Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 22, 1952, Page 8, Image 8

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    PM5E EIGHT 1
I'lv'tMJ) AM) N,Yi?. KLAMA'lr! 1 fXU (". 'CON
SATUIIDAY, MAItCli 22, l!).Vi
MERRILL Young friends ol
Judith Ann Dewey, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Howard B. Dewey,
were invited to her home Wednes
day afternoon March 19, he 11th
birthday. Donna. Jeaii Carson and
her sister Peggy won the prizes
for the hunt for hidden objects.
Mary Mitchell- won the prize for
the Word game.
After Judy blew out the 11 can
dles on her pink and white birth
With the comlne of suiini the
thoughts of artists turn to plar"
for treks to the country to sket?n
and paint and likewise, the thought
of all the Klamath Art Associa
tion members arc centered on
plans lor their Summer Art Work'
shop. We have been busy with
LA frn.l..n.i, urrtrj. IPJHI1S lor aQVHllce OUOllCUY. DrilH-
served U Mary MeCuitou.h. . Donna j JJ VHSK
Conner, Margaret Ann Quails,
Paula ' Kotthoff, Beverly Moore,
Donna Jean axd Pcirgy
Carson, Sally DcLap, Mary Mitch-
the school a great success.
We received a letter from the
Secretary of the Lincoln County
I Art Center, the Gallery Bv the
ell, who was visiting here fromn exhibition In their gallery of
her home in Dairy, and juays'the water color paintings by Per
older sister Nancy.
cy L. Manser of Hood River till
March 30.
Mr. Manser is one of the North
west's outstanding artists ol both
oil and water color.
Student paintings and weavlne
are on exhibit in the studio, and.
the public is cordially Invited to
visit the gallery and studio whicn
S!l??r-JJr- P.' k6", from two until four p.m. each day
MERRILL A St. Patrick's Day
theme was carried out in the table
decorations, when Mrs. John W,
tcr tallied members of the Library
Bridge club at the home of the
lormer on March 13. While carna
tions with greens were placed In
the center of each tabic and when
taken apart formed corsages for
each of the guests.
Five tables of bridge were in
Airs. C. wcou-DOWCii, IHK" sum. nll . , Aoriotinn L triv!nir In
jur .1 Mz-nnnoiri low score: nd,al" .Arl Association Is strtting 10-
lO nais. xicicu ouuia, ,iaciui5
Mrs. T. W. Chatburn Jr; will en
tertain with a 1:30 dessert bridge
on March 21: her co-hostess will
be Mrs. Bruce Owens.
except Monday.
If any of you happen to be trav
eling along the Oregon coast, a stop
at this lovely gallery and studio
will be well worth your while. It
Just proves what a small com
munity can do when they work to-
and ..prizes were awarded to If -fiL " " "th". i FiST
, Registration
Registration for spring quarter
at Southern Oregon college will be
held Monday, March 24. accord
ing to-Mabel W- Winston,- rtgis
tiar. The term will continue to
June 6. although seniors will grad
uate June 1.
Mrs. Winston said registration is
expected to remain at the winter
quarter total of 612 which was a
5 per cent Increase over fall term.
Five additional courses have been
added lor spring term work.
The eight-week summer school
of especial Interest to elementary
school teachers who desire refresh
er courses or who are working lor
bachelor or master's degrees will
begin June 16. Included in the
course will be eight two-week work
shops. Students are currently enjoying
a spring recess following- winter
examinations, classes win recon
vene. March 25 anO registration
will be closed Monday, April T.-Forty-six
Klamath county stud
en have been enrolled at the
Ashland college during winter term
Mrs. Winston reported. Attending
irom Klamath Falls have been
Carol Anderson, George B. Adler,
Eva Alexander. Ann Barker, Carol
Ann Burritt, Dale Carr, Barbara
Dickson, Mary L. Enman Wilfred
Erickson, William Gass, Ted Gehr
man, Winifred Gober
Wayne Guyer, Mark A. Hattan,
Joyce Hoagland. Dalton James,
Morris S. Jiminez, Beverly Lynne
Jones, Sylvia Ready, LeRoy Lof
rlahl. Betty Lofdahl. Willian Lof
dahl, Carl Long, Virginia Lutz,
Cora A. MacDonald, Jean Olden
burg, Joyce Olson.
Jerry Overeri, Elaine Pallinv,
Shirley Peugh, Faye Peugh, Mer
land Phelps, Janet Russell, Wil
bur Sellars, Russell Shearer, Diane
Swansen, Donna Tillman, Ronald
,Wilkerson, Lovina Williams, Rich
ard Winter and Lois Wise.
