IIICKALO AM) NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, '.OREGON t'lUDAY, MARCH 21, 10.V2 PAGE SEVEN DEMOLISHED Taul Johnson of Santa Monica, Calif., sadly surveys his demolished Karagc and damaged auto after a "baby tornado" struck the area. The twister, did con siderable damage, collapsing walls, chimneys and plate glass windows in its path., Reds May Be Near Deal On Prisoner Exchange; Some Issues Still Left MUN8AN, Korea lT"l Commu mat truce negotiators Indicated Friday they may be ready to com promise on the deadlocked laaue of exchanging prisoners of war. The Red- submitted a furmal I wo sentence vernlon of their March 5 plan for trading prtsonern. H mad no mention of voluntary repatriation, the only Important lanue blocking agreement.. . There l "absolutely nothing new In the. Communiht propos al, al(l Brig Clrn. Wllllitm P Nuckola. U.N. spokesman. . On the surface, he aald.. It does nothing to break the deadlock over whether prisoner should have the right to choose whether they ire to be repatriated. However, other observers Inter preted what the Communlat pro-, poaal did not aay an significant.' They eald the Reds may want to compromise, but are not '. ready to aay how. "tte Reds suggested that negoti ations proceed on the basis of prisoner rosters exchanged Deo. IS , , Uflder the Communlat plan the 11. N. Command would return )3J, 412, and the Communlata 11,469. Neither aide euggrated eecret talk to speed agreement. The U.N. Command Indicated Thursday it 'would agree to otf- Rescue Rough On Trolleyman PHILADELPHIA Trolley Motormnn Albert J. Cooney aw Unmet nhoolliiK out of a notice, Mopped hln car and turned In a box alarm. Cooney cllmlird ba k In hla trol ley and continued hia rim 'Ihursday US Planes Score Win the-record negotiation. If the Red . --V - . . wanted to abandon dally progress report. A second group of atalf olftcerx working on truce Mipervlnlon ex changed mapa of 10 porta of entry through which troop and supplies will move Into Korea during an armlnllce. The Communlat mapa failed to -how exact areaa In which neutral Inspection teama would be allowed to operate. But. the Reds pronilwU ,iu.iml ill lliu iict-mnni uvviiim vt- I ei nliht." ' Art Allied, staff olflcer said hia trolley. The truck collided headon Into the trolley at a Went Philadelphia intersection. Five firemen . and three trolley passengers were injured, none aer ioualy. , - expecta ."no . trouble" In reaching agreement on areas to be Inapect ed. He Indicated final detail! may , be worked out 8aturday. A compromise on prisoner ex- ' change could pave the way to ! speedy agreement on an armistice. Aalde from the luue of volun-' lary repatriation, only two major problemi remain unsolved. They are Communlat nomination of Ho vlet Ruaafa to a neutral Inspection commission 'and an Allied de mand for a bap on military air- , field construction In North Korea. The Communl.'t prisoner ex chaiute proiKisnl would mean aban donment, at least for the time be- lug, of demands for an account he ! Ing of missing war prisoners. Over Reds SEOUL, Korea.! W American Sabre pilots., destroyed or dam aged 1.1 to IS Red Jets In a aeries of flidiis Thursday climaxed by history's longeat 'Jet battle. . Darkening, r.k las prevented exact assessment of results of a 40 min ute doKlight over North Korea. But pilots of r1-B8 fiabre Jets aatd they damaged t least, three MIO-ISj and ponnlbly eight. s. . j In two earlier ,. enga'gcmenU Thursday (he Batores-repotted they r.hot down, five Mills' and damaged five. , . - . In the 40 minute battle 21 Sabres tangled with 40 MIC In. a .flgttt running over 70 miles from Btnanju to the Yalu River border with Man churia. The longer.! previous Jet ba'tle laitcd 35 minutes. . . The ' fight brought the Sabrat! Ihree day record to at leait-3t and ixwilblv 36 Red Jets' hit, Including ill shot down. Tlie Air Force said the bag of Red warplune how stands at 2J2 destroyed, 39 probably, destroyed and 436 damaged a total of 697. Fifth Air Force mounted 989 aorlles Thursday, seven more thsn Its previous record set April. 