THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 102 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON paos twiirv OKI 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED VV A ft'iV.l In Ion e" Willi iiIIihi"Ym""iuv! V li'f i Mfmtil.d hmt In Hoiiilt ft u Inn 1)1 wlltt art unit. J'hfHif i inri, WANTKI"l"t'vr ntH nifltlMifhil yititwrv. Htata tnrathm and prut, Wrltf ttltf New, II" ' wmtl In rent lwn"TiJfjroTMi hmi. Mwtetu and rtn. infnrnth'i prpft "lt'l t'llf1f h.HHl PIlllM ?.'7flj WANtr..). Iv" family fit Imir." itrf ftirt(i'l hum. ('( in twn H'ff .. tall between 0 30 and T, IIU. fcfcNr.tfr fAn' l Inn price now Mtnf jtn nth Plum. 44 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE" Cash Loans Borrow P Onlt I(K) 17 37 Mo IlepaT In ID InalallinrnU UP TO 1300 ON rUKNITUKE OH 8ALART up to iijto on CAna THE lliKAL PLACE TO fiOWlOW Convenient Locution Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pajr Lncallv owned New Cart t'sttnet at bulk rtf "MONEY IN A HVHJnX" Motor Investment Co. 20 ;nn enrlnf Klamath BaU 0t 'Chuck" Bailer, Mfr. Hi N. 7Uh 8L Phona S32 e-ati unt in'uSiN'fSS OPPORTUNITHS aXiH-LtAUK'97"Cafe. Clirmuii Complrtcly equipped living quar tan, pailly Iiirnlnhrd. Available April Int. Inquire W. M. Taylor, Hon 6S, Clirmult. Vb Ma A L K . A .r la Vr (lfli rvi cY HUllon TulvUk. fallfurni I'taina 7-I3IU 'xKnVlCE'alatloii (r !. in' ilftwnlfmit Altiiraa. ( liuilnru liM-atlnn Wnn- riafful tipfKirtunlly for flfht patty. Wtl'a ray uainau. nux aw, Anura., Ltliror- ila TlAVK rir than., atitjltnaii TcT ration In Ktamatti ra!!t. ! hav. first data r.pair altnp. Nrad i'JViO Inr rar ptirrha.... Ha. t tnvaat. manl laraa.l rritirna Inr your manti C all Harold. .YI at Ralln Auto .r- Ira 7 1.1 an. ft Toll hXnfc'autft pai Inr Invantury 51 MI5CILLANIOU5 FOR 5ALI I f nail houa Will iH ana pfnMrtr in- Afmttty, (iotvl lix-aitm. d on- trtuniiv fr profit r rifhl man. Vrit It.. ai lliritil ami Ni SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE USED MACHINERY BUYS AT TULELAKF. 1 Used Mollnc 5-Bot. Disk Plow W-New Blades. H25.00 lMI-C No, 2 Unit Carrier VV Rubber Tires, J, yd. Cyl., 21'4 x 90" Tool liar, 9 CoiJToolli Shanks and 42" Ditcher. Sliglitly Used $535.00 1 Used McCormickDccring Steel Manure Spreader $ 1 85.00 1 Molinc 2-Way Plow, !fl" Plain Bot. Rubber Tires Like New $375.00 1 Dyrr 3 Shank Subsoiler W'32" Shanks, and 38" Wheels. Used Very Little. $285.00 Floyd A. Boyd Co. ss AUTOMOTIVI REGISTER and VOTE ix i( PARKER PONTIAC CO. ,,lt-Should-Ben SPRING SALE COMB IN AND DIG YOURSELF OUT A REAL BARGAIN IN OUR NSW DOWN-TOWN SNOW BANK. AUTOMOTIVI OOK! i U you nd transportation in the low priced field Don't pass up Oil opportunity Never bciore have we oJered good transportation at auch ' LOW PRICES 1951 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN 4-DR, SEDAN Loaded with extras and extra clean Tutone paint i( SPECIAL THIS WEEK vV 1946 HUDSON SUPER SIX SEDAN Good rubber, clean, good body, runs 100 $515 1948 PONTIAC STREAMLINER 4-DR. SEDAN An extra nice ear with "the works." In gleaming tutone green '2195 '1465 1947 PONTIAC STREAMLINER SEDAN-COUPE A very clean car and in top condition 1941 OLDS W COUPE Heater, standard transmission, good body and tires. Motor needs tomt work. You can aUord to repair motor at this price 1939 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOIt SEDAN