rHUlUDAY, MARCH 80, 1982 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE TWENTY-TWO Mil v Women Meet Socially For Guest Talk FORT KLAMATH Tht regular monthly meeting of the local Worn ens' Society of Christian Service was held on Thursday afternoon. March 13, at the home of Mrs. Stewart Nicholson. Mrs. Richard H. Wilson, president of the group, conducted a routine business ses sion, after which those present heard Mrs. Paul Herron of Chllo- quln, guest speaker of the after noon. who talked on the subject of cnnnren are Feople . discussing family study and emotional securi ty in the course of her address. Joining the Fort Klamath vroup as a new member at this time was Mrs. James F. Van Wormer. At the conclusion of Mrs. Hirrnn' talk, refreshments were served to the gathering by Mrs. Nicholson, the St. Patrick motif Dredomuiatinir In refreshments as well as table appointments. Lending a touch of spring to the occasion were the lovely arrangements of daffodils and greenery used about the room, an contrast to tne panorama of the snowy landscape of ranch fields outside, seen tlirouuh the largo window of the living room. Members present for the delight ful afternoon Included Mrs. Richard H. Wilson, Mrs, lUiymond a. l.oos lev. Mrs. HMrrv nrnin llMIn nmu and Ann Orem, Mrs. William urewer, Mrs. JUoya Nicholson, Mrs JlltllM IT Vin Wn.mA, nnA II. hostess, Mrs. Btewart Nicholson, all of the Fort Klamath churrli group: two members of the similar society of Chlloquln, Mrs. O. Kllerv Kchlln and son Denny, Mrs. Paul Herron and son Billy. Quests of the afternoon were Mrs. Frank enwaros, nu-s. iiacK Tnomas, Mrs. Ord Prltchctt and Mrs, Harold Winter. For It's next regular meeting on Thursday afternoon, April 10, Mis. Lloyd Nicholson will entertain tho group at her home at the Nichol son ranch north of Fart Klamath. Don't expose raincoats to strong sunlight. Hang them up on a hang er when wet so that the surfaces can't stick together. No FASTER Aspirin Then- WORLD'S LARGEST SELLER AT 10 ( JERRY MASTEN, AN OLD HAND at the dairy business demonstrates how easy it is to extract milk with a milking machine .'. much easier than by the old squeeze and pull method.. Here she helps with the dairy herd on her father's farm in Poe Valley. Jerry has been in Four-H club work for nine years, owns three dairy animals, is a member of the Olene Dairy Club. Delicious Orange Dishes Important Diet Need Looking for , food bargain? Then look for the dlsnlav of or. ranges, in your local food market This popular fruit is in good sup ply wis monin ana snoum be one ef the "good buys" for the econo my minded homemaker. . Oranges play an important part In our daily diets we often start the day right with a glass or or ange juice. They are grand to tuck into school lunch boxes, combine beautifully with other fruits and foods for salads, and lend their refreshing fruity flavor to a host of delicious desserts. Oranges are one of the best sources of Vitamin C. This vita min is so important for good health and protection against disease. We need to replenish our supply each day so it is not stored in the body as some vitamins are. To brighten up Lenten menus, yet keep the budget in line, or ange salads and desserts will bring a breath of spring to your dinner table. These orange recipes include creamy, nutritious dairy foods, al ways in season, for 'added flavor and food value. ; SPRING BLOSSOM SALAD . 1 Tbsp. plain gelatin lh cup fresh lemon juice cup sugar IVi cups fresh orange juice 1 pint cottage cheese. Soften gelatin in lemon juice. Beat orange Juice and sugar; dis solve gelatin mixture in hot juice. Add cup of this mixture to cot tage cheese; set aside. Pour re maining gelatin-juice in ring mold. Chill until almost set; spread cot tage cheese on top. Chill until firm. Unmold on platter and decorte with orange slices, avacado slices, salad greens or berries. ORANGE TORTE (Serves 8) 1 orange ' cup shortening 1 cup brown sugar 1 fair 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour M tsp. soda i' tsp. salt 1 cup buttermilk 1 cup seedless raisins H cup all bran Grate rind from orange. Squeeze Juice U-3 cup). Cream shortening and sugar weU. Add ere and beat until light and llullv. Sift together flour, soda and salt: add to the creamed mixture alternately with buttermilk and orange Juice. Add orange rind, raisins and aU bran. Pour into 9-inch square pan. Bake in moderate oven 350 F., 45 to SO minutes. Serve warm with whipped cream. Orange Marshmallow Surprise '3 slightly beaten eggs y cup sugar y, tsp. salt 2 cups milk, scalded tsp. vanilla ' 6 marshmallows 1 Tbsp. grated orange peel Combine eggs, sugar, and salt: slowlv add milk and vanilla. Pour over marshmallows