l'lHIHSDAY, MAl.gr 20, 10B2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREOON PACE SEVENTEEN r IB S7 (Umm Till mill Tliiu About Women Edited by Ruth King IVs A Woman's World 99 !v's i . -' tfi .11 1 r t " 'iff - 'i'lPi ; 71 hi :..n . . '.'sea" 'j i 21 ...'''"''l r 1 Large Class Initiated At BPW Party Tliere was "Wrarln' o' the Green" t llie meeting Mondny night of the Business and Profoiuilonal Women's Club. Colleens In bent bib and tuck er to the tune of "Seventy-Six" an awcred roll call. It was royle evenln' beuorry with twenty eluht new members Joining the rnnks. Dinner tnblcs were benutUully centered with mnsses ol dnffodlla sent by Ruth Bathlany of Hnrbor, to csrry out the club colors of yel low and green. Irish games were played during the 6:30 dinner. Edna Albrecht. president, remind ed the members of the District Conference In Orants Pass, March 29-30 and anounced this year's nominating committee as Loralne Qulllen, chairman. Folly Bchroeder and Ruth I-nbaugn. GREETINGS Hazel Morrison acting (or Elea nors weatneriord, program cnsir man was Installing officer for the new members. The Impressive Emblem eere mony was presented by Hiiicl Mor rison, Loralne Qulllen, Loy Smith Barbara Cnrnlnl, Wanda Elliott. Margaret Santo, and Blanche Pet- roff, chairman of the membership committee who presented the group of new members. Emms I en n Boolhby was In charge of table decor and Sybil Williams put out Um bulletin and planned Uie games. Re-lnstated as members were Jonnlo Bell, Cordelia Cantrell, Ells Redkey, Lois Rumer, Polly Scliro eder, Ann Mason. New members greeted were Anne Bucko, Anne Anderson, Shirley Alexander, Evelyn Blchn, Malda Carman, Lillian Dale, Mary Lee Dean, Irene Durbln, Barbara Foltz. Joan Lucille Folts, Murjorle Fjord- beck, Olive oregory, Jewell Jlus ton, Elsie Hugh-, Edna Howell, Jeane Oreen. Alice Jar-vis, Helen Nicholson, Hazel Nyback, Nina Pence, Helen Virginia tnewart, Doroiny wicks Perry, Ida Rowe, Esther Storls. Lilly White. Oeraldlne Woods, Lou ise Martinez. MIRRORS fr anr rm In the hsmtt til T.. Mln HONORED OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Corvallls (Special) Donna Dixon, of Klamath Falls, has been elected corresponding secre tary of the Oregon Stale college chapter of Phratcres, national wo men s organization, . All Independent women students are eligible for membership In this club, which promotes friendliness at OC8. It encourages off-campus women, particularly, to participate in campus activities. Miss Dixon, doughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dixon. Rl. 2, Box 1 Klamath Falls, Is a freshman In education. Polish highly ornate silver with a real-hair bristly toothbrush. Avoid other types of bristles because they may leave scratches. WURLITZER A magnificenl' piano. Many tevtly ityles and finishes to choose from. LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th 1tieica3etB""' IPG It's Wonder Wonderful Stuff! 1"L IIL ' ' I" llliillllll'I'll I '" ' SN ! THIY CHAN IT Ut THIN MT IT IY THI AT MIAKFAST... . HANDFUL AFTIR SCHOOL I nkv y f v tM'" 'mm CM fa fan love it JfrtJP AMMf the cereal that STAyS Crisp in Milk (ootCNT orr mush, sogoy or tough) lUU tan Purina Company, St. Lwit, Mo. VERSATILE WHAT A LOT IT IMPLIES ... how little jt really tells . . . team it with a homemakcr and It's the story of one of Klamath County's most capable women, Margaret Tallman Freucr, whose hands are never idle. Her home In Poo Valley Is a shining example of her aptitudes ... she turns from one task to another as easily as a sunflower turns to follow the sun . . . she is chairman for the third consecutive year of the Poe Vallcy-Olene Home Extension Unit . . . has put to practical use every single project she has completed . . . from turning dis carded peanut butter jars into attractive vases to making her own smart purses, Her hooked rugs, made from outmoded nylons ... her linens frosted with hand crocheted lace and textile painting ... her lovely braided rugs . . , pieced quilts . . . the suits and frocks she makes, are works of art. Her Hair for interior decorating has developed a charming home . . background for the lovely cranberry glass, sterling and pewter . . china and oaken chests, heirlooms from England . . Margaret Freucr, a native of California and a teacher before she came to Oregon to live on the farm where her husband was born can plow a straight furrow and drive a dogic from the