THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FACfl Korean War Said Reason for Continuing European Economic Aid Program WAHIUNOTON lPI W, Avcrcll Ilnrrlinnn, Mutual Bcourltv Admin lilrnlor, inntlllod Wednemlny Hint VI, H. economic 11 Id In moNt Ku iDpcan countries would have, ended long ago, If tho C'oinmunlata had not begun the Korean war, Ho told thn llotinc Foreign Af fair Commlttco Hint WcNleiu Eu rope, CXCcpt pilMHllllV Jill' AUHtl'lll n iitl Greece, could linvn been inniln rlf-Kiiliiliiin" under Ilia old Mnrnhull plan, 'IIiIh could hnve been done, lie MM V I 1 J L. mild, for perhaps III billion dollar limU'iid ol the 17 billion already allocated for economic nld. lliirrlman wa arguing lor new economic nHBlnlunoe culled "da Iriifio miDiiort" under Prealdcnt 'I'l iiiiiuti'H $7, 1)00. ODD, 000 foreign aid program for the 12 months begin ning next July 1, 't'lin bill Include $1.HID,00D,000 for kiicIi economic aid, Thin Hem has coma under particular Ill's from Homo cougroiis members. Also In the administration drive for II id 1)111: 1. Heoretarv of Defense I.ovett dlMcunned mllltiiry nld with the Henuto Foreign Relations Commit tee In 11 cloned aosiilon. 2. At Key Went, President Tru man miidn public a memorandum from his Nntlonal Advisory Board on Moblll.ntlon Policy. It urged "udeciuntn economic as sistance" a well n mllltnry aid to countries lighting Communlfiin, "Wo must Bticngthcn the efforts of our allien to prove that men can have both hreiid und freedom," Uie memorniidum ald. '11m board hna 10 member and Includes representative of agrl culture, Industry, labor unions, and the public. Doth the Hcnate and House com mittee have Indicated a desire to pin down wlint some legislator call "hidden eoets" In the foreign nld proftram. Fashion Show To Bis Held In Tule TUl.KLAKE Iota BlRina chapter of Bctn Blgma Phi In to offer a fashion ahow ten In the high school uvin, March 2b. IS p. in. ' Fashions will be by the Town Shop. I Proceed nre to no for buying toy to be acnt to the Shrine Crip' pled Children' Hospital, Ban Fran' i Cisco. WOUNDED I'fc. Harold Hickman, Jr., lias been re ported wounded in action in Korea. Rickman was serving with a USMC tank unit. His address is HSOBSO B Co., First Tank Btn., First Marine Div., FPO, San Francisco. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold It. Rickman of this city. GOOD II you want a quick dessert thai tastes like a million, hero It la. Prepare a package of vnnllln pudding mix according to direc tion. Remove from heat and blend In 'i teaspoon grnled lemon Mnd, 1 cup canned fruit cocktail . and 1-3 cup shredded lonstcd coconut. For a brcnkfnst fruit or deascrl baked apples stullcd will) chopped raisin und walnuts are topa. Uae cooking apples and nnre the ton third. Core and fill with equal pnrla chopped raisins and walnuts. Stick with whole clove. Place In baking dlah with a ayrun mnde ol 1-3 cup sugnr and 1-2 cun water. Cover and bake In moderate oven till tender. FALSE TEETH That Loottn Ntd Not Em bar roil Many warara of falaa taath hava auf frrnJ ral rinbarraiarnrnl btraijea Ihlf plat dropped, slipped or wobbled at Juat thf wtong lime. lo not llva In faar of this happftilnr m you Jual aprlnkla a Hid KAKTKfrrH, tha alfaalina (nnn. arid) piwdr, on your plalta, Holdi faU toein mora firmly, ao thay foal mora comfortable. iJoat not aour. Chaka "plt odor" (dantura braath). Oat FAHTELTH at any druf atora. mm WHAT YOUR MlUY jWstinghouse family-sizexf SAVE Model SCi (f woi $23?.95 I NOW 11 Extra Food-Keeping Capacity at a Really Low Price 1 Look what you gall V Famous Woatlnfrhoune Economizer Mechanism f LonR-laatinn Uulux finish Acid-reaistnnt food liner V Hig Mont Storage 'Iay Doop H -bu. Humi drawor Tall boltlo space V Distinctive now 8-was handle that lota you opon tho door even when both hands are full. Come Ki . . .see the 1951 Wcatinghouso "family-aizo 8" today! you can ai SURE. .if iTifcstinhousc Model DFC-10 was $429.95 NOW $399.95 fia&tSLck Appliances Corner 7fh ond Klamath Ph. 8886 Voire MEW COAT IB WEMAIIUTY SY ' iaiJ-f "1 Pk ere ',ev are fwo new vers'ons ' t',e 'me'es$ eoat 'n you 'I '""!-A-f;'' F see classic lines handled with a new grace and flair. In both you find V ' 'St'l-tsm maqnificent, different fabrics. The shortie, a cloudy fleece ... tht !- 'T ti' fej''lroim lonq coot, a facinating Bancroft Tweed ... just two from our collec- : ' ti.V,Vv" i EfjI'lC fion of exciting new Spring coats, f T; -itfr-' I 14 I 'BiJ " FREE EASY PARKING