HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON SATURDAY, MARCH 22. 1052 FACE FOURTEEN Oregon Pen Stage Coh-Glomerations Show To Help Heart Fund By PAUL W- HARVEY, JK - SALEM ufi 8lxty Oregon Slate Penitentiary convicts, directed by three prisoners with a wealth of proiessionai experience, arc uj rehearsing for "Con - Glomeratlons of 1962," a Bhow they'll present to tho public for tho benefit of the Heart runa. The public will see It in the 1,200-seat prison dining hall April 18 to 26. i - The convicts decided themselves they wanted to help the Heart Fund, noting that the fund was short of its quota in Oregon. A musical comedy, ''Short De tour," will be the main feature, but there also will be a convict playing two trumpets at once, a professional rope spinner, a con vict wno impersonates motors wiui his throat, adagio dancers, square dancers, vocal quartet, a violinist, mountain music, and a one-armed convict who's an expert on the bull fiddle anil the bass drum. Music will be provided by the 17' niece orison band, a five-piece Dlx. leland Jazz band, and a six-piece Western band. Thi three men running the show are all California professionals who are prison trusties. 1 Mr. 20116, who doesn't want his name used because he has some California friends who don't snow he's in the Oregon prison, wrote the show. He's 36 years old, has been a professional actor on the stage and In movie bit parts, and also is an arcnitecturai engineer. He directs the show. Seth Schwartz, 30, runs the mus ical end. He s a good baritone and Ski Outlook Held Good By The Associated Press . ' The Weather Bureau reported these Oregon skiing conditions 'rmay: f Timberline Skiing excellent; Little Betsy and Otto Lang tows operating; clear; light northwest wind; temperature 18 degrees; powder, drifted; 203 inches of enow, 4 new; road clear, chains needed. Forecast: Fair with scat tered clouds over weekend; slowly rising daytime temperatures but continued cold at night; light to moderate northerly winds, Government Camp Skiing excellent; all tows operating; scat tered clouds, no wind; temperature 22 degrees; powder; 104 inches ' of snow, 4 new; roads clear: carry line. 1 Willamette Pass No report Forecast: Generally fair over week cnd; slowly rising daytime tem peratures; light to moderate north easterly winds. Crater Lake . Skiing fair to good; scattered clouds; powder: 216 inches of snow, 9 inches new. Forecast: Fair over weekend; warmer daytime; gentle to mod erate winds. '"I I t- .9 & ' ,FOR HER SON Mrs. B. E. Brown (above), 2204 Gettle St., fwas too ill to get down town to a photographer's and she wanted a picture to send to her son, Byron, serving over peas with the Navy. The Herald and News photographer visited the Brown home for the above picture. Nurse IDonna Lee Meyer is living with Mrs. Brown. Pair Okay Atter n Car Smacks Bridge ' ', PORTLAND Wl State Treas urer Walter Pearson and his wife escaped Injury Friday when their car skidded and crashed through a bridge railing on TerwiUiger boule vard. Their car came to rest with one front wheel hanging off the bridge which crosses from S. W. Barbur boulevard to the Burluigame dis trict. ' Most of the more than 100 U.S. IV stations are connected by net work facilities. FOR YOUR LENTEN MENUS RO! W lOAMAffl f AlW COTTAGE CHGGSG - Ut ton THI CKATEt LAKf tOTMci chiisi nan woo Prisoners To has had lots of voice training. The third man is Fred Peppif, 43. prison musical director who runs the band. He has played in orchestras most of his life. Tchwarts wrote n song. "It's No Dream,"' for the show. The con vlcts think it will be a hit. Schwartz is trying to sell it and if he does. he'll give half the profits to the Heart Fund. , , Bob Neolly, a 45-year-old pro fessional musician who can play any reed or string Instrument, also wrote a song for the show- It Is called "There's Too Many Clouds in the Sky." and the . directors think It might be a hit. too. Everv customer will get a two way ticket. He'll use half the ticket to get in to the prison, ana me other half to get out after the show. Mr.