PAGE TWO HEHALD AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 'I iiuiim'AV, inHi., i -.1. l,. 8 t i i I ! ) I im Ml lilll mill , jl ,H U I) .1 W'i'V ?! '."'"J" " 'iiy " -- ,,r f ' 1 1 " KFLW MM KoPST Thursday Evening, March 20 00 Sport Hlffhlifhli :1ft Horr Town Nw ft 35 World Ne ai Summary :;t0 Buburbrm Strtnadc e 48 Headltnt rd.lfon ABC fl-.lS Cumin Attraction, on ABC 7 00 Mr. Pru!dnt ABC 7:30 Drremo Attorney ABC 1:00 Oh Amateur Hour ABC :4 ftatlroad Hour Rrt Cro 0:00 Academy Award ABC 10:00 lb PM Hradllnea 10:19 Academy Awarda ABC 10:30 Inaomnla Club . 11:00 Nwi Summary 11:03 Sign Off Friday, March 21 00 Rifn on News :05 Corn In tht Morn 8:45 Farm fare 7:00 Notvi BkM Edition 7:19 Charlle'a Roundup 7::t0 Bob Gar red & Kawi ABC 7:40 Tnp of tht Morning 7::.9 Jonn S'nt BC :00 Break fa t Club ABC 11:00 Hank Henry Show 0:30 Break the Bank ABC 10:00 Chet Huntley, Newa ABC 10:19 Lone Journey ABC 10:90 Mr True Story ABC 10:55 Whltperlng Street ABC 11:13 Stop 4c Shop Ili.TO Agatmt the Storm ABC 11:49 Mutlcal Roundup 11:95 Market Report 12X0 Neva, Noon Edition 13:19 Pay lew Sidewalk Show 12:30 Lucky U Ranch ABC l:0ii Tanl Harvey ABC 1:13 Better Living 1:30 Mary Margdt-et McBrlde ABC 2:00 Ratn Brlela 2:15 When a Gtrl Marries ARC 3:30Joct Jordan. M.D. ABC 3:43 Rom. Evelyn Winter ABC 3:00 Betty Crocker ABC 3:13 Ted Malont ABC 3::) Dean Can.eron ABC 3:43 Mary Marlm ABC 4:00 RcquMtfully Wtir 5:00 Fun Factory ABC 9:?9 Worid FMeht Reverter ABC 9:30 Chet Huntley ABC 9:43 Town Home Orch. ABC 6:00 Sport Hlghlighti 6:13 Home Town Newt 6:23 World Newt Summary t:;0 Suburban Serenade 6:45 Headline Edition ABC fi:M F'-ilc New Rci""'up ABC 7.00 Gillette Fight ABC aT. r. . . I: MORE PROFITS M. FARMER! IRRIGATION CONTROLLED IN CONCRETE PIPE WILL PAY .YOU THREE DIVIDENDS! 1. ACRES SALVAGED FROM DITCHES ADD CHATTLE VALUE " TO YOUR FARM! Z PRODUCTION FROM THESE ACRES WILL SOON PAY FOR YOUR SYSTEMt 3. YOU SAVE MUCH ON IRRIGA. TtON-LAIOft COSTS, n4 WEED. CONTROL EXPENSES. emcaoniiBSCCEBafiaaisMaaaai USO KUtHIIBI 61. :ifS BeaaEMeaaaaaauwiHnt fife;.-! g 00 lucrum niamond ABC 30 Thia 1 Your FBI ARC no Ori and Harriet ABC g:30 Cone, of Favorllea 10:r in p M. Hene 10:13 Dr. Clno'a Musical ABC 0 :m insomnia. Ctuo 11:00 Newt U.W Sign Off RFJIU50 Kc rST Thursday Fretting;, March no Gabriel Heatter MBS 13 Klam. Theater Qui. "0 Around Town Newa 6 U Sam Ha-Nw MBS :.Vt Bill Henry MBS 7:00 Rick) 'a Reoueil 8 00 Clyde Beatty MBS g ;ftt Burl Ive Sngi 43 Heidelberg Harmonairev I 00 Glenn Hardy News MBS 13 Fulton Lewi Jr. MPS :30 Mutual Newsrecl MBS 9:4$ Sport.i Final 33 S-Minute Final MBS 10:00 I Love A Mtery MBS 10:13 Serenade in Blue 10:30 Bandstand I SA MBS 11:09 Night Owli Frfttlon 11:0 Night Owl Club 12:00 Sign Oft KFJI 1156 Kc. PST Friday, March 21 00 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Farm Reporter 6:33 Regional Newt 7:C0 Hemingway- New MBS 7:15 BreakfaM GK MRS 7:30 Headline & Byline 7 43 Best '.uya 00 Cec. Brown MBS 15 r. vakfnU Gang MnS rtlble Institute MBS 9:00 Homemaker Harntunles 9:13 Hafr Racing Tale 9:30 Platter Parly :43 Favorite of Yesterday 10.00 New MBS 10:13 Tello Test MBS ic rn t aPn'-tea 10:45 Concert 10:50 Currint 10:5 Ken Carson MPS 11:00 Ladies Fair MBS IKIopes Foir AAore AAeat Fcade As Sprimig Pldmitiinig