.PAGE TWENTY ,u NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1052 Legal Notice NOTICE TO CftKDlTOnS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that th undenlgnrd F. M. C A 111 -SON hit. bn, by an ordr of the Circuit Court of tha BUI of Oregon fnr Klamath County, appointed adminlitratrtx of the eMail of WILLIAM HENRY LUTHER, alio known m William Luther, William 11. Luther, and W. H. Luther, Deceased, and that Letten of Admlnlttratlon have been isiued to her. All pertone having clalmi against aald estate are hereby notified to preaent the aame duly veri fied and with proper voucher, to the underalgned at Room ant , First Fed eral Savings and Loan Building, Klam ath Falls, Oregon, within six montns from the data of the first publication nf Uils notice, which publication la the 30th dav of March. 1052. F. M. CARLSON, as Admlnlslra. trlx of tha KiUta of William Hen ry Luther, also known at William Luther, William H. Luther and W. H. Luther, Drreaiteri. FARRENS V MAXWELL Attorneys for Administratrix M -20-27 A-3.IO.17 No. 91? Sealed bids will be received on or before 3:00 p.m. April 17, 19fti in the office of the Klamath County School District. Veterans Memorial Building. Klamath Falls. Oregon, for the drilling of a well for the Falrhaven School building at the Weyerhaeuser Junction, aporoxtmately five miles south of Klam ath Falls on tha Ashland Highway. Bids will be puhlicly oncneri and read. Bidders must bid as follows: ft) Cost per foot of rock and other hard ma terial, (2 Cmtt oer foot of dirt and other soft material, en Cost per foot of eight Inch. D standard weight, screw joint well casing. Well to furnish ample supply of wa fer; test pump of 150 gallons per min ite. The directors of the Klamath County School District reserve the right to re ject any and all bids and to waive any irregularities. J. F. Heyden. Clerk M 13-20-27 No 909 FOOL-PROOF You'll like this elegant never fail almond caramel frost in a on most any kind of cake. Combine 5 tablespoons butter with ' cup evaporated milk, few (trains salt and 1 cup brown sugar (packed). Heat and stir until mixture boils. Remove from heat and stir in 3 cups sifted confectioners' sugar sugar and Vz cup chopped un b lunched almonds. "0ldat40,50,60?" Man, You're Crazy Fnrret yoor seel Tboosuxts an peppy st TO. jry '"Pippin up" with Ostres. Coouias tonic for weak, rundown lellnc due sow, to body's lack ot iron wtUr q many mm and womra nil "old. 1 TMtMl by Doaori! 6 tt ported food results. Many, lmprewd. said. "Will prescribe Ostrex to future Try Osirex Tonic TaWet Pt-P. vtm, youni it fM-lin. Money hack ti Dot delighted. 0 introductory sua mig 3 At sll drag stores everTwhere . la Klamath Falls, at Pay less SPECIAL For Monday, March 24 ONLY! Gill' Parmanter Pullet. OR Straight Run Chicks ... $3 per 100 discount. Special price for this hatch ... 15c for straight run and 31c for pullet chicks. Stop in tomorrow and place your order. PACIFJlS fC0-0Pf 2V acres, 300 foot ocean front with a home of 3 rooms 'and bath, utility ... a kitchen complete with a Youngstown Kitch en. Has hardwood floors, finished in knotty pine. Large windows overlooking ocean front. Beautiful view with a large clam beach. This is priced at the low figure of $17,000. For full details and all information Phone 5473 or call at 120 No. I Oth. By MARJORIE Out'Of-this-world odventure is yours when you tune in "Tom Corbetr, Space Cadet," every Tuesdoy ond Thursday ot 5:00 on KFLW-ABCi Frankie Thomas, star of stage, screen and television, projects the title role, in this science-fiction se ries. A new exciting chapter be gins every Tuesdoy. ABC will again exclu . lively air the annual pre ' senrations of owards by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts from the Pantoget Theatre In Hollywood, tonight . starting at 9:00. The radio broadcast will have a world-wide ' audience of millions, ond tha ceremonies will not be televised The proceedings are expected