PAGE TEN HiiKALD AND NKWS. KLAMATH KALLS. OHI'.CON Kill DAY, MAHCII 21, 1052 Stevenson To Baker TIME OUT! , HAKPiR iiv The new head biiskelbiill (touch at Uaker lllli hclioiil will bo Chnrlen Utevrnson, JO, Mho liutt been aiinlslaiH here. lh'.Mii' Roy (joeborg, who In rr.:iuiiliii( to become aiipejlnlendeiit ol nilioiili nt Pilot Kock.i CeirtoDon g) i i . J WINNERS IN A RECENT merchandise shoot at the Klamath Gun Club's Wocus grounds j were (first row, left to right) Dr. J. Martin Adams. Marion Grant. Guy Pirruccini (who really took home the bacon), and George Tyler. Back row, left to right. Bill Davis (the keg is empty), Vem Moore, Carl Olncy and Rod Smith. Bert Rohu Photo i:y " V KED HUUr SPORTS EDITO ; i CV ; '-'-'.'-" Wooden Will Use Hiblei For Injured Bragg in NCAA Play T T www- www Vikings Eliminate Pel Five .EUOENE I Till lull Pnrl lBiirt trains nrd a short crew from Eastern Oitroii moved into Hie seinl-fhials St tha Orrrai Clns.1 A School un.ctbnlL,tournament Frldny. T Record crowds were on hmid to see record - breaking Wnde owecie- Mninrook of I, Hen In mid Ihe only pluyrr nbove leet lit Forward Morris Biickwaller. fl-'J fnlls the t.k ol trying to Mop Lincoln's Hitlbrook. The 7-(oot-l-lnch llslbrook crack ed the tournament tearing record again Thursday nliiht In what Is lor hint routine fashion, This time ho Rt 41 points In Scores the other Portlanders dominate the leadlnc Lincoln to a 68-A.i win tournament as Portland teams ovr Bend. That topped his tourney never have before. record ol 40, esiabibhed the pie- ii comes as no surprbe to the Schedule EUOENE to The schedule M the Class A hlqh school ba.-kct' bajl tournament here Friday: " ' Consolation 9:45 a.m. Astoria vs. The Dalles 11 a.m. Salem vs. Milwaukle. p.m. Hlllsboro vs. Marslif'eld 3:15 p.m. Bend vs. University (Eugene) . Sentl-Finals 7:30 p.m. Cleveland vs. Central Catholic (both Portland) 845 p.m. Lincoln (Portland) vs. La Grande. 40.000 who have walched the tour nament so far. Central Catholic, Cleveland and Lincoln the Port land entrants in the semi-finals ranked 1-2-3 In that order in the final Associated Press poll in the state. The lone outsider Is La Grande, the No. 7 team, which reached the semi-finals by bumping Milwaukle, the No. 9 team Wednesday, and then trampling unranked Univer sity High of Eugene Thursday night. 54-37. To the short La Grande entry Wednesday Resulta 4'onitolation Itoiind Astoria 48 McMlnnvllIc 46 (two overtimes) The Dalles 66 Scuppoose S'J Snlcm 43 Klamath Falls 39 Title Hound Cleveland. (Portland) 49 Hlllsboro 46 I Central Catholic (Portlandi 55 I Marshfleld 45 I Lincoln (Portland) 68 Bend 53 I La Grande 54 University (Eugene) 47 850 Four In Ring Tie By JACK HEWINS CORVALLIS, Ore- W) Dogged by a persistent tournament jinx. Coach John Wooden of U.C.L.A. planned Friday to move Sophomore Mike Hibler into his starting line up in the place of injured Don Bragg for Friday night's game with Santa Clara in the regional N.C.A.A. basketball playoffs. Oklahoma City, which got Its first glimpse of the sleek Gill Coli seum floor Friday morning, will meet the deadeye " Wyoming Cow boys in the second game at 9:15 p.m. The opener starts at 7:30 p.m. Friday night's victors will tan gle Saturday for a berth in the na tional finals Tuesday and Wednes day at Seattle. U.C.L.A- Santa Clara and Wyo ming all took workouts at the coli seum Thursday. Oklahoma City stopped off in Portland to work out and came on .to Corvallis Friday Kentucky Favored In NCAA Hoop Tourney .NEW YORK (Pi The NCAA basketball playoffs ' open Friday night on four regional fronts stretching from Carolina to Oregon with the Kentucky Wildcats again rated the team to beat lor the championship. . , ' - Although the 16-team" field Is studded with talent, including ten Fort Lewis To Finals SAN DIEGO, Calif. to Led by Player-coach John WUson, the Fort Lewis, Wash., basketball team scored two victories Thursday night to advance to final piay in the . All-Western . Jnter-service tourna ment here. . Fort Lewis eliminated Camp Roberts (Calif) 64-63 and then oust ed the Twelfth Coast Guard Dis trict (San Francisco) 89-65. . Jandreau Quits Ashland ASHLAND Wl .Charles Jand reau is resigning as basketball coach at Ashland High School. He said he might accept a teaching position