Friday, march 21, 1032 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE E1EVEN LI 1 1 IE BROWNIE A midget will not get to bat for the St. Louis Americans this season, but that doesn't mean little fellows are out. Thrce-ycar-old Ralph Orlandella got a batting lesson from Rogers Jlornsby when he showed up in a Browns uniform during the early training at El Ccntro, Calif; SWitch Made In Prep Gifid Playoff Program PORTLAND m Oregon's foot ball pin vol 1.1 will be continued wllh one -nuilor revision, thr Journu) mHI i;djty in n (llMiuU'h from Al Gould c! lis sport staff who Is ip Kuxi'iu) far the basketball tour nament.. It ala thr board of control for thr Oregon School Activities Assoc iation decided Wednesday nlaht to conduit thr A-l playotf separate limn' the A-2 playoff, Hum giving the uliitr It champion In each ,01 "Ihe'r.e classes as well as In cla.i8 . 11 . . tt had been rrportrd earlier thr -school executives were ready to meet Saturday to Junk thr whole , playoff ayatem. That (rrouo makes recommendations to the Boct J KVAS STILL ON AIR ASTOniA mi rtitfjiot iBtioir KVA8 In broadcasting ttlKlv tcUool baskrtbull tournament gifines from fiiKcne after all. Knrhrr tlirrr was talk that the Hunt to broadcast the games-might br drnlrd K V AH because the station ilrflrd thr Oregon School Activities Assoclalion and broadcast thr C'latn U High School tournament t Siilrm lost week end. Since, the station has Joined the OrrRon Broadcaiters Association, which has statewide petwork to handle the Class A tournament l Kugenr. KVAS 1$ getting the DM ttnrk broadcast!. ' - ' i.. I.. E. Parsons, KVAS manager m:a the u.h.a.a. naq no ngnv to try to bar hint from broadcasting the class B game. The O.S.A.A insisted it hnd. the right, but did not exercise It nflar he showed up at Salem with a. portable trans mltter. .. --, .m'-1 ' ' ' ., .' ''' 25 Survive .'. PUt.T.MAN.' Wah. m Twenty five wrestler survived, the 'flrat; two rounds Thursday of the North west District Olymplo wrestling tri als. Bli of the 38 entered saw no ac tion the firm day,, Eight Washing ton Stntr College men and seven. Irom Portland's Multnomah Athlet ic Club wrrr Mill In the running, mure from Whldbey Inland Navy Basn and one from McChord Air Force Base survived V,-- '- Hon and still la expected to meet wllh Umt In miner. 11 has only an advisory role. JUNIOR jumper sanora Sdderquist, 10, carries her skis Up. 'a mountain slope ncar' her Elbcrta, Mich.;, home' after completing a 50-foot, (leap on the ski r jump there.'The game little : miss has: been skiing for two years, started jumping this winter. HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND IUSINI. OKI. MIDFORO ' Thoroughly Modern V- llr. and Mrs. J. K. Earley and Joe Earley i. .Proprietor HIN STOCK NOW!! Model 99EG T, . Savoge 300 caliber Model 99 R ....... Savage : 300 caliber Model 70 Winchester All caliber) Model 721 ...... Remington ...... All caliber ! Model 722 Remington All caliber ! Carbines .. All Makes and Caliber ; Check our new low prices on all guns Bring in your old gun for trade Easy term contract or lay-a-way THE GUN STORE Fibbers tut Out Chevies DRNVEil Ml The U. 