to last en hour and a half and KFLW will carry all but a quarter-hour Musical numbers nominated for the best original film song of 1951 will be sung by leading vocalists including Jan Wyman, Jane Powell, Kay Brown, Danny Kaye, Tony Martin and Dick Haymes. Be sure to toy tuned after the "Original Amateur Hour" tonight and hear the broadcast of the Academy Awards presentation. Wagner's great opero, "Die Meistersinger," with on oVstor cast. will be broadcast on the "Metropolitan Opera" this Saturday, start ing a' half-hour eorlier thon usual, ot 10:30 o.m. Wolburaa Weaner will sing the role of Eva, Hons Hopf os Hons Sachs. "Die Meistersinger," ever written, wos creoted In defense of art, os opposed to the strictly ocademic. It wos first performed in America in the Met Opera In 1886. Don Williams, the 23-year-old Worcester, Mass., choir linger, will meet Gil Turner, Philadelphia's 20-year-old sensation In the 10-round main (vent at Madison Squara Garden tomorrow night, and the bout will be heard en the "Gillette Covalcad of Sports," starting at 7:00 p.m. It's a mon's world, so far as Ozzle Nelson is concerned. As a result, he takes Immediate steps to aid household in gaining sJf-ossuronce, ond Harriet" is broadcast over KFLW 9:00. Be sure to listen. CLASSIFIED RATES One day per word a Three Days per word lie Week run per word 20c Month run per word 65c MINIMUM The minimum charge (or any one ad Is 60c. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper for a service charge of 2ov. DEADLINES Classified aos accepted up to 5:30 p. for following day's publication Classified display ads accepted up to 12 noon for following day's pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS Pleas. maKe all ciauna lev adjustment- without delay CARD OF THANKS NULL We wish to thank our many frtends. neighbors. Brotherhood of Rail road Trainmen M7 and Ladiea Auxil iary for the many acts ot kindness, help, beautiful floral piecei and general devotion in our time of sorrow. These things are sincerely appreciated. Kate Null, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lark and family, Mr. and Mrs. Aurthur Null nd Family. Lloyd Null. FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. 9 High street. Phone 33.14. MEETING NOTICES KLAMATH LODGE No. 77. A.F.&A.M., will be host to Dis trict No. 31 Grand Masters visitation, Friday, March 21, at 8 p.m. A no host dinner, 6:30 visiting brethren invited. DALE BEBBER, Worshipful Master. Crater Lake Lodge No. 311 A.F. and A.M. will hold a special commu nication, Thursday, March 20 at 7:30 p.m. Work in the F.C. De gree. Visiting brethren welcome. Wm. FINK SECRETARY REGULAR MEETING of Disabled American Veterans- and Auxiliary will be held Friday. March 21 in the K. C. at 8 p.m. SUPPLY OVGARD Frank! Thoiias TOM CORBETT, SPACE CA0ET 13 os Walther, ond Poul Schoeffler one of the greotest Ivric comedies the natural ond spontaneous in the distaff side of the Nelson when the "Adventures of Ozzie ond ABC tomorrow night ot CO. A MEETING NOTICES' KLAMATH FALLS Aerie No. 2090 Of Regular' meeting vll very Friday "JUiL night 7:45 p. m. fSSl1 O. E. Hall, 8th rWeS-fttn3ind Walnut. Visiting members cordially Invited. Buffet hours 10:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. STATED MEETI NO OP MANZANITA CHAPTER No. 173 O.E.S. will be held Frl dny, March 31 t 8 o'clock in the I.O.O.F. tinll. Visitors welcome. VERA FRITSCH-W.M. JOHN LARSON, WP LOST AND FOUND LOST, or stolen, bluett malt Peking,. pup with white under neck. Finder, phone TS6S. Small reward. KINDLY return purse taken Sunday afternoon from red Pont lac, 303 Wash. tngton. Phone 6tta or JUTT, LOST, man's ur ruby ring. Reward. Phone 4311. PLATINUM diamond ring. Keepaakt. Pleaie call M22 days. Reward. LOST or stolen black tabrador, white star on chest. License l-lBl. Phone 37 J4. GENERAL NOTICES BIG "Y" BARBER SHOP OPEN Under New Management HOURS 9:00 A.M. 