PAGE EIGHTEEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH 2(1, MM Lenten Dishes V . .,.1 5 LEMON BAKED FISH LEMON BAKED FISH Lemons and fish have become as natural food partners as ham and eggs, bread and butter, baked beans and brown bread. Whether you eat it in a tea room, lunch counter or cafeteria, you'll be served this favorite combination fish with a wedge of lemon on the side. Everyone likes the tansy flav or of fresh lemon with fish. At your house, you're probably serv ing fish often during lent there fore, if you'd like to try new variation of this combination, bake lemon slices on the fish. This way, you'll have added flavor because It is baked into the fish. Peel and slice a lemon, putting several slices on each piece of salmon (or other dry fish). Add salt and pepper, a lit tle oil. or butter if desired and bake. That's all there is to it. When baked, the lemon is soft, juicy, and brings out a delicious flavor in the fish. 2 lemons, peeled and sliced 1 teaspoon salt 'a teaspoon pepper ' cup oil or butter paprika Place 1 pound of fish fillets or steaks in baking dish. Arrange the lemon slices over ihe fish. Combine the salt, pepper, oil and paprika and pour over fish. Bake at 350 F. for 20 minutes or until fish is tender and flaky. Civic Improvement Club Fort Klamath Holds Meet FORT KLAMATH Speaking to members of the Civic Improve ment Club at the regular monthly meeting held Friday afternoon, March 7, in the clubhoure, Mrs. the program of the national organization, Mis. Vrati-h, a registered charter member of the C. I. club, having Joined at Ihe time of lis lonuatlon II IBM. At this mealing, ihe honored guest was given the status of hniiorary tiiib inrniber, a courtesy which is extended In all members on reaching the age ol At the close of Ihe business of several years' experience in her ! i'?' ' ,"K.',lnl ,M,,ir WB ""Joyed, profession of Klamath Valley hos-!1'" William 0. llnrklrr ami Don Ventch told of tentative plans iDl,., Klamath Pulls l. a' certl-iMr- Marvin Boeder serving re- lor a Red Cross home nursing ) ft instructor In home- nursing. eslimenlB lo the group. LVspnc course which she will conduct here .several club members signified w banked high, outxlilo Ihe in the near future. Her talk alsoithfil. t.,.s. i rnrollini for Ihe ' c'ul"use windows, a breath ot outlined several otner worthwhile I,,,,, i surma wns lent lo I uu tniiinuie nciiYiiirs mciuaca in Home Extension News BI.Y Mrs. William Halii was hostess for ihe March 13lh meeting of the Bly Home Extension club. Purse making was taught to eleven mem bers by Mrs. Lee Wimiingham and Mrs. Wynn Bates. Four purses were made. Next year's program planning was discussed and a short buslnness meeting was held. The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Lee Winning ham and the project, kitchen stor age, is to be presented by Dorothy Tolleth, county agent. OTI A special meet ins of the OTI Home Extension Unit was held at the home of Mrs. Winston Purvine. March 10. Mrs. Delmar Jones and Mrs. K E. Rogers, project leaders for April, passed out patterns and In struction for making purses. After discussion of materials and selection of types of purses to be maae, PI'IIIR Wits lent to the ntmnsnlirie s, ca1e.IT of SSSgJKlFTS events scheduled lor lM'J by the I ' , " sUI,. .1,"!.RO'..CO '": 1,1 planning committee whs rend by Mrs. Eltrabelh M. LooMry, chair man of the committee, slaled for next month, on Friday evening. April 4, another of Ihe enjoyable