30, 1951 Far East-Air Force plane cut rails In 100 places, destroyed 105 trucks, 12 gun positions, four .sup ply dumps, two- rail bridges, 'a. 23 Fidtrcrl Jiidgts , To Go! On Btnck , , . ) - ' WASHlUbTOM 'T i-- The Hatnt Judiciary Committee Thursday ep- 7rotd an orrmlbus bill providing-1 Cm-the ortatlon of 33 nrw- laderil- judgeships, i '':.'.. .- . : The House bill would Create : an iddltlonal- dlHrfct ' Judf sshlo. In Wastsrn Washington, .and Alaika. , To.- addltloll- circuit ludges war approted .for the Ninth pi, trlct compoisd ,of California. Ore gon, Nevada,; waiblngtorv Idaho, Arl6na, Alaika, -Mawall and 911am... ; ' . , ' ' bunkers aiid" destroyed' or dam. 78 supply . IroUdJnga. ased-7 Marine pilots also set a record 1 with 1i Sorties. The Leithemeek I fliers drooDed tons' ef .bomb and I napalm on a. sprawling -Rtd'iiupply area near Krh?.. Carrle'r-baieI plane 'eore(f 138 rail cuts along the North JCorea!j east coast.' The Carrier Philippine Bea returned ,to action during the day. Joining the U.S.B. Valley Forge. . , . Ground, action, was 'light with small, -sporadic lights flaring across the peninsula. .. - WURLITZER. A matnUiml ' ' piam. Many lavely ttylet mmi flsiihe. M chMM Irafla. LOUIS' R. MANN ' PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th ' a 1 StJ08eph AffIRIN DANCE DORRIS -CITY HALL SAT. MARCH 22 ' Doncing 10 to 2 Music by - y VERN EMLEY and His Harmony Kings -Sponsored by Dorris Boys' Club . -; ;:. ,..roR;SALi.,', V kaalroom t, eni!atinajf a),afris anal martrtlt, vanrtr,. ffhttt . af ajrawtra , .Call a 120 Na. tOfh , Si? p Ralph Flonoaon Will ' Conduct a Done Contest hka will a apes ta all 4rx athutietti ! Hie Klamarti leils. He will wsfd saecial traaKy H Hie, wln mni the (ysetrl us will ta praMstea with tlaea faa iCA-Vktar .racers' alaumi, uiimfh4 ky him. Lacsl 'lie lackeys eaa' riewtme will act ai juSfM far the ctetcjt. laldy Sayt L.t's Donta Aaain With RALPH AND HIS GREAT 17-PIECE RCA VICTOR RECORDING ORCHESTRA (MANY POLLS RATE THIS BAND THE NO. 1 IN THE NATION IT'S BETTER THAN EVER) featuring HARRY PRIME - RITA HAYES THE SINGING WINDS ARMORY TUES, MARCH 25 ADVANCE TICKETS ON SALE AT DERBY MUSIC CO. The advance le will be limited te 500 tickets at II. SO (rax included). The srics at the dance will be $1.10. ,. :a ..... Dom't Expect a Babbit in TM Brave Xew World I Thi Buslneg of Being There's Flattery in Eeri Line of this STITCHED TAFFETA .1 Your w'oijf simply disappears in the flowing - ' - v ' lines of this richly styled dress of , Keovy navy, fayon'toffeta stitched in white. ' , Volurninous'"swishy'' skirt is highlighted by giant shiny buttons and wide, wide belt. ' A'.'go everywhere' costume ; 'r ' you'll prize for Spring. Fashion Solon Stcond Floor Infos; 1i y fi; a . . where Fashion jsltYiaking his '. . , 1 . . . V. SLTSat teat:.. to be pulled. ottt of a hat . .'