'TILL 7:00 P.M. GOOD DANCE MUSIC for all occa sions Call Morgan 2-0300 or McDonald, Bill. Played rtght. priced right, and guarameea aanceaoie PERSONALS WELL. KNIT guaranteed hosiery. 4224. REAL SILK. 7153- FRATEX Plastics. Phone S324. ZOE BRUCE Swanson's Beauty Shop. i-none rioi, ST AN LEY Home Products. Phone 6009. 10 SERVICE NOTICE LANDSCAPING TREE PRUNING SPRAYING by Francis "Smithy" Smith, Tree Surgeon Let us work with you NOW on your landscape needs. ROSEBUSHES NOW IN STOCK Pantented and No. Is SUBURBAN FLOWER SHOP 3614 So. 6th Phone 8188 CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What you dont want, someone else needs! Let us find what you want or lind the person who needs what you don't want. This Is the kind of service we are ottering . . . why not take advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop in at 255 East Main in Klam ath Falls and get acquainted or Phone 5670 EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Boa Bulldoser - Fill Dirt - Torjaoil Crushed Rock - Driveway Cinders Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoue 5541 or 9110 Septic Tank Cleaned TANKS, drain fields installed repaired. Years of experience. All work guaranteed. PHONE 5731 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE, FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service Insured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 2802 South Sixth Ph. 9240 or 2-3133 Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Bewer Lines of Roots, Etc ED P. KINO 2434 Orchard Phone 9841 PAINTING and 7617. paper hanging. Phona CURTAINS Iaund.Ted and atratcheit Phone 4914 FULLER Brushes. Bhone 9604 or SS77. J. L. DEAN Public Accountant anit Auditor Office at 306 No. 7th. Phone FOR TREE TRIMMING t-none z-o.155 PAINTING. rfernrAlin n3n.r-.n.i-.. plasterboard finishing, spray painting.' REFRIGERATION SERVICE Now is the time to make necessary re pairs and adjustments to vnur i-orrtv- erator before hot weather begins. Let Wards Service Department handle your particular needs. Complete modern up u-vc rcingerauon service witn quai- jr nuiniiiaiiBiup Ruarinieca. MONTGOMERY WARDS 9tn end Pine Phone 3188 TRIPP'S Auto Painting. Body and fen der work. Phone 4040. ALTERATIONS AH Work guaranteed! 6353 X1"rc niias, uv main. Phon CARPENTER work. Remodeling and ELECTRICAL enn trartir.tr Wnrlr ni. anteed. Phone 2-1010. 12 EDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING, shorthand typing kin dred subjects, office machines. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE "3 Pine Phone 47W HEALTH STEjM baths, exercises, spot reducing for men and women. Phone 3603. 14 HELP. WANTED, FEMALE WOMAN for general housework and parttime care of two children. Live in. Good weges. Private room with bath. among .t-jjuj. VETERANS wife wanting room and board In exchange for child care. Phone 6103. No objection to one child. WANTED, experienced waltreis and car hop. No phone calls. Pelican Drive EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. Annlv Millers Department Store In pe non. DEPENDABLE 'xnrlnrri .(annaranh. er. Insurance preferrable. Good salary, permanent position. The Landry Com pany. EXPERIENCED checker, full time Job. New Method Cleaners. HELP WANTED, MALE PINE or fir grader. Steady work. Give details of exDerlence. Write P.O. Rn !H2. Med ford. Oregon. PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT for a man who would like to have a business of hie own. That's the basis we put you on, with a DEALER'S PROFIT but NO INVESTMENT REQUIRED. If you are the rlaht tyDe of man vou can .rn 129. to $179. per week. Call Mr. Long at the wi.Ne-Ma Hotel between 12 and 1 o'clock or S and 7 it.m. Thurriv March 20. WANTED trout setter air dogs and dry lumber handler. Call Ellinason Lumhr 2-2348. 