HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THtrTEBN SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1fM2 10 RIAL ESTATl FOR 5AL1 CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER 3 tn 91 n prr nrrn buy a snnd ranch mid MiiiIht IihkI id Onv'L. Hliila mid Count v liinrl Hiilcg. KltKK I, AND OATAI.OO. PnclMf. LmilN lil'Jl KK Culuiciitfii Dlvcl, Hollywood 1I8, CnlK. TWO Ttrit, Iv "riiiniilrlrii lwiMf-i fnr in Mill Ailillllnn. 'I w-n liednKirm. $10,. :nm, titrh. I'lt'Mi liv lift ht'iuh ; ut in MIinoIm Wnv. Anel Mnren, llulldrr or ISrliff IhHitci, 'l ltllKK ' hrrlrncitll " litflln aiire Full ha-amaul, I Wit a-inr garages, l 1 1 ult unit shade li prn, IntKr hiwn, nil frm-nd. finiiil itiAtnuMf, Will I eh eighty pi-H'cnt loan, J 1 1i I.H K I f ' hM fWI-1' 32 BUILDING A REMODELING SIDING. Johns "MmivllliO Pahco. Avr mum hmn tmlv ;i.hi. KuiiJiiij.ii I mil Is 1. .. J-rmn 4inii tir 2:H lIlKIMil.AHH liiiillAlr liiiwHuv 3H i to r ri-til tin furl A low $: immlh Knhlrimn ImssIIImIIi'II, I'hi.M 4 IH ni J '4 . MUllM RAhfl mtvCtrirm fiiiiiMiiHllini ffclf l'rln nhiiiihiiirii. Have up In 40 per rent on furl As ltw m $.1 intHtlh Kithiman IiiaiiUiliin. Phone 44n m 3 24 I 34 FUEL HEATING '" S'i'ANDAItr) HEATING OILS Hlmr ruinnre Heavy Furl lll'PlfNDAIII.E Chrck mill Kill Hyntrm METKIt PKINTKU TK:KIST3 Your Climi'iinteit of Ilciillim Knli-ifM-llon FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Turla Unit Hnlhfv Plu Service" Rliico 1010 fTCl Rprlnit Kt. Hioiu 4IIS3 gTANDAItDHEATIrJa UU, wim, (ulnar, light fuel, coal, wood, rharroal Peyton and Co. 833 Marital 1-hr.n l4- VmY pine lilorkt tnr nlr Uprn eve ning ami wrkynrl M-tlTB l.rn. pltr.STOl.OGb" pickup or dH.ver.--d. fitff Yaden- Signal H-rvic. 2S00 So ih Phnnii .1M i.r 2-0200 ii 'lTll f.nr.r.H STAMPS given onheet". If oil I'liotta 3001 or 3.9.100 (or prompt currr''VADFN' signal envici aaoo Ro aih ISBOATS HTS SPORTS HOBBIES VoirKAt.K, 'I DVl" La Haifa President hmietrallt-r. 35 II. E:cellM,t condition. 'JIW( raiti. lrnmrdlile i(Mniloii. Karl (ilauirnrk, U, Nuh(rtwr, ('ull'nrril r'OM KAI.K, "(Ugh tiiiiKlnril .2"! anlnmat-Ir-. rxtrllrnl rnnillMon M. Photif 0772 SAVK HOT on in II tutw Caiwh'rt ra-iiu-ihnnf)grph rmihinailn Only a fw rU Irfl Kofmrly .14U now ?20 !V lirrbyi Mulc Co. 12 No. 7ih. f'hunr 4110 . . lt,'NT)N(i nti (uhlng'tear .drop 1alJ. ri. AIM 4720 KruvU. IIOAHDINO KKNNKI-S Hog boarding liy day. waek or month llllry kannrU Wall balanced dll flran Individual minlonr run for arh dog Pogi handlad durllfl mating. Will pick up and dahver V IH ton Wtlcom rtiono 507i Marrlll Jd ftt 2. Rok 504 biiasia CAsrADr KtsyrAA ANDKHSON "lt.atdlng Krnnali Phona fM7 !MUt Dflawa'r oft Itomitdal I It nKK roll lr Dil for aalr lh rra nxmitm cM grid and white. Litttr rag l.trrrd t H WW HAVK t lftiy a Chrii Cfft Kit Boat al" t rula rn and HiinalMut. Jt)lin"i tr l(ora inotnri Iloata htiight. void and an- haugril. Umt Ur rnl tu IUhar mcn kinMimr' noAT WOItHH n:m rrnnt Kt. Phong 9-IMS 42 ' LIVESTOCK l POULTRY BA3Y CHICKS A!.t. rOPUI.AIl nRKFDfl KFIOM V. S. APPROVED rUlXOUUM C'.EAN IH.OCKa AVAILABLE EVERY MONDAY onUEH NOW TO HE ASSURED OP HAVING YOUK CHICKS WHEN YOU WANT THEM. MAUN GRAIN AND FEED PHONE MS CHICKS S-werk eld Ni-w Hnmpuhlre chicks. 