Other Klamath county students
are Lorna Lee Roser and James
Zeller, Chiloquin: Ralph Dixon, '
Bonanza:, Donald Roeder, Fort
Klamath; and Larry Johnson. Ma
Jin. ... i
KiViUKi,-, it ri..W.vti.3i
Mrs. Harry Kolb who was taken
111 last week, while visiting her
relatives at Grants Pass, Is report
ed to be getting better according;
to word received here by her hus
band. We all sincerely hope she
will be able to come home soon.
Everet Becraft was visiting at the
home of Les Pardue and family
on Monday.
Mrs. Henry Albertson. Diamond
Newman and the Merle O'N'eil fam
ily have been on the -sick list this
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Peterson are
parents of a son. This is their sec
ond child, and gives them a girl
and a boy.
A stork shower was given Satur
day in honor of Mrs. Joanne Stew
art. Hostess was Mrs. Herbert Sto
ver and those assisting were Sibyl
Peay, Lorraine Harms, Lettie Ash
craft. Alma Moulton and Margaret
Crowl. ;
Present were the following ladies
Mildred Richardson, Lorraine
Harms, Hazel Stover, Lola Chand
ler, Katherine Stewart, Ruth Mil
lard, Margaret Crowl, Madge An
derson. Lettie Ashcraft. Sibyl Peay,
Alma Moulton. Bert Bolton, Scotty
Nelson, Winnie Geirsdorf, Jessie
Woods, Mary Etta Newman, Mil
dred Garrett, Lillian Sundet, Coral
Hill, Aria Young, Lillian Pardue,
Dorothy Christensen, Juanita Nel
son. Cherry Millard, Alma Crowl.
Myrle Crowl, Rhea, Louise and
Barbara Garrett, Gloria Chandler,
Billy and Karen Sundet, and the
honored guest, Joanne Stewart.. -
Sending gifts but unable to at
tend were as louows: oaaie Aioeru-
son, Elsie Hanks. Helen Buck, Mar-
rle Morris, Araeiie jonnson. Jose
phine Warner. Eva Mulkey, Flossie
Reed, Virginia juarun, ixju noo-
erts, Zelma Reed ana jsueen
After the oresents were opened
and displayed the hostesses served
delicious refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Paraue anu
family spent Monday afternoon ana
evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Crowl and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Murphy of
Adel were visiting with Mrs. Lillian
Pardue Saturday.
M I VI R fl '
hi 4v J J
Ladies Eeglo
Club Meeting
I.rU'e.-i Eui'le Club met (ImivIi
Cimiiniiiilly rplrll hit u new Mull
Oregon State
'Mothers Club
On'Kim H nip Mu'hiTfi Club
10 111 liio uimor Eimle Hull for un u. V L.V "' Z , ...i :. : ... . ilnr lnri:iiH Wi s Mn !i 19, :!IU
e:;eellfnt iiotluck supper,. Present i.rwcoinci's and oidiiiiieis iiu'vo ull l ni. In t'tr Itrrreallonnl Mull,
were: llrlen Chiipmnn, Mnb'o De-: '''" "I niwifi'.iiioim niiuui ino rew
LoiiB. Alma Uppcmlahl. Dolls Seult i,,,'u ""I!1:, '""! '1 j" 'i'i "
und her mollicr: M1117 Lou Alaulr,!ouy nm,ii, Mitruh H, realized n lllllo ; puitilcd Mm. I.lnyd Yohnh im imMii-
Wn. lilimn V.Hy.
I'leslileiil, Mrs. Jo.,i'ih Muc k ni-
liusty Villi 11 11, Mary Mellon, Smile I over it(l liir tlio liuul. l)vir 10 iii'i
Brown, EIj'o IIuilUvv, Bt(y Hill, Uoiw were xei ved at the VI O1U0
Wanda Fciinlng, Lornu Oioes and j u' '"J "''M1";" """"l"'" Z;
Nancy Pulninn,
lii-i.ihlp i.-liiilriinui mill Mih, l(nlili
W, tJleuiim us Nulioliuhlilp cliuli'-mini,
sons who purchased tlekeia but wlio I (;m ih inul l elri'-iliiiieiits fullou eil
Af,cr supper curds were' played ' were nimble to nllnntl dun to bnsl-!n, biislnens nieellin
and prices were won by: first,
W umta l-'cniiliia: secoml, Lornu
Chiivrt.: three humlie.l iraveinm
prise, Elsie Hartley: door, Meryl
drown; and low, Mnry Mellon,
nuns went made to brlnu litis-
baiuis. to next puny. Those plim
ness reiisoiiN, Those nllenilliiK I10111
out of town were: Mr. mid Mrs.
