HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OKWiON KKIDAY, MAHCH 21, 1052 PAGE FOURTEEN M ' DIAL ISTATI FOR SALI Riverview Addition TWO BEDROOM HOME double garage, lawn, garden, hade trees. One' block off pavement on good gravelled treet. Corner lot. $1250, FHA or OI Joan. Buena Vista Addition FIVE ROOM HOME bath, all hardwood floors, auto matic Holland plped-furnace. Full baacment. Extra building lot Included In price of $6850. FHA or OI loan. 2536 KANE ST. THREE BEDROOM HOME garage, barn, chicken house. . H, acrea. 8500. FHA or OI loan. JACK CASHIN E. Willord Cedarleof REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 3827 So. 8th Phone 2-01 M Eves. 2-3170 WHAT HAVE YOU We have a buyer for a three bedroom home. Wants small acreage. Will pay $10,500. SEE ThU lovely two-bedroom home. Beautiful view, lovely hard wood floors in living room. Very clean, nice yard. For ' only $7087.50. FHA commit ment of $7,000. $460 PER MONTH From 13 rentals and a nice apartment for owner. Takes $17,500 to handle this. Shown by appointment. Owner will carry contract FRED E. FLEET ' ' REALTOR DENNIE COATES, Saleslady. 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-1365 HOT SPRINGS Completely furnished 6-bedroom home. Natural hot water heat, large picture windows,' wall-to-wall carpet, 2 baths, full basement. Home and furnishings In excellent condition. Price $26,500, terms. SMALL 3-ROOM HOME IX CALIFORNIA AVENUE DIS TRICT. $2250. NEW S-BEDROOM HOME ON NORTHSIDE. $11,700. Anne Mason Eddie Hosley Eves. 6714 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 111 8. 9th Phone 7266 SOUTH SUBURBS This place will give you the benefits of country life with the convenience of city living. Two bedrooms, nice lawn with shade trees, chicken house and yard. You can move right in without having to clean it up first Immediate possession. $6500.00 YALTA GARDENS . Is entertaining your hobby? , Are you tired of eating in the ' living room or kitchen? Here Is a home that was made for you. Has separate dining room, den that could be converted Into a third bedroom or used ' as a retreat when the kids are entertaining. Electric heat eliminates messy heating prob lems and you needn't worrq about it being over-priced, as FHA appraised price is the telling price. MILLS Your worries are over If you are looking for a cheerful and homey place to live. Large rooms, nice yard. Easy to keep up so you have time to enjoy living. Two bedrooms, dining room, utility room. comfort able home, conveniently locat ed. Reasonably priced. Attention Builders Have you considered building your home but the thought of no shade trees stopped you? This large 90x300 foot lot al ready has trees. Located in South Suburbs where you'll be able to see something be sUes the people across the ctreet. If you have plans for your home, come in and let Us give you an estimate. Johnny Hobson Eves. 6804 Dale Grubb Eves. 3544 Art Frederickson Eves. 6725 AL LONGE, Realtor REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 111 So. 8th Phone 8283 MALIN RANCH 185 Acres of some of the best Ir rigated land in the basin. Two sets of buildings, therefore pos sible for division by new own er. Three good, houses. Two potato cellars (one excellent). Rich sandy loam soil, paved road, close to Malin. For price and details please contact this office. CATTLE RANCH 20 Acres. 