.... M PAGE EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON T II I1SDAV, MARCH 20, 10!)2 mulhiiiiihii i win in mil i ill inn n ft s n i 4-H'ING COVERS ALL FIELDS Here Mrs. Mildred Lahoda, shows Spraguc River 4-H'ers how to measure a skirt for a hem. Doris Timing is her model, wearing a dress she made as a 4-H project. Dorothy Shadley is next in line for meas urement as Lou Ellen Cook, Nancy Jackson, Geraldine Woods and Claudine Pfeiffer. Price Chieftains Confer On Plan To Lift Lid On Raw Products Item List WASHINGTON Wl The gov ernment hopes to decide in the next week or ten days whether to lift price controls in a halt dozen major raw product lields, including wool and cotton. Price Stabilizer Ellis Arnall told the Senate Banking Commit tee Wednesday the Office of Price Stabilization ( OPS hopes within two weeks to publish a statement of price control suspension policy, along with a preliminary set of standards. w:Dorfri"v-V;j By DORA BRANHAM Butte Valley Bulldogs sunk their jinx Friday night with a double win from Tulelake Honkers on the home court. The BVHS B team led Tule all the way and were at no time threatened. The score was 60 to 43. The Bulldog A team showed their stuff after the Honk ers led 13-8 at the quarter, and 22 to 20 at the half. Thev came back to top Tule at the 3rd quar ter 37 to 36 and surged ahead to win 64 to 51. T he Bulldogs A quin tet while only 'winning two league games during the season won their two. games irom league leaders Yreka and Tulelake. Coach Piunti now has his boys busy getting rcaay ior me oaseuau season. The new bleachers hare been in stalled on the BVHS gym and were filled to capacity at me games Fri day night. Hans are being made for the second annual basketball banquet given for the A and B teams of bvhs by the mothers. Mrs. Peggy Bourne and Mrs. Dora Branham have leased the Forty Club from Mr. and Mrs. woodie Wilson and are opening Monday morning. Mrs. Margaret McBride will cintinue to be the morning cook with Mrs. Branham the night cook. Esther Stallcop nd Mrs Bourne will complete the (tan. Congratulations tn Mr. and Mrs. Don Tunnell on the birth of a son, lad uonaia. Pvt. James Savage, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Savage of Dorris, is now in Texas at Sheppaid Air Force Base, Wichita Falls, Tex. where he is receiving basic train- The dance Saturday night spon sored by the Dorris Boys Club was a big success and future dances are being planned. Police Chief Fenton Mahrt believes that a cou ple more affairs will clear- the club of its debts and give it a clear slate. The Harmony Kings supplied the music. The Dorris Women's Club will be host to the Spring meeting of the Sirkiyou County Federation of Women's Clubs, March 29. Guest speakers will be Mrs. Guy Roger of Durham who is northern district president and Mrs. J H. Brubaker of Walnut Creek who is state trus tee. Mrs. Myrtle Parrott of Yreka will be presiding officer. He added that the first lifting of controls might. come at the same lime. On the other hand, he said it may soon become necessary to place fresh truit and vegetables under price controls if their prices continue to increase. Edward F. Phelps jr., assistant price chief, said he believes his OPS decontrol study committee can move even faster. He said March 26 has been set as a target date. OPS officials said the first sus pension actions might take place in five or six experimental areas. These might be actual