.the mllltyway tor turn to- toJcV-'.. . Bprint lo come in like alamb . ,'va Ullpn Hollar inheritance but DO expect ,1 to look ahlnlng ruper-ssrdce--ai RICKTI ur five your beloved brows curled . . DIAMONDS new life' wlfrt i Over the' sts-;a- DIA u, MOND has' been the most MOUNTINGS do.. jf Don t - let . an - outmoded jwoudtui. date- your -prec-t :. leus stones (. . a modern zaountlnj; costs so L1T1LE - does so MUCH for jour If the atene TOur lowd one f ave you back: about 197 lectkx.-as old fashioned as a feather boa, take it.to BICKTS there's a style to suit evarjr .ttate:. .'. let stlCKTS.set it or THEM jou tit X.uCTCX,.lrt a smart new setting . iet;Jiow It ean.be glorified, and PROTECTED from lessUi a frwi-short heruxs . ..If you want lo Ufc-oft at fcfhfr'fbr.a' flight. to the Azores a net you've 'decided at peep of dawn that your DIAMONDS must, bo-set' to match your IMS vacation' wardrobet, hustle them to KICKT8 and tfy away happy before day Is done. . Don't proerartinate .. , thlnlc; back to therlast time your, wadding setsj. v your dinner rings,, the gms ' that encircle 70ur; f averite watch have been cleaned and the settings 'checked. ., . too LONG - for safety probably . . it's.-the MCUKTrNQ'.that' maker the difference ., . the coat Is BO much leas than-you ever dreamed at "Tour- Keglstereei, Jewelers, '.WO. Main; ...,". RICKYS .' Trae beaoty,. aays' Jady Helllday famOna stag anaT aereea star, b.laaralag ta achedole ynr Ue a tkat eaek, day Is filled with things yea- Bbe U 'da . ..- Uka reading while the stew is Msaiag ar waitisg far rdppa te eeme bene freaa the . aaatiag rink. She likes to satat fnraitar . . s .aha palata while lit-- tening ta Esehaaaaiaf tt: Ftelada ; ia C Sharp Mtow. ge kera'a 'to paliihiag year BrJBd wkUe ye dip the -. keep the family ketrrfraaaosiag' the haJr-eaah . to .groom. the fr. '"., : . ' . . :";'.'..'.: . ';,. ; , M 'lSj:Apr1i:F't no. beating- around) the busK . ; rio second 'hand information 'nor cooled off copy;.!, the iron;is HOT; . 'i lt'ttoeo'STHrKS: agalnst the.bbnd aeof .winter ahd go to TOUK STORaVand . RKVEfr In th,e "bouquets or 1ba.uty";..jioetic 'BKD 8PREADS ert the SECOMD floor.- . v . ' ' s -Just in and; ttArmtofor you ' . . oerf eetiv handsome CHTKTZ ' 1 he d s p r e:a 'd's, FLORAL and PLAIN..-. CruNT2' an41- PAILLE icom- hiniflons. GurFS D'-. arirJ ROWLEt),. pastel frosting .for jour boudoir . . quilted, tops. eprihklM with posies .'. ISl.M . . matching drapesf, . drtssinr . table, skirts : and- shams on;.ofder. '. .. . ,'. ..,-'. : It's time. ''to '.welcome the miracle of Sbrlnr wart one of those-, exquisite PLODNCED SATIN quilted BEDSPREADS . . regal accept for an elegant' - setting . . heavenly colors j . .plum, dusty rose; magnolia, leaf green, ssa foam' green,.Xelly,sand dozen others;. . $1!.M to flt.M .'. at TOtR STORE. .1 ! CHENILLES 'that echo EA3TER colors .. -. sculptured 'ipastels ,' and' nailhead whites , . beautiful . fahtafles lh unlimited: patterns'. .' Y HtJOE;asortment to match any decor, fringed and nlin,kM, to, JI.B., .-. , . j. KitJS-trras bver-feady.- naveriwear.out. iron- oah-maleh-.'em-easyy B.,T1S COfTTON bed spreads, the Jtlnd thatcan "taka it" from your grOwliuj '' famtlyj . 'dozens. 'of ' colors '.- . skadeodles of -patterns at prices 'to -suit yotf at 7:1 Mauv I:- Here't' a- new1; aae'- far ' thaw attracttve, eelarfnl Wibl Uacra glass aad alah towels .. . ., they xaaka ehanalMg toddler's dreaees and play atdtt., PUaiaa that the' deaigas tarn- the triaaxtlag . ar a4herartae highlight the . garment of business 'that women are exploring WE gals NEED to put our best face forward . . need . . sleek . , to keep- our eye our cheeks "touchable" . . our lips tantalizing . . our fingertips, presentable as .' tho we -were ready to say lemon or sugsr?" . Now NO one knows better than