PAGE SIX m li'vLA K: . ANIMATED CONVERSATION over a' cup of tea by a home at Pine Grove. The background is a "picture within Jerry Olson, Mrs. Owen Robbins and Mrs. Jim R. Olson. BRANDT-MACK NUPTIALS In a lovely, informal ceremony, March 8 at Uie home of her par ents on the Spring Lake Road. Beverley Anne MacK, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Mack, Klamath Falls became the briae of Arnold Brandt, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brandt, Wellington, Kansas. The ten o'clock single ring cere mony was read by Rev. Arthur L. Rice, pastor of MU Laki Commu eity church who married the brides 'parents twenty five years ago. Preceeding the ceremony Bar bara Dickson, junior at Southern Oregon College of Education sang "I Love Thee" with Mary Louise Enman at the piano. Mary Louise also played the traditional wedding inarches. The young couple took Uieir vow before an arrangement of pink snapdragons and woodwardia fern and knelt on a white bench for the benediction. The bride entered the room es corted by her faUier. Her blush pink nailhead taffeta frock, street length was made with full skirt, short sleeves and see heart neckline. She wore a pink net halo, wound with a string of i small pearls belonging to her ma ternal grandmother, Mrs. Burt Hawkins. The traditional penny in her shoe, her double strands of pearls borrowed from her bride groom's mother, Mrs. W. A. Brandt, and blue hankie were part of her bridal ensemble. She carried an arrangement of I pink camelins and pink Elf roses centered with a white orchid. Barbara Dickson, bridesmaid, wore an aqua tafleta with tiny print, a close fitting profile hat and carried flowers similar to the bride's. Best man was John Christie', Cor vallis. A reception was held after the vows. Marilyn Mack was at the guest book. Margaret Miller Brundagc and Joan Howell cut the three tiered wedding cake. Pouring was Winifred Gillen. Corvallis. At the punch bowl was Mrs. Don John son. Both Mrs. Mack and Mrs. Brandt chose navy ensembles with white accessories and white orchid cor sages for the wedding. For traveling the new Mrs. Brandt wore a black gabardine suit with red hat and shoes and the orchid from her bridal bouquet at the shoulder. After a honeymoon through Cali fornia and the Southwest the young couple will be home after April 1 in Oklahoma Cily. Beverley attended Oregon State College. Southern Oregon College of Education and the University of Oregon. She taught at Malln for one year. She is a member of Delta Zela sorority. The bridegroom is a graduate of the school of chemical engineering, University of Kansas. Wedding guests included: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brandt, the bride groom's parents, here from their home in Wellington, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bakman. Mrs. James Hawkins and sons Douglas and John; Fresno; Mrs. Winnl fred Oillen and daughter Shlela Gil len and Joan Howell, Corvallis; Barbara Dickson, Marilyn Mack, sister of the bride, Earl W. Mack Jr., A. N. Sandpoint, Naval Air Station, Seattle, and Burt Mack brothers of the bride; Rev. and Mrs. Arthur L. Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Hawkins, grandparents of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Mack and daughters, Becky and Marsha, uncle and aunt of the britio Klamath Falls; Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dickson and daughters, Carolvn and Nina; Mrs. Hugh Stapleton, Mrs. Virgil Yadon, Mrs. Robert Horton, Mr. and Mrs. Don E. John son, Mary Louise Enman, Mar garet Brudage and Mrs. Harry Orcm, Fort Klamath. Happy Hour Club Happy Hour Club met at the home of Lillian White, 79 Pine, March 11, for a 1:30 luncheon. Members present were: Llna Motschenbachcr, Anna Reeder, Anna Blehn, Emma Hamilton, Maud Hosley, Jennie Hum, Ruth Heidrlck and Louise Humphrey. coVb'b oooooooootmooo mmrt u c ijllli Nancy Newbury Engagement Is Announced Clamath Falls friends of the Carl Ncwburys of Walnut Creek. Calif ornia, will be interested in the loi- mwuig item irom the Oakland, Cal llcrnir.. Tribune: A luncheon given Saturday aft ernoon at the home of Mrs. Wil liam McCord (Joan Fish) in Palo Alto for her former roommate at Stanford. Nancv Flimhmh kw. bury, turned out to be an announce ment party, wnen Nancy revealed me news 01 ner engagement to uougias mcK of Hillsborough. Nancy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newburv of Scots Lane. Walnut Creek. She is now in her senior vear on The Farm and mpVes her headauarters at Ma- jdrore Hall. She will set the date for ner wedding shortly after her i graduation mis June. I The proactive btide is a sister of Mrs. William