HtllMY, MARCH 21, 10M HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NTNT? ' Go to Church Sunday CHURCH DIRECTORY CHURCH OF CHRIST S Wanlland Phone IDU Arthur O. Illarkwrll 10:00 A.M. Hlblp classes 11:00 A.M. Wornhlp arrvlrs 7:00 P.M. KvcnliiK service 7:00 P.M. Wednenlay service Klamath Ravival Center Pastor, Rev. Uorolhy M'-Claln im Mllehtll rhont Kt 0:00 A.M. Uunday Hchonl 11:00 A.M. Moi Dim Worahlp 7:49 A M. Kvaimrllstlr Hervlce 7:00 P.M. Tuesday A Y A itroup 7;4 P.M. Wednesday rrayer Meetlnir 7 45 P.M. Friday IJlblt Study 7.45 P.M. Saturday - Voung Peoplr'a Medina. Church of Chrlif 1774 Arthur rhont MM 10 00 A M. Hlblt Cissies 11:00 AM Morning Worship 7::i0 P.M. Mtilunl edification I 00 P.M. Wrdneiday Blblr Slurty Missionary Baptist Church 4134 Douglas Kldrr O. V. ftlaiiclmrd. pastor 4I A M. Buiiday Hclioul 11:00 A.M. Morning Woiahlp 7:00 P.M. Training Ulilun 1:00 P.M. Kvenlnx hcrvlie V 7:00 P.M. Thursday Bible Study lURIHTIAN bClK.NCe till KC II Tantb and Washlnitoa) 11:00 a.m. Sunday Bchnol 11:00 am, Sunday Service 1:00 p m. Wednesdsy Evening Service .3C p.m. fiat, radio program KFJI. Klamath Tamplt 1N7 Pl" Diana 4331. Rv. D. B. Anderson, minister nv. Warnfr Bock. Asst. Pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday school 11:00 a.m. Mornlnr worship. 4:30 p.m. Ovrrromer service! 7:45 Evanirellitlc nervier 7:4 pm. Wednesday. Bible atgdj and prave rmeetlnf. 7:45 p.m. Flday, Young peoplri' service. 7:30 p m. flaturdav, radio broad cast. KFJI Community Church of tho Brethren 4711 Bristol Rev. Edward Lander g:45 A.M. Churrh School 11:00 A M Morning Worship 7. 00 to t 00 P. M. Wednesday Hobby it Cralt Club Salvation Army 44 Klamath t Mi) and Mra. Jack Lltllt ., 10:00 A.M. Sunday School Jl:ofl A.M. Holiness Meeting 11:00 A.M. Junior Church 4 30 P.M. Young People1! Mealing 4:00 PM. Salvation Meeting J Immanual Baptist lith and inch Rev. W. r Temnlln ' :45 A.M. hlhla School 11:04) A.M. Morning Worship 4:30 P ., Young People 7:30 P.M. Evening Worship 7:30 P.M. Wed. Evening Prayer Service 1 Hepa Evangalical Lutharan Shasta School Rev. M. R. Anderson. Pastor Parsonage, 114 Kana :30 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A M. Worship Strvlct First Presbyterian Merrill Rev. Otorgt A. Milne 10.00 A.M. Sunday achool 11:00 A M. Divine Service 7:00 P.M. Flrealdt Strvlct Nursery Oped First Christian Ninth and Pine Bta. George Alder, Minister l:4S a.m. Bible School 11:00 a m. Morning Worahlp ?:30 p.m. Christian Endeavor :30 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting Wed. Gospal Tabarnacla AlUmont and Maryland Rev. W. D. Blgby, Pallor 10:00 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Service 7:30 P M. Evening Worship Also aervlcea at 7:30 pm. Saturday and Wednesday, i Merrill Baptist Mission f Recreation Building :45 A.M. Sunday school 11:00 A.M. Worship service Union Gospal Mission 251 Commercial Pastor O. M. Tlmma 10:00 A.M. Bible School 11:00 A.M. Worahlp Strvlct. ANNOUNCEMENT DISTRICT CONFERENCE Sunday, March 23rd Sessions ot 10:00 a.m. and at 2:00 p.m. Pot Luck Dinner at Noon at Klamath Falls Branch Chapel of . Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Home and Martin Streets Everyone Invited to Attend Klamath (.attar Rain Church (i;7 Washburn Way llev. Art Simpson 10:110 A.M. Sunday School, all kci. B OO P.M. Evening Service Pilgrims Holiness 1301 HaBlland Phone tilt Rev O. D. Weaver 9:45 A M. Sunday School 1100 A.M. A ormng Service 0:45 P.M.-Y.P8 7:30 P M. Kviingcllsllo Meeting 7:30 P.M. Wednesday Prayer Church of tha Nazarene t.ardru and Martin Rev Deal Van De Orift a 43 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship 0:45 P.. 1. Young people 7::i0 P.M. Kvangellnllo Service 730 P.M. -Wednesday Prayer Hervlce. g:30 P.M.