FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 10B2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OHKGON PAGE THRM I Willi II III II 1,1111 l HUM I, .! (,- -is j.: linirivln Mm. Hlcliiird Pltm lim, llrnlry, In reeovcrliiK In Hill Mile ioiltnl Mlowliw inn lor mil1 Hf y unci inny now have ylaltora. Mrcllnf The hcciiihI annua) twcilnv. ol tlir KlMiinlh llucln 01 v lf Hrrvlre I,nmur, Inc. will he hi-lrt March 31, B p in. In Did Com inunlly l.duiiur. KJB N. 811). The board or dlrrclurn will renorl on whnt him brcn dune 'or (he I.oiiiim". flminclnl report will be made ml three new directum arh-ctrd. Drlta (Imiiim chapter. Del phlnnn will nirrl Mnrrh 26, IMo n.m. In the YMCA. Mm. - II. E. Oft, will hi lender tr the dnv and llii! KUhloct Inr dln-ui :n will bp, Education, American Style, tin (Inr the lolluwliiK hendlimn. E.wclnl Aiirnclm an nn ICdiicntlonrl orce, Partridges To Be Raised PORTI.AND ( Tlie Oroiion Onine CiiiiimlMiloi) linprn lo ruli-e 10,1100 AMallc Chuknr pArlrl'lui'3 for rclcne in KiiMein Orrynii ivr.l (nil. 'Hid hermlnton mmio (nrm In Ill-Mis converted to handle 7,000 and the remainder will be mined at the OnUtrio umne (mm, tho com miaalon in Id. . In the' pnnt two yearn, the com nilxRlon .linn hullt up -breeding (lock of 1300 chukara. A trial plant of 270 Ohnknm wnn made In he Warner Valley near Lnkevlew laat O.-lober and nurvlved one of tho aeverent wlntera on record (or the area. Norman Mlnnlrk, lunie accnt, Mid. , , The birds hnve been pliintcd miri cenafull)' In rough, arid rrglnni) of Wnahlnnton and Nevada- i Probation Given On Forgery Charge Five yearn )robotlon on charge of forgery waa ulven 21-year-old Don Kennedy Mnjors In Circuit Court thla morning. Majom earlier ihln week pleaded millty to canhlnir two check! for I7 at Dick Herder's clolhlnR llore In November, 1051. lie wax arretted In Yuma, Aria., and returned here the middle of February. CONTRACT BALFM Wi The State Highway Commlwdon awarded a contract Thursday for coiwl ruction of two fiO-fool brldKcn over the Tualatin River on the projected Weal Port-land-fialem highway. The IKM.S30 contract went to Donald M. Drake Co.. Portland. Modern Bocletlea Challenge to the Clnnnroom, Achieving Common l'urponea, How Bhnll School be Financed, Meeting - School NeedK Efficiently.',' . ('nip Fire tllrla to ntnrt nerlan of alng komiIoiiii, alartlng Saturday, 10 a.m., utmlnlrs In the Vcleran'a Memorlnl Building, ,4th and Klanv nth. All Klrl mrmbsrs and leaders urged to attend. . . Graduated -Kay 1. Karr.Heaman apprentice UflN, boh of Mr. and Mm. A. A. Karr, Weed, haa (trad ualed from the Aviation Machin ist's Mate School. U.S. Naviil Air Technical Tralnhiii Center, Mem phla, Tenn, ' , . Tralnlnf Kurl L. McUnuxhey, quarteriiinnter, ' third olnaa, UHN, non of Mr. and- Mrs, J. A. Mo OiiUHhey, 23 1 il Kberlcln, nerving aboard the IJBH nubninrlne Clink, recently pnrtlclpatcd In the lurKcnl Pacific Fleet trrlnlng exerclten -'M nlnre Hie Ktv i OK'.if': Over 70 ahlpa and 16,000 men of l'ie Navy ar,l nnwly-ncllvated 3rd Marinas took art. .. Special Meet Faculty wlvea of OTJ will hold a anclnl meei'r 1 1 Ihe home of Mm. Ocoive JI: per . on caiiipun, Tueiuiiv, p.m. Kprlnt't Here Porcupine are nut. Duke. poocM- owned by Mn. 11. M. McVelKh, 6740 Delaware went n'huntlnii and came home with a none full of qutlln. 8equel a trip to the veterinarian. Collcf e ' Honor . Jinp Blnke owenn, eoiv oi Mr., ano r. J. v Owena, 2030 Fremont St., wan, one of Id chairmen (elected bv Junior clana officers at the Unlvrrnlty of Oregon to bead1 a committee for Junior Weekend, May 9 through 11. Owen la chairman of the float parade, ; ' , lliimiMav PnnHneleil bv Klamath Lutheran Ladlea Aid to day and tomorrow ' at the Subur ban Lumber Co., 9th and Walnut 81". Yacht Cluh Sunday dinner of- fera fried chicken. Make re'jrva lions by phonliu MIKe or Bfiiian Regan. . , , 4-H Lamb Drawing Held This Month TULELAKE Merobera of the Lava Bed AeslrvTour-H Sheep Club members met March 