Runs good and look good 1940 BUICK LIMITED j Motor A-l. Good tires and a good body n nn c i 1940 0LDS sedan J 7 3 Radio, heater. A good looking 49 rsodel ear, $249 $225 JS AuroMenvi L 1951 FORD V-8 : STATION SEDAN v Like new, lo.ona mlln. Ideally owned. Haa radio, heater and auto matic transmission. $2365 NEED A GOOD PANEL TRUCK? Here's A Fine 1948 INTERNATIONAL KB2 Weal for any business, or 00 ' a tip-top hunting and fishing car 70 ' 1941 1935 PONTIAC COUPE Runs good, body good, tires above average. Will make dandy work car 193? OLDS 4-DOOR SEDAN Heater, Body in very good shape, motor In good mechanical condition ... 1940 CHEVROLET SEDAN Runs good Body good HUDSON 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater. Exceptionally clean. Recently overhauled TULELAKE WE ARE STILL LOADED WITH PRE-WAR TRANSPORTA-: 1939 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR SEDAN PHONE 7-2072 TION AND. BELIEVE MR RIP, THIEF WII.I.ARn .HIST! Very clean, runs good and SPECIAL AUCTION SATURDAY AFTERNOON - 1 P.M. MARCH 22, 1952 NEW FURNITURE SNOWBOUND LAST WEEK WILL ARRIVE FOR ; ISN'T TURNING DOWN ANY REASONABLE DEALS ON ; 1938 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN I THESE PRE-WAR UNITS FOR EXAMPLE; , i Runs and looks good License to Feb , 1953 1937 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN Good motor and plenty of rubber. Body okch! 7625 it SPECIAL SALE & Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. I3S Mnrket Phone SM9 I I i DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J, M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7G59 Ph. 7991 SK1 apMrTii ami rTeatlty Hr.t mallma Inrhidril Inn 30. fhnnr 417.1 ittll dAl.r. Klmhall Cnn.olrlta jilatin. pflUp YDII RITVI M.linf.nv llniah. i 5W old. H(runI' 1 "u DDI. Thnnr nas aflrr n n til (n .M.r.. ' 2" gatlnit "ta hot watrr tank, iiiixlrl winrh.trr .23 rill. uttt W.avrr fmir-pnwr aenpa. ft tnrrhanira hand looli, a Inrh drlva. LOAD INCLUDES: New Chrome Sets New Bath Fixtures Chairs Dressers Beds Bedroom Sets 9 x 12 Wool Rugs 9 x 12 Linoleum AND A Beautiful $300.00 NORGE Gas Range. 10 Months Old AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS Summers Lane Auction Mart (USUAL SALE SUNDAY) , REMEMBER YOU CAN ALWAYS PARK FREE WHILE ! SHOPPING FOR A GOOD WILL USED CAR AT PARKER i PONTIAC'S BIG DOWN-TOWN USED CAR LOT. CALL OR SEE: Willard Davis Home Phone 2-0703 Don Bridge Home Phone 2 0504 PARKER PONTIAC SJ AUTOMOTIVI WE DON'T GO FOR GRAB-BAG" BARGAINS PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT DRIVE AND INSPECT ANY OF OUR PERSONALLY ENDORSED USED CARS BE- Ittitll.ln in fit nr f .iiirnritfri 17? HINf-KTI ISKWINti A1AOHNK CO '11 Main l!?,m J,S1S row" BAI.fe. Wt"on"tV wild "h (inori. C'hrlilamen, nr.liy, Of. f.ANUSCAi'.NU, evrirfiti, rut and Irrm. W trim, spray and rtmovt LAKcstionc r.AnnrN nurscrv Phan. 43fi$ lr.X Al'nt vacuum rtianTr. $SQ down, t-l pfr rtmnlh. rhnne niOQ. (nustiF:i "rock "and drtvaway cindtrt Phone. 