67 acres irrigated now. More can be added. Plenty of water. Two homes, excellent large barn and other good out buildings. On paved road. 26 miles from Klamath Falls. Price $50,000. Terms. Don't miss this. . WALT DIETZ, with T. B. WAITERS REALTOR and INSURANCE 107 SO. SEVENTH Phone 4193 (Eves. 9469) GOING for $85001 Newly decorated three bedroom partly furnished house. Service porch, garage, woodshed. Back fenced. Swings, large lot, city limits. Phone Merrill 3003, IMAGINEI Within Tew short hours after you order a Herald & Newt Classified ad, 13,000 subscrib ers are told about your offer or your need. To place an ad, phone till. 10 RIAL ISTATI MR SALI WEYERHAEUSER EMPLOYES ATTENTION Owner leaving town, said, must sell, so be sure and see this nice two bedroom completely furnished home In Stewarts addition for only $4900. Extra large garage on pnve ment. Possesion can be had tlvis week. ON SHASTA WAY You'll want to see this lovely two bedroom home, with electric heat, extra large living room, dining room and hardwood floors. This home has 1100 square feet of floor space and the price is only $9750. FHA terms can be arranged. Ask to see this soon. On Altamont Drive Next to store and on bus line. Th's home is a real buy for only $3950. Two bedrooms, nice bath, large living room, dlhtng room ana moa ern kitchen. Come in soon and let us explain to you our plan of co operation to aid and assist you in obtaining your home now. Jay P. Griggs Eves. Ph. 4254 Gene Favell Eves. Ph. 6045 Claire Ellis Eves Ph. 3-2659 J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Main St. Phone 7531 IN MERRILL 5 bedroom house, modern elec tric water heater, corner lot. $3,700, $1,000 down, balance on terms. 6 ACRES New 2-bedroom house, floor furnace: electric water heater. Near Merrill on oiled road.' $8000, terms. M. A. BOWMAN MERRILL, ORE. PH. 2732 Some Day The Snow Will Melt Then you will be sorry If you have passed up this beautiful 6 acre farm. It is close to town, well irri gated, good drainage, with fair sized Darn, cnicKen nouse. garage, sheds, etc. This well shaded com fortable 2 bedroom home has good heavy stone foundation, dry con crete basement, large living room, separate dining room, breakfast nook, sleeping porcn. jnsujaiea Iron Fireman furnace, warm in the winter, cool in summer. You have to see this one to appreciate it. Only $12500. Terms, of course. 4 Bedrooms In Hot Springs Located on Huron Street, this fine large home has full basement, 2 baths, huge bedrooms, lots of closets, and a price that you won't believe only $14,500. Best of all it can be handled for only $2000 down. 3 BEDROOMS ' There is extra value in this attrac tive, newly built, comfortable 3 bedroom home. Hardwood floors, electric heat, completely insulated. Price only $9750. F.H.A. Terms. , -SUBURBAN Furnished 1 bedroom modern home. 13 acre irrigated soil, con crete foundation, chicken house. Immediate possession. Only $3800. Open Evenings by Appointment See Homer Stiles Ph. 2-2460 Eves. Don Sloan 5658 Eves. Fred Scott 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. 