Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 20, 1952, Page 15, Image 15

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THURSDAY, MAItCII 20, 1!l.r2
Place Honors
Chance Left
liy Kill Jll III)
Urmia Lava Hears, a loam t lie
Klaiiuilli Pi'llrcum whipped twice
MiiriuTd llir I'cIn' lif'n liir a
Mate i-iiko lllle bcfoiK n Klumira
rarlv in HUB liii.ikrlbiill araaou,
liiailrr rally pnlrl ulf lor Uio Venn
III irriiin il a 66-04 victory.
It waa llio first real tipiet M tin;
HHj oiruoii lilith school IjBhkrl Itull
rlavnc mill erimed the loim-anllul-patnl
l.lniTolii-Ktninnlli Kails brawl
which mlKlit have been a Icaturo
of the louincy totiuy.
, i i..rf nhiln
W1 1 11C 1111 U U( U'liun . i
I he Pelicans opened inn inurui
frame wllh a 'MU Irud. Mend
Hits 40
KUUKNK ijfl Lincoln's 7-loot-
I -Inch lower
wiiMru no uiiio
nettmir alter
Dm records nl me
nniiiil lireiion clusa A limn stnooi
basketball tournament
II,. hiu bov. Wnile Halbrook
lip 0 poinls as he and his team-1
mates from Lincoln of Portland
diubbed Baleni in the first rounu .OLi M (;osTLV '
Wednesday, 7U-. , , I Ken Youmt made his debut In
Tliat betirred the old record o U), Kulm nl)( cceurllt(.d hUl ehnnce
3D. rstabllnhrd In IM7 by X-oyu l( m,y ,( Qrtll0n-X blUKint cbkc
lliiellKenbach ol JIoikI Hlver aim ,,how by iOUi,1K Laursen .This time
tied by Halbrook last year. i .ll( ,.ectcit to shool from the
H hol his neason total to DUO'ioul ime and l.aursen dumped In
In ill names, increasing the chanco j i)0u, thn (ree thrown he had com
that he will make KXIO this neiison. tnKi jive the Bears a bb b'2 lead
He also Is alter his own toui na-1 wl,, barely 3D aeconds lelt In Uic
ment recoid ol 12! point.-.. luaine.
There wan only one iipst l In Hie Hay Bell manaRed to steal the
npeniiiR round but that was a ball front liny Tom Hunt and nal-atilne-linRling
a'flair Hint taw Bend loird the length of the floor lor a
come liom behind in the final , lay-In, the final tally. The Bears
nunrtf r to nose out Klamath Falls, played kecp-away the remaining
6J-64, Klamath I'alla had been wennds.
ranked No. 6 in the litut! Associated : The best the Pels can hope for
Press stale poll of the season. Hcnd now Is the consolation filth prlxe.
was unranked. Uui they won't even net that play-
In other first - round Raines i inir the lethargic brand of ball they
Wednesday Marshfleld. No. 4 In IheiShowed In Wednesday, game
poll, delealed flruppoose 71-ul:' Wllh the exception ol a brlel
Central Cathollo of Portland. No I Bend lead when Benson opened the
In the mill eased past The Dalles. 'scoring with a tlp-ln, Klamath Falls
7o-4; University II lull of F.ukciic lid all the wav until the fatal
downed Corvalhs. 41-3S; and l.a fourth, but time and again they
lirande. No. 7 in Ihc poll, delealed Irltlercd away seemingly healthy
Ml waukie. the No. 8 team. 43-40.
Klamath Falls appeared lo have
Its game with Bend under control,
lh"i disaster struck. K'nmalli
Falls wan leadin:
47-40. and Bend
wps onerntinu without two regular
when the fourth period opened.
Both had fouled out.
Midway through that final period
though. Bend began to roll. With
4 15 minutes to go Bend tied the
.acme, 60-to,-iid 30 seconds later
look Us first lend of the Rami'.
