IIIKSDAY, MAKUI 'M, 11152 HKIIALO AND NKWS. KLAMATH 1'AILS. ORKGON PAGE NINE in Klamath Falls it's ' r' '''' iyyu7'y .... A "TAFT" WATCHFOB dalinK back to 1908 when William Howard Taft, father of Ohio Son. Hubert A. Taft, was campaigning for President, has been mailed back to Taft-for-1 President (Robert A., that is) headquarters in Washington, D.C., by' 13. T. McKimens (left) of Klamath Kails. He is pictured showing the watchfob to Rill Jenkins. MARKETS and FINANCIAL Grains Stick To Previous Closing CHICAGO l Mom uiulli.i liov frrd around Ihc pirvloun clour mi the Ijoii nl ol Uncle ' Muridii y while new c:top corn c-nnlriiclfl uriclrd more limn inn lo tlirir value. iluyinii In Llrrrmbrr coin. r"l rrHMitliiK the I0V.I crop, ifitlnwrd Wrdm-Mliiy's Auricultiilc Llrpnrl. Inrni UHlilrd. Whriil rln'.cd t lo 1 i-fiil lowrr, Portland Grain Mnn h 3 Ml corn ', 1 rrnl hlithrr, Mill eh 1.M V mil linclmiiuccl lo lower, Murrh 110 ryn 2 'j lowrr lo , IiIkIict. Muy 120b1 j, hoyhrnn.i 2 1 4-3 1 4 lowrr. Mnrrli 12 Ou t.' VI) mill lurcl i In 30 cxnl.s n hundred pounds lower, March jr.' 10. Whral Open lllih Low Cllmr M' ':,. ' " l i M l.a Grande Jly IMS '. S 3 44 i 2.44 4 1 w",,'? Hep 2 4il ', 2 47 2.4(1 '. 2.4(1 1 , j Norh nPnd Deo 2 40 '. 2.60 , 2.49 , 3.40 Prndlrion Weather Northern California Inlr Thurs dy mid Friday. Kro.-.t Thuraclay mulil hut wanner Friday. North- I wuii'ily winds o( IS to 20 Inlle.t 1111 hour off coirst. drcreHtliiK Bt j inithi. V'lncln will heroine 10 to 10 I iiiilm nn hour Friday. UriiniK I'a.is Hiid Vicinity Puiily cloudy ihrmiKli Friday, with ! n rw hi iff ahowrr Thursday. lower ,J j (itntlrrrd now flurrle In nenrhy Tliur.iday night 33. UifU Frldny'iS. I (Continued from fage Onr) .'.afc nnd proper to do 1.0. llTc'11 aoinethlnic I think you oiiKht to know, Iki. 'Mill umnzlnir aunnort (or you Hint hnx fthown un definitely nnd ti'UKlhly In New Hiunp.slilre mid Mlnnrnotii iMi't hero worslwn nnd It Ikh'I Klunior chanhiK. It Kor.t deep er tliHii Hint. 'HiO'C f( iim who nre fni- von WANT ABOVE EVERVfUINO KI.HR ON RARTH '10 BKLIKVE IN YOU. We nrc nick nnd wenrv m p'lllliefi nnd nolillclniis, VE WANT I.EAnERHHIP WE CAN irtUHT. Never. I leur. In our hl lory. wn( there such COMi'I.F.TE LACK of fnlth In our leadership. 'JI111I Hi (luiiKCroua, Ike. It could deHtroy our country nnd our way of llle. Ho. you Hee. tho:e of us who nri tor you me more than mil lor you (is a Republican can didate for President. We re pln nlnii our hopen of the future on you. That's about the way the .situation Miindn. Mission To End Tonight Climax of a five day preachintt and teaching mission will be held tonlRht at Hope Lutheran Church temporary quarter at Shasta school. Rev. Peler J. Dexnls. New York pantor. will preach on "Your Crisis and Christ." At the Wednesday night meeting Rev. Rcxnls commented "the Im portant thlncs In life are chorea, children and the church." His topic was, "A Heap O' Living." Special music was provided Wed nesday by Jcanette Rustcen, Sharon PORTLAND Coarse grains. lb-day ahipinent. bulk, coast de livery: Onls 12.00. Barley No. 2, ib 11) O, W. 69.00. Wheal (bid), to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Solt while 2. 62 ',: Soil while strand and Mary Anne Munsen (rxcludliiK Rex) 2.62 y. While ! from Klamath Lutheran Church and club 2 62 'a. a choir of 11 girls from Hope Luth- Hard red winter: ordinary 2.52 I crnn Church. 