-Wedricsdny Choir Practice First Baptist N. Mb and Washington Dr. E. M. Causey, pastor g:4J A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 1:15 p.m. lYiilnlng Union. 7::i0 pjri. Evening Service 7:00 p.m. Wrdne-day. young people's meeting. 1:00 pm. Wefnesday. mid-week prayer service, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, choir rehear- al. Kano Gospal Center rhone 2 3043 Rev. niadya .illllord. Pastor 10:00 A.M. Sunday School. 11:00 AM. Morning Worship 7:45 P.M. Sundav He. BrrWces 7:45 P.M. Tuesday. Prayer Meet lng 3 30 P.M. Frl., Children's church 7:45 P.M. Friday Bible Study. OTI Sunday School , Curat llou-e 10:00 A.M. Sunday School every Sunday First Presbterian Church ttl Pine Rev. David Barnett Jr.. Pastor t:30 A.M. Church achool for all ages. :30 and 11 a.m. Morning worship. 11:00 A M. Junior Worship 4:00 P.M. Junior high Westmin ster Fellowship. 8:30 P.M. Senior high Westmin ster Fellowship. Assambly of God 748 Oak Rer. Daniel Baylies, minister Bcv. Donald Annas, assistant pastor SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning services 6:45 p.m. Youth services 7:30 p m. Evancellsllc rally MID-WEEK HEKVICKS 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Bible study and prayer service 10:00 a.m. Thursday, Prayer service . 7:30 p nWriiursclST, presfhlnf; aervlce. 1:00 p.m. Saturday, street aervlce. FREE METHODIST 4-. S. 9th Rev. Fred f. Neumann, paslor SUNDAY- SERVICES :30 A.M. Broadcast. KFLW 9:45 A.M. Sinday School 11:00 A.M. Worshh) Service 6:45 P.M. Yount People 7:45 P.M. E v i it In g Evangelistic service. MIDWEEK SERVICES 7:30 P.M.- Wednesday, Midweek prtyer. Calvary Baptist E. Main at Garden Burgess P. Raggett, paslor 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 4:15 P.M Training union 7:30 P.M. Evening Worship MID-WEEK SERVICES 7:15 P.M. Wednesday, teachers meeting 1:00 PJH. Wednesday, prayer aervlce 1:00 P.M. Thursday, WMU. Mt. Laki Community Arthur L. Rice, minister 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Worship Service 7:30 PJvl. Christian Endeavor WANTED! Interested In medium ar large tracts of Lodgepolt pine? Stole price, quantify, average sits, end location In letter te; . BOX 62 Herald and News Klamath Falls, Ore. Stewart-Lenox Baptist W B. Weeks, Pastor 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Worship Service :.'I0 P.M. -T lining Union 7:30 P.M. Worahlp Service 7:00 P.M -Wednesday Prayer and' Choir Prailre First Church of God ' Wt Allamont Rev U II Brahm 9 45 A M. Sunday School Il iO A.M. Morning Worship 4:45 ' M. Yojng Penplt 7:30 P.M. Evangelistic 7:30 P.M.-Ulble Study. Malin Community Church (I'reslij Irrlani Rev. Ororge A. Shiiiniin, pastor 9:45 A M. Sunday Bchool. all ages 11:00 A M. Morning Worship 7:00 P.M. Senior and Junior High Young Peoples Societies Kingdom Hall Jahovah't Witnesses :::i n. din 7:45 PM. Sunday Watchtower Study 7:45 P.M. Wnlncvlny lilblc study 7:4( P.M. Friday Service meeting 0 4b P.M. Prldav Theocratic Scliool First Methodist I0lh and IHth Rev. Lloyd Ilolloway 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 6:36 P.M. In'ermedla'j" M.Y.r, 7:00 PM.-tlenlor M.YF. Seventh-Day Advcnlist 17.75 Main Rev. P. C. Altlcrson KATl'RDAY 9:30 AM.-Sabbath school 11:00 A-M. Church Service SIM) AY 7:30 P.M. Evangelistic service MIDWEEK 7:30 P.M. Wednesday aril Friday evangelistic service . Klamath Lutharan Cross and Crescent Rev. Irvln Tweel 9:4! A.M. Sunday school 11:00 A.M. Divine Worship 6:00 P.M Senior League n First Covenant Ki Walnut Phone M7 Carl O. Strom. Pastor 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A M Morning Worship 7:45 P.M. Fellowship Hour 1:00 P.M. Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH llth and High Rev. R. E. Gracf. pastor 11:00 A.M. Morning worship 9:45 A.M. Sunday school 10:00 A.M. Bible class 10:30 A.M. Lutheran Hour, KFJI Congregational Ciardrn Bear .Martin lite. Rev. Donald M. Catsiday 9:45 A.M. Church achool 11:00 A.M. Worship 8ervlce 7:00 P.M. High School Pilgrim Fellowship. Peace Memorial Presbyterian 4431 8. Slith Fbene 5437 ' Rev. Dwayne L. Proett 9:30 A.M. Church School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Qay Saints Dili and Plum Temporary Notice 1:00 P.M. Church School 2:00 P.M. Preaching Service Call 2-0175 for more Information. Tires mounted no extra change! east rem! f., X BEST ; on two thj-- JIM OLSON MOTORS 316 So. 6th Pastors Note! Along with the regular Sun day Churrh Directory on the April 4 church page, the Herald and News rhurrh editor plana printing of Holy Week and I,uh ler Hunday aervlces of Klamath Baaln churches. All paalora are urgrd lo pro vide written ropy of arrvlrm planned In the Chun li l.dllor hy naturday March 211. Cooperation nf the pnalora In this regard will be greatly appreciated. Choir Concert Well Received MERRILL The musical concert presented by the Merrill Presby terian Church choir win well re ceived by a capacity audience lust Sunday rvrnliiK. Directed hy Mrn. Lillian 7hoinna the concert wh n benrlil for tile church oruun lurid. The profrrmn opened with tuu iuiKn'1 nciecLiutut iiy mix i iiuiiiun. tieny Murphy, Pearl Moore, and ' Ithun Ilowcn Hang ui u trio, ac- companicd at the piano by Kldoti I'ayant. i"wo reauingK were prc sciiicd, one by Mrs. Vircil Kcx ford, and the second by Mra. K. Wcbli-Bowen. Youni Ty Keller, ac companied by hlh. mother, Mrs. Lynn Keller, miiik two folo, lol-loA-ed by several ntirribei.H bv Mr. and Mrs. Kldon Payu-.m. playing the violin and cello rci jicclivoly, with Mr-. 'Ilioma.s at the oritan. Mary Jane I'ayvr of Malln ac companied Veita Hhogrcn and Ma bcl Cunningham on the organ when they hang "Indian Dawn" and "Serenade" Irom the "Student Prince". Mra. Paygr al; o played solo numbers on the Organ while the free-will offering was being taken up. Other muMcal numbers j included tho Merrill Barbershop riunrlet, composed of Olney Rudd, 1 Louis Stewart, Tom Wllliiih, and Howard Dewev who concluded their portion of the program with an "Evening Prayer." and some j very fine numbers bv the church choir directed by Eldon Puyzant. ; The &huiu sisters. Barbara. .Joan ' and Marv, pleased the audience' with vocal and liuilrumcnlal num bers. Lenten Sermon Service Extends The flflh sermon In a special the general theme of a five-day ,scrles nere in 1949 Lenten senei will be given Sun- rriPS r Bloic studies held at I Nightly topics listed by Dr. Sto rmy morning by Rev. Burgess r. nnpantl nnvlnr nf Pnl.mrv Htm. iiKt Church. Ills- topic will be "A I Darkened World " ' A solo will be given bv Mrs ' Robert H. Kins, accompanied by Mrs. "Verne J. Griffith. The Sunday night sermon topic will be. "The Answer For a Trou bled Heart." Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints flome and Martin 9:00 A.M. P-lesthood Meeting 10:30 A M Sunday School 7:00 P.M Sacrament 2:00 P.M. Sat. Primary Meeting 2:00 P.M. Tuesday Relief Society 7:30 PM. Tuesday- M. 1. A. Bible Baptist Church 2!44 Wlard Keith P. Fields, Pa-tor 9:30 a.m. Sunday tchool 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Baptist league. 7:30 p.m. Evening scrvirr. 