Klmnulh never again could go jneven-Iooter. Thry saved too much 1 a new caplaln this year, and
head. ; of It. I scratching their heads Thursday
Ray Bell brought the crowd to! They appeared to take Btndjtrylng lo decide who should get
Its feet bv stealing the hull fori
Klamatn Fans, aim niinonng 10
vim thai cut the marsm to
85-54 with 60 seconds to go. Klnm -
all) Falls, however, could never
get the ball again.
Hamilton had in pnlnts for Bend.
Rnlph Carroll had 25 for Klamath
T ails.
Salem decided to use Its own
strategy against Lincoln and the
big Halbrook. Instead ol a full-
court press, used bv innsl other
teams opposing Lincoln. Salem de
pended nn two big men 8 foot 6
Jack Bishop and 8 foot 3 I.arrv
Paulus -- In hold Halbrook in
check. The result was a debacle.
Halbrook got the hall olien
enough to ram home 10 held goals,
and he added two free Ihrows.
Salem was never close. By the end
of Ihe first period, Lincoln was
ahead, 10-8.
The first night game was a
battle of unranked teams wllh Uni
versity high spurting In the fuurth
quarter to down Corvnllls.
...irom (he
Jarl.l.V r i ' 1 :1JR . ,
clui.cd l W W midway In Ihe quar
ter, mill then Duhlin went to work.
lie dumped niie Irom the Mile to
llinkn It 40-40. Kliimalh'a Culvln
Clllniorn brought temporary rcllrl
lit dLM with a Ireo throw. Then
the Irl iKIiorrd Duhlin loim
piiouxn lur llio Hcnd forward to llp
111 another aide allot to tic the
nrorc at oO-all, and Ihr Hcnd con
tlnucnt of tana hadn't reaped
Mcioainlnii about that when he did
Ihc miiiio thliiK from Hie aine.
pliue and the Lava Dears were
ahead to utay.
" could nave ueen even worar.
It could have .been even wornr.
lollowintr Uenn liensnn and Vein
Hamplen to the bench. All had been
IryiiiK to atop Klamath's liig llalpli !
Carroll, I
Hut with the two-nnlnt lead and
lust two and a half minutes tpl
play, Hcnd bcKim Its vlnll and tins
Klamiilh five started prcsnlim. It
was the only time the Pellcann
showed anything resembling Inter-.:
cm in winnlhK. ,
Jerrv Johnson edited the score! Johet XII.) Collene plnvs the
up to Mill Irom the Kill line, But' Wharton, Tex., club and Hunnlbiil
Bend's Dick Laursen retaliated with 'I.aCranfie of llannibnl. Mo., ineetn
one uf his own. Can oil's Iree throw ilJodpe City. Has. All won their
put Klamnlh Kails Ju.-l a Mniile
(1)it ,m)e 1)rl(, wj jM A imiluto
leli. The pelicans were Ionium In
I the nllempt to net the hnll and
nrmj possession by taking It
, out f bounds.
At one point early In the third
quarter the Tela had 10-point
margin. 38-28
('' . ,,,. h,n.
handling, latal nRiiiuM a foe that
was primed for an upset and driv
ing all the way, the advantage was
The Peln obvlou.ly were savltiR
.iheir strength for the , expected
tvimurfown with Lincoln's Wade
(kWP(i.( Halbrook. the celebrated
lightly In view ol the two early
scaMin wins over uic ucscnuies
cininiv sound.
1 Ralnh Carroll led the scoring with
r, ItnlnlH
nJii i
' iiorien I
I Carroll
, !,n'
narmn I
ri; it rr tp
1 I 4 j
a :
A 4
Prnca g . .
ni-Nn ijji
HarmMnn f
nmnn f
Kamnlra t ..
Hunt I
luraen I .
Minlrar f . ..
Pahlm ...