3Bc each. TROY V. COOK CO. WW Bo. Bill Phone 4B0:i ' SEEDGRAiN SELECTED FEED GRAINS ORDER NOW FOR LATER DFLIVKRY CUSTOM CLEANING M TREATING MALIN GRAIN As FEED Phone 665 Al irTIHM SAI P 5 r.n I if An 1 prr.KTi.'nr.'n ANr.iK I S An rows, with mlvca or close m I 10 liMir..a hrAn.lli.n ni). IO hnll i prision or our cmire rreisierea s Abrrdren Annus Herd. SMITH i! TARDOX. owners. ? KI!,IJV1U1NU, UUIMjUIN Redmond Auction Ynrda Hen Sinllh, Mr. Frniik Wink, Owner Auctioneer Send (or catnloR, SI Wllllami Western Sale MnntiKcmcnt, Box 87, Hcrmluton, Oregon POULfRY WANTED Cash paid (or t.ny nniount. Top market prices (nr Rood qunllty. For quotnlluns PHONH 3B67 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS Tor SALE. licpp lib ewe, la"mbln. y-"y K.ili.ciMrif III. ' OH SAI.K. iOI.UKN NKCK inyliii hntiH, ono yrnr old. Unocl for lnylnii or rnlhi. .as pcrjl,. Phnne 7IIIM. ONllXNi''- "si"7locl clucks OUKCION SMTE IIATC'IIKRY ?'V0fln. IMh. PhnneIKI0.1 i'Oli SAI.Kr rrrh Holslrln n'ntl ' (iiiariiuy vnwK find hrnvy Kprlnitcr hplfor.. V. C, llrxrorrl. Nltikol MounUiln Hmd. Phone Men-Ill 3ISS. l-'On KAl.K. iiuprnnry nnd ieney herrert. 111 J.nn444Phiinca:lo;ill. YIA'm.n Ctlrroil "hrrn. Phn-p snV. ilKU VilYknS mid ramlcm for-" nir frefflily diejppd rrndy for the pnn, ffv fry Friday nd Snllirtlay. Phnn BJ4I After 4. AnTIKiriA.'. RRERDINa SERVICK Phnm 6721 M C. fChiirtu Warren Rt !. nnx ftlt. If no anrwnr Phone 4400. HIGHEST prleei paid for poultry, hogi and llvCKlnrk. DIG V MEAT MARKET l.akeview Junrtin Phone 4irzo 44 MIS' Wanted" MISCELLANEOUS WANTED nlfnlfn hnv. Ftrnt nr anrnnri Mltllni. TaII MrHfnril 3.0..fl3 nr Enoltt Point i.in:i. WXfiTKD. by fmrTily of four, nlcfly llirnlrihf fl hrtma. C1hk In town. Rnfrr. ffncei. Uflii between 0:30 and 7. 0111. Kt. fl. X W Mntnr Co. Hth and Plum. AUT0M0TIVI OK ASHLEY'S Spring CLEARANCE! H SPECIAL 1949 FORD V-B CUSTOM Light grern color. Hniter, good tires, good motor. Only SPECIAL mo CIIKVROLET Vi TON I'lCKUl' Only IX.O(H) mllrs. This pickup Is like new new and has had the best of cnic. SPECIAL 1050 PLYMOUTH TWO-DOOR SEDAN Equipped with radio, heater, sun vlnor REMEMBER ON ALL PRE-WAR CARS AT ASHLEY'S! ! 1942 CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan $525 1942 CHEVROLET 5-Passcngcr Coupe $595 1939 CHEVROLET 2-Door Dlx. Ashley Chevrolet "Where Reconditioning is a Tradition" TWO LOCATIONS 410 So. 6lh and 623 Oak near So. 6th 44 MISCILLANEOUS WANTED WANTED to laaa with option to buy. Two b'drnom unfurnUhrd hou In ftmith buburln with acreagv, Phone 2 -1049. a t'tiOPLfc " want" to r'H ' tuo btiiooni hnuia. Modvrn and rlran. t?nfurnihrd r fr ""P. 1 h."rh.K,.J.Dn ??,h2 WltX pay rath for 8 x ib blnocu I a r J. Phona 8130 avrnlnga. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS QOMMtRClAL Furnishes Cash; CASH LOANS 150 to 1300 Auto Furnlturt Livestock Salary SO to 1500 Automobiles (paid 'tor or not) Private Sale of Ajtos Financed Makt jour dealt CASH deaJsl Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. i Lie 8-251 N-323 107 No th Phone 7711 IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pay OnJT $100 7.27 Ma Repay In 18 Installments UP TO 1300 ON . FURNITURE OR SALARY CP TO 11200 ON CARS ITTE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned i New Cars fioucad at bank rates "MONEY IN A HURRY Motor Investment Co. 20 years serving Kbunatb Basin Sec 'Chuck" Bailey, Mgr. Ill N. 7th 8L Phuns 3325 8-241 M-275 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES VOIl LEASE, "97" Calc. (Jhemult Completely equipped living quar ters, partly furnished. Available April 1st. Inquire W. M. Taylor, Box 55, Chemult. SERVICE station for len.ie In downtown Alluraii, Good buslnesa location. Won derful opportunity for right parly. Write Ray Darnell, Bos Illlll, Allures, Califor nia. HAVtd used car license and llnci.1 lu ratlon In Klamath Falls, aluo have first cla.sa repair shop. Need 92300 for utied ear purchases. Best Invest ment tenant returns for your money. Call Harold. 411.10 at Basin Auto Ser- vlce 2033 So. S. FOR SALE, Kalar Ambulance Service. Only responsible party considered and financially able. See or contact Jim Knler, 2041 Radcllffe. No phone calls. FOn SALE. Associated Service Station. Tulclake. California. Phone 7-I2IIL 51 MISCELLANEOUS fOR SALE nitX-AIRE vnruiim r1nr 4:1 IM tfown. $a per month. Phone tWOO. CIUJSHKD rock and driveway cinder. Phone 2-1107 EIJ-.CTHOLUX Cl.KANKR and polisher and lupnltea. Phona 710? Tarkel Tweet. 031 Market M ON U MfCNTS D tlver 1 n and lntnl. lntlons ean be made by May JOth If or dered now. Clarence Ward, Klamath Monument Company, 02S High, phona f V' I V K W A Y M A TT nf A L . Phone 2-1884" USED CARS KORDOIl SUDAN '1195 M395 1495 IN THE BAG IT'S Sctlan Ph. 4113 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SEEDS ALFALFA & CLOVER BARLEY -WHEAT OATS - RYE PASTURE GRASS A- FERTILIZERS i: ALL KINDS CUSTOM CLEANING Sharp Grain Company PHONE 2321 MERRILL, OREGON DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. .1. Barnes Ph. 7659 . Ph. 7991 FOR SALE USED , Monotor Press Wheel Dilll with double discs ' mid tongue-truck T IN $1 150 FLOYD A. BOYD CO. Tulclake. Caltf. Phone 7-2072 BHD SET. iprlnga and Brauty Rr-M n.aiireo tncniqcq. siat M. I'hone mtl. ton SALE. Kimball Connolttte piano. Mahogany finlnh. 5 car old. SUU. Phona .W4.1 aftr-r ft p m. KOR SAI.R, 20 gallon gai hot water tank, model l3 Winchester .22 rifle with weaver four-power cnpe, ict .of merhanlrn hand tools, Inch .drive. Phnne til 02 KLKCTTtiC porlnhle sewing innichhie. Uullt-in motor. Gunranfpcd. $27.:i(). SINKKR SEWING MACMINK CO. fit'l Main Phone VOn SAf.F. 40 ton loose wild hay. (jenrgfl C'lrrUtfimen, Bealty, Ore. AUUINO MACHINES, calculators, type wrlteri, cash registers, desks, chairs, (lies, for sale or rent PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY A2f Main Phone 7419 DRIVEWAY MATERIALS. Phone Joe Rart.OTM. FOR SALE. LAND LEVTLING UNIT AMM-Chalmera H-D.7 with Moore ft'j ft cable dnter and Buckeye double drum power control unll. JUMBO -8 yd, car' ryall, excellent condition. Yonkers-Jo Un ion tool carrier wlllt mib-aoilcr teeth, chisel teeth and rldger attachments. On rubber. Thla tractor has had recent $;t.