Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 22, 1952, Page 7, Image 7

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    SATURDAY, MAnCIt 22, Hl.Vi
Alter Society
MERRILL Mrs. John Madden
meeting tn order, and Father Pin
Inn led the prayer.
Final plana were discussed or
the St. Patrick's danco auppcr.
The list of hostesses for the yer
hat been compiled and distributed.
Members present Included: Mrs.
Tom O'Keefe, Mrs. Jack Hlckey,
Mrs. Don Harris, Mrs. acne Ham
mond, Mrs. Pete Callse, Mrs. Dan
Cashman, Mrs. John Madden, Mrs.
Dan Berry, Mrs. Mike McAulllf
Mrs. Dnltnn Parker, Mrs. Ben
Johnson, Mrs, Arnold Scolt, Mrs,
Tim O'Keefc, and Mrs. Ben
was the hostess for a regular
meeting of St. AuKUsttiie'a Altar
Society. Her co-hostesses were
Mr. Ben Johnson. Mrs. Dalton
Parker, Mrs. Dan Barry, Mrs. Ar
nold Scott, and Mrs. Tom O'Keefc.
The business meeUmt wti pre
ceded by a lentcn luncheon. Mrs.
Don Harris, president, called the
OM'I JUU I'KO.IrXT- hui. been
riiii)il'lrl Hi H Idler nl tlinnki.
received from Mrs. Ilrlly Wllln in
miii 1 1 t Hi. i'nii n k n Day liny lav
ors made itnil nt'iil by Mrs. Nrw
mil's mill Mm. llurrli,' Slid kihiIitii
Rt ItOOSCVlll.
'J'lIK MAItVIN NKKKKTIIH i n--rliilnnl
lor llicir inn, Marvin ami
some H(l nl Ills hiliooiinati'M al n
i.n lhK Apui'ln italic o t Itriiiiii H
mid my Junior reporters nil en
tlutniasllcully iiMrcc Iiml Ihe rii-vrr
81 I'liliiikii llrt decor maul iiiu-MC--i'elic:.iiin'iili
can'li'd ul in
llie Nt. V niulll inmlc II I'lin nl
Uic ouisIiiiiiIihk piiiili-n nl tin' Jim
As-vMiiiK I". It ' I Mn N .if.
-titii I'i'Mi-h were Mr. niH Mm.
(iirrr Orr w ind Mr. unil Mrs. Mri
viii Mlllu.
IIOIlN TO - Ihe bleve Kr;.:.liT.'.
ill Klamath Valley Mnnli II,
Lull) il l,o'ir..c- 1 lu I4 ii'' tt ' I
K ii I ill 1 1 ii 1 1 M I l ' "I I'n' V Ki'
inn wn l.niiy-Yiiuiik mi'ii ar
rived IHI lirr KI en' Ki'.illiMn ' hci
Mill Ijlrtluliiv Mr. Sieve Kc-sler
who llli In.' wll" 111 1,1
Imul-Mr. mul Mm. ". :iinrlrn Willi
nrn maternal hp's mill Kriui'iiii'iili
it Wnii in here lo li" Willi '"'I'
ItU'lll KINCI-llllll lllllllilr I'll-
km lii eeli'liriilc hi. P.itrnk l)i y
Knv Ann- lioni to III" lil'-im I
Ynplm, 4'CiO Anderson- March n
lit Klullll'lll Vlillrv - Mrs. V !
llnUl's (IlillKllUT -mul Hie '"
i Iv.i I has it slater Beverly Ji'im- 2
liwiie- Ititlh wim tun worn mil
riiitiui-"iinu llie uniiicn'n loiiim lu
no liny tcicurittlii
A l.riTI.K MMKNTnf relax-
lillnll AWAY FHOM 'I'll IH KNOW! I
vviim stolen by tin Hay OldcnlmiKi'
ii'i'i'iiily whin they took a hiiort
trip In the liny Aim nici'lum llir
Till Mi'l.liillln lit Mills Field -inhere
tliry lind llnwn Hum I'ort-
i liitiil -'llii'V Mippril up Min.'ililnr
'unil visually iilmirln-fl color Irnin
'lltmrri'. Ilnucr iiml Mowers- purl
nl tin. Illuc i. prill in f.iirulrl -JUbl
'HUNK -mi iiimw iiiniuiinc! I
llll'; I'AIII. IJKLI.KHH have
;vpr'lli visitors lit llielr home UUlHi
Imii r Mi:. Ij'u fiiuculs- Mr. mul
Mii. Knlii'il Jcir.ru- Iroiil Holllh
IJ:kotn llnvr been In I'nilluiid
Willi i imllirr dniiuhli-r lor two iiioh
- - unit citine down line In enj'iy I
i.piiim i r,1 7 1 In UK.
