SATirnnAV, march 22, 10.12 HKRALT) ANT NEWS, KLAMATO FALLS, OREGON PACE eleven LDMCILM mams, - 1 Till !, Ghosts, LaGrande Lose Out KUC1KNK Ml Central Catholic mitt Lincoln, with scoring robot Wade (Hwi'(li') Hnlliriiuk, will meet line Hiiliirday night lor the Oregon CI 11 wi A hltfll M'hnol championship. The two I'ortlaud teams regis tered convincing triumph Friday night to enter the f lnuln nf the five-day 941I1 annual tournament, Mill) Allonholni, 11 twn-tluip all slain choice, mid John J'oolnr led Central In it 111-44 rmit ol C'lfvc In lid , fo-rhiiinplon will) Lincoln nf tliv Portland C.'tly Lcuiiiic. It was the rail victory III 26 gomes this rn'iiMiii lor (lie Itiuns, ranked an Oieunn's top pmpstcrs by npnrla writers In the Associated rrca poll. Finis hud looked nrwiird In the Coi us the tournament's "iIitiiiii game." Cleveland was ruled No 1 In Hie poll mid had lint only twice In 25 starts. I lia liiillnplnu Clhostn, with Jack Vi.ikov mid Jerry lloita turning in Friday's Scores Oregon flniu A Tournament lly The Anclulrd I'rena Krml Finals Central Cnlhiillc 61 Cleveland 44 ibolh Portland) Lincoln iPorllundi 63 I.a Orande 4 Consolation Astoria r5 'Ihn Dulles 43 Hulrm r.'i Mllwnukln X.! University (I'lugcnr) 611 Bend 33 Mnmllllrld 72 lllllnboro 49 tine prrlormancrs, kept puce with the rtiunit throughout the first hull and were behind only 20-21 nl the Intermission, nut the accurate shooting mid rllrctlve backbouril pluy ol Allcnliufen and Fouler be Kim to take It toll In the third period, which ended with Central In trout. M-:i! Vlskov fouled out tnrly In tho lourth, and the Rama coaMed in. I'At'i: It A.MS Foster, with 21 poluu. mid Allen holon. wnh 21. paced GVnirel Vlikov hud 14 and Ross 12 tor Cleveland. A expected. Lincoln had Utile trouble downing L (jmnde, 63-4'J-Hut the Fmlcrn Oregon team's pressing, lull-lloor delcine kept Uie Cardinals, rnnked No. 3 In the Mute poll, Irom making a rout ot Heven loot one-inch Hulbrook waa llmltrd to 34 points, hl lowest total In three tourney miiiicn. Hia scor ing and hl height at the back boards, however, were Just too much lor the abort La Grande players. La Clrandc mnde a hutlle ot It In tho ttrhl (iiiurtcr, when Lincoln rmild gain only a 10 0 lead. But llullirook Mailed hltthiR In the second period, and Lincoln pulled lur iiheiid. Crntnil Cuthollc will be favored to beat Hie Cardinal In Saturday night's championship game, scheduled tor 8:45. However, Coach Dob Mulder' boya will have to be at their defensive best to keep Irom being burled by Halbrook .coring avalanche. III. II SCOUI'.H In three game thla aeaaon, the Swede has posted one game lolals oj 71, 00 and 67 polntJi. The Hnnn emi t iiiiorct to spot, nun any " In 2(1 itnniea. ol which Lincoln has won 23, this season, Halbrook Today's Menu F.UOKNE (in The schedule (or the Oregon High School basket ball tournament here Saturday: Consolation 1:30 p in. Atitorla vs. Salem 6lh place I 8:46 p.m. Marshfleld va. Univer sity of Eugene (4th placet 7:30 p.m. Cleveland (Portland) va. La Grande (3rd placel Championship 6:46 p.m. Central Catholic vs. Lincoln (both Portland) has scored 084 points an average of nearly 38 per contest. He needs onlv 18 points to reach 1.000 and only 11 to act a new tourney four Itame scoring murk. Halbrook doesn't get much seor Intr help from hla small team males, however, and most observ ers figure the allck Rams will be able to outpoint the Cardinals. Cleveland won two of three names with Lincoln this seaion, limiting Halbrook to 25, 28 and It points. Central Catholic never has wor, ii state championship. Lincoln hasn't won one since 1919. FOURTH I'l.ACK ,,In a preliminary night name, , Cleveland will mcot La Grande for Ihlrd place. Playing for fourth place at 2:46 p.m. will be Mnrshfleld, ranked No. 4 in the AP suite poll, and