wives are working out all the details to accomodate a big crowd. Bart Scrlvner, chairmen of the music committee, has secured an orchestra, new and as yet un named which will play Its Initial dance as a group. Everybody will want to come out and hear them and give them a chance to make good. Ray Bccber came through glor iously for this public benefit in his usual generous and free-hearted manner. He donated a gallon of sliced dill pickles and two cases of potato chips. He said Nalley's In corporated, the company for whom he works Is always glad to donate something useful for a good wor thy cause. Nalley's through Beeb er, has made donations for Orange benefits in the past and the com mittees In charge and the commu nity In general has always appre ciated these kind gestures. This Saturday night then March 22 we'll be seeln' yehl The Red Cross buttons are here and your chance to Join the world famed organization has come. Drop in any time at the postofflce and make' whatever contribution you feel free to give. Mr. and Mrs, Ed Hartzog and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Means and daughter Marlee, returned home Monday afternoon. Jack has his discharge but Is not certain Just what he will do yet. The presump tion Is that he will take his road lob back with the State of Calif ornia, but this Is not certain. Hla uncle wanti him to work for him In hla super market at Redding. Little Monte, Jack's son who re cently passed away with cancer of tne Diood, was burled last Satur day In Eureka, after an autopsy waa held at the Naval hospital in San Diego a few days before. It 1 Legal Notice ADVEKTISKMENT TOn BIDS Sld lds will t rei-lv.ri nn nr bernrs 2:00 D m.. WedneulMy. April a, lufla at the nfflc. of Howard It. Parrin Ari-hllicl mi Main mroot Klamain ralta, Orvgun. (nr Hie arscllon of a la rlaairotim addition to Sarrad Heart Aradamy. Klamaih rail. Oregon. The alruelura will ba two atortea and have a total area of approximately ooo aouara feet. Tha bid will be for the eneral work and will Ineluda all of tha macbanleal llama. Aa a eondltlnn oreeedenl to reeelv tna offlelal I'roooaal fornta. tha bidder moat have qualified ten daya prior lo tlie openl'ia of ttldn. aa preierlbed by C'hanlar L'J.V law of Oieaoil. Itl.ll. riant and Snet-lf irallom ntay ba oil. tamed at (he othre of Ifnivard It Par rin Arehlte-t. 1121 Mam .Street. Klam ath ralli. Oregon A depolt of thlrtv fiva and no-ion i.lAOm will bo required for Dana and Sperlfleatlnn. Depoalta will ba refunded lo the mnnere upon return of the Plana and aperllicatinne. Plana and aperlf iratlniu are on file at tha llulldera Exrnanie coop, in nulldera Exchanse llulldlns. Portland Tha aueeeiaftll bidder will ba required to furnlih m Surety Company Uond in full amnunt of the Contract Price. a"d ha ahall ba required to carry Public Liability Insurance aa ipecirteo. A blddera bond or certified check In amount equal to flva per cam o' oi the lump aum btd muat arrnmpa-v tha hid aa a guarantee for the axa. pullnn nf tha runtrarl and bonda. In cae tha contract la awarded lo tha bidder. The rlulldlna Committee nf the Sac. red Heart Pariah reierve tha rlsht lo relect any and all blda ana to waive any tnformantiea Klnd- HACRCD IfF.AnT PARISH ny T P. CASftV. PASTOH M 10-17.34 No. POT CITATION IN THE CtaCtMT COURT Or Till state or oitr.ooN roa TlUt COUNTY or KLAMATH Probata Department la tha matter of the Eatate of ILA C. alao knows as I c. NRAI.E1GII. fjereaaed. TO: Florence Zlealar. Cunha. Myrtle I la Kelly. Martin Lowell NealeHh. Hill r. Roaa. Genevieve A. Rarbaffallo Rob art