PACK SIXTEEN Sfeelivorkers Accept :B';,W' Offer; : Wait, For Company Agreement WA8HTNOTON W Elated CIO Bteelworker early Friday accept cd government pay boost propos al and cancelled a weekend strike threat, but a new walkout dan ger loomed on April 8 !( the steel Industry turns down the recom mendations. Philip Murray's union Jubilant ly approved a Waue Stabilization Board plan' for settling the steel labor dispute which has been go ing on since last November. Voted by public and labor mem ber over stiff industry objections, it calls for a three-Installment pay boost that will eventually total 17 14 cents an hour, plus other con cessions Including the union shop. These concessions, In dollars and cents, were estimated variously as- ranging, from 5 to 12 'i cents an hour. The board said they would amount to 5 cents: Industry spokes man guessed 13 i and said they might eventually mean 43 !i cents an hour extra. The complicated settlement In cludes union benefits In geographi cal and shift differentials and In holiday and vacation pay. The Steelworkers would gain roughly 10 per cent in their basic hourly earnings under the WSB formula. The union had asked for 18 4 cent hourly pav boosts with other concessions estimated to bring the overall Increased costs to around 35 cents an hour. Steel companies gave no Imme- Appropriation Committee Cuts Into Interior Fund, USBR Suffers Sharp Cuts By TtlCHARD T. POWERS WASHINOTON Wl The House Appropriations Committee Friday recommended $493,434,763 for the Interior Department for the year starting July 1. This represented a slash of $133. 667,037 below the $626,001,800 bud get recommendations of President Truman. . The sharpest cuts came in funds requested for the Reclamation Bu reau, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Division of the Territories, and some public power projects. The reduction, carrying out the recommendations of the subcom mittee headed by Rep. Klrwan CD Ohio), represents a total cut of 21 per cent in the budget estimates and a cut of seven per cent below the current year level of spending. A committee report said it re flected "determination to hold to a minimum program during the present critical period in which the conservation of dollars: is so Im portant." The committee lopped $48,148,574 from the $122,350,000. budget re quest for the Bureau of Indian Af fairs. The sharpest reduction came in construction work, with the com mittee approving only $5,310,000 compared with $35,856,000 asked for. However, the ' $74,201,426 ap proved for the bureau was slight ly above the $71,343,912 appropri ated for the present year. The committee recommended $181,255,400 for the Reclamation Bureau, a cut of $43,364,600 below the $224,620,000 - budget request. Nearly all of the reduction for the Reclamation Bureau was for -construction - work. . . . , -. i The budget asked for $194,720, 000 for construction but this was cut to $153,355,400, . a reduction of $41,364,000. . The committee turned thumbs down on funds for any new con struction work. A total of $42,494,037 was rec ommended for the office of terri tories, a reduction of $30,470563 below the budget estimate. This $2,078,067- above . the. current year appropriation. The bulk of this came in a re duction of 13 million dollars from the 20 millions asked for Alaska public works and a cut of $12, 094,000 from the 16 millions re quested for construction work on the Alaska Railroad. For Bonneville power construc tion, the committee approved $66, 523,400 compared with the $70,286, 400 budget estimate. CHAINS SALEM W) Motorists should carry chains in crossing Willa mette Pass and on the Waptnitia Cutoff, the Oregon Highway Com mission said Friday. AH other routes are either bare er sanded. "Pop" First with the latest hits A Complete Selection of Classical and Mmi-Clasilcol Noelty and Children'! records HITS of the WEEK The Blacksmith Blues Blue Tango Tell Me Why Cry Wheel of Fortune Bermuda Wlmoweh We have them in stock! MUSIC CO. 120 No. 7th Fh. 4519 r i 9th and Pine : r Phone 3188 YOUR CORSET DOLLAR . .... 