Survey Shows Farmers Cuttitraa Area WASHINGTON I Government hopes (or more meat, delry end poultry products durlnR the next 18 montlu were dimmed Thursday when spring pluming survey showed formers pUn to cut down on ecresRe, rnther U)n Increme plnnllng; es recommended by Sec letRiy of ARiiculture Biaimun. The Agriculture Deporlmenl sld farmer concern over tlRht Ubor supply, recent downturns in frm FENCE BARS REFl'GEES VIENNA Ifl The American sponsored newspeper Winner Kur ler snid Tliurstlsy C?ech workers nre consuucting a wire fence nlong the Ciech-Austrlsn border to pre vent the etcape of refugees. Hun gary built a l'J-foot-hlgh fence on the Austrian border two years ago for the same purpose. igTH tar CIUAf 4S KLAMATM 'ALLS. OagM AMERICAN CHINESE Fd at HitWf lg! n. 44U Ortltrt To T.ka Oat Ben B. Lee, Mgr. 1125 New MBS - 11 "0 Queen tor a Day MBS Nam Barci 1J:13 Noonday New VZ:::) Danrt Tunes 12:43 Music Bun V2-.T0 Market & Livestock ll!:.V1 Klamath Note 1:00 Jaok Kirkwood MRS " ' - tber MBS 3:00 NfT MBS ;(L its MrtS 3:13 Two at 13 3:4 Answer Man MBS 3:00 Ririty'a Iteoueit 4 00 Pehind the Story MBS 4:15 Hemingway New MPS 4:ro Curt Maey Time MBS 1'ie- New MBS 5:00 Twilight Tim 3 HO Wild Bill Hlckock MBS 5:35 Kewa MBS :00 Uabi el Heatter MBS 6:13 Klamath Theater Qu x 30 Around Town New 45 Sm Hayet Newt MBS :35 Bill Henry MBS 7:00 Adventures of Malxit MBS 7:30 Ciico Kid MBS 8:00 Woman of the Year MBS 8:30 Mvttertou Traveler MPS 9:00 Glenn Hardy, New MBS 9:13 Fulton Lewi Jr. MBS 9:: 0 HM nH Gjn C ub MBS 9:35 3-Mtn. Final MBS 10:00 I Lov A Myjterv MBS 10:13 Adven. I Your Heritage 10:30 Armed Force Review MBS 11:00 Night Owli New 11:03 Night Owl Club 13:00 Sign Off I Wi-ne-ma ..Coffee I II Quality Food At Reasonable Prices 11 Plain "Old Fashioned' 'Hospitality product prices, and a desire to keep much land In grass (or grat ing beef cattle were factors hold ing down planting. Particularly disappointing from the government's niandpolnt were prospects that ihe acreage of live stock feed grains will be less than last year. A sharp tncrea.te had been urged became reserves of , duels close to current levels. these grains have dwindled nharply since start of the Korean war. The department snld the outlook ."does not augur well" (or Increased livestock production. Jt expressed the hope, however, (hut acre yields will be large enough la pro duce grain crops which would per mit matntrnnme of livestock pro- Movietaitd Waits For Big Academy Award Show HOLLYWOOD lf Anybodv who , won't be among those presrnl. Is anybody In movleland will be present Thursday night for the 24th annual Academy Awards except tome of the people voted most like ly to win. At least 13 of the 25 top nominees won't be on hand. Vivien Leigh and Marlon Brando, choice of the Associated Press noil and most otn- er experts for the coveted top act ress and actor Oscars, are out oi town. Both were nominated for roles in "Streetcar Named Desire." But rnrht now Miss Leigh Is on the New York stage with her hus band. Laurence Olivier, and Bran do Is In France to do a movie. Katharine Hepburn, Humphrey Botarl's co - star In "African Queen", is en route to London and m At VAU3 ON REFRIGERATORS AT FYOCICS! SAVE '60 ! tm95 for a Full 8.2 cu. ft. G.E. SPACEMAKER REFRIGERATOR STANDARD. 