PACK TWELVE' HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATURDAY. MARCH 22, 1952 FORT KLAMATH Br MYRTLE WIMKR Starting on Monday, March 10, three local men Thomas O. Oyche, Mitchell "Mike" Beaulle and Clarence Jenkins, went to work loading logs (or K. A. Briggs ana Bon Co. ol Myrtle Creel. Tour mil lion leet of decked logs will be loaded on pais at Diamond Lake aiding and transported by rail to the Palmerton Lumber Co. mill at Klamath Falls. Visiting old friends here one day last week were two pioneer resi dents ol the Wood River Valley, Mr, and Mrs. Ed Cardwell, who have made their home south ol Klamath Falls since leaving Fort Klamath. While here, they called at the homes ol Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Blsemore and Mr, and Mrs Guss A. Page. Mrs. Lee Ferguson and Mrs. Ken neth Morris, both ot Prlnevllle, left for home on Wednesday alter visiting here since the previous Monday at the home of their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edwards. On the return trip, the two women were accompanied by an oldtlme friend, Mrs. Edith Moon, who will visit at Prlnevllle for a time with her son-in-law, daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bailey and children. Mrs. Moon has been making her home here with another son-in-law, daughter and grand daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard O. Varnum and daughter Audrey. Mrs. Eva Pritchett and grand daughter, Diane Bechtel, have re turned from Mitchell, Ore., where they have been visiting Diane's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Young, the latter being Mrs. Pritchett's daughter. After spending the past several month at the Walter Midkiff home here, Mrs. Ann Yarnell and Mrs. Jenny Corbin left by car Friday, March 14, for Alturas, where they planned to visit other relatives be fore returning to their respective homes In Monterey and Freedom, Calif. Linda and Stephen Pope, young daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Pope, have recovered from a, siege of the three-day measles, a mild form of the illnes now going the rounds among children in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Jackson left Friday, March 14, on a two weeks' visit with his brother and Wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jack ion, at Merced, Calif. They were taken by car to their destination by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bronson, who with their daughter, Dorothy, and son, Carson, will visit relatives lurther south at Sharp Park, Cal., during the two weeks, at the end of which time the party plans to return here. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Thomas en joyed a week's trip and visit to their old home at John Day, Ore., returning last week to their home here. They own and operate the Old Fort Tavern and Lounge. Local Lady Elks who were pre sent at the crab feed at the Elks' Club in Klamath Falls on Thursday evening, March 13. were Mrs. Fred L. Pope, Mrs. Stewart imcnoison and Mrs. Marvin Roeder. ..Mr and Mrs. Bert Gray will leave in a few days for the Spencer Creek fish hatchery near Keno, where Gray will be stationed as watchman lor a month during the egg-taking season. He is a long time employe of the state fish Hatchery on crookea creek soutn of nere. The annual school spring vaca tion is on, and classes will resume on Monday. March 14. Enjoying the week in sunny California is Billy Vaden, who is ine quest oi Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hawkins and children at the Hawkins ranch at Hollister, Calif. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vaden, of the wood River Hawkins rancn. " Accompanied by her husband Mrs. Frank Strahan. local school teacher, left Sunday on a week's trip which will take them out of the snow for a lew days, iney planned to go south to Arizona, and hone to bring back scenic colored pictures of their trip, including also some oi tne neautnui cactus uowers which are in full bloom in Arizona during March and April. Strahan Is assistant foreman of the local state highway patrol, and both he and his wife are ardent amateur photographers. Donald Roeder arrived borne last Friday evening from Ashland, where he Is a student at Southern Oregon College. He is also enjoying a week's vacation from his studies during the spring vacation period. Mrs. James Legget returned last week from Richland, Wash., where she has been for the past several months with her husband, who is employed at the nearby Hanford atomic bamb plant. During her ab sence, bachelor quarters were kept at the Legget home here by her brother and son, Ralph Parker and Ronald Legget tne latter a student at Chiloquin high school Mr. and Mrs. Emmett McKeever returned here Friday last from Roseburg, and are house guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Dyche. Mrs. Joanna Taylor left Sunday for ten-day stay at the Boswell mineral springs resort near Rose ' burg. She was taken there by Mr. and Mrs. James Watson, who with their little daughter Beverly had driven on Saturday from Reeds port, bringing back his mother. Mrs. Margaret Watson, who had been visiting at their home there for some time past. During Mrs Taylor's absence, her local prop- erty, Joe's Motel, is in charge of ner nepnew, Koy nawiey. Mr. and Mrs. William Zumbrun returned last week from a week's visit with several of her relatives at Spokane, Wash. While there, they