iltl IlKI.I' INITIATK Nilllfle
I'lilwn: il'i. t.iiUKliIrr of Mr Kulli
ivn l-.'iluiillls 'Iiml l.'ltT nl Tunilliyi
Whh Imtliitril Intn Tlii'iu Tim chap
Irr nl lli'llil lli'llii Drltu lit llll'
Ulilvi'iMtv nl liliilu, - Hhe iiImi wiim
Hmiittiihi our Iv rlt'rit.l unil 1 1 -uiiilliil
us liM'iinii nl Hie (iinptiT.
I'.'ii'ti'r "niitlll'' fi'tiii'iiili'-r llii'
Klt'.lrr Kr;i fiiilr- Iiml If ynu'vi' nnl.
iirfivfil .slumps In II, mul'- mil
'tin I'i'Ihmiii m lltll iircl tic' It ilvr
nii nil lli iiivi'.v.iiry n.liiriniitliiii.
1 ? fulfil . !Lrl.'.ri!;.'
Mock Wedding At ! Merrill Grange
Bridal Shover
MKKHtl.l. Mm. Wunilii Jinn
Diiltim. Iho tiiniiiT Wunilii Jiaii
MrMiirtrtv. whi ImiHirril Willi it
briiliil hliuwer Mimli nt tl"'
rrrrrntlmi hull. Ilinti4 ir with
Ituby I'lTKUMin. ViTUii l.onif. unil
Mnl Rnict I.nprl . AsMMlnil lihnlll !
thf ruoiit wurr OiIikIh lli'ii:;.- ton, '
nil Lcrtti Ciin r. t
The Kiii'l tliomuiilily rtijnvrit n
mm U-n I moc k wtiMiiit 'ni!rd liv ;
ninnrhr lluM'.i ns Hie lirlili', Mnry !
Lull tiwt'.hlT, lis tin IiiiikImiiiic i
lirldrciiHim, lirnl limn. Irv'r Wi-nt.j
who Innl d'iruuliy iniilii'i; th" inn;;
Mrs. Jnko Clrrrr, In KlminiiUI. Id'tii
Ililllrr, llowpr mrl. Iiml "(yliis llie '
knot" wii.i Orlndn HpiiksIoii. !
Two liiinii'H wcru pluyi-il wiln I
Mri. l!eK mul Mil I'liiiuiii l ox ,
wuinini! the in"
Hrfirr-linipiils wrip jitvci! by Ihi'
linliH"MS llltrr Iho ikll. Ilivllnl
kupmh wtit: Mi. Oii'i-r, Mrs.
Webb WIiUp. IHiii liutlir, Mri.
Norrnnn Trw-y, Ml.'.. Knowllmi
llnni-yrull. line Il"li"vrull. Mf'Sij
W 111) tit I'ne mill Curnl, Yvomir ;'
Conner, Mm. Kloycl lluilcr nii'l j
Mnryullit; Hobertii KutU-v, Miirle
llin.kliw. Annie. Mi'Oonni'il. Menlie j
E. PliTiT. Sue Cuekn, Mrs. Friwi- I
its Vox. Mrs. MiiKttle Wilson, rtlilh I
Hi.shop, Mia. Inrj Wiildoii, Noi'inu I
lir.su, Mrn. Myrtle Diivln. Mm. j
Alonno llodijrs, Mia. Alice llenloil. i
Myrtle ViiiiKhn. i-'iiye I'KlleiMiii.