1 H tlP WANTtP, MALI WAITED. a"itervlce MaTTim-)-1 ten d a nT. Mitil have real experience, be able to ell. have food referenco and want to work. Full or part time, all year Job. Phone ,113 or rail at 3101 SO. Hlh. WANlfF.ormechVntc, Bub'HoMara,. xoui ureflon Avenue, DAY bell man. Mint be neat and ag freutv Mint be over ill. See Mr, Htm rod.Wlllard Hotel after S p.m. WANTkli reliable man Jtt to "Hil rara. for ambulance work. Preferrably with omt Flrt Aid training Phone Tin WAN'TRD combination all around ranch mechanic and welder. Steady job for a aober and energetic man. single only. Box .VV Herald and News, Al.ESMAN earnings to start. approK. a?s. per month. Opportunity to ad ance. Ages IB to 30, Apply Standard Stations. Inc. 2nd and Main or Epli arte and Spring sts. IB SITUATIONS WANTtP HANDY MAN, odd fobs. L per hour. Phone 3-1417 evening KXPKUir.NCKU: office work, recep tionist, caihlcr, M.lady, baby sitting. Phone "4ll. t KX V KKlKNL'El) teenager desires babv sitting or mother's helper evenings after 4:30, Saturdays or Sundays. Phone CHILD rare anytime. Phone -t-OUl er noons. ill CHILD CAKE. 3.13 East Main. 7:41 to 8:30 days phona .WTO, eyas. 2-0.172. WILL rare fur children In my noma days or your homa evenings. Call a-l.i4.i. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT PACIFIC TERRACE QUIET, SPACIOUS. HOME LIKE ROOM FXR MAN. PRIVATE BATH. OARAGE AVAILABLE OR YOU CAN WALK TO WORK . . . PHONE 566S ROOMS for nrnl. Pr.vatt en trine. Close JivPhonc 4444. HO QMS. prlces rt?"onb1e. ..Phw'cfr'iT. LOVELY rooms (or rent M.-9T. wtVf Ctoic in. Phone 43M. FRONT room for rent. Greer A pert menu, 710 Main. ROOMS 1034 HiSti ROOMS, cent. board, gentlemen. 1607 Crc- ATTRACT1VK light housekeeping quar ters. Everything furaithed but grocer le 1143 Pine. ROOM.gentle man. IXtO Crece n i. LIGHT housekeeping. Everything fur. nished. Suitable sober bachelor or cou ple. 109 North Broad. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT TWO ROOM modern apartment lor rent 816 Oak. NEAT three room furnished apartment. 6100 South Sixth. FOR RENT, furnished two room apart ment. Natural hot water heat. Cioe in. Adults. Phone 61163. TWO room furn(shed apartment. Elec tric range and refrigerator. Convenient to OT. and downtown. 1805 Main Street. FOR RENT, two room ftirnuhed" apart ment. Couple only. Phone 7318. FOR RENT, mall a ttr a rtTve "a part ment Single. Gas equipped. Frigldatre. Lights and water furnished. $23. Call 6373 or 142 S. Riverside. SMALL furnished apartment for rent. Lights and water. t30. 1723 Oak. APARTMENT with gas heat also small cabins. 518 High. FOR .RENT, newly decorated three room furnished apartment. AduCts onlv. Shown by appointment only. Phone 6764 between 0-3 p.m. FOR RENT 3 room furnWied apart ment.' 338 Broad. APARTMENT: Unfurnished: large two room and bath. Clean, comfortable. electric neat Private entrance, charm. irug fireplace. 1104 Crescent. Phone FURNISHED anartment. Close In on Bin. Utilities furnished. . Inquire 623 nw, urn qr pnong PARTLY furnished two bedroom aoart. ment, on Homedale Road. Phone 8187. FURNISHED tw room TWO bedroom. In duplex. Adults,M34 North 5th FOR RENT, to reliable party with no pets. Newly decorated three room apartment. 4's blocks from Main. S17 North 4th. UPSTAIRS furnished apartment. Gas equipped. Across from the Academy. NEWLY decorated Apli. 710 Main. apartment. Greer UNFURNISHED, basement apartment for bachelor or lady. Natural hot water heat and water furnished. SOS. Refrig erator and electric range available. 2013 Main or phone 3410 after 6 p.m. STEAM HEATED apartment with bed room. 628 Oak St FURNISHED apartment Apartment 1, 300 Market. THREE ROOM furnished apartment 2041 White. ONE bedroom unfurnished apartment Gas equipped. Call 2-Q6H. THREE room furnished apartment and bath. Adults only. Phone 4472. 911 Wal nut. NEWLY decorated, private bath, kit chenette. Steam heat electric rang sin week Rex Arms Apartment FURNISHED three room apartment S52 50: two room unit 33; all utilities Included. 419 N. Tenth. FOR RENT, furnished two room apart ment, for adults. .121 Broad. CLEAN. homey duplex apartment. Lights and water furnished. Adulu. Phone 8418. FOR RENT, two room furnished bach elor apartment S25. Inquire 2126 Recla. matlon. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT TO LEASE or rent, two bedroom hoiMe garage. Harden doi. fenced yard. See mi zuzq Arinur St. owner will ahow after s a.m. Saturday and Sunday. Phone uranu fans mati. FOR RENT, furniihed newlv decorated cottage, l'i blockt from Vain. Suitable tor l or 2. 35. Phone 8866. TWO bedroom unfurnlihed duplex. One rnrjcK iron, Atquiri, AQUlli only. WO, FOR RENT, near Pelican School. Two nearoom furnished houie. 940 month, Call 3100. uh Kent, one bedroom houie, un- rurmsned except stoves. 2217 Biehn Phone 87B7. FOR RENT, modern two room fur- nkhed houne. Inquire 3112 Cannon. none oiz; after five. FOR RENT, two bedroom unfurnlihed nouw, montn. pnone ssoa. FURNISHED three bedroom near HlRh School. Phone 3233. Duplex DUPLEX for rent. Phone 3027 before p.m. 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE u TRUCKS W DRIVE Move Yourself Save A New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 APPROXIMATELY 30 acres potato land kit rent. v.au newau 3IH.5. AMERICAN floor Sanders and edli-ri, swut ana easy to operate. Bruce floor finish, fillers, waxes and varnish. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER !40 So. Sixth Phone 4"l FOR RENT, Tulelaka homestead for fotatoea. Good cellar. Phona Tulelake 10B3. OFFICE for rent 623 Main. Tim. 30 REAL EST Art FOR SALE IN MERRILL 5 bedroom house, modern elec tric water heater, corner lot. s.1,700, 1,000 down, balance on terms. 6 ACRES New 2-bedroom house, floor furnace; electric wator heater. Near Merrill on oiled road. $8000, terms, M. A. BOWMAN MERRILL, ORE. PH. 2732 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Langell Valley Ranch 3G0 ACRKS 350 InigiUed. Alfulfit. PunUiiu una gttiiii, bill unco hill pualurc. 'nvo-bedroom nuxlttm housc, op ill m witter, Roc.1 bum. This la a nice tviiiHll-llvcalovk act-up. HOMES FOR SALE THREE nEDllOOMS Very nice bnlh, kitchen nnrt service porch with liiumlry tuba, beautiful yiuil, nil iriiiTd, good iiuruHP, mid outbuildings: acre o( berries niul giiKlen spot. 73SO. A GOOD BUY In R two-bedronm nndern home neur SlinsU Wny M.aso. NICE TWO BEDROOM HOME Cloo In; ionic furnishings. LESTER JONES (Eves. I 2-3.(18 BEARD AGENCY . Realtors Imurnnce 1020 Mnln Phones 4880 At 2-3471 2 Bedroom Furnished $1000 down will bundle this com lortitblo fully lurnlslird home neur Hillside. Large kitchen, workshop, kiu'hkc, good foundation. 5:'i0 full price. MILLS PINE LOCATION l'i blocks to Mills school. Two bedroom modern home on nicely lmidscitped lot. In sulated nlid wcnUtcr.HtripiH'd. Lnrge outn witn an new fixtures, kitchrn ana utility. New plumbum throuiih out. Concrete foundation. Duck yard fenced. Garage and workshop. Some lurtiinsiugs. stttuu. Terms. DRIVE BY 1525 DIVISION Immediate possession on this at tractive five room home construct ed in 1941. Large living and din ing room, hardwood floors electric heat. Insulated, concrete foundation. Bedrooms to bo redecorated and new linoleum In kitchen. Buy now and choose your colors and linol eum. S9500. Terms. Business Opportunity HOTEL 21 rooms dHis four room managers apartment. A-l condition throughout, uood lease, should gross at least M00 per month. J10.000. Terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) 'JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2 0527) ALSCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 Some Day The Snow Will Melt .; Then you will be sorry If you have passed up this beautiful 6 acre farm. It Is close to town, well lrr. gated, good drainage, with fair sized barn, chicken house, garage, sheds, etc. This well shaded com fortable 2 bedroom home has good heavy stone foundation, dry con crete basement, large living room, separate dining room, breakfast nook, sleeping porch. Insulated, Iron Fireman furnace, warm In the winter, cool In summer. You have to see this one to appreciate It. Only $12,900. Terms, of course. 