- 20116 explained there might be some last-minute, changes in the show "because we can't tell when some member of the cast might decide to go away on a vaca- Hon or might get caught making pruno." Pruno is a taboo alcoholic beverage. The penalty tor matting It inside the walls is banishment to isolation. The men, with Guard Lt. Lloyd Francis solving their tougher prob lems, are very enthusiastic about their show. They rehearse three or four nights a week, using only their own recreation time. The Heart Fund is paying all expenses. Mr. 20116 savs the men in the cast get a lot of benefit, too, bo cause "they forget their troubles and Jealousies." The Heart Fund is handling all ticket sales, so don't call the prison to buy tickets. The prison guards will donate their services, as it will take many guards to get the big crowds in and out of the prison. Every visitor will oe counted going in ana out. All convicts except those m the show will be locked in their cells while the show is going on. That should make it inmossiDle lor a convict to mingle with the crowds and thus get outsiae the wans- Long List Waits Driver In Court CHICAGO 111 Sixteen police men were in traffic court Friday to testify against a youth charged with 32 separate traffic violations. Ronald Magnano. 18, came to court to answer a charge that he failed to respond to traffic tickets issued by the 16 policemen. But his attorney was unable to attend so Magliano's case was coninued to May 3. Charges against the youth in clude seven of speeding, four of disregarding stop signs, three of having no state license and two of negligent driving. DIES MYRTLE CREEK. Ore. Ml Terrlll Bruce Moore, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell L- Moore, was found dead in his crib Friday. Deputy Coroner Robert A. Ganz said the child suffocated. Ralph Flanagan Will Conduct a Dance Contest which will be open fa oil done nthullaiti in the Klamoth Baiin. Ht will award special trophy to rh winner and the runners up will be presented with Flana gan RCA-Victor record albums, autographed by him. Local dise ieckeyi and newsmen will act ai judges for the contest. - Mr. t. v f v 'J A ! . 1 J BULLY FOR HIM Champion Brampton Lavender Plnn 460785 is tagged "Grade A" by Miss Nola Langton in Jefferson City, Mo. Ten daughters of the bull have averaged 567 pounds of butterfat 1 annually. He is an American Jersey Cattle Club Superior Sire. McGrath To Pace Probers WASHINGTON Wl Attorney General McGrath said Friday he would be "most happy" to go be fore the House Judiciary Commit tee, "in order to discuss matters relating to the general administra tion of the Department of Justice." The committee promptly fixed next Wednesday for McGrath's ap pearance. The Justice Department in a brief formal statement said Mc Grath had accepted the invitation to discuss the Justice Department wmcn he heads. The committee, in extending the invitation to McGrath last Tuesday voted also to ask President Tru man for the right to look at income tax returns ot McGrath and is other unnamed top officials in his department. The Justice Department s brief statement Friday did not Indicate whether or not the income tax in quir would come up at the commit tee hearing. Harold JS. Slassen, former gover nor of Minnesota and, a candidate for the Republican nomination for president, has said McGrath be came a millionaire since taking of fice. McGrath replied that he was "complimented" by "candidate" Stassen's remark. He did not dis cuss the question beyond that. Pay Raise Due For Army Men WASHINGTON W Everybody in uniform from buck private to five-star general probably will get a pay raise before Congress quiti ine exact amounts and the date it will begin are questions no one can answer just now. "But I'm pretty certain that we'll pass a bill," Chairman Pus sell (D.