Mrs. Krnc.il riimilce mid I'enil1
Mrs. W. A. Wolliiim. Frnncrn KI- i
ferl, Mnry Lou QunlU, Mnrllm
llensley, Mrs. Troy Qiiiills, Verba
hung mul Penny. Mrn. Swisher,
Grnce White, Edna rcrKUsoif", Al
lelic Abbott. Hensle CllpKer, Mm
Miirvln Dunlcl. nnd Detly, Wlnllred
Taylor, Bhirlry Cliapinaii. Mm
Bruce Rnmbo, Ulunche Johnson.
Alire Wllllniiin. Klsle mid Frances
limber, Donna and Unrlcne Turner,
Corn Jcnn Wlllliinis. Cormm Hark-liiir-.t,
Mri. Delhi HoiIkcs. Mrs. W.
U. Van Cleave, Mm. Roland Went,
nnd Mm. lllnnclie I laves. .
Mrn. Warren Ochs nnd Evelyn.
Mm. W. Cnscbeer, Mm. Dallin,
Dlcrdorll. Mrn. Clair IJiiih iiii, Mrs.
O. V. Reevc.i nnd Connie, Mrs.
Kipp, tlelty mid Sharon Knttholl,
Mrs. I.titlier Tnber. Lucille Mack
en, Dorothy Maiipln, Mm. Paul
Lewis. June Curler, Mrn. Don Cnr
noii, .Mrs. Ora Fox and Velina.
Mrs. John Clroven, Mrn. Ted Down
hill, Edna Lewis, and Mrs. Dick
717 Meeting
MKItllll.l. (lii.ri:e Willliiiiii.
niiif.lrr nl Merrill liiunue 711. pii
nidrd at a regular inceMii; ol the
Kiiui,i Mm cli 10 Hume i "immnlc
cluiirimiii Annu llnwaid and Insur
nin e nui-nl I'iank lliuili" tnittle re
liorn. Hcveial members Knve re
ports on amii iiliur,', m tin- ab
sence of cliiilrii.ini John (Jlacominl.
1'lnn.i wero ai-o inado lor nn apron
Milo on May
Lecturer Mai puerile Hailley was
In cburiie ol llir lliernry prnurain.
She al.il llf.kf'll (ifiilli;e IllCulbl'l'.',
II tl ey wnnicd lo coniinue on their
coniiinniliy servile piot:iiuu, ol
which the purchrtse of n piano for
the reciciM on hall was a start.
Itnby Tab'r inlertiili ed hi flie
piano Willi a nelcillon of Irlsli
Dr. nnd Mrn, L A. Tuber served
Next niritiim will l;e a noelal
I'venliiK and card pnr'v on March
34. The public n invili'd.
Tuieleke City
,TUJ,t;iiAKK Tulf.li ko Cilv -Pan-liellcnlp
inci al Ihe hoine or Rulli
Dwrrall, March 1.1, i p.m. 'mis
Important busmen. mcetluK wan
liild to innkii plans lor ihe necond
niinunl tin lor Ihe Tulrlako lllli
Krhoi'l neiilor lrh and liieir iniilji
em. 11 nl o wus ilccidcd to donine
mable clollilnif lo the Franklin;,
Cicrmany. Panhellenic Kroup who
has c'ilablMicd a charily cenier
Ihtro lor the needy. All bundles
nl eloilie.i are to be turned In t
Lena Mac SchliKllcr no Inter than
April 'Ji.
Kelreshnienls were nerved alter
Ihe nifPUiiR to Klennnr Carmen,
Phyllis lliinchelt. Lena Mne Behind
Icr, nnrbnra Knox, Plnilla Voss,
Liz Frlia, Helen Dahle, Donnii
Hubbard. Kim Krnsl, and Virgin
la Crosa by the Hostess Ruth Du-Pialt.
THE MEN WERE REALLY BUSY A casual glance at the above picture of the Elks women's crab feed .is positive
evidence that there were no idle hands in the Armory, March 13, after 6:30 p.m., either serving or eating. The
crowd overflowed into other rooms where additional tables were set up by the hard-working committee.
Photo by Guderian.
pinochle Party
Poluoek enlerlnlned with a iln
orhle iinrty at her home In Upper
I. mmel! Valley on Tuewlny- nftcr
nonn. St. Patrick motif was carried out
In Ihe decorations and the rcircsh
iiK'nts. '
Mrs. Ted Schmcdll won nidi prlr.,
lor the afternoon' nnd Mrn. Louis
Knndall low. Mm. Ed Scott won
llie IrnvclliiK prl.c.