unrated University High of Eugene, ii surprise team In the tourna ment. Tlie fast breaking Marshfleld team turned In one of the best performances of tho meet In trouncing Hlllsboro, 72-49, Friday afternoon. Tom Crabtrce led the , winners with 20 points. Bend, which had looked good In heating Klamath Falls and extend ing Lincoln, fell to University, 68 33, as John Shnffncr poured In 21 points for tho winners. Astoria, which drubbed The Dalles, 66-43, and Salem, which edged Mllwaukle, 36-32, will meet at 1: 30 p.m. for fifth place. Exhibition Baseball By The Associated Presi Boston (A) 6, Phllaelphla (A) S Detroit (A) 3, New York (A) 3 Boston (N) 13, Philadelphia (N 11 (St. Louis (N) 2 Cincinnati (N) 0 Cleveland fA) 6, Chicago (A) 4 Chlcngo N) "B" 8, Los Angeles (PCD 4 Chicago (N) 3, Pittsburgh (N) 2 fit. l.nuls (A) 8, San Francisco. (PCL) 6 New York (N) S, Oakland (PCL1 i ; , HOTELS OSBURfc HOLLAND EUeiNtY OKI. MEDCORft Thoroughly Modern -lb. and Mrs. J. E. Ear ley and Joe Earlef Proprietor BIG SHOT Bill Bangert, though almost totally blind, ranks as one of the best shot puttcrn In the country. The six-foot, five-inch, 280-pound St.. Louis athlete has stylish form, gets plenty of distance after being placed in the circle by Jack Taylor, a friend. " '.Va- '. h.T.r,ilfOMUW,.fORT$iOITOe . ' ' - ' , H. i a1 1 J mi wtmmmmmmmibmmmmmmmmm tmivm I wmmmmmm i nni ae - FAVORED KENTUCKY DRUBS PENN STATE By TICD MKIF.R Kentucky's basketball team lived up to expectations Friday night as the NCAA eliminations opened In Raleigh. Chicago, Kansaa City and Corvallls. The mighty Wildcats Irom the Blue Grans country, rated the No. 1 team In the country And almlnit for their second straight NCAA crown, walloped Penn State, 82 64, before 11,000 In Raleigh. All-America Cliff Hagan led Ken tucky with 20 points as the Wild cats romped to their 23rd straight triumph. I'I'SKT St. John's, Illinois. Duquesne, V n n.a Kl T j.iili UlUAinlnn inH Santa Clara kept pace with Ken- tucsy in me urst round piay. ah BR0NCS UPSET BRUINS By JACK HEWINs CORVALLIS. Ore 11 The lightly regarded Santa Clara Bron cos kicked over UCLA's Pacific Coast Conference champions Fri day night to earn a crack at the ruggeo. Wyoming cowpokes Satur day night In the pavolf game of the Western Regional' NCAA Bas ketball Tournament. The Broncs staged a stirring ral ly in the final quarter, outscorlng the Bruins, 18-10, and winding up with a 68-69 victory. Playing the careful ball that carried them to the Mountain Stales Conference title, the Cow boys edged out Oklahoma City U., 64-48, in 'the nightcap. The Chiefs from Oklahoma's cP Ital tried to tear a page from the Santa Clara book. They actually outscored Wyoming, 14-8, In the fi nal period but fell six Dolnts short of catching up. MEN Two centers led the seorlnn for the evening, each with 18 points. Herb Schoensteln sparked the San ta Clara attack, getting nine of his 18 In a one-man second quarter show that kept his team's hopes alive. Don Penwell pitched In 1 mr uKianoin city and .sparked the lsst quarter rally that gave Wyoming an unexpected fright. UCLA, with Mike Hibler at cen ter in place ot the Injured Don Bragg, grabbed a 35-31 halftime lead. Both Hibler and John Moore, however picked tin tour fouls in the opening half and were thumbed out eariy in tne third quarter. IN I' HUNT Schoensteln hit a pair of aulck buckets that pushed Santa. Clara in front at 37-36 and from there on It was a see-saw battle until midway in the Jast period A stolen pass and an easy bas ket by Bob Peters started the Broncos on a surge that brouaht them from a 66-63 deficit to a lead of RA-56. UCLA failed to threaten In the closing minutes. Little Ron Livingston scored 14 points to noe the losing Bruins. Youngsters showed weil too In the Wyoming attack, But the vet eran Moe Radovlch led the team scoring with 13 points, WANTED! Inttrtittd la medium er leree tracts of Ledgepsle pint? State price, eumtlty, veraae liie, end totalled in letter tet BOX 62 Harold and Ntwi Klamath Falls, Or. v. .br -pA ll'A W were favored with tlie exception of Simla Clnrn, surprise 68-69 vic tor over UCLA In the West competition at Corvallls. St. John's stood oil a late North Carolina State rally to beat the Wolfpack. 