-Ga.), chairman of the Sen ate Armed Services Committee told a reporter. Democratic senators discussed the pay bill at a closed door con ference Friday and Russell re ported afterwards that they ap peared to "strongly favor" the Sen ate measure rather than a .House passed bill. The group agreed to Senate consideration of the leg islature at the earliest possible time. Majority Leader McFarland (D. Ariz.), said the military pay bill is next on his list, as soon as the Senate completes action on a meas ure dealing with submerged oil bearing coastal lands. . NO WORD PARIS m The French Min istry of the Associated States of Indochina said. Fridav nieht in si statement: "We have received no information allowing us to suppose that Chinese troops have crossed iue -uiuucmiiese ooraer. DANCE DORRIS - CITY HALL SAT. MARCH 22 Dancing 10 to 2 - Music by VERN EMLEY and His Harmony Kings Sponsored by Dorris Boys' Club Baldy Says Let's Dance Again With RALPH AND HIS GREAT 17-PIECE RCA VICTOR RECORDING ORCHESTRA (MANY POLLS RATE THIS BAND THE NO, 1 IN THE NATION IT'S BETTER THAN EVER) . , , featuring HARRY PRIME - RITA HAYES THE SINGING WINDS ARMORY TUES, MARCH 25 ADVANCE TICKETS ON SALE AT DERBY MUSIC CO. The advance sole will bt limited to 500 tickets ot $1.50 (tax included). The price ot the donee will be $1.80. H1 Ibd Note As a service to vet erans in the community, inis newspaper will. publish a weekly column ot news briefs from the Veterans Administration. For further information veterans should contact or write their nearest VA Office. According to the Veterans Ad ministration, vocational rehabilita tion training is still available to veterans who were disabled dur ing World War II. in spite of the fact that most veterans no longer can begin training under the O.I. Bill. The VA explains that two dif ferent laws are Involved, and some veterans belclve the term ination of Uieir benefits under the Gi. Bill also terminated their right td vocational rehabilitation. Rehabilitation training for dis abled veterans is provided for un der Public Law 16, the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, which is still available. The only requirement is that training must be completed by July 25, 1956. This would per mit the beginning of a two-year school course, for example, as late as July. 1So4. However, any disabled veteran needing 48 months ot training would have to apply Immediately In order to start training before July. 1952. The Servicemen s Readjustment Act. the so-called G.I. Bill, cx Dired for most World War II vet erans on July 25, 1951, which was the final cut-olf date for starting training for all veterans discharged before July 25, 1947 I The VA says any World War II veteran, or Korean veteran with a service-connected disability, is entitled to apply to the VA for training, and he will be allowed to enroll if it is determined that he is in need ot vocational re habilitation and is otherwise eli gible. Korean veterans need not actual ly have served in Korea, so long as their service on active duty has been since June 27, 1950. Disabled veterans of either World War II or the Korean cam paign can apply for vocational training at any VA office. QUESTION OF THE WEEK Q. I am a former truck driver, and I lost a leg in the Korean fighting. When I apply for disabili ty compensation, will my payment be higher than they'd be if I'd have been an office worker, for example, who could go back to his Job even though he had a leg miss ing? A. No. Generally, disabilities are AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO Von can rent a UtsIj nw spinal plan from tbe Louis B, Mans Piano Com pany, 12ft S. 7tb. sit a low monthlr rale. After a reasonable time you can, It yoo wish, chance from rent to pur chase arreement. The rent already pali Is all credited to your purchase account and no other down payment Is neces sary. The monthly payments can be little hither than rent. Or, If yon pre fer, you can continue to rent. Shirts To Go To Solons SALEM Ul Tho 23 directors of (lie Oregon Farm Bureau Federa tion announced Friday they would mail their shirts to Oregon's con gressional delegation as a protest against nign taxes. The shirts are to b mailed Into Friday, with this note attached: you are tuning about every thing we have in tuxes except my shirt, and you might as well have mat, too," The directors said the move started In the California Farm Bureau Federation, and is spread ing throughout the country. Marshall Swearlngcn. president or the Oregon Farm Bureau Fed eration, said: "This is not a gag. It's an appeal to Congress to use statesmanship in spending the taxpayers' dol lars." Jet Bomber Crash Kills 4 PADUCAH. Tex. Wi Four air. men were killed Friday when their