attended the Inland Empire Hereford sale held March 7 and 8, at which they purchased a Here- lord bull. To bring the animal from Spokane to the Zumbrun ranch . here, Nell Pritchett and young son Lane, (better known as ' Smoky' to his pals,) made the trip north by truck and moved the bull by wis means or transportation. Prit chett Is employed the year around by Mr. and Mrs. Zumbrun at their local ranch. The Old Fort Tavern and Lounge Is closed for a few days while work of painting and redecorating Is underway. In addition to the owners, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Thomas Edward "Bud" Strong and Diane Bechtel, employed as chef and waitress, respectively, are included in the renovating crew, while Thomas' father, Pres Thomas, Is al"0 lending a hand with the work. On Sunday, March 16, Strong was host at a dinner party held in the Bronco Room of the Old Fort Tavern, when invited guests en Joed the rare treat of a delicious variety of Chinese foods, prepared with Bud's well-known culinary Pblllty and served buffet style. En joying tne delicious repast were Mr: and Mrs. Ted Markwardt. Mr. aid Mrs, Vernon Hengl. Mrs. Ruby Peeler and grandson, Donald Pot ter, all of Chiloquin; Mr. and Mrs. Clay Thomas, Prea Thomas, Mrs. Emmett McKeever, Mis. Thomas O -Dyche, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ljwlmer and son, Don, and Edward "Bud" Strong, all of Ft. Klamath. Bidden lo the dinner but unavoidably absent were Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Bi attain, Emmett Mc Keever and Thomaa O. Dyche. The storm of Monday and Tues day seems to have abated at this writing (Tuesday evening) and has left in Its wake a fresh snowfall of eight inches on the level. The onslaught of winter struck Mon day, March 17. following a Sunday of perfect spring-like weather which led wlnlcr-wcary souls to believe that spring was on lis way at last. Longing especially for the deep snow to melt are local cattlemen and loggers, the former praying for spring so their stock can be moved from California winter pas ture, reported as definitely not good this season, and Ihe loggers shamp ing at the bit after a long winter of enforced Idleness, waiting Im patiently for spring and resumption of logging operations west of here by the Modoc Lumber Co. Antic ipating the forthcoming opening of the fishing season, optimistic nlm- rods here have been looking over their fishing tackle, and much talk Is heard of plans of fishing trips on UDDer Klamath Lake. . . hopeful signs of approaching spring In the face of present weather con ditions. ie 1 Chemult A group of friends met at the home of Mrs. George Bourne on Uie evening of March S to honor Mrs. John Plnckley and Mrs. Bourne at a pink and blue shower. They both received many lovely and useful gilts, out-ol-towners were Mrs. Wayne Negus and Mrs. Kenneth McKenzie of Crescent. Re freshments were served by the host esses Mrs. Lowell Ramsey and Mrs. William Taylor. Pictures ot the group were taken by Mrs. Grant Damon. Prizes were won by Mrs. Negus. Mrs. Pinckley, Mrs. Dick Jessup and Mrs. Orville Far- rls. 'J. R. Thompson is at home af ter a seige of Illness at Klamath Valley Hospital. G. C. Palmer slipped on the Icy Davement Afondav and was rushed to Bend for medical attention. He suffered cuts and bruises but was not hospitalized. Of interest to her Chemult friends is the hospitalizing of Mrs. Bessie Rice of Bend. She is the mother minor surgery on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Darnell re turned March 10. there was so much snow at their motel that thev had to hire a snow plow to push it out of the way. The Gilchrist PTA met at the high school March 11. Miss Hous ton's speech class started the eve ning off with a lively program conisting of several speeches by her students. Jo Ann Pitsch Spe cial; Margie Evans "The Night tne Bed Fell;" Sherry Greer. In troductions: Millie Farris. "Poet ry Reading;" Dick Aenix. extern poraneious speaking: Wally Cory, "Don't Slip Darling" and Bobbv Sipe after dinner speech, "Ham mers." The nominating committee pre sented their panel of names for the coming officer election and these were unanimously elected for the new year. Mrs. Jean Norland, president; Kenneth McKenzie. vice president; Mrs. Mark Foglequist, secretary and John Anding lor treasurer. Plans were made to send a delegate to the state convention at Pendleton with alternates to A HOCKEY WATCHER TORONTO if Bob Davidson, chief scout of the Toronto Maple Leafs in the NHL, watches lots of hockey games each winter. He tra vels across the continent in Canada in search of young hockey talent. Some days he sees as many as six games. His weekly average is 20. Most of these games are in school and amateur leagues. Some psychologists think that dreams are the disguised fulfill ment of a repressed wish. The plant venus is a mean dis tance of 62,270,000 miles from the sun. Total membership of all trade unions in Britain is now about 9'i million persons. During 1952 a total of 10.350.000 proof gallons of Scotch whisky will be exported overseas, according to the Scottish Whisky Assciation. Oslo Stands Bt the same latitude m,tKo in nt Orponlnnrt ' "O ouuw.w.a ..K " ana be war a, a i ass a. Legal Notice NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the Coun ty Court of Klamath County, Oregon will receive sealed bids up to 10 o'clock a m. on the 4th day of April, 1952 for the fol lowing : 1 Monarch Machine Tool Co Lathe 16 inches with 8 foot bed. 1 Whiff Machine Tool Co- 16 Shaoer. 