1 .Buys More at Wards 0 Non-Roll Top Girdle rayon satin - pJvt 2-inche$ of coil-wire boned elastic 798 . for above waist control. Sizes 26 lo 36 , " S) Joon Browne, All-Nylon Bra; nylon . -.1 morqvisette Inserts ond elastic at sides; ,70 Excellent support. A-B-C cup; 32 to 40 dlate reaction to the WSB plan, promising to do so later Friday. But WSB's industry members earli er denounced the proposal in a blistering statement as unfair and muauonnry. Murray, announcing his fourth ."V0.'.!, aciay m strike plans, called for renewed negotiations starting Mon day with steel companies here and HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. ftyc,ON at Pittsburgh. The chief of both the CIO and ' Union said If no settlement with I steel firms is reached by April ! 4, the unions will give 96 hours no tice and strike April 8. Thus if the Industry refuses to ' go along wllh the WSB recommen dations an eventual strike appears inevitable. The steel firms have claimed all along they could grnnt ! no wage boosts unless tliev were j accompanied by compensating price increases. ; Reds Whip Up Germ Charges . MOSCOW HI The campaign against alleged U. S. germ war fare In Korea Is being whipped to a high pitch - here. Is vest in, the Soviet government newspaper, Friday published a de claration by Patriarch Alexel of the Russian Orthodox Church and lliree loading metropolitans con demning alleged bacteriologi cal wurfare in Korea. Soviet press reports repeated previous charges In Pclplng that the United Stales is now using poi son bos on the Korean front. Mos cow papers reported a continuing wave of protest meetings through out lite Soviet Union. Wrath and Indignation" was meeting at Alma Alia. "Monstrous Atrocities American Imiierlollsta," said the headline over tlio utorv from Khabarovsk. Russia refused In the United Na tions Commission Thursday to sup port a United States proposal for an impartial investigation by the International Red Cross of tlio Communist germ warfare clinrges. The United States has repeatedly denied tlio charges. I the headline over a story of a Promptly relieves coughs of TIGIIIACIIIflG CHEST COLDS 1NCHKASK SALEM 11 Charles II. Helltel, Oregon public utilities commissi loner, granted rate Increases Thursday to truckers who haul household goods, Hclttol quid the boost was grant ed to meet Increased coats. He aald the amount of the Increases was short of what the truckers asked. flfl oose Dance 0 SATURDAY - March 22 MEMBERS and GUESTS Moose Hall -1010 Pine Your Membership Card Is Your Ticket FRIDAY, MARCH 21, lf)B2 I I Til W r r 9th and Pine Phone 3188 COLORFUL EASTER FASHION in on Soft wools 17.70 7 Misses' sizes All-wool monotones, checks, fleeces and suede-cloths in Smartly Styled Toppers. Fully lined, neatly tai lored, well-mode. From early spring loathe end of summer, a topper is important to your wardrobe. GRACEFUL PUMPS 6.98 The classic Wall-last Pump for sport or dress wear. Soft, polished calf in brown, blue, black, red, green. Sizes 4 to 9. JLUE CALF OPERA PUMPS 6;98 A flattering style to set off your spring ensemble; Also in black calf, black suede; black patent leather; Size 4 to 9. SPRING-PERFECT NAVY STYLES 9.98 Women's sizes Choose their band-box fresh flattery for Easter for all spring. Many new '52 styles. Some with trim removable jackets, boleros; full skirls. Daytime, dressy styles. Rayon crepes, failles, acetate taffetas. CAROL BRENTS 60 GAUGE Full'laahioned 98 Sizes 8'A-U First quality 15 denier, 60 gauge Carol Brenl nylons in lovely spring shades. Under other brand names Ihey sell for more money. Look extra sheer; wear extra long. Your choice of flattering dark or regular seams. WttCN YOU PUN YOUR MCNIK AMMO ZktyfafZXa I is v 1 HAS ADVANCED IN PRICE, IN THE LAST II YEARS, T4IAN T-HE AVERAGE OP OTHER fOOOS; ACCORDING TO US.Gov&ame?c ner. 0ljjj!0j. MlMffl fOOD I fl,lii,;.i.ifatlfi) : : ssbJ 3 1-