'H. A force All Blur, a sirmrinv bnnil of tlrelrsa limUera, and Holly- wooiia iae . u . easy Fibber knocked out ton-rntrd DnVUnrl C'alir., und Defending Champion Hun Kranclfico 'Jliurndny nlnlit In Hie N'nllonul Amulcur Athletic Un ion basketball quarterfinals. ' The flyers, running Units around the rangy Oakland Atlas-Paulflc SIiiKlnecra, battled through an ov ertime period to pout tliclr 40-34 victory, Hollywood's Fibber Mrflw anit Molly teom, reverting to old-style slow-down ball control basketball, stalled Bun Pranrisco'a fast breuk lug Clievrolels, 4.1-41. uaniesvllle, Okls., Phillip's Wrrs, drawing a brud on their eighth AAU champlomhlp . In 10 years, breezed by the Arteslu. N.M. nea Travelers, 70-5Z. 1'curia, 111., Calcrplllar Diesels flashed by the Wurrtnsburg, Mo., KlKKlea I'la.n Howl, tm-:i. Frldoy nlnht's semlllnnls match Hollywood and Peoria and Phillips and the Air Force. The fiuanerllnals winners quali fied for the plnyolf later this month In Kansas City and New York City to M-irct the Olympic team thut will compete at Helsin ki, Finland, this summer. They will be mnlchrd against collegiate teami (piallfylng from the NCAA, NA1B and NIT tournaments. Phil lips was the 1048 Olympic cham- plun. a Marion Seen as Help To St. Louis Browns MOOtt MAS w I. . M 32 I 47 41 43 43 J4 S4 US LITTLE BOY BLUE Trainer Doc Bowman gently admin isters first aid to Whitcy Lotkman's swollen eye after the New York Giant first baseman was popped by Rookie Gordon Windhorn's grounder during an intra-squad game at Phoenix, Ariz. By istule't Food .. Irvarh Korvfre ftuburtikii T lower K Amuitmrnt . , Klamath Mower Exhibition Baseball The Associated Press Thursday's Itrsuits Page In Pat's Way Louie's Food has a little of the fat trimmed off Its rad In the Moose Ma's bowling circuit thin week, but still Isn't in any danger of falling from grace. This week the league doubled up. playing two sets of matches. and In the two Louie's lost a 3-1 decision to K Amusement and spill 3-11 with Leach Service. The first aeries also saw Leach take a 3-1 decision from Star Beauty and the two floral fives Klamath and Euburban-apllt 2-2. 'earn nign game was negotiat ed by Louie's, an 888. and team high series by K Amusement, 494. Mary Mills, rolling for Klamath Flower, topped the single line list with a 10 and Georgia Ebensper ger's Individual series of 470 for Louie's was high. The second series of matches saw Klamath Flower and K Amuse ment win 3-1 sets from Star Bea uty and Suburban Flower. Team high game of 90 went to Louie's. team nign aeries of 3484 to K Amusrmcni. ' Doris Benedict's 203 for the Louie's five was high, and Mary Mills'. 475 series for Klamath Flow- rwa also high In that category A substitute player, however. -actually topped both. Sally Bennett, rolling for Suburban Flower,; had a 204 line and 630 series. Red Sox iAi 14 wh"ip' ) Chicago (N) 7 Chicago (A) 1 i Phllaoelphlu Id I i utiruu ni 'New York-(A) 6 St. Louis IN) I 14 Innings) Philadelphia (A) 4 (AAi f New York N) 4 St. Louis (A) 3 (10 Innings) Boston (Ni 14 Milwaukee AA) 12 Brooklyn (N 4 Cincinnati NI 0 Pittsburgh (N) "B" 8 Seattle tPCL) 3 Mobile (SA) 4 Brooklyn (Nl "B" 2 Cleveland (A) 2 Pittsburgh (N) 0, night Mrs. . ; PINEHURST. N. C. W 0 ! Julius A Pnar Jr.. of Chni-lettmn N. C, the last player to win three J ; successive North and South Golf 2 tournaments, Friday stood in the ,,. ,. : path of Pat O'Sullivan of Orange, Minneapolis conn., who hopes to turn the trick too. Miss O'Sullivan hurdled one ma jor obstacle In Thursday's second round when she outlasted Mae Mur ray, Rutland, Vt., 1 up. In a 20 hole thriller. Mrs. Page did not have to ex tend herself as she trounced Soma Wise, York. Pa., 7 and 5. By The Associated Press Mnrty Marlon, deposed manager of the Ht. Louis Cardinals and cur rent shortstop of the St. Louis Browns, could be a big heln to Rogers Homsby'a gang of youngsters. Not that any one Is taking the trolt Brownies seriously ims year, nui with a lellow like Marlon around to direct the infield and pitchers like Ned Garver, Bob Cain, Tom Byrne and Gene Bcardon. they could finish out of the