1 1949 Ford Club Coupe, County No. 5 1 1948 Mack Dump Truck equipped with dump body. E F I D 2738 county Numoer m. 18 M feet more or less used lumber consisting of 12x12-4x12-6x20 and Hx20 Above mentioned may be seen at the County Shops located Altamont and South 6th. Street. The Court hereby reserves the right to refuse any or all bids. Chas f. Debap County Clerk M 22-28 No. 924 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Executor of the Estate of Hattie E. Marshall. Deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klam ath County, and has qualified. All per sons having claims against said Estate are notified to present the same to me Wltll Drooer vouchers at the office of Wm. Kuykendall, Pine Tree Building, Klamath Fails. Oregon, within six months from March 22. 1952. JOHN A. MARSHALL Executor of the Estate of Hattie E. Marshall. Deceased. M. 22-29-A. 5-12 No. 923. NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS EQUITY. NO. 126. In the matter of the Petition of the Board of Directors of the Midland Dis trict Improvement Company of Klam ath Countv. Oreson. nravina that all of the proceedings in connection with tne organization of the Midland Dis trict Improvement Company and the proceedings of the Board of Directors and of said Midland District Improve ment Company orovidina for and auth orizing a certain contract between the Midland District Improvement Company and the United States of America may be examined, approved and confirmed by the Court. TO the Midland niclt-IM Company of Klamath County, Oregon, and to all Freeholders, Legal Voters anu Mwssmeni rayers witnin said Midland District Improvement Com. pany: Notice 111 ho-rohv ai,n that lha hmir vi ihb o ciock p.m. oi Tuesday, in 22nd day of April, 1D52, and the Cir cuit Court Room in the Court House of Klamath Counlv. Orosnn art h.rhv aet as the time and place for the hear ing of the Petition of the Board of Di rectors of Midland District Improve ment Company Of Klsmalh Countv. Oregon, praying that all of the pro ceedings for the organization of said Midland District Improvement Com pany and all of the proceedings for the authorization and execution of a certain water right contract between the Midland District Improvement Com pany and the United States of America may oe examined, approved and enn- firmed by the Court, which PetltlonM. CLASSIFIED RATES On day per word U rhree Days per word Uc Week run per word 20c Month run ... . ..... per word 65c MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one ad is 60c. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled Uirough box numbers at the paper for a service charge of k. DEADLINES Classified acta accepted up to 1:30 p.m. for following day's publication Classified display ads accepted up tc 13 noou (or following day s pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS Please ma.e all claims lor adjust ments witnout delay. Legal Notice SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or TH.. STA1K OF olir.CON IN AND TOR THK COUNTY OF KLAMATH Equity No. 1U LAURA EASTWOOD, Fl.lntltt vs. SIMEON WILBER EASTWOOD. Defendant TO SIMEON WILBER EASTWOOD. Defendant IN THE NAME Or THK STATE Or OREGON: You are hereby reoutred to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you In the above entitled suit within (our weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons in the Herald and News, a news paper printed and published in Klam ath County. Oreson. which said date ia the 1st day of March. 19S2. and if you fail to answer, tor want thereof, the plaintiff will applv to this Court for the relief prayed (or In her com plaint. This summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Honorable David R. Vanden bers. Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered February 25th. 1952. which order requires that summons herein be published once a week for four successive weeks, and that the dale of the first publication of said summons shall be March 1st. 1952. .s. U. S Ra'entine Attorney for Plaintiff I.O.O.r. Bids'. Kismath falls. Ore , M i-'-is-a. No- ass NOTICE Or DATE Or FINAL SETTLEMENT IN T o-':uiT corpr tF THE STATE Or OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of HAROLD L. McPHERSON. Deceased. Notice is hereby fiven that I have filed my final account of the adminis tration of the above entitled estate and that the Court has appointed March 31. 1932 a 10 A.M. as the time for hearing objections to such final ac count and the settlement thereof. Ruth McPherson. Administratrix Ganong At Ganong Attorneys (or Administratrix M-l-S-15-22. No. S99. NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN T'iE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter of the Estate of EUNICE JANE PIPER. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that I have . filed my final account of the adminis tration or tne a Dove entitled estate and that the Court has appointed March ji. lysz at m am. as tne time tor hearing objections to such final count and the settlement thereof. Marie demons. Executrix wi-fl-ia-a. no wo NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE Is hereby given that the unaersignea nas Deen appointed acj minixtratrix of the estate of Lulu C. Hobson. sometimes written Lulu Hob- son, deceased, and that all persona having claims against said decedent or her estate shall present same, with the oroDcr vouchers, to me at Room 8. Lnomis Building, Klamath Falls. Ore gon, witnin six montns irom aate oi this notice. March 0. 