HELENA RUBINSTEIN, and CUR RIN'S the .greatest career woman between poles, the value of every precious minute after you check in to the boss's office . . yet sh realizes that impeccable good looks are a business ' asset that, must receive streamlined care ... and that's, not ALL . . you must shine like a new star on the. horizon with real remlnine glamor for 'that after-business DATE. SO ....HA. and Cl'RRIN'S have the answer to your maiden's prayer . .' the TOP DRAWER BEAUTY BOX that contains EVERY thing you need. tor impress the chairman .of the board or the man. cooling his heels in the reception room.- . NEATNESS counts and there's no - danger that THIS beauty . equipment will spill or leak .:'; lift -the lid. and here you ARE . DEEP CLEANSER to remove every trace of smudges on : your ' .tip-tilted - nose , . leaves - your skin clean, clean . . STAY-LONG LIPSTICK . . the first truly creamy indelible lipstick that STAYS on from the time you peep an eye at the alarm ia the dazzling dawn , until , you creep .-out of your French STAYS- as the, stars set the next- morn . . IS GORGEOUS shades . . Your office nails -are-under constant .scrutiny and men. hate- natts-that are chipped and frazzT . .to the .rescue HELENA RUBIN STEIN'S NAIL POUSH with the incredible cling . . base -coat- built . RIGHT into the polish .'.-', Cl'RRIN'S KNOWS; no gal's eyes can flirt without maddeningly ' flirtatious laslwa . . MASCARA, won't run even when the rain streams down, look a little wicked, a little win some . . Make like a lady with HELENA RUBIN STEIN'S SILK COMPACT POWDER is com pressed form . . wear it WITHOUT a base because the- FOUNDATION is IN the powder . . It's the quick' MAKE-TJP' for the quick TOUCH-UP. clings - like your very own skin BECAUSE it contains ATOMIZED SILK . . Now you're fresh as a field daisy, rarin' to go ... .touch your .favorite- COLOGNE stick, where the first kiss .'is sure to fall and AWAY gals AWAY with-;the help of Cl'RRIN'S handy "mirror in the lid" TOP DRAWER BEAUTY BOX that you've found for J.9S at Ninth and Main,'.. :--, . - - ' ,; , ,Slttk tricks .. . . aveld akinning the backs of toot shoes and heels when driving a ear by sinking yoor -heels Into; a sponge rubber kneeling' pad. placed on floor of car . wont interfere with driving. Can You Think ot Any OTHER 'subject, just NOW: when' Spring is' so NEAR tyet so FAR away, and the rhubarb leaves are still curled beneath a show drift and the first tender shoots ot asparagus are wait ing for a bid from sun and rain . . than the subject of FRESH VEGETABLES from CARTERS'? , If you've never SEEN the beauty in the dewy freshness of " WATER CRESS against the deep purple .of an EGG PLANT ... the lush, red ripeness of vine colored TOMATOES . . RED CABBAGE and' tiny BEETS , ..or the bloom on skins of new red POTATOES '.'. the frilled leaves, of New York HEAD LETTUCE .. bright mby RHUBARB or caught the pungent aroma of green ONIONS you've never been, to CARTERS' . . Have never een the MIRRORED orderliness . . the precision - placing . . the tempting FRESHNESS of- the FRESH VEGETABLES In this department. , ' ; ; Why pine your, soul away WAITING for the earth' to Warm . . for seeds to sprout . . for HARVEST time, when, NOW while snowflakes swirl' and breezes 'chill you. can dial MSlt or better STILL go ; SEE- and SHOP in person with "Your Most;' Thoughtful Grocer", Hit Esplanade,; ,, . -- a new grandmother . is MOST disturbing . . keeps folks going in a bunny trot between here and there . . thoughts all "squiggly" heart all wlggly , . arms a 'waiting' and not one thing to do but mark time and SHOP at MILLER'S In that delightful- CHIL DREN'S . DEPARTMENT sizing, up the most prec ious COATS for tots and teens . . bright and gay as a '.whole basket' of Easter eggs . . 