10 per cent 2.52 11 per Soloist tonight will be Mrs. Elsie cent 2.52 : 12 per cent 2.52 ' Cook, accompanied by Mrs. Clifford 2 53 10 per rent 2.53 1 y. 11 per Voss at the piano, cent 2 53 i;.; J2 per ccnl 2. S3 '..I Today's car rccelnts: wheal 68: i barley 1; Hour 2; corn 3; null Iced 6. ' I Hy The Atum-lalrd Press 21 houn enrllnc at 4:30 p.m. Maker Ilend Eugene Stock Market Goes Higher Today NEW YORK Wl The slork Innrkrt was higher Thursday with rails, steels and motors taking the lead. There was marked Improvement In 1 lie market m, tlx? latter part ft tltf session in (he rn'd-l In-lr-Jieiung In the sleel dispute. Prices were up between 1 and 2 pomii tliioiiKlniiit Die list. Minus aUMis were scatlered and small. The volume of trading was re stricted lo an estimated 1,200.000 shares. QUOTATIONS New York Stuck lly The Assni lalrd Press Art mil 11I Corporation 2(1 'i Allied Chemlinl 11 ':. Allls Chlilllirrs -"'i,1 American Alrhnes M Anirrlran Power Light '-'J : I American Tel fc Tel. 154 ' Anierlrim Tobacco 5H ' Anacoiidii Copper 4B Airhlsnn Railroad "1 ) Brthlehrni Sleel Boeing Airphinc Co. Borg Warner Burroughs Adding Miiclm.o Calllornin Packing Canadian Parillc Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Ciupoiatinn Chrysler Corporation Cllles Service Consolidated Edison consolidated Vulee Crown .ellerhach Curtis Wright Douglas Aircraft HuPnnt cle Nemouia Easlmnn Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric Ceneral Foods Cieneral Motors (Jeorgla Pnc Plywood Cloodvear Tire Homcstake Mining Co International Harvester International Paper Johns Mnnvllle Kennecnlt Cniinrr J.lhhy, McNeill fockheed Alrcrafl Lofw'K Tiicoiornted f.nn-t Brll A Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvlnalor New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pnclllc Ons fc Electric Pacific Tel. k Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney (.1. C. Co. Pennsylvania R.R. Pepsi Cola Co. Phlleo Radio Radio Corporal Inn Rfvonter Inrorn Pi.yonler Inenrp pld nrptihllr. Steel H : flevnolds Melals 6f fllehlleld Oil 6(1 : Cleans kllchcn table tops, counters, sinks, waste cans, wash, bowls, bath tubs. Mas. 39 34 4.'i 40 31 42 41 45 4(1 Portland (Arpl) 47 Roseburg Sslrin Boise Chlcneo Denver Eureka l.oa Angeles New York Red Biulf San Francisco Seatlic Spokane 43 47 41 4'i 64 4(1 CO 42 53 M 45 35 Mln. 211 15 3:1 25 3:! 31 3'.! 31 37 31 34 211 31 30 31 45 3 '1 31 41) 35 IS Portland Livestock PORTLAND i.fi UDSA Cuttle ikiilahie 100: nmrkel about I'rcrip. ! steady but largely on a cleanup 01 j ba- Is; few head utility and com "' 1 mercial sleers 26.00 31.50; cutter 15 and low utility dairy type heifers T; 19 no . 23 00; odd utility cows 21 00- 12350; cannera and cutters mostly 01' 17.00 . 20.00; shells downward to 17 , 13.00: few utility bulls 25.50 - 27.00. 'r Calves salable 25: market active DISTRICT OIT Joicph M. Vlclra. no Uil light. Fine T 'steady: choice and odd nrime veal. 03 ' era 35.00 - 38 00: commercial and .0i 1 good calves and vealers 28.00 . .Ofij ;i4.oo; lew utility grades 22.00 . .01 ! 