1IKRAI..) AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE TIimTKEN j'HIIIAY, MAItCII 21, 10fi2 Tax On Longies Draws Protest LONDON Ml A member I'lirlliiMicnl (IfiKiiini'rit a new lux III IcillH Illlflfl'Wriir TltUl'Hllll v un unjust lo lliltoim of a eel tnln uku , VL3 ORVAL SMITH 1 Our Radiator Specialist Anderson Aufo Service 632 Walnut 5 acres. 380 foot ocean front, 3 miles from a city on main hiqhway, a buildinq 60x20, partly competed, with a kitchen, bath larqe livinq room ond bedroom completed. No finer ocean view thon this location, priced at this low fiqurc of $25,000. For full informa tion and details . . . Phone 5473 or call at 120 No. 10th. I 1 i After momrnt's pleased inspection, the average man would pass up this picture. But not the average woman! She sees what the man misses: a fascinating new accessory the "glove stole." With hat to mntchl No matter where she first picks up such news tidbits about clothes, food, beauty, home decorating only the newspaper has the answers to Iter questions "Where can I get it? For how much?" So she watches the newspaper every day. Sometimes she has a definite purchase in mind a new rug, or refrigerator, or top coat for Daddy. Often she simply has' a mental drawer this message prepared by BUREAU OF ADVERTISING, American Newspaper Publishers Association and published in the interests of fuller understanding of newspapers by jjgf&l &Jll (.lUfS unci kIhIi. UpiihiikIIiik the wit lull 11 will ol I In: ni'w Jrvy, l.ubniiln Nmninn Uinlils Mild iiw luii'dv nihlflli: Ivor who Wl'lll hhril'lM will iiri lien ulilii, "mil. uilo or t'ifjt'i'lv men" are fnrcrri in liny inure lor llielr lonulci. IJiidilt wild lit would mine the iliirnMoii In Urn IIuiino ol Uiiiiiiiioim. Radiator Repairing ' '( Sofiifoction (guaranteed '-,S on 'cpairinq. clcaninq, and recorinq, Seo ui first! km . " FAkb' BY THfc YAKu 1KAIN children nn Mom who are en route v in Mooschnart, III. Their lather, Kusseii, at), aiea :i. one month after the death of his wife. .Shown here . fc.i i e. a . i...i:.u o. m;,.u..i n. March I Sharon, W, iind IV M: lll I (I, D, WilVJU, Dolores, 13. Painful cramps of "Monthly Periods" stopped or amazingly relieved N In 3 out of 4 catot in doclort' own ttt W-un'-n mid ftlrU who uftrr limn those lunrtlon-slly-cuu'.rd crai.ii. bark wrlitrt iiri'l tit-uOticheA ol nirn-striiHtion who upMt mid Irritable on cer tain "jmrllciilnr d)V inny oltrn be MiMcrlng quite uiimrt-CMitrlly! Such In the tonrltifclon from trMH bv doctors in which Lydln E. Plnkharn'A VcKCtiible Compound Rave complete or tlrtktng relief I mm Mich dlstrc;. In 3 out of 4 of the ciiacji tested! Hftl Mr1lrl tnldf nrr ahoWi Ltm I'lnHimiti thorniiRhlv motiirn In nion U ru a (toiarkaDIr calming rnec on the full of half-conscious wants anything from a new frozen food to a folding terrace tea table. ' Like men, women have found from expe rience that if they miss a single issue of the local paper, they miss something fmportmif. Everybody ' makes that same discovery, very parly in life. So everybody reads the newspaper . . . every day. . ))'hy do advertisers spend more of their money in newspapers than in ami other form of advertising? Simply because everybody readsi the newspaper, for its advertising as well as for fun or new. :' The newspaper is ' f r-is.. ,tUiaJ - Conductor L. K. Trout checks from I larrishurg, Pa., to the Loyal Order of the Moose Orph- .. .. , . n M t 1 : 1 1, JUUMJl, o, miLiiovi, a, viyut, ,ut the yxj , uterua tofftuuf utr of pciin-HfadViiiriff aruQir The fieri lvetlM of I,vdl I'lttkhutn needs no proof lo llir nilllloiit of women nd glrln whom It h )eriefiled. Jttit hfw thout you? Do iou know wlmt ll may do for you? Takt l.vdli plnkhnm' throuuh li'e month, bee If 1ou don't nt the nume relief from the puliu and wefikiiKW of ' thoite dnyn'M Hee If you don't feel heller beore