Lloyd Munis of Leuai, Mr. und
Mrs. C. IS. Taylor of llend, Mr.
mid Mm. Miiyllelil and children nl
iJiiiniiiiHl I, ukp JuncUuii Mr, J11I111
1'lhiillls of llrnil, mul severiil lour
Ists who wandered In and could mil
upper Untiles Hull U;3U p.m.
1111m 10 iiiicim hid 10 can lU'ii-ir .....1., ,,. . .., 1 ....i,,..
Chnpmnn. Next mcolliig Murch 34, , AlluiKllim from Clieniuli were: Mr!
und Mrs. U. Hum ne. und diiiiKhUM,
Mr. und Mrs. (I. Kppci'snii, Mr.
mid Mrs. T. Rlilennur, Mr. und
Mrs. U. C. Palmer, Mr. Cecil Pnl
mer, Mr, 11 nil Mm. Grant Dunion.
Mr. Lew Wllllullis, Mrs. Dornlliy
Miirqiiess, Mrs. Hope lliurier, Dim
tt. II 1.... K I.. I...
j I,, ,' , WIIIIV llllllttl, Klin, UIMIII
A irouii of Klnimilh F..II. K.ln- Hriilrr, Mrs. Al Howe, Mr. Rnlph
rnllouul Sccreinrles went to Port-1 Wiiison, Mr. Eurl llronks, Mr. Lyle
land to nllond the ickIoiiiiI meet. Andrews, Mrs. Mue Muxey, Mrs.
nix of the Nuilonal Assoulnllon of ! KH11 Dlrd, Mr, and Mrs. It. Duvls.
School Secretaries Mnreh 14-I6-10; ,Ml'. "d Mr. C. C. Lonit, Mr. anil
und also ornanl'0 the Oreuun roup !Mr. O. Fiirrls, Kenny Fiirrln, Dill
ol Educational Secretaries. In,1d Lee Flelehor. Mr. und Mrs.
Headquarters were In (he Mull- ? 0l'K".,"." ''"'!. rlilldreii Mr. and
nomuh Hoiel where many Interest- ? 'M uf',P.v ,,m'7' .,n "l,c,,
lug sessions were held. i Mr. 8l".1 w,'"?,"' 1("lt!,1;:,
. .. , - 1 . . .. ii". villi, it v.,ii,rii nun iJiMi, on,
Joseplilue Reirlnuto of Klmniith .i m,.u i i. ,...i.,..
Fulls was elected vice president of ,.,. i,:. yt;my. Wr ,,w.
Ihc Oreuon group. el, luinsov un.l sons Mis. l.n. in
Attendinir from Kliiiniilh Fulls Miisien und sons, Mr. und Mrs.
were; Josephine Ronlnuto. Lucille , Karl Hbjen. Mr. and Mrs. Wuvne
Peterson. Una Roblnellc and Lu-: Sleekier. Mr. und Mrs. can je-
cllc Hnyford. .sup. Mr. und Mrs. R. E. Jessup
mid children, Mrs. John Plncklev,
Mr. and Mrs. BUI Tnylor and chil-
Mm. Itiilnh Nelsnn. Mrs, Wulliir
Cluyer mid Mrs. lii'iliert Allinuii
wero hostesses lor 1 1 it diiy.
Next 1 i-uuliir inrelliiii ucliediilvd
lor April 10, 7::i0 p.m.
Chapter 18
Women of Moose
MKftltll.L Mrs. Jnllll McNeil
was the hostess liir a reKiilur Hirel
ing of ll'e Aeinlein, ni i-i-lelln;,iio.
Merrill ('hnpler 1H Women of llio
Mouse. Itnutliio liilMin-ui wns
pnsed nl, und plans were miulii
lor Hie Academy of Friendship
pi'iiurmu In lie held nl Hie April 1
meeting ol Women nl Hie Moose.
Members present were Louisa
Icenblre. I.eln Sinll. Ini'A Kluinll,
Unse VunMeler, Vernnlcit McNeill,
Mui-uurel Fields, lluiil illllitllev,
and Oluu llrndsliuw.
reluined fur llio t uinlnu yeur. They
lire l'leMilenl tieiime Kppersuii;
Vice I'rcMilint Hill Taylor; bene-liiry-lreiisurer
Dick Jessup ami
field i-iipliilll. tleniKe Uniirnu. i'luiis
were iiiadn Inr the coining '"r.