at Portland or Ashland. major conference champions and six teams hand-picked at large, Adolph Rupp's marksmen from the Blue Grass country are strongly favored to capture their fourth col lege crown In the last five years. Kentucky opens its tournament Campaign against Penn State, one of the at large teams which finished the season with a 20-4 record. Here's the full schedule: At Raleigh, N.C. Kentucky f27-2. Southeastern Conference, vs. Penn State (20-4); North Carolina State (23-9). Southern Conference, vs. St. John's22-4. At Chicago Illinois 19-3, Big Ten, vs. Dayton (27-4); Princeton '16-8 ivy League, vs. Duquesne (22-3). At Kansas City Kansas (22-2), Big Seven, vs. Texas Christian (22 3), Southwest: St. Louis' (22-7), Missouri Valley, vs. New Mexico A&M (21-8). Border. At Corvallis Ore TJCLA (19 10), Pacific Coast, vs. Santa Clara 15-9); Wyoming (29-6), Mountain States,, vs. Oklahoma City (17-7. Expert Gun Repairing " and Rebluing THE GUN STORE for a warmup drill. Ev Shelton's Cowboys put on the heaviest practice session here, scrimmaging about an hour, but without scorers or referee. San ta Clara took a casual shooting drill. Wooden's Bruins turned on the speed in the practice, but did not scrimmage. - In a Portland workout the Okla homa City Chieftains used Coast referees to familiarize themselves with Far West officiating. The jinx has come around to haunt Wooden in post-season play offs regularly. Time and again he has piloted his teams to the Coast Conference Southern Division crown, only to have something hap pen to a key player. This year it's Don Bragg who caught the frown of the jinx. The freshman forward Injured his foot during practice after the club had whipped Washington for the conference title. Whether his loss will upset the smoothly oper ating Uclans remains to be seen. Another freshman, John Moore of Gary, Ind., will switch from his starting job at forward to take over Bragg's position. Hibler will "step into the center slot. Bragg is with me team, ana iook a limping work, out, but probably will not play. Officials at Oregon State College. the host school, anticipated a crowd ot 7,500, lor opening night and close to a capacity turnout of 10. 000 for the Saturday night wind-up. I SACRAMENTO, Calif, to Four i teams Gonzaga. Idaho. San Jose State and Washington State are i tied for first place as the Pacific Coast Intercollegiate Boxing Cham- k-u.m.s cmtr me second round Friday, Each team earned four points. Seventeen bouts are scheduled Friday night and the 10 finals Sat urday. Individual champs get a tr in tn th urn . "V " chance to try for the Olympic Idaho Is defending champion. Turner Favored Over Williams NEW YORK to - Don Williams. f choir-singing welterweight boxer from Worcester, Mass., would like to buy. a house. He figures the' quickest way to pay for one is to- beat Gil Turner in Madison Square Garden Friday night. No one has whipped Turner yet Sir J"? bettin(t professionals don't think lanky Doh will be able to turn the trick either. The 21-year Philadelphia Negro has been made 2 to 1 favorite to win the ten rounder for his 30th straight victory. vlous night, and gave him points for the season. Easily within his grasp now are 1,000 points for the sca.-ou plus a tourney record exceeding Uie 135 point he scored here last year. He has 81 In two games, and has two games remaining. Cleveland meets Central Catholic In the other semifinal game. Cleveland nosed out Hlllsboro Thursday 49-46. and Central Catho lic defeated Marshfleld, 55-45. The forthcoming Central-Cleveland tussle has the fans buzzing. Boyd Goes To Seattle It is expected to produce the best uii-Kotuull ol the loiirniimcui so lur. iiml there win plenty ol it Thursday. The I. lie iillrrnimu Kiuiies were the hlKhllgltt with built Illllsbolu mil Muil)fleld giving the Purl- lundrra (Its. ' Cleveland hud a slight edge over lllllMxmi In the first hull, but Hills-, bum came back lighting and with' l:M inlnutrs to go se.zcd the lead, 46-45. Jack Vkkov, 8-3 forward for Cleveland, scored to give the I'orl hinders a 47-46 f.lge with 1! minutes remaining, and Cleveland whs able to stall out the rest of the way. Il Hour leader, Jerry Ross aiiding it llnnl Held goal Just nt the end. MarMillrld kept up with Central Catholic, too, in Die