fthd during your period Oet either Lydl PlnJ(hm'i f.'ot.ipitind, or neif, tm proved Thleu, with Bdded Iron! If you're trouhled with "hot flitfthe" and other (uncltonal diitrru of "chantfe of llfeV you'll nnd Lydln rinkham't wonderful for that, tool li -w .Vfiia 'InAliam's iaa a 4ulllng ercl on (lif ulrrlMr conlroc liont I sre rhart ) ulttchollmct9 menitrual paint So. why advertise only to fractions of the people who can buy? Radio and TV programs reach only fractions of anybody's market sport fans, hnnie mnkors, kids, or, whatever. And even they can't all listen at the time a commercial is : broadcast. Magazines reach only fractions of a market. For each one appeals to some people not to others. Th Newspaper talks to everybody in town. It's created fresh every day to appeal to everybody. Only the newspaper is first with the most news ... . first with the most people . . . first with the most advertisers! always "first with the ticket of the nine himkins in a srunx, n.i., iwmai in Chicago are, left to right: it.. Putcnll Ir 19 NJolsnn u, -, prisoners May Do reseeding Ycrk A1.TURAS Two members of the Modoc Miitionnl Forest supervisor' stall. Bob Cron and Harold Strut ton, are In San Francisco this week meeting with Sun Qucntln prison officials regarding use of prisoners on the forest next sum mer. The Forest Service plans to plant 800,000 pine trees In areas of the Modoc burned over last year, us ing about 100 convicts lurnishe:! by the California Prison Authority lor labor. Ralph Townsend, former Univer sity of New Hampshire Olympic and inter-collegiate ski star. Is now the ski coach at Williams College. most CLASSIFIED RATES One day per word 4 rhre Days per word 11c Week run per word 20c Month run per word 5c , MINIMUM The minimum charge lor any one d Is 60c. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled throuuh box numbers at the paper lor a service charge of 2s. DEADLINES Classified au excepted up to 6:30 pjn. for following day's publication Clarified display ads accepted up tc 12 noou for following ciays put, Ucation. ADJUSTMENTS Please nut all claims 1" adjust ments witn ut delay. FUNERAL HOMES WAKOS Kit. math aViinera. Home. V2b High Slrer.. Phone X::'A MEETING NOTICES KLAMATH LODGE No. 77, A.F.ifeA.M., will be host to Dis trict No. 21 Grand Masters visitation, Friday, March 21, at 8 p.m. A no host dinner. 6:30 visiting brethren invited. -DALE BEBBER, Wor-hipful Master. STATED MEETING OF MANZANITA CHAPTER No. 172 O E.S. will be held Fri day, March 21 at 8 o clock in the I.O.O.F. nail. Visitors welcome. VERA FRITSCH-W.M. JOHN LARSON. WP Shrine Club Annual Clam Chowder and Crab FeoJ on Satur day. March 22. at 6:30 p.m. at Armory. Re freshments and enter tainment. All Nobles and their Ladies are invited to attend. Paul R. Winter. Preei. LOST AND FOUND LOST, or stolen, black male Pekingese pup with white under neck. Finder, phone 7568. Small reward. KINDLY return purse taken Sunday afternoon from red Ponttac, 203 Wa.h. Inttton. Phone 6668 or 3277. LOST, man'i atar ruby rlns. Reward Phone 4311. PLATINUM diamond wedding ring. Kreptake. Plcabe call 6422 days. Reward. LOST. Monday on Arthur. Shasta Way or Ivory Streets. Volume 17 of Ency clopedia Americana. Reward. Phone 2-3-TQ2. GENERAL NOTICE CAPEHARTS 11 tube radio-phono-graph combinations. Just a few left. Save S120. Formerly S349.95. now S223.&3 Derby's Music Co. 120 Ho. 7th, phone Legal Notice NOTICE OF SALE The Oregon State Highway Commis sion hu (or sale an assortment of used equipment and scrap materials located at the Highway Department Equip ment Plants at Salem, Coquille. Klam ath FalU, and La Grande. Oregon. Par tial Hits of the various kinds of equip, ment and scrap are as follows: AT SALEM; Cars, station wagons, dump trucks, Vj-yard ahovel. graders, asphalt kettles, tandem rollers, mow ers and scrap materials AT COQUILLE: Dump trucks, pick up, asphalt kettles and scrap mater ials AT KLAMATH FALLS: Dump trucks, asphalt kettles, mower, drag saw and scrap materials. AT LA GRANDE: Cars, dump trucks and scrap materials Sealed bids for the purchase of all or any one piece of this used equip ment and for all the .scrap materials will be received by the State Highway Commission, in Room '418 State High way Building. Salem. Oregon, until 2 p.m.. Tuesday, April 1. 