PAGE EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FRIDAY, MARCH 21. 1IS2 Senate Approves Treaty With Japan By Big Vote; Truman Signature Assured WASHINGTON I The Senile tins overwhelmingly approved a generous peace treaty with Japan six and one-balf years after the I surrender In Tokyo Bay ended norm war ii. President Truman Is expected to sign It promptly. Thirty-eight Democrats and 28 ; late Thursday as It rolled up a 66 SCHUSTER SAYS FAREWELL TO SLAIN SON Max Schuster (center) kisses the casket of his slain son, Arnold, before interment in Monlefiore cemetery, Queens. At right, the dead youth's mother muffles sobs with a handkerchief. Arnold's tip led to arrest of bank robber Willie Sutton. He was shot down in gangland fashion on a Brooklyn street. Double Job For Busy Republican SEATTLE Wl W. Walter Wll Hams has two jobs chairman of nrtlon Immediately was Issued by William Howe, Spokane Republican who heads the Eastern Washincton tub-thumpins for Tall. "I am writins to all members of the Republican State Executive Committee on the matter." Howe said. "It is unthinkable and plain msuiCng that Williams should ex press a desire to continue as state chairman. Such a situation could split the GOP wide open. "The plncinsr of a state chairman in this untenable position proves to me that the Elsenhower orsan- lrahon people don t know tneir way 4 Motor Freight Rate Up OK WASHINGTON U The Inter state Commerce Commission Thursday approved the lull six per cent rate Increase sought by Pa cific Northwest motor freight car riers. ' The Increase, matching a rate hike epproved for Western rail roads last year, was authorised for belonging; to the Pacific Inland Tar iff Bureau anil operating In Wash incton. Orecon. Idaho. Montana. California and Utah. It Is effective on one dav's notice to customers. In grantins the full six per cent rate boost, the ICC overruled an examiner who had recommended four per cent and the Office of Price stabilization which had asked the commission to hold any In crease to not more than two per I cent. I The 4CC said the carriers had ' nrnved their case for a six per cent advance on the basis of in creased costs for labor and ma terials in the past year. to 10 favorable vote, far than the required two-thirds. On. Democrat, McCarran or Ne vada, who often opposes adminis tration policies, and nine Republi cans voted against It. All Wash ington and Oregon senators voted for it. Only the formality of the sign log of a proclamation bv the Pres. ident remains before ihe United States completes Its action to end the state of war with lis once bit ter foe. The treaty Is expected to be flown to Key West, Fla. for the President's signature. Officials be lleve he will act early next week. The document provides that It must be approved by at least seven of 13 nations, all with vital inter ests Jn the Pacific. So far It has been approved by five of these. In addition to the United States. They are: Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Ceylon and Japan' Itself. Yet to act are Canada, Franre, Indonesia, The Netherlands, Pakistan and the Philippines. The Senate also approved three Pacific Security pacts which the administration has said were of equal Importance. Those with tli Philippines and with Australia and New Zealand went through quickly on vole votes. But the pact with Japan produced some debate and a roll rail vote In which It was approved M to t. The Japanese peace treaty re stores the full sovereignty of Japan over Its home Islands. But she renounoes title to Korea, Formo sa, and a number or other Islands. Japan agrees to apply for U.N. membership and live peaceably In