1M wool . . sweetest YOU'VE seen for many a year . . Cunning .little- HOME SPUNS . .. pretty little rayons . . shadow plaids and plain . . stunning-little flairs and flirty PRINCESS numbers . . all the freshest new Spring colors . . navy coats with bright-plaid trim and bright plaid lining . . COATS with yokes and coats without them . . Honey Bunny COATS with bat-wing sleeves like Mommie's, . .. Sweetheart coats for lovable lap warmers . . COATS with braid and coats with gorgeous buttons . . SHORTIE coats . . FULL-LENGTH coats . . COATS for little PRINCESSES t-U. meaning SUB-TEENS too . . sweet as dew on a bright June morning . . some with bright medallions, pretty enough for Easter parading . . casual enough for school . . . spun- sugar sweethearts starting as low as $9.95 . . bar gains in beauty at 512 Main, ' MILLER'S .'. ' :. 6pray-dye faded rags instead at boiling . . . when warm weather comes, spread rugs on lawn, sweep and remove spots ... add extension cord 1 your vacuum cleaner so It can be nsed out doors , .' . prepare dye, boil ing hot, as for, dipping ... fill spray jar with hot dye ... be sure to keep it at boiling point. An (xlO-ft. rag takes six packages of dye. This is enough to spray three times . spray forces dye into fabric. Here's how to clean these nard-to-get-at corners in mirrors and window panes without damaging the frames. Wet a chamois In rich detergent sods, wring nearly dry. then insert into a fold In the cloth a pencil, acrew driver or matchstick. Vac- this well-draped point for routing the dirt from close corners. Out Before The First tulips . . here before the snow Is gone .' . ready and waiting for, every gal. in our town the TRIMMEST, forever young, bright and beauti ful SUITS between ocean and ocean SPRING TONIC brought by TOWN SHOP In the midst ot a baby blizzard we basked in SPRING . . Spring weaves . . Spring color . . Spring texture . . Spring trims . tucked away: in the SUIT department . . almost SMOTHERED in SUITS at TOWN SHOP Here, without putting one foot In front of the other YOU will find your ENTIRE EASTER WARDROBE . . suits for Springtime . . suits for Summer . . suits for Autumn wearing and suits for cooler days . . Two piece suits, that keep their freshness . . suits that snuggle your waist and round your hips . . suits in Butcher linen, Cohama Strut ter cloth, gabardines and sharkskin, suits made of CIPANGO cloth, lovely as soft ribbed faille i . day in, day out SUITS to take you BEAU ING , . to take you working . . to take you PROUDLY in the Easter Parade . . with, double collars, double cuffs, new lapels, tuxedo fronts, stunning buttons Suits in ALL the- colors ever dreamed of .' . Pink Glow and Violet . . gorgeous Copper for the girl with dark brown eyes, gold and red and aqua too, grays and blues and other hues . . stripes and checks and plaids and plain at TOWN SHOP Suits in nylon and acetate, in all wool soft as a gray dove's wing ... suits for figures through 2( , . your dollars will dance for JOY at prices . . IH.9S to $37.95 And while you're THERE . . there's more to do . . ADD your ACCESSORIES . . for TOWN SHOP gals Is ready too, with stunning HAND BAGS . . sheer, sheer HOSE smart GLOVES and JEWELS and SCARVES and FLOWERS . . eloquent accents - for perfect grooming from SCO Main, TOWN SHOP CARTERS' , these are bv easy to lasmaer. , . s . ' ..,,.. '-.. : . .,' .'.!.. A: ' -