These Included repiilr und general
mululriiiince ul the Gun Club which
Is at Denver Mursh lis soon us
the snow melts ennimli to permit
ror-c . dreu.
y 11 nun vuni j Thf Clieniuli Gun Club met pil-iwork crews to npenile. 'Hie mm
,, ' . Inttiim the dinner for Ihelr nnniiiil ielub furnished two lurne cukes lor
Pythian Sisters met March 8 si Mnrrli meeiiiiu mm i.n,, m m 'in. ,.,.-i i n,. ,imrr n,l fur
the home of Mue Anderson, 345 fleers. Hie officers for 1051 were Hie club 'members.
is. iuiii oircci.
Tlie proceeds from the pnrtv
went Into the dhh fund. Prlies
were won by Dnclo Hoover, first; J
Charlotte Canoy, second; Aim
Bean, door: Elizabeth Ramsby.
traveling pinochle.
Present were: Ruth Matthews,
Stella Dryden, Llna Motschcnbach-
er, Floyd Blaukenshlp. Zellu Blank- 1
enshlp, Ethel Henry, Elfle Redknv,
Laura Taylor, Fiinnle Godduid, ,
Bob Canoy, Eva Richardson, Doro- -thy
Post, Jcmile Hum, Marie Kll-!
Bore, Bertha Griggs, Julia Wll- j
Hams, Wallace Henry, Nlnln Beck, !
Agnnce Lowe, Clara Bnllaiityiie,
Dorothy Porter, Agnes Jurgensen, i
Theresa Allesch and Llllluu Hay-'
Little Sweden
3711 So. 6th
JSX Open 5 to 10 w
Sundays open 1 lo 10 . . Closed Thuridoyi
Serving S
rcr Miso j
Ploto Smor-
MR. AND MRS. J. DEAN COCHRAN Recent houseguesls at the home of their niece,
Mrs. George A. Myers, 711 Pacific Terrace. Onetime residents of Klamath Falls (They
built one of the first three houses on Pacific Terrace 435) they have lived in Barker
ville, B.C., since leaving here in 1912. Mr. Cochran is known to numerous Nimrods and
Izaak Waltons who come from "all over" to engage the services of this Canadian guide.
With Mrs. Cochran, he also operates a hunting lodge just out of Barkcrville. While resi
dents here, Mr. Cochran was in the insurance business. Photo by Kettlcr
Stork Shower
the new
Regardless Of
Price Or Make
12 Machines In 1
(No Attachments)
The Bel Airs are so durable and efficient that
we can safely guarantee them to give continuous
service forever. . . . ,
Machine Service
j j P We Are I
' Ji featuring I
I U o750
Rodgers. Mrs. John Franks, Mrs.
R W MnnHlin .lr . Mr C. C. I.m.
nirs. ura ijrisoon ana Mrs. narryu, .
.ester entertained at the Brisbon s- J- ' fhr"' ' B
iome. -3325 Laverne Avenue, at-aMrs' ful Snedden. Mrs S. Alva-
.hmn, k,Flm U,,' M lc " H.UI.IIUII, i.i.O.
varez, Carol Brisbon, Mrs. Ernest
Parkhurst, Mrs. Clarence Cornett,
Mrs. Olive McGargcl, Mrs. Don
McLean, Mrs. J. H. Eckcrt. Mrs.
Jack Angle. Mrs. J. - M. Martin.
W. Campbell, 3128 Laverne March
R. C. Brollier, Karen Brollier, De- Mrs. C. D. Roberts, Mrs. J. Wyrn,
13. 7 p.m. - anna ana sanara uampDcu, Alice j Mrs. Jonn ioniums ana veceua
invited guests were. Mrs. Arthur i Lester. Penny Mundlln, Rosic Al- Low.
Unlike T. l.k Jl Mi On Of Our
Carlson's t JXh."!,
into a 312 coll INNERSPRING
A S9.9S
, Quality
Save with Carlson's
2405 So.-oth Phone 4510
I - i ' ' '
... I V '- iAr f ;. ..,
for junior figure control
with Complete comfort...
A mere wisp of figure flattery. That's Skippies!
So soft, cool, unbelievably comfy they feel like
nothing, next to you. Formfit designed them
especially for you juniors and slimsters. So for
a sweetheart of a figure let us fit you soon.
422 Main
Ph, 6771