9th St Ph. 4564 or 5529 2 Bedroom Furnished $1000 down will handle this com fortable fully furnished home near Hillside. Large kitchen, workshop, garage, good foundation. $5250 full price. MILLS PINE LOCATION l2 blocks to Mills school. Two bedroom modern home on nicely landscaped lot. In sulated and weatherstripped. Large oain witn au new fixtures, kitchen and utility. New plumbing through out,, concrete foundation. Back yard fenced. Garage and workshop. Some iurnisnings. $6500. Terms. DRIVE BY 1525 DIVISION Immediate possession on this at- tractive live room nome construct ed in 1941. Large living and din- inir rnnm h.rrlwnwl frvra .lanlpln heat, Insulated, concrete foundation. new linoleum in kitchen. Buy now ana cnoose your colors and linol eum. $9500. Terms. Business Opportunity HOTEL 27 rooms plus four room managers apartment. A-l condition throughout. Good lease. Should gross at least $800 per month. $10,000. Terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 617 Main Phone 3211 NEW HOMES for Mid. William B. Powell. Phone 8529. FOR SALE, two bedroom euburban horn. ' Large living room, Venetian bllndi, hardwood floors. $7800. Phone 2-0931, evening!. FOR SALE, by owner. Good two bed room house. Flreolace. automatic heat. lota to town. Phone 2-0261. SO RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI Langell Valley. Ranch j0 ACRES 250 Irrigated. Alfalfs. pasim! ki. balance hill paature. Two-bedroom modern house, spring water, goo I own. This Is a nice small-livestock set-up. HOMES FOR SALE THREE BEDROOMS' Very, nice bath, kitchen and service porch with laundry tubs, beautiful yard, a i fenced, good garage, and outbuildings; i acre oi' berries and garden spot $7250. A GOOD BUY In a two-bedroom modern home near Shasta Way $5,250. i ' NICE TWO BEDROOM HOME Close in; some furnishings. .LESTER JONES tEves.) 2-326 BEARD AGENCY Realto' Inmrance 1020 Main Phones 4880 ts 2-3471 COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES Excellent concrete tile building with modern 4-room apartment. Ex cellent for service business. Price $22,000. AUTO COURT . A strictly modern ' 11-unit motel with 7 housekeeping units. In best of condition, excellent furnishings, well located and proven high in come Price $47,500. Owner will also take ranch as trade. Don't miss this. HOTEL LEASE . ... We have one of the best small hotels In city center. Good lease. Reason able rent. Other interest forces sale. Priced to sell niiirlf -rvin't mlH this. WALT DIETZ, with ' T. B. WAITERS REALTOR and INSURANCE ' 107 SO. SEVENTH Phone 4193 (Eves. 9469) CATTLE-GRAIN. TIMBER $5 to $15 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Gov't, State and County land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific Lands 1621 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. POE VALLEY . 7J ACRES under gravity irri gation. Leveled and now in St acres alfalfa, of which 12 acres, is five-years-old and 27 , acres two-years-old. Balance In grain last year. Paved road. It has no house, but It does have one of the largest bams in the Klamath Basin. Good well. Only $17,500, $5,000 down: bal ance $1,250 per year. Including interest 4'i per cent. Imediate possesion. A chance that gel dom comes. See it today. . HARRY VAN (Eves. $204): JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 1211 CHEAPIE! ! ! 1 Bedroom modern with semi- modern cabin. On paved street. Close in. Priced for quick sale. Full price $2500. Only $500 down. Don't miss this. REDUCED; 2 Bedroom modern. Paved street. Close to high school. Reduced to $4500 for quick sale. Needs work on basement, otherwise, in good condition. mills addition: One nf the haat hiillt Mt 1 cated 3 bedroom modern homes In una cuy. i-rice $12,800. Please see us for details. ' i ' TRAILER HOUSE OWNERS We have one more home to offer where owner is willing to accept a irancr nouse as pan trade. This is a good home with almost one acre. trice $4450. What have you? WALT DIETZ, with ' ' T. B. WAITERS REALTOR and INSURANCE 107 SO. SEVENTH Phone 4193 , (Eves. 46) EQUITY in one bedroom modern house located In Pelican City. Easy pay ments. Call 8053. FOR SALE Five room house, ' corner lot. Partly furnished. Carafe, hot end cold water. 