3-1117 Vl.rcfROUiX Cl.KANf R and po.lhaf and supnltf. Phon 7167 TarttaJ Twatl. HMarJiat . MONtJMr.VTS- (Vitverle linil imt atlnt ran h mad by May 30th if nr flr(i nnw. C'larrnr Wtd. Klamath Mnnumiit Company, 623 lllfh, jihona nnivrwAY MATKniAi. Pnnn a-mn Al5iriN(5"MAClilNKS. caictilatOrt. typ writtrs, cash rrguitra, daaka, chain ft las. for tala or rant. pionekb orric-i sitppi-Y an Main Phona4i "imTvr.WAY mTtCRIALS. Prion joi Bart p:.VV "lOfl BAKK. LAND MCVfcLINO UNIT -AIU-Chalmra H-O.7 with Mnora PS fl raht dn-r and tlurfcy dnM drum ti.ur rnntrnl unit. JlfMHO B-PI vd rar fvall. xc?ltnt rnndHKtn. Vonkn-Jnhn-mt tnnl rarrl-r vlth anhntlrr trcth. rhtl tei-th and rtdpr attachment. On ruhh-r. This tractnr hat had rtcrnl l.t.ow major nvrrhaitl and 1 In ttp-tnp rendition, rnmnlc tc unit for aat fr it.ftio nr tractor and dnrrr fnr $(1,000. Cull r'ml- Pnlnt, Off, nMO viw nnlv rnUKMfrn ROCK, driveway cinder's' NW 'i In'r'h juirfaftvi n'lvwnnd. M. 15 TOV rrrtmrt Vttitin aliflfa' hay. Fl. C. T.frtynmnrU.Tulplale. Phnne7 -M. Von SAUCrbaby bedrcood buy. Phone a cum. - V'l'rphf.NDAt.E ftref"dr chair. tM. ?VMyant.and ft"r It pm Von 9Ar Viri''hikp I0, rablnVt ra" Hfn Phone 47fl t5iFh"furnl1itre vahiM can atvivs h fmmd at Klamath Kurntttue Co. 321 Mtht. Phnm ftrifn. Vtin Miracle Mnld prMirr ftkr, t-rl nnv frw 1 lines. See at 137 Mnrt)mr nr phnne MA). 55 AUTOMOTIVE FOR ':'n Knrd (fond iiafd part". Phone Bflfl.'l, fi(Ha r.eland Drive. tr6H"RAT.F'in4h" and heater, 1?5 rah. Mttst sell at flnce. Phone 42nfi ttvninni. Vt'St a'clt in"'nncrtf,4a Ford tudor. Ilenter. lflSft Crparent. FOn SAI.K. Plvmmtth. IQIO Dfluve four dour p'in, f.oorf rnndHion, Rood rtib- )r-?-f nt ian Hlph St. tfl-in FOitO V.R chth cnupe. radio and bonier, "fHigltt new by owner. $1273 PhnneSirt. FOt SA' " nr frade emiM" In '7 Mtdnn. Will talie Jt"f..tnrk, Phono PX miviwvtim'.r.r i?rw' m For sale yrtm. Term, Phone pfl.12, iVl'"Fdhnv".on""'nfrkiinr iftia Tl'rv-'e FOB'S Al".. "HiVvrnfet fon pick" tin with A apeed lranmHlnn. A-l rnn fttlon. Nee ir'ir Lone, Tulelalta or phone Tnlehike 7ant'J, i"'sil-t VTFJ1N ATI if, XiQhedntckuK. IjlOO. Term-i lo aiilt. .WW! .Summerfl Lane. MAIN GARAGE 4th & Klamath Phone 8164 USED CAR LOT 5th & Klamath Phone 6221 KLAHN NASH CO. KEEPS PRICES LOW BE WISE BE SAFE BE COMFORTABLE BUY ONE OF THESE NASH-SELECT USED CARS ' Special - This Week-End Only! 1949 NASH "600" 2-DR. SEDAN Weather-Eye Air-Conditioner. f Really clean Only 1942 DODGE 2-DOOR SEDAN Good body, motor and tires. License to Jan.. 1953 1940 CHRYSLER SEDAN A good family car 1937 PACKARD '6' 2-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater. Runs like a new one. Good bodv ... 1941 PLYMOUTH COUPE Radio, heater, runs very good. A lot tut miles lct at no cost -$270 . $275 $95 I $249 $275 - $275 ... $235 . $235 .... S350 $295 -'$145 - $185 1951 WILLYS N STATION WAGON : Hurricane -cyllnder engine. Sold new last June, 13.000 msies, 100 Guaranteed, $1895 E ix ix SPECIAL ix 1941 CADILLAC 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, new seat covers, motor In good shape. Body good. Buy the best used car at $595 DON'T PASS UP THIS CLEARANCE SALE BANK TERMS REGISTER AT THE COURT HOUSE, BY APRIL 15th, TO VOTE Salesmen: Steve Walker, resident phone 6702 Harvey Wyati, residence phone 3454 Dick B.Miller Co. 1095 1949 FORD V-8 CLUB COUPE Radio, heater, very clean 1948 FORD V-8 TUDOR SEDAN Radio, heater, low mileage 1947 CHEVROLET FLEETLiNE AERO SEDAN Radio, heater, good condition 1946 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, excellent shape 1940 INTERNATIONAL PICKUP Heater, one-owner 1947 INTERNATIONAL PICKUP neater. Low mileage 1050 MERCURY 8-PASSENGER COUPE Heater, radio, clean 18 NASH "600" 4-DOOR SEDAN Overdrive, Weather-Eye, radio . 