four - engine Jet bomber crashed and exploded in rough, desolate brush country about 23 miles northwest of here. The B-54 "Tornado" crashed shortly after It refueled at Reese Air Fnrce Base at Lubbock, Tex. Earlier Friday 10 Navy airmen patrol bomber dived Into Corpus Chrlstl Bay less than a mile from the Naval Air Station. All aboard the plane were killed. The huge Jet bomber was return ing to its home base at Langlcy Air Force Base. Va.. after a rou tine cross-country training flight to Mather Air Force Base, Calif. Names of the dead were with held ild Suffers Long Fall CRYSTAL BEACH, Md. I Three - year-old Mary Margaret Kaufman fell through a hole in the first floor of her home scored a bulls-eye In another four foot op ening In the basement floor then plunged into 26 feet of water Fri day. Her 23-year-old mother dived Into the basement well and kent the child afloat until the father, Har ry Kaufman. 36. arrived on the scene to fashion a rescue apparatus with a piece of board and a rope. The cm d was unconscious when brought to the surface, but. she was soon revived. The accident happened In the new home the Kaufmans have un der construction by the Magothy River northeast of Annapolis. . WASHINGTON I President Truman Friday proclaimed Satur day, May 17, as Armed Forces uay ana directed government of ficials to cooperate with civil au thorities in commemorative cer emonies. rated on the basis of average Im pairment of earning capacity re sulting from such Injuries in civil occupations. The rating schedule does not take individual occupa tions into consideration. SERVICE Has the following items listed and you can find out all about them by dropping in at our office or calling 5670. If you have anything for sale or if you want anything, look here FIRST. We are more apt to have what you want or more apt to know someone who wants what you have for sole. than any other place in the country. 'TRY US AND SEE. ITEMS LISTED SINCE MARCH 13 Wards Deluxe washing machine Storkllne baby crib with mat tress. 303 Savage rifle Boys bicycle. 10 ft. off set disc. 13 Used counter stools 2, four-slice toastmasters. South Bend bake oven, two decks. ' Five foot refrigerator. National cash register, two drawers. Used gas grill. 10 Chair backed counter stools Crosley two door sedan. 2- 7.00 x IS six ply tires mount ed on Chev. truck type pickup wheels. 1 six ply & 1 8 ply tires with tubes. , John Deere side delivery hay rake. Coleman oil heater 8 room size. Hot Point electric stove, oven on top. Vacuum cleaners of all kinds ITEMS WANTED 2 Ft. galvanized draininge pipe Tarred wood or fiber drainage pipe. Small used sofa Small cash register i to Ton pickup Btudlo couch. Ben elevator and motor or spuds. Girl's, bicycle . x 2 wheel trailer. 3- way floor lamp. Flash camera nearly new. 20-gallon white enamel hot wat er tank. -Crawford electric range. 9 R ' VYi J.;. WANTED BY THE FBI Joseph Franklin Bent Jr., with numerous aliases, is being sought for unlawful (light to avoid prosecution. Bent is 0 feet 1 inch, brown Imir ami eyes, several small scars about face,' 1-Inch scar on left kneo and bullet wound scar high on left shoulder. Bent is probably armed and Is extremely dangerous. Anyone with information which may assist in locating Hunt should Immediately notify the FBI by phoning Klamath Falls 0300. Back Alimony Charges Filed SANTA MONICA. Calif. HI Ac tor John Ireland Is belnc sued tor 30,63S back alimony by his for mer wnc, tin mo Ruth Ireland. Ireland., now wed to Joanne Dru, was ordered Friday to appear In court April 4 to show cntise why he shouldn't pay up. The first Mrs. ireinna aiso o.sks mat support pay ments for two sons be Increased from $250 to $500 a month. XJv " l- ahtd fOI YOU xclwtivtly b? iimii ixcM CENTRALIZED 255 E ITEMS FOR SALE Power .saw for cuttlnn logs , Hay stacker for loose hay (au tomatic) Twenty head of bred ewes t Ft. off-set disc or Ford trac . . tor. ' . Universal Electric washing mn- chine. Business property In Klamath Falls, Oregon. ' Oliver 8 ft. drill with grass seeder Oliver 70 model tractor Disc for International tractor . (double) Case 1048 tractor with hang-on Plows. Brigg and Stratton Model saw 8 Ft. Jumbo hydraulic scraper Plymouth