(KM. major overhaul and Is in tip-top condition. Complete unit for sale for SR.OOu or tractor and dorer for $6,000, Call Eagle Point, Ore, fi,nn eves only CRUSIIED HOCK, driveway cinderT Phone AMI. NEW sheet, Inch surfnred plywood, $0. Inch $4. 3(0f) Summers Lane. FOR SALE, baby bed. Good" buy. Phono 2-0(141. CI i IP PR N D A 1 7e fireside chair, m. 2M Wanilnnd aHer B p.m. FOR SALE, flrtV Tlke I0, cabinet ra- 51.IS f-,mne Mnti- " USED furniture values can always he found Bt Klamath Furniture Co. 221 Main. Phone 0.1.VI. CAPEHARTS 11 tube radlo-phono- Sraph romblnntlnnt. .lust a few left. ve 12H. Formerly n4l.ni., now S220.05 Derby's Music Co. 10 No. 7th, phone 4.110. FOR SALE, modern grocery rilsplny tables, flxfl ft. long, three shelves, one check stand, complete with back bar. phone nam. PfABLB wasIi trnys. $.1. baby bed S, Ward vacuum cleaner. SHO, 4-oiinrt butter churn $1 .so, ironing board $L.M hlghchalr-play table $a. 1005 Summers Lane. SINGER electric vacuum cleaner. Auto matic cord reel. Guaranteed. 912.50. SINGER SEWINO MACHINE CO: 63.1 Mnln Phone 2-2313 SAVE 8120 on an 11 tube Cnpehnrt radio-phonograph combination. Only a few if Is left. Formerly 34FI.I)5. now 8220.05. nernys music uo. iuu no. fin, pnonc 4310. l.ANiiHC'APlMfJ vfiriTr net-is. shruhk and trees. Wa trim, spray and remove 8505, Your chance to buy at a whole large tree. "ale price! Dlmbat Used Cars, South ojAKEai-lUIfOj WrtKUriW nunobiii I Phono 42m 53 AUT0M0TIVI LINCOLN' MERCURY THE TIME FOR SPRING IS HERE BprliiRtlme Is the time to Invest In 1 good SAFE-BUY USED CAR. We have some wonderful buys In nice clean lale models. For example: 194'J MERCURY SPORT COUPE Two to choose from Only .. y, 1!M0 OLDHMOMLE CLUB COUPE Nice black finish. 1950 MERCURY SPORT SEDAN Heiiter. Very nice. 1048 FORD CLUB COUPE Nice and clean IMS HUICK SEDANET Radio, heater, Dynaflow 1940 MERCURY SEDAN A real Spring Value at only. Many more tn choose (rom at these stunningly low priiej. with bonk terms and a written guarantee! A FEW PRE-WAR MODELS Check the following prices, then see us (or a deal. You may not need a down payment! ! And we haven't raised the prices. SPECIAL ir -k 1 1937 BUICK SEDAN !j, 1941 iO JMl (X 1940 ! J 1939 41 1941 1940 COME IN OUT OF AND TRADE Register To Vote NOW BASIN MOTORS '' LINCOLN 423-424 South Sixth LINCOLN MERCURY A- 1951 DODGE TON PICKUP-4-peed transmission. sun visor, sportllte, dual swipes, low mileage 1950 FORD V-8 'a TON PICKUP Heater, overdrive, low mileage, like new , 1949 FORD V-8 'i TON PICKUP Heater, large grille guard, fine condition 1949 FORD V-8 TON PICKUP Heater, 4-spccd transmission 1948 FORD "6'" 'i TON PICKUP Heater, sportllte, 4-speed transmission 1946 FORD "S" '., TON PICKUP 4-speed transmission 1941 FORD V-8 'i TON PICKUP 4-speed trans., late model motor, heavy duty clutch 1940 FORD V-8 "i TON PICKUP Heater REGISTER TO VOTE NOW 18 OTHER CARS PICKUPS PRICED FROM $50 UP! For On-Thc-Spot appraisals, see JACK MILLER Home Phone 4202 or LLOYD CHIDESTER ' , Home Phone 6432 Sundays and Evenings BALSfGER'S LOT 212uth6th St. i Phone 4354 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Build Better With Pumice-Concrete . BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO.' 835 Mnrkct Phone 5149 BED DAVENO, rose-colored, 813. Good runqiuun. rnont ..lit, FOR SALE. Plume IMS... Easy washer. Cheap. ELECTRIC RANGE in perfect condition t.ooa on Her uniy s:t9.30. Phone 07fl8. AUlOMOflVt FOR SALE. l32 one-ton truck, cheap. Phone 6453. "Chewy' WHV WALKT DRIVE MORE MOTORS 302 E Main. Phone :t570. "We will sell vmir car inr tou ouy anti trade1 WE'RE FULL of bargains! Where can you nu.v a nun Plymouth for a M48 price? Dlmbat Used Cars, South Sixth and num. pnone 813U, evenings and Sundays nil2,V YOU CAN own one of the scarcest can In the used car market! 1051 three. passenger j'lymouin coupe. Top condi tion, low dollar. Dlmbat Used Cars. South, Sixth and Plum. Phone 0130, eve nings and Sundays 8823. ' HURRY! -HURRY! HURRY! Get this I04M Ford Super Deluxe Tudor sedan, Rndlo, heater. This week-end only. . Sfion. A special you can't afford to miss. Dlmbat Used Cars, South Sixth and Phun. Phone 0130, evenings and Sun days (1(12.1. MUST sell at once. 1046 Ford tudor. Mentor. 1(12(1 Crescent. FOR SALE. Plymouth, 1038 Deluxe four door sedan. Good condition, good rub ber. Sec at 123 High St. into FORD V-8 club coupe, radio and heater. Bought new by owner, f 1275. Phone 5363. FOR SALE or trade, equity In 1047 Hudson. Will t a ke livestock. Phone 0113. FOR SALE. 1(150 Chevrolet ton pick up with 4 speed transmission. A-l con dition. See trvln Long, Tulelake or phone Tulelake 7-2042. BUS SARUANTS USED CARS WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Streets Phone Aetna rOR A FAST TRADE we have a 1947 Kaiser Sneclal Four-door sedan at onlv ni-.ui ami i-iiini. riiuua wo bvciuiibb and Sundays 8(123. MERCURY V. ? t '1495 '895 M795 '1095 1745 ! '795 i SPECIAL $25 PLUS LICENSE 0 f" . 1 t C. K W : THE SNOW STORM WITH US! MERCURY Phone 7778 LINCOLN MERCURY USED PICKUPS '1495 '1395 1295 1295 '1195 795 '495 '475 A KEEN: FORD FOR YOU 1948 Ford V-8 Super Deluxe 3-passenger coupe. Radio, heater, lustrous ma roon finish. Immaculate interior. This 07Sh8 exccp,lGn,,lly care- H. E. HAITGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone 81. -.1 LOOKING FOR A FORD? 1050 Ford V-8 Custom Fordor Sedan. Radio, heater, overdrive, plenty of equipment, clean as a brand new one. Drop in and look it over. 81863. IL E. H AUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone 5151 nT s 1 ' nninv n, ... 1848 Bulck Super Sedanet. Radio, heat er, well equipped, Honolulu Blue finish. Low mileage. lots of chrome. Hurrv on this one at the low price of si 305 IL . HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone 5151 600x16 RECAPS 85.93 EACH EXCHANGE Wo buy used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld- a-cs. 2381 So 8th. Phone 4318. 19.37 DODGE, good hap $150. After noons. Hot Springs Hotel. FOR SALE, 1031 GMC one-ton pickup. Phone 3731 after 6 p.m. 1941 CHEVROLET, Master Deluxe"-two door aedan. Light blue finish. 8000 miles on rebuilt motor. Radio, heater and fair tires. Priced at $450, Phone 2-0693 or see at 616 Adams. FOR SALE or trade, 8331 Brown Line transmission or 1630 Ealon 2 speed rear end complele and installed for pickup or car. Sea at 1603 Wiard or call 4003. FOR SALE. 1937 Ford .tudor. 