4 Bedrooms In Hot Springs Located on Huron Street, this fine large home has full basement, 2 baths, huge bedrooms, lots of closets, and a price that you won't believe only $14,500. Best of nil It can be handled for only $2000 uuwn. 3 BEDROOMS There Is extra value In this attrac tive, newly built, comfortable 3 bedroom home. Hardwood floors. cicciric neat, completely insulated. Price only $970. F.H.A. Terms. SUBURBAN Furnished 1 bedroom modern home. 13 acre Irrigated soil, con crete foundation, chicken house. Immediate possession. Only $3800. Open Evenings by Appointment See Homer Stiles Ph. 2-2460 Eves. Don Sloan 5058 Eves. Fred Scolt 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1009 111 N. Blh St. Ph. 4564 or 6528 POE VALLEY 76 ACRES under gravity Irri gation. Leveled and now in 39 acres allaiia, of which 12 acres is five-years-old and 27 acres two-years-old. Balance In grain last year. Paved road. It has no house, but it does have one of the largest barns In the Klamnth Basin. Good well, Only $17,500, $5,000 down; bal ance $l,3uu pe.- jcar. Including Interest 454 per cent. Imedlato possesion. A chance that sel dom comes. See It today. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK , REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main . Phone 3211 KEV LOT SOUTH SIXTH STREET Jt MADISON Vt acre with cute three room house. in, snruhbery and irrigation pasture a couple of calves, 9;S00 lerma. NEWIIOIISE REAL ESTATE 20M 80, Sixth Phone 0832 . 2-3087 ISO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MALIN RANCH 185 Acres of some or tlio best Ir rigated land In the basin. Two sets of buildings, thercfoio pos sible for division by new own er. Three good houses. Two potato cellars tone excellent I. Iilcli snndy loam null, paved road, close to Mnlln. For price and details plcnso contuct this office. CATTLE RANCH 820 Acres, 87 ncres Irrigated now. More can be added, plenty of water. Two homos, excellent large barn and other good out buildings. On paved loud. 2(1 miles from Klamath Fulls, Price $50,000. Terms. Don't miss this, WALT DIETZ. Willi T. B. WAITERS REALTOR and INSURANCE 107 SO. SEVENTH , Phone 41D3 (Eves, 04(10 ) CLOSE IN On East Main Street. Comfortable two bedroom furnlshe-' home. Eas ily" remodeled Into business build ing with living qtinrters. Lot has 54 tout frontnge. Price $7500. MILLS ExrepUonnlly clean two bedroom home. Owner leaving town, very anxious to sell. Price $9250. Terms arranged. SUBURBAN Three bedroom home with electric heat. Double garage, one acre fer tile land. All fenced. Price $13,000. Anne Mason Eves. 6714 Eddie Hosley 2-0168 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. 9th. Phone 72( CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER $5 to $15 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Gov't, Stale and County land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific Lan ls 1621 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. Close In Location Just a pluln good buy for this two bedroom home at only $0350 on paved street, sidewalks and city sewer, plus good location, so let us show you this home this week, call 7521 for appointment. Apartment House 18 Units all with private bath and completely furnished. Grossing $8400 per year. Don't wait give us a call for more information on this attractive buy. FARMS & RANCHES 311 ACRES-ln Langell Vnlley all Irrigated. Priced reasonable and easy terms. 99 ACRES at Modoc Point and priced at only $16,000 with terms. Good home and outbuildings and Immediate possession. 