1950 NASH STATESMAN 2-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, Weather-Eye, overdrive 10 CHEVROLET STYLELINE DELUXE CLUB CPE. Radio, heater. Clean . 1950 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE DELUXE 2-DR. SEDAN 875 i Radio, heater, plastic seat covers. Exceptional. ! 1948 NASH AMBASSADOR 4-DR. SEDAN j i c Weather-Eye, overdrive, radio, visor. '. 040 't 1947 MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDAN i Radio, heater 70 ; 1846 OLDS "98" CLUB SEDAN ?1325 ? 995 ?1125 ? $ $ REGISTER TO VOTE NOW! SEE ANDREW MOORE AT JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES & SERVICE INC. YOUR HUDSON and INTERNATIONAL DEALER 11th and Klamath Ave. Phone 2-2581 WrTV WALK DRIVE MORF MOTOR KU B Main Phone nslB "W will li rmir rar tnr von " W huv anrl rart IMAGINEI Within few short hnn niter yon order a Hornld & Hewn Classified nd, 13.000 siibacrlb ira are told about your offer or . four need. To place an ad, phone 1111. CORRECTION NOTICE The first A-l Pickup appear ing in our ad last Saturday and Tuesday should have been listed as follows: 1951 DODGE Vi TON PICKUP 4 speed transmission, sun visor, snortlltf. final swipes, low mileage. $1495 BALSIGER'S USED CAR LOT ' 2153 So. 6lh. Phone 4354 DODOE I 'a truck, ail metal van body dual wheem, 4 new lire, new battery and generator, rebuilt motor. Sel! re aonablf, or mak offer or awap -for food pickup. H at the Williamson niver Riore, A KEEN FORD FOR YOU 1048 Ford V-8 Super Deluxe 3-passen-fer coupe. Radio, heater, .ustrmts ma roon finish, immaculate Interior. Thf rar haa had exceptionally good care. $107.1. H. S. H AUGER BtflCK GARAGE Itaed Car Department Main at Broad Phone MM FOR SALE. JS4 Chevrolet Gm?ertiBt 27, .100 actual miles. Radio, healer. New top, plaMic seat cover, new tire, lew than looo miles running. No trade. Price IMS. Phone 7878. A REAL RIMCK BtfY 1048 Bulrk Super Sedanet. Radio, heal er, well equipped. Itonnhilu Blue fininh. Low mileage. Iota of chrome. Hurry on this one at the low price of Sim H. E. H AUGER BUICK GARAC.K Main at Broad Phone SIM teat Hudson Hornet four door, over drive, heater radio and aeat cover, other extras. f25O0. Would consider linhter car on trade. Phone 2-tn.i4 after 4 p.m. HERE'S A HONEY! 1040 Chrysler Royal 4-Dr. Sedan 2nd xerle. Radio, heater. PreKtomntic trans, mfanion. low mileage. Flril rlasi ' in every way. A ear you will be proud to own. . . sinps. H. . HAtitiER BtltCK SAPAGE Car Dcparlmenl Minat Rrod 1051 PLYMOUTft SuhurhiTn; H.Ofl'n mlle. Perfect condition. One owner. Phone 2.:tfl5. A OOOD CAR LOW PRICED t04t Olds 'S' -7ft Fmir-door edsn. Ra dio, heater, llydramatlc drive. Lots or arcearortes Tutone finish. II you're Inoltlng for a bargain this Is Itl K4D5. H. X. HAtlGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone S1M OUR 8AHUANTS USED CARS We BI?V. SELL AMD TRADE Corner Shaita Way and Arthur Street Phone fttflR LOOKING FOR A FORD? 1050 Ford V-B Custom Fordor Sedan. Radio, heatert overdrive, plenty of enulpmenl, clean an a brand new one, Drop in and look it over, H. B. H AUGER BUICK GARAGE t'ted Car Department M.ln at Hrnnd Phone M.M M895 1395 1695 1445 1645 1195 1035 1095 795 WE ILWE EIGHT PRE-WAR USED CARS: Any Reasonable Offer Or Terms Will be Considered KLAHN NASH CO. 606 So. 6th Phone 3650 Radio, heater, Hydramatic. 