HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THREW mimSOAY, MARCH 20, 1052 V 'I jV Hi i .... . . ' MRS. REX HIGH IS A STRONG supporter of her husband's Four-H club work. High, a Four-H club leader for 16 years has helped a lot of boys and girls along the road to successful exhibits in tho Olenc Buckaroos and the Olene Dairy club. ATOM JUICE, DIAMOND DUST GOES INTO STEEL lly linWAItl) W. M.AKKHI.KK AoHalrri rrp Srlrncp Writer HAI.KIOII, N, C. ( Kour Wil tons ol n chitmpitKne-llkn fluid worth nenrly pound of dlnmnmli win be poured Into nliiliilen Bird fnn hrrc In a lew iiionlhu. 'Uie fluid will hit wnlcr mixed villi the Aboinbtvpe uriinlum 235. The enn will be Ilia world' llrnt prlvnte ulnm-npllttlnK fiirnnre. It Is bulll und owned by North Cnro llnn Klit (c Colleite. You nilRht mlalnke thlit enn for Hcruliwoniiin'a wnter pull with nop hnndlei thrusting upward. Thin Illusion I due to 14 pipe unrrKlnir from the cnn. ElRht rurry wnter for cAolIng the fur nnce. You could turk this furniice un dnr voiir nrm und Mnlk out. But It woufel kill you with the my einerif Inir from the ntomlc fiirl. The npparulUH will produce ntom lc pnpriiy ni Incredibly big the container l Utile. It will produce tinnnnuUtlon rny c.lrenms ot ncutronm with n demit y nbmit eqiml to Uiom! inndc lu.b J-fnt cube of ttrii ' iilie unvellta to the pre nt Onk RiiIko, Tcnn.,' In nild-Fobrunry. Thitt w the' ntlon' first big ntomlc' furnnc'. ' The ehn wllllt Inelde iin octng amil co)irrptp;lruoture reembllng it wnvBltlc-shiinP. Tint Utile ntomlc, temple 1 not much tullpr thnn mnn (10 feet) itnd 17 (i-Pt broud. Around It ntnte collpge Is erect ing greut Inborntory, costing with the rpnetor, bout half mil lion dollnr. The little hrlne ills on con crete plntform In the basement. Around It In a 30-foot wide cor ridor lor working t the reactor fnce. Outside thl wll t lnrRc ob Hcrvnllnn room for students end the public. They will look ihrouun k huge goldfish bowl, watertnnk enrloned In glnsa. The atomic furnace atari as easily a a scrub woman lifting her mop from a pall. Remote con trol will lilt two rods up out of the fuel In the can. That 1 all. At night the concrete shrine port will be locked like a bank 'vuult. The renctor 1 part of a new education course, the first of It kind. Among the 114 student are 42 officer of the U.S. Air Force. They will lcnrn many things they have to know when they fly atomic plimcs. Tin reactor seek new knowledge In training of college Mudent to bpcome the engineer of a peacetime atomic age. ' -1 r 1 1 - Wmtk 2007 f Pi 7.7 cu. ft. ECONOMY MODEL C0LDSP0T Spacemaster 3 DAYS ONLY AT THIS SMASHING LOW PRICE! O U (O 20.50 Down, 9.50 Month on Sears Easy Terms You Save $20.07 extra these three days 1 Big Family size Coldspot with top to floor Spacemaster storage I Completely adjustable shelves., Porcelain enamel interior. 5 Year Protection, Plan. See : Coldspot sold only by Searsl NOW ONLY ' RKC'OIU) TAY 8AI.KM i.iv Candidates In Oregon's primary election paid a record SI 1,730 for space In the alnte'a voter pamphlet, Dnvld O'Hara, head of the election division, sulci Wednesday. The total two year.s ngp was t1. 115, and It was 18,236 four yearn hko. 'Die cost of pamphlet apace la unchanged. Exptrt Gun Repairing and Rcbluing THE GUN STORE FOR YOUR LENTEN MENUS FRESH! HAH IN KLAMATH FALLS! COTTACE CHEESE A POR TMI COATIt LAM cottaoi chiiu aiaei too Reg. 369.95 1 3.2 cu. ft. COLDSPOT FREEZER 5)95 UC APP1IAHCE 30 WIS JS,: I iB,y Poyrn" p""" 1 , ' ' jL-sS- Gldf O ! BONUS OFFER!' : i aT 18.95 Kenmort Electric 1 Kitehen Wormar wrffc ' ' , I fc- f purchase ol any delux YOU SOVB "'J electric rang! ;V 1 ; I You Save 20 j THY THIS Enchanted lilacs will bloom again till Spring on your Hps and at your fingertip. Till la a hi, clou, rich red with a subtle under tone of blue. It hn a peclal af finity for many of the top fashion color: pink mauve, pearl gray, roe beige, chalk white and Jet black. You'll wear It long before the lilacs bloom again and long after. 5 ocrei, 380 fool; ocean front, 3 milci from a city on a main hiqhwoy, buildinq 60x20, partly compcttd, with a kitchen, bath larqe livinq room and bedroom completed. No finer ocean view than this location, priced at this low fiqure of $25,000. For full informa tion and details . . . Phone 5473 or call at 120 No. 10th. NOW ONLY 48.00 Down, 17.00 Month on Seort Easy Terms This freezer has many outstanding features to make it your best buy today. Finest type of superdense Fiberqlass insulation .separate freezing ond storaae compartments, wire basket and compartment separators for easy storage. Mores up to 46-ibs. White enamel tinisn. THE FULL FLAVOR OF OLD KENTUCKY NATURALLY GREAT SINCE 1888 STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY . 4 YEARS OLD . 86 PROOF ECHO SPRING DISTILLING COMPANY LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY KEHMORE AUTOMATIC WASHER 258" 39.00 Down, 13.50 Month en Seort Easy Termi Load, set ond forget it! Gets clothes cleaner, quicker', Gives yog more free time .' . saves money! BUY TV0! SAVE 36.07 220.00 Value KEHMORE AUTOMATIC DRYER 19995 30.00 Down, 10.50 Month en Seen Eeiy Termi No more struggling with heavy, domp woshes! Dries, Sanitizes clothes in minutes! Saves money! DOUBLE OVEN KENMORE ELECTRIC RANGE A 290.00 Value! 0)95 Big Kenmore Double Oven Range Big 18-ln. Poreeloin Enamel Oven Removable High Speed Infrorod Units For Foster, Cleaner Cooking! Quantity Is Limited'' PLAY SILVERTONE EXCLUSIVE AT SEARS Get $20 worth of records at NO EXTRA COST with this Deluxe Radio, 3 - speed Phonograph Console For 3 A I rhQ1 uays unly 27.00 Down, 9.50 Month en Sean Eaiy Termi ' Pay reqular price for the radio combination ... get $20 worth el records (our choice) at no extra cost! Now vou can own a beautiful mahoqanv finished Silvertone radii combination and get a record library of popular old favorites ... ol : yours for years of enjoyment. y'' n pout, money 4ac6 " $f UJJ$ Store Hours: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 133 So. 8th. fhone-5188