accordance with U.N. charter prin ciples. Her obligation to pay repara tions Is recognised; but the treaty aays that because of limited re sources these payments should be confined to assets she has In atir plus excess labor and umuted plant capacity. JnP" not to grant Under the aecurlly treaty. Si'llV.m.t''?, bH'o!,0Hn.,h"'d PUW' u,u.a ... i. ii,. i.i,i ''"" u. consent, keep military forces In and around Japan. An administrative agree ment already lias been aigned oov r.rliiit the facilities to be used by these forces, T.doi a AS PI I POM CHItt im rm is IOIAII ?S BE VAN LOSES VOICE LONDON in Aneurln Bcvan came down with laryngitis Friduv. The Welsh orator, who has been sparking a lefiwlng revolt within the Labor party, was forced to cancel weekend speaking enuage ment at. Wallsend. alilii W.rk Meat laiy aiNT a rvrinniTst snniNO MtmtM Eltvtrl. r Lm ai.aik't r.LI a Mailt it Ik. Pioneer Office Supply Television Blamed For Short Weight inNDON in A coal dealer Mains nas two jods cnairman oti ff- " - ,-.-.,., i-HHav in. reas- the Washington State. Republican XS&lXXtY. Committee, and the National Cit- !ct, a move that never should have teens for Eisenhower committee .been made. Walter Williams is a and he intends to keeD them both. ! smart man. but I feel he wss He is due in Seattle Friday to ibadly advised.' BEE SLZZ SnXomish County chair- S he ""n campaign Ikeand ' Williams. lead his party at the same time. . They are the Republicans who pre fer Sen. Taft's candidacy for the presidency over that of the famed live-star general. Williams told of his Eisenhower plans in Washington, D. C, Thurs day, then hopped a plane to Seattle and a meeting with state GOP bigwigs. He said in Washincton that he would, divide his time between Washington State and New York I City, where tne Eisenhower offices are. His main' job for the general will be to whip tin national grass roots support for the general. ' ' He will be assisted in his national Job by Paul G. Hoffman, former chief of the Economic Cooperation Administration .with whom he vis ited Ike in Paris last week. Hoff man, now head of the Ford Foun dation, said he will obtain a leave of absence from that organization to work with Williams. Williams, unsuccessful GOP sen atorial nominee from this state in I960, succeeds Arthur H. Vanden berg Jr.. who has transferred to Washington.. D. C. where he will servft .as deputy to Sen. Lodge (R.-Mass.), Gen. Eisenhower's campaign manager. Eisenhower supporters in this state were jubilant at the announce ment but Taft followers raised quick obiections. A demand for Williams' resig- on he short-weighted six customers. Said counsel tor tne oetense; "The men who filled the sacks did Ihe Jobs hurriedly, as they had accepted an invitation from housewive who was a customer to watch the King's funeral procession on her television set." The dealer was fined $25.20. TOIRIST EXODUS STARTS NEW YORK ITI The spring! tourist exodus to Europe began I MISSES C.OAI, Fridav with 4.600 passengers sched-' CAMBRIDGE, Eng. i Joseph ulcd to sail within 24 hours. j Kester died Friday at the age ot Shipping officials said this was 104. 10 years short ot the goal he the greatest number ever for so ! set himself at his recent birthday early a date. 1 party. A f t V y t THANK YOU ! ! from the bottom of our hearts, to our ... FRIENDS . . for th beautiful flowers! CUSTOMERS., .., ,iB. ,..,., . Reipectfully Tke, KLAMATH PASTRY SHOP . 20 Main Pn 344 Next to Carmichatl's Nstaa4 SATURDAY SPECIALS' CREAM PUFFS - CREAM PIES FRENCH PASTRY Y y y f x ? y y y y FEBRUARY 22 TO FEBRUARY in SPECIAL SALE belle, sh armcor leg-size stockings Regular $1.95 at WAR a pr. Box of 3 pr. $4.97 Regular $1.75 at $1.49 a pr. Box of 3 pr $4.37 fttgulor $1.65 at t!.43 a if Boxef 3pr.