7:30 p.m. Wedneaday, all family church night. St. Paul's Episcopal 141 Jefferson Phone 3545 Galen H. Onstad, Rector 8:00 A.M Holy Communion 9:30 A.M. Church School 11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer 7:30 P.M. Young People Tellowship. PELICAN CITY llaptlst Mission Rer. t.. W. Rowland, paslor 37.16 Lakcport Blvd. 9:30 A.M. Sunday School 10:45 A.M. Morning Worship 7:00 P.M. Evening Worship 7:00 P.M. Thursday. Young Peoples Meeting. TIRE BUY Daylo 1. DAYCOID RU1BER Dayton's exclusive Cold Rub ber blend ... in the famous Skid-Card tread . . . gives up to 50fo more sae miles. DcSoto-Plymouth n Thorobreds are for 2 Big Eiftiitirtpmmmnm)! vm . La-- r...5V- ffl A A t. . I i baHaaaiaak I I I LOOKING OVER SCORE for music to be presented at Easter Sunrise services to be presented at Drive-in Theater this year tinder joint sponsorship of three local Lutheran churches are Doris Craef, Zion Lutheran Church (at piano); Rev. Irvin Tweet, Klamath Lutheran Church (center) and Mildred Bussey, Hope Lutheran Church. Klamath Lutheran Bible Study Starts Sunday The Gospel by Isaiah" will be , .. , .... , w c.,i i10l.EE through Thursday at 7:45 p.m. Guest preacher for the series Is Dr. II. J. Stolee. Seattle, Wash. Known as the dean of Bible teach ers m the Lutheran church. Dr. Membership Class Scheduled Sunday Congregational Church is to pre sent a church membership class Sunday at 6:30 p.m. A .special booklet, "Christian Teachings." will be presented all persons attending the rmss. of the YEAR! Reasons! , necfronf-Coref Most important tire cord de velopment of the century ex clusively Dayton gives greater safely, comfort and mileaft. Phone 5126 DR. H. J. Stolee conducted a similar sermon !lce are: Sunday "Darkness to Dawn;" Monday What Shall I Preach?" Tuesday "Awake and Listen!": Wednesday '-The Gospel Song" and Thursday "The Gospel Ban quet." Special Instrumental and vocal musie will be provided along with congregational singing. ! McDonald Named Lake Rotary Boss LAKEVIEW John McDonald, supervisor of the Fremont Nation al Forest, has been elected presi dent of the Lakcview Rotary Club for 1952-53. He will succeed Carter Fetsch. Other memoera tf the new board of directors are Ray Harlan. vlce president: Glen Charles, Phil Quis- enberry and Lon Denlo. Fetsch as retiring president, will also be a member of the board. This group chose Guy Miller as club secre lary to succeed Jim Howard. Members of the current board which will retire with Installation in June are Carl Pendleton. John Buell. Les Shaw, Harlan, McDon ald and Fetsok , rTrmBilffirll INTRODUCING iv V?te Rev. Dan Bayliss Rev. and Mrs. Mathan will be! accompanied by Rev. Math an's sister and they are all ex cellent sinqers and musicians. Rev; Mathan is a top preacher and radio artist. You will be blessed and thrilled by their music and singinq and by Rev. Mathan's up to date . . . home spun . enlightening sermons. Attend our arowing Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Sunday. Tune in to KFJI 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. Sat. and KFLW 9:00 a.m. Sunday. For programs of local church 4 . ALL WELCOME i iraarjtgaaa ,.t REV. GERALD KENNEDY Home Visit Week Slated A week long program of home visitation evangelism by two-member teams of First Methodist Church will reach into 125 Klamath Falls homes next week. The program of friendly visits Into homes of "unchurched fami lies" was started in the Pacific Northwest under guidance and In spiration of BI.nop Gerald Kennedy Portland area of the Methodist Church. Under direction of Rev. Wesley Turner, pastor of Leslie Methodist cnurcn at baiem, tne visitation program will get underway Sunday in conjunction with a preaching mission. A total of 40 teams have been assigned to make the home visits. Rev. Turner will start his preach ing mission at the 7:30 p.m. Fel lowship Hour of Worship Sunday evening and continue through