corn patch as easily as she slips a perfect cake from her electric oven ... she gardens and writes . . raises sweet peas and poultry . . makes the whitest lye soap in the Klamath country . . is thrilled with the electric power just brought to their farm Seven Springs, that makes light to shine from marvelous old prism lamps in every room. She reads and ponders deeply on world affairs . . she kneeds yeast breads and cooks a toothsome pic . . her fruit cellar overflows with the preserved products of the farm . . she finds time to write "most every day" to a son, Edward, junior at Oregon State. , Jus( now she is busy with a hobby, the making of seven cook books and when day is done, the Freuers, Margaret and her husband, often go square dancing. NOPE! Do you know that your nails grow fiiKier In the summer than winter, faster In childhood than adulthood, that It lakes nearly 150 days for nails to grow from the matrix to the ends of the fingers. HEED THIS It's a fact that nail lacquer dries from the surface to the nail, not from the nail out. So, while the nail seems to be dry In a few minutes, care should be taken for at least en hour after application so as not to damage the lacquer. A reading light should be tall enough to allow the arc of light to completely cover the book or paper. Popular "Wild Rote" Pattern CUHg in Soft Gray-Blue on Ivoryl MfYTllt Campfire - MERRILL O-tak-ue Campfire Girls held their first council fire Friday evening In the recreation hall. Mrs. Dale West, their leader, gave the Wo-he-10 call before the processional. The sponsors of the group, Mrs. Warren Fruits, Mrs. Roland West, and Mrs. Paul Lewis, were pre sented membership cards. Mrs. West made the charter presenta tion. Three ceremonial candles repre senting work, health, and love, were lighted by Qlenda Story, Ju dith Dewey, and Gloria Cahan. Mrs. Fruits gave the membership cards to the girls as they signed the "desire." MrB. Troy Quails, assistant lead er, awarded the honor beads and No wtiting no coupons no money to fend for these premiums! They're inside every big squire picksge of Mother's Oati. Take your choice of this China, Aluminum Ware, "Fire King" Cup and Saucer, or Carnival Ware. Yon get doublt value! Money can't buy a finer quality, more nourishing oatmeal than Mother's Oats. It's the delicious hot, creamy oatmeal your family loves. Get it today! MOTHER'S OATS -a prooW of THE QUAKER OATS COMPANY Having Company or A Party? You prepare the table and let us prepare the food! Delicious Fried Chicken with French Fries Salads our own Baked Pies and Cake Order by Phone 5537 or Drop in and See Us WIARD CHICKEN STILE Open 7 Days a Week 4831 So. 6th thsj leader, Mra, Date West, waa presented her leader's pin by Jud ith Dewey. Myrtle Barnes, Myra ZvarUon and Beverly Moore, extinguished Uie candles, and the singing of the recessional concluded the council fire, o-tak-ue members are Dlaa Price, Bally DeLap, Gloria Cahan, Margaret Quails, Donna Conner, Myrtle Barnes, Donna Carson, Mary McCullough, Judith Dewey, Myra Evertson, Beverly Moore, and Olenda Story. REFRIGERATOR ODORS ABSORBS stubborn odors completely ABSOLUTELY ODORllSSj i and HARMLESS . 7 i . " tbt fix J 4 tup UM ft ! U BUD ) lrr-r- 111 StL imm iAds i 4 ri rn, ,r 1 faJ vj 0 NO ARTIFICIAL FLAVORING . . . EVER I Prove it I The next time try AUsweet and discover that here is truly the flavor you want in a spread: delicate, natural flavor! ' HEAR Hit rare, old Alhweel mmle box playing tht muettat music on tht cirLiittn lor it KFJI 145 .m. Monday thru frlday C h UC REDEEM this COUPON at your grocer's today! ON A POUND OF ALLSWEET TO THE DEALCRt This coupon will be redeemed by Swift & Company for 12t provided (a) dealer has taken it in eichange for Swift & Company's merchandise mentioned herein: i. ii Tnif1"" .," . company, either By (I) mailing It to Swift A Com pany himself, or (ii) by personally handing it to Swift & Company's salesman (coupon wiu not be redeemed if presented through agencies, brokers, etc.); and (o) it is presented for redemption before Jan. 1,1953. Customers must pay any sales tas. Invoices proving purchase of sufficient stock to cover coupons presented for redemp tion must be ehown upon request. Swift & Company. .yJT- The redeemable value of this coupon is 120 of 1 cent cash. This coupon Is void if taxed, prohibited, or restricted by law. t ..Zest.... reft , sTCtiioii5 Cinfemtrt seme KSXjj AMn" BsJ Cily ,