20.00. .01 j Hoiss salable 125; holdover 90: T 1 market moderately active, about .32 . steady with-late Wednesday or 25c .10 'below early Uiat dav; choice 180 .90 1 235 lbs 20.00 20.25; few No. 3 .02 1 and medium grade butchers 19 50 . ,0fi , 19 76; choice 250 - 275 lbs 18.50; .08 choice 400 550 lb sons 15.50 -.Oil 1 1B.50: lighter weights up to 17.00; I feeder pigs scarce: choice light weights salable 18.00 . 18.60. Sheep salable 26; odd good 120 lb wooled lambs steady at 23.50; few good 60 lb feeders 24.00: good and C1I1CAUO (i- A 20 per rent ' : " V. ,'VS. ,r2, oon" expan.slon In country marketing o rlll Bnd utility e 7 00 - l oo hogs Thursday largely accounted g00(1 ' B',;b, " ..'L00' lor a steady to 25 cents lower price B Bl"""'! ""id 13.00. suuciure. Cattle were steady to 60 cents higher and bhecp steady lo strong on slightly reduced receipts Most butcher hogs sold from 115.25 lo $17.35. a few loads topping ,ai 3U.1U. bows loon HI SO o SI5 75. I Ciood to prime sleers and vearl-1 lugs sold from tn.25 lo s:m sii ..i ' 50 'j H inos oi mgn gooo anci choice '"' ""sea me reaerai Power Hogs Down, Cattle Keep Steady, Gain Copco Pleads For McCloud Project WASHINGTON Ml The Callfor- mn-uregon rower Co., Medford. 4S nn 'j 17 25 j 3li 1 1 49 43 73 107 ri 33 i 17 511 8l 68 85 ' 43 . 14 69 43 ', 63 31 N 44 ', 31 33 45 1 i (1!) 78 n ; 21 17 39 '' (13 vi 20 '' i 19 ' 8! 17 'a 34 i 111 U 4 s IIS 18 'j 9 30 v, 27 68 hellers took J3I 00 lo $33.50. Com- mrrciai cows lopped at $24.50. Wooled lambs topped at $27 50 clippers at $27.00, and ewes at $14.00. Safeway Stores Inc. 31 Scott Paper Co. 61 Hears Roebuck It Co. 63 ' Socony-Vacuum Oil 39 ' 'Southern Paclllc tin Istandard Oil Calif S3 ' . Standard Oil N.J. 76 3j Stuclebnkcr Corp. 36 ' Sunshlno Mining lo ':, Swill Si Company 32 Transamerlca Corp. 25 Twentieth Century Fox 17 ' Union Oil Company 42 :' Union Paclllc 119 'i United Airlines 28 United Aircraft 31 United Corporation 6 ' United (States Plywood ' 33 '4 United States Steel 39 Warner Pictures 14 3 Western Union Tel 38 Wcstlnrihouse Air Brake . 25 'j Westlnghouse Electric 37 'J Woolworth Company 43 5 commission Wednesday for the rignt lo go ahead with a power project in the McCloud River Basin in Northern California. The company sought a permit to Invest about $200,000 in prelimi nary investigation of two alternate plans for utilizing water in the McCloud River and Squaw Valley Creek. Hie company serves customers in Northern California and South ern Oregon. foreign Forlcll Hurgetii P. Daggett, void llrmr. rine v Wallfr J. Morrll, overload 30 nail. Jark J. Brown, no Pt'C permit. Fine IV LnraA F. Goerge. no warning device rorlcil HI hall Ml NIC leAl, COI BT Joa Clnko, improper mulflcr. Forfeit 110 ball. ;.-.'i HIRTIIS SUTlfEnr.lNu.-Born Ml Xiftmath V1 Uy Itoftpiiat. March 19. lo Mr. and Mri, Dalla Sutherltnd. BunauJ, Ore, ajjirl. Wtlcht. 0 puuntli H' Ounret. rr.RCVSOS - Born at Klamath Va1Iv Mopilat. Murrh 20. 1052. lo Mr. and Mm. Stanley Fergusnn. 2310 Mam SI., girl. Wctfht: (I poundft IS' ounces. COM PLAIN TH MI,t Jimci V. Kaler vt Lll- J. Kalr-r. mil for dlvnrce. Couple married Dw. 31. Klamath Kalis, Ore. Charge rruHt . Plainl'fl strkn irrnnorar- i u' -tody one child lo defendant. S.V) per month child iiupporl In defendant and property neltleincni. B. J. Goddard, attorney for plaintiff. Nor vii I Stone burg vi. Belly Stone burg, suit (or divorce. Couple married Oft. 2. 