Hist hall, which ended In a 22-M He. In the final half, however, the 6 foot 4 Hob Altenhnlen. Iwlee an All-State selection, won Inr Central Catholic. He scored when they needed points, and almost by himself turned back a last-minute bid bv Mnrahdeld' He wound up with 24 points. llrml came through with some srnsiitlonnl thontlng to lead Mm , coin in the first quarter and stay ' close on the heels of Lincoln until the final period. Then Halbrookl I who was missing more shots than j usual In the llrst three quartern. I regained his accuracy. He dropped i In shots repeatedly therealter, and ! when he rotircd 2:35 minutes from the end his team was ahead, 66-46. Lincoln, properly, Is not a tall team. It has four guards and Hal. brook. But all by himself Halbrook makes the team seem tall. For example, he grabbed 33 rebouncH against Bend, only two less than the entire Bend team. ilii "Ciuriu Eddie nan nurprltcil I won, huh?" . Seven of Preacher line's Iflfil vic tories nri-M hi -,, 1,. ....... of his three losses was he knocked out or me, box - Villi Interfiling, eolorli, , , Hir "1 he Hotel la . T.iviu Onirr in lha thvalvr am4 lionping iliilrirl, ia Hiricl lid with . hnlli grem brlilix. Ilrlng your family for wokal or longer, ami enjoy lha djttiaetiva Hotel VI liili emb ewlaiiM and Mtriot, Ml ti 14.11 li'lK; Ina II. M litini MAaKIT ITIIII at Ilk . ! la lidmm HOTEL WIIITf'OMn PALM SPRINGS. Calif, to The Chicago White Sox Thursday op tioned First Baseman Bob Boyd to the Seattle Ralnlers for the 1052 Pacific Coast League baseball sea son. . General Manager Earl Sheely said Boyd is one of the seven players Seattle Is slated to receive tor Pitchers Marv . Grlssom and Harold Brown, sold to the Sox last fall. Boyd hit .342 and batted tn 64 runs in 145 games for Sacramento last year. Sheely said he will be a big help to the Rainlers who were defeated 8-3 by the Pittsburgh Pi rate's "B" team in an exhibition eame Thursday.. K. TALIS Cell. I Morten, f Carroll, c .. Johnftoil, g (illnmre. I Vouna. Summer,. I Kreneh, g narron, ( .. rnc. Total! ... . l.t)l nrandL. f llotli). f . Bi-.hop. r . Pepr. f .. Hael. Condcr, I rr. tt rr Tr i o 4 a .. o .1 1 1 .4 4 an -4 a. 4 ,i i .0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 it is as; ro it rnr ..i.l 3 . a a io 1 a i .00 4 . 1 1 0 I 'J Total! . . 13 I 3 lUtfilm: Klamath Fallt 33. Stnj 3t. Mlucd free throw; Klamath "allf - Bell 2 Carroll 2. Johnson 8. Rum. tnrr. Siil'em Paiiluj, BUhop, Haiti Peprt .1, Condor 3. SUB SEEP Specialist auto lau atrvlc it available htre . . . and that maani a rtal glaxlT ptclally equipped by ax par lenct and training will dr the work. Tina flaw, tint work man hip and prompt ftcrlvce la guaranteed here. 4 BUILD Biim FOR LESS PEYTON PlIMIfF BUILDING BLOCKS HMPtOOF vtiMM moor SIU INSULATING lEAUTIFUt IAJYTOIUIID 4 COSTS YOU LESS EYT0N It M M4AKIT ST, ..fftOMBUJEPRlUT woptumoFm 601DEH 6KTE BRIPdE largest Suspension Span in The woM l nATCHltSS HIND OF STKAIOHT WHISKIES "6 PKOOf CONTINENTAL 0ISTIILIN0 CODPORATION PHIlADEtPHIA, PA. Now You Can Buy Your Favorite Bicycle ! SCHWINN Columbia - Monarch NO Down Payment 6 to 12 MONTHS TO PAY! . 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TRADE IN YOUR OLD BICYCLE POOLE'S GIVE YOU: A " v LOW PRICES EX PAYMENT k Free adjustment Service on your bike in RicYr i f a : SPORTING GOODS v r , v ' : PKbne 5520 row 222 So. 7th INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 3 r- pzeji I g0W rr.iU.Al a.4 Ota.r.l M.aflr 1 iliiai - - 'IWVWA SEE 1952 888 r i PICK-UPS FARM TRUCKS LOGGERS From Vx Ton to 45 Ton Gas or Diesel JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE llfh and Klamath Ph. 2 2381 "IC YOU NIID A TRUCK, SEIJUCK" 1 9th and 'hona 3111 J .J Get All Three at Wards VALUE, QUALITY, STYLE 39.95 CW yogr spring wardrob a-lifl with a nw Suit from Wordi. The smart porlrnJ and rich colon of Wordi will are equally correct for dress or business wear. The select, all-wool worsted fabrics assure long wear and resistance to wrinkles. Big volume buying plus rigid tailoring standards make a Wards suit the best choice for men who want good value. See them today. WENT SPORT COATS-all-wool fabrics 21. All-WOOl Gabordint'w flannel slacks. .,. . . . '13. BUY. ON . 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