50 MORE FOOD STORAGE THAN OLDER MODELS MODEL NCS8 Model NCS8-8.2 Cubic Feet G.E; Deluxe Spocemaker $11095 Compare if you can! This it real value in refrigeration! Model NCS8 shown above i rated the best in refrigeration by an unbiased laboratory's latest report. MODEL NI8 LIMITED NUMBER! Buy Now-Drastic Reductions on all Models! Call FYOCK'S Today: Ph. 2-2518 or 2-2519 GIVEN ! 65 piece cut-out Rodeo Circus - to kids (accompanied by their parents) FYCCC' 1001 Main Your G.E. Dealer Trip Taken, Boss Fired MERLIN. Ore. Mi School Principal Royal A. Ivory brought his 16 students home Wednesday to find he was fired. It was this latest trio Ivory and two of the students' Darenls took the youngsters or. a four-day trio to San Francisco that brought about his discharge. I Mrs. C. A. Axtell, chairman ol 'the school board, said It wasn't the trip alone. That was Just the latest thing, she Indicated. ! It was lack of co-operation on his part that led to the board's decision, she said. The board re fused him permission to make this trip, the latest In a serlei he has conducted for students. The trip i then was shifted from school time : to spring vacation. It was financed bv students and parents at thl i community, seven miles north of .Grants Pass. ! Some parents protested the board's action, and Mrs. Axtell I said their petition to rehire Ivory would be considered next month. I Ivory, an advocate of visual edu cation, took a group of students on a trip to the state legislature , last year, where they attracted : considerable attention. Dance Trophy To Be Given I Ralph Flanagan will award a j special trophy to be held at the 1 his band appear, mere, me con lest dubbed the "Dance Again With P'lanagan Contest," Is open to all dance enthusiasts. Runners up will be presented with Flana gan RCA-Vlctor record albums. The contest Is another in the series he Is featuring on his current one. nighter tour, aimed at "giving lo cal talent a chance to shine'' and '"fostering a greater. Interest In dance music ' "I think the time is ripe for the American public to return to the habit of going out to dance." states Flanagan, who has played to an esumaiea two million people on in-person dates durln the past year. "No other form of recreation can provide as much fun for all. It Is my conviction that dancing Is the healthiest, most relaxing entertain ment io be found. I hope these contests help get America back on Us dancing feet again." New Bible To Be Printed Up NEW YORK- Ml Printing has begun on the revised standard ver sion of the Holy Bible, the climax to a 15-year labor of love. I ra printing or one million cop ies got under way Wednesday. .They go on sale Sept. 30. ' Spokesmen for the copyright own erthe National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. hailed It as one of the biggest proj ects in book publishing history. For 15 years, 32 scholars worked on the new version, aiming at clearer language and truer accur acy than the widely used King James version that dates back to 1011. Horsley Bid High On Lake Lease Joe Horsley of Midland was the high bidder for leasing 375 acres of public land In the Lower Klam ath Lake area, E. L. Stephens of the Bureau of Reclamation an nounced today Horslcy's winning bid totaled