club-sponsored card parties will be given 111 the cluuiiouse, Bridge '.handmade IikIIhii biiskrts from die ine large and beautiful rollrctl ot iiidiiin art owned by Mr Mis. Hackler. The St. Patrick motif was used In table appoint inenls and refreshments, with min iature umbrellas marking each Malin PPC Elects New Officers 1952 MAI.IN Election of officers was I held Tuesday evening, March 13, by the Malln Parent Patrons Club. The meeting, which was held In the new Orade School Gymnasium, was well attended. Ofllrera elected lo serve Ihe Club next year were; Mildred liajmis, A very Interesting discussion on Ihe county school system was given by Mrs. Ilrlxnrr, wild also showed slides of all the schools, from school rooms to bus garages, Everyone lii'r.ient had a morn thorough knowledge of our irhool system after her Informative discussion. Mothers of second grade pupils served cookies and coltee nfler Ihe meeting. The ineellug next month will be mi Pine Ailri With t'lnulrn Dolny Chairman. "AN EASY WAY TO HAVE W PIANO ru run rani lavalr iplnal plana Irani llii laitli K, Minn run lim. ptnr, l''H N. till, ! a ) nmnlhly Ml. AHft i rriiutiM llm ynu 'n, II nu Hlth, rhaiii Irvm rrnl I pur. fhi'ff iiiMiniiil. Ill rr-nl alrtidr pai4 II ll iidll4 la r i.ur.l... arramil an4 na allirr riimil paifiil la ltr iirr. lha manlhlr paymtal ran l,a llllla hlilitr lhan rani. lr. II aa pia fft. law ran ranllnua (a rani. I rirsitirui; ithii rniis, lust f ivp i ii'lriniil MIIHrarl l.nvinrsM. afr- """.mid Vlrai Prealrlrnl bcii in inc iiuuuiHisr, m lust-. ..i-,.. , . , , . , . pinochle, canasta and games will , " ' " ' nl' r,.A. ?'!'r T'"' or featured, with prircs and re-l0' ",ccn lul PredomlimteU. freshments. Named bv Ihe presi dent as committees In charge of the affair were - cards and, Mrs Joanna Taylor and Mrs. William A. Page; refreshments, Mrs, Don Sanders, Mrs. Myrtle Denton, Mrs. Veatch. Saturday afternoon, April S and Mildred Tofell, Ann Suunders, Present for the afternoon were: Mrs. Funny Biiiu-li f Klmnntli Falls; Mrs. Don Ventch. Mrs. Hay-i mond a. l.ooslev, N r s , Kdwards, Mrs. Don Sanders, Mrs. Secretary ; 1 reasurcr. First grade yoiingslen enter tained with their rhythm baud and students of the fifth and sixth gave readings on soli conservation. Is. ivs wrre read by Mni-garrt Thonin. Farrell Wilson and Stewart Miller. rl 1,1115 . l n Wu .llmtU! Joanna .Taylor. Mrs, Wllllnm A. Page, Mrs. Myrtle Denton, Mrs. Bert Gray. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Walter J. Wright. Mrs. Harold L. Winter: a special guest ot the afternoon. Mrs. Jess Psdon and small daughter, and the hostess Mrs. William C. Hackler and Mrs. Marvin Rocdrr. h aiuia. 5UUWC1 was E ven w..j m ...i.. -i to honor Mrs Rnr c.n..i.".nj " ",vcr "y pioneer, games were played and refresh ments served by Mrs. Purvine. Mrs. Carl Stolne. Mrs. George Har per Jr. and Mrs. Earl Bairey. PAIXT 'EM When applying nail lacquer to toenails, twist a strip of folded cleansing tissue through your toes to seperate them and prevent lac quer irom smearing as you apply It. r if El " 1 at lfl 1 At... leeH 'A LONG SLEEVE Tissue failles . . full sleeves . . . cathedral styles 9 colors to choose from . . . New Spring merchandise.. at new low prices . . BLOUSES . Tf cTv- fine crepes . . . 3 95 the SKIRT Genuine Calsheen gabar dines . . hard finish . . all sizes . . wide assortment of colors . . . 