Ciatna r
Slimond I ...
in rt rr tp
7 ft I 19
21 l:i 22 si
Hail Itmf
nnd 3.1. Kiimth Full
27 Mu.td rr ihrawi: Kiamaih ratji Unit) n was his onlv recourse be
!J': ti&n' r.V:.!; cause of hi, various business In-
ntl nahlin. Ofllrlali: Koll and noloff.
0 you
land of sly
crisp and clcan-cul . . ..
willi smoothness ngeel in !
Schedule Makes Replay Of
1951 Women's Golf Finals
PINOHtirmT. NO. 11 Thev
replayed the 1 f0 1 Women's North
niul HiiiiIIi (lull Totirniiiiit'iil fhlul
'lliuraday only thin time It wai
In the Mcond roiui'l.
Tliniilta to the U. H. Gulf Aatiocla.
tlnn nimiprlnil draw, Pal O'Bulll
van and hnr dearent friend, Mae
Murray, mrt hi'iid-uu In llio Imi
turc mulch of the upper bracket,
A yrur alio, Put, I rum OraiiKC,
Conn,, won her accond auceeaalve
North and fioulli In n thrllltnK ' 1
up Until mulch with Man. the Rut
hind, Vt.. Mini., who two yeara
alio wan national runncrup.,
Thui'hdiiy'n mccliiiK wan their
alxlh In match play, with Mne
holdlnti the ertue, :i-2, thankn to
3 and 1 derision In Miami's
I from Illlnoin. Texas, Missouri and
i Kaniins seek their second coni.ecu-
tlve victories Thurrday hlBbt In
the National Junior CoIIok Hn.'.ket-'a
ball Tournament.
Hift round uames.
Oraya Harbor of Aberdeen,
City Keg
Finals On
Buburbnn Kitchen Center keRlers ord In defeating Abraham Baldwin
toppled 2,813 maples last nighl to,Gray Harbor met Its match In
lane me ieaa m me team cveninne hard-lighting Branch AgRies.
of the Men's City Bowling Cham- iThe Washlnglonians trailed through
plomhlos. Nesbllt Orange was ! ihe first three quarters but took
dropped Into becond place wllh a ihc fHC; briefly In the fourth. The
2.771 and OreRnn Woolen copped 1 Aggies went ahead on shots by
third wllh a 2.68S. - I Roger Olpln and Boyd Adams and
Suburban Kitchen In taking over;stallcd the last three minutes,
the top spot also chalked up a high . ,
game total ol 1.0H witn lis 02-pin
Individual honors are now held
by Bob Wlrth and Mel Robinson.
Wlrth, of Ashley Chevrolet, ael the
high game mark Tuesday night
wllh a 617. At the same time, he
took high line honors wllh a 233,
-I j 7.
t"'.' rcu n."
Final team events, are scheduled
for the Oretcch alleys tomorrow
Individual events are to he run
off Sunday, starting at noon.
NEW YORK un The United
Slates Davis Cun team will have
! the sometimes thankless Job
eaten ny rrank smews.
The handsome Internationalist of
two decades ago held down the post
Ifn- !. 1ir
nesdav night he was not availnble
this lime. His team dropped a 3-2
decision to Australia In the chal -
Irnge round last year, and Shields
1 fnmiH htm.-alf lhf Mnl. nf nn f
the biggest controversies In, Amer
ican tennis.
It all centered around his se-
Miiccuon oi ine veieran lea senroea-
er over young Dick savlit lor ac
tion against the slick Aussles. Sa
vin was annoyed and said when
? ; evervone arrived back in ihe Unit-
"jed Slnles, Shields got'up at the
, I U.S.l-.T.A. meeting and blasted
Shields said that was not the
rcaiion for his dropping out of the
running. Aoiniiiing inni ne man i
like In otiit while under f re. he
I vest inrnis.
blue waters !
beer refreshing
brewing Co., Si. I'aul, Minnesota
Helm l,ee Doherty lourniiment
enrly thin winter.