40 acrea timber land. "Cheap." See Jack ' Porterlleld, Keno. Oregon. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH THIS FIRM FOR ACTION. F.VERETT DENNIS REALTOR HI No. 8th Phone 84tl 32 BUILDING REM0DILIN4 SIDING, Johns Manvllle, Pabeo. Avar age home only $550, Kuhlman Insula tion. Phone 4468 or 2-2443. : FIBERGLASS Insulate now! Save no Ser cent on fuel. As low as $5 month, uhlman Insulation, Phont 4468 or 2-244.1. STORM SASH and screen combination. Self storing aluminum. Sev up to 40 per cent on fuel. As low u IS month. Kuhlman Insulation. Phone 4408 or 2.2443. 34 fUll HEATING DRY Dine blocks for sale. Ooen eve. nlngs and weekends. Metiers Bro. PRESTOLOGS pickup ir delivered, Ciiff Vadens Signal Seme SW0 So oinrnont 3MJ or z-vzev. S it H GREEN STAMPS given m heat Ing oils Phone 3881 or 3-8288 for arompt delivery. CLirr (ADEN'S SIGNAL SERVICE 2500 So. tin 14 fUli NlATINt STANDARD V .HEATING OILS 8tov. Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS , - Your Guarantee Of Heating Satisfaction 1 r FRED H. i ' HEILBRONNER "Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1111 til Spring St. Phone 4153 MTAM'nAari' sreATlNri ml ajt.-'.t. lurnaee. Ufhl fuel. el. wo4, ;lurct ruiu ana C au Mersel Prion !. It IOATS PITS SPORTS NOIIIIS CAftHARTS ' II tub radio-phono-graph eombtnatlens. Jutt a (aw ltt. Save SIM. rormerly S3W.I9, now SIM M Derby Muiic Co. IX) No. till, phone 4SI. HUNTING and. fishing t.ar drop trail r. 1M. 4TJ Frieda. . BOARDING KCNNKL8 Dos boarding by day, wee or aaonlh Sanitary aannall. Wall balanced dial Claab Individual outdoor run (or ch do Dog nandlad durilg mating Wilt pica up and dllvr Vldtu Welcom Phone tOTt M.rrtll go IS, Bo SO. SHAM A CASfA Dt KENNtl.. UNUEKSON Boarding Kennels Prion, is? 5WS Delayer oil Homadal THREE colli pupa for til. Thr month old. gold and whit. Litter reg istered. Call SOW. SAVE S S S Buy Chrll Craft Kit Boat alao Crull ers and Runabout.. John 0 ' Sea liore n-c.:.-j. B.'ats boutiit. irld and ex changed. BcaU for rem to fisher tnen. MONROE BOAT WORKS 21 front St. I'none J IMS 4t TO IXCHANGE TRADE, 40 acre near Roieburg for property, cat or what hav you to trad. 1324 Oak. i . 42 LIVISTOCK A POULTRY CHICKS 5-week old New Hampshire chicks. 38c each. TROY V.- COOK CO. - 2040 So. 6th Phone 4803 WE RECOMMEND . & ALBERS & TRIP-L-DUTY CHICK . ' : STARTER 15.70 Per Cut. We are continuing our chick special through March . . . $18.45 a hun r'red. All our. chicks are rated Pul loranv clean . . The highest rate available , . LOOK FOR THE LABEL ON THE BOX: STANDARD FEED '' STORE 3720 So. Cth Phone MOO -&. SPECIAL For Monday March 24 Only Gills Parmenter Pullets or .straight run chicks $3 per hundred discount. Special price for this hatch . . 15c for straight run. and 31c for Pullet Chicks. STOP IN TOMORROW AND PLACE YOUR " ORDER Pacific Supply Co-op th and Spring AUCTION SALE 60 HEAD REGISTERED ANGUS . 