American League cellar. Marlon went two for three In Thursday's game which the Na tional League Champion New York Giants won, 4-3, In 10 Innings. Rook.e G.locrt was the slur lor the Giants. He hit a double In the 10th and finally scored on a fly, after taking third, on a single. BROWNS LOME The Erowns' neighbors, the St. Louis Cardinals, meanwhile, olaved their fifth extra - inning 'name of the soring, bowlnz to the New York Yankees, 5-2, In 14 Innings. The other big news of the. day was Chris VonCuyk. the towering Brooklyn Dodgers' southpaw, go- lng all the way against the Cincin nati Reds and shutting them out ' to boot, 4-0. If was Van Cuyk'a first complete game as a Dodger since ; July 1950. ; The Dodgers' "B" ..squad. ' dropped a 4-2 decision to Mobile of the Southern Association, but the farmhands borrowed the Brook's' regular Carl Erskine for the mound chores. j POWER , , The Boston Rd Sox let loose , with a burst of their famous pow-: er and they needed It od5w" the Woshlngton Senators. 14-8. The Senators actually were in the lead. Grays Harbor J Eliminated 8-7, until the eighth Inning when the Box scored twice. Then thev notched five moro tallies In the ninth. Buss Meyer went six Innings and faced only 19 batters as the Phil adelphia Phillies nipped the De- Tlgers, 2-0, while the Chi- cago Cubs pasted the Chicago White Box. 7-1. The Philadelphia A'a and the Boston Braves. each won a game at the expense of American As sociation leoma. The Mackmen topped Minneapolis. 4-3. in in in. nlngs on a home run by Rookie Outfielder Keith Thomas., and the Braves polished off Milwaukee, 14 12, on six runs In the eighth In ning. The Cleveland Indians defeated the Pittsburgh Pirates, 2-0. In a night name, with Bob Lemon and Mike Garcia holding the losers to two nits both singles by Rookie Clem Koroshek. The Bucs' "B" squad turned back Seattle of the Pacific Coast League, 8-3. SHUFF STUFF Mecca has one hand on tha rlt shufflrboard title after whopping 3-1, in Uio iirst playoff game last night. Play moves to Schusa Tavern to night. Mecca, winner of Uie first half of play, could sew up tha title with a win. If Schusa win.-, the third and deciding game would go to the VFW boards Monday. Schuss won the second half, tie ccssitating this two-of-tliree gam playoff. ' HSi (OUIPMINT VIM Evirf tltltcNM wtt Ml lax mi fawn HIW! Bam, pWft, MfetAfs !'. itt. Wk4 ipa "4 US! pk. tl fv to rtlbbW todk. Orf youf copy fttwa pwIf SINS TODAY 1M OS A COPY HUTCHINSON, Kas. 11 .The National Junior college basketball tournament moved Into the semi finals Friday with Minnesota, Utah. Texas and Missouri teams still retaining a chance for the Wharton County (Tex. College grabbed a semifinal berth In the championship pairings by downing Jollet. 111., 74-82. Thursday night.. Hannlbal-LaGrange College of Han nnibal, Mo., slipped past Dodge City. Kas., 66-63. In the night s otlv Sports Mirror By The Associated Press I Today A Year Ago Kansas State land BriRham Young advanced to I the semi-finals of the Western Rcr ilonal N.C.j4. A. basketball playoffs. I Five Years Ago Tippy Larkln 'outpointed Billy Graham In a ten- round bout at Madison Square iGarden. - .1 Ten Years Ago Yale won the jKwimmlni? championship et .New 'J4avrn -Conn. .". ' Twenty Years Ago Ed Ka tri age won a ten-round . decision over Eleven Hamas at Lol Angeles. Bevos Win Exhibition ONTARIO, Calif, i.n Bob Dril ling and Mario Plerettl shared mound duties for Portland Thurs day as the Beavers turned in a 5-1 Pacific Coast League exhibition game victory over San Diego. Second Baseman Eddie Baslnkl accounted for 10 of the 22 put out assists credited to