19-10, Carson City, Nev. Charge, cruelty. . . Driscoli, attorney .or plsintiffl. ma'Rr.Fff grantru IIU Gorman vs. Walter Gorman. film O. Bailey vs. Alice Bailey. James V. Kn.cr v. Ulas J. Kalcr. MAnRIAfiK KNSI S SMITH DUNCAN, lr E. Smith. 27 student. Native of California. Resident of Oretech. Ore. Kmhleen Duncan, It). Native or Texas, Resident ol Klamath Tails, Ore. Suit Filed Over School Contract Obituary ur.tiRKf. May Ronald Gehrke. 70. of Hardin County, Iowa and a resi dent of Klamath Fall for 30 years, died In Iowa Kails. Iowa. March 19. IfUat. Survivors Include: the widow. Cora Mae and a son. Orvtlle E. of this city; two brothers. Ernest and George. Iowa Falls. Iowa: five sis ters, Mr. Manda Foster, Mason City, Iowa, Mrs. Elga Surls, Waterloo. Iowa, Mrs. Bertha Redout, Eldora. Iowa, Mrs. Martha Janke, Towa Falls, and Mm. H utile Clark, Minneapolis; also four grandchildren. Funeral arrange ments will be announced by Ward's Klamath Funeral Home later. EUGENE (.fl A $148,867 suit has been filed tn circuit court here by James and Yost, Portland con tractors, against the State Board of Higher Education. The suit claims the money Is due for goods and services and damape In connection with con struction of the University Theatre and expansion of Villard Hall on the university of Oregon campus. I The contractors accused the I hnnrrl nt hraaVinc9 rtt re rf anrl native I " rtr,. .r 1 Mimic tv wcmiij hi tniu hj ai.ia.M). esf- SCHILLING'S PURE BLACK i O SCHILLING'S PURE CATSUP STOCKTON 12 oz. Bottle for PURE OREGON HONEY 2-lb. jar TEA GARDEN 12-ox. Cte ef 12 S3.29 39c 29c PRESERVES Cose ef 12-DURKEE'S MAYONNAISE , 69c 8oi. 25c DURKEE'S "STAY-FRESH' COCONUT Potatoes CHICAGO UH Potatoes: Arriv als 92, on trnclc 311: total U. s. shipments 1.021: market firm nt ccjlliiRs; track sales, lcl ner 100 lb; Idaho Russets $6.15, standards $5.66, utilities $5.05-06: Minnesota North Dakota Pontlacs $4.91-92 washed. DOUBLE STRENGTH mtV W fE0 OUR 006 4s r xrs oo A tomplele food-oH your dog needs! - Crunchy, bltc-Bi!!c...with a swell "meaty" amell and "flavor! Nothing to add-not even water! Saves you rroney on "cxtrns"! KEEPWUR DOG FRISKY WITH FRKKIES ALIUS MIUINO COMPANY A DIVISION OF CARNATION COMPANY HIIKIII Mll ...delicious, "full course meal In aamo famous formula ROYAL CLUB GRAPEFRUIT JUICE No. 2 tin PURE EASTERN BUCKWHEAT FLOUR IS: 27c PURE IOWA SORGHUM 22-bx. jar 65c FRESH FROZEN FOODS STRAWBERRYS 12-or. pkg. HONOR BRAND ORANGE JUICE..6 21c PEAS Ho"",' BRUSSEL ITC 'Brand Pkg. 2 -25c PARTY TIME IT SALMON 45c SHRIMP r""T,"V... 35c HUNT'S WHOLE APRICOTS WANTED.! COLGATE COUPONS BRING THtM IHt 1 THEY'RE VALUABLE TO YOU AND US V Unpeeled No. 2Vi Tin 29c KOUNTY KIST 303 CORN 2 -29c PALMOUVE Cafcss Mm I 2. SatW Cakis Jmm Brand 12-ox. CDDAIITC Honor 3?c 21c 34c CARROTS '""'"'' ku"' 5c CELERY 7c GRAPEFRUIT --49c nr a c Fre,h' sreen-WeM o or rLA5fil,edpod$ Z "', 00C ORANGES" -5c BOUQUET c? WITH COUPON 2: iO( Cakes FAB X 27 Buy 1 At This Special Price get 1 FREE! With Coupon AJAX Cleaxssr 2 tons SUPER SUDS Ssi 29' QUID Smoked Picnics Ltan, imall) hart tandtiiicd SLAB BACON OrtfU Chltf L..a, m rind, wnl snaked flarar SLICED BACON Swilt'i Heat Seattd akf . Morrcll's Pride HAMS Ttndtrind 12-14 lb. tr. BED FBYEBS Fr.ih Draued PORK BOASTS Loin End BEEF SHOBT BIBS US Grid Gaod Ltan, Tandtr, Mmty 4 POBK STEAK Younf Ctnttr-cut We Carry Fresh Fillet Red Snapper Salmon Halibut - Oysters n ii