Schacht of Lan- j caster. Wisconsin, the former Pat ricia Newbury, and of Mrs. Addi son Ausplund tRosanne Newbury), who Is at home with her parents ! now while her husband is in Japan. j He has been serving his country in Korea.. I Douglas' parents are Mr. and Mrs. George A. Tuck of Hillsbor ough. He was graduated from Stan ford University in 1950, and is af filiated with Beta Theta Pi fra '"rnity. H has one sifter, Mrs. Harry B. Smith, who lives down the peninsula, and two b'-oihrr-. James and Robert Tuck, who also live on the peninsula. Douglas will relinquish his membership with The Bachelors in San Francisco, with his marriage this summer." Nancy Elizabeth Newbury is a granddaughter of Mrs. Wilbur A. Jones of Klamath Falls. " Recital March 27 At Sacred Heart In the Evening Fourth in a series of spring re citals will be given by students of Sacred Heart Academy music de partment Thursday. March 27. 7:45 p. m. in the Academy audi torium. The program will include repre sentatlve works of contemporary i composers of today. Leading char acteristic of the music of this cen tury is the development and use of dissonance as a musical force, and this one element developed by each composer in his own manner has led to the wide diversity of style to day. Due to present-day emphasis on this artistic trend of representa tive composers; selective works have been programmed from var ious musical centers the world over. Twentieth century creative music of America will include contribu tions of Guion, Copland, Cadman and Strickland. The descriptive works of Latin Americans, Lecuona and Casella with those of the Braz ilian, Pinto, complete the list of new-world composers. Modern European composers to be heard on the program include: Toch, Scott. Chabrier, Hindemith, inert; Prokofieff, Albeniz, Sibelius, Britten and Bartok. A highlight of the program will be "Pcler and the Wolf" by Pro kofieff, and several contemporary choral selections by the Madrigal chorus. The following students will ap pear in the recital: Marian Asher. Judith Brauner, Douglas Cum mlngs, Stuart Campbell, John Ely, Nancy Kellog, Sue Ramsby, Judy Garner, Virginia Smith, Jane Gray, Shirley Hcidenreich, Janice Larson and Susan Vandenbcrg. The public is cordially invited. Ladies Aid At . Zion Lutheran Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid met at I he church the evening of March 6. Pastor Grapf nresentrd Ihi, trnl. for the evening. There was no business meeting be cause of such small attendance. Mrs. Eleanor Buser and Mrs. Ruth Braatz served refreshments. limn mm a a a dtoto o a a m t:nriAiiv moDcmi 3 xwvrHui.1 iunni.ii: ; 3 F.nrrsrpd Invitations and Announcements Ifi.M Per Ifunifrrd Ask For Your Copy Of "WEDDING CUSTOMS" By Evolyn Murray scenic window in the Collier a picture". From the left, Mrs. ri';lFl!ll Yrk 1 WV J v prr a fig W MK5. geokge DIMBAT pours for Mrs. Homer Ellis. Waiting to be served are Mrs. Bob Waggoner, left, and Mrs. Arnold Robbins. Mrs. Russell Tisdale at right end of table also poured during the afternoon. Others who assisted were Red Cross board members. Mrs. Arnold Gralapp. Mrs. L. W. Rothenbcrger, Mrs. Orth Siscmore, Mrs. Twyla Ferguson, Mrs. W. A. Shannon and Mrs. Alfred Collier, who generously offered her home for the afternoon. All Tea Photos by Ketller Engagement Revealed When Evalyn Inez Rowland re- vealed her betrothal to James Lee Griggs at University House on the U of O campus, the girls were startled bv the house fire bell clanging at 11 p.m. All raced out to discover they had been lured by a false alarmv As they filed back into the house, they were ushered into the dining room; where revealed by candlelight was a large cake centered with a pale gold wedding bell with two smaller bells at either side carrving the names "Evie" on one and "Jim" on the other. Evalyn is vice president of University House. Her fiance is also a student at U of O. No date has been set for the wedding. " KENNEL CLUB Klamath Kennel Club held a ban-! quet after the Sanction Match. March 9 at the Willard Hotel. Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. ! Forest Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Keith , Moon, Mr. and Mrs. Jcrrv Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. George Barthman, i Mr. and Mrs. F. E Mcintosh, Mr. ! uu ivirs. nooert McDonald, Dr. C. F. Gansburg and Miss Mary Maxwell, Dr. Joseph T. Rlker, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Sevcrson, Mrs. Bill Sykcs, Mrs. Leonard P. Allen, and Mrs. Helen Marlng who was the Judge at the Sanction Match. Mrs. Marlng gave an Informal talk and congratulated the. club on the many Improvements made, and expressed hope for more local entries in future shows. A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FOR YOU LADIES! 