99 "ONE-STRAP" Black or brown suede .', ever popular one-strap ballerina . . a featured buy at this price a a 99 4 BAGS SLAX Reversed Col sheens . . qrey or tan mixtures . . tailored by a fam ous manufacturer . . a special pur chase . . 99 Np pig II BLOUSES Thousand and one styles . . colors a materials . . . . crepes . . cottons . . piques . . widest assort ment over at this price . Sparklinq new plastics in all the conventional (hades a a pastels . whites , , 99 I 9 second club event is planned, when I J;p,,10 Airs. Frank Striihan. Mis, a cooked lood and plant sale will be held In the clubhouse. Mrs. Ray mond S. Loosley was appointed to manage the sale, and will choose several assistants to help with arrangements and work Involved: In anticipation of the baraar to be held this fall, Ihe following women were appointed by the pres ident to act as a fancywork com-mittee:-Mrs. William C. .Martin. Mrs. Jack Thomas, Mrs. Stewart Nicholson and Mrs. Harry Oreni. These club members were author ized top urchase articles and mat erial necessary for making needle work items, etc.. In ample advance preparation for the big annual event given by the club. A visitor welcomed at the meet ing was Mrs. Fanny Bunch of Klamath Falls, a house guest at the home of her nephew and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Loosley. Mrs. Bunch. 16-year old is a SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA Saaraaar.llr Traaui Etelaalf. Mallta t Na. Ilk rh.aa ' ffciraararlla Phailria. prrowjTrroTnrr'o lAHUi Sweden 5711 So. 6th !rt Open 5 to 10 w Sundays open 1 to 10 . . Closed Thursdays Serving $ Per Alto . , OPfN FOR Smor- 3 qosbord! 1 r, DINNERS I p," Baldy Says - Let's Dance Again With RALPH AND HIS GREAT I7-PIECE RCA VICTOR RECORDING ORCHESTRA MANY POLLS STILL RATE THIS BAND THE B NO. 1 IN THE NATION IT'S BETTER THAN EVER ARMORY TUE MAR. 25 ADVANCE TICKETS ON SALE AT DERBY MUSIC CO. Th. ..vase. lal. will bt llmlt.d I. 500 lltkati at $1.30 (la Included). Ttit pile, at th. will b. St. 10. y0I& 1 LARGE PACKAGE J J . t l A ft I I" 1 ' txxni c5t wnen yu huy 1 large- i - t i I f VALLABLc or 1 giant-iie Fab at regular r7iitivn v' yS I price. Use your free Fab coupon! Get ylSkTuS' JBv a"""" '5 COCJPOMS 1 w'1',er wa5'ieJ will'0"! bleaching! ' 'J ilftli C YcOMlMS IM YOUR k LJ IJWN r vHwC 11 ON WESSON OIL A- iVv I ' wt C Your coupon worth 10 on the regular price of 1 qt, bottle or I "r0 ' 2 p'n' ' Wes50'1 Oil-America's Numbcr-l lalad oil 'V, Jv nd liquid shortening. 9 Your mailman will 011111!! llf jSjg'Sj X$T G i deliver coupons from the , VHllc IIJ ' tlBT5 Colgate-Palmolive-Peet V-mv W ISnAwirlftl V ' Company and the Wesson Oil ON SNOWDRIFT !!H1 V people. Take your coupons to I I " , ' Your coupon worth 10 on the regit- Mij'lS fl1 . M your store for big savings on jar oricc of one Mb. can or two 1-lb. Ki$ESWl Q liver coupons Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company and the Wesson Oil people. Take your coupons to your store for big savings on these famous household-products for kitchen, bathroom and laundry. WIVES! UUSBANOS TOO! Your grocer will be happy to receive your coupons as he will be reimbursed for the savings you make. So use those valuable coupons to s-t-r-e-t-c-h your household budget! Your coupon worth 10 on the regu lar price of one 3-lb. can or two 1-lb. cans of Snowdrift - the shortening made of costlier oils, yet costs you no more. 3HE6 Your coupon worth C4 on the regular price of 3 regular or 2 bath-size Cashmere Uouquct Soap . . . with the fragrance men lovct ON CASHMERE BOUQUET SOAP 2 plus tax