1020 Gary. 2-BAHGA1NS 38 Ford fordor sedan, 873. no trades. '46 Ford l ton pickup 8393. 1308 East Main. A CAR to be proud of a price you can pay. Really sharp 1947 Chrysler four-door sedan. Radio, heater, spot light, fog light, seat covers, low mileage 81343. Dlmbat Used Cars. South Sixth and Plum, phone 9139, evenings and Sundays 8823. OUR RED WAGON Is available! Come in and look It over. 1950 Olds '98 Four door sedan The car you've always wanted, and priced way below celling uimDii ujpq K.rm aoum sixin ann Plum, Phona 9139, evenings and Sun days 8823. IF IT'S A BARGAIN vou're look Inn for we are proud to offer you this 1049 Bu ick Super Four-Door. Extras galore, sharp as can be, for 81705. Dlmbat Used Cars, South Sixth and Plum, Phone 9139. evenings and Sundays BB23. WE ONLY have one 1030 Plymouth leftl It's a honey bright and shiny as a new dollar. Priced right to sell fast, Dlmbat Used Cars, South Sixth and Plum. Phona ftl3B. even in ea end Sun LINCOLN days 8823. c Directory ; OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES "Iilu&lh'a Only Directory That is Kept Up-to-Date From Week to Week"; AIR CONDITIONING fADE tc IIOI.I.ANO.222 Sorlnl. Phone '.Will Air Conditioning Mmtlng-Ventllat-ln Sheet MeUI-Weldln-Steel rabrica- ARCHITECTS PERRIN. HOWARD R ARCHITECT A I. A. -Phone K4'7-I12t Main Street. AUTO DEALERS USED IJIIIVE MOE MOTOIIS Why walk? We buy. fell, trade or tell on eon- lenment only the define!. finest, neu'eil. H02 Ea.t M.iln. Ph'.ne 317!. BAKERIES POI.LV ANN BAKKRY-lin North nth ! Phone 7277-"Blrthday Cekei Our Spe rla'ly." VAC'S BAKERY "Special Ocranlon Cakes STade to Order." 4&03 South 8th Phr ne 4:!4. CAMERA SHOPS BI'D'S PHOTO SKHVICB ipr'l Main Phone 3586. Everjthine Photorraphlr : Film Developing In b 10 a.m., Ou by 4 p. m. i HNTiEKWOOD'S CAMERA ' SHOP 727 Main Phone 703. Leading rand 1 Photographic Supplies. Expert Photo Fit.Uhlng Ru'trraft Greeting Carda. CHINA-SILVERWARE RICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main rhane 3151 "Home of Famoua Brai.da " l.nox-Pie'-(ard - Rnval York - Rova Doulton Wed-Lok - Corham - Wallace -Kirk Towle - Lunt - International CLEANERS-DYERS CHAPMAN CLEANERS Phone 702S -318 Eait Main Pick up and Ollverf. HOWARDS CLEANERS - !2i Ea! Main Phone 9885. "In At 10 a.m.. Out at 5 p.m." KLAMATH CLEANERS "Klamath'l Oldest and Finer!" 431 Main, Phone 7102 NEW METHOD CLEANERS 1453 Es planade. Phone 4471. "For Particular People." CLOTHING NEW AND USED THE CLOTHES MART 123 South 8th Phone 3384. Clothing For Ail! Hand .-.lane oilll CLUBS TAVERNS CjUNY TAVERN S. W. "Perk" Perk- Ins. W. E. "Bill" Mathe. Patklng. "Mallory's Big Y DRUG STORES CASTLEBERRY'S DRUGS P D Mead Prop Drugs. Prescriptions. Sundrtea. 530 Main Phone 3333. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES LAST SIDE APPLIANCE Bob Rob bins - Dewey Randolph. Owner,. 623 Klamath Phone asas. "Your friendly Werlinghouje Dealer." MERIT'S Sales and Service Maytag. Phllco - Servel - Jronrlle - Hamilton Necrhl. 603 South 6th. Phone 2-3429. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS F 4ST SIDE ELECTRIC 25 Klamath. Phone 31S4. Industrial Wiring and Sup plies ELECTRIC HEATING EI.KCTRIC-HCATEIt SALESCO. Car rol Colvin. Owner. 