1952. at which time and place the bids will be pub licly opened and read. Proposal forms and full information for bidders may be obtained In Room 221, State Highway Building. Salem. Oregon, and at each of the four equip ment plants. Oregon State Highway Commission M. 14-J1 No. 912. NOTICE OF LANDOWNERS MEETING OF KLAMATH DRAINAGE DISTRICT: Notice Is hereby given that the' reg ular annual meeting of the landowners of (he Klamath Drainage District will be held at the office of the District No 12 Melhase BIdg.. Klamath Falls. Oregon at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday March 29. 1952 which meeting is held for the purpose of electing on Supervisor to serve for a term of 3 years and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. C. L. Langslet Sec re a try. M 7-14-21 No. WW PRIDDY PROVES BEST LAKELAND. Fla. W! Gerry Priddy, second baseman for the Detroit Timers, proved that he is the best of the Ticers In Keif, that is. For the second straicht sprinu Priddv won the annual "Tiirer Tournament." He shot a 72 to beat coach Dick Bartell and Pitcher Hal Ncwhouser bv five strokes. In the playoff for second spot Newhouser bested Bartell. WANTED Kenneth Lee Maurer, 19, of Detroit, ac cused of .the brutal slaying of his mother and little Bister, was placed on the FBI's list of "10 Most Wanted Fugitives." Maurer, youngest ever to be placed on the list, replaces Willie Sutton, bank robber who was arrested in New j York. X 1 .rxzfrt GENERAL NOTICES FERN SHORT will Now be at PEARCE BEAUTY SHOP For Appointments Phone 4618 OPEN Under New Management HOURS 8:00 A.M. 'TILL 7:00 P.M. LANE'S Fur Company 'formerly Rich rdm new addrett, 101 s Main cro from old location open . for butlnew April 10 GOOD DANCE MUSIC for all occa sions Call Morgan 2-0200 or McDonald, Bill- Played right, priced right, and guaranteed danceable PERSONALS WELL KNIT guaranteed hosiery. Phone 4224. REAL SILK. 7132. PR A TEX Plaitjci. Phone M24. 7.QZ BRfJCE S wanibn 'i Beauty Shop. ST ANLEY Home ProducU. Phone 0600 10 SCRVICE FIX THAT RADIO Our Business Is Sound CONNER'S SERVICE CO. Phone 6878 MOVING? . . . Call 725 Local-Long Distance Piano and appliance moving s specialty Transfer and Storage Bekin's Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse "Since 1918" NOTICE LANDSCAPING TREE PRUNING SPRAYING by Francis "Smithy" Smith, Tree Surgeon Let us work with you , NOW on your landscape needs. : ROSEBUSHES NOW IN STOCK Pantented and No. Ts SUBURBAN FLOWER SHOP 3614 So. 6th Phone 8188 CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What you don't want, someone else needs! Let us Iind what you want or find the person who needs what you don t want. This Is the kind of service we are offering . . . why not take advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop in at 25S East Main In Klam ath Falls and get acquainted or Phone 5670 EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Bo Bulldozer Pill Dirt - Topaoil Crushed Rock Driveway Cinder Compressor CRANE SERVICS GRAHAM BROS. Phobe 6541 or 9110 Septic Tanks Cleaned TANKS, drain fields installed repaired. Years of experience. All work guaranteed.' PHONE 5731 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE. FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service Insured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 2802 South Sixth Ph. 9240 or 2-3133 Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Stwer Lines of Roots. Ete ED P. KING 2434 Orchard Phone N41 REPAIR SERVICE On alt types of major electrical .p. pliances. radios, washing machines, va cuum cleaners, ranges and small house hold appliances. Pickup and delivery service available. MONTGOMERY WARD 9th and Pine Phone 31R8 PAINTING and paperhanftnf. Phone 7617. CURTAINS taundi-ed and stretched Phone 4914 FULLER Brushes. Phone A6Q4 or 5677. J. L. DEAN Public Aecountaat ant Auditor .. Office at 306 No. 7th. Phone 3 FOR TREE TRIMMING Phone 2-0355 PAINTING, decoratlnf. paperl.in(ln(. plasterboard finishing, spray painUng. Phone 3028 - . . REFRIGERATION SERVICE Now is the time to make necessary re pairs and adjustments to your refrlg erotor before hot weather begins. Let Ward's Service Department handle your particular neas. complete -moaern up to date reirigeration service witn qual ity workmanship guaranteed. MONTGOMERY WARDS 9th and Pine . Phon. 3188 TRIPP'S Auto Painting. Body and len der work. Phone 4040. , ; . ALTERATIONS AU work guaranteed. Jenni, Hare, Anitas, 707 Maul. Phon. 6353. CARPENTER work. Remodeling and new construction. Phone 2-0617. ELECTRICAL contracUng, Work guar anteed. Phone 2-luiO 12 fOUCAflONAL BOOKKEEPING, shorthand typing klo drtd subjects, office machines. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE 733 Pin. Phon. 4741) 13 HEALTH i CONVALESCENTS c AGED-INVALIDS 24-Hour Nursing Care, with Regis tered Nurse In Charge. Attention given to Special Diets. Equipped for bed patients. Fully licensed by State of Oregon.. Your Inspection Invited. Courtesy to your family doctor. . . Private or pension case arelcome. The Mitchell Sanatarium' Jacksonville, Ore. Phone Jacksonville til HI ALT H fttfCA"M-i)aths, xerrlie. 'ipot rrrfuving for mn and womin. Fhon !MMU. 14 HELP WANTED, MM A LI WOMAN for Central hmiMWork and parttlma eara of two ehlldrvn. Llv In. t;ood wife. Private room with batrt. ,v Phong 3-303. ANY vetaran'a wife wanting room nnd hoard In xrhania for child rare, P hone fl 101. No oherHon to om fhlld; WANTED, experienced waltreM and ar nop. No phone call. Pelican Driv 4 HELP WANTED, MALI SALESMAN WANTED' Liberal commliMlon to qualified man handling other food linn In Southern Oregon territory. Writs Oovien Grain Macaroni Co., 1111- 139th Avenue. San Leandro, Calif.. for Interview. WANTED two exoerienred Pine and rie graderi. Year around work. Top pay. Good opportunity. Pen berth v Lumlter Co. Box 434, Yreka, California. Phono WANTED, experienced naleiman to sell t'rigldalre appliances. Good opportunity for right party. See Vera Oweni, Cai cage tiome rurnianings. PINE or fir grader. Steady work. Give detail of experience. Write P.O. Box .-! wed ford, Oregon. WANTED trout getter air dog and dry lumber handler. Call JEUinaxon Lumbar SALESMAN earnings to ulart, approx. $273. per month. Opportunity to ad vance. Ages 18 to M. Apply Standard Stations. Inc. 2nd and Mam or Esplan ade and Spring Sts. II SITUATIONS WANTED HANDY MAN. odd lobs. SI par hour. rnone jt-nw evening. EXPERIENCED: office work. recep. (.oniRi, casnier, saiesiaay, oaoy sitting, , Phone 8749. EXPERIENCED teenaffer desires hahv sitting or mother's helper evening! after 4:30. Saturdaya or Sundays. Phone 2-2080. CHILD care anytime. Phone 2-0111 aft- CHILD CARE. 2M Fast Main 7 3:30 days phone 3670. eves. 2-0372. WILL care for children in mv homa days or your home evenings. Cat) 2-1343. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT PACIFIC TERRACE j QUIET, SPACIOUS, HOME- LIKE ROOM FOR MAN. PRIVATE BATH. GARAGE AVAILABLE OR YOU CAN i WALK TO WORK ..... ; PHONE 5665 ! ROOMS for rent. Private antranr. Close in. Phone 4444. ' ROOMS, prices reasonable." Phone 462 1 LOVELY rooms for rent. M -A? nab. Ckwi in. Phone 4J0. FRONT room for rent - Greer Apart- ROOM3 1034 High. ROOMS, board, gentlemen. 