J'llllllSDAY, MAIICU 21), KIM IIKKALI) AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. ORKGON 6; "'V.' i",':-.'-.'.':?u.r;;-iJ FOR PATIENTS at the Klamiith Nursing Home are these cakes bnkod by Sharon Thompson and Rondcll Crawford. The two arc members of the Coo Coo Cookie Club, a 4-H fcroup. Chief Joseph Bids Made BRATTLE I Nlnr contmrtorn bidding Jointly under the nninr of Columbia nivrr Cnnntrurtors Mib. mlttd the apparent low ollrr Wri). nrulay lor contrnrt to build tin Intake and pnwitrhoiibe arctlon ol Chlrl Jojieph Dam. Cnl. John P. Budilfr, 8'attlf dis trict rnKlncrr. aold th bid. iao, H9,t97, wan the lowest ol Ihrre auhniltlrd. "YYr aovernmrnt'a mlr co.it emimair waa t42.715.AI0. Ths nine conlmclori were the Henry J. Kter, Co.; Morrl-aon-Knudsen Co.. Inc.: Peter Kle v.lt 8ona' Co.: General Conalruo lion Co.; Macco Corn.: Walali Con atrucllon Co.: B. Perlnl ii Sons. Inc.; MacDonald. YminB It Nel con, Inr., and the Puget Bound Bridge A' Dredging Co. Chlrl Joseph Dam la under con- Vtt whatever Ircsh fruit are avalloble annlea. bananaa, or angel, grapefruit and Irrah winter peara and combine thm with aweet mealy walnula and a aour cream dreaalnc lor a wnnderlully rich aalad;. Cut the'Mrulta Into bite-.ilr.e plecea and bread or chop trie walnula Into small pieces. Mructlon on the Columbia River near Bridgeport, Wash. Flrat pow er .i due In December 1056. Palmer Tq Call Angus Sale Here nod-nowd, Jovlnl Wnltrr PHlmer. Loa Angflca, hut been electt;d ok auclliinecr for llila yenr's Houthern Oregon 'Annul Hreeder'a AkmwIh lion mile nt the Fiiligioundii April w ana n, , Alvln Cheyne. Klnninlh breeder. la i hull mini of the event, which InrliidcH a biiii(iiet at the Wlllard hotel the evening of the 20lu. To tliile, Cheyne reuurU. 8!S head of Aniim have hern coiuilgned to I the mile. Iii'iiided lire cuttle Irom leading lierdn Ihroiighout Califor nia, Oregon, Wiuihlr.fjlon and Idaho. Catnloga may be obtained bv willing to Harrison Cutler, Po.'it- olllce Box 2M. Niqia, California. Cheyne reported 40 regbilereU lemnlen, in Ijulli and 35 cominer- cliila would no Into the ring at the snic. EATHR00M SCALES at HAiirl A wondorful flavor lamSre treat . , . juat a few V9'0CWV cent per aervinR. Try ono of the fins Chun King Oriental J-'ooda tonifhtl Poteet's Market Owned & Operated by Bob and "Peanuts" Poteet SEASONING BACON ,, 12V2C P" Try " 'P L fa, Mil C5 ; Lean Center Cur PORK QQc Roast lb. 07 SKINLESS WIENERS 4yc lb. EXTRA SPECIAL PURE LARD 4 lb ,. 69c DEPEND ON US FOR QUALITY Pricei Effective Friday and Saturday We have easy STIR-N-ROLL recipe 'YOU'll NEED Witk WESSON OIL .ct: V: GOLD MEDAL FLOUR '-95cl lifl . A-t. M vrnire aror dona racx 69c TUNA 39c Snowdrift. With Coupon, 3 lbs. FAB Brinq Your Coupon and Buy One and Get ONE FREE larqe pkq. PRODUCE SPECIALS CARROTS 5C bun. PINK GRAPEFRUIT lb. Bag 5 Baa 59C Fresh Pitted DATES .0f 8 oz. pkg. lt ' Sunkist' : 'W : ORANGES Cello Bag Jt CABBAGE 7c ,b. 4 Royal Club, Small Cove OYSTERS ' 3?c Royal Club, Cadet OLIVES 2,1 1?C PITTED, can 25c Durkee's OLEOMARGARINE ,27c Sunshine KRISPIES 21 4c Sunshine Coconut Gems 9 oz Pkg, 25c Amoizo - -- INSTANT "' DESSERT, 25c 1710 Oreaon Ave. . , . . Phone 3860 Fret Delivery On $5.00 Orders Or Over 295 PENDULLUM CLOCK Plui Tox 1.95 4 PLASTIC 4 SNOW BOOTS ' 97c j FTTTYTvrwrm 79 BABY I I VI 1. DECORATOX 1 I JS PLASTIC . Mnk TABLE C0VER i Ir &PRICES EFFECTIVE Ml 17 Ci- AX P P VS I n': l? BUBBLE Wm AAt 491 li i xrmmtL 25' PLASTIC V I , i m I 10c Notebook I m h i -. u i i r if m v t I? w$3" nr 5e a 59' 1.19 SHAVING BRUSH Set In RUBBER 6 - ' Complexion BRUSH f For Thorough Facial jk t Cleansing i A 10.00 4 Quart t PRESSURE COOKER $3 3.00 DUAL TYPE METAL TOWEL RACK $1149 i 19, LAMBS WOOL SHOE BUFFER c i 10 COMB & BRUSH SET 40 1.89 SILVER PLATED k Salt & Pepper A 5ET5 4 1 95 r 13 USALITE FLASHLITE BATTERIES EACH 25c Merchurochrome i01. 13c 25c Citrate Magnesia 13c EPSOM SALTS Reg. 25 U.S. P. 11b. I YOU ALWAYS SAVE AT PAYLESS 13c Reg. 39d Isopropyl RUBBING m ALCOHOL PINT- SAVE AT PAY LESS 19' IIHItltMHi t 1.19 SET Plastic DRAPES 10c COLGATE ff, 5c 85c NOXEMA CREAM 43c x-VbJh CAMPHORATED OIL 40c Subject ta mdie. on hand. 1.14 HYAL B COMPLEX 67c 3.50 HADACOL TONIC 1.75 1.69 VITAMIN B. 10 mg. 84c 3.98 Fields 6 Complex 1.98 89c Brewers Yeast, 8 oz. 45c 1.89 Vitamin B12 94c 6.98 Vitamin A im-woo- 3.49 3.79 Vitamin B1 .-1.89 1.89 Vitamin C 94c MANY COLORS 60c Set 10c Art BXQffll Corners 1.00 Halrfoam Shampoo 50c 10c Pocket Combs 5c 29c Decoratcdfea Towels 15c 9c Extension Cords 34c 25cTuffy Scour Pad . 13c 19c Suede Shoe Brush 10c IQcBob Pins 5c 50c Polish Remover 13c 1.49 Rubber Door Mat 75c REG. 25c NAIL CLIPPER SET OF 6 RUBY ANCHOR GLASS : TUMBLERS 1.25 HADACOL TONIC 62c 35c Set 4- 4 A