'Tracy", formerly associated with Muriel's Beauty Salon, announces the purchase of AUDREY'S BEAUTY SHOP, 1110 MAIN Starring Monday March 24th . . . Berncrta Tracy, Violet Hill, and Juno Dyer will be at your service for appointments. Phone 5515 for appointment HERALD AND NEVf KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON r RED CROSS TEA at the Andrew Collier home, Pine Grove, March 12, for workers in the Red Cross Drive was attended by nearly a hundred women. From the left, Mrs. W. Bert Schmidt, Carolyn Collier, who with her mother opened their house to the guests; and Mrs. L. W. Itothcn-berger. Canton Crater 7 Auxiliary Regular meeting Ladies Auxiliary order 7 p.m. March 13 in the IOOF ' I Hall. Lady Mary Pope, vice president reported that Lady Pearl Harris had returned home after major surgery in Ventura. A wish was extended to speed her recovery and early attendance at meetings. Lady Ruth Gage, president In tcrnatlonal Association of Ladles ; Auxiliaries announces "Funds for the American Cancer Society" as her project. "A hanky from every auxiliary" is the aim according to Lady Thelma Gage, chairman of 4-DAY SERVICE! IfffliB Invitations Announcements Engraved or Processed. Personalised napkins (or your rtcaprlon . Cups and plates. Shaw Stationery Co. 729 Main 1 a special committee for the presl- j lions In forming lines for liv pcc dent's fund. Handerchicfs to be sold 'tion. at Dallas In September. The local I Ladies Stella Drvden Eva Rich- auxiliary has mailed Its contrlbu-;ardson meeting was closed Phone 5111 r " RED CROSS WORKERS combining business with pleasure nt the tea Riven for them at the Collier home March 12. Mrs. Robert Cooper, seated, hands Mrs. M. E. Kcrehce her receipt for memberships sold. Next to Mrs. Fcrebee Is Mrs. F.ldrcd Hansen and far right, Mrs. D. L. Soulluird. and Jennie Hum arranged the attractive tnble decorations In .the St. Patrick Day motif and re- Younqstcrs "Dress Up"' clothes coll for qcntle laundcrinq and careful attention. Here you'll find qcntle laundry care for Hie most delicate of her clothes. Call us to day for immediate pick up for your laundry or dry clcaninq. The 'best laundry valuo in town! Our ALL-DRY BUDGET BUNDLE 10 . ... 89c Ask About It! LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS R I i ; : IT .omit fuij- .t -.r .v is v-rr:- s - & i Library Club At Merrill Admits New Members Mrs. I!. L. Drutioo, Mrs. E. II. Lovcnace, mid Mrs. Larry Kowell. were wrlcomrd as new members of the Merrill Library Club when they met March 6, at the home n( Mrs. ltoy McNeill. Mrs. E. Webb-Bowen save a brief preview of the minstrel show which the club cpnusored on March II. The club decided to purclln-n alphabet clips to be put on the slicKcs nl the library to facilitate easier arranvement of the books. Tlie.'ie have been ordered and will be installed as soon as possible. .Mrs. McNeill and her cu-hostea-scs, Mis. Everett Jones, Mr. Lc IhiuI Pnpr. Mrs. Vlrwll Rrxloid. and Mrs. Harvey Driihum, nerved rrlreshmrnis to the following mem bers and guests. Mn. E. II. l,ovc miiUe. Mrs. W. C. Bailey, Mrs. Wllllnm Walker. Mrs. Hurrirtte Folhrrlufchiim, Mrs. M. A. Bowman, Mr. Mur ray Howard. Mrs. Delia Hodges. Mm. Sherman Waldrlp, Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Robert Drixtoo, Mrs. John lleer. Mrs. Jack Wynant, Mrs. Rav Merrill. Mrs. Virgil Reeves. Mrs. II. O. Cox. Mrs. E. Webb-Bowen, Mrs. Warren Frtilis, Mrs. W, K, Jinnetie. Mrs. Max Hartlerode. Mrs. Lnrrv Bowell, Mrs, Everett Jones. Mrs. Virgil Rexford, Mrs. Lelaud Pope, and Mrs. Denhain. DL. nCWCMDCr o good tw always in fashion. Improve your natural beauty with one of our new Helen of Hollywood bras sieres . . . especially designed and expertly tailored to "ton down" and beautify a larqer bustlin. Try the Helen Brassier sketched in fin Broadcloth. White or Black Sixes 34 to 44 OTHER STYLES IN NYLON BROADCLOTH, SATIN AND LACE COMBINATIONS 2.50 To 5.00 SATUKDAV, MATICH 22, 18H2 Mis. Knowlton HoneycuU, Mrs, Normuu Traey. Mis. C. M. Ituins. by. Mm. Maude Ilnslry, Mia. Mn Audenon nil of Klniiinlh Falls, Having Company or A Party? You prepore the table and let ui prepare the food! Delicioui Frlod Chicken with French Friei Solodi our own Baked Piet and Cake Order by Phone 5537 or Drop in and See Us WIARD CHICKEN STILE Open 7 Days a Week 4831 So. 6th 0 CA 0.3U switch I-; I ' M ft 'faiii'tv ;.J CASCADI Klamath's Finest M ftonetrUinceSinJ Opp. Post Office A.---A.-A.-A.-A. 'M Ullllllll) D.t.lULB-ilJl 0 0 0 0 0 0 I) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 11 d I 4 r.