Both (jlrla played well In Wed
iiondny'a lir.it round. Pnt had little
trouble handling Mrn. Oeoine Bll
lowltk, Butler, Pa., 6 and 6. Mae
wan a bit sharper In her 1 and a
foiifiuent of Mrs. S. H. Patteraon
ol I'lnehun.t.
Otherwise, the favorites did an
expected. Mary Lena Kaulk, ined
ii lint Irom Thomaaville, Ga , Cur
lla Cup Player Grace DeMo of
Corvallln, Ore., and Mrn. Julius
A. Pane Jr., of Chapel Hill, N.C.,
cup alternate, who has won seven
lime here, led the parade.
Thunidav'a lower half feature
nent Mian DeMosa attains! capable
1 Kdean Anderson, Helena, Mont.
iWkh.. the Pacllic Northwest J.C
chamjilon, knocked out of title con
lentlon liere, plays the Conwrr.
Stale AkrIcs of Warner, Okla , In
connolatlon round.
i In Wednesday's play, Wharton
delealcd Moberly, Mo.. 71-114, and
Juliet downed Campbellsvllle Ky.,
1 wo teams nibbing, Minn., and
Branch Agricultural Colleae of Ce-
dsr City, Utah already have two
viciories ano no aeieais in the
, week-long doublc-cllmlnallon tour-
i Hlbbing slipped past Connors
Stale 67-fMI, Branch Agricultural
nanucn orays Harbor lis first de
leal. 70-09. In a loser's bracket
I Campbell College of Bulc'i Creek,
I After settinir n Iniirnamrnl rM-.
Dannv Nardlco of
Tampa, Fla.,1
- nn - - - : "x.
ion over Dick Wagner of Toppen
If-h. Wash., Wednesday night in a
liRht heavyweight bout that excit
ed Just about everybody.
Nardlco, at 177, knocked Wag
ner down for nine-counts twice
once In the fourth and again in
the seventh. But the crowd cheered
Ihe game Wagner. 173, who gave
Danny his lumps in the filth and
sixth rounds, and struggled vainly
for a knockout in the 10th.
Nardlco pocketed S3. 800, plus an
unannounced cut of television-
wBgner aiso receivea a,ouu
and a TV cut
first plavoff game for the
Cttv Shtiifleboard League chain -
'plonshlp Is tonight, 8 o'clock at the.
1 reported yesterday.
j A lull house ol fans Is expected
ito be on hand for the match be-
,n ...hn. knn I..-. ..ink,
itween Mecca and Schuss Tavern.
I fiM-nnrl irom- n-ill h nlavH TTi-l
davnieht on th Schuss board and
the third game if necessary will Sammy a total of $1,858.33 for his savvy for mat work and may be
be played on a neutral board later..' work In the 36-hole event. iedge the doctor showed a real
What's your best whiskey buy ?
7. Havt V4OZ. of Calvtrt
put in one glau and tht
tame amount of any
other whiskey in another
without knowing
which is which.
Your own fait, is the final test of whiskey value.
There's such a big difference in whiskies in
smoolhness,mellowness and freedom from bite that
only you can decide which is your best buy. ; '
' That's why it will pay you to compare Calvert
Reserve with any other whiskey. It has the taste
most people like mosf because it is blended to a
taste standard established by a "Consumer Jury"
of thousands of folks like you.
But don't take our word
Reserve against any other whiskey then make
1 your Own choice. Fair enough? '
Calvert Challenges Comparison
with any whiskey on the market !
iaa,KJfc 0
THE PROUD PRUSSIAN, Kurt Von Poppenheim, stands
over George Dusette after he had floored the popular
French Canadian with a rabbit punch. The Prussian won
the match when Dusette was disqualified. '
A near-riot resulted at the Arm
ory last night when substitute Ref
eree Eric (The Great) Pedersen
disqualified Georges Dusette near
the end of his bout with Kurk Von
Fans shrieked and stomped about
the ring for several minutes and
Duseue recorded nis opinion pi ine wnue ne was oui 01 me ring, uur
I decision by bopping PedersAi in.lng the third of these unorthodox
! ihe whiskers . with a roundhouse ijutacks. Referee Pedersen yanked
When the disqualification came.