four-door sedan 1048 model. ' One-row Champion potato digger . Laundry type electric sewing machine. ' ' . Baby crib springs and mattress i Ferguson Post-hole digger . Six cubic ft. refrigerator R. D. six wide gage swamp track. . New Universal electric portable sewing machine. Singer Com. hemstitching mach, Masscy-Harrls 14 ft. combine 14 Ft. Intn. Press Drill. Restaurant equipment. Public address system ITEMS WANTED Oil. tanks .. Trailer house Disc Rldgcr and checker . Tool bar for Ford tractor John Deere tractor model O Hand operated mimeograph ' 8 or 10 Ft. off-set disc : : -Blind stitching machine - Fruit, Vegetable Prices Go Up WASHINGTON Wi Lartin In creases In prices on frrnli fruits and vegetables sugar and most grains pushed tilt Bureau of Labor Slatlftllcs' wholesale price Index up 0.2 per cent 111 the week ended March 18. The Index stood at 111.8 per cent nf tho 1047-40 average, but still 3.8 per cent below Uis January 11)51 level. ItAUTIfUl JUHOiH i.'Y EtUNOR DAY I. omoiKAton or H0UYWS00 ft RPCAn Fluhrer's n mhomi imui uracil, inc. cmcaw MAIN - REVISED LIST AS Cushman Motor Scooter Baby Bassinet . , Bcllvllle Potato Sucker , , . Ocn, Electric automatic wanhcr Int. Potato digger, one-row .: Va Bedstead springs and mat tress. Wards refrigerator ' ' j " 50 HP Gas motor. ' Mcnt and bone grlndor Mcnt Block , Five Ft. Jumbo scraper Bcndlx washing machine (auto matic) Pop corn machine ' " 500 Gal. oil tank ' Artless Land plane 12 Ft. off-set disc Southbend Gas Grill 20'x24' Neon Cnlo sign . l'j Inch rotary pump .' Electric clothes dryer Electric range Electric mixer Bent covers - All Makes Watches and clocks Wall Tent Sot and mattress 100 Ft. steel cable Winches Dhcvrolct pickup rwo Yale and Town chain hoists Maytag washing machine Horse-drawn wagon Set of harness Horse-drawn cultivator S mm pistol BUREAU - REVISED LIST AS OF MARCH 9, 1952 VA In- suction pump D. 6 cat , Chain ..block, one-half ton 3mall boat Power Meat saw . . ' Potato Cultivator or Ford trac tor. Jdhn Deere tractor with Fert At. Pinballs Win In Portland rnn ri and ijVi Nn nlnlinll pledges signed by Portland tavern operators were resolntlcd by tho city council Friday, Cnmmlnnloners Ormond R. Dean, Wlllliun A, Howes anil Fred L. Polcrnon voted 10 let mo nignm put tho miii'lilnc bark In their l,.l,,M-. MxlulillMlimi'iitji. Mnvor Dorolhy McOullough !. and Com- mlHSloutir J, . ilcliiiciv opiiuscu tho no Hon. l.iinn ,t,-,i that applicants for llcciwo renewal sign pledges Umy would remove) the plnball machines. But I ho Oie- ...... I n,.t.,tlllMulM, FAftlHItH to ileny lIcoiuirN on Urn plnball basis, mid nomo taverns Kept uinm. r1,,t,iilNlinni ItHMtl lirullrfl that. as a result, the piedgo was unfair to others and Bowes and lttcrson agreed. rotllt FAHMKItS KII.I.KK nii'NnAr Junnn iiPi Four Jan mm farmers were killed ami three wounded Friday by grenades loaned bv American soldier all a drill Kroiind near here, the U. S. Army said. The area had been put oil llmlls by tho Army but up. parenlly the Jiipnneso larmers were not aware of tho restriction. BUS SERVICE IHt flllNDtf U UNI 04 KUtmtk Ave. 'host 07 To Portland: Lr. 9:15 o.m. Arrive Portland . 6:15 p.m. Lr. 4:00 p.m. Arrive Portland 12:35 a.m. To Boiio, Salt Lake and Eait: Lr. 9:15 a.m. and .4:00 p.m. To The Dallot end Spokonc: Lv. 9:15 a.m. - OF MARCH 9, 1952 Baby crib and mattress John Deere 8 ft. combine circulating oil heater Ferguson two-way plow Six ft, tandem Int. dlso ' Oliver two-bottom plow . , Farmer four-ln, pump Soft Ice crenm machine Cash register Dining room set House and lot In Tulclnke Lot In Merrill 30-30 Rifle ' ' . . 3rui lawn mower , Willys coupe . ..' Potato sorter Case hay bnllcr two wire Tenor saxaphono Bedstead, springs and mattress Corona washing machine Davenport and chair Two chests of drawers Several gas refrigerators Circulating oil hcnlor Saddle horse- " Van trailer Int, van, bakery use Crocheting for sale Bulck four door sedan A.C. R cat. tractor 8 section harrow 5 H.P. gas engine Electric heaters Deep freezer. Radio Electric roaster Electric razors Row crop tractor, one front wheel. Small potato grader (wood slats) 4 or 5 Bottom mouldboard plow 1x3 or 1x2 HP compressor Small tractor Some sheep