$4.19 Regular iUSot $1.19 a pr Bex of 3 pr . $3.47 To introdu fabulous fittia Belle shirratw Leg iiie Hockinp more leg-wise women, uiut "think you' te U mt regular Betle-Shirnuei customer!, we offer these pecitl price foi drii tlselc only. AU of tb rraarteet aew ihtdei, in all oizte, and in all weighu. Every fair ll '! flawleia Belle-Sharmur quality and in perfect Belle Sbarmeer fit. Do'come in and be Befle-Sbsrtneer filled. 411 atabM for thnitt farncrtif ttr aanall Inn tu Ian SiioBlolO'A Si8V;toli SlH toilet i or uui Imtr I AUCTIONEERING Sale Management nd C rn d I a mi W m i 'm - Ol Anettflf ?rrp . . . .ftjll'n g . ' Mt'mU i muira rroipree Kfaarr Succewful Salrs ire the Result of rroper.'c Pronation. 1lanurimnl nrl titKilnH...!.. ' S S peril Hiinr In FARM. PCRKBRED I.IVeI STOCK and REAL ESTATE AUCTION'S. G. W. (Jerry) FALES, Al'CTIONEKR 53M Alva Klamath Falls Ph. 1-3455 Fit Serrice on Thurrh A Rrnrfit Auctions DR. NOLES OPTOMETRISTS URGE YOU TO SEND THE WHOLE CHILD TO SCHOOL PARENTS, it depends upon you . . . don't let defective vision cause your child to be a failure. Before your child starts to school have Dr. Nolcs Optometrists give him a complete eye examination. You can consult with conlidcncc Dr. Noles Optometrists who have served the families of the Northwest for over 46 years. Stop in today no appointment necessary. Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. family ("dil Itimt, elwoyt. C0LUMI1AN OPTICAL (0. SEARS. I0EIUCK l CO. COtUMIIAK OPTICAL CO. 3I 1. W. AIV, f itlon ilt N. I. Grand A. roillind 7)0 Main SI., Klomelh till! Br. Ontr J. Nolei, Dr. I. Ataatndar, Dr. Irar, Dr. H. I. Sultrier, Dr. K. I. laitiel 0PEMIM6 v4 10 BIG DAYS AT KALINA'S IN MAUN! Big Savings on this 9.2 cu. ft. ZENITH REFRIGERATOR! The new Zenith Refrigerator ii scientifieaJly designed and engin eered te give perfect circulation af cold air throughout the entire food storage compartment. . You arc anured of an even tem perature from top to bottom. . . and without excess moisture. Get all the facti about the Zenith. . . Compare it with other refrigerator!. You'll find that feature for feature, dollar for dollar. Zenilh is your BEST BUY. REDUCED TO mmmm the latest iw5 Convenient Terms Arvin triumph of i w roaettood plaillc aljllng J I New . . . xfep.atyle pointer New . . . (tenoned dial f furl New ... ACDC elrcult New. . . ma(n baa tan : : Regular 24.95 U&vf Ibicc I I I l II 3J THtssptau omit m 10 dw osiy &eu tit 1U ytfitoiu 1ftu Ktttt Full 9.25 cubic fool grots capocity ... . Mort than 16 q. ft. of ihtlf arta. Giant Frozen Food Lorittr , . . H.ldf up to 42 lbs. frown moati, ' Full width Suptr Crupor. , . Capacity II quarti. Rcmy "fait chill" tray rww .xtra cold ton. along.. H.raotically "mM In tll" IcrM pwr Tcuh Prlclion Flan . . . y.ur turanc. f totiifact.ry (MrforiMnc..' SALE STARTS TOMORROW AT tiki M' ' inton it o $30 to $40 sovlnrj on o new 1962 model Zenith Wash er . . . This unusuolly low price is possible bncoui of a lrrntndous quanlil purchoi by our suppliers,! during th orT-soson pro duction period. Whn present stocks or. gone Iher. will b no iVior. ot this price. li s th greatest washtr buy you will se. this year, I to com. in now ond lad. advantage of this saving. liberal Trad. -In Alln leiy T.rma IN MAUN ph. 680 This It Ihe Zenilh Washer with the famous bowl-shoped tub 10 .produce faster and mor. .flici.nt water action . , , gels clolhes cleaner foster , . . Tub is d.ubl.-well construction which keeps wal.r hoi much longer . . . You con't beat Zenilh tor washing afficl.ncy . Con. i". compare. lMrf for Urgit lep