PAGE FOURTEEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TllllHSIMY, MARCH 20, 10!2 -The - GSecord Truce Late Again, And More Expensive The postcard rata went up to two cents a few months ago. HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND IUGINI, OR!. ME0FORD TliorniiKlily Modern Itr and Mra. J K. Farley and Joe Kurley Propneidif INDIAN APOI.I8 I More than The card arrived Just the other year ago Norman Janke null his day. It wasn't the flisl time the Poatolflce had delivered a card more than a year late, but the rnstoffU'D charged the elder Jauke one cent postage due on this one. Choose children'! play clothes that are made with a new spot reslslnnl finish Out! la durable and washable, I Job at the Indianapolis Poslofflce and moved to Florida. On his way south he mulled a penny postcard to his father, K. H. Janke. Talks Suggested !y Allies To Break Lock By ROBERT B. TUCKMAN MUNBAN, Korea ( The U.N. Command Thursday nitht to effect suggested olf the record truce ne gotiations lo try to break the Ion deadlock over exchnnRinit war prisoners In Korea. !., offlclRl allied spokesman said the U.N. would "Rive consid eration" to secret negotiations with only the final agreement or lack of one announced. There would be no dally briefings of news cor respondents. This development came only a few hours after staff officers agreed on 10 ports of entry through which troops and supplies would be tunneled into Korea during an armistice. Settlement of the ports of entry dispute left three major Issues: probably would take day or two 1 Voluntary repatriation. The, to Iron out "mechanical details" Allies intist that prisoners be on Ute ports of entry agreement, allowed to accept or reject repatri-1 The biggest detail Is fixing the atlon. The Reds want back all U.N. (exnet area in which neutral In- held prisoners. speelion tennis will operate. a The Allied demand for a ban i uurmg an armistice eacn sine on military airfield construction. ! would send troops and supplies 3 Communist nomination of Rus-1 into Korea through the to de.sig. sla to a neutral Inspection commls slon. Brig. Gen. William P. Nuckols. official U.N. spokesman, said oft the record prisoner exchange ne gotiations would permit stall offi cers to talk freelv without having their daily arguments reported. He emphasised there was no thought of a secret clause In the armistice. Col. Andrew J. Kinney said It timed lions of entry five on either side of the bnttle line. The Co. niuiiist porta would be Slnuiju and Mnnpojin on the Yalu River burner with Manchuria, the east coast seaports of Chongjln and Enaineer Tells Of Waste Of Millions Of Dollars In Africa Air Base Job Waier Creeps Hear Village Himsnsm. and Slnanlu. about mid way between the North Korean cap ital of Pyongyang and the Man cluirian boundary. In South Korea the ports of en try would be Ptisan on the southeast coast; Kangiiung, an east coast seaport; Kunson and Inchon, the seaport for Seoul, on the west coast; and Taegu, an air base in Southeast Korea. The U.N. command gave up Its demand that Pyongyang be desig nated a Communist port of entry and agreed to substitute Sinaniu. The Reiis agreed to let the Allic; use Taegu rather than Suwon, the Communists' original choice. Electrical Buildup Seen WASHINGTON An engineer who was fired from his job on con struction of huge, secret U.S. air bases in North Africa, told Senate investigators Wednesday that the work "should be cut ou tomorrow" to stop the waste of millions of dollars. The advice came from John W. Leahy, who testified he was fired as acting chief engineer - on the Treaty Eyed In Water Use TIGNES. France W The lake waters behind a big hydroelectric riam linear In Tin,, At Thill. d:-v and most of the 400 villaicrs PRlNEViTXE LP Electrical peeked their belons-inss, coiiceu n -ce ni.-y ue r:rc!; to trine their tight for more compensation , - " u.-epon ill me for their homes was a lost cause. co",lmf Venr. The villagers had sworn to stay Wallace Bird, secretary of an until they were removed forcibly ! AFL Carpenters Union, said he hud or were ' granted more than four received word that funds for the times the two million dollars com- extension have been placed In the pensation otlered by the govern- federal budset. SrIiSJSWolr- I WeSnesaaT' nl h.:Me rising sent word tha? the Budt Bureau ?h! m?.rTE ilH Jl Sir ters soon will cover the village, had agreed to give 250.0oo to the stn.?tion na,erlal5 for hanRar con' Resistance was beaten by a gov- Bonneville Power Administration SiruCUOn. . ,j ,m for a Redmnnri siihctatlnn Acting Mavor Justin Raymond said The substation would make the villagers could not find any Power available to a rural electrl government official to accept their I flcatlon district that already has complaints. Ib,en .Wanted $500,000 to extend The villagers are due to be power service in the Lnplne. Gil moved out during the next month Christ. Chemult. Silver Lake and The lake which soon will cover .Fort Rock area. Bird snid. their homes will provide power for ,.The APL union has been backing a large section of Southeastern j the project. France. Sen. Johnson (D.