1B52. . CALLIE M. TIMMS, Administratrix M 8-15-22-29. No. B04 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY NOTICE Is hereby given that by vir tue of an Execution and Order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County on the 25th day of February, 1952, upon a certain Judgment duly given and made by said Court on the 3rd day of October. 1939. In a suit pending therein wherein Investment Service Co. was plaintiff, and Chester Avery md Mrs. Chester Avery were defendants, and which judgment was renewed on Sep tern be r 29th. 1949. which execution and order of sale was to me directed and commanded me to sell the real prop erty hereinafter described to satisfy certain hens and charges in said Judg ment specified. I will on Monday, the 31st dav of March. 1952 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M., at the front door of the County Court House in Klam ath Falls. Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction for cash, all of the right, title and interest of the de fendants In said action and of all par ties claiming by. through or under them or any of them In or to the fol lowing described real property, to wit: The North Half of the Northeast Quarter iN'aNE'.V of Section 35, Township 39. Range 9, E.W.M., Klamath County. Oregon. .-Hate v February. 11953. J. M. BRITTON. Sheriff By Dora Goddard Chief Deputy M1-8-15-22 No. 901 SUMMONS Equity No. 58 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUN TY OF KLAMATH LUCY SEARS, Plaintiff, vs. PAUL SEARS. Defendent. TO PAUL SEARS, Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby required to appear and answer plaintiffs complaint on file herein on or before the 8th day of April. 1952. and if you fail to so an swer or otherwise appear, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her com plaint. To-wit: For the decree of this court dissolving the marriage contract heretofore exist ing between the plaintiff and defendant and granting to plaintiff a decree of absolute divorce of and from you upon the grounds of cruel and inhuman treat ment and of personal Indignities ren dering life burdensome; decreeing to plaintiff the care, custody and control of the five minor children of plaintiff and defendant, namely, Gilda Sears, age 4 years Gwendolyn Sears, age 3 years, Paul Wayne Sears, age 2 years, Or. ville Sears, age 15 months, and John Sears, age 4 months, and for such oth er and further relief as to the court may seem meet and equitable in the premises. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof In the Herald and News once each week for four consecu tive weeks (five Insertions pursuant to the order of the Honorable David K Vandenberg. Judge of the above en titled court, made and entered the 7th day of March, 1952. the first publi cation to be made on the 8th day of March, 1952 and the last publication thereof to be made on the 5th day of April, 1952. CLAYTON J. BITRRFLL Attorney for Plaintiff Pine Tree Building Klamath Falls, Oregon March 8, 15, 92, 20th and April 5th. . No -905 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the under iBneH has been aooolnted Executrix of the Estate of Lester F. Klrkpatrlck. deceased, bv the circuit court or tne State of Oregon for Klamath County, and has ouallfled. All nersont having claims agafnnt said Estate are noti fied to present the same to tne unaer sisned with nroner vouchers, at the of fice or Wm. Kuyi-r-flaii. Plre Tive Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon, with in six months from March 15. 1952. LOLA S. KIRKPATRICK. Executrix. M 1.V22-29. A. 5 No. 014. has been dulv filed with the Clerk of said Court: Any person interested may, at any time on or before Tuesday, the 22nd day of April, 1952, at the hour of two o clock p.m.: appear a-d contest the validity of such proceedings or any of the acts or things therein enumerated. Chas. F. DeLap, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County Ruth E. McPherson i;iyae h. Patterson Winston H. Patterson Directors of Midland District Int. nrnvPinaAl rnmninir J3-22-2II MK A No 0.3, CARD OF THANKS HANSEN Wa wish to thank all li? our kind friends and neighbor (or their many kind expressions of sympathy nod condolence during our recent berravc n'ent. Hud L. ((amen and fniulU, H.m ald K, Phalr and family. PATTERSON- We wish t.Vihaiik "all" ol our kind friends and neighbors tor Iheir many kind expressions of swunalhv and condolence during our recent be reavement. Patricia McWUlianis. Wlliua Parrish. Vera Walker, Doris Lugo, Mag. dalene Schonrhln. D A R M O I) Y We Wish in ctrnd""nur heartfelt thanks and appreciation for lha acts of kindness, tuessnite ot s mouthy and beautiful floral offering received from our kind friends, and neighbors during our recent bereavement In the loss of my beloved wife. Ralph M. DarmiMly and Sharon Carlson. YOKF.N- We wish to thank our "many friends for the flowers and sMunalhy they showed us during the loss ot our beloved son and brother Dallon Yokcin, Also thank the VrW Pelican I'.M (or their services and Mr. O'lUlr (or tak ing the burden of everything. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Odls George. Mr. and Mrs. Ray YoKeni. C FUNERAL HOMIS WARDS kianTatlTTunerai-HoTne 933 High Street. Phone .UI.U. MEETING NOTICES Shrine Club Annual Clam Chowder ond Crab Fefi1 on Satur day, March 22. at 6:30 p.m. at Armory. Re freshments ami enter tainment. All Nobles and thel" Ladies arc Invited to attend. Paul R. Winter. Pres. 2 LOST AND FOUND LOST, of slrlco.blarl; In -!r Pektnue-e pup with white uudc neck. Fouler, phone 7.ViS. SmaUrf uant KINDLY return purse taken Sunday afternoon from red Pontiac. 203 Wasla. tngton. Phone tkHia or 3J77. LOST, man's star ruby ring. Reward. Phone 4311. PLATINUM diamond weddinH rlnit Kewakr. Please call IHMjjav ... iewa-rt. LOST, Moniiav on "Arthur. Shasta Way or Ivory Streets. Velume 17 of Ency clopedia Americana. Reward, Phone GENERAL NOTICES FERN SHORT will Now be at PEARCE BEAUTY SHOP For Appointments Phone 4618 BIG "Y" BARBER SHOP OPEN Under New Management HOURS 9:00 A.M. TILL 7:00 P.M. CAPErlAHlb 1 1 tube radio- nhon'V eranh combinations Jiist a few left. Save S120. Formerly S349.95, now 1225 !5 Derby's Music Co. 120 No. 7th. phooe 4519. LANE'S Fur Company formerly Rich ardsi new addresa, 1016 Main acrnns from old location open for business April 10. GOOD DANCE MUSIC for all occa sions Call Morgan 2-0200 or McDonald. 8111. Played right, priced right, and guaranteed danceable PERSONALS WELL KNIT guaranteed hosiery. Phone 4224 REAL SILK, 7152. FRATEX Plastics. Phone 8324. ZOE BRUCE S wanton's Beauty Shop. Phone 7161. STANLEY Home Products. Phone 66Q9. 10 SERVICE NOTICE LANDSCAPING TREE PRUNING SPRAYING by Francis "Smithy" Smith, Tree Surgeon Let us work with you NOW on your landscape needs. ROSEBUSHES NOW IN STOCK Pantented and No. I's SUBURBAN FLOWER SHOP 3614 So. 6th Phone 8188 CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What yon don't want, someone else needs! Let us lind what you want or find the person who needs what you don't want. This is the kind of service we are olfering . . . why not take advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop in at 255 East Main In Klam ath Falls and get acquainted or Phone 5670 Septic Tanks Cleaned TANKS, drain fields Installed repaired. Years of experience. AH work guaranteed. PHONE 5731 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE. FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service Insured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 2802 South Sixth Ph. 9240 or 2-3133 Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Beuer Lines of Roots, Etc ED P. KING 2434 Orchsrrt Phone 984J REPAIR SERVICE On all types of major electrical ap pliances, radios, washing machines, va. cuum cleaners, ranges and small house hold appliances. Pickup and delivery service available. MONTGOMERY WARD flth and Pine Phone 3188 PAINTING 7817. ind paperhangfng Phone CURTAINS laundt-ed and Phone 49M FULLER Brughes. Phone 0004 or 3H77. J L DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor Office at 308 No. 7th. - Phone 8346 FOR TREE TRIMMING 'Phon 8- PAINTING, riernrfttintf. oaoerhnnirlnif. plasterboard finishing, spray painting. .-none .tuztj. TRIPP'S Auto Painting. Body and ren- der work . Phone 4040. ALTERATIONS All work guaranteed. Jennie Hare. Anitas. 707 Main. Phone S3M. CARPENTER work. Remodeling and new construction. Phone 2-0017. ELECTRICAL contracting. Work guar- anient Phone 2-1010 IT. HELPS YOU in so many ways when you learn the trick of bene- flting by Herald A News Classified ads. They're excellent tor selling, buying, hiring help, finding work and recovering lost articles, Phone sill. SERVICES EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Ho Bulldnter Kill Dirt lopsoll Crushed Rork Driveway Clnden Compressor CRANK 1ERVICK GRAHAM BROS. Phoue 5541 or 0110 12 EDUCATIONAL Ureu aubiecta, office machines. KLAMATH BUSINESS COI.l.EIlK '& Pine Phone 7u 13 HEALTH ' STKAM bat hi, ffri'jr, tpot mlucini f ".r .IIV?.-" J ) SMiS. U HELP WANTED. FEMALE YOl'Nli WOMAN nr ikV workMitia nnvr ai Irjmt on yr rollrg limning. Apply il.YUi Ailamont Urive. WOMAN ftr Hciicr) hmiitrwork unci lnimie rare m two CliUiiret.. Mv hi. ..o.U wAftret, I'rivat room with bath. A.NY veteran wile wnTnitiri "room tiiiti board in rxfhanse lor child car. I'lump tin obei'lion 1n one jrhiht. VANTKU, experience.! wall rent and rnr hop. No plion colli. I'elU'an Driva Inn. 1 6 H E LP W A N V E d"m A L SALESMAN WANTED Liberal commission to qualified man hunUlliiK other food line in Southern Oregon territory. Write no, ten uriuii Macaroni Co., 1111 139lh Avenue, San Leaiidro, Cnllf., fur interview. ATTENTION SALESMAN The Utah Win. Im Nulls neel a !? inun lo rvurecent them in Southern Ore itou. Kpcriencr not neceuary. Train iok will be given and you earn while u train. For interview ire Mr. Brown at t'clu-an Hotel, Sunday, Monday or Tuesday. r..t- .vSkVK Ufc.Al.KH Kruncnme Il eliinii eslahhihed I tne Blanket. aluminum, etc. Write P.O. box lull. Sail itke CttyMSlRiV I NO AIDS fur Kurvey work. Apply utU.'Ut Altamont Drive. WANTKD two experienced Fine atict Kir liruJtT. Year around work. Top pa. l.ooii opportunity. 1'enbcrlhy Lumber Co. Box W5, reka, California, i'houe Ii!l7 L WANTED, experienced alrMnnn to sell KrittutMire appllMiu'c. Good opportunity lor riKht party. See Vern Owens, Cms caiic Home Kuriiinhluit. riAt, or l.r jiraoer. steady work. Give detail of experience. Write P.O. Box .. C Med ford. Oregon WANTED trout setter air dog, and dry lumber handler. Call Ellington Lumber Co. IM'.'MM. SALESMAN earning!, to start, approx. 