40 cows, with calves or close tio 10 .heifers breeding age 10 bulls including herd sires. This is a dis persion - of our entire registered Aberdeen - Angus Herd. 6MITH- TARBOX,. owners. REDMOND, OREGON MARCH 24, 1952 12:00 NOON Redmond Auction Yards Ben Smith,' Mgr. Frank Wink, Owner Auctioneer Send for catalog, 81 Williams Western Sale Management, Box $7, Hermlstbn, Oregon . POULTRY WANTED Cash paid (or sin amount. Top market prices for good quality For quotations . . phons: nasi KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS FOR : SALE, GOLDEN NECK laying hens, one year old. Good for laying or ON .HAND Started chicks. OREGON STATE HATCHERY. 2728 So. gth. Phone 8095 FOR SALE, fresh Holsteln and Guernsey cows and heavy springer heifers. V. C. Rxford, StukI Mountain Roed. Phone Mcrflll 2155. . FOR SALE, white . faced ' calf. 2583 Homed! Road WELL-BRED Guernsey bull one year old for sale, also pigs. Phone 8768 after five. . . ; FOR SALE, guernsey and Jersey heifers. Rt. 2, Box 444. Phone 2-2030. SPECIAL For Monday Merch 24 onlyl Gill's Par menter Pullets or straight run chicks, 83 per 100 discount Special price for thla hatch. .13 for straight run and .31 for pullet ehlcks. Stop In' tomorrow end place your order. Pacific Supply Coop, 6lh and Spring. WANTED Colored hens. Phore 51; RED FRYERS and roaster for sale, freshly dressed ready for the pen, ev ery Friday and Saturday. Phone 8341 alttr 4. ARTIFICIAL BREEDING SERVICE Phone 8721 M C IChuoki Warren at 2. Box 522. If no answer Phone 4400. HIGHEST prices paid for poultry, hogs and livestock. BIG Y MEAT MARKET Laketfaw Junction Phont 4ssu 44 MISCILUNIOUS WANTIO WANTED,, alfalfa hay. First or second cutting. (;au jaeaiord z-bobz or fegje roint 4303. WANTED, by family of four, nicely furnished Home. Close to town.' Refer ences. Call 'between 1:80 and- 7, 8111, Ext. a. 7E NEED CARS' Get too Brie aowl ItoV Motor Co. etk aad Ptaa. 4 FINANCIAL LOANS $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL I Op to IM0 on four aulo On "our salary or furniture up to $300 Pa) Day" loan a specialty - $10 $25 $M loaned till "pay day' or longer IW eoau but II cent for one week No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. US No. 10th 8t M-3S4 DON Mt lNTYRE. Mgr. 43 Year Friendly Service "miscillanious 0rTali J1- AUCTION . MIDLAND GRANGE FIRST SEMI-ANNUAL COMMUNITY AUCTION Selling at MIDLAND GRANGE HALL NO. 781 On Old Midland Road SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 1952 Sale Time 1:00 P.M. LUNCH SERVED AT NOON PRIZES GIVEN MACHINERY 1 J.D. 3-Row Potato Planter 1J.D. Model A 12-ft. Press Drill Fertilizer Attachment 1J.D. Daln Side Delivery Rnke 1 SC. Case Tractor. '47 Model 1 7-ft. Case Power Mower 1 '49 Seml-Automatlc Oliver Hny Baler. 1 Ford Tractor New Overhaul and Palm Job. 1 A.C. Model 160 Alcrop Harvester 1 Harvey Red Head Hammer Mill 10-in. 1 3-(t. 6-in. Towner Disc 1 "J9 Ford Ton Flatbed Pickup 3 Walking Plows 14-ln. New 1 7-ft. International Tandem Disc 1 Model 207 Massey Hnrris Challenger Tractor 2 1 Bottom, 2-way, 16-in. Ford Plows with Slatted Bottoms 1 Ford Bucket iRear Mount) 1 -ft. Ford Scraper 1 Horn Manure Loader 1 Set of Chains for Oliver Seml-Automatic Baler New MRS. LEON ANDRIEU GRANGE ASSISTING: James Flowers Leon Andrleu Mrs. John Mistier Mrs. H. B. Largent 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED to lease with option to buy. Two bedroom unfurnished house in South Suburbs with acreage. Phone 2- IMS. WANTED to buy, small neighborhood grocery. State location and price. Writ Herald News. Box M. COUPUS want to 'rent two bedroom houne. Modern and clean. Unfurnished. Prefr good elghborbood. Phone 2-2782. 