-Tex., presiding at an investigation of the air base program by the Senate Prepared ness subcommittee, asked Leahy whether he was contending that Atlas Constructors, handling the 300 million dollar program, are , using the need for speed on the job "as a red herring to Justify wasteful practices." -.j "Yes. sir, I do." Leahy said. j Johnson asked whether the tax-1 payers would save "if that project j were closed down right away" and i new contracts let. I "In my opinion, that contract should be terminated tomorrow," lir If IB rMM Jf llS Iv Xt as East is East MIH anil West is Woat mm Oil rt it rant and Kent is wrt, Rut the two rerr certainly meet Pith rail for ilrinki made with the beat, The wliinkejr that ean't be heat ! Kiw rani ami ttrat, in ritv ami tiixn. North, aniith anil everywhere. You'll hrar men rail fur Seven Oohii, The tale beyond rnmpare! Seagram Seagram's 7 Crown. Blended Whiskey. 86.8 Proof. 65, Grain Neutral Spirits. Seagram-Distillers Corp., N.Y. vrrrrnPTA .c un A treatv mnre than lno vears old launched i Leahy replied. debate in the provincial Legisla- "I frankly feel it should be cut ture Wednesday night on the water off tomorrow. It should not be left rights of British Columbians in the ; another day." Columbia River. He said "any number of con- C.C.F. Leader Harold Winch j . s" fZ'? -.11 fh. n.mnt f nnw "better Job' at far less cost .v. .kt, i ii,. D,7,'c Johnson said Tuesday it fmHpr th. tprms nf an 1846 I Peared taxpayers treaty between the unnea and Great Britain. The treatv has never been re voked and srives residents west BUDGET BOOSTERS of the Canadian Rockies free ac-1 Buttermilk, cottage cheese and cess over anv tributary or the i non-fat dry milk solids will be Columbia to the ocean, just as 'Plentiful and presumably lower- though they were citizens of the ap- would have to States ' v - imutuua ut auiiurs w cur- Irect mistakes of rush contractors. United States. The treaty will be broken, Mr. Winch claimed, by the damming of the Columbia at Libby, Mont., and wanted to know what the government will do about it. Lands Minister E. T. Kenney re plied that B.C., although never given Its full rights under the trea ty, will make sure the Province doesn't suffer through the Libby Dam. He said B. C. will insist on down stream benefits to the Internation al Joint Commission, and will also demand, sufficient reimbursement for any roads, lands, or other areas flooded by the dam. nrirori ritirino forrh tnm TVnart. ment of Agriculture reports. WAR DEAD . WASHINGTON W The Defense Department Thursday identified 45 more battle casualties in Korea In a new list tNo. 524) which reported 11 killed, 33 wounded and one injured. Just Meant for LENTj TOO MUCH BIRMINGHAM, Eng. UPh-Mrs. Alice Jones told the divorce court Thursday her husband secretly pol ished the soles of her shoes in the hope she would fall and hurt herself. "Absolute nonsense." said the judge, and denied her request for divorce. Indoor plants do better during dark winter days if placed under an electric light every evening. MM m 1 1 i m m I mi iJ SERVE snows CM1 I.ML.ttAllft Jl.lHMS.L.V.t.1.1.1 BEST TIRE BUY of the YEAR I liVUC- . 8.,. -J nntrtires -" 7ire$ mounted no extra chanjc! EASY TERMS! Dayton Therebrads art Best for 2 Big Reasons I 1 DAYCOID XUBBIK Dayton's exclusive Cold Rub ber blend ... in the famous Skid-Gard tread . , . gives up to 50 more aae mite 2. fecfronl-Corel Most important tire cord de velopment of the century ex clusively Dayton gives greater Wey, comfort and mileaft. I JIM OLSON MOTORS DeSoto-Plymouth 316 So. 6th Phone 5126 10 BIG DAYS AT KALINA'S IN rVMIN! Big Savings on this 9.2 cu. ft. ZENITH REFRIGERATOR! i 1 ! a aJDBB!3 j . ri The new Zenith Refrigerator k scientificjJIy designed and engin eered to give perfect circulation of cold air throughout the entire food storage compartment. . . You are assured of an even tem perature from top to bottom. . . and without excess moisture. Get all the facts about the Zenith. . . Compare it with other refrigerators. You'll find that feature for feature, dollar for dollar. Zenith is your BEST BUY. REDUCED TO Medal 33JT W5 Convenient Terms Arvin New . . . rosewood plastic styling New . . . weep.lyle pointer New .... dehoased dial figures New ... ACDC circuit New . . . magna-hans ton the latest triumph of Velvet Voice IK Regular 24.95 "Went rfu 7U 'PtAtunu 1fu TVetttt Full 9.35 cubit fool gross capacity . . . Mar than 16 q. ft. of shelf area. Giant Froxon Food locker , Holds up to 42 lbs. frown moats. Full width luptr Crlspor: . . Capacity' , approximately II quart. Roomy "fast chill" troy o new extra cold ion storage. Htrmtlically "xaltd In lll" Icono powtr Tcumth compressor. Fiv-yoar Protection Hon , , . your a turanc of satisfactory performanco. SALE STARTS TOMORROW AT THIS SPECIAL OfftR FOR 10 PAYS 0W Yes, we mean il a $30 lo $40 saving on a new 1 952 model Zenith Wash er . . . This unusually low price is possible because of a tremendous quantity purchase by our suppliers, during Ihe off-season pro duction period. When present stocks are gone there will be no this price. It's Ih greatest washer buy you will see this year, so come in now and take advantage of this saving. HMPWME m IN iVIALIN ph. 680 IIImM rorf.-ta Alleweas lesy Terms This Is the Zenith Washer with Ih famous bowl-shaped tub to produc faster end oro efficient water action ; . . gelt clothes cleaner faster ... Tub is double-woll construction which keeps waler hot much longer . . . You can't beat Zenith for washing efficiency . . Com In, compare.