9 to draw names tor lambs given for their Four-H club prolecl by their leader Joe Cox, local sheepman. Each of the 13 boya and girls now haa a lamb to raise for fair show ing. . Cox la taking the club member! and their parents through his lamb ing sheds Sunday. I 'i' ','' ' ' ' ' t it f r -n f hJ: ' ?v$?fS I ffCU i'P jt Rewey Death Learned Here Word has been received here by Verle Hazeltlne of the death March 17 of Charles O. Rcvev. one time resident of Klamath Falls. He waa 41' years old. Cause of (lecth was attributed to heart attack. Mr. Rewey and his wife. Mrs. Georgia Rewey left here In 1041 to make their home in Missoula, Mont. While here Is was employed as a glass cutter for BalslRcr's. He also operated his own glass shop for a- time and farmed with his father, B. B. Rewey. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Georgia Rewey, Missoula. Mont.; one son, Cpl. Floyd O. Rewey, Greenville, 8. C; one daughter, Carolyn Rewey, Medford: one sis ter, Mrs- John C. Eckcrt. Read ing, Penn.; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burley B. Rewey, Anchorage, Alaska, and two brothers. Harold with the Air Force In England and Delmar Rewey, Arlington, Va. Funeral services are being held today In Missoula, Huge Biscuit Display Here Over a quarter million crackers 280,000 to be exact product o( National Biscuit Company, and baked In the company's multi-million dollar plant at Portland, Ore., Tuesday, went on display at Ore gon Food Store No. 3 on 8. 6th St. today. The display of 14.000 packages of Nabisco Snowflake Crackers weighed In at one ton. Wesley Decker, National Biscuit Company district representative for Southern Oregon and Northern California, dreamed up the promo tion stunt in conjunction with Bend- Portland Trucking Servlca and Jot Falea, manager of Oregon Food stores. Bend-Portland maintains aq overnight service here from Port land (or NBC. There are approximately 44,000 . rsons living on the Caribbean 'and of Antigua. ARCH Theatre LT TICKETS for the April 12 annual Klamath Falls Barbershop Parade go on sale Saturday at 1 p.m. at Derby's, and these eager Barbershoppers want first chance. Actually they have to stand in line with the rest of the community for the ducats. (Upper left to right around the circle), Don Miller, Sam Thomson, Olney Rudd, Ticket Chairman Charlie Bane, George Meyers, Dan House, Cecil Adams, Bill Peake, and AI Longe. Chorus Due April 12 Tickets for the annual Klamath Falls Barbershop Parade, set April 12 for the Pelican Theater, go on sale starting at 1 p.m. tomorrow at Dcrby'a Music Store. More than a dozen of the Pa cific Coast's top quartets and clior usea are slated to put in an ap pearance. They Include the "Uncalled Four" from Berkeley, rated one o( the lop quartets In the nation, and Klamath's own House Brothers, rated high In lha PacKic Norlh west. Ticket Chairman Charles Bane has announced that tickets gener ally go pretty fast (or the Parade, ana warned those wkthlng to go to get their 'ducats aa soon as pos sible. Last year the Barbershop Parade drew, a ll lioure. Food Cost In Britain Soars LONDON Wi The prices of basic foods In the United Kingdom have shot up 16 to 125 per cent In the past six years, the Food Ministry said Frldny. Increases cited in a report to the House of Commons included potatoes 71 per cent, meat 54 per cent, bacon 71 per cent, butter 60 per cent, egga 126 per cent, bread 62 per cent, cheese 85 per cent. 1 cooking lat 67 per cent, and cab bage 16 per cent. lUIDlr tat M0I0IY. Ilrl mi US ST y w-:r-.