suspension of controls or recommendations for close study in these fields. Among the products named were wool, cotton, hides, tallow, burlap and edible fats and oils. One OPS official told a reporter that although cotton was included, he believes it is "rather doubtful" that price controls would be sus pended on this staple in the near future. The OPS study of the effects of decontrol is in line with views of several members of the Senate Banking Committee that controls should be lifted in fields where selling prices are well below ceil Some senators have suggested that the new controls law should contain a provision calling for cases. Arnall said, however he does not believe many products are selling below ceilings. Mrs. Cornel Wilde Puts On Blue Bonnet Admires F.N.E.! Mrs. Curnel Wilde (Jean Wallace) puts on Blue Bonnet Margarine for F.N.E. Flavor, Nutrition, Econ omy! Like the famous movie star's wife, yu will love the delicate, sunny-sweet taste Blub Bonnet adds to any food! You'll appreciate its nourishment, too. No other spread for bread is richer in year round Vitamin A! And you'll wel come ita economy. Two pounds of Blue Bonnet cost less than one pound of high-priced spread! So re member the letters . . . F. . . N . . . E. ! Buy AU-Vegelnble Blue Bonnet Margarine and get "all three" Flavorl Nutrition! Econom-e-el I 01 minutes! KRISPYj 1 Crackers i-ib. box 25c i HYDROX K 1 COOKIES I 37c i MAKES A HOT MEAL A r ACs f ALSO TRY-Spaghetti, Solodtttei, Macaroni, Seo Shalt and Kur!t-Q-Noodlt...' fOKUK SCAtmU MACAHONI CO, fOCTUMO, OHOON CI IkJCU lk.lt COCONUT GEM U SLICES Mb. pkg. DURKEES Coconut 1 SBLUE BELL & POTATO CHIPS I Roq. 25c tiic I Marshmallows J Mt Dellcloui' R BONr1lE I DOG FOOD 1 29' HUM'' '4 'v' "''''-''"'''--"'"'v'''"''''''-'-'ii ' v; ?,'', & i HUNT'S Ij I TOMATO 1 SAUCE I 3 8-ox. tin, 3 for I 19' g If KRAFT i MIRACLE I WHIP I r x - f s i i - i h ' ibi anvil ,wtwiZ:zy.zx&VMZWM:-wm?M B HUNT'S PEACH I PRESERVES I H 12-oi. Tumbler S3 w I HAMS Tenderiied, skin and surplus far removed. Light weight. By the piece lb. SLICED BACON ' Oil Mont -Standard Morrell's OYSTERS rryin,,lt. LARD Homo9cni",, 2 ,b pk9 PICNIC SHOULDER HAMS pnpi DnACTC would., cu., Leon and tender FioRWIEL I TAMALES I 15-ox. Tin S 1 25' I BACON ENDS, PIECES and HAM HOCKS f i ' Fint lor Itmomna CD VCD C Swift'i Premium, tender grown. Frcih trolled, -.rx-- FROZEN 49c ,39c I Pi. 55c I , 39c .b. 45c I J9c h'esson Oil With Coupon Qt. lot. Morrell'l Prist Liqlit 3-lb. Tin WITH COUPON COLGATE COUPONS IRING THlA INI THEY'RE VALUABLE TO TOU AND US DOUQUET i0flP WITH COUPON FAB Large Pkg. 2 o, 31c WITH COUPON Strawberries HONOR BRAND I TUNA FISH I g Royal Club g Solid Pack ' 5 1 33' 1 I 12 or. pkg. 3pkg. 95' Royal Club ' bun. i VELVEETA CHEESE I H 2-lb. loof 1 i Waldorf 1 I Tissue I 1 3 -25c 1 CARROTS CELERY GRAPEFRUITS 5 -59c ORANGES s b 5 k 4 -39c ZUCCHINI ,b 35c ASPARAGUS ' 29c TOMATOES .k.25c MECO State Fair Picnic Tin No. 303 Tin No. 303 Tin No. 303 Tin CRISP, GOLDEN FRESH GREEN PEAS CORN Koun ry Ki,t Pr 1 C Hunt's Tender Garden CUT BEANS TOMATOES ASPARAGUS v" SWEET POTATOES UAkilUI Sunblcst. White or Yellow nUrllnT Tin UIIUTC A ODITATC whoi. Unp.ei.d nunu ArnituiJ BARTLETT PEARS PEACHES No. Vh Tin Picnic ' Taylor's Golden Variety 18-ox. tin No. 2Vi Tin Garden No. 2'i Tin 2 -69c Baglcy, Rogue River Valley, Freestone No. 2'jTin JO Free Parking While Shopping at EMIL'S! mm can tma m DOG FOOD I y FRISKIES I I With Coupon a 9 3 Cans ! 29'