the week. He will also preach at the Sunday morning worship service. Burn Seeding Bids Called - LAKEVIEW Sealed bids for planting seedling trees on two of last summer's burn areas on the Fremont National Forest have been called by the Fremont, to be re ceived until 2 p.m. Monday, March 31. The call is for bids on planting seedlings on 360 acres of the Camp Creek burn and 210 acres on the Willow Creek burn. The Forest Service would furnish the trees from its Bend nursery, and the bidder would furnish took, equip ment, transportation, supervision and labor. John E. McDonald, supervisor of the Fremont, said that two bids have already been accepted for planting seedlings. One is on the Dog Lake burn and the other on the Camp Creek burn. Total acre age under the bids already let and those called in 990 acres. The pro posal calls for from 400 to 500 trees per acre. First Church of Christ, Scientist A (ranch of Tht Mother Church, The First Church at Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mats. lOrtiend Washingrae Services' Sunday Service. 1 1 a. a. Sunday School, 1 1 :00 e. m. Wednesday evtning Martina. 1:00 e'cleck. Lesson-Sermon Subiecr March 23 "MATTER" Christian Science Reading Room 1021 Main St. Radio Broadcast Sat.. 5:30 p.m. KfJi "UNLIMITED HEALTH" Of Klamath Falls Rev. and Mrs. V.'H. Mathan who will conduct an . OLD FASHIONED ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Klamath Falls Revival Center, 8th and Oak Beginning . . This Sunday at 1 1 :00 a.m. . . . also services nightly at 7:30 except Monday and Saturday vy , a '.. h Li,'.'-1 V?,! 'V mv. and Mrs. v. Fund Raising Meeting Set Dr. Paul A, Davlea, superinten dent of Oregon Congregational Con ference, will attend a building funds meeting Sunday afternoon at the Congregational Church In Klam ath Falls, Purpose of tho meeting In con tinuation of discussion for ralalmr of funds for proposed addition to me church here. The discussion will follow a pot luck dinner at 1 pm. Rev. Donald M. Casslday. pastor. stated "the sovernment of the church Is vested In Its members, who exercise the right of control In Its affairs." Ho urged that all church members attend the after noon sessions for adoption of a, financial goal In planning for ad ditional building. ur, uavies will spear at the II a.m. worship service In addition to attending the afternoon meet ings. Those attending the potluck din ner are asked to brlntr tsbl. ser vice and a favorite dish. Work Due On Power Unit PORTLAND m Work will start within two weeks on the Bonne ville Power Administration's 115,-000-volt Cardwell - Cowlitz trans mission line, a spokesman said Thursday. The line will connect the Paci fic Power ti Lisht Company's Yale jrjom protect with the Longvlew high voltage grid, Thomas E. Black. Lower Columbia District manager for BPA, said. The contract for Initial work on the Columbia River crossing a mile southeast ot Longvlew has been awarded to Lee Hoffman, Portland, on a bid of 456,243. He said the connection would make possible savings to both tha company and the government, and relieve overloaded transformers at the Chehalls substation. INCORPORATE SALEM lB Articles of incoN poratlon Friday: Tudor Guild. Inc., Medford. In corporated by Mrs. Margaret Schu ler, Mrs. Edith Braley and Mrs. Nancv Clark Jones. To promote - the Shakespeare Festival at Ash land. Lumbermen's Exchange Incor porated, of Oregon, Eugene. 70. 000. Archie C. Epps, Forrest D. Lemlev and Mrs. Norma Bell. Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed and Purse Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Marguerite M. Ward and Sont ,925 High Phone 3334 to citizens REVIVAL at the - 'atol H. Matnan JM