Those enJnyliiK Ihe afternoon
were Mrs. Kernilt Keyscr, Mrs.
Louln Stnller, Mm. Charien Schnied-
II. Mrs. Ocor(P Fernhuid, Mrs. K.l
Scott. Mrn. Louis Randall, nnd Mrs.
Ted Schmcdll and Mrs. Pntucek.
MR. AND MRS. RALPH L. SWINDLER and their attendants after the double-ring cere
mony lu St. Paul's Kpiscopal Church. Rev. Galen Onstad officiated. The bride is the form
er Catherine Huth Glidden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis A. Gliddcn, 4505 Denver.
Her jiusband, Pfc. Swindler, has returned to Fort Hood, where he is stationed. Best man
Robert Griffeth, right, and Mrs. David King, sister of the bride, left.
Mrs. Kolth Wlthcrspoon and
Rex Hunanker.
Newcomers lo Klamath Falls are
A no-host luncheon hi the Paul ! welcome to attend the dance, and
Bunyan Room nt the Willard Hotel I s10Uld call Mrs. C. U. Dnkin, 3235 ness meeting.
nreceded the business meeting and ror reservations. Newcomers to Klamatb Falls are
card session March 12.
Mrs. L. E. Moore in canasta.
Next regular meeting wiH be
luncheon at 12:30 in the Willard
Hotel. Cards will follow the bust-
Mrs. Winston D. rtirvlne presided
nt the business meeting.
, Mrs. Lillian McVcy was intro
duced as a Bueat and Mrs. C. E.
Lcltholf was welcomed as a new
Mrs. C. U. Dnkin. chairman of
Ihe spiinit dinner dance scheduled
for March 31 at the Yacht Club,
announced her dance committee
members: Mrs. W. I. Pavcttc. Mrs.
J. J. Howard. Mrs. C. E. LclthoK.
Mrs. H. E. Hill nnd Mrs. D. S. coraiany iiivncu.
Johnson were hostesses during the
card hour. Brldac high score was!
won bv Mrs. Aeiics Fischer, pi
nochle to Mrs. J. G. Miller and
first step
Start yttn1 tcktm. wHa ar pt.
Thtfs wlwt smrt itwitm (n4
mart iMiaanwktrs) V N. .tW
Htm l ir.vr Jmritlni MH na
.krinf K aratk iltlinui mt lwttr
yMf aunt. Cim mat irtww
Ikrwf k w cnwl IUctW fra
HP wnMt niirfctrm. V1 fc
l4 H halaV ytt km he ttwt n
221 Main Phone 5353
1826 Homedale Rood
Telephone 7080
Opto Eveningi by Appointment
'Ihe Spray tmiei' CM
East-West Road and Main - Tulelake, Calif.
Wednesday, March 26-10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Refreshments - Flowers - Movies - Paint Demonstrations - Landscap-
ing, Gardening, Interior Decorating - Experts' Assistance.
We Like To See Our Friends
Nona and Ed Greene and the Gang
with us. Put away any
.amount, any time you like
assured of safety and
regular earnings. Watch
your balance mount as we
add profits twice each year.
Drop in this payday and
start saving confidence in
your future will grow with
every addition.
Saturday, March 29
Is Positively
Sav Any Amount, Any Time
Enjoy Abovo-Avorag Earnings
Rocoiv Earning Twico Yearly
Life mm
of the 1951 contest winners.
Hum lllr.nl lie Hulil"
GRAND AWARD - $50,00 Cash Prize
30 other awards in 6 different age groups
Equal chance for everyone
PHONE 3292
,ii' ijfV twmrfrp x " -
r( Ys- ' j .,
Yes, It's ouijjf thl wtu'rl tw'daytime, 'playtime, daletiihe .
ut of this whirl of the original contimiou strength-giving
stitches la your Whirlpool bra comes the lilt and assurjnet
tt molded eoBtours...lfs America's mosi-ajked-for bra.
Illustrated: BASIC V-ETTE
' Cotton 2.50
Nylon 3.50
540 Main Street
' Klamath Falls