44 FINANCIAL LOANS (COMMERCIAL Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS 150 to $300 Auto Furniture Livestock Salary ISO to $500 Automobiles (paid for or not) PrlvaU Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie 8-25) - N-223 107 No th Phone 7711 IMMFDIATE Cash Loans Borrow ray Only $100 $7.27 Mo. Repay In II Installment UP TO 1300 ON rURNTTURB OR 8ALART CP TO 11200 ON CARS TOE tDEAl PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars ''nancerl at bank rates "MONET IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 years serving Klamath Badii See "Chuck" Bailey. Mr lit N 7th St none 132b S-J41 - U-275 41 IUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES For SALE, Kalr Ambulance Service. Jlnly responsible party considered and Inanclally able. See or contact Jim Kaler, 2041 RadcllHe. No phone call. FOR SALE. Associated flervlca Station. Tulelak. California. Phone 7-12SI. TOR SALE auto parts house. Will sell for Inventory and lease properly In definitely. Good location. Good op portunity for profit for right man. Write Box 81 Herald and News. Phone 2-2537 8-271 Household Goods Bnby High Chair Chairs Baby Furniture Bnby BuRgy (Largel Buby Biiufty Oil Stovea Wood Cook Stoves 1 Lama Ranch Cook Stove POULTRY SUPPLIES Water Fountains Feeders Small Flock of Oeese MISCELLANEOUS Electric Fence Controller Block and Tackle Hand Shovels Onrclrn Tools Hay Forks Hopes Many Other Articles Too, Numerous To Mention MASTER G. W. "Jerry" FALES Auctioneer Klamath Falls, Oregon FOR INFORMATION PHONE 2-2001 or 2-2462 4$ IUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR LEASE, "07" Cale. Chemult Completely equipped living quar ters, partly furnished. Available April 1st. Inquire W. M. Taylor. Box 55, Chemult. SERVICE station (or lease in downtown Alturas. 'ood business location. Won derful opportunity for right party. Wrll Hay Darnell, Box 304, Alluras. Califor nia. HAV used car license and finest tit ration In Klamath Palls, also have first clsss repair shop. Need S2.MHI for used car purchases. Beet Invest ment largest returns for your monev. Call Harold. 4ue at Basin Auto Ser vice 20.1.1 So. 8. SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR' SALI AUCTION SALE FRIDAY NIGHT, MARCH 21 7 P.M. K It H AUCTION MART WOCUS Davenports. Stoves. Washing. Machines. Bx 12-ft. Runs. Var rious Klnctj of Merchandise. CONSIGN YOUR ITEMS ANYTIME COL. FRED HOWARD OTIS MEADOR, Auctioneers PHONE 0410 FOR SALE USED Monator Press Wheel Drill with double discs and tongue-truck 150 FLOYD A. BOYD CO. Tulelake, Calif. Phone 7-2072 FOR SALE, modern grocery dlipliy tablet, 3x8 ft. long, thret ihelvei, on check itnndt complete with back bar. Phone sa.il. PORTABLE wnih trayi, $, baby bed 93, Ward vacuum cleaner, 130, 4-quart butter churn 91. IW, Ironing board il.flO highchalr-playUble 8, 11)05 Summeri Lane. SINGER electric vacuum cleaner. Auto matic cord reel. Guaranteed. $12,50. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. ma Main Phone 2-2111 NEW wool 0x12 ruga. See ipeclal auc- non Bate iq in th i piper. HAVE 9120 on an 11 tube Capehart radio-phonograph combination. Only a few net left. Formerly ;Mflf)l, now t220.ft. Derby'! Muilc Co, 120 No. 7th. Phone HI ft. NEW cloie coupled tolleti. See apeclal auction Hale ad In thla PPJ- SAVE $120 on an 11 tube Capehart radio-phonograph combination. Only a few teti left. Formerly t.Mfl.ft.1,, now 9220.1.!). Derby'g Music Co. 120 No. 7th, phone 4 filll. CHROME dinette act. See apeclal auc- luontaie aa n inn paper. LANDSCAPING. evergreen, ihrubi and tree. We trim, apray and remove large treei. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 42fm REX-AIRB vacuum cleaner, 93,50 down, 93 per month. Phone 0200, CRUSHED rock and driveway clndart Phone 2-U67 JLECTROLUX CLEANER and polisher nd auppllea Phone 71A7 Farkel. Tweet. w.i Marnei MONITMF.NTfkfroliverlei aitd lnital latlona can be made by May 30th if or dered now. Clnrence Ward, Klamath Monument Compahy, 029 High, phone DRIVEWAY MATERIAL. Phone M0B4. II MlSCILLANIOUS FOR SALI SPECIAL-AUCTION' SATURDAY AFTERNOON - 1 P.M. MARCH 22, 1952 NEW FURN1TURK SNOWBOUND LAST WEEK WILL ARRIVE KOH ft ft SPECIAL SALE ft ft LOAD INCLUDES; Now Chronic Sets Now Biilh Fixtures Chairs Dressers Bods Bedroom Suls 0x12 Wool Rugs 9 x 12 Linoleum ( AND A Beautiful $300.00 NOHGK Gas n.uii'e. 10 Months Old AND OTHER, MISCELLANEOUS Summers Lane Auction Mart (USUAL SALE SUNDAY) IS AUTOMOTIVI WHY NOT SWAP AWAY THE YEARS On your old truck for one of these sparkling, late model buys? RIPLE-CHECKED FOR YOUR PROTECTION VALUE 7 PERFORMANCE APPEARANCE 1950 CM C. 4 TON PICKUP 3-spwcl (ritn.Mtilulon, deluxe mil, deluxe hciitcr mid drfrmlrr 1950 FORD Va TON PICKUP New paint, 4-.nprrd. hculrr nd defroster. 1948 CHEVROLET PICKUP 3-spted. ' Hrntrr mid drfroster. 1948 STUDEBAKER 1 TON PICKUP New pulllt. Good condition SPECIAL ft SPECIAL TRIPLE-CHECKED PANEL 1947 DODGE PANEL Formerly priced at $835. -t rr Our Price now only OU Include full lank of gas, new nil, 7 free service Jntw. YOU ALWAYS GET A BETTER DEAL ON USED TRUCKS FROM YOUR G.M.C. DEALER VISIT EITHER OF OUR CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 632 South 6th A. H. "Shorty" Weotherford Phone 5276 ft . 677 South 7th West-Hitchcock Corp. Phone 7771 31 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Build Detter With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. S3S . Market Phone SMS DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. .1. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 BRO SET, iprlngf and Brauty Rest mUreM Included IfHJ.M. Pr.on 41711. FOR SALETklmbal'l Connokite plno'. Mahogany flnlih. S year old. $4.W, Phone :m41 after fl p .nv ron SALE. 20 (allon cat hot watrr tank, model 03 Wlnrhealer .22 rlflt with Weaver four-power aenpe, it at mechanic hand toola, H Inch drive. Phone HI 02. ELECTRIC portable newlnjr machine. Built-in rotor. Guaranteed. $27.30. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 631 Main Pi)"" FOR SALE. 40 ton loon wild hay". George Chrlatenaen. Beatty, Ore. ADDING MACHINES, calculator! type wrltera, caih reitlitera. dtki ehaira fllea for tale or rent PIONEER omCK SUPPLV 2j Main Phone 74 v DRTVewAY MATERIALS! I'll- n Jnr Bart 971M. FOR SALE, LAND LRVflLfNO UNIT AMIfl-Chalmera H-D.7 with Moore 0'i ft cable doxer and Buckeye double drum power control unit. JUMBO 6-fi yd. car ryall, excellent condition. Yonkrm-Jnhn-on tool carrier with iiih-aoller teeth, chine, teeth and rldger aliachmrnU. On rubber. Thin tractor hai had recnt $.1,000 major overhaul and la In lip-tnp condition. Complete unit for ftnlc for Ifl.OOG or tractor and dozer for 90,000. Cnll EnglePolnt. Ore, 0510 eye only CHtHHKD ROCK, driveway rlnfioriT Phow nr.41 NEW 'i Inch aurfaced plywood, i. beet, Va lnc h $4. 30QH JBU mmer Lan: 15 TON second cuttlnjt aifnlfa hny. R. C. McClymonda, Tulelnke, Phone7-Q44L FOR SALE, baby bed. Good "buy. Phone 2-0041. CIIIPPE NDALE ' f 1 re nlrte chair. M . 