7 j. per month. Upportumty lo ad vance Ages 18 to M. Apply Standard Malion, inc. ind and Main or Eplan .ieaiiil Spring SU. 18 SITU AI IONS WANTED W ANTED housework, by hour or day. PI-one HANDY MAN. odd lobs. It per hour. Phone 2-1417 evening. EXPERIENCED: "of fire work. recep tiouitt, cithier, saleslady, baby sitting. Phone B74U. K'rhii;.NCVEiJ teenager desires twbv silting1 or mother's helper evenings afirr 4:.T0, Saturdays or Sundays. Phone 2 -Jim lii.lU care atodnic. rtiune 2-0111 aft ernoons. ( MILD CAKE. 35i East Main. T U to 5:0 days phone 5G70, eves. 2-0372. WILL, care (or chtturen in my borne days or your home evenings. Cal 2-i.via. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT PACIFIC TERRACE QUIET, SPACIOUS. HOME LIKE ROOM FOR MAN. PRIVATE BATH. GARAGE AVAILABLE OR YOU CAN WALK TO WORK . . . PHONE 5665 ROOMS (or rent. Private entrance. Close inPhone 4444. Ru6SlS.prlccsrcaBonablePhore 4627. LOVELY rooms or rent M -7. a weak Cioic in. Phone 4Z9t. KRO.NT room for rent Greer Apart ments. 710 Main. ROOMS 10.14 High ROOMS, board, gentlemen. 1607 Cres cent. ATTRACTIVE light housekeeping quar tern. Everything (urnuhed but groceries 114.1 Pine. HOOM.gentleman. 13:10 Crescent. LIGHT housekeeping. Everything fur. mhed. Suitahie sober bachelor or cou- ple. 109 North Broad. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT f i I K K K R bb'M 71 nil m hed Close In. Couple only. No pels. Laundry facilities. Phono 2-:ii70. EXCEPTIONALLY nice two room com pletely furnished modern apart mrnt. I'tilitie paid. Ascot Hotel. 1411 Main. next door to Armory. SMALL modcrnapartment. 213 Cedar. TWO ROOM furnished apartment, uU able for bur he lor. Range, rprrigerator, g.irnge, $3.'t.50. Close In. Phone 6453 or 57JHi. FOR RENT, iaTge three room furnished flat. Clmte in. Clean. Adults 52A No Blh Phone 0314 FOUR ROOM fumlihed apartment 503 MarketPhone6.'i7 ATTRACTIVE three room tarnished apartment Adults Close in Phone42 HAVE available March 2tn furnished steam heated apartmen One-half block from Enquire theater. Suitahie for two. $."ri. If interested, addrrss box 07, Her ald. Give number in family. Mall and phone address and occupation. FURWSHE Department for rent. Bach elor preferred. 421 Oak. "ROYAL ARMS apartment vacancy. 524 HiKh. Phone6.T71. THREE room furnished apartment. 2023 fj-trrow. TWO ROOM modern' apartment for rent aifi Oak. NEAT three room, furnished apartment. 0100 South Sixth. FOR RENT, furnished two room apart ment. Natural hot walec heat. Close In. Adults. Phone CZflS. FOR RENT, two room furnished apart ment. Couple only. Phone 7310. FOR RENT, small attractive apartment Single. Gas equipped. Frlgidalre. Lights and water furnished. $23. Call 6279 or 142 S. Riverside. APARTMENT with gas heat also small cabin. 518 High. FOR RENT -3 room furnished apart ment. 338 Broad. PARTLY furnished two bedroom apart, ment on Homeda le Road. Phone 8187. FURNISHED two room apartment', bath. Redecorated. .18.30. Phone 2-3507. TWO bedroom, unfurnished apartment In duplex. Adults. 434 North Sth UPSTAIRS furnished apartment. Gas equipped. Across from the Academy. NEWLY decorated apartment. Greer Apts. 710 Main. UNFURNISHED, basement apartment for bachelor or lady. Natural hot water heat and water furnished. $33. Refrig erator and electric range available 2"12 M.Tin or nhone 3410 after fl p.m. STEAM ifEAfEDlipartment with bed room 02H Oak St. FURNISHED annrtment for rent. Aparimcnt 1, 200 Market. THREE ROOM furnished apartment. 2001 While. THHEE room furnished apartment and bath. Adults only. Phone 3472, 911 Wal nut. NKWLY decorated, private bath, kit chenette. Steam heat, electric range I" week Rex Arms Apartment. FURNISHED three room apartment !2 V): two room unit S3S; all utilities Included. 4111 N. Tenth. FOR nENT, furnished two room apart ment for adults. 321 Broad. FOR RENT, two room furnished bach elor apartment. S23. Inquire 2I2A Recla mation. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT RENT OR LEASE, small, neat home. 320 No. 0th. Responsible couple. Corner Jones. Realtor, 111 So. 4th. Phone FOR RENT, four room unfurnished house. Division near Sixth. Inquire 117 No, ih. FOR RENT, two bedroom unfurnished house. Clone in. Call at 433 N. 7lh. Phone JH20B. U N FU R N IS HED JIOUSE. JflOfl So.6th, MODERN one bedroom unfurnished du-plcx-houseJnqulre 3011 'a Boardmnn. SMALL modern furnlHhed houser3!V Inquire 4420 Shnsta Way or Sunday at Uiltt Gary Street. 10 a H0US!'!L MNJ TOR RENT,-liirnlsheil newly dermal!, roilag. i'a blocks from Main. Hu I table for Mir 2. Photte ftlilltl, FOR HKNVT near 1'ettcau Hi'hiiul.wo bedroom furnished house. $40 month, caiijkimi. F( i if" H E Nf . modern i wri rrtomTiu nulied house. Inquire 3112 Cannon. Phone 0133 after ftve DVtpl KX for reiU. "lMionVTit27 before I p.m. 16 I. K A Sit or rent, two bet.riHim1.ouse, garaK, garden spot, fenced yard. Nee al itUO Arthur HI Owner will show afler g a m. Saturday and lumlay, Phone Grant Pass flTllH, 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE u TRUCKS DRIVE Move yourself Suva H Nrw Trucks For Long Trli Plrkuiw SlnkPo Vnnii BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1301 R. Mnln Phorw MM LAND for LEASE Virgin anil under U.S. Rrrlnmn Linn Lmiftcll District, privately owned one crop jcniion To eligible ensh bidder. Certified cheek must accompany bid closing April 1. Potato plnntlng not prohibited. For Information reply to Her ald News BoxJW TOR RENT1, up"Yo .1 arras n potato land. On l.lpuck (arm. M.rrtll, Or.. I'hiina frank L. Howard, 7-OIMUi Tula lake. A I'I'HO X i M A'TKI . if "56""aV'rVs"iKiratirrand for rent. Call N.wrll 3IX AMKtllC'AN "Moor santlrrs and actarrs". swlfl and asy to nral. llrur. Ilooc finish. wax, and varnl.h KLAMATH VALLEY U'MHF.R 11140 SoSlxlh rilona 4KI OKKiCE for "rent 13 Main Pnona 71111. 