-'vy-: DfRTRICT COirftT Verdlt D. Bobbins, inadequate emer gency brake. Forfeit 13 ball. Carol I. Hornley, hunting In closed season. Fine ll&O. suspended $100. Car a doc D. Williams, failure stop at top algn. Forfeit M ball. M1.NK IPAI. COt RT Dirk Lancaiter, drunk. Fine 13 or 7'., days. 1 Laura Scott, drunk. Fine $15 or 7i days- Air Parcels Limit Set Because of heavy air pare post deliveries overseas, the Po: Office Department has announce new weight and size limits on sue parcels originating in the Unl cd States, according to word r celved here by Postmaster C. 1 Langslet. The limits became effectlv March 15. and are for those pa: eels mailed to military post office ove..eag and naval vessels. The size limit Is 30 inches li length and girth combined. Tfc weight limit is two pounds. Th limitations do not restrict mo from overseas posts, nor do they effect official air parcel post. SOB OOSOTHT I IBkA.- HuPI n UUSUUR JI "S 1m WmI ! 0a fht Bifc," earlMa mi am uauiir an ram. Ma. mi n em lain tmMi luft WM 1m TaU" mi TMFm FrMta'tl Mm tiair sai MTiiuiTi ita, it mi n At Last! THE MYSTIC-POTTERY ACCLAIMED THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY IS NOW AT RICKYS! "mm irasfcoftf DINNERWARE and ARTWARE i r. - THE ARTIST SASCHA AT WORK ;'. in his Hollywood studio. -Without' ' sacrificinq artistic xcellence,. hei :; hos applied moss production tech- nlques . . brinq you calfctor'. i; items ot moderate prices. , ', 1 ; r. ' '- ' . BEAUTIFUL SMOKE TREE PATTERN ;'i5-PC-PLACE SETTING . . . $16.75 Here's true art! An oriqinal Sascha Brastoff idea transformed into beautifully different dinner ware. Pictured Smoke Tree pattern is only one' of the exotic, color-splashed designs now within YOUR reach ot Rickys! IKCISTEIEB JEWEIII iltllCAK (II S0CIITT ITtl STltU 6 (l WWi tMkiit ttitM mi am In your home, as on the concert stage . , , today's great piano. So many mothers wonder, "it my child musical? Has my son my daughter musical talent?" Perhaps you've asked yourself these questions, too wondered whether your child should or should not, study music. Now you can find the ans wer, and, at the same time, help your child, with this new and unique Musical Aptitude Test ... the Bald win Talent-Test. This test available at kyle morgan pianos . "yours for a happier future through music" I fiRSTyq T ' l " FIRST (ompletely flat, completely washable Interior finish-in all Trend Tones colors! Vel-va-cote is made only by General Paint. See it att GENERAL PAINT STORE 515 Main Ph. 3829 don't miss a minute of the Presidential Election . , hear history in the making . . . wherever you go on a SILVERT0NE PORTABLE 95 IN THE OFFICE take it riqht with you, hear speeches, election returns. , . you won't miss a V g Laaf-T" 0 thing witn suverrone. ty AM II " fBs - - r-. -vTTT Ian battarlat 3.00 Down, 5.00 Month en Sears Easy Payment Plan (Usual carrying charge) Plays on AC, DC or off batteries Personal siie, goes where you go Don't miss a minute of historic events beinq broadcast in 1952! Powerful little Silvertone plays any where . . . easy direct tuner, built-in antenna, 4 tubes, rectifier quaran teed 1 year. Glacier Cray, Burgundy, Arbor Green plastic. I YOUR OWN HOME carry it with you down to the basement . make it your constant companion i indirect tuning, big 6x4-inch speaker! SUPER" PORTABLE Widesweep dial gives you pin . point station selection Famous Radio-net antenna , Thrillinq desiqn, beautiful Mon santo plastic in Burgundy, Arbor Green, Glacier Gray and Sun Tan. Take it with vou wherever you qo .'ll hear history in the makinq in 1 952! AC-DC BATTERIES 3 Portable Radios Operate On AC -DC or Battery led Batteries. ... 44.95 Play H anywhwa . . llB"' tounlry ... on a train, tig radio parformanca tram J hibei ond S-ki.. notc Plastic Radios With Smart Brown Pkutie Cose SUvertone 1 8.95 Ideal tor Mtdwi, badrooa, aanput room. Eaiy-lo-hm direct dial. Powerful . conipocMy wyled cabinet. Table Size Radios Nen-breolat4 Metal Cabinet Now, Ooty...... 13.95 Pol tMi eonpacl, tooe-tree toblo nodet In any room. Oulck-timina (Inale knob. Kwy color cahlaet. Get yeem toooyl , Silvertone Radio Modern' Toble Model J. Brow Plcntie. . . . 23.95 Dial pointer located on gold colored etat arM. Mot gtowi to the dark, hi fleemlni hrery eteMtei... 24.30 5?a)jlzdfa pu SEARS Store Haunt. 133 Sa. Stfc 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Phona Sill 700 Main St. Phone 3151