2524 Wantlnnd after fl p.m. V6"n SALE, lrl hike 10, cabinet r- 010 sin. rnona mm TjSED furniture value can alwnyi he found at Klamath Furnttura Co, 221 MalnPhonejysa. FOR SALE, Miracle Mnld pfe-Mitre cooker. Ued only a few lima. See at 137 Mortimer or phone 6441. AUTOMOTIVI FOR A FAST TRADE we have a 1047 Kalaer Special Four-door sedan at only 1505. Your chance to buy at a whole ill a price! Dimbat Ued Can, South Sixth and Plum. Phone 913D, evenlnm and Sundaya (W25. DOWN PAYMENT M48M '31 5W FOR HALE or trade. 5V.I Brown Ltpa trannmiiaon or HiM Kmtmx 2 aperd rrnr end complete and Installed for pickup or car. .Sea at I60.I Wlard or rll4005. FOR SALE, II..I7 Fnrd ffidor. IB20 Gary. 2 !iakc;ains 3 Ford fordor itrdan, $75. no trader. '4(1 Ford ton pickup 1195 1508 Eait Mnn. 1040 BLUE Chevrolet Fleetllne deluxe. Perfect condition, low mileage, good trend. Radio, heater. Original owner, SI.IUO. Call 2-3005 or aee at 5150 Miller Avenue. A CAR to be proudof-ji price "you can pay. Really nhnrp 147 Chryiler four-dfior xrdaii. RaiIIm. heater. pol IlKht. fog light, Pent coven, low mileage tl5. tJ.tuh.it tft.nl Cnti, Snulh Sixth and Plum, phone Ol.'rO, evenings and Sundnyti .II25. OUR RED W A ( i O N"ina v a 1 1 a blVoma" In and look it over. 150 Olrti '01' rmir door tedan The car vou've alwava wnnted, and priced wav below relllng Dimbat Uned Can South Sixth and Plum. Phone. 01.11), evening and Sun day HU23. IF IT'S A BARGAIN you're TooVlngfor we are proud to orfer you thla 1040 Bu Ick Super Four-Door. Extra-, gnlnre. ihnrp a ran be, for 1I7H5. Dimbat Ued Can. South Sixth And Plum. Phone 0130, evenlngn and Sunday fllCV WK ONLY hove one 1050 Plymouth left! It' a honey bright and thlny a a new dollar. Priced right In tell fait. Dimbat lined Can, South Sixth and Plum. Phone 01. '10, evening and Sun day 11H23. WE'RE FULL of tmnnln.! Where can you buy a 1040 Plymouth for a I04R price? Dlmbnl lined Car, South Sixth and Plum. Phone 0130, evening and Knndny HIT25. YOU CAN own one of the acnrceal earn In the tine (I car market! 1051 three pnisencr Plymouth coupe. Top condi tion, low dnllnr Dim hut lined Car, South Sixth and Plum. Phone B)3fl, eve nlntri anrl Sundnv 111125. HUKliY!' "IIURHYI HUHRY! Gel Ihia 104fl Ford Supnr Deluxe Tudor tedan. Radio, henter. Thla week-end only, , , ftwto. A anrrlfil you cnn'l afford to mUa. Dimbat Uned Cnra, South Sixth and Plum. Phone 01.10, evening and Sun- dnyi iBB2.1. FOR SALE, '3(1 Ford good uVd parta. Phone JK 103111142 Lelnd Drive. FOR SALE. 1 040 Ford tudor, radio and hrnter. 9575 rnxh. Mutt aell at once. Phone42ll5 evcntngn. MUST aell" "at once. 1048 Ford iudor. Henter. HIW Crcncenl. FOR SALE. Plymouth, 1030 Deluxe four door aednn. Good condition, good rub- bcr.See nl123 JHhSI. 1040 FORD Vfl club coupe, radio and henter. nought new by owner. 11275. Phnnn:.o;i. FOR SALE or trade, equity ' In 1047 HudMin, Will tnke llvetockPhnne 01 13. FOR KALE. 1050 Chevrolet ' ton pick" up with 4 npeed trannmlmilon. A-l con dition. See lrvln Long, Tulelnke or phone Tulelnke 7-2042. DODGE l"a truck, ail mntnl van hnriv dunl wheel, 4 new tire, new battery and genernlor, rebuilt motor. Sell rea nonnble, or make offer or swap for flood pickup, Call , at Ihe Wllllamaon River Store. BUS SARGANT'S UHIsD UAHS WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Slreett Phone 8205 FOR SALE, 104R Chevrolet convertible 27,500 aotuat mllea. Radio, healer. New top, pln-iljc freat cover, new tire, leu than lOfio hille running. No trade. Price $120.1. Phone 7070.