60-49, in Uie second giinic at Raleigh. Illinois, behind 37-30 at halftime, roared back to swamp Duyton, 80-81, In the feature of the twin bill at Chicago bclorc H. HI. Duquesne bounced back from Its poor showing ui the NIT last week to whip Princeton, 00-49. 31 POINTS Kansas, with All-America Clyde NCAA Scores NCAA Basketball Tourney At A Glance By The Associated Press Friday's Reculls I First Round) EAST Kentucky 82. Penn State 64 St. John's (Bkni 60, North Caro lina State 49 Illinois 80, Dayton 61 Duquesne 60. Princeton 49 WEST Kansas 68, Texas Christian 64 Wyoming 64, Oklahoma Cltv 48 SI. Louis 62, New Mexico A&M 63 Santa Clara 68, UCLA 69 I ovellette flipping In 31 points, nipped Texas Christian, 68-64, be fore 10.500 at Kansas City after St. Louis had whipped New Mcxl- ro A & M. 62-53. Lovellettc's 31 points tied the NCAA tourney rec ord set by George Olsmack of North Carolina in 1941. Saturday night Ktntucky meets St. John's; Illinois plays Duquesne; Kansas battles St. Louis and Wyo ming tangles with Santa Clara. The four winners will then travel to Seattle lor the semi-finals and final next Tuoaday and Wednes day. JC Finals Tonight HUTCHINSON. Kas. I Wlinr ton County Collesc of Wharton, Tex., tangles with Hlbblng. Minn., Saturday night in the finals of the National Junior College Baskctba 1 Tournament. The Texans Jumncd oft to en early lead against Hannlbnl-La Orange of Hannibal, . Mo., Friday nigiii ana were never ncauca. rney won 70-62. with Wharton's Jim Payne contributing 24 points. Hlbblng nosed out Branch Ami- cultural College of Cedar Clly, Utah, 70-68, to advance into Die finals. IAST NlGHfylf By The Associated Press New York Gil Turner, 147"v, Philadelphia, stopped Don Wil liams, 146 14, Worcester, Mass., 7. West Palm Beach, Fla. Tom my Clarlo, 1474, Waterbuiy, Conn, outpointed Norman Thompson, 144 Vi, Patcrson, N. J. 10. Corpus Christ!, Tex. Mandy Leal, 146, Corpus Christl, outpoint el Mario Trlgo, 140, Monterey, Mexico, 10. DOUBLE Green Stamps i .' en I; Wednesday CEC'S Signal Service 77 Main Sr. TIME OUT! 'Tom'i game just falb apart with tlir com in if of Spring!" Gun Club Drops To 73 Score After posting two successive per fect 75 scores In the Oregon Jour nal telegraphic shoot, the Klamath Gun Clubbers slumped to a 73 Sunday. Bud Clonke was the only shooter with a perfect 25. W.' G. Coolev and Paul Hilton each had 24 s lor a total 73 score. Vein Moore was the top shooter in the 16-yard event with a 48x50. Handicap shooting was slim be cause of heavy activity in the mer chandise shoot. Realms: IS Itdrn. rn Moor .. 48 x?l w. c. cooley 47 Bill Davln 47 Hud Clonke 47 C. J. Murlin 47 Carl Olnrv 4fl J. M. Adams - . 4 22 Paul Hilton 46 R. M. Smith 4ft II. E. Mauser 45 xts Bob Adam 44 xlG T. B. Walters 43 xllO G. M. Grant 411 E. E. Drlacoll 41! J. F. Adams ..j-..w 42 x!9 S. A. Conudon Hi Ray RillinRs . SB Tom Carland - . ...X20 John Martin xl9 Elinor Adnns xls x-shot 25 targets only. Burke Trails At Jacksonville JACKSONVILLE, Fla. IP Young Jack Burke needs a lot of ?ub par golf to keep his victory string Intact in the Jacksonville Open. Burke, far off the form that won him four straight POA tourna ments and going into Saturday's second round, was six strokes back of two tournament-wise veterans, Lee worstiam onct Fete cooper, who shot 66 each Friday to grab the lead. Besides this pair, Burke has to contend with 24 other par busters