623 Pine Phone 2- 3i2I ELECTRIC LIGHTING VAN FLEET ELECTRIC 2nd and Main Phone 4413. Modern Electric Llghllng Fixlures. FARM MACHINERY CRATER LAKE MACHINERY Ca Calerpillar - John Deere. Phone 2-2M4. FLOWER SHOPS CHARLIE MACK'S KLAMATH IT.OW ER SHOP 1211 Main. Phone 41.V). Member FTD. KOHN'S FLOV.-ER AND GIFTS Bill and Rila OePew, Phone 8173. 430 Main. FURNITURE KLAMATH FURNITURE CO. 221 Main Phone 5353. Willard Hole! Build ing GROCERS MARKETS COMMUNITY GROCERY 1040 Ea. Main. Phone 5636. Free Delivery, Fresh Vegetables. Meats. GRIGGS SUPERIOR FOODS Three Stores Klamath Falls - Merrill - Stew art Lennox. BEST VALUES! USED "i RUCKS - CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED VVest-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER 877 & 7th Phone 777' COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at EsDlanado tot a NEW or USED .TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Vour International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES 11th and Klamath Phone 2-258J HERE'S A HONEY! 1049 Chrysler Royal 4-Dr. Sedan -2nd series. Radio, heater. Prestomatic trans mission, low mileage. First class in every way. A car you will be proud to own. . . 81803. H. . HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone 5131 A GOOD CAR LOW PRICED 1041 Olds '6' -76 Four-door sedan. Ra dio, heater. H.vdramatic drive. Lots of accessories, Tutone finish. If you're looking for a bargain this is it! $495. H. . HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone 5151 A DANDY PACKARD BUY 1650 Packard 'B' Deluxe 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio, heater, Ultramatic drive, cus tom tailored seat covers. Beautiful cor. onet copper finish. 23,000 miles, Lots of chrome. Truly a buy at 81015, H. E, HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Ilhone 5151 1041 FORD yt ton pickup. nj:i Rose. THE HERALD AND NEWS ified ass ir GET THE HABIT Read and Use THIS CLASSIFIED SERVICE Your Weekly Guide to Klamath's Progressive Merchants ir ft GUNSMITHS RALPH'S GUN SHOP 4820 South 6th. Phone 4273. Authorized Winchester and Remington Gunsmith. INSURANCE GENERAL DRISCOLL AND PADGETT Fire Auto - Farm - 208 Williams Building. Phone 7313. JOHNSON M. L. 2fl Years In One Block. Associates; Grayce Eaton - Bob Causemaker. 434 Main. Kit ma Lb Falls, Oregon JEWELERS HAR WIN'S "A Jewelry Store of Out standing Values." 701 Main. Phona) 8821 J C. RENTE, JEWELER 1019 Main Phone 4006. Watch Clock Jewelry Repairing. Diamond Setting. Engraving Grange Blossom' Diamond Rings. Ham ilton . Elgin & Wyler Watches. RICKYS "Home of Famous Brands." The finest name In Watches. Diamonds Silver, China and Sa1. Appliances. Lenox-Pickard Royal Yorx Wed-Lok Gorham - Wallace - Kirk - aV,nk Towla - Lunt - Rolex - Bulova - Ham ilton - Elgin Art Carved Speldel - In ternational and many others. Rickyi Jewelers. Certified Qemologists Reg istered Jeweler. 700 Main Street. LAUNDRIES SELF SERVICE BOB'S SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY 1711 Main, Phona 9234. Kenmore Automatics. "IT'S" here! "IT'S"; IN THE BAG I -It w ASHLEY, :hevrolet 410 So. 6th FOR SALE. -'50 Ford custom DeLuxe A-l condition. Priced to sell. See at 900 Jefferson or Phone 2-1835. ' tVd, CitiLD CARS. Get lop price now. Rose Motor Co 8th and Plum. 1940 INTERNATIONAL flatbed pickup. $300. Terms to suit 3600 Summers Lane. MASSAGES MASSAGE Natural hot water mineral baths. Open evenlnp. Phone 8405. MOVING AND STORAGE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Phone nS 1425 South sth. Moving . Local Lent Distance. Storage - JIH Goods . Turnt ture. Agenti Beitlni. ORNAMENTAL IRON HOWIE BROS - Pre-kut Ornamental Iron - Fences and Railing. 2337 iouttj Sth. Phone 4362. 1 PHOTOGRAPHERS PHOTOS BY CUDERIAN 1125 Main Phone 2-2701. Commercial Portralta Aerial - Copying . Picture Framing mi oionng. FEREBEE STUDIO In U.S. National Bank Building. Phone 3232. "Worth, while Photography at Reasonable Prices." PIANO DEALERS KYLE MORGAN PIANOS-I035 Main Beldwin pianos, organs; Sclmer-rtoltoa band Instruments: piano tuning; pianos, band inatrumente for rent. Phone 2-0200. LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. ' 120 North 7th. One of Largest Stork, Lead ing Make Pianos in West. Hammond Organ - Solovox. Rental Sale Plan. PLUMBING A - G. C. MOTLEY 112 Klamath. Phono 6618. Plumbing - Heating - Sheet Metal. PUMPS CARRISON EQUIPMENT COMPANY Merrill-Lakevlew junction. Jacusxt pumps and water systems. Sales and services. Phone 7312. -i RADIATOR SERVICE KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 1901 South 6th. Phone 8942. Eves. 66or. RADIO STATIONS KFLW American" Broadcasting " Cdd "Tops In radio listening!" 1450 on your dial. RESTAURANTS CAFES t BARNEY'S CHAT-N-MTBBLE Eat the! famoua BAR-NEE-BURGER. Homo made Pies. 1319 Esplanade. Dial 2-24.1S SAW FILING BODENHAMZR SAW SHOP 351 East Main. Sales and Service. LaWnmowera. US. Motorcycles. All Saws and Tools. SEED STORES MURPHEYS SEED STORE "Seed. That Grow - 834 Klamnh. Phone 34 Oi SECOND HAND STORES COFER'S EXCHANGE Roland Cofer. Owner. 619 Klamath. Phone pflone 7160. "House ol 1001 Bargains" NeW and Used. " SERVICE STATIONS RALPH'S MOBIL SERVICE Tllh and Klamath. Phone 0422. Auto Repair ing - Motor tune-up Mobllgaa Mobff oil "Complete Line Acceasoriee- SEWING SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Msins Phona 3-2513. Complete Lino OS No- Uons ' SHEET METAL PADE & HOLLAND 222 Spring Phone 3618 Stainless SteeL Flu ."ex tensions - Kitchen Ventilators. -' SHOE REPAIR ED'S SHOE SHOP Tons Dunn. Phono 60211022 Main St QUALITY SHOE REPAIR 912 Main Street Phone 8702. Expert Repairing.' SHOE STORES - , MODEL SHOE STORE Shoes for En tire Family. Featuring Naturalise Roblee - Buster Brown. 717 Main- Phone 7363. VAN ORMAN'S "Klamath rails New- est Family Shoe Store.- Trlm-Tre Poll Parrot Rand Star Brand. KIT Main. S&H GREEN STAMP STORES BROADWAY CLEANERS 4333 South 6th. Phone 8403. "For Thoso Who Caro." j Phone 41137 1931 CHEVROLET 1200 mlleg. Tot aaW"' or trade. Terms. Phone 9052. ' 1031 Hudson Hornet four door," ove?' ' drive, heater radio and seat cove rat" " other extras. 2300. Would consider t lighter car on trade, Phono a-1634 . after 4 p.m. "I fftrt