In individual custard cups. Sprinkle with grated orange peeL set in pan containing 1 inch hot water. Bake in moderate oven, 325 F., 30 to 40 minutes, until Inserted knife comes out clean. BE SURE The new. almost invisible stock ings and barefoot sandals make nail lacquer a "must." Be sure your toenails are shaped and gleam ing brightly with lacquer. TEAM THEM Pair these shades of nail lacquer and lipstick with leading fashion colors: Pink ' Sapphire or Flower ing Plum with navy blul and grey; Sun Red or Sineing Cooper with beige or green; Sea Shell or Coral Fan with sunny yellow and golden brown. Scour tinware only when neces sary, as scouring wears away the thin coating of tin and exposes the metal to rust. Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich NANCY'S BEAUTY SHOP 1826 Homedale Road Telephone 7080 Open Evenings by Appointment PARKING AVAILABLE "He's probably got tho dog kennels again sometime he'll learn to look up tho correct number before calling 1"... Memory often plays tricks . . . so look up numbers you're not sure of before you call... Pacific Telephone. NOW SHOWING the new THE SEWING MACHINE THAT IS KNOCKING THE STUFFIM OUT OF ALL RIVALS! Regardless Of Price Or Make 12 Machines In 1 (No Attachments) The lei Airs are to durable and efficient that we can safely guarantee them to give continuous service forever. SEWING Machine Service and Exchange r We Are Also 1 A ? featuring I 1 1 BEL' MR strd- 1 U 9750 II at.. I 422 Main Ph. 6771 . ' Thursday; Friday, Saturday' sale umi.QuaMi.i.1 7th and Mam in Klamath Falls f-il X i'i ha It '1 N v. It".'. r, All Popular Brinds 10 Candy BARS w O 5 1 0 now . m R I J Fresh end tasty. jeeai wrn -met. II s WM 4 Ren. 20 Packs U f' as bJRtb flowfr t w- m iLmzi"-" i n v n:yy n lOe Powder n PUFFS U With coupon. II U (LlmilZ) U ODBURY SOAP REGULAR CAKES FOR LESS A (Limit J) Paper, Towels REGULAR If. ISO-SHEET ROLLS. SUZ SOAP POWDER LARGE PACKAGE AT SAVINGS! (umuv. , r y R U iJ 1 M Hi it iHium tO jw-wsm urn :---. 1A lafm JisssssMSSjeiliHeHeaMH It Polishts s lt Cni MJAX Foaming CLEANSER 2'2V (Until) Tttt Rit Lttx l GLOVES L Non-slip QQcl ptlm. Pr. OU Reg. 29c f Reg. 89o ' . SPONGE & CHAMOIS BOTH CQe for Just. OO. "AIRWICK DEODORIZER Ksr.l59 Ptrt W Prtltf PLASTIC TEA- APROH APEX MOTH CAKE 3v Fotgarmtnl bojn. 3-ounc 2lor29c ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES SLASHED! MOilE SAVINGS Walqrcen has IfJ .26 1.25 Sixel HADACOL V I TONIC I tyrolarisS f The new antibiotic s mouth wash C Genuine G.E. $23.00 Auto matic A I 89 Pop-Up Toaitor r : I ...,..,.,,.1 ni . -tO" K kasj liquid - I NERVINE Is 1 - 1 ' Al Qa JAl I . Plan Your Lenten Menus I PwiC Around Delicious I Uwi I V-.KREML V f SHAMPOO I ft With Folisan C in. Cf "f c Yji ioi iih ''or Httlth TA. Ci.. r... t PJ AYTINAL rB.12M ':.!,0,.VJtamJnH:'0 Mineral. , i.rnny er 10q ,3,98 Liver & Iron CMtft!V An i IH--SM V 1 UtK OIL p SnilIDD n a. wmwsuu o oompex naiboiiio . . . . , 2 cryiiallin OIO I'omln. 100 0 16 23 (4c SCOT TOILET TISSUE 8 SPARKLING COLORS! k toby .; Topoi Pink Sapphire Gold -k Turquoise 1c Aquamarint k Emerald Amethyst (ACTUAL SIZE) Smart, colorful bowls of a hundred dif ferent uses, around the home and they're yours at an amazingly low cost! Filled with delicious MEDO-LAND Cottage Cheese All you do is order your cottage cheese in advance one package a week for eight weeks. It will be delivered in a Bascal Snack Bowl, a different attractive color every week until your set is complete. These practical 16-ounce bowls of a no dized aluminum won't chip or break. They're odorless, tasteless, non-rusting. They shine without polishing. They stack together for economy of cupboard space. And they match your Bascal Tumbler Set! Start immediately get your Own set of these sparkling, all-purpose bowls. Fill out the note and leave it for your milkman. ; NOW AT YOUR GROCERS MEDO.LAND COTTAGE CHEESE It's Good Because it's Fresh! Made right here in Klamath Falls, Everyday. HkVsr Giant Waiii nnnnriiT tiiiLunuucni Chlorophyll Tooth Paste HI . LZJ I IW (Limit 4) 1 A "s sSsil lex 4-WAY COLD TABLETS BOX 10 TAMPAX Sanitary irsttetlsi worn Internally Plus SOU Fetieiol Excise Tqk en Teileliles, Luageg oei 15c Brlggs, . Bond Street or Edgtvjorthf 4 aaW V ANSCO FILM PACK o.. J I 120. 6Z0. 3 lor 1.20 l DtMt Bl StTrD i. JOHNSON'S wanning, loothliig r 39C CALOX Tooth Powder , e-j. For blighter Ittlh. 4-os. shaktr t 4 (40 ALLIMIN TABLETS ; eCc Rallev ttemaoh got. 25 , , DO t INECTO HAIR DYE f 4V Quickly and ailly opplwd , , . . , I- se. -v "v. "-v. it, if iv l05JT aT for SmootA CI . anavmg j Everiharp-Schlck RAZOR KIT I Gold-plated razor, 12 , . preclsion-edcre blades , I of iinest surgical sleelJ m. In plastic JLQC U VSrsvel hit jjf JK D 1