and 11 who matched his even par 72 In the opening round. mm Tag Tiff Inked By Lillard Promoter Mack Lillard has Binned an outstanding tag team inuvcn lor wcnneHoay. Kric (The Grcati Pcderscn and Kurt Von Poppcnhelm will pair against Georges Dusctte and Cow boy Carlson. Lillard wanted to Ret Pcderncn and Dusctic In a dual match but couldn't land the bout. However, the lag tilf Is expected to take cure of Dufiotte's beef against the vnm weiijiiiiiiior. petierscn dlsqual fled Duette Wednesday In his match with Von Poppcnhelm. Frcnchy Roy returns to the arm ory ring against Dr. Gallagher, the Ohio chlropradcr who drew with Carlson In the doctor's debut here Wednesday. Reserved tickets are on sale at Cttstlcberry Drugs. Turner Stops Williams NEW YORK t A July title fight between undefeated 21 year old Gil Turner and Welterweight Champion Kid Gavilan was In the making Saturday following the Philadelphia sensation's seven round technical knockout of Don Williams Friday night. Young Gil, a ball of fire all the way In his Madison Square Gar den triumph, said "I'm ready lor Gavilan. Bring him on." George Katz, Turner's manager, said "a Gavllan-Turner bout In Philadelphia this July would draw $350,000 including television and radio money. Matchmaker Al Weill of the In ternational Boxing Club said he would do what he could about mak ing the title fight. Garden and TV fans really got an eyeful In Turner. He froze a little In his Garden and TV debut with Vic Cardell on Dec. 2 although he won by a wide margin. Against Williams, wiio lost by a shade to Gavilan In Boston last month, Tur ner wasted no time. He sUrted throwing leather from the opening bell and hardly stopped for a mo ment. In the seventh round of the sched uled 10. he belted the slender Wor cester, Mass., choir singer with 110 punches by boxing writers' count. At the end of the seventh. Referee Roy Miller called In Dr. Vincent Nardlello for a consultation and then the official stopped the bout. It was listed as a seventh round TKO under New York rules. Turner weighed 147 ii to Wil liams 146 It was his 30th consec utive victory. He has scored 23 knockouts. Baraboo Tops In Keg Meet Bamboo Electric won team hon ors in the Men's City Bowling Championships at least unofficial ly until a final check is made when it registered a 2841 last night on the Oregon Tech alleys. Boraboo's mark passed Suburban Kitchen's previously high count of 2812. In third place Is Nesbitt Or ange with 2771. K-Amusement edged Into fourth with 2707. Bamboo's Richard Christiartson, who Isn't entered In singles and doubles that start at noon tomor row, notched a 575 series last sight with a 78 handicap for a 653 mark. Sports Mirror By The Associated Press Today a year ago Kentucky trimmed St. John's and Illinois de feated North Carolina State to ad vance to the eastern finals of the NCAA Basketboll Tournament. Five years ago Bobby Rlggs defeated Don Budge in straight sets to capture the $10,000 Phila delphia Inquirer tennis tournament. Ten years ago Right hander Whltlaw Wyatt agreed to terms with the Brooklyn Dodgers, signing for a reported $17,500. HOCKEY Pacific Coast League Hockey Bv The Associated Press Edmonton 7, Saskatoon 0 Tacoma 2, Vancouver 1 Victoria 7, New Westminster 3 Tacoma 7, Vancouver 6 (Replay of last 11 minutes of protested Feb. 22 game THREESCORE AND TEN.. People nowadays often live be yond the biblical span of 70 years. The wise man makes sure that he will not outlive his Income. A Sun Life retirement policy will give you a guaran teed Income for as long as you live.' Start saving today . . Ph 7777 HUy Duane Baker DM. At. SUN LIFE Duane laker i'Nr6' aL MM -id llyatraa,fra ALL-TIME YANKEES Four all-time Yankee greats from left Frank Crosetti, Bill Dickey, Lefty Gomez and Phil Rizzuto gather alongside a blackboard showing how 48 veteran sports writers, who had covered the New Yorkers for at least 22 years, voted to select the all-time Yankee team. Dickey, along with Babe Ruth and Joe DiMaggio, led the pack with 48 votes. . - t 4 mm. ON THE By The Associated Press PASADENA. Calif. 