Portland. Jack Salveson and Bob Schulte, a rookie, were the San Diego hurlers. ina j Quiiiinu-mgc winner will'. v..t tilt move to a aeml-Hnal match Satur- itrJi"l?ll "alJ"A day against Friday's Mary Lena Faulk-Mrs. H. S. Covington sur vivor. Miss Faulk, the medalist, was not extended In her 5 and 4 second round decision over Mary Patton Janssen of Charlottesville, Va. Mrs. Covlnirton, finalist nine years ago stopped Pat Garner of Mldlond, Tex., 2 and 1- In the lower bracket It was Mary A UTnll ll mlnu tll-k against Grace DeMoss, Corvallis, 167-61 Ore., and Ida McDowell, Camden, S. C, against Barbara Romack, Sacramento. Calif. Miss DeMoss, like Misses O'Sul livan and Murray ,a Curtis cup team member, had the day's best front nine, a one-under 36. and romped over Edean Anderson, Helena, Mont., 7 and 6. I .X Th i C THERE'S NONE BETTER "nM Cr-one Ethyl 31c JAYHAWK GAS . : 2135 South 6rh 5 mo...ME change my wtisksy?' Why net? Thousands ... like you ... contidorod Iho Idea and ditcovorod a better whitkty! Maybe'you like what you're drinking now because you think it's the best at the price. But, can't there always be the possibility that you might do better? You've changed brands In other things befor Clianccs are that you have changed brands before ... in cigarettes, toothpaste, etc. . . . and found the change a big improvement. Well, it can happen with whiskey, too! Thousands new prefer Caritairil Thousands have found Carstairs i smoother, richer whiskey the first time they tried it. And they were delighted to discover that it costs less than other fine whiskies. Today, millions of bottles are sold to "Men who Care for the finest." i : Try II and convince yourself I When you want fine whiskey try Carstairs. You'll " discover, just as millions have, that it's t better drink at a better price! $ The winduD of the double-elimin- atlon meet comes Saturday night. Four teams were eliminated in Thursday's play. The Connors State Aggies of Wamer, Okla.. ousted Grays Harbor College of Aberdeen, Wash., 64-61: Garden City, Kas., eliminated Central Agricultural College of Beebe. Ark., 88-60; Moberlv, Mo., eased out Camp bellsvilie. Ky.. 67-65, and Grace land College of Lamonl, la., oust ed Abraham Baldwin of Tifton, Ga. HOCKEY Pacific Coast Hockey By The Associated Press Saskatoon 6 Seattle 4 Order your Spring Clothes now A REPRESENTATIVE OF custom lailoil since J895 wilt be at our store SATURDAY MARCH 22 TO DISPLAY IMPORTED and DOMESTIC WOOLENS for v SPRING and SUMMER SUITS and SPORTSWEAR STYLES FOR MEN AND WOMEN Ed. V, Price & Co. clothes are hand cut ind made up for you from your choice, of fabric, styled as you prefer, and -skillfully tailored by the finest craftsmen. Come in and see these woolens, many os which are shown only by fine merchant tailors, and learn about the advantages of wearing clothes made for you. Hove You Registered To Yofe? . . 820 Main STORE FR MEH j i ' Phono 6778 31s 43 QUART TheMarnvho Cares '- ' CrVRSW r ...AQt isinct IfW &CAnSTUn! rHaJieSm.l CARSTAIRS BROS. DISTILLING CO., INC., NEW YORK, N. Y. BLENDED WHISKEY, 86 PROOF. 11 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS iv.ooaipmE Features and Performance Jffj v never before available w FOR THE FIRST TIME AT THESE PRICES! Stopping Power Skid Resistance Tire Mileage and Economy Beyond all previous standards ! NOW AVAILASII AT YOUR U. S. ROYAL DIALIR SH00P and SCHULZE Main and Sprinq BOB'S UNION SERYICE STATION ! 4078 So. 6th . COLEMAN'S UNION STATION 1101 Main TIRE SERVICE . DALTON & KEFFER I UNION SERYICE North Highway 97 '. Phone 7741 SCOTTY'S UNION STATION ' ) MAIN ST. RONNIE'S UNION SERVICE 1 201 So. 6th St.