30 REAL ESTATI FOR SALE MILLS $3200 One bedroom, both with shower, utility. 50 x 100 ft. lot. A rent benterl Terms. RIVERSIDE $5000 Two bedroom home on J lots, liuulnted fruit room. Oarage. Terms. SUBURBAN $ti950 Two bedrooms. Inrge util ity room. Imulnted throiighuut. Double gnrnge. WO x 115 It. lot. Assume OI loan. $53.48 per month. VERNON DURANT Ph. 7933 ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth Phone 0105 Exes. 5M FOR SALE 24 acres. J bedroom modern home, double garage, chicken house and other outbuildings. Approximately 10 acres pasture, balance grain land. Four miles from city. Price $10,500. Terms. Two bedroom home located close to schools, churches and business district. Large living room, purl basement, oil piped furnace. Also two room home Both for $7250. SEE or PHONE F. H. Cofer t Evenings 3593 Bob Stephens i Evenings 9330) Barnhisel Agency 112 S. 8lt. Phone 4195 MILLS ADDITION , If you are dollar wise and demnnd the best, we urge you to inspect this fine 2 bedroom home. Large living room, dining room, ar.1 util ity. Hardwood floors throughout, automatic heat, double gnrnge, paved street and sidewalks. Price $10,000. Easy terms. YALTA GARDENS You'll wonder why you didn't move sooner when you see this attrac tive ranch style home, located In Klamath's restricted suburban area. 3 Sunny bedrooms, comfortable living room with fireplace, den or studv. the Ideal place fdr those flowers and spring vegetable gar den you've always wanted. Shown by appointment only. Price $11,000. $500 DOWN Will buy this very comfortable 1 bedroom home. Has recently been remodeled and nut In flrat-clnss shape. On ' acre plot Just off Shasta Way. Monthly payment will be less than rent. An excellent chance to get your own roof over your head and away Irom those worthless rent receipts. Full price only $3750. $5500-FULL PRICE For this well built 1 bedroom home, on paved street, in quiet neighbor hood near rairview school, no hills. Living room, dining room, bedroom, sleeping porch, kitchen and bath. Electric heat. OPEN EVENINOS BY APPOINTMENT See Homer Stilea Phone 2-2460 Eves. Don Sloan 8658 Eves. Fred- Scott 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. 9th. St. Phone 4564 or 6529 riVK HOOM horn. Enjoy the privilege at ralslnc vnur own winter, food sunniy on this nice two acre Irrigated Iract. Newnouse ileal Estate, aoiiu arnitn sixtn Phone m:l or .1742. FOR SALE, small furnished house. close to busline and alorei. In Mills Addition. Phone mn. HOME! HABMTS? Mica two hedronm modern home on tf acre. New paint, new Inlaid. Insulated. Floor furnace, "a basement, finished, good concrete foundation. Nice fenced yard, shade nnd shrubs, fruit tree.. Good neighborhood In Rtvervlew addi tion, Ideal location for children. Chicken house, looo rabbit pens, plua complete walk-In cooler with unit. All for 17000. Phone 94)10. GOING for $0.1001 Newly decorated three bedroom partly lurnisned nouna. Bervlce porch, sjarnse, woodshed. Back fenced. Rwinanf' laraa lot. city limits. Phone Merrill 200.1. JO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HEY DADDY YOU WANNA GET THE BEST FOR ME. And here It Is for only $7500. Everything you could link for In i modem up-to-diite war home. About 6 yen in old and In tip top condition. Nn repnlrs or work needed, Jiut move right In. IMMEDIATE POHHEHHION, Very well eon. all acted with Imulallon, ntnrm windows on nil windows nnd hip type roof. Nice large living room 11x18 with hnrdwood floors ul larse windows, two good sire bedrooms with wnrdrobe clnnets, hnllwny with linen clooets mid built In bonk esse, gltrncllve modem bnlhroom, dsndy well nrrnuged kltclvrn with lots of bullt-lns and good size dining sirs. Gnrnge with concrete walks and metnl clothesline set In concrete, Excellent South Suburban location only 2 blocks to the school, stores and bus line. acre. Nice yard with lawn all fenced. Hltimltvl among attractive post war homes and friendly neighbors. This lovely home has everything but gold plated door knob. It's a home anyone would be proud to own. Cnll for an appointment to see It and If yoti Ilka It, we will arrange financing to suit yuur pocket book. ONLY $7500. AI Longmire Evenings 6724 Joe Perry Evenings 5332 BURTON E. GRAY REALTOR & INSURANCE 1037 Main St. 2 Bedroom Furnished $1000 down will handle this com lortuble fullv lurnlnhed home near Hillside, Large kitchen, workshop, gnrnge, good foundation. $5U50 full price. MILLS FINE LOCATION l'i blocks to Mills school. Two bedroom modern home on nicely lnudHCiiprd lot. In sulnti'd nnd wcathcr.itrtppcd. Large bath with all new fixtures, kitchen no utility. New plumbing inrouuh- oul. Concrete foundation. Bark yard fenced. Garage and workshop. Some lurnlsliliiga. $U500. Terms. DRIVE BY 1525 DIVISION Immediate possession on this at tractive five room home construct ed In 1941. Lnrge living and din ing room, hardwood flours electric heal. Insulated, concrete foundation. ! ' l oe reoecoraiea snn "- ...." "'""" and choose your colors and Unol- i cum. $0500. Terms. Business Opportunity