'IV, The Chicago White Sox have pared tneir training camp cnmuiane uj two. sendlnir Third Baseman Rocky Krsnich and Catcher Bob Wilson to the Seattle Raimers. Krsnich was with the Pacitic Coast League Ralniers last season ana wuson was wnn Mempnis. l ne Sox sent Infielder Bob Boyd to Se attle previously. The Sox lost an exhibition game to the Cleveland Indians Friday, 6-4. They play the Pittsburgh Pi rates Saturday. k EYE TRADE LAKELAND. Fla. W The De troit Tigers are ready and willing to trade with the Boston tied box for a new shortstop but they may not be able. The Tigers feel shortstOD Is their weakest link now with Matt Batts catching and Vic Wertz on trial at first. General Manager Charley Gehringer admits he'd like to get Johnny Pesky. 32-year-om veteran lmieider the Sox are trying to peddle. But GehrlnRer doesn't want to give up second Baseman Jerry Priddv in return, as the Sox ask. Said Manager Red Rolfe. "who the heck would play second for 1 ' However, further talks are scheduled. HOME RUNS SAN FRANCISCO tgi Outfield er Earl Rapp is doing everything possible to convince .Manager nos ers Hornsby of the St. . Louis Browns that ne nas me power punch the club needs. Rapp, who trained with the New ork Giants last spring and who Datiea. 322 with Oakland In the Pa cific Coast League during the sea son, caugni Hornsoy s eye with two nngnty nomers against tne cnica co Cubs Wednesday 360 and 338 feet respectively. A strong wind toward the plate prevented a similar feat the next day against the Giants. ONE-TWO PUNCH LOS ANGELES Wl The Cleve land Indians' longball punch Like Easter and Al Rosen shows sigin for the first time this spring of having a little steam oenina it The pair accounted for six of the Tribe's 11 hits Friday in a 6-4 victory over the Chicago White Sox. Rosen drove in three runs with a homer, douoie ana snide Easter clubbed two doubles and a single and pushed one marker across. BAD ANKLE MIAMI. Fla. Wl Center Field r nnke Snider of the Brooklyn Dodgers has returned to action al- thougn nis mjurea auKie swu min ers hm. ' - Manager Chuck Dresscn said Sat urday that the ankle bothers Sni der when he runs "but he's got to play. We'll be leaving soon and he hasn't seen any pitching." Snider banged out two singles Friday night In the Dodgers' 8-2 defeat by Washington. NEW TIRES at LOW, LOW PRICES! 800x15 FOUR PLY TIRES REG. PRICE $32.95 Tax Inc. PAY AS LOW AS $5 MONTHLY! , - -I These are First qrade, new, factory changeover tires, and in three different'' makes to choose from. If you need tires now, you con pay for them later by usinq our BUDGET PLAN. PDCEC I 7th and Klamath WYNN LOOKS LIKE WINNER FOR TRIBE By RALPH RODEN Early Wynn, who could have sued the Cleveland Indians for "non-support" last year, appears headed for another banner season. Wynn has looked as sharp as ever this spring and with some batting support figures to improve on his 20-13 record of 1951. Wynn turned m another fine per formance as the Indians defeated the Chicago White Sox. 6-4, at Los Angeles. Wynn pitched the first five innings and didn't per mit a hit until the fourth. Rookies Fred Hahn and Ralph Beard also came up with some ex cellent pitching as the St. Louis Cardinals downed the Cincinnati Reds, 2-0, at St. Petersburg, Fla. Hahn checked the Reds on four hits in six innings and Beard allowed only one over the final three. The Chicago Cubs won a 3-2 Phillips, Cats In AAU Final DENVER m Peoria's Cater pillars, in the finals for the first time, battle the perennial titlehold- ers from Bartlesville, Okla., inH