1946 NASH "COO" 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, Weather-Eye. Good. ... WATCH FOR UIT" "IT'S IN THE BAG" 7th and Klamath Phone 4103 BARGAINS Are not determined by price alone tat by price and value. We invite you to compare prices and then ial?e one of our guaranteed used cars on a 2-day FREE DRIVING TRIAL. The combination of price and guaran tee makes a DUGAN & MEST DEAL the BEST DEAL IN TOWN 1950 WILLYS : PICKUP Hurricane engine, fssd tires. Sate Priced $1045 1950 PACKARD SUPER SEDAN . BIG 155 h.p. engine. Top condition. One-owner car, loaded with extras. $2295 H 1949 WILLYS STATION WAGON 4-WHEEL DRIVE Good Condition. A Blu- Ribon buy at only 1947 Ford - $ 79? 1949 Olds $1497 1946 Dodge $ 897 1949 Plymouth $1347 1950 Ford . $1647 1949 Ford - $1367 1947 DeSoto $1197 1949 Dodge $1647 ix 1937 Plymouth 1936 Pontiac ' YOUR CHOICE $47.00 . 1937 Chrysler 1937 Buick REGISTER NOW TO VOTE For the BEST in the WEST see DUGAN & MEST DODGE PLYM0UTH 522 So. 6th -DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS Phone 8101 ? SATURDAY, MARCH 22nd - AT r Ashley Chevrolet 410 So. 6th USED CAR DEPARTMENT Phone 4113 A DANDY PACKARD BUY 1030 Packard '8 Deluxe 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio, heater, UUramaUe drive, cut torn tailored sent covers. Beautiful cor. onet copper finish. 23,000 mttes. Lota of chrome. Truly a buy at $IU(16. H. E. I? AUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone SIM flOoiclfl RECAPS SSJti EACH F, X C H AN C.F! We huY ii4t tire. OK. Rtthher Weld. er, 2.101 So. 0th. Phone 4313. FOR SALE, l&M GMC one-ton pickup. Phone 3751 after S p m. must SELL my 1041 Dodge four door radii, heater. dfrrj-tttr. windshield washers. New baked -on enamel paint job, 323. Ftion ceiween anq FOR SALE, W Ford custom Deluxe A-l condition. Priced to eU. Bee at 500 Jefferson nr Phone a-mis. AS. NEKO CASS? Q4t ton Of COW Hose Motor Co. 8th and Plum. BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp, YOUR GMC DEALER m & lib Phone mt for a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY or "JUCK Your International Track Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES Uth and KlamaOi Phone 2-258 COMPLETIS Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Mala at Esplanade THIS WEEK'S BEST BUYS 1951 FORD VICTORIA Overdrive, radio, heater, Q r 8,000 miles, A J 7J 1951 NASH AIHFLYTE 2-DR. With overdrive. 1JO Like new sJ7-J 1950 DESOTO 4-DR. CSTM. SDN. Light blue. Has i QQ r everything, A beauty. I J 1950 STODE. CHAMP. CLB. CPE, Maroon color, $ c A C perfect condition. I OAO 865 1948 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater. A fine $ car and only 1949 INT. i TON PICKUP 4-speed. Heater and de- $11 ir 1 IHJ 1575 taster. Top shape. 1950 PLYMOUTH CLB. CPE Very nice. 194 FORD STATION WAGON Heater, new scata. J 7Q C A-l condition YO A Few Ctseaper Car On Hand. Come In and Look Them Over. We W1U Mate You A Deal, KAY SHELLHORN, Salesman Evenings Phone 2-2002 JIM OLSON MOTORS $1400 U 1949 PACKARD DELUXE SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive. Condition guaranteed. $1595 - F. 1948 PONTIAC . STREAMLINER "8"; 2-DOOR SEDAN ' ' Radio, heater, nearly new tires. Try It out to appreciate. , $1295 318 So. 6th Phone $128 F ! SPECIAL 2-DR. One owner. Very good conditio. A lot ot car f or . . , $1 147 ! PACKARD &W1LLY$ LEE ! HUFF! USED CAR j DEPARTMENT 1th and Oak Ave., Phone UM