80 ' ACRES of the best soil In the valley and priced at only $21,000. Make an appointment to see these places right away Jay P. Griggs Ph. 4254 Gene Favcll- Ph. 6045 Claire Ellis Ph. 2-2500 W. W. Thompson atyMalin J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Main St. Phone 7521 COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES Excellent concrete tile building with modern 4-room apartment. Ex cellent for service business. Price $22,000. AUTO COURT A strictly modern 11-unlt motel with 7 housekeeping units. In best of condition, excellent furnlnhlngs, well located and proven hlnh In come Price $47,600. Owner will also iaxe rancn as trade. Don t miss this. HOTEL LEASE We have one of the best small hotels in city center. Oood lease, Reason able rent. Other Interest forces sale. Priced to sell quick. Don't miss this. WALT DIETZ, with T. B. WATTERS REALTOR and INflURANCE 107 SO. SEVENTH Phone 4193 fEvcs. 0460) FOR SAI.R, two bedroom house, Nlre bark porch, fruit room. New Inlaid on kitchen and porch. Workroom In bnne ment. OH floor furnace. Walk-In cooler. Extra lot. $lfl00. Phone A0I6. NEW HOMES for iflle, Powell. Phone B52B, William B. FOR SALE by owner. 1 year old 2 burl room home tn Mil In addition. 9)41.0 down total price leaa than FHA appralinl. Phone 7.178 for appol n t me n l FOR SALE. two bedroom aiihurhnn home. LarRit living room, Venetian blind, hardwood iloori. 97800. Phona 20931, evening!. 44 FINANCIAL LOANS $$MONEY$$ ON TILE FIRST CALL I Up to 1500 on your uto. On your salary or fumltura up to $300 "'Pay Day" loans a specialty - 110, $25, $50 loaned till "pay day" or longer. $35 coals but 1$ cnU for ona week. No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. US No. 10lh 8U M-354 DON Mi'INTYRE, Mgr. 43 Years Friendly Service 30 RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI Near Mills School Trade future rent receipts for a homo deed. Here's a 3 bedroom neur sihool mid transportation that you should sro tuilnyl $11500, on good terms. Ron Fisher (Eves $0701 "Hup" Duvlson (Eves 3871) Hi lire Owens, Merrill 148 'at Johnny Howes niayloek REALTORS 1025 Main Phone 2-3545 , t CHEAPIE! ! ! 1 Bedroom modern with semi- liuKlern cabin. On paved street. Clime In. Priced fur quirk sale. Full price $'J5oo. Only $500 down. Don't units this. REDUCED 2 Bedroom modern. Paved street. Clone to high school. Reduced to $4600 for quick euie. Nerds work on basement, otherwise, In good condition. MILLS ADDITION One of Hie best built .ml well o ciilcd 3 bedroom modern homes In this city. I'rlco $13,500. Please see Us for delulls. TRAILER HOUSE OWNERS We have one more hom in -.n.r where owner Is willing to arrepi a irrtiler house as part trade. 'Ilils Is a rock home with almost one acre. Price $4450. What have you? WALT DIETZ. with T. B. WAITERS REALTOR and INSURANCE 107 SO. SEVENTH Phono 41S3 (Eves. 8469) MAKE AN OFFER Owner has left town and says "sell." Three bedroom ranch lye home In Mills. Has had KHA ap praisal for $O0Q. You may buy this at your price. Ron Fisher (Eves. 89701 "Hup" Davidson (Eves 3871) Bruce Owens, Merrill 14$ Pat Howes Johnny Rlaylock REALTORS Main Phone 2-3546 1025 roil SAl-K, by owner. Good I wo bed room house. Kirrplare. automatic heat close to town. Phone 2.02UI. OH BA1.K. 2U0 arret, north unit pro. lect. Madras. Orron. 4 mllsi from town. Eleclrlclly. drilled well, IIS wn lerau. Ci H. nelmler, Drawer t. Iled mond. Oregon. Ktiuny in one bedroom nwdern house Im-ated In Pelican City. Kasy Day men!.. Call BUM. y pay FOR SA1.R. ona bedroom modern house lirse gsrsce. JI40HJlomedNle. OK 8AI.E rive room home, rorner lot. Partly furnished. Oaraae, hot and cold water. 40 acres timber land 'Cheap, lite Jack Porterflald. Keno. Orraon. ... IV"'"' u-NNis itr Ai.Ton 121 No. Bin Phone flH ONK nrDHOOM home Ills yard.near school. H.ooo. 22M Wanlland. Phona H44a. 32 BUILDING 9, REMODELING K 1 DI NOTTu hni iTM a ii vill iTTPabnirtverZ K home only t!WO. Kuhlman In-mla-tlnn. Phone 440R or 2-344.1. h HlKtan.AHH ItiMUlate nowl .Save 30 Krr rent on fuel. A low 9.1 month, uhlman Insulation, Phone 44(18 or 2-14.1 S't'OKM RASH and srreen ' combination. heir Inrlnc aluminum. Bavj up to 40 !-r rrni on met. ai low a 93 month. Kuhlman Jniulatlon. Phone 4468 or 2.2t4:i. 