S757.50. Precipitation Level Figure Up ALTURAS February's snow and rain here brought the season's pre cipitation total for Alturas to 11.70 Inches, according to Forest Service measurement. The five-year aver age for that period hag been 6.32 Inches, WORKER KILLED COTTAOE OROVE Ml A log rolled from a pile at the Bohemia Lumber Company here Wednesday and fatally crushed a workman, Benton O. Stulken, about 45, Cot tage Orove. Montgomery Clllt of "Place In Ihe Sun" will be the only other top male star present, Ha'a planing In from New York. Fredrlc March of "Denth of a Salesman" could be another sentimental choice. A victory lor him would make htm the only three time winner. He's In New York. Arthur Kennedy (Bright Victory) is in Jamaica, The closest battle Is . between "Streetcar" and "Place In the Sun" for the best picture sween stckes. It's worth J 1. 000. 000 added at the boxolilce for the winner of the best picture plum. MOM's double entry of "Quo Va dls" and the musical "American in Paris", and "Decision Before Dawn" are not figured to upset. The nfarrsl thing to a sure bet Is George Stevens for the best di rection. His "Sun" was tabbed a director's picture from the start. The survey of grim era' plans for the season ahead rinphalr.eU that many farmers were reluctant to plow up grans and hay liimU for crops, because of Invoralile beef rattle prices. Much of the bent supply Is produced from grass. On the other hniul, a small corn crop would lower production of pork, poultry and possibly milk, becnu.'.e Ihey are produced largely lliiiu gram. There Is time enough for tnrinem In ohaniio their plan and increase planting- The department may make urgent appeals Icir liii'ienses. The agency said the planting sur vey llself, by allowing disappoint ingly low prospective acreages for many crops, may Influence Invor alile changes. Prospective acreages exceed the government goals lor only five crops wheat by about 'j of 1 per cent, oats 3 per cent, soybeans, early 6 per cent, rice and hay each by 1 per cent. Crops likely to be short of goals Include: Coin nearly 6 per cent, barley 21, flaxseed 2. sorghums U. potatoes 7, aweel polntori 30 and dry beans nearly 13 per cent. For sugar beels, Ihe Indicated acienge Is about niie-slxlh less than the acreage which would produce the beet sugar quota. M0S THIS ItyouR FAEP sun Lxrnwrm- m''tu im if TTi SARTS FRIDAY i of an st :30Tn me- oo witi Hill. Rl DIRS OF THE HIAVINS ...AND THE ANGELS WHOSE HEARTS FLY . WITH THEM! MtdllUT J MH ptuoM TIIE17ILD I Th WIST wo f II novor wildiki... ow Nor WHACKMI I A B19 Do an wrwt. VE I YONDER 7 txr l f nnnrv niinTrtii hunti halo i un -WAlltXtWIvUfl wiuan Biewit-xan um.. nm mm I lEPtlllt mine i CzlljniAUHids! ., rKun s TO SO. - m mim VACATION CARTOON FROLIC 10 CARTOON Plus CHAPTER 15 "ROAR OF THE IRON HORSE" AVA GARDNER, your 'Show Boat" star, a 'Pandora;... living symbol of (ho tin thai lurtti In women Jailred by ovtry man destroying theie who dared to lev horl V We urjt you io "Pandora from (ho first Inn to tho final ombraco. Ttpt Ave Singt Again) . Hear her torchy . rendition ol "Hew Am I To Know." (tCHMCVtOG, -rna, " ' "'.'. , MG-M present Same. 7 0hv A1ASOW OARDWER FLYirJO DUTCHr.WJ11 with Nigel Shello ftorold Mario fATRICK '. SIW .WARRENDM CAMI