R. Roaa. Marlon W. Roaa. Jamea K. Roaa. Gerald V. Roaa. Uavld U. Roaa. Noda Becker, and Mr. Glen A. Mlalah IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OF OREGON, you are nereuy cneo ana required to appear In the Clrrult Court of the State of Oregon for the County or Klamath, probate iiepartmeni, ai the Court Room thereof at Klamath ralli. Oraaon. In the County of Klam ath SLata of Oregon, within 10 daya from tha data of the eervtce of thla citation upon you If aerved wltnin Klamath Counlv. Oregon, and within 20 dava from tha date of turn eervtce If aerved In any other county of the State of Oregon tf perannally aerved. and within an daya rrom ine naie oi the first publication of thla citation If erven nv numiraunn in anw i-ouk. if anv exlata. why an order ahnutd not be made authorlilng the hereinafter deacrtbed real property to be aold at private admlnletrator'e aale aa prayed for In the petition or the admlnmraior on file herein. Said property la located In Klamath County, Oregon, and de scribed aa follows, to. wit: The Boutn one nan oi 1.01 n. in Block 8 of Pleaaant View Tracts, Klamath County. Oregon. WITNESS: THE HONORABLE David R. Vandenberg. Judge of tha Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Klamath. Probata Depart ment, with the aeal of aald court af fixed thla JS day of February, 1P5J. ATTEST: C1IAHLE.H . ueuAr Clerk M-10 ny JANE WEVER Deputy ClerK -17'2e-31 No. 000 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT wrvrirK is iikhetiy GIVEN that 1 hBu rn-rf mv Final Account. Report of Executrix, and Petition for Dlalrt- butlon In tha matter or tne eitate 01 MELVIN D. HENRY, deceaaed. and the Circuit Court haa set Tueadoy, the 19th day of April, 10113. at the hour of tan n-olnrk A.M. In the Circuit Court Room of the Klamath County Court llouaa. Klamath Fain. Oregon, aa tne time and place for hearing of excep- ttona to aaio rinai Account, 11 any there be. MABLE H. Itr.NKT, execu trix of the Eatate of MEL VIN D. HENRY, Deceaaed. EDWIN E. DRISCOLL Pine Tree Building Klamath Fella, Oregon Attorney for F.atnte M 17-i-ni-A 7-M. No. CIS. was learned that 14 specialists worked on his son's case and that everything possible was done for the little fellow. We are glad to see the young couple back home again and extend them our hoart fclt sympathies. Twenty-nine East Bide urangera braved ihe element last Saturday night and attended the Valley Falls Orange anniversary meeting ana festivities and reported having a grand get-together where grangers from several granges in the val ley attended. Eastslders who were present were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fisher, and daughters, Anna Mao and Barbara: Beverly Vincent, Kenneth Butler, EllJinbetn Bene- flcld, Mr. and Mrs. John Richard son and son, Edward: Mr. and Mrs. William Kelso and daughters, Carrol and Judy; Homer McLaln Jr., Mrs. Patty Jo Mulvey, miss Mona McLaln, Mr. and Mrs. Car rol Cloud and sons, Ray and Rich ard; Mr. and Mrs. Claude New combe, Mr. Fred Fisher, Mr. Lee Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey San ders and Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson. The East side program number was two songn, "Slow Poke" and Anytime " sung by Carrol and Ju dy Kelso, accompanied on the pi ano by their mother. Industrial output In Britain In IBM waa 45 per cent above the 1038 level. ...'I.'io.. GENERAL NOTICIS DINING ROOM FOR LEASE FORT KLAMATH HOTEL Inquire J. Q. Riicll Fort Kliimnth Hotel BTcT""" DARliKft 8HOP OPKN Under Now Management HOURS 11:00,J:00 P.M I.ANE'H Fur CoiiVpany (formerly Rleh ardpl new