Saturday . night's championship game of the National Amateur Ath letic Union Basketball Tournament. They breezed by their semi-final opponents Friday night with easy victories. The Bartlesville Phillips 6ers, with 7-foot Bob Kurland at the deliberate ball controll' game ling U. S. Air Force AH Stars 66 49. - The Illinois Caterpillars solved the deliberate ball control game of Hollywood's Fibber McGee and Molly team. 49-34. Phillips, aiming for its eighth championship in the last 10 AAU AAU Scores AAU Basketball Tournament By The Associated Press Semi-Final Results Friday Peoria. 111.. (Caterpillar Diesels) 49. Hollywood (Fibber McGee & Molly) 34. Bartlesville. Okla., (Phillips 66ers) 66 U. S. Air Force All Stars 49 meets, has been a finalist 13 times in the last 16 tourneys. Peoria reached the semi-finals in 1948 and in 1951- The Air Force team and Holly wood will play at 7:30 p.m. for third and lourth places. The cham pionship game at 9 p.m. SHUFF STUFF Meica' Is the shuffleboard cham pion of Klamath Falls. Mecca's shuff team beat Schuss last night, its second straight in the City Shuffleboard League play offs. Mecca will get a trophy April 6 at the league's annual party in the South Sixth Community Hall, 5 p. m. . . i . OUR PRICE HOME OF FISK TIRES MUMC. Register to Vote - NOW! squeaker from the Pittsburgh Pi rates at San Bernardino, Calif. Roy Smalley tripled home the winning run in the ninth inning. Ralph Kl ner accounted for both Pittsburgh clouting his first homer of- tne spring. The Cubs' "B" squad trounced Los Angeles, 8-4, at Ful lerton, Calif. HURTS WRIST Sam Jethroe. Boston's speedy outfielder, sprained his left wrist as the Braves outlasted the Phila delphia Phillies, 13-11, at Clearwa ter, Fla. The Braves' American League rivals, the Red Sox, came from be hind to beat the Philadelphia Ath letics, 5-3, at West Palm Beach, Fla- '" - The Detroit Tigers also came from behind to win, beating the New York Yankees, 3-1, at Lake land, Fla. The Tigers sailed into Frank Shea for three runs in the seventh inning to wipe out a 1-0 deficit. Ted Gray and Wayne Mc Leland limited the Yanks to six. hits. rODRES BLASTED Washington Jumped on John Po dres, Brooklyn's highly regarded rookie lefthander for six runs in three innings and went on to down the Dodgers, 8-2, in a night game at Miami, Fla. ':. Rookie Gilbert's three-run homer in the fifth toning gave the New York Giants a ,5-2 triumph over the Oakind Pacific Coast. League club. In another night tilt at San Francisco the St. Louis Browns whipped . the Coast League Seals, 8-6. .,.. .I.;':- Gonzaaa In Ring Lead ' SACRAMENTO W Pre-tour- i nament favorite Gonzaga has a sum tnree point ieaa over Ban ; Jose State as the annual Paciiio Coast Intercollegiate Boxing Tour nament enters 1H iinat pnase Sat urday night. .favorites in each weight came tnrougn Friday mgnt to give the leaders 19 points to San Jose State's -16. Washington State has 13; Ida ho 10- Triaho State. 8- and UCLA 5.. : . Jerry Stern, 147-pound San Jose Stater, decisioned Idaho's Ly nn ' XT Jnt- nlo In kn mnct tnriMrJ. MnotrVi llHIIUlf) 1(1 MIC iiivou i,uiu on Friday night's card. Fritz Fears Grid Skid ANN ARBOR, Mich. Wl Crlti cizing the American Council of Ed- ucation plan to de-emphasize col- . legiate sports, Michigan Athletic Director H. O. (Fritz) Crisler says college football . profits may be. In, a non-stop downward skid. ' ' Chrisler reported Friday to the university Board of Regents, a net profit of $236,277 from sports at Michigan in the -year ending June 30. 1951. Then he added; . "This Is the first year since 1946 in which our net income has been lower than that of the preceding yenr ..... It is entirely possible, perhaps likely, thot these figures represent a turning: point in the trend of athletic Income." , J Phone 4103 .