1 m me evening s semi-iinal go.
PALM BEACH, Fla. Wl In 1 "The Great" Pedersen, a partlcl
one brilliant four-hole stretch, Sam (pant In the semi-final, won the
my Snead won the pro division bout when dapper Danno McDonald
of the $10,000 Seminole Golf Tour- j was unable to answer the final
nament Wednesday and gave his
aomirine eauerv a sumose 01 con-
ing genius.
There were nine holes to go and;
Snead trailed Johnny Palmer of i
Badin, N.C., by a stroke. It was
t'me to turn on the steam and the
West Virginia slammer had a full!
hesd. -
1 He Dirdiea the ium ana 11m witn
long, difficult putts. He chipped in
frnm An font nff th frrPn fnr Bn
I eagle three at the 12ih. and birdied
i the 13th with another long putt.
That demoralizing burst of su-
perb golf shot Snead far past Palm -
. pr 1 nhn flnnncd tA & 3A Ml the
homecoming stretch, and earned
2 Sniff ent brand for
rom. Taste it criti
cally for amoorinesf.
Swallow carefully to
judge its freedom from
bite, burn or stint.
alone. Test Calvert
both Von Poppenheim and Pcdersen
had scored one fall. Striving for
the deciding fall, the Proud and
Pompous Prussian dug deep in his
bag of dirty tricks. Dusette finally
went after the bewhiskered Von
i Poppenheim in a rage and three
(times full - Nelsoned the German
ipusette away from Von Popenheim
!nd hoisted the Prussian's arm in
I' The crowd screamed Its displeas-
(tire and Dusette clouted Pedersen
who retaliated with a few good
ncis 01 nis own.
Pedersen was called in to referee
'the main bout after Referee Wally
moss was put on the casualty list
bell. During the melee which fin-
lsheti Mrnnnniri. Referee Mnn
1 managed to get in the way of a
hurtling body and was flattened
even as a sad pan cake.
McDonald had taken the first fall
bv the simple but effective act of
kicking the Pedersen in the face.
iThis awsome tactic was cheered
; lustily By the fans who were show-
ing a tremendous dislike for the
Opening event of the evening saw
I Cowboy t Ladies Man) Carlson do a
,draw with Dr. Gallagher, an Ohio
iclrntlinv Cnanri nav an
chironraetor mai-i"e hi flrt a-
At finnlvin? hi ehimnrAntlr! knnwl.
Icome a favored neriormer here
3. Taste Ihe other whis
key in the same analy t
. ical way then pickthe
one that nally tastes
better to you.
" SJL 7 SJ05
Cilveriy fP 1
Chevs Lead Parade
Into Amateur Semi
DENVER tl Blx veteran AAU
teams, a crew of collegians and
the U. 8. Air Force champions Wed
nesday r.ight sailed Into the quarter-finals
of the National Amateur
Athletic Union Basketball Tourna
ment. Simon Pure
Grid Move
Is Launched
SHERMAN, Tex. (HI Henry
Frnka and Ray Morrison, who ran
the gamut of big-time football
coaching together, will reunion
April i " Austin ooiiege, wnicn
has launched a movement to make
college football "amateur."
Morrison came here several
years ago, giving up the head
coaching job at Temple Universi
ty to become coach and athletic
director of Austin College.
His desire to return to Texas,
where he once had coached at
Southern- Methodist, and to leave
the pressure of big-time football
were motivating reasons.
Frnka resigned Wednesday
coach of Tulane University and
will come here April I as execu
tive vice-president In charge of
Frnka will be concerned mostly
with financial, future endowments
and other promotional work for
the college which is his alma ma
ter and where he was a star foot
ball player in the twenties.