1007 Cres cent. ATTRACTIVE light housekeeping quar ters. cvCTjrining lumiinea out groceries 1143 Pine. ROOM, gentleman. 1530 Crescent. LIGHT" housekeeping. Everything furl nished. Suitable sober bachelor or cou ple. 109 North Broad. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT FURNISHED apartment for rent. Bach elor preferred. 421 Oak. ROYAL ARMS apartment vacancy. 324 - pigu. rimnc pju. THREE room .furnished apartment. 2033 Darrow. TWO ROOM modem apartment for rent NEAT three room furnished apartment. FOR RENT, furnished two room apart ment. Natural hot water heat. Close, ilk TWO room furnished inarlmnt Fio. trie range and refrigerator. Convenient io ui i ana aowntown. ibqo Main Street; FOR RENT, two room furnished, apart- FOR RENT, small attractive apartment Single. Gas equipped. Frigidaire. Lights and water furnished. S23. Call 5373 or APARTMENT with gas heat also small FOR RENT 3 room iumlshed apart ment. 338 Broad. APARTMENT: Unfurnished: large ta room and bath. Clean, eomfoilabte, " electric heat. Private entrance, charm. ( ing fireplace. Hot Crescent. Phon. FURNISHED apartment. Close in on ' 9th. UtlliUes furnished. 849. Inquir. 823 ' PARTLY furnished two bedroom apart. ' menf on Homedale Road. Phone 8187. 1 ivn.uani.li iwu wm apartment FlTDWtcurn . .... . v-ni. nnitmi.iBu. Ml.OV. rnOfl- a-iKH TWO bedrocm, unfurnished apartment In duplex. Adults. 434 North Sth UPSTAIRS furnished apartment. Gas equipped. Across from the Academy. NEWLY decorated anartm.nt rtr Apts. 710 Main, UNFURNISHED, basement apartment for bachelor or lady. Natural hot water heat and water furnished. 833. Refrig erator and electric range available,"" w.. ..i. in ur pnonc j.iu alter o p.m. . STEAM HEATED apartment with bed. room. 628 Oak St. FURNISHED apartment for rent npaninem i. aw maritet. THREE ROOM furnished apartment 204t THREE room furnished apartment and bath. Adults only. Phon. 5472, 811 Wal- Krwi.v i..... 1...1. ..... i chenette. steam heat, electric rang.. .in ween ik ftrms Apanmeni. FURNISHED three room apartment -$52.50; two room unit 835; all utilities ' Included. 419 N. Tenth. FOR RENT, furnished two room apart- ' ment. for adults. 321 Broad. ' ' FOR RENT, two room furnished barh elor apartment. 829. Inquire 2126 Recla mation. I It - HOUSES FOR RENT SMALL modern furnished house. ty8. Inquire 4429 Shasta Way or Sunday at 1619 Gap Street. SMALL two bedroom house. Close ta business district Completely redecorate ed. Stoves and refrigerator lurnifihedtt S50. References required. Phone 4463.! TO LEASE or rent, two bedroom house,! garage, garden spot, fenced yard. Segi at 3020 Arthur St. Owner will show after, 8 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. Phona. uiaiiw rass oiou, 11 FOR RENT, furnished newly 'decorated a cottage. 1', blocks from Main. Suitable, v for 1 or 2. 835. Phone 8866. Z FOR RENT, near Pelican School. Twt bedroom furnished house. 940 month.) 7 FOR RENT, modern two room fur-t l nished house. Inquire 3112 Cannon., DUPLEX for rem. Phone 3027 ' heron 3027 ' 6efor 8 p.m. . , 1 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT J BEEHIVE U TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Save M -New Trucks For Long Trlpa i.t Pickups Stakes Vara -J BEACON MOBIL SERVICE i 1301 E. Main Phone 8304' C LAND for LEASE Virgin soil under U.S. Reclama- tlon Langell District, privately owned one crop season ' To highest eligible cash bidder. I Certified check must accompany' ' bid closing Mar. 28 ' 1 Potato planting not prohibited.! For Information reply to HeM aid News . 1 . Box 465 1 APPROXIMATELY 30 acres potato lanan for rent. Call Newell 2183. l AMERICAN floor aandera and edg.ra,, ' swift and easy to operat.. Bruc. iloor. finish, fillers, waxea and varnish. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER H40 So. Sixth Phone 48 H orFICE for rant 823 Main. Phon. 7181.