adilreae, 1010 Main acroaa flout old location open for bualneaa April 111 GtlOlV DANCE MUNIC for all ocra- alona Call Morgan 1-tuoa or McDonald. Hill, riayad right, prlceq rigim ana guaranteed danreable PERSONALS WELL KNIT guaranteed hoelery. Phone iiEATTTiinCViM. Fit ATEX "PlnTHrari'hnne Sitae. '.W. BlttlCfc-bwanaonV" Beauty Shop. Phone 7101. S'IANCkY' Tfome PrmluHi. Phone ST 10 SERVICES EXCAVATING Mobil tihovel and Trench Hoe Bulldoser - rill Dirt Topaoll Crushed Rock - Driveway Cinders Compressor CRANK StCHVICI - GRAHAM BROS. Phone B&41 or 110 FIX THAT RADIO. Our rtuitlnrag Is Sound CONNER'S SERVICE CO. Phone r)78 MOVING? a a a Call 7438 Loral-Long Dlstanc Piano and appllanra moving a specially Transfer and Storage Bckln'i Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse "Since 19U" NOTICE LANDSCAPING TREE PRUNING SPRAYING by Francis "Smithy" Smith, Tree Surgeon Let us work with you NOW aa your landscape needs. ROSEBUSHES NOW IN STOCK Pitnlented and No. l's SUBURBAN FLOWER SHOP 3(114 So. flih Phone 8IU CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What you don't want, someona. else need" I Let us find what you want or find the person who needs what you don't want. This Is the kind of service we are offering . . . why not lake advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop in at 255 East Main In Klam ath Falls and get acquainted or Phone 5670 Septic Tanks Cleaned TANKS, drain fields Installed repaired. Years of experience. All work guaranteed. PHONE 8731 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE. FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service Insured ANDERSEN PREIOHT LINE 2802 South Sixth Ph. 9240 or 2-3133 Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Root. Etc, ED r. KINO 2434 Orchard Phone M4I nr.PAm arnvlrr On all tvnea (if main, !. .1 pllancea. radloa, waahlng machlnea. vs. cuum cleanera, rangea and amall house hold appllancea. Pickup and delivery aervlce available. MONTGOMERY WARD SSL ??-.?! Phone DIM PAINTING 7017. and paperhanglng Pltona CUHTAINS laund-ed and .tretched. Phone aula FULLER hriaheahona DW1I or 377, 1 L. DEAN Public Accountant and Aurfltnv Office at arm No 7th. - Phone eua KOIt lltKE TKlMMlNO" l-ll'IMC iMJ.IM PAINTINO. dacnrnTTni I ?'hJnorbXd "nl,hln' 'Pray painting.' TRIPP'S Auto Palnllng."Dody and tiff- ""no aoau. ALTERATIONS All work guaranteed. Jennie Hare. Anllaa, 707 Main, phona CARPENTER wofiT nemnrill,, 3 rin"!rM?n.-Pnona2-oni7. i itiuAL contracting, Work guar- ru. 1-innir viiiio EDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPlNh .,-. L... "'l.TOrS.'."; "" machinal. KLAMATH rn, I an ' P'" Phone 4TS0 13 HEALTH fflEAM bathi, enerc'iaei. ipot reducing for men and women. Phone 3M3. HELP WANTED. FEMALI YOUNG WOMAN for office work. Muat hflVC at leaat nna vmmr n..n. ,..,... App!.v2.1.WAltamont Drive. WANTED, exporienneii waltreaa and car hop. No phone calls. Pelican Drlva HELP WANTED, MALE WHY TAKE LESS Til AN flfiTTfiEST? uoing nualneaa on a national scale haa opening for aggree alve aaleaman ahova .10 yeara of age. Immediate earnlnga ahould run above 1100 per week, which will Incroiie with experience and repeal buelnesa. Our top man earned :io,000 last year. Many other- lo,ooo to, No hortaajei, m credit restriction!, ho collections. A serviceable automobile necessary, (live ful detail! first letter. PRESIDENT, nox IH4I. Dallas" Texal: 17 HELP WANTED -MKl r AMII.Y Wotmns route .low avall " .". ynu went your own business with better than averaga Income, write for Information to the J, p., Watklna Ccj, 137 Daxttr, lulUe, I, Waahlng-