O'Brien Named
On Star Team
SPOKANE M The Whitworth
College Pirates named Seattle Uni
versity's Johnny O'Brien and two
Portland University players to
their all-opponent basketball team
O'Brien, Million Harvest McGil
livray and Jim Winter of Port
land, George Rosser of Washing
ton State College and Benny Pur
cell of Murray State were select
ed for the squad.
The Pirates placed Eric Rob-
I erts of WSC, Ken Brashear of Mur
ray State. Andv Johnson of Port
land, Phil Hodson of Memphis
State and Billy Lee of Central
Washington on the second all-opponent
College Mat
Trials Open
PULLMAN, Wash. Wl The
' Jf'S1. di, 'ynSlc.5
State College Thursday with some
60 grapplers from Washington, Or
egon, Idaho and Montana compet
ing. The winner and runnerup In each
weight division will qualify for the
U.S. Olympic finals at Ames, la.,
April 17-19.
NEW YORK Wl The New York
Yankees have three bonus rookies
on their roster whose total cost
to the front- office was $165,000.
Andy Carey, a third base aspirant,
was signed for $65,000 after leav
ing St. Mary's College. Kal Segrist.
who is being converted into a first
sacker. and Ed Cereghino. right
handed pitcher, got $50,000 each
for placing their names on the
Yankee dotted line.
M m
(o)8 W
All models In a wide choice of mured tones, In
all sizes. It's the hot buy of the season. Drop
in tomorrow. Be expertly fitted into one of the
finest hats of today. '
Men's Shoo
San Francisco's Defending Cham
plon 8lewart Chevrolet led Ilia
march Into Thursday night's four
game round with an 89-44 lathing
of Portland, Ore.
Going along with the champion
were teama from Bartleavllle, Ok
la., Oakland, Calif., Peoria, Til.,
Hollywood. Calif., Artesia, N. Mex.,
Warrensburg, Mo., and the Air
Force icam, mndn un mostly of
players from Tinker Air Base In
San Francisco plays the Holly,
wood Fibber McOee and Molly
team which advanced with a 46
32 victory over the Denver Central
Phillip 88ers from Bartleavllle
Okla., winners of seven of the
last nine AAU tourneys, had tough
going before whipping the Los A I-
iamUo3 - cm Naval Air Station
04.54, Phniips will play the Rea,
Travelers from Artesia. The Rea
.club needed an overtime period be-
Kans.. American Legion 81-55. -
Oakland's Atlas Pacific Engi
neers, who zipped bv San Diego,
Calif., Grlhalva Motors 74-48, will .
play the Air Force All Stars. The J
Air Force team, generating a blaz- ,
ing fast break, swept by Milwaukee, )
Allen-Bradley 67-59.
Peoria's Caterpillar Diesels used
their superior reserve strength to J
iwear down the Denver Jussel Elec
trie team 75-56. The Diesels will
play the Warrensburg. Mo., Rig-'
gles Plaza Bowl, the only unseed-, 1
ed team among the starting 44 '
clubs to reach the quarter-finals.
The Missouri team, made un of.
Warrensburg Teachers College
players, flipped over seventh-seeded
Los Angeles Ktrby Shoes 02-58 '
in Wednesday s maior upset. "
San Francisco, Peoria, Oakland ' ,
and Phillips are favored to win
Thursday night. The San Francisco '
champions turned In another
scorching shooting display by all '
hands against the capable Portland
Panelshake team.
The Oregon collegiate stars were 1
first quarter. San Francisco held
a 14-4 lead after four minutes. The
Panelshake team cut this to 14-13
midway of the quarter, then laaea
in front of the champions' super
ior height, passing and rebound-
Wittrflll lad Ffular Diitilliry C,Brditwa,lt
Ulf Jaterfiil '
) FraiierM:
ELL0W yJ '
WHISKEY IJtl''s&&W ,
'205,rt uLSkJil '
Street Floor A