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Slove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER "Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1910 ' 821 Spring St, Phone 41M STANDARD HEATlfiti OIL Stove, furnaca, Hint fual, coal, wood, charcoal. Pay ton anil Co. SSS Maraal I'nnnr 5140. OHV pine nlncka lor sale. Open ava rungs and weekends Metiers Hros. piTkstoi.ogs pickup or deliverer Cliff Vadens Signal Harvlca. 3SS0 So 6th Phone mm or2-M00. ? S onKKH STAMPS" flven on hast- Ins oils Phona 30S1 or t.nw for prompt dellvary. CLIF.- VAOP.N'S BK1NAL DERVlCt 2.KK) So eth ?8 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES HUNTING nfcrl flMhini. leaf riTiV.VC er. i:a. Aim rrloda. BOARDING KENNELS Don boarding hy day, week or month Sanitary kennels. Well balanced diet Clean individual outdoor runs for ch dot. Dots nandled during mating. Will pick ck up and deliver. Visitors Welcome Phone 8078 Marrlll M lit. 9 RnM ftna SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS ANDKiYsON Boarding; kennels Phoni 1047 STOW Delaware off llomedtla TIIHKE collie pup's for sale. Three months old, gold and whlla. Llller rag 's A iit i I Buy a Chris Craft Kit Boat Stan Crull ers and Runabouts. Johnson bea Horse motors. Bouts bought, sold and ex changed. Boats for rent to fisher men. MONROE hoat wnaitfi 1938 front 81. Phona J-1M8 Phone J-253T 8-37$ 40 TO IXCHANCI TIIAOR. 40 arras near Rnselitirg fnf piuuerty. cat or what have you to trade. I;ij link 42 LIVHTOCK t POULTRY CHICKS 5-wcck old New Hampshire chicks. 3Hc each, TROY V. COOK CO. 2040 So. nth I'hons 4flu:i WE RECOMMEND t5t ALBERS TIUP-L-nUTY CHICK STARTER $5.70 per cwt. We are continuing our chick special through March . . , $16.1)5 a hun dred, All our chirks are rated Ptil. luram clean . . The highest rai available . . T LOOK FOR THE LABEL ON THE BOX! STANDARD FEED STORE 2730 80. 8th Phone 8300 SPECIAL For Monday March 24 Only Gills rarmcntcr Pullets or straight run chicks $3 per hundred discount. Special prlre for this hatch . . I5e for straight run and 31c for Pullet Chirks. STOP IN TOMORROW AND PLACE YOUR ORDER Pacific Supply Co-op 6th and Spring AUCTION SALE 60 HEAD REGISTERED ANGUS 40 cows. ilh calves or rloae no' 10 heifers breeding sue 10 bulls liirlurflng herd sires. This Is a dis persion of our entire rntlslerrd Aberdeen Annus Herd. SMITH TARHOX. owners. REDMOND, OREGON MARCH 34, 1053 13:00 NOON Redmond Auction Yards Den Smith, Mgr. Frank Wink, Owner Auctioneer Send for catalog, 81 Williams Western Sale Management, Box J7, Hcrmlston, Oregon POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for unj amount. Top market prices fnr good quality. For quotations PHONE 38S7 ICLAMATII POULTRy FARMS ON "HAND " -'- Slarlrd rhlrka TTi "rti? BTAT "ATCIirRY i,?!,1'-Jt1?: Phnnms TOM SAI.E frrsh llnlsteln anri Guarnsry rows and h.avy s.rlnrr hrirars. V C. si . i,?.,ukel Mumaln H,. pho. Merrill 2I.W ron hale, white ll'iincdale Road. farad calf. 2.1&J WF.I.I.-lllir.D fjiifrnsfy hull on. .r five "' '" l'"on r"a ",r OR BAI.K, ilarna.y and Jersay h.lferT fit. 2, llux 444. Phona 2-2tti0. MPS-f'f SI. For Monday March 24 only! CHI's Par mentrr Pullets or straight run chicks, S.I per lo discount. .Special price for U'.1. n,,rh ' for straight run and SI for pullet chicks. Hton in tomorrow and place your order. Pacific Supply Coop, Blh and Spring. WAJVTKD Colored hens. Phone 4,101. RED rnv'EnS and roasters-fnraal".g freshly dressed ready for the pin. cv l ery t'rlday and Saturday. Phona KtiiA after 4. ARTIFICIAL BHEEDINO SERVICE Phona 8721 M C. IChucki warran Rt 2. Box .122. If no answer Phnne 44no. HIGHEST prlcea paid (or poultry, hogs and livestock. BIG V MEAT MARKET t.akevtew Junction Phona 4n?6 46 FINANCIAL LOANS QOMMERCIAL Furnishes Cashi CA8H LOANS 150 to 1300 Auto Furnltur Livestock Salary 50 to 1500 Automobiles (paid for or not Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deaisl Commercial Fj nance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. LIB. 8-361 N-333 107 Wo. th pnon T7U I