HOTEL 37 rooms plus four room managers apartment. A-l condition throughout. Good lease. Should gross al least $800 per month. $10,000. Terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 82041 JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0537 ) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3311 HOT SPRINGS Completely furnished 8-betlroom home. Natural hot water heat, large picture windows, wall-to-w.wl carpel, 2 baths, full basement Home and furnishings In excellent condition. Price $36,500, terms. SMALL 3-ROOM HOME W CALIFORNIA AVENUE DIS TRICT. $3250. NEW 3-BEDROOM HOME ON NORTHHIDE. $11,700. Anne Mason Eddie Hosley Eves. 6714 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 112 S. Blh Phone 7266 SOUTH SUBURBS This place will give you the benefits of country life with the convenience of city living. Two btvlrooms, nice lawn with shade trees, chicken house and yard. You can move right in without having to clean ll up first. Immediate possession. $6500.00 YALTA GARDENS Is entertaining your hobby? Are you tired of eating In the living room or kitchen? Here Is a home that was mnrle for you. Has separate dining room, den that could be converted Into a third bedroom or used as a retreat when the kids are entertaining. Electric heat eliminate messy heating prob lems and you needn't worrq about It being over-priced, as FHA appraised price is the selling price. MILLS Your worries are over If you are looking for a cheerful and homey place to live. Large rooms, nice yard. Easy to keep up so you hnve time to enjoy living. Two bedrooms, dining room, utility room. comfort able home, conveniently locat ed. Reasonably priced. Attention Builders Hnve you considered building your home but the thought of no shade trees stopped you? This large 00x300 foot lot al ready has trees. Located in South Suburbs where you'll be able to see something be sides the people across the street. If you have plans for your home, come In and let us give you an estimate, Johnny Hobson Eves, 6804 Dale Grubb Eves. 3544 Art Frcdcrlckson Eves. 6726 AL LONGE, Realtor REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 111 So. 8th Phone 82A3 LIST YOim PROPERTY WITH THIS FIHM FOR ACTION. F.VERKTT DENNIS REALTOR 131 No, nth , Pbont B4ftt NEW HOMES" for ' Ml. Will IB m B. Powell. Phone 8329. FOR SALE, (wo bedroom nburhan home. Large living room, veneilnn blind hardwood floori. 7fl00. Phone af-uiMi, evening. FOR-$AL. bv owner, flood Iwn hrd- rnom hoime. Flreplnre. Automatic heat. c1oh to town. Phone 2-Q2ftl, Phone 3(165 or 3421 Langell Valley Ranch itiO ACUKS- 2b0 IrrtlfHlrd. Allullu. pi.5UiTo ntta ur.un. Ouluiue hill pasture. Two bedroom modern liotiftc. apt lint watrr. K' -l burn. 1 hi, ii n nice MiutU-llvcaloctt art-up. HOMES FOR SALE THHKK HKUHOOMS Very nice bath, kitchen and service porch with laundry tubs, beautiful yard, ail (cured, good garage, and outbuildings acre of berries and garden spot. 72W). A OOOD BUY In a two-bedroom ni'Kleru home near Shasta Way .30. NICK TWO DKDIIOOM HOME Close In: some furnishings. LESTER JONKS lEves.l 2-32M BEARD AGENCY Realtors Insurance 1020 Main Phones 4880 A 2-3471 POE VALLEY 7(1 ACKK3 miller gravity Irri gation. Leveled and now In 39 acres alfalfa, of which 12 acrra la flve-years-old and 27 acres two-years-old. Iliilance In grain last year. Paved road. It haa no house, but It does have ona of the largest barns in the Klamath liaaln. (lood well. Only 117.500, 15,000 down: bal ance SUM) pi. )iui. Including interest 4S per cent. Imedlate possesion. A chance that sel dom comes. See It today. HARRY VAN lEves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2 0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and IN8URANCB 517 Main Phone 3211 W E Y E R H A E U SER EMPLOYES ATTENTION Owner leaving town, said, must aell, so be sure and sec this nice two bedroom completely furnished home In Stewarts addition for only 14900. Extra large garage on pave ment. Possesion can be had this week. ON SHASTA WAY You'll want to see this lovely two bedroom home, with electric heat, extra large living room, dining room and hnrdwood floors. Tills home has 1100 square feet of floor space ami the price Is only 10750. FHA terms can be arranged. Ask to see this soon. On Altamont Drive Next to store and on bus line. This home Is a real buy for only :I950. Two bedrooms, nice bath, large living room, dining room and mod ern kitchen. Come In soon and let us explain to you our plan of co operation to aid and assist you In obtaining your home now. Jay P. Orlggs Eves. Ph, 4254 Oene Fnvell Eves. Ph. (1045 Claire Ellis Eves Ph. 2-2059 J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Main St. Phone 7521 WHAT HAVE YOU We have a buyer for a three bedroom home. Wants small acreage. Will pay $10,500. SEE This lovely two-bedroom home. Beautiful view, lovely hard wood floors In living room. Very clean, nice yard. Por only 17087.50. FHA commit ment of $7,000. $460 PER MONTH From 1.1 rentals and a nlc apartment for owner. Takes $17,600 to handle this. 8hnwn by appointment. Owner will carry contract. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES, Snleslady 408 Mnln Office Ph. 2-3338 Eves. 2-1305 ' KQUITY In one beilronm modern house located In Pelican City. Easy aay menla. Call BOSS. FOR